PERSONAL PORTFOLIO Selected works 2011~2012 Application for admission to Bachelor of Man and Communication Design Academy Eindhoven
Fan Shen
P.4 - 8
Parallel World / Paint illustration, Book design
P.9 - 15
I'm Here! / Silk-screen printing, Post card, Web design
P.16 - 21
Silver Coil / Font Formation
P.22 - 26
Four Season / Visual Identity, Product
P.27 - 31
Folk Song Festival / Poster design
Sketches and Ideation
Parallel World a
f a n t a s y
s t o r y
Graphicď˝œBook Design This design aims at breaking the conventional rule of book design. I tried to create the cover and illustration of the fiction with paint. Duration: 2 weeks ( Sep. 2012) Tools: Cans of paint / Photoshop Parallel World is a fiction which describes a story that takes place in the universe and planets. It is all about a middle-aged man's fantasy adventure. I chose the stars and galaxy as my design theme of the book which were completely close to the story itself. This is my thought development of the book design. I tried many possiblities with colors and draw a lot of cover compositions. At the same time, I also consider the specifications of books. All of these ideas were based on the plot of the story. Then I illustrated many pictures based on my sketches with cans of paint which could be applied in the book.
SELECTING Making Process Painting w ith paint
I paint with a circular piece of paper and a square of cardboard to create this series star ocean as the book cover and illustrations of inside pages. At last, I selected five paintings to design this book.
Graphicď˝œPostcard+Website This project aims at raising money for those vagrant animals at the street that could be adopted in the upcoming winter. I designed postcards, a poster and a website. A l l of my d e s i g n s h av e b e e n donated to the local animal shelter. Duration: 3 weeks (Nov. 2011) Tool: Screen Printing / Illustrator
I'm Here!
FINAL EFFECT in 3D This is the final design of the book. Before printing, I used Photoshop to create a three-dimensional effect of the book. There are a total four color pages, respectively, corresponding to the four chapters of the novel, and echoes the theme.
THINKING... Stray cats and dogs are an apparent consequence of Nanning's fast urbanization
over the past three decades: many old homes were demolished and pets were
deserted when their owners moved. These deserted animals, plus those who went astray, often roamed in schools, communities or around restaurants, relying on food provided by kind-hearted people or rummaging through garbage bins.
What the most serious problem is, these animals reproduce fast: a female cat
gives birth three times a year, with four to eight cubs per litter. Lack of adequate care leaves many young cubs to starve or freeze to death during the harsh winter.
Therefore, I started this whole town design activity. This project was not about the money but designed for the well-being of Nanning's fifty thousand stray animals.
"I'm here!" is the voice comes from those animals. It's our young generation's
mission to remind people to be kind for homeless animals and care for all other endangered animals.
* This page is also the home page of the website designed by me.
Card Illustration I chose the polar bear as the main element of the postcard. As one
of the endangered animals, polar bears are also homeless in the coming 20 years. And the polar bears live in the ice world which is very close to the theme: winter.
Thought Development
D U R AT I O N This was the first time I selected the silk-screen printing to create illustration and it was also an interesting process which allowed me
to practice and try something new. The reason why I chose the screen printing to make postcards was that it is absonlutely an economical way to print large quantities of fine pattern with simple color groups. It
is also an easy way for more people to took part in the making process and experience the art.
Color Matching It was very troublesome for screen printing to match many different color groups. It was a boring step to
clean the silk screen, however when I tried a new color I felt cool !
HOME / EVENT / DONATION Snowy Park is the theme website I designed for the local stray animal center. It is a static website that updated regularly to allow people to check the information about stray a n i ma l s a nd to donate clothes and money.
d et ails a n d colo r s In this final stage, I have made more than 21 color
{ }
matching. There were two parts: warm tone and cold
4 pictures from the 9 groups. To be frankly, it was
These are the screen printing postcards which were
my own preference for warm tone pictures, and as
by me. The project was very successful. Many people
some extent. Therefore after considering about the
local stray animals by buying the postcards. The
made the choice.
stray animal center. I hope that there will be more
tone respectively. I picked up 9 of them and selected
really hard for me to make a choice, because I have
signed by a participant and the theme site designed
a professional designer I should be more natural to
have known more about the serious situation of our
cost and the average preference of them, I eventually
cards are still on sale on the website and at the local people joining me!
Silver coil Graphicď˝œFont Silver coil is an material experiment. Trying to create a new font , I use the iron wires to explore the composition and characteristics of a font. Tools: Sketch / Illustrator / Iron wire Duration:
1 month ( Mar. 2012 )
KE E P TRYING Why Create
This is the first font designed by myself.
This is the only project I spent more than a month to study
to know how a font is created and developed.
sketching on paper but decided to shape the basic outline
As a designer, I think that it is important for me
Therefore, I decided to explore a new font by using the material which I have never try before.
and design. Before I started to create the font, I gave up on of the font with iron wire which was a compeletly new
material to me. That was really a tough work that I have to use other tools to help me shaping the outline of the font.
After that, I took many pictures of it and sketched the basic style of the font.
* The font has been applied in the circle of my friends.
Thought Development I have drew a lot of sketches to determine the basic form of this font.
These sketches can always help
me to perfect the radians and angles of the basic font. Even
still keep the sketches as they can
Shape the wire - Sketch - Illustrator
when I finished this font, I will inspire me always.
These sketches are scanned into my computer.
Then I tried to perfect this font with several color combinations and curved lines.
This is the final effect of this font and has been applied into computers.
Then, I used the sketches of the font as its
packaging pattern and designed a simple and environmental friendly packaging for it.sf jf
Th is font is more focused on the practice of formation in its making process.
jhafH kjash fjha
FOUR SEASON Product |Visual Identity Four Season is a restaurant which only provides their customers with vegetarian food. I designed the basic pattern, pixel icon and a series of product for the restaurant. This project was aimed at creating a simple icon which could be applied for various parts of the entire restaurant. Tools : Photoshop / Illustrator Duration : 2 weeks ( Jan. 2011 )
INSPIRATION In the beginning I collected a large number of related information about the
theme. I selected the four most representative seasonal local fruits——red date, persimmon, litchi and loquat to be the foundation elements due to they are the most recognizable for residents.
Thought Development
Extra Design
I painted original images of these fruits with watercolour and tried to modify and complete
them from simple drafts and colour collocation.
These drafts were scanned into my computer and been dealt with Illustrator.
Each fruit has been designed to become the new icon, trying to give a vivid description to each
lovely image. As for expression, I selected pixels as the basic performance of the elements of painting.
There are some slight differences between my original desire. Eventually I decided to use the four new icons to apply into each part of the restaurant.
I was also asked to design an
env ironmental guestbook w ith waste
boxes in t he restaura nt which a l low customers to leave some valuable advices to help the restaurant to improve its quality of service.
*The inspiration of the guestbook's shape comes from the ancient Chinese recipes.
Folk Song Festival Graphicď˝œPoster This project focused on the element collecting of the theme which can be actually used in the poster. Tools: Photoshop / Illustrator Duration: 2 weeks (Aug. 2012)
PRODUCTS This simple pixel icon has been applied to work clothes, business cards and packing bags of the restaurant etc.
Rich colour collocation also formed a concise and
dynamic visual sign which helps the restaurant to increase its intelligibility greatly.
Inspiration I tried a variety of posters composition in the
first stage, but I still chose to use letters and blocks of color to create a poster which can be
more effectively convey information about the Folk Song Festival.
As the main body of the poster, the inspiration of characters came from mountains in Guilin
which is the birthplace of the folk song.
Nanning Internationl Folk Song Art
Festival is an annual feast of folk songs organized in mid-October
every year which focused on China's
folk singers and folk music events.
Guang x i as t he hometow n of Chinese folk songs, the capital city
of Nanning was given in order to host the concert.
Sta r t f rom t he si x t h, ever yone can posted their works to the Folk
Song Festival Office, and chose the final selection of three of the best
designs. This is a poster I designed
for the 2011's Folk Song Festival which achieved excellent results.
* These photos were taken by myself during the research time.
Color Choice
N a n n i n g I n t e r n at i o n a l Fo l k S o n g A rts Fes tiv a l
In the early stage in China, folk song lyrics were mostly in praise of the development of the motherland and the beauty of life. Red is the representative of China, a bright color symbolizes happiness and joy, which has the same meaning of China. Therefore I chose red as the main color of the folk song poster.
Fo lk s o n g sq u a r e 8 . 0 0 p m- -1 1 . 3 0 p m
Final Result
dopted and displayed This is the final effect of this poster. However,
there were some differences between the final program and the actual printing. I made some changes of details in its font and pattern.
The poster was eventually adopted as one of the three posters which came from other two designers to be displayed on the volunteer's bikes and highway billboards.
O c t. 2 8 2 01 2
P.34 - 41
Drawing Book / Portrait and Painting
P.42 - 52
Photography Album / Photography
DRAWING BOOK s e l e c t e d RETRO STREET PERFORMER Sep. 2011 105 x 145 mm Yellow paper / Charcoal pencil Muqing Lin is a street performer in Shenzhen who has a retro look. He makes money by dancing for people. In order to make money, he wears a heavy coat in summer days and keeps dancing alone.
TATTOOED MAN Feb. 2012 145 x 95 mm Yellow paper / pencil
Boxer Yoonho Jung just had a child and become a dad. He wanted to celebrate this moment therefore he engraved the name of his wife and child into the tattoo on his skin.
STALL WOMAN June. 2011 95 x 145 mm
Pencil / Yellow paper An ethnic minority woman took her children to sell crafts on the street. Her baby wes sleeping and her face showed taht they live a hard life.
A GIRL WITH COMPLEX HAIRSTYLE July. 2012 95 x 145 mm Hook line pen / Yellow paper One day I went out by bus then met a girl who was sitting in front of me with a complex hairstyle and plenty of beautiful lines on her suit.
WOODEN CHAIR IN THE CORRIDOR May. 2012 95 x 145 mm Yellow paper / Pencil By the corrdior of my school, here is always an old wooden chair which consists of different materials and I thought it is interesting so I drawn it.
SPAWNING SEASON Dec. 2010 145 x 95 mm Pencil / Yellow paper This is the season when moths lay eggs. They stay in the rock crevice to cover their eggs until the eggs are hatching. I painted this scene down beacuse it seems like a mother trying to protect her babies which is a touching moment.
OCEAN OF WEAKNESS {1} March. 2012 210 x 290 mm Propylene paint / Pencil Gouache paper This is a series that expressed the emotions about cowardice and low self-esteem in the depths of my heart.
OCEAN OF WEAKNESS {2} March. 2012 MODEL NANCY Feb. 2012 95 x 145 mm Pencil / Yellow paper Nancy is a nice person. She was a famous model in our city. When I visited her, I drawn a picture of her photo on a magazine then she told me her fashion story in her young age.
210 x 290 mm Propylene paint / Pencil Gouache paper Sometimes I escape from the real world and pulling myself into somewhere called weakness that I do not have to face the bad situation.
I love traveling. Everytime during
my journey I took my camera with
me and recoreded the scenses that moved me.
Especially those moments close
to dark night which could indeed
inspire me a lot like daybreak, nightfall or midnight.
I think taking photos is another
way to record my life or collect inspiration. Camera is another eye of me.
*Nightfall, on my way back home, Nanning
*Daybreak, old building in Zhongshan Rd, Nanning
*Midnight, highway by the Pearl River, Guangzhou
*Flying Kongming lanterns by the Pearl River, Xiamen
*Evening, New year's Eve in Haizhu Square, Guangzhou
*Midnight, The alley beside my dormitory, Guangzhou
*Having breakfast in the early morning, Hanoi
*Daybreak, Waiting for my flight in Baiyun Airport
*Evening, the live concert of my favorite band MAYDAY