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Freediving records

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I'm a freediver

Freediving disciplines carried out in open waters

According to the organization rules AIDA (International Association for Development of Apnea):


CWT – CONSTANT WEIGHT WITH FINS, meaning deep diving (vertical diving) in the fins.

The discipline includes descending and ascending back to surface – both directions using diver's own muscles and only on the air drawn to the lungs before immersion. The swimming technique is optional, but the competitors cannot use ropes or other instruments, except the fins on their feet. Use the fins or monofins is allowed, and any weight of the ballast with which the diver is supposed to emerge on the sufrace. The aim of the dive is to achieve the depth declared earlier by the diver and bring back to the surface the ticket attached at the bottom of the rope. Diving time does not matter, and after emerging on the surface the competitor is responsible for maintaining the correct surface procedure and showing the tickets. For diving to less than the declared depth or loss of the ticket the competitor receives penalty points.


● 129 m, Alexey Molchanov, Russia

● 107 m, Alessia Zecchini, Italy


● 100 m, Mateusz Malina

● 85 m, Agata Bogusz

CNF – CONSTANT WEIGHT WITHOUT FINS, meaning deep diving (vertical diving) without the fins.

The general rules are the same as for CWT. Here, however, the competitor cannot have additional equipment on feet. It usually involves movement of arms and legs alternately, a style similar to breaststroke but under water.


● 102 m, William Trubridge, New Zealand

● 73 m, Alessia Zecchini, Italy


● 83 m, Mateusz Malina

● 46 m, Agata Bogusz

FIM – FREE IMMERSION, deep diving (vertical diving)along the rope.

The general rules are the same as in CWT, but here the competitor cannot have additional equipment on feet and moves in both directions by pulling along the rope.


● 125 m, Alexey Molchanov, Russia

● 97 m, Sayuri Kinoshita, Japan


● 113 m, Mateusz Malina

● 66 m, Agata Bogusz

According to the rules of organization CMAS (World Underwater Federation):

Constant weight without fins (CNF) and the Free Immersion (FIM) are held on similar terms CMAS, however, separates the records established in the salty and fresh waters into two categories.

CWT discipline is divided into CWT Bi-Fins – where separate fins are used and only the crawl (scissor) technique is allowed and CWT Monofin – here a freediver can use a monofin which is more effective.

Up to 2017 an additional competition was also held – the Jump Blue (JB). Here, the competitors had to cover the longest distance along the perimeter of a square with the dimensions of 15x15 m at a depth of 5–15 m. They used additional weight to immerse, and used a monofin or fins to swim and ascend. This discipline was very controversial, because the distance-diving was conducive to a phenomenon called "shallow water blackout" during the ascent phase and resulted in frequent disqualifications of the competitors.


● 201,61 m, Arthur Guerin-Boeri, France

● 190,48 m, Alessia Zecchini, Italy

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