3 minute read

Endless Grace

By: Daniel Cheah, Translated by: Ting Hou

I run an air conditioning business which includes maintenance, repair and other services, and it has been badly affected by the pandemic.


Our company is a distributor of one of the air conditioning brands. Our sales had dropped as a result of the pandemic, and the target set to be achieved by the end of March seemed to be far-fetched.

As a distributor, we are required to achieve an annual sales target of RM1million set by the manufacturer between April to March in the following year. Our company had achieved this target for 19 years in a row. I am grateful to God for His blessings, provisions and guidance throughout these 19 years. It is the twentieth year this year, in which the manufacturer will offer a special incentive. In other words, if our company fails to hit this year’s target, we will lose all incentives and have to start all over again next year.

I have been praying to achieve this target for quite some time. I started to worry about it at the end of February when a significant business improvement was not in sight, while there were also not many projects in hand. Under such circumstances, it was unlikely to hit the target, given the fact that our company was short of RM330,000 in sales as of end-February.

Nevertheless, I persisted in praying for God’s help because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to accomplish the task without His help. Our God is a God who listens to prayers, and He stepped in at the right time. God is a God who makes a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

On February 26, a friend of mine in the same industry called up to ask if I had achieved the target. I told him we were RM330,000 short of target. So, he offered to help. Not long afterwards, I received successive calls from other friends in the same industry, each of them promised to help me in achieving the target after learning about my circumstances. I immediately realised that they were sent by God to help me. He has made a way for me.

I have never doubted that God has indeed accomplished this. On March 1, I took a step to prove my faith in God by making an offering of thanksgiving to show my gratitude for His help and provision. I believe that I have achieved the target because of God’s mighty works.

Orders began to flow in successively since March 1, when my friends in the same industry started to help me by placing orders for air conditioners. On the next day, at the noon of March 2, a miracle took place when the orders that I had received exceeded my sales target. It shows that God’s provisions always surpass what we have asked for. Praise the Lord!

That’s how God resolved my anxiety which had lasted for quite some time in just two days. We managed to hit the target (and exceeded it, in fact). For that, I thank God as well as my friends who were sent by Him.

Finally, I’d like to encourage everyone to present your requests to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, in every situation, for there is nothing too hard for God to accomplish. Trust Him, cast all your anxiety on Him and He will make a way for you.

All glory be to Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen!

The author: Daniel Cheah, a third-generation Christian, currently attending worship at Putra Prima Preaching Point (PPPP). He has been in the air conditioning business for 25 years. He loves to travel to different countries.

>> Permai Snapshot Issue 43 (July 2021 Issue)

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