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Open Letter from Afghan Prisoner, Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan, (Feb. 17/11) My name is Shoaib Said Assadullah. I am 23 years old. For the last four months I have been imprisoned in Qasre Shahi prison, Mazar-e Sharif for the crime of apostasy, which means I’ve changed my beliefs. Not only has my freedom been taken from me, but I undergoing severe psychological pressure. Several times I have been attacked physically and threatened to death by fellow prisoners, especially Taliban and anti government prisoners who are in jail. These assaults on my human dignity have affected me negatively, close to the point of death. On the other hand, the court has delayed their decision so that my apparent psychiatric problems will be cured. I do not think this is possible in prison. My case is supposed to be sent to the court shortly, because the prosecutor has the right to hold a case only for 30 days. The court’s decision is most definitely going to be the death penalty for me, because the prosecutor has accused me under the Clause 139 of the criminal code which says, “If the crime is not cited in the criminal code, then the case has to be referred to the Islamic shariah law.” Furthermore, my mother died less than a month ago from the grief that her beloved son was jailed with the threat of the death penalty over him. The authorities did not even allow me to attend the funeral ceremonies and pay my respects to her. This is against Clause 37 of in the law regarding prisons. Not seeing my mother for the last time was more painful than anything else. I would like to add that freedom is a gift from God. This means that we have to respect human freedom and dignity. Clause 24 of Afghan Constitution says, “Human freedom and dignity is an unalterable right. The government is committed to respect and protect human freedom and dignity.” Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is violated if the Afghan government does not respect Articles 18 and 19.1 Article 3 of Declaration of Human Rights says: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.” Simply stated, if sharia law is implemented in my case, the Articles 1, 2, 3, 18 and 19 of the Declaration Human Rights will be violated. I request that you follow my case. Sincerely, Shoaib (Signature and finger print)


Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. (http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml, accessed February 18, 2011)

‫نام من شعيب است ولد سيد اسد ﷲ ميباشم‪ .‬بيست و سه سال دارم و مدت‬ ‫چھار ماه است که در زندان قصر شاھی شھر مزار توقيف ميباشم به جرم‬ ‫ارتداد يعنی تغير عقيده‪.‬‬ ‫برعالوه اينکه آزادی من صلب شده فشار شديد روانی را نيز متحمل ميشوم ‪.‬‬ ‫چند مرتبه از سوی زندانيان مورد تھاجم و تھديد جدی به مرگ ‪ ،‬مخصوصا‬ ‫مخالفين دولت و طالبان قرار گرفتم‪ .‬توھين به کرامت انسانی من ‪ ،‬مرا تا‬ ‫سرحد مرگ افسرده ميسازد‪ .‬از سوی ديگرمحکمه فيصله خويش را به‬ ‫تعويق انداخته تا مشکالت روانی و ‪ .....‬درونی ام تداوی گردد که فکر نمی‬ ‫کنم که در زندان اين امر ممکن باشد‪ .‬به زودی بايستی دوسيه من به محکمه‬ ‫ارسال شود زيرا حارونوالی طبق قانون تنھا مدت سی روز حق حفظ دوسيه‬ ‫را دارا ميباشد‪ .‬بنا خطرحتمی حکم اعدام مرا صادر مينمايند‪ .‬زيرا حارنوالی‬ ‫حکم جزايی از ماده يکصد و سی قانون جزا را در دوسيه من درج نموده که‬ ‫ماده مذکور چنين ميگويد ‪ :‬ھرگاه جرم در قانون نباشد ميتوانيد به شريعت‬ ‫رجوع کنيد‪.‬‬ ‫ديگر اينکه مادرم به علت اين که فرزند محبوبش حبس شده و زير فشار و‬ ‫توھين و تھديد جدی به مرگ ميباشد مدت کمتر از يک ماه به اينسو است که‬ ‫فوت کرده و حتی به من اجازه اين داده نشد که برای لحضات آخرين در کفن‬ ‫و دفن‪ ….‬او حاضرباشم که اين خود نقض ماده سی و ھفتم قانون محابس‬ ‫ميباشد که اين از ھر شکنجه ای برای من دردناکتر ميباشد‪.‬‬ ‫حال و در نظر داشت آنچه ارايه نمودم ميخواھم متذکر شوم که آزادی يک‬ ‫ھديه الھی است‪.‬‬ ‫پس بايد به آزادی و کرامت انسانی احترام گذاشت‪.‬‬ ‫ماده بيست و چھارم قانون اساسی افغانستان ‪:‬‬ ‫" آزادی و کرامت انسانی از تعرض مصون است ‪ ،‬دولت به احترام حمايت‬ ‫آزادی و کرامت انسانی مکلف ميباشد‪.‬‬ ‫ماده سوم اعالميه جھانی حقوق بشر‪ :‬که در صورت نقض ماده ھجدھم و‬ ‫نزدھم نقض ميگردد که حکومت از ‪:‬‬ ‫ ھر کس حق زندگی ‪ ،‬آزادی و امنيت شخصی دارد ‪.‬‬‫ماده سوم ‪:‬‬

‫ ھر کس آزاد به دنيا ميآيد و ميتواند تا باور و يا عقيده خويش را به‬‫صورت آزادانه داشته باشد‪.‬‬ ‫ ساده تر بگويم در صورت اجرای شرعی‪ ،‬ماده اول و دوم و سوم و‬‫ھجدھم و نزدھم اعالميه جھانی حقوق بشر در رابطه با من نقض‬ ‫ميشود‪.‬‬ ‫خواھشمندم که در اين موضوع رسيدگی نماييد‪.‬‬ ‫با احترام‬ ‫شعيب‬ ‫امضا و شصت‬

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