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Listed in State Laws

TABLE 5.3 Linkage ofSchedule 12 Functions with Municipal Functions Listed in State Laws



Urban forestry, Promotion Planning for protection ofthe Safeguarding the Slum ofcultural, Urban planning, economic environment, interests ofweaker improvement educational, and including town and social and promotion State segments ofsociety and upgrading aesthetic aspects planning development ofecology

Goa Provide for mental Construct sanitary Provide music; patients, leprosy dwellings for the contribute toward patients, and so poorer classes construction and forth establishment of educational institutions, libraries, museums,and so forth.

Haryana Establish crèches for children of women in need Prohibit cultivation, use of manure, or irrigation that is injurious to health (continued) Local Government Organization and Finance: Urban India


TABLE 5.3 Linkage ofSchedule 12 Functions with Municipal Functions Listed in State Laws (continued)


Urban forestry, Promotion Planning for protection ofthe Safeguarding the Slum ofcultural, Urban planning, economic environment, interests ofweaker improvement educational, and including town and social and promotion State segments ofsociety and upgrading aesthetic aspects planning development ofecology

Karnataka Provide shelter for Construct and Construct, establish, Revive or Plant destitute women; maintain suitable or maintain promote cottage and maintain house destitute sanitary houses libraries, museums, industries; roadside trees orphans and for the habitation and so forth; provide promote, form, destitute people ofthe poor; grant music or other enter- extend, or assist with disabilities loans for the tainment in public cooperative construction or places; maintain art societies improvement of galleries such houses

Kerala Organize the campaign Promote Prepare detailed Ensure that Maintain for thrift; voluntary communal town planning people environmental workers for participation harmony; and action participate in hygiene, and collective activities; campaign against plans all stages of including neighborhood groups economic offenses development; environmental and self-help groups with develop the awareness of a focus on the poor; cooperative the need to campaigns against such sector seek local issues as dowry, abuse action ofwomen and children; and legal awareness 176

Om Prakash Mathur

Madhya Provide for Construct Construct, Plant and Pradesh maintenance and sanitary establish, maintain treatment ofmental dwellings for or maintain roadside and patients and lepers at the poorer educational other trees asylums, hospitals, classes institutions, or houses; establish libraries, museums, ashrams for destitute and so forth; people, people further educational with disabilities, objectives; play music and elderly people; in public places establish and maintain a poor house

Uttar Remove social disabilities Establish and Prepare and Take Plant and Pradesh ofweaker segments of maintain or grant execute a measures maintain the population; aid to institutions master plan to promote roadside and control beggary ofphysical culture; trade and other trees contribute toward industry construction and establishment of educational institutions, libraries, museums, and so forth

(continued) Local Government Organization and Finance: Urban India


TABLE 5.3 Linkage ofSchedule 12 Functions with Municipal Functions Listed in State Laws (continued)


Urban forestry, Promotion Planning for protection ofthe Safeguarding the Slum ofcultural, Urban planning, economic environment, interests ofweaker improvement educational, and including town and social and promotion State segments ofsociety and upgrading aesthetic aspects planning development ofecology

West Construct and maintain Regulate limits of Promote music, Prepare a Reclaim Bengal old-age homes, asylums, slums or areas of physical education, master plan wastelands; low-cost dwellings makeshift housing; sports, theater, civic maintain for socially backward prepare education, adult nurseries classes, and shelters improvement education, social for plants, for the homeless; schemes; lay out education, and vegetables, free and rehabilitate plans for sanction so forth. and trees; scavengers;promote oferection of promote income-generating huts and so pisciculture, activities for women forth; encourage horticulture, ofsocially backward participation of poultry, and classes owners and so forth; promote occupiers flower shows

Source: State municipal acts. Note: Urban poverty alleviation is one ofthe constitutional responsibilities, but local governments have not been able to incorporate this into their functional domains. 178

Om Prakash Mathur

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