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University of Reggio Calabria Via dell'Università, 25, 89124 Reggio Calabria, Italy Tel : +39 0965 169 1207 urp@unirc.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Architecture
University of Calabria Via Pietro Bucci, 87036 Arcavacata, Rende, Italy Tel : +39 0984 4911 Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Doctoral studies
Third University of Rome Via Ostiense, 159, 00154 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 5733 2100 Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs John Cabot University Via della Lungara, 233, 00165 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 681 9121 admissions@johncabot.edu Courses offered: Engineering / Management St. John's University, Rome Campus Via Marcantonio Colonna, 21, 00192 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 393842 info@stjohns.edu Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs University of Roma "La Sapienza" Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 49911 Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / PhD Programme University of Roma "Tor Vergata" Via Cracovia, 50, 00133 Rome, Italy Tel :+39 06 7259 3099 direzione.generale@uniroma2.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs Pontificia Università Gregoriana Piazza della Pilotta, 4, 00187 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 6701 1 Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / PhD Programme
Pontificia Università Lateranense Piazza di S. Giovanni in Laterano, 4, 00184 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 6989 5599 comunicazione@pul.va Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome 21 Via Álvaro del Portillo, 00128 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 22541 1 info@unicampus.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs Free University "Maria Santissima Assunta" Via della Traspontina, 21, 00193 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 684 221 lumsa@pec.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Law Pontificia Università S. Tommaso Largo Angelicum, 1, 00184 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 67021 Courses offered: Law
Università Pontificia Salesiana Piazza dell'Ateneo Salesiano, 1, 00139 Rome, Italy Tel : +39 06 872901 info@unisal.it Courses offered: Management
University of Sassari Piazza Università, 21, 07100 Sassari, Italy Tel : +39 079 228211 urp@uniss.it Courses offered: Doctorate / Teacher Training
University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Siena Piazza Carlo Rosselli 27/28, 53100 Siena, Italy Tel : +39 0577 240 100/11 info@unistrasi.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Doctoral studies University of Siena Via Roma, 56, 53100 Siena, Italy Tel : +39 0577 234700 presidio.sanniccolo@unisi.it Courses offered: Engineering
University of Teramo Aurelio Saliceti, Via Renato Balzarini, 1, 64100 Teramo, Italy Tel : +39 0861 2661 webmaster@unite.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs
Polytechnic Institute of Turin Corso Castelfidardo, 10138 Torino, Italy Tel : +39 011 090 102 Courses offered: Engineering University of Turin Via Giuseppe Verdi, 8, 10124Torino, Italy Tel : +39 011 6706111 Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs
University of Trento via Calepina, 14, I, 38122 Trento, Italy Tel : +39 0461 281111 ateneo@unitn.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs
International Higher School for Advanced Studies Triestevia Bonomea, 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy Tel : +39 04037 87111 info@sissa.it Courses offered: Master's Degree / PhD Programme University of Trieste Piazzale Europa, 1, 34127 Trieste, Italy Tel : +39 040 558 7111 ateneo@pec.units.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs
University of Udine Via delle Scienze, 206, 33100 Udine, Italy Tel : +39 0432 556111 urp@uniud.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs
University of Urbino Via Aurelio Saffi, 2, 61029 Urbino, Italy Tel : +39 0722 305236 tiziano.mancini@uniurb.it Courses offered: Master's Degree / Doctorates
University of Venice Dorsoduro, 3246, 30123 Venezia, Italy sostienici@unive.it Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs
University of Verona Via S. Francesco, 22, 37129 Verona, Italy Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs
Viterbo State University 900, La Crosse, WI 54601 Viterbo Drive, Italy Tel : +1 800 848 3726 Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs