Seaside Hideaway!
Some beach houses are simply imbued with a carefree happiness. They make you smile. This is one of them, atop a fynbos-clad eyrie in Misty Cliffs. Ironically, Henning, its architect-owner is not local yet he’s intuitively chosen colours that resonate perfectly with everything Capetonians love about this cliffside village along the pristine shores of the peninsula. And he has an impeccable eye for detail… he repainted the kitchen three times before he was content with the indescribably beautiful hues of a coral-red protea that blooms prolifically here. The study is a remoteworker’s haven with arguably the best views in the house and three locally crafted, wooden Spaas desks already set up with screens – just don’t look up or you’ll be mesmerized by waves and whales in the sea below and be tempted to grab that surfboard. Or stipple a giant whale artwork on the living room wall as Henning did. ‘I wanted to create this big mural showing the types of whales that actually pass by the house. Inspired by historic prints of whale illustrations, I decided on a drawing technique I had never tried before. I just pencilled a rough outline but it took me some guts to start making dots with a permanent marker on the freshly renovated wall!’ he laughs.