==== ==== So Why Videos?? Because its the FUTURE!! see for yourself!! http://www.warriorplus.com/linkwso/k0sgmp/7169/ca-docs ==== ==== A lot of moms want to be able to be home with their kids but still need the income to provide for their families. The trend now has become Moms are looking for alternate ways to make money while working from home. Moms have been able to create successful stay at home businesses where they are able to be making more money and to be able to accommodate all of their families needs. Most home Businesses that are profitable are online businesses where moms are able to set their own hours and work wherever and whenever. When creating an online business, Moms do have to keep up on the latest ways to market their business. The most productive and least expensive marketing approach is by video. Who would watch the videos? 71% of the audience is Employed, have a median income, and almost 50% are married and have the funds or need for the product. It is easier to get higher volumes of traffic, quickly. It also creates effective self-branding tool, and positions your self as a leader. It is simple to target specific keywords. There are a couple reasons why video has become so popular. From a business standpoint, people have a tendency to like things they SEE and experience, rather than just reading. Moms you do not need expensive equipment to create a video of your self or your business. You can start with the same camcorder that is used for the family vacations if budget does not allow other purchases. Once the video is created, the most effective way to promote videos is by posting to multiple video sites. With posting to multiple sites the odds of more people viewing them and generating more traffic to your website. Once you have the traffic to the website, you are able to convert your traffic to sales. With promoting your video you will be able to be making money and create a successful stay at home business. Amy M Anderson is an Internet Marketing Success Coach. She enjoys helping others learn internet marketing, to view the educational system that can help you with your marketing go to: [http://swapyourincome22.com/?t=a1053&v1=making+money&v2=stay+at+home+busin ess]. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_M_Anderson
==== ==== So Why Videos?? Because its the FUTURE!! see for yourself!! http://www.warriorplus.com/linkwso/k0sgmp/7169/ca-docs ==== ====