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Local Government Expenditure Responsibilities
64 Chris Heymans
officials into the civil service,on the grounds that doing so would limit extraordinary remuneration packages and also allow deployment ofstaff members across the country where and when needed.This matter has been controversial,however,and many view it as a potential infringement ofthe autonomy ofthe local sphere.Moreover,concerns have been expressed that the full fiscal implications ofsuch a shift have not yet been fully assessed.
In aggregate,local government expenditure accounts for almost one-fifth of government expenditure.The basis for local expenditure assignments is the constitution,which assigns functions to the three spheres ofgovernment. Schedules 4B and 5B set out a wide range offunctions to be shared between spheres.Functions not listed in these schedules are referred to as plenary functions and are the sole responsibility ofthe national government.
Local government has no exclusive functions,but municipalities are the executing agencies for a range ofpublic goods such as parks,sport and recreation,cemeteries,municipal roads,street lighting,traffic control,and bylaw monitoring and enforcement.Local government also provides several user-charged services,including water and sanitation,electricity and gas reticulation,refuse removal,municipal health services,and municipal transport and roads.Table 2.3 shows the allocation offunctions in these schedules ofthe constitution.
For schedule 4B and 5B functions,the national government’s role is primarily one ofpolicy making,whereas provinces take on a mix ofregulatory and implementation roles.As mentioned earlier,the joint national and provincial influence is to set norms and standards,monitor performance in relation to such norms and standards,and intervene when the standards are not being achieved.It is also possible for responsibilities at the higher levels to be shifted to local government through assignments and delegations,but in such cases,national and provincial governments retain their regulatory responsibilities and their roles in policy,legislation,and allocating financial resources.
Municipalities share their schedule 4 functions with the national and provincial governments;their schedule 5 functions fall under provincial governments’supervision.Section 156(1)(a) ofthe constitution provides that a municipality has executive authority and the right to administer the local government matters listed in these schedules.This provision is the primary