In the deep south of the red desert NamibRand Reserve is a place so remote and secluded that flying in is the norm. This is Wolwedans’ Boulders Camp, and it’s as close as you’ll ever get to being on the moon. The stark beauty here will take your breath away. It’s otherworldly and awe inspiring at the same time. Carefully placed at the base of a tumble of granite boulders are five tented suites. Each is perfectly private with its own outside terrace for leisure time and siestas. But you have panoramic desert views from the living space inside too, including from the bed. In fact, if you roll back the canvas on three sides of the suite, inside and outside become seamless. It’s a unique experience to be surrounded by arid rocky plains, yet be completely cosseted too. Just 10 guests can savour this experience at any one time.