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Annex 8A:Oblast Budget Expenditures
294 Meruert Makhmutova
Annex 8A: Oblast Budget Expenditures
According to article 51 ofthe Budget Code,oblast budgets finance the following expenditures:
1.General public service Functioning oflocal representative and executive agencies at the oblast level Midterm economic planning Budget planning at the oblast level Oblast budget execution Management ofoblast property
2.Defense,public order,and security Provision,under the universal military service program,ofmilitary commissariats with equipped recruiting premises,medicine,instruments,medical and business property,vehicles,means ofcommunication,medical and technical staff,and support staff,plus establishment ofmedical commissions Mobilization training and mobilization at the oblast level Prevention and elimination ofemergency situations that have an impact on oblasts Operation ofwater rescue services Provision ofpublic order and public security on the territory of oblast Public defense activities at the oblast level
3.Education Purchase and delivery oftextbooks for state oblast education organizations Supplementary sports training for children and youth Organization and provision ofprimary vocational education Specialized curricula in secondary education Organization and provision ofsecondary education for gifted children in specialized education institutions Organization ofschool competitions at the oblast level Organization and provision ofvocational education Improvement ofqualifications and retraining ofpersonnel at the local level
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Examination ofthe psychological health ofchildren and youth and provision ofpsychomedical,pedagogical consultative assistance to the population Rehabilitation and social adaptation ofchildren and youth with development problems
4.Health care Provision ofa healthy,sanitary situation for population Provision ofother health services with the exception ofthose funded from the budget ofthe republic Procurement ofvaccines and immunobiological and other medical preparations in accordance with the laws ofthe Republic ofKazakhstan
5.Social welfare Social welfare oforphans and care for children without parents Social provision for elderly people and people with disabilities,including children with disabilities
6.Housing and utilities Provision ofgas to settlements
7.Culture,sports,tourism,and information Organization ofsports events at the oblast level Provision ofa local archives for preservation purposes Operation ofoblast libraries Implementation ofthe state information policy at the local level through mass media Development ofthe state language and other languages ofKazakhstan Implementation ofregional programs in the area ofyouth policy Support for theaters and music oflocal significance Training ofoblast teams in various sports and their participation at national and international sports competitions Regulation oftourism at the local level Preservation ofhistorical and cultural heritage oflocal significance and assurance ofaccess to such history and culture
8.Agriculture,water resources,forestry,and environmental protection Provision offunctioning water facilities owned by local authorities Maintenance,preservation,and restoration offorests and forest growth