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Annex 8B:Rayon Budget Expenditures
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Construction and maintenance ofspecial storage facilities (burial grounds) Preservation offauna Maintenance and preservation oflocal areas under special protection Establishment ofwater preservation zones and zones ofwater facilities and water supply systems Building and reconstruction ofwater pipelines ofoblast significance Ecological examinations,other than examinations funded from the national budget Restoration ofwater supply facilities and hydroreclamation systems of oblast significance that are in emergency state Organization ofthe use ofland in the course ofestablishing borders of rayons and towns ofoblast significance Conduct ofecological control and other nature preservation activities
9.Architecture and construction activities Organization and control ofarchitecture,city-building,and construction activities other than expenses funded from the national budget
10.Transportation and communications Organization oftransportation on socially important inter-rayon (intercity) routes Construction,reconstruction,and maintenance ofroads ofthe oblast importance
11.Regulation ofeconomic activity Small business support
12.Other areas Official transfers to rayon (and town) budgets ofoblast significance Official transfers into the national budget Servicing oflocal government debt.
Annex 8B: Rayon Budget Expenditures
According to article 52 ofthe Budget Code,the budgets ofrayons oflocal significance finance the followig expenditures: 1.General public services Functioning oflocal representative and executive agencies at the rayon (and town) level
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Economic and budget planning Execution ofthe rayon (and town) budget Assessment ofproperty for tax purposes Management ofcommunal property at the rayon (and town) level
2.Defense,public order,and security Activities related to mandatory military service and to provision of military commissariats with equipped recruiting points that have an impact on rayon (and town),medicine,instruments,medical and business property,vehicles,means ofcommunication,medical and technical staff,and support staff,plus establishment ofmedical examination commissions Prevention and elimination ofemergency situations Assurance ofpublic order and public security Functioning ofmedical sobering-up stations and orphanages
3.Education Organization and provision ofpreschool education Organization and provision ofcompulsory free secondary education ofcitizens in state educational institutions,including evening (parttime) education and secondary education provided in boarding schools Organization ofschool competitions at the rayon (and town) level Purchase and delivery oftextbooks for state education organizations Organization ofadditional optional education
4.Social welfare Housing assistance Social welfare provided at home Social adaptation ofindividuals without permanent place ofresidence Provision ofemployment opportunities Targeted state social assistance Social assistance provided to some categories ofindigent citizens by decisions oflocal representative organizations
5.Housing and utilities Demolition ofpoor and old housing in accordance with the laws ofthe
Republic ofKazakhstan Construction ofmunicipal housing Preservation ofhousing funds ofrayon (and town) importance
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Provision ofhousing to certain categories ofcitizens in accordance with the laws ofthe Republic ofKazakhstan Support ofcultural and entertainment services at the local level Impoundment (redemption) ofland plots for state needs in accordance with the laws ofthe Republic ofKazakhstan Construction and reconstruction ofwater supply facilities;water treatment and drainage systems;and sewage,heating,and electricity networks that are municipal property Provision ofsanitation to settlements Maintenance ofcemeteries and burial ofpeople without relatives Illumination ofstreets in settlements Establishment and vegetation ofsettlements
6.Culture and sports Operation oflocal libraries Development ofnational and popular sports Organization ofsports competitions at the rayon (and town) level Training ofteams ofa rayon (and town) in various sports and their participation in oblast sports competitions Operation ofzoos and dendro parks Implementation ofthe state information policy at the local level through mass media Development ofthe state language and other languages ofKazakhstan Implementation ofyouth policy
7.Agriculture Organization ofthe use ofland in the course ofestablishing borders of villages and towns ofrayon significance Work related to shifting agricultural land from one category into another Organization ofthe use ofland in inhabited areas Sanitary slaughter ofsick animals Construction and maintenance ofspecial storage facilities (burial grounds) to be used in livestock farming Organization ofland zoning
8.Transportation and communications Construction,reconstruction,repair,and maintenance ofrayon (and town) roads Organization ofintervillage (intertown) and inter-rayon public transportation