Harnessing Data For Global Health Equity To Drive Healthcare Innovations Healthcare disparity is one of the most crucial and overtaxing current global issues. National and international organizations are working in collaboration with public entities. They are keen to reduce the volume of vast inequities deeply rooted in the healthcare system. Progress of this noble endeavor depends on achieving quality data to promote Health Equity. Collecting vast volumes of healthcare data can be leveraged to identify inequalities and understand the underlying drivers.
Achieving Health Equity in the USA has become an industry goal. Earning the key to unlock Health Equity is not a small feat. It requires shared responsibility of the industry- from healthcare professionals, state leaders, and researchers. What is Health Equity? Health Equity is attained when every person has the opportunity to gain the full potential for health and wellbeing. This means there are no unfair differences among people, whether they are defined socially, economically, demographically, or geographically. To address inequity, there
is a dire need to understand the concept underlying the question "What is Health Equity." Availing Health Equity in the USA is the right of every citizen. Therefore, correctly collecting and using quality data can help foster a healthier and equitable future for everyone. Three core areas that can aid in attaining Health Equity are: Preventing a Similar Level of Damage in the Case of the Next Pandemic To better predict and recognize the next global pandemic, what things do we need to consider? Staffing more nurses and healthcare practitioners and getting updates on where outbreaks occur will not serve the purpose. There is a need for technology and data to identify the number of patients and tracking of vaccine tolerance. Collaboration between the community and government is required to access the information of de-identified patient data. Transition from Treatment-based Care to Truly Health-based Treatment The data and technology alone are insufficient in the patient's continuum of care. There is a need to ensure that patients are checked and referred to the right doctors. The Healthcare system is required to assess the preventative measures that are viable in delivering value-based care. The right to make the best possible care decisions should empower the patients. sharing the Data of the De-identified Patient For advancing health equity, it is crucial to share de-identified patient data. Healthcare organizations, companies, and government agencies should collaborate to ensure patient data's transparency and security.