20 minute read


By: Pastor Lee Sok Fong

In life, various events may bring us to the point of hopelessness. Hope may seem far when one is faced with the unexpected death of a loved one, the loss of a job, an illness, a broken marriage or relationship, a rebellious child or even the uncertainty of the political situation in the country. Even a microorganism like COVID-19 is turning the world upside down and robbing the peace and hope of humanity. Jesus said,


“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

When sin entered the world, our perfect relationship with God was broken. Jesus Christ has come to show us the way to the Father. He has come to restore our life and broken hopes so that we may reconcile with the Father. Our hope can be found in the finished work of Christ on the Cross where He took our punishment and freed us from the penalty of sin. Hope arises when we believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God, who came to die for us in our place, buried and rose again in three days. When we receive Him as our personal Saviour and Lord, we are forgiven of all our sins and delivered from God’s condemnation and eternal punishment. Our hope is found as “…hope is from Him” (Psalm 62:5). He is the source of hope, and He gives hope. Hope is found in hopeless situations when we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith!


About the Cambodian Genocide that brought Cambodia to Hopelessness

1 - The Genocide took place between 1975-1979.

2 - It was carried out by the Khmer Rouge regime.

3 - 25% of the population was killed (estimated 2 million people).

4 - Most victims were educated and literate.

5 - 90% of teachers were killed, according to the Soviet sources.

6 - Only 50 of the 725 university instructors, 207 of the 2,300 secondary school teachers, and 2,717 of the 21,311 primary school teachers survived.

7 - The civil war raged on until the last heavy artillery was decommissioned in 2000.

8 - Pol Pot, the leader of this brutal regime, led Khmer Rouge until 1997.

9 - Every ounce of hope in the nation and her people was ripped apart as a result of this brutal regime.

10 - Khmer Rouge left a lasting scar that persists to present-day Cambodia. It continues to affect the economic, social, manufacturing, infrastructural development, healthcare and educational systems in the country, especially in the countryside.


THE LACK OF PROFICIENCY IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM is a great concern in Cambodia, where 5.9 million (mil) of its 16.1 mil population (37% of total population) are under the age of 17 years old. Children in Cambodia fail to reach learning standards appropriate for their age.

At the primary level, nearly 25% of children in Grade 3 are unable to write a single word in a dictation test. Only 27% of 3 to 5-year-olds are developmentally on track in literacy and numeracy, and by the time they are 17 years old, 55% of adolescents will have dropped out of school.

Cambodian children continue to fall behind in school for several reasons, including not being adequately prepared for school, poor quality teaching and learning experience, and irregular school attendance. Eventually, the school children drop out of school altogether. Inadequate learning in the early years of life, coupled with insufficient nutrition leaves children developmentally behind. There are not enough qualified teachers, and the quality of learning environment is poor. There is a lack of necessary infrastructures, such as water and hygiene facilities, which particularly impact adolescent girls. Moreover, many parents do not understand the value of education, and most cannot afford to send their children to school, particularly in rural and deprived areas.


While public education is free for Cambodians until Secondary or High School, the actual costs are the same or higher than what people in some firstworld nations would have to pay due to bribery.

Many teachers in the Cambodian public schools provide extra tuition classes and would charge every student about US$0.25 - US$0.50 per session or hour. At these private classes, the teachers complete teaching syllabus, which they might intentionally miss out during the actual school lessons. Examination questions and answers might also be made available during these private classes to attract students to attend them. Attendance at such tuition classes will guarantee a good grade for that subject in school exam. Failure to attend risks failing the subject or getting a very low score. Such practice is common across the board, from Primary School to Secondary or High School, though the tuition rates vary. Although nobody likes this unofficial system, including some teachers themselves, the Cambodians accept it as their reality.

Each month, a secondary or high school student might need to spend about US$5 - US$6.25 per subject, if he or she wants to make it through. Most students can only afford to attend tuition classes for 2 to 3 subjects out of the 7 core subjects. It will cost at least US$15 - US$20 a month, and this excludes stationeries and textbooks.

Public education is, in reality, very expensive in Cambodia, especially for low-income families. The situation is even more challenging for families with many children. While the challenge in Cambodia’s educational system is a complex issue, every child still deserves an education regardless of race, socioeconomic status, and gender. Each child should receive an opportunity to succeed and reach their potential.


JESUS CHRIST is the Gospel that everyone needs. He is the way who makes right our relationship with the Father in Heaven. He is the truth who leads us to walk in the paths of righteousness. He is the life who gives life and transforms life. He is the Healer for the broken soul. He is the source of hope for a hopeless nation!


When I visited Cambodia in the year of 2002, God gave me a vision of education that should come out from Church. Education plays an important role in touching and impacting lives. Education is not merely passing on useful information or knowledge for employment, but the formation of character, moral ethics and values of the whole person. The Church plays an important role as an educator to influence and impact lives in the community. The position of the younger generation today is strategic in changing the next generation and their nation.


Sunday Adults & Youth Worship

Village Cell Group Service

PERMAI CAMBODIA CHURCH was established in 2015 through cross-cultural mission work by Permai Chinese Methodist Church (Malaysia) in the mission field of Cambodia. Besides the preaching of the Gospel to the lost and shepherding the needs of the congregation, the Church is also involved in the ministry of reaching out to the youth and children in the community through education conducted within the Church at Permai Cambodia Mission Education Center.

Education is one of the crucial ways to transform a nation. Through the educational programmes in the Church, we hope to see the lives of the young people and the entire community change and transformed for the better. We want to see Cambodians living quality lives, not just materially, but emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, personality, socially and in every aspect of their lives. For a community to be transformed, it needs good Godly strong leaders; Leaders who are not only skilled but who truly care for their people. That is what we hope our young people will become one day — good leaders for the villages, communities and country, leaders with both competency and character.

Our vision is to see Godly leaders leading local communities. Therefore, our mission is to build the lives of the congregations and students with the Word of God and with good character. Who knows, some of the students might become future teachers, headmasters, village elders, district governors, or even government ministers!


Permai Cambodia Church is here (marked in red spot)

Our Church premise is located in Tropeang Prasat Village, Tropeang Prasat Commune, Tropeang Prasat District, Oddar Meanchey Province. It is about 3 hours from Siem Reap International Airport by road. We reach out to 6 villages of students in Tropeang Prasat Commune.

Permai Cambodia Church is the name of the Church and Permai Cambodia Mission Education Center is the name of the Church School that provides informal education to the Cambodian students. Both names are registered with the Ministry of Religions & Cults and the Ministry of Education, respectively.


Idols and altars at their home were removed and burnt on 27 June 2020

Idols and altars at their home were removed and burnt on 27 June 2020

This family in Tusalao Village, which is about 10 km from our Church, has accepted Christ as their Saviour.

Youth Worship

Saturday Bible Study with the Youth

Saturday Bible Study with the Youth

The Youth assisted in teaching Children Sunday School

The Youth assisted in teaching Children Sunday School

The Youth assisted in teaching Children Sunday School

Children Sunday School

Children Sunday School



1 - English and Chinese Classes Tuesdays to Saturdays

2 - Weekly Bible Devotions in language classes

3 - Weekly Sunday Worship

4 - Weekly Bible Study

5 - Bi-weekly Youth Fellowship

- 120 students (Ages 9 – 18)

- 15 children (Ages 4 – 7) tagging along their older siblings

- 90% of the students have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour

We are blessed to have teachable and great youth, teenagers and children. counselling sessions for the youth and teenagers who come to us to seek for advice when they encounter issues in life or when they have some life’ decisions to make that confuse them. Apart from helping them bring their issues and woes to the Lord and seek God in prayer, it is also a must to spend time listening to their problems and giving advice to them. We are glad to see them experience God personally through prayer and the work of God in their lives.

Often, we conduct one-on-one for Youth and Teenage groups The youth and teenagers learn to serve God in the Church and help to teach in Children Sunday School. We have a meaningful time learning and growing together despite our limited resources. Seeing them grow in character and the Word of God is profoundly encouraging to me as it is the evidence of the work of Holy Spirit in them. It is also my desire to raise local Christian leaders who can lead the student ministry for the long haul. I firmly believe that the Khmers must lead the Khmers. Please pray for God to raise such leaders.

ON A PERSONAL NOTE, whilst the students bring me immense joy, much energy is zapped from me. Nevertheless, I love teaching them because they are like little sponge, who are so eager to learn and absorb the knowledge shared with them. They take their relationship with God so seriously that we talk about God and how to impact our world a lot in our lessons. My prayer is for them to grow with increasing passion for our Saviour and become ambassadors for the Lord to transform their nation.


For the Students of Permai Cambodia Mission Education Center

1. For believing students to stay firm in their faith to follow God and be the witnesses for Christ in their homes, schools, villages and community

2. For God to open the hearts of the remaining 10% of the students who are unbelieving, for the seeds of Gospel to be planted

3. For the students to know Jesus experientially in their hearts


Students in the Language Class

Students in the Language Class

Students in the Language Class

Our students, Kanha and Shun Leng, assisted in teaching the junior class

Our students, Kanha and Shun Leng, assisted in teaching the junior class.



ONE OF THE MINISTRIES OF OUR CHURCH is to help the needy students with their school tuition fees. Some students from villages have a high dropout rate because families would rather let their children work in the fields. It is a more pragmatic choice to them. Many who managed to finish Grade 6 are forced to stop schooling because they are unable to afford the monthly tuition fee of US$15 US$20 that is associated with secondary / high school. Although most children are not living in extreme poverty, their families cannot afford any additional expenses on top of their daily meals and basic needs. Some students are very bright academically, but their families are unable to afford secondary / high school education for them. Our goal is to be a light of hope by providing the opportunity to as many students as possible to learn and develop by completing their basic education. We are grateful for the Brothers and Sisters in Permai Chinese Methodist Church in Malaysia and friends in Christ who supports the monthly tuition fee for the students and enable them to continue their studies.


Besides secondary / high school students, we also sponsor the school fees for University students. Since 2013, we helped 13 students further their university studies and some among them are Bible School students. 10 of them have completed their studies and 3 of them are currently in university. More students will complete their High School education next year and we hope we could help them to further their study to the tertiary level.


Our Church has also received 4 students who live too far away from the school since 2017. Staying at the hostel close to Tropeang Prasat Secondary School and High School has allowed them to complete their education. These 4 boys are Boaz, John, Keomli and James.

The Church helped to pay for half of their school tuition fees, while their meals and welfare are paid by their respective parents. We provide partial subsidies for meals and welfare to the students who have financial difficulties in their family.

From Left: Boaz, John, James, Keomli

Hostel students helped to interpret messages for non-Khmer speaking speakers

Hostel students helped to interpret messages for non-Khmer speaking speakers

Hostel students helped to interpret messages for non-Khmer speaking speakers



The Education Fund is primarily used to support the school tuition fees of needy students, and the purchase of school uniform and shoes for poor students or students with widowed parent. You may give towards a general one-time gift or choose to sponsor a student.

If you would like to have more information, please do not hesitate to write to Pastor Sok Fong at amazinggrace.sflee@gmail.com.


You may also direct your queries to:

Bro. Vernon Phuah

Email: vernon_phuah@yahoo.com

HP: +6012 - 208 8617

If you wish you to give financially, you may transfer the funds to: - Permai Chinese Methodist Church ;

Malayan Banking Berhad (MBB) Account No.: 512482152098

(Please specify: Cambodia Education Fund)


Stationery supplies are constantly given out to the public schools located in the villages of remote areas. Stationery supplies are also often given to students in our center as prizes for their study and attendance.

Colour pencils, erasers, exercise books and pens are all very useful materials.

You may either choose to donate the supplies in kind by sending them to the Permai Church Mission team or send a monetary gift and specify the use of the fund.

The Sunday School Children and Helpers received gifts from the Samaritan Purse

The Sunday School full attendees for three months received stationery pack as gift



My name is Keo Ponleu. I am 20 years old. I live in Tropeang Prasat with my parents. They are farmers. I am the eldest among the three siblings. I have a younger brother and a younger sister. I was a good boy when I was young. My parents and people in my village always loved me. My parents were very proud of me as I studied well in school. I was always within the top 5 in my class every year.

When I was 10 years old, my parents wanted me to be a Buddhist monk in the temple. Why? This was because they saw me as a good child and the monk was always been labelled as “good person”. I nearly followed my parents’ advice to become a monk that time.

I heard about the Gospel a little when I was young. All the people in my community did not know about Jesus. They are always confused about God and Christianity. They thought that this God – Jesus Christ, is the God of foreign countries. He belongs to foreigners and not the Khmers! My fellow villagers used to hear that Christians could not obey their parents. If their parents or ancestors pass away, Christians could not mourn or cry for the deceased. The misconceptions of Christianity had become obstacles for my village villagers to accept Jesus as God.

I have never heard the criticism others said about me. Instead, I always heard the words of others praising me. I thought the compliments from other people about me were enough for me. These words always flattered me. I always thought to myself: “I am a good boy!” and “Most of the people love me”! Thus, I became very proud of myself.

I heard about the Gospel again when I was 12 years old. I was very angry with the person who shared the Gospel to me. In my mind, I told myself, “I don’t need God; I hate God; I don’t want to accept God to live in me; I don’t want to know about God”. I left my home and village and began to live alone in a student hostel in Tropeang Prasat as my village is about 20 KM away from the Secondary School in Tropeang Prasat. When I lived away from my family, I became unfriendly, easily angered and lazy.

Two months later, God called me again. I didn’t know why this time I didn’t reject God anymore. I accepted Lord Jesus to be my personal Saviour. I reconciled to God and started to live a life that counted God in my life. Two months later, I found changes within myself. I wanted to know God more and be serious about Him. I started to read the Bible. Thank God and finally I have decided to follow Jesus in December 2014.

When I first believed in Jesus, my friends, parents and relatives laughed at me. They persecuted me but I had never been upset because I knew they didn’t know God, just as I was before. I heard many words that hurt me after I became a Christian. But I knew God is in me, so I was not worried and did not care about the hurting words against me.

My life was changed by God. My bad behaviour such as self-isolation from people, unfriendliness, quick to anger and laziness have changed. I am no longer living as a lone-ranger, but rather I have become friendly with people. I am no longer quick to anger and lazy. My parents love me, and they have witnessed with their own eyes how God has changed my life.

God changed my life. He provided me the best thing that I never got before. Thank God as I have hope in Him. He makes my way successful and He is the Lord that I can lean on forever. He grants me peace and joy in my life.

Even though sometimes I meet with terrible situations and difficulties in life, I have the strength to overcome them and I am hopeful because I know God is with me all the time and wherever I am. God is a great big God and He is kind. He is the purpose of my life. I am very thankful to believe in Lord Jesus. I will follow Him until the end of my life. I hope my family will respond to the call of the Lord one day and accept God’s only Son, Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour, too.

Ponleu shared about success in study with the youth in Church


Ponleu was one of the first batch of students who came to learn English at our Center back in 2015. He was also one of our first batch of students in Tropeang Prasat who took the Cambodia National Exam of Grade 12 in the year of 2019. He got A in the National Exam, and was the first student who scored A in the district of Tropeang Prasat and also the only student who scored A in Oddar Meanchey Province in 2019. The previous student who was also the first student scored A in Oddar Meanchey province was 6 years ago, back in 2014. Even though Ponleu’s family is poor, poverty has never been an excuse for Ponleu to stop his studies. He is currently pursuing his study in the engineering field at the Institute of Technology in Phnom Penh.

Ponleu is a very keen student with a good attitude. He works very hard in his studies. He always offers his helping hand to those in need. When he was in the High School, he learned English at our Center and at the same time, he taught a group of junior students in the student hostel after his own English learning. He would ask for materials such as reference and textbooks from me to teach his students whenever he finished teaching the syllabus. I felt very glad as he is very generous to share his knowledge and help the weak. He always spent hours to patiently help a few weaker students at our Center with their revision. These students were very weak in their studies and almost could not pass the Grade 8 final exam. But Ponleu taught them patiently and they managed to pass their final exam and went on to the next grade.

Ponleu is not only good academically, he also has good life character. He is a Godfearing youth. He loves God and always spends his weekends travelling to a village school which is about 20 km away from Tropeang Prasat to share the Gospel with the students in a primary school on Sunday. Even though the learning schedule in High School is very hectic in Cambodia (Public School here runs from Monday to Saturday from 6am - 12pm. It continues again for 1pm - 6pm (for those with tuition classes with the school teachers)) but Ponleu has always put God as the first priority in his life.

God will honour those who honour Him. When we put God first, we will never be last. In everything we do, put God first, and surely, He will direct and crown our efforts with success

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