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Next Steps
With the Neurodiversity Toolkit draft complete, we must work to update and refine, based on user needs. This requires feedback from individuals utilizing spaces that could benefit from the tool. We see this happening in three steps:
Questionnaire: Create questionnaire to distribute with tool. Questions to focus feedback on determining if our experience categories and recommended strategies align with needs. Questionnaire to be multiple choice with a range of 10-20 questions.
Questionnaire platform to be finalized, Survature.com to be considered based on intrinsic priorities feedback.
Step 2

Feedback Collection: Distribute tool and questionnaire to various groups. Utilize connections made throughout incubator. Specifically, reconnect with Margaret Gaffney for her connection to groups of young adults entering the workforce and Lindsey Braciale for her connection to groups of working adults who have dealt with barriers of inclusion in the workplace. Finalize time to review tool as a whole with Dr. Eve Edelstein.
STEP 3 Updates:
Review and consolidate feedback. Update the Toolkit as-needed in response to this engagement process.