The Girls from Work Transsexuals & Crossdressers

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The Girls from Work Transsexuals & Crossdressers Kayla told me where to find a swimsuit and they all started laughing. They handed me pair of lacey pink panties next which nearly held my cock inside. Kayla mentioned there were plenty more swimsuits upstairs if we wanted to join them, even enough for me to. Kayla told me where to find a swimsuit and they all started laughing. Kayla mentioned there were plenty more swimsuits upstairs if we wanted to join them, even enough for me to. It's not every day a guy gets four women in a spa by himself and if he has to endure a little humiliation then so be it. I asked the girls if they had anything in mind for when we left the bar and that was when Jylie stood up and said that we were going back to her place. Well there was no way i was going to say no to that and after we finished our drinks we got into a taxi and left. We sat down and had a drink or two when all of a sudden Annie was taking pictures of me. We all agreed to meet up at the local bar at 7pm so i had 3 hours after work to go home, shower and get to the bar. Kayla was intent on having a big night out somewhere but Jylie was making it clear that they should go back to their place and party on at home because they couldn't really afford to go out. I did not know anyone else in Sydney so at that stage i was pretty lonely and i think they figured it out. So all the girls were in the spa now and i was the odd one out. but i wasn't sure and didn't feel comfortable enough to ask yet. Annie asked me to come with them but told me i had to keep wearing the bikini. I'd just moved to Sydney and was single. After about an hour we all got out of the spa and went back inside for more drinks and all the girls told me to stay in the bikini. I'd just moved to Sydney and was single. Once inside the bedroom they fixed a pink garter belt around my waist and i was then ordered into a beautiful sexy pink pair of thigh high stockings. I decided on my first day that if i ever got the chance i would do whatever it took to get a chance with her. After the makeup they re-styled my long curly hair and hey presto, i looked bloody hot. We had a couple more drinks when Denise mentioned that herself and Annie were going back to Annie's house and Kayla and Jylie were crashing out. Denise was looking just as good but she had a blue dress. So all the girls were in the spa now and i was the odd one out. Once these were on properly i could hear both the girls giggling because my cock was sticking straight up and very hard. It's not every day a guy gets four women in a spa by himself and if he has to endure a little humiliation then so be it. Well i had my shower and removed all by body hair as instructed. Jylie was wearing jeans but with a very sexy top and all of them had the makeup on and looked good enough to eat. Once inside the bedroom they fixed a pink garter belt around my waist and i was then ordered into a beautiful sexy pink pair of thigh high stockings. I thought this was a bit strange as i was at least two shoe sizes bigger than the girls. I was a bit unsure about this new development but i did look stunning and the girls kept telling me the same. There were three other women in the workgroup, Kayla, Jylie and Denise who all weren't too bad to look at tranny webcam either and all about 30. We all got changed into satin nighties and curled up in bed together for a well earned rest.

Once inside the bedroom they fixed a pink garter belt around my waist and i was then ordered into a beautiful sexy pink pair of thigh high stockings. Anyway i went to find it but all i could find was the tiniest little light blue bikini i had ever seen. Well i didn't need to be asked twice so i took Annie up on the offer. I was welcome to join them if i wanted. We had a couple more drinks when Denise mentioned that herself and Annie were going back to Annie's house and Kayla and Jylie were crashing out. It was because i had split up with my long term girlfriend and lost my job. Well at this point in time my cock was struggling to stay in the little bikini i was still wearing and i couldn't believe my luck as they each sat either side of me. Once inside we got some drinks and then the girls had me out dancing. It was because i had split up with my long term girlfriend and lost my job. Lucky i put some nice clothes on because all four of the girls were dressed up and looking very attractive. At least i was allowed to put my clothes on over the top of the bikini. I just wasn't sure if it was Annie or Denise who was my best bet. Well at this point in time my cock was struggling to stay in the little bikini i was still wearing and i couldn't believe my luck as they each sat either side of me. About fifteen minutes later both the girls appear with Denise looking all sexy in her red outfit and Annie all dressed in black. They then grabbed me by the hand and led me into the bedroom. Annie came running over and said that we have to go so i wasn't going to argue and off we went back to the girls place. At this stage i was positive Kayla and Jylie was more than just friends so i guess my options were down to two. Annie handed me a tube of hair removing cream and called me Lulu. The only thing i was missing was shoes now when Annie went into her closet and pulled out a pair of sexy strappy pink high heels which fit me perfectly. I stood up, looked at the girls and before i could argue Denise smacked me on the bum and told me to hurry up. She was very nice to look at being 30 years old, 180cm tall with long dark hair that went all the way down to her bum and a good set of tits most men would love to see. Both girls were licking their lips with delight and made me sit down for a makeup session. There were three other women in the workgroup, Kayla, Jylie and Denise who all weren't too bad to look at either and all about 30. I agreed in a flash. So off we went in another taxi back to Annies house. Annie wasn't saying much but the way she was dressed as well as Denise they wanted some action. I made it to the bar just after 7 and all the girls were already there. Once these were on properly i could hear both the girls giggling because my cock was sticking straight up and very hard. I stood up, looked at the girls and before i could argue Denise smacked me on the bum and told me to hurry up. Well i didn't need to be asked twice so i took Annie up on the offer. They couldn't stop laughing and teasing me about it for ages and i was loving all the attention. I put it on and went back to the spa to roars of approval by all the girls. I couldn't say much for fear of being found out and i kind of got a thrill out of fooling him and him being so keen on me at the time. I did not know anyone else in Sydney so at that stage i was pretty lonely and i think they figured it out. I wasn't going to but they begged me to and Annie was patting me on the bum whilst asking, with Denise tickling my nipples. Well there was no way i was going to say no to that and after we finished our drinks we got into a taxi and left. I had just started my new job in Sydney working in a factory where we made chocolate sweets. To top it off they then put a pink top that was a sexy lace material on me and told me to stand in front of the mirror. They handed me pair of lacey pink panties next which nearly held my cock inside. I

played up for the camera of course and we all had a great laugh. We got to the house and the girls pulled out a bottle of vodka. Well i didn't need to be asked twice so i took Annie up on the offer. Both girls were licking their lips with delight and made me sit down for a makeup session. All this time i was horny as hell but i was not allowed to touch them yet, but i didn't care because i was in a state of fantasy with what was happening. I made it to the bar just after 7 and all the girls were already there. If i did not wish to do this then i was to get dressed and go home straight away. Apart from the hair style and no makeup i thought i looked pretty good. Next thing i know, Kayla and Jylie went upstairs and changed into bikinis then went out the back to the spa. Annie quickly ran upstairs and came back in a tiny little pink bikini and not long after Denise changed into a cute little yellow bikini. So i stayed in the bikini to keep the two girls happy but truth be known i was only to pleased to keep it on. Annie quickly ran upstairs and came back in a tiny little pink bikini and not long after Denise changed into a cute little yellow bikini. All the girls were flirting with me a bit and i was starting to like my chances of getting somewhere with one of the girls later. Anyway i went to find it but all i could find was the tiniest little light blue bikini i had ever seen. So all the girls were in the spa now and i was the odd one out. Annie had a nice little black dress on and some killer heels. They handed me pair of lacey pink panties next which nearly held my cock inside. I was pretty happy after being out of work for a couple of months. We sat down and had a drink or two when all of a sudden Annie was taking pictures of me. So straight away i felt pretty good about my chances of hooking up with at least one of the girls sooner or later but hoping that the one would be Annie. About fifteen minutes later both the girls appear with Denise looking all sexy in her red outfit and Annie all dressed in black. Next was a bra that was pink and lacey just like the panties, and once that was on they slipped some false boobs into the cups which filled out the bra nicely. After the makeup they re-styled my long curly hair and hey presto, i looked bloody hot. Once inside the girls threw me on the couch and proceeded to molest me every which way that you could imagine. To top it off they then put a pink top that was a sexy lace material on me and told me to stand in front of the mirror. It was a pretty flash place and we all got in straight away, jumping a long line-up thanks to Annie knowing the doorman. Anyway we all talked about work a bit and the girls got me to tell them about why i moved to Sydney. A pretty necklace and some earrings and bracelet topped it all off. Denise was always complaining about this guy or that guy being an asshole and Annie seemed very quiet. Well i had my shower and removed all by body hair as instructed. Annie had a nice little black dress on and some killer heels. Annie ran into her room with Denise and i didn't know what they were up to but they didn't come out for 15 minutes. Once inside the girls threw me on the couch and proceeded to molest me every which way that you could imagine. I did get stuck with one guy called Andy once for a couple of songs but he seemed ok so i kept dancing away enjoying myself. I was pretty happy after being out of work for a couple of months. My name is Lou, i'm a 30 year old male of average build and 5 feet 7 inches tall with long curly brown hair. Kayla was wearing a tiny black mini skirt with a little red top and showing plenty of flesh in between. Then the girls started telling me that we were going out to a club shortly and that we were waiting for a taxi. We were all getting hit on by plenty of guys but luckily the girls protected me most of the time. Denise and Annie kept smiling at each other which i thought was a bit unusual but i didn't think much of it.

Anyway we all talked about work a bit and the girls got me to tell them about why i moved to Sydney. A pretty necklace and some earrings and bracelet topped it all off. Next was a bra that was pink and lacey just like the panties, and once that was on they slipped some false boobs into the cups which filled out the bra nicely. So off we went in another taxi back to Annies house. Annie asked me to come with them but told me i had to keep wearing the bikini. I was instructed to go into the bathroom and cover my whole body with the cream except for the hair on my head and my eyebrows. Denise and Annie kept smiling at each other which i thought was a bit unusual but i didn't think much of it. Well i had my shower and removed all by body hair as instructed. They then grabbed me by the hand and led me into the bedroom.. We all got changed into satin nighties and curled up in bed together for a well earned rest. The girls spent about ten minutes arguing over what to put on me next when they finally decided to keep going pink with a nice little tartan pink skirt that went down to just above the knee. As well as the women there were another 6 guys who were all 10 to 15 years older than myself and all the girls. Needless to say i did as i was told and trotted off to the bathroom to rid my body of all the hair. They both had on beautiful lingerie sets with garters and stockings, Denise in red and Annie in black. After the song finished he quickly kissed me and stuck his tongue down my throat whilst grabbing my ass cheeks. The girls all went out for drinks every friday night after work and after working there about a month Annie asked me if i'd like to come along with them. I played up for the camera of course and we all had a great laugh. Denise was looking just as good but she had a blue dress. Next thing i know, Kayla and Jylie went upstairs and changed into bikinis then went out the back to the spa. I decided on my first day that if i ever got the chance i would do whatever it took to get a chance with her. I was standing there chatting to them all and they demanded that i join them. I thought this was a bit strange as i was at least two shoe sizes bigger than the girls. Denise and Annie kept smiling at each other which i thought was a bit unusual but i didn't think much of it. I was standing there chatting to them all and they demanded that i join them. Annie asked me to come with them but told me i had to keep wearing the bikini. but i wasn't sure and didn't feel comfortable enough to ask yet. Then a slow song came on and he wouldn't let me leave so i proceeded to get a bit of a groping from him. I pulled up a chair in between Annie and Denise. I was instructed to go into the bathroom and cover my whole body with the cream except for the hair on my head and my eyebrows. I put it on and went back to the spa to roars of approval by all the girls. I couldn't say much for fear of being found out and i kind of got a thrill out of fooling him and him being so keen on me at the time. I'd just moved to Sydney and was single. Annie handed me a tube of hair removing cream and called me Lulu. If i did not wish to do this then i was to get dressed and go home straight away. She was very nice to look at being 30 years old, 180cm tall with long dark hair that went all the way down to her bum and a good set of tits most men would love to see. Next thing i know, Kayla and Jylie went upstairs and changed into bikinis then went out the back to the spa. If i did not wish to do this then i was to get dressed and go home straight away. Kayla was wearing a tiny black mini skirt with a little red top and showing plenty of flesh in between. I did not know anyone else in Sydney so at that stage i was pretty lonely and i think they figured it out. Lucky i put some nice clothes on because all four of the girls were dressed up and looking very attractive. Once inside i was told to take off my clothes and sit in my little swimsuit.

but i wasn't sure and didn't feel comfortable enough to ask yet. Once inside the girls threw me on the couch and proceeded to molest me every which way that you could imagine. I decided on my first day that if i ever got the chance i would do whatever it took to get a chance with her. There were three other women in the workgroup, Kayla, Jylie and Denise who all weren't too bad to look at either and all about 30. All the girls were flirting with me a bit and i was starting to like my chances of getting somewhere with one of the girls later. As well as the women there were another 6 guys who were all 10 to 15 years older than myself and all the girls. Kayla and Jylie were having a good old argument about what they were going to do in a couple of hours after they had enough to drink. I had just started my new job in Sydney working in a factory where we made chocolate sweets. We had a couple more drinks when Denise mentioned that herself and Annie were going back to Annie's house and Kayla and Jylie were crashing out. At this stage i was positive Kayla and Jylie was more than just friends so i guess my options were down to two. They both had on beautiful lingerie sets with garters and stockings, Denise in red and Annie in black. I'm only about average on the looks scale, some women love me and others don't want to know me. After the shoes were on i was ordered to go back into the lounge and get used to wearing the shoes and walking in them. We got to the house and the girls pulled out a bottle of vodka. I agreed in a flash. Anyway we all talked about work a bit and the girls got me to tell them about why i moved to Sydney. This cracked me up because i knew i had been setup by the girls but i decided there and then probably because of all the alcohol that i would wear it anyway and make them all laugh. I was welcome to join them if i wanted. I wasn't going to but they begged me to and Annie was patting me on the bum whilst asking, with Denise tickling my nipples. Next was a bra that was pink and lacey just like the panties, and once that was on they slipped some false boobs into the cups which filled out the bra nicely. My name is Lou, i'm a 30 year old male of average build and 5 feet 7 inches tall with long curly brown hair. I couldn't say much for fear of being found out and i kind of got a thrill out of fooling him and him being so keen on me at the time. As well as the women there were another 6 guys who were all 10 to 15 years older than myself and all the girls. The only thing i was missing was shoes now when Annie went into her closet and pulled out a pair of sexy strappy pink high heels which fit me perfectly. It's not every day a guy gets four women in a spa by himself and if he has to endure a little humiliation then so be it. I grabbed a beer and headed over to the table they were all sitting at. So we were all dressed up and looking damn hot for three sexy chicks, well two anyway and a fake one, not that you could tell. There were about ten people working in my work area and our bosses name was Annie. This went on for a couple of hours and i had wonderful sex with both of them several times after which i was completely warn out. I played up for the camera of course and we all had a great laugh. Denise was always complaining about this guy or that guy being an asshole and Annie seemed very quiet. Once inside we got some drinks and then the girls had me out dancing. I'm only about average on the looks scale, some women love me and others don't want to know me. It was because i had split up with my long term girlfriend and lost my job. I stood up, looked at the girls and before i could argue Denise smacked me on the bum and told me to hurry up. Well at this point in time my cock

was struggling to stay in the little bikini i was still wearing and i couldn't believe my luck as they each sat either side of me. Kayla was intent on having a big night out somewhere but Jylie was making it clear that they should go back to their place and party on at home because they couldn't really afford to go out. This went on for a couple of hours and i had wonderful sex with both of them several times after which i was completely warn out. Kayla and Jylie were having a good old argument about what they were going to do in a couple of hours after they had enough to drink. Once i got to know everyone a bit after a couple of weeks working there i found out that all the older guys were married with kids and pretty boring to me. Annie ran into her room with Denise and i didn't know what they were up to but they didn't come out for 15 minutes. I was pretty happy after being out of work for a couple of months. Once i got to know everyone a bit after a couple of weeks working there i found out that all the older guys were married with kids and pretty boring to me. The girls on the other hand were all single although i suspected that Jylie and Kayla were lesbians. I had just started my new job in Sydney working in a factory where we made chocolate sweets. So straight away i felt pretty good about my chances of hooking up with at least one of the girls sooner or later but hoping that the one would be Annie. I asked the girls if they had anything in mind for when we left the bar and that was when Jylie stood up and said that we were going back to her place. At this stage i was positive Kayla and Jylie was more than just friends so i guess my options were down to two. Annie handed me a tube of hair removing cream and called me Lulu. Well there was no way i was going to say no to that and after we finished our drinks we got into a taxi and left. There were about ten people working in my work area and our bosses name was Annie. We all agreed to meet up at the local bar at 7pm so i had 3 hours after work to go home, shower and get to the bar. After about an hour we all got out of the spa and went back inside for more drinks and all the girls told me to stay in the bikini. Annie ran into her room with Denise and i didn't know what they were up to but they didn't come out for 15 minutes. I pulled up a chair in between Annie and Denise. They then grabbed me by the hand and led me into the bedroom. Kayla was intent on having a big night out somewhere but Jylie was making it clear that they should go back to their place and party on at home because they couldn't really afford to go out. She was very nice to look at being 30 years old, 180cm tall with long dark hair that went all the way down to her bum and a good set of tits most men would love to see. The girls on the other hand were all single although i suspected that Jylie and Kayla were lesbians. At least i was allowed to put my clothes on over the top of the bikini. Both girls were licking their lips with delight and made me sit down for a makeup session. I grabbed a beer and headed over to the table they were all sitting at. I double checked all was done right and then strolled back into the lounge room to wolf whistles from the girls. Once these were on properly i could hear both the girls giggling because my cock was sticking straight up and very hard. So straight away i felt pretty good about my chances of hooking up with at least one of the girls sooner or later but hoping that the one would be Annie.

So off we went in another taxi back to Annies house. I did get stuck with one guy called Andy once for a couple of songs but he seemed ok so i kept dancing away enjoying myself. Annie wasn't saying much but the way she was dressed as well as Denise they wanted some action. Once i got to know everyone a bit after a couple of weeks working there i found out that all the older guys were married with kids and pretty boring to me. Once inside i was told to take off my clothes and sit in my little swimsuit. I'm only about average on the looks scale, some women love me and others don't want to know me. We all got changed into satin nighties and curled up in bed together for a well earned rest. After about two hours at the bar we were all starting to feel the beers a bit and starting to get on like a house on fire. Annie had a nice little black dress on and some killer heels. To top it off they then put a pink top that was a sexy lace material on me and told me to stand in front of the mirror. So we were all dressed up and looking damn hot for three sexy chicks, well two anyway and a fake one, not that you could tell. I was standing there chatting to them all and they demanded that i join them. I thought this was a bit strange as i was at least two shoe sizes bigger than the girls. We were all getting hit on by plenty of guys but luckily the girls protected me most of the time. Once inside i was told to take off my clothes and sit in my little swimsuit. They couldn't stop laughing and teasing me about it for ages and i was loving all the attention. After the shoes were on i was ordered to go back into the lounge and get used to wearing the shoes and walking in them. The taxi showed up and off we went to the club called Heaven. We were all getting hit on by plenty of guys but luckily the girls protected me most of the time. A pretty necklace and some earrings and bracelet topped it all off. So i stayed in the bikini to keep the two girls happy but truth be known i was only to pleased to keep it on. All the girls were flirting with me a bit and i was starting to like my chances of getting somewhere with one of the girls later. Denise was looking just as good but she had a blue dress. Kayla and Jylie were having a good old argument about what they were going to do in a couple of hours after they had enough to drink. There were about ten people working in my work area and our bosses name was Annie. This cracked me up because i knew i had been setup by the girls but i decided there and then probably because of all the alcohol that i would wear it anyway and make them all laugh. Needless to say i did as i was told and trotted off to the bathroom to rid my body of all the hair. The taxi showed up and off we went to the club called Heaven. After the shoes were on i was ordered to go back into the lounge and get used to wearing the shoes and walking in them. We sat down and had a drink or two when all of a sudden Annie was taking pictures of me. I just wasn't sure if it was Annie or Denise who was my best bet. I was instructed to go into the bathroom and cover my whole body with the cream except for the hair on my head and my eyebrows. At least i was allowed to put my clothes on over the top of the bikini. This cracked me up because i knew i had been setup by the girls but i decided there and then probably because of all the alcohol that i would wear it anyway and make them all laugh. I was welcome to join them if i wanted. Apart from the hair style and no makeup i thought i looked pretty good. They couldn't stop laughing and teasing me about it for ages and i was loving all the attention. Then a slow song came on and he wouldn't let me leave so i proceeded to get a bit of a groping from him. Jylie was wearing jeans but with a very sexy top and all of them had the makeup on and looked good enough to eat. The girls spent about ten minutes arguing over what to put on me next when they finally decided to

keep going pink with a nice little tartan pink skirt that went down to just above the knee. This went on for a couple of hours and i had wonderful sex with both of them several times after which i was completely warn out. I was a bit unsure about this new development but i did look stunning and the girls kept telling me the same. Annie came running over and said that we have to go so i wasn't going to argue and off we went back to the girls place. I agreed in a flash. Once inside we got some drinks and then the girls had me out dancing. Needless to say i did as i was told and trotted off to the bathroom to rid my body of all the hair. I grabbed a beer and headed over to the table they were all sitting at. Then the girls started telling me that we were going out to a club shortly and that we were waiting for a taxi. Annie quickly ran upstairs and came back in a tiny little pink bikini and not long after Denise changed into a cute little yellow bikini. I was a bit unsure about this new development but i did look stunning and the girls kept telling me the same. The girls all went out for drinks every friday night after work and after working there about a month Annie asked me if i'd like to come along with them. I double checked all was done right and then strolled back into the lounge room to wolf whistles from the girls. Apart from the hair style and no makeup i thought i looked pretty good. Then the girls started telling me that we were going out to a club shortly and that we were waiting for a taxi. Kayla was wearing a tiny black mini skirt with a little red top and showing plenty of flesh in between. After about an hour we all got out of the spa and went back inside for more drinks and all the girls told me to stay in the bikini. I did get stuck with one guy called Andy once for a couple of songs but he seemed ok so i kept dancing away enjoying myself. Lucky i put some nice clothes on because all four of the girls were dressed up and looking very attractive. Kayla mentioned there were plenty more swimsuits upstairs if we wanted to join them, even enough for me to. After the song finished he quickly kissed me and stuck his tongue down my throat whilst grabbing my ass cheeks. We got to the house and the girls pulled out a bottle of vodka. So i stayed in the bikini to keep the two girls happy but truth be known i was only to pleased to keep it on. Denise was always complaining about this guy or that guy being an asshole and Annie seemed very quiet. Annie came running over and said that we have to go so i wasn't going to argue and off we went back to the girls place. When they did my jaw dropped open and my tongue must have fallen out. Report Story bylulu_doolsŠ 5 comments/ 13015 views/ 13 favorites Report Story Report Story The girls all went out for drinks every friday night after work and after working there about a month Annie asked me if i'd like to come along with them. I wasn't going to but they begged me to and Annie was patting me on the bum whilst asking, with Denise tickling my nipples. Annie wasn't saying much but the way she was dressed as well as Denise they wanted some action.

All this time i was horny as hell but i was not allowed to touch them yet, but i didn't care because i was in a state of fantasy with what was happening. I asked the girls if they had anything in mind for when we left the bar and that was when Jylie stood up and said that we were going back to her place. The girls on the other hand were all single although i suspected that Jylie and Kayla were lesbians. I double checked all was done right and then strolled back into the lounge room to wolf whistles from the girls. Anyway i went to find it but all i could find was the tiniest little light blue bikini i had ever seen. The only thing i was missing was shoes now when Annie went into her closet and pulled out a pair of sexy strappy pink high heels which fit me perfectly. It was a pretty flash place and we all got in straight away, jumping a long line-up thanks to Annie knowing the doorman. They both had on beautiful lingerie sets with garters and stockings, Denise in red and Annie in black. We all agreed to meet up at the local bar at 7pm so i had 3 hours after work to go home, shower and get to the bar. I made it to the bar just after 7 and all the girls were already there. Jylie was wearing jeans but with a very sexy top and all of them had the makeup on and looked good enough to eat. All this time i was horny as hell but i was not allowed to touch them yet, but i didn't care because i was in a state of fantasy with what was happening. After about two hours at the bar we were all starting to feel the beers a bit and starting to get on like a house on fire. After the makeup they re-styled my long curly hair and hey presto, i looked bloody hot. It was a pretty flash place and we all got in straight away, jumping a long line-up thanks to Annie knowing the doorman. The girls spent about ten minutes arguing over what to put on me next when they finally decided to keep going pink with a nice little tartan pink skirt that went down to just above the knee. Then a slow song came on and he wouldn't let me leave so i proceeded to get a bit of a groping from him. I just wasn't sure if it was Annie or Denise who was my best bet. Kayla told me where to find a swimsuit and they all started laughing. I put it on and went back to the spa to roars of approval by all the girls. So we were all dressed up and looking damn hot for three sexy chicks, well two anyway and a fake one, not that you could tell.

About fifteen minutes later both the girls appear with Denise looking all sexy in her red outfit and Annie all dressed in black. After the song finished he quickly kissed me and stuck his tongue down my throat whilst grabbing my ass cheeks. After about two hours at the bar we were all starting to feel the beers a bit and starting to get on like a house on fire. When they did my jaw dropped open and my tongue must have fallen out. My name is Lou, i'm a 30 year old male of average build and 5 feet 7 inches tall with long curly brown hair. I pulled up a chair in between Annie and Denise. When they did my jaw dropped open and my tongue must have fallen out. The taxi showed up and off we went to the club called Heaven

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