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University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 Ceské Budejovice Czech Republic Tel: +420 389 036 027 E-mail: info@jcu.cz international@jcu.cz Website: www.jcu.cz
Rector of the USB : Prof. PhDr. Bohumil Jiroušek, Dr.
We are a modern public university located in Ceské Budejovice. Like our town, we offer a unique experience in a broad range of study programmes. We educate 9,000 students at 8 different faculties and in more than 220 programmes including bachelor’s & master’s degrees as well as doctoral programmes. Campus: The University of South Bohemia will pleasantly surprise you with its large and modern campus, which includes many interesting places where you can relax and enjoy sports or cultural and social events. Faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture. Ranking Details: In the THE Young University Rankings 2020, the University of South Bohemia placed in the 201-250th place globally and in the 1st place in the context of higher education institutions from the Czech Republic. Such an excellent result is a sign that the University of South Bohemia in Ceské Budejovice is building on its successes in the THE World University Rankings, where the University scored not only in the global ranking (801-1000th) but also in the regional ranking THE Emerging Economies University Rankings (201-250th) and subject rankings “Life Sciences” (301-400th) and “Clinical, pre-clinical & health” (601+ place). In the QS University Rankings EECA, the USB achieved the 123rd place.
Facilities and Services : Dormitories The University dormitories provide more than 2,000 beds in six buildings. WiFi internet connection, kitchenette, fridge and other appliances are all available. The university dormitories provide quality accommodation at a student-friendly price. Refectory The USB refectories offer quality meals at subsidized prices and you can choose from several options daily. The refectory also has its own pizzeria. Academic library The Academic Library provides more than 450 000 books and journals, tens of thousands of electronic journals and e-books, more than 500 study places in various study rooms, informational and other important services for the students and staff of the USB as well as the general public. R&D Centre The University of South Bohemia is a top-quality science & research centre specialising in education and research in natural, human and social sciences and it is proud to be a major research & development centre of the region. The South Bohemian Region and the city of Ceské Budejovice The University is located in the wonderful region of South Bohemia which is full of amazing natural sites. The Region and the city of Ceské Budejovice have been evaluated as the best places to live in the Czech Republic in recent years. The country is located in the heart of Europe and it belongs to the top 10 safest countries in the world. The USB campus is not far from the city centre, so you can easily enjoy the historical atmosphere of the city and its nightlife. Why should you come to the USB? If you want high-quality studies with flexible schedules, modern facilities, helpful teachers, excellent graduation results, the experience of a lifetime and affordable study costs, then the University of South Bohemia is the right place for you.
Study programmes in foreign languages (some examples)
Study Programme Length of Study Faculty of Health and Nursing 3 years Social Sciences Faculty of Science Biological Chemistry 3 years Double-degree programme Study Language English
Faculty of Science
Ecology 2 years Faculty of Agriculture Multifunctional Agriculture 2 years Faculty of Fisheries and Fishery and Protection 2 years Protection of Waters of Waters Faculty of Science Biological Chemistry 2,5 years Double-degree programme English English English
Faculty of Economics Regional and European Project Management Joint-degree programme 2 years English, French, German
Doctoral Faculty of Economics Economics and Management 3 years Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Science
Charity Studies 4 years Philosophy 4 years Botany 4 years Biophysics 4 years Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Aquatic Protection of Waters Ecosystems 4 years English English English English English
Faculty of Arts Archaeology 4 years English
The University of Liberec was established in 1953 as the University of Mechanical Engineering in Liberec . The institution was founded by pioneers in the traditional industrial region and from the very beginning it was an effort to educate qualified engineers for professional work. Seven years later, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was joined by the Faculty of Textiles , which is still the only one of its kind in Europe, and the school was renamed the University of Mechanical Engineering and Textiles in Liberec. ACCOMMODATION AND MEALS : They won the title of Dormitory of the Year of the Czech Republic three times. Standard form of accommodation: two double rooms with shared kitchen, shower and toilet, free wi-fi in the rooms. Price: 90 CZK / person / day, monthly dormitory costs CZK 2700. The dormitory complex includes sports halls and gyms, a football pitch, a canteen and five student bars and clubs. It is about 15 minutes walk to the school or 3 minutes by bus. Address: 17. listopadu 584, 460 15 Liberec 15. COURSES OFFERED : • Bachelor's degree - three years, ending with the title "bachelor". After completing them, you can continue your studies or go into practice. • Master's degree - two-year, ending with the title "engineer" or "master's degree", following on from the bachelor's degree.
With them, higher education is complete. • Doctoral - individual, ending with the title "Doctor" (Ph.D.). For those who want to go really deep.
MEDICAL SERVICES AT TUL : Provided care & equipment of the surgery Above-standard equipment of the surgery allows to perform some basic laboratory examinations directly in the surgery (eg CRP, glycemia, INR, ECG, ABI diagnostics, test for occult bleeding, etc.). Comprehensive health care is provided by a doctor with many years of experience and certified nurses. Scope of health care covered by insurance companies Fully reimbursed health care includes the treatment of acute and chronic diseases, dispensaries and preventive examinations or vaccinations. Furthermore, the use of modern bedside analyzers and tests with results within 5 minutes.
Rector : doc. RNDr. Miroslav Brzezina, CSc.
Tel : +420 485 353 612
E-mail : erasmus@tul.cz, international@tul.cz
Website : www.tul.cz
Tuition fees for programmes taught in English
Faculty Tuition Fees for Bachelor and Master Tuition Fees for PhD. Programmes (USD/Academic Year) Programmes (USD/Academic Year) FS 4000 USD 2000 USD FT 3000 USD 2000 USD EF 3500 USD 1200 USD FA 5000 USD N/A FM 3000 USD 2000 USD
University dates back approximately to a period of fifty years ago. Although Tomas Bata University was established as of 1 January 2001, first students were studying here as early as in 1960. In that year a branch of the Slovak University of Technology was founded in Zlín, at which mainly chemical technology and engineering technology were taught. Nine years later, in 1969, the local constituent part was operating here as an independent Faculty of Technology of the Brno University of Technology. An international environment is created with the help of international students coming from all over the world that form 10 percent of the total number of TBU students. Czech students are encouraged to learn English and other foreign languages. Diploma Supplement is a new document awarded free of charge to all TBU graduates along with the higher education diploma after completing a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral programme. ACCOMMODATIONS : We offer housing near the city center on three dormitories in single, double and triple rooms. Both for students, employees and the public. Accommodation of employees is governed by the Rector's Directive - Rules for the allocation and use of service apartments. CANTEEN : You can come to us for breakfast, lunch or small snacks in two canteens, a buffet and a restaurant, where you can always choose from a range of ready meals, snacks and desserts or salads. FEES STRUCTURE : On Request COURSES OFFERED : Bachelor's Degree Programmes : •Economics and Management •Software Engineering •Finance and Financial Technologies •Applied Informatics in Industrial
Automation Specialization : Intelligent Systems with Robots Master's Degree Programmes : •Automatic Control and Informatics in
Industry 4.0 •Information Technologies Specialization : Software Engineering •Security Technologies, Systems and
Management Specialization : Security Technologies •Polymer Engineering •Media and Communications Studies Subject : Marketing Communications •Management and Marketing •Engineering Informatics Subject : Integrated Systems in
Buildings •Economic Policy and Administration Specialization : Finance •Business Administration and
Entrepreneurship Doctoral : •Automatic Control and Informatics •Biomaterials and Biocomposites •Process Engineering Subject : Tools and Processes •Technology of Makromolecular
Substances •Security Technologies, Systems and
Management •Nanotechnology and Advanced
Materials •Visual Arts Subject : Multimedia and Design •Information Technologies •Industrial Engineering Subject : Food Technology •Finance •Economics and Management • Environmental Chemistry and
Tel : +420 576 032 222
Fax : +420 576 032 121
E-mail : podatelna@utb.cz, rektor@utb.cz
Website : www.utb.cz
Rector : Prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlarík, Ph.D.
Masaryk University Zerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno, Czech Republic Tel : +420 549 491 111 info@fi.muni.cz Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Doctoral studies Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Zemedelská 1665, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel : +420 545 131 111 info@mendelu.cz University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Science Palackého tr, 1946/1, 612 42 Brno, Czech Republic Tel : +420 541 561 111 vfu@vfu.cz Courses offered: Medicine CESKÉ BUDEJOVICE
College of Technology and Business in Czech Budejovice Okružní 517/10, 370 01 Ceské Budejovice, Czechia Tel : +420 387 842 144 vstecb@vstecb.cz Courses offered: Engineering / Management University of South Bohemia Branišovská 1645/31A, 2, 370 05 Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic Tel : +420 389 032 191 webmaster@jcu.cz Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Doctoral studies HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ
University of Education Hradec Kralove Rokitanského 62/26, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic Tel : +420 493 331 111 info@vspp.cz Courses offered: Management
Technical University of Liberec Studentská 1402/2, 461 17 Liberec, Czech Republic Tel : +420 485 351 111 kvestor@tul.cz Courses offered: Engineering / Management NOVÉ MESTO
CERGE-EI Politických veznu 936/7, 110 00 Nové Mesto, Czech Republic Tel : +420 224 005 123 office@cerge-ei.cz Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs
Moravian College Olomouc (Moravská vysoká škola Olomouc) tr. Kosmonautu 1288/1, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia Tel : +420 587 332 312 mvso@mvso.cz Palacky University Krízkovského 511/8, 771 47 Olomouc, Czech Republic Tel : +420 585 631 111 e-podatelna@upol.cz Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Doctoral studies OPAVA
Silesian University Na Rybnícku 626/1, 746 01 Opava Czech Republic Tel : +420 553 684 111 web-admin@slu.cz Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Doctoral studies OSTRAVA
University of Ostrava Fráni Šrámka 1121/3, 709 00 OstravaMariánské Hory a Hulváky, Czech Republic Tel : +420 597 093 100 info@osu.cz Courses offered: Management PARDUBICE
University of Pardubice Studentská 95, 532 10 Pardubice II, Czech Republic Tel : +420 466 036 111 webmaster@upce.cz Courses offered: Engineering / Management PLZEN
University of West Bohemia Univerzitní 2732/8, 301 00 3 Plzen, Czech Republic Tel : +420 377 631 111 podatelna@zcu.cz Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Doctoral studies PRAGUE
Czech Technical University, Prague Jugoslávských partizánu 1580/3, 160 00 6 - Dejvice Prague, Czech Republic Tel : +420 224 351 111 cvut@cvut.cz Courses offered: Engineering Prague International University Za Mototechnou 887/13, 155 00 Praha 13-Stodulky, Czech Republic Tel : +420 773 481 111 info@vso-praha.eu University of Economics, Prague nám. Winstona Churchilla 1938/4, 130 67 Praha 3-Zizkov, Czech Republic Tel : +420 224 095 111 info@vse.cz Courses offered: Management Prague Institute of Chemical Technology A, Technická 5, Dejvice, 166 28 Praha 6, Czech Republic Tel : +420 220 441 111 info@vscht.cz Courses offered: Management Czech University of Agriculture Prague Kamýcká 129, 165 00 Praha-Suchdol, Czech Republic Tel : +420 224 381 111 Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs / Doctoral studies SARASOTA
European Study Abroad Center 2119 Lusitania Drive, FL 34231 Sarasota, Czech Republic Tel : (+1) 941-677-3722 esac@goesac.com Courses offered: Management Charles University, Prague Opletalova 38, 560/5, Prague 1 1160 Staré Mesto, Czech Republic Tel : +420 224 491 111 uk@cuni.cz Courses offered: Law / Medicine / Management FAMU - Film & TV University Smetanovo nábr, 1012/2, 110 00 Staré Mesto, Czech Republic Tel : +420 234 244 301 Courses offered: Documentary Film / Cinematograph / Editing / Photography / Sound
J. E. Purkyne University Pasteurova 3544/1, 400 96 Ústí nad Labemmesto, Czech Republic Tel : +420 475 286 222 Courses offered: Engineering / Management University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne Pasteurova 3544/1, 400 96 Ústí nad Labemmesto, Czech Republic Tel : +420 475 286 222 klubabsolventu@ujep.cz Courses offered: Engineering / Management ZLÍN
Tomas Bata University in Zlin nám. T. G. Masaryka 5555, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic Tel : +420 576 038 120 podatelna@utb.cz Courses offered: Management / Multimedia Communications
Private University of Economics Znojmo Study Center Znojmo Loucká 656/21, 669 02 Znojmo Tel. 515 221 764 info@svse.cz Courses offered: Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree Programs