Based Care in Rural Communities: Overcoming Barriers to Access & Equity
Value-Based Care is a healthcare delivery approach that emphasizes patient outcomes and reduces outlays by eliminating unnecessary procedures, tests, and treatments. However, the implementation of the Value-based care program in rural communities has been challenging due to various barriers to access andequity.Here,wewillexplorethe barriersthatruralcommunities face when accessing VBC Model, and how we can overcome them to improvehealthcare outcomes.

Lack of Healthcare Providers: Rural communities often have a scarcity of healthcare professionals, which makes it hard forpatientstogettimelyandqualityhealthcare.
Limited Infrastructure: Rural areas have limited healthcare infrastructure, which can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatmentofpatients.
Economic Challenges: Many rural communities face economic challenges that make it difficult for patients to afford healthcareservices.
Transportation Issues: Rural areas often lack reliable transportation options, which can make it difficult for patients to accesshealthcarefacilities.
Limited Technology: Rural areas often lack access to advanced technology, which can hinder the delivery of quality healthcare.
Telemedicine: Telemedicine can help overcome the shortage of healthcare providers in rural areas by enabling patients to access healthcare services remotely. It can also help overcome transportation issues by allowing patients to get care without exitingtheirhomes.
Value Based Care Platform: VBC platforms can help improve healthcare outcomes in rural communities by providing healthcare providers with real-time data on patient outcomes, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and make informeddecisions.
Community Health Workers: Community health workers can help overpass the gap b/w providers and patients in rural communities. They can provide patients with education on how
to manage their health and connect them with healthcare providerswhennecessary.
Healthcare Infrastructure Investment: Investing in healthcare infrastructure in rural areas can improve access to qualityhealthcareandreducethe economicburdenonpatients.
Healthcare Technology Investment: Investing in advanced healthcare technology can improve the delivery of quality healthcarein ruralcommunities.
Value Based Care Program and their implementation in rural communities have been challenging due to various barriers to access and equity. To overcome these challenges, we need to invest in healthcare infrastructure and technology, leverage telemedicine, and engage community health workers. Persivia provides a Value Based Care Platform that can help healthcare providers deliver quality care in rural communities. With the right investments and solutions, we can improve overall healthcare outcomes in rural communities.