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strava- bus conversion
The objective of this project was to turn a 33’-0” long school bus into a mobile wellness studio with outdoor patio space. Using strava as the client, the contour lines from the famous topographical heat maps were used to create a vinyl wrap for the bus. The interior was used as an experience VR space that connected the viewers with amazing scenic views of different strava sports. In addition a merchandise area and tea/ energy drink area were added to add to the experience.
San José State University | March 2022
Software: Revit, Rhino, Enscape bubble diagram: research analysis: design process: north elevation:

Strava uses heat maps to record users activity while hiking, mountain biking, surfing, running, etc... With their mission statement being “strive, acheive, link, the design process will follow it’s sport and wellness culture.

The cocnept used in this project follows the idea of topography in the way it’s used on the app with users exploring topography no matter their activity.

VR EXPERIENCE + PULL DISPLAY MERCHENDISE south elevation: level 01- plan legend:
1. bus entrance
2. merchandise

3. tea/ energy drink service
4. VR-experience open space
5. pull down seating

6. health classes seating

7. open table seating user journey: clientele