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Figure 8.6 Number of cases disposed of by the Commission
cases 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 5168 6538
1999 2000 6612 8042
6626 6134
5314 4683 4672 4238
2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year
Figure 8.6 Number of cases disposed of by the Commission
the need to complain and also if they have faith in the Administration.
The CVC receives complaints from various sources including individuals, Chief Technical Examiners’ reports, employers, press, civil society etc. Large number of complaints are also received through the
Complaints Lodging Facility in the Website of the Commission. In the year 2008, the CVC received (and brought forward from the previous year) a total of 10,330 complaints out of which 10,188 were disposed of in the same year. Out of these disposed of complaints, 1,147 complaints was sent to the CBI/CVO for investigation and further penal action. The fate of the enquiry into these 1,147 complaints was not available. Figures 8.7 and 8.8 indicate the nature of complaints (% share) and action taken on complaints (% share) received by the Commission.
Although the percentage of the verifiable complaints was only 11.3%, confidence of general public can be restored if the investigating agencies could quickly complete these enquiries, and strong action is taken against those public servants found guilty. 16. It was mentioned by the senior officials of the CVC that PIDPI (Public Interest Disclosers & Protection of Informers) Resolution has been giving good results in the enquires undertaken by the CVC.
PIDPI safeguards complainant’s interest and also ensures that the investigation reports are submitted within 30 days. Confidentiality of the identity of the complainant and fixed time limit for completion of the enquiry are the two strong points of PIDPI resolution.