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PPPP Family Camp 2022
Written by: Lu Kai Xin
Translated by: Tan Chien Chin
Praise God!
The first family camp of Putra Prima Preaching Point (PPPP) was successfully held in Canaan Valley from October 22, 2022 (Saturday) to October 24, 2022 (Monday), with a total of 76 participants. The brothers and sisters created wonderful memories during the three-day and two-night camp.
During the theme talk session, we learned more about the background of the Methodist Church and the importance of unity in the church During group discussions, we also shared on ways to unite the church.
Of course, this camp will not be complete without a series of games The brothers and sisters tried their best to remember each other's names, like the brightness of brain competition! Men and women, old and young, cheered and went crazy together, what a spectacle!
“Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” (Philippians 2:2). The will of God for us is to be in one accord with one another God Himself binds brothers and sisters together in love. The camp was short, but our friendship lasts for a long time because the love of God binds us together
PPPP plans to be established as a local church in 2024. What is needed is unity among us, prayer and commitment Preaching the gospel and glorifying the name of the Lord in one accord are signs of a revived church!