Terms of the Volunteer-Programm PermaTree, Ecuador PermaTree
Permaculture farm and regenerative lifestyle research in Ecuador www.permatree.org
1. We’re looking for
In the beginning, more for a person who helps us, to take care of the house and around, like the garden and our animals. The rest of the time you’re free to see Ecuador or just chill out at our beautiful nature and take a break off you’re daly live. In the mist of the Amazon in South Ecuador. You have to like dogs and animals. If you can cook healthy, that would be a plus! Usually we eat together but we’re flexible if you need a special diet. We ask volunteers to have their own travel health insurance upon arrival. We give free accommodation, comfortable and clean. We ask volunteers for a food contribution per day.
2. Accommodation
5. Type of work
Gardening, Cooking, Blogging, Farming, Building (for later), help in and around the house, Animal care. Harvesting existing fruit and vegetables like Bananas, Zapotes, Lemoncitos, mandarina, Cacao, Yuca, Maracuya, C0rn, Sugar cane, etc. Planting fruit trees like coco nut palms and papaya. Working in the plant nursery: drying seeds and pla1nting seedlings etc. Building projects. Preparing meals for other volunteers. General cleaning with machete. If you have any special skills please let us know, we like to share everything we know and enjoy learning from everyone else. Work time 4-5h a day, or sometimes you’ll be there to guard the farm. We have one guest room and possibility to sleep in the hammock. Of course you can bring you’re own tent if you prefer.
In return, we offer you a place to sleep, food and another view of life. There is electricity and water from a own spring on the property (not polluted by cows). We have internet, most of the time it works. Wireless We’re near to the village of Los Encuentros in the Province of Zamora-Chinchipe, located at the southeasinternet is free for use. tern end of the amazon basin in Ecuador. You can fly in from Quito to Cuenca or Loja with LAN or TAME (1h flight) or inform yourself which buses drive you To enroll on our volunteer program we ask for the fol- down to Yantzaza or Gualaquiza, where we can pick lowing donations up to: you up. 60 days / $6 Daily More details about that visit: http://www.permatree. 30 days / $12 Daily org/visit-ecuador/ 14 days / $15 Daily
7. Where
3. Donations for volunteers
8. Weather
Volunteers from Workaway, HelpX, WWOOF, etc, due to our contract with those organizations, will be 27°- 30°, night can be fresh around 17°, 65% and 85% provided food free of charge, in exchange for 25 hours humidity. of work per week. Food provided will be a whole foods Sunrise around 6am Sunset around 6pm. diet of fruits, vegetables, potatoes, rice, beans, quinoa, etc.
9. Property facts
4. How long
A minimum stay of two weeks is required! You can stay up to 90 day’s! A longer stay is negotiable. That includes a must, to apply 180 day VISA which is possible in Cuenca or Quito. Note: After two months of volunteering volunteers can form part of the long term staff.
The farm is very scenic and quiet, with a waterfall, mountain trails and 30 hectares of native forest. It takes about 3 hours to walk around the 76 has property. It starts at 800 meters above the sea level and ends at about 1’300! Yes, there are multiple microclimates here. It’s located at the edge of the Sierra and the so called Oriente (Amazonas region) in Ecuador.
10. What to bring
I (we) have read the terms of the volunteer-proThe most important thing is a smile and a open mind. gramm and confirm with our signature below. Sleeping bag, Sun protector like long sleeves, hat, sun- The form has to fill out corecctly and returned to: glasses. If Suncream please bring a natural one with permatree.org@gmail.com you. Bring working pants with you. Waterproof shoes, a light raincoat. Towel. Mosquito net. Mosquito repellent, torch/flashlight, flip flops or slippers (for in- Name(s): doors). And all you need to be comfortable. You can buy boots in the town unless you have very big feet. Bring own gloves for the farm work. In Quito/Cuenca you can buy almost anything in case you don’t have Age: it. A weekly shopping trip will be made to the supermarket in Yantzaza (on sunday) where any additional Stay/Date: personal items can be ordered.
11. Language spoken
Most of the team is multilingual here: Spanish, Eng- Willing to work 4-5h a day 25 hours per week: lish, French, German, Swiss-German
12. Dont’s
Signature: You just have to bring a open minded view, respect the environment, animals, our place and there rules. We Signature: don’t allow drugs or any other illegal addictions. No smoking. No hunting. No cows, No fumigation/chemicals. We don’t do “parties” at our property we listen mostly to the sound of nature. We do invite friends once a while to socialize with and exchange news and have a good time. We take care of nature and follow a healthy lifestyle. We’re not vegetarian or vegan but are more focused on plants, less meat. Please keep you’re trash out, including the amount of plastic! If any use natural cosmetics, shampoo etc. best bring them with you! No chemicals! Just one example, most deodorants contain Aluminum … !
13. Age
To be a volunteer you must be over 18 years old and be willing to help out wherever necessary. The idea of our volunteerships is to give you a taste of everything that’s going on, so you’ll have the freedom to join in with anything that takes your fancy. You can also sign up for a specific project which interests you.
14. Relax
Volunteering is fun but it can also be hot work in tropical climate. So there’s always time to sit on the crystal clear river and relax with the bamboo. Or just take a time off in the hammock and listen to the birds or read a book.