3 minute read
Just as we mourned the loss of Chick Corea last month, this month brings yet another tragic loss for the music community. Sadly, we said goodbye to DMX shortly before press time, after the rapper spent several days in critical condition.
It’s hard to overestimate the influence and magnetism DMX had during his time on top. No one spit as hard as him, with as much grit, with a seemingly endless supply of absolute banger beats.
X had his fair share of personal ups and downs, but his music will continue to inspire artists around the world. I can vividly remember the opening measures of “Party Up” being on an endless loop in my college dorm, both as a song blasting from cheap computer speakers (this was 20 years ago, after all) as well as from equally cheap VCRs blasting Dave Chappelle’s HBO special “Killing Them Softly” from just about every room on the floor (we kept our doors open back then, nearly all the time). If you didn’t know the CD or the comedy special when you entered school that year, you could quote both verbatim by the time you left for summer break at the end of the year. That’s for sure.
X’s music still reminds me the friends, parties and fond memories I made in my younger days, and I’ll cherish that for many years to come.
I wish I had more eloquent words to say, but the hits just keep on coming this year. Hopefully our next issue will open on a brighter tune. But for now, it’s time to party up, you ruff ryders.
Benjamin Ricci
ABOUT US / Performer Magazine, a nationally distributed musician’s trade publication, focuses on independent musicians, those unsigned and on small labels, and their success in a DIY environment. We’re dedicated to promoting lesser-known talent and being the first to introduce you to artists you should know about.
MUSIC SUBMISSIONS / We listen to everything that comes into the office. We prefer physical CDs, cassettes and vinyl over downloads. If you do not have a physical copy, send download links to editorial@performermag.com. No attachments, please. Send CDs to: Performer Magazine, Attn: Reviews, PO BOX 348, Somerville, MA 02143 CORRECTIONS / Did we make a heinous blunder, factual error or just spell your name wrong? Contact editorial@ performermag.com and let us know, cuz we’re big enough to say, “Baby, I was wrong.”
EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS / In the words of our esteemed forefathers at CREEM: “NOBODY WHO WRITES FOR THIS RAG’S GOT ANYTHING YOU AIN’T GOT, at least in the way of credentials. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be sending us your stuff: reviews, features, photos, recording tips, DIY advice or whatever else you have in mind that might be interesting to our readers: independent and DIY musicians. Who else do ya know who’ll publish you? We really will...ask any of our dozens of satisfied customers. Just bop it along to us to editorial@performermag.com and see what comes back your way. If you have eyes to be in print, this just might be the place. Whaddya got to lose? Whaddya got?”
PO BOX 348 Somerville, MA 02143
CONTACT Phone: 617-627-9200 Fax: 617-627-9930
PUBLISHER William House Phone: 617-627-9919 bill@performermag.com EDITOR Benjamin Ricci ben@performermag.com DESIGN & ART DIRECTION Cristian Iancu
EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Bob Dobalina editorial@performermag.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Benjamin Ricci, Chris Devine, Cestjon McFarland, Jason Peterson, Jessica Cole, Patrick Clancy, John Cesario, Lesley Daunt, Mary Kay Huse, Michelle Sabolchick Pettinato, Ellen Truly, Sarah Brooks, Tony Eubank
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Anna Powell-Denton, Julia Leiby, Brianna Bornstein, Christian Orellana, Kiley Schlappich, Chris Corner
ADVERTISING SALES William House Phone: 617-627-9919 bill@performermag.com © 2021 by Performer Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any method whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher.
The magazine accepts no responsibility for unsolicited recordings, manuscripts, artwork or photographs and will not return such materials unless requested and accompanied by a SASE.
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