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List of Tables and Figures



4.1 Components of the WGI rule of law indicator 76 4.2 Do businesspeople and their neighbours perceive government in the same way? 84 5.1 Fiscal rules in the more eff ective governments 106 6.1 Some common governance failures 119 6.2 Milestones of growth and good governance 121


4.1 Human development by public employment (2005) 86 4.2 HDI by ‘rule of law’ 87 4.3 Life expectancy by public health spending per capita c. 2005 91 5.1 WGI government eff ectiveness scores and GDP per capita 100 5.2 When countries adopted fi scal rules, according to recent studies 103 5.3 Average defi cits for 1990–2006 104 5.4 Fiscal rules and government eff ectiveness scores 105 6.1 Four countries, four economic turning points 122 8.1 Good governance versus growth-enhancing governance 163 8.2 Governance capabilities for addressing market failures 170

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