Personal Development Secrets Revealed

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First, A Miraculous Story… Before I give you some amazing secrets to success, it may surprise you to learn that these secrets came to me in a most mysterious way. Here is what happened… On an otherwise unremarkable day in May 2004, I was writing at my dining room table, when I was suddenly overcome by a very strong urge to pull out a clean sheet of paper. I did this, although I was totally unsure of what was going to happen next. Following my intuition, I began writing without thinking…it was a weird and exciting experience. When I felt I had finished, I was surprised and amazed at what I had written. You see, someone somewhere (God?) had decided to give me a model that perfectly explained the exact steps required for anyone to rapidly and unconsciously grow as a person, achieve their potential and thereby… to make their heartfelt dreams come true. Now I have been interested in human potential from age 13 when I read the diaries of Leonardo Da Vinci. I was intrigued that one man could achieve so much. But - one question popped into my mind and stayed there: How come most people fall so far short of achieving their true potential? I began a quest to find an answer and it took me 30 years of consistent work, (including working as a full time coach for six years) before I was given the answer. Now that I had it, I knew without doubt that the rest of my life would be devoted to sharing this information with as many people as possible. So I called the model “The Personal Growth Model” and registered the business name “Personal Growth” which was surprisingly available. Then I miraculously found that the web site was also available. I also began developing a comprehensive coaching system based on the Personal Growth Model so I had a way of systematically and consistently take anyone through each of the steps required to achieve their dreams. I worked fast as everything I had ever learned about success just flowed out of me and fitted perfectly into the model. With the coaching system now complete, I began coaching people using this system. I was astounded at how quickly all my clients started to get some remarkable results and my clients were not just amazed – they were astonished! Suddenly, Everything Was Coming Together. I knew from my coaching experiences that anyone applying this model to their lives would get amazing results. So later in 2004, I decided to break new ground in the personal development industry: I began offering a money back guarantee for my coaching. In fact I offered the bold promise that anyone who received coaching from me for 12 months, would get the results they wanted, or I would give them their coaching fees back. It was a tiny bit scary to make that promise at that time, but looking back, it was one of the best business decisions I have ever made. It gave me a great incentive to keep refining my coaching system and coaching skills, and over the years, that is exactly what I have done. I am telling you all this in the hope that you will now appreciate the value of what you are about to read, and use it to your great advantage. I will start by sharing the model with you, and then I will explain it in detail.

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Certain (have faith)

Align your spirit and God’s spirit



Develop & maintain a state of Gratitude for self, others and God



Define your Purpose/Mission

- Clarity


Choose Values/Beliefs

- Flow


Develop a clear Vision

- Fulfillment


Determine Goals

- Focus


Ask high quality questions

- Genius


Take consistent, effective actions

- An expanding Network of support

Note: Be – Do – Have. Before you can have something, you have to be something and do something. E.g. If you want to have a good body, then you have to BE disciplined, you have to DO exercise and eat well, and then you will HAVE a good body.

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Is Money the Root Of All Evil? “T’aint what a man knows that hurts him, it what he knows that just ain’t so.” Frank Kin Hubbard At the first level of the model we have our Spirituality. We are all spiritual in nature and it is therefore most helpful for us to be clear on our spiritual beliefs as they influence us at a deep subconscious level. Be Certain (Have Faith)

Do Align your spirit with God’s spirit

Have Abundance

You see there are many mixed messages received when we are growing up and in my experience, these cause conflicting ideas as we move forward with our lives. For example: Money is the root of all evil. I am a sinner and need to atone for my sins. I am going to hell because of something I did in the past. God does not exist. God does exist, and he controls everything that happens in my life. You cannot be spiritual and pursue the creation of wealth. ..and the list goes on.

With these and other wishy washy ideas floating around in the back of our minds, is it no wonder we struggle to achieve their potential and can be held back by the opinions of others. You see, when you think about it, the person with the most certainty wins in any negotiation, takes charge and leads or influences, achieves goals much faster, creates visions with greater clarity, attracts people to help them move forward, and is given more opportunities. So if we have less certainty than others, they will, to some degree, control our lives. For example, when Christopher Columbus dreamed of finding new worlds by sailing East, he had no money to finance the trip, he had no crew, and he had no boats. 4 Personal Growth


No problem! What he did have was the certainty that he was going. At the age of 41, standing on the bow of the Santa María, with about 90 other sailors aboard the three boats, he watched the coast slowly slip below the horizon. Columbus left behind on dry land a struggle that had lasted a quarter of his life. He was now in his element, doing what he had dreamed about for the past ten years. As one of the great thinkers of the age and one who led the way, Columbus deserves recognition for the intellectual transformation that took place. As a result, a new age was ushered in, the Modern Age, and after 1500 the world would never be the same, nor would the human race. History was written from one man’s certainty in something unseen This is called faith. Christopher Columbus had faith that he would go, and that it was possible to sail off the edge of the known world and survive! The paradox about the need to be certain is that “there are only two things in life that are certain – death and taxes”. However, even if you are an atheist, you have to have faith to believe that you are right about that belief! So if you want to change the things you have in your life, the first thing you need to be is certain about as many things as possible…and most of this will require consideration, discussion, debate, research, experiences and finally…faith! If you say, I’m not certain about anything...well how certain are you about that? Have you ever noticed how a child can dream and imagine the most fantastic things an believe them to be true? In their mind, they can have anything they want and there is no lack or limitation. Somewhere along the path of life, this gets taken away from most of us and yet it is required for great success. Fortunately, there is a way to regain it. We need to define and align our spiritual beliefs.

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When we do this, we are tuning into a “new” frequency that knows no lack or limitation. Our spirit connects with something outside ourselves, something great and mysterious that is on our side and can help us create anything we might dream of. Only when we do this, we can have abundance. Our deepest desires and dreams come from our spirit. Whoever gave us our spirit would be pretty mean if we were not also given the means of bringing all our dreams and desires into reality. And if you struggle with what you have just read, that’s ok. You can start at the next level of the model and know that as more is revealed to you, you will always have a chance to revisit your spiritual beliefs. In the Personal Growth Coaching System, we have some very specific questions to help you develop certainty about your spiritual beliefs (whatever they might be) as well as an agreement on some ongoing exercises or practices you come up with and act upon to build your spiritual life to a place where you want it to be. For most people, this means just taking some time each day to do some reading and meditating in a quiet place. This allows them to stay connected to what is most important to them, to tap into an unseen energy force, to stay relaxed and calm, to be more inspired, uplifted, and to increase their wisdom and enlightenment.

What makes a big difference in a coaching environment is that you are accountable to someone for doing this regularly. If it is not done, then you and your coach can uncover and remove whatever is in the way of you doing it as often as you want. Most people ultimately find that a daily spiritual practice becomes the very foundation on which they achieve their ultimate success. A Personal Growth Coach will help you get on track and stay on track so you develop a healthy and inspiring spiritual life which is a necessary foundation upon which to build your success.

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What Do Jerry Springer And Oprah Have In Common? Have you ever seen the Jerry Springer Show? Have you noticed how reactive, uninspiring, ungrateful and repulsive most of the people on that show are?

At the other end of the spectrum, have you seen the Oprah show? Or have you seen the Academy Awards? On these shows you will mostly see proactive, inspiring, grateful and attractive people. On the Oprah show or the academy awards, you will see people who are loving that they do, and vibrating at a high level of energy. They are free to live their dreams. These are people who find ways to let whatever happens to them serve them in some way. No matter what happens to them, they learn, they grow, they adapt, they change, they give of themselves, they are humble, and they are grateful. Most people I’ve met would like to have this kind of freedom and we want to give our clients freedom in all its’ forms…and here is how we do it. Be Loving


Develop and maintain a sense of gratitude for self, others, and God

Have Freedom

Freedom starts with love and ends with love - the most powerful force in the universe. Love is the ultimate pure energy. When we are doing what we love, in an environment we love, in a way that we love, surrounded by people that we love, and we love ourselves for doing it, and we are grateful for all that is, as it is, we are practically unstoppable.

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So how do we achieve this? What we need to do, is be more aware of ways that everything that comes into our lives - especially the people, events, and circumstances - can serve us. You see, all these things are here to teach us something, to show us something we need to learn. They are reflections of us. When we change, our world changes, just as when we no longer crap in our pants, we no longer have nappies put on us. We need to learn to dance with our circumstances, not let them back us into a corner, make us depressed, or make us feel trapped. As we dance, we create a more free state of mind. This state of mind is the place you can get to when you are more enlightened. So let’s start your enlightenment now…are you ready for this? A lot of people assume that life is meant to be happy. Now there are some laws in the universe that this assumption ignores. And one of them is that there cannot be a negative without a matching positive. The world is in perfect balance and it has to be when it spinning at just over 1000 miles per hour whilst traveling 940 million kilometers around the sun each year at a staggering 107,305 kilometers per hour. What is even more amazing is this: If you take all the solid matter on the planet; it will only fill an average sized shopping center. As you know, everything is made from atoms. And atoms are made from protons electrons and neutrons. The rest of an atom is just the space in between the neutrons and protons and electrons. Now a picture of an atom on the left reminds me of our solar system, where the sun represents the nucleus which is made up of protons and neutrons, and the planets are the electrons that orbit around this sun or nucleus. So to continue the analogy, consider the solar system we are in…isn’t most of it made up of space - with only a tiny percentage actually occupied by planets? 8 Personal Growth


So it is with atoms – although the picture of the atom here is not correct – far from it. You cannot draw a picture of an atom because it is too complex to represent in one dimension. However, suffice to say that if the electron in the center were the sun, and the protons and neutrons were Pluto, well, Pluto would have to be about three times the distance from the sun that it is now to actually represent how much empty space there is in an atom. So, in that event, everything is mostly made up of space. Why does it appear and act solid? It is the energy that causes the electrons to rotate at such a speed that they are almost constantly present everywhere. And the difference between matters is just the rate of vibration or the energy with which the particles rotate. And that’s all. If you ground up a rock into tiny particles, and ground up your brain into tiny particles, and sent them both to a lab for analysis, they would not be able to tell them apart – because they are both made up of the same stuff! Most of what we see isn’t really there and what we do see is all essentially the same stuff anyway. Actually, we are just seeing energy. This has a lot of implications, the main one being that if everything is not really as it appears, and everything is mostly energy, then anything can be changed by us when we change our level of energy. How does this work? A simple law of physics, which is Newton’s third law: For every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. So, on a day to day basis, if we are consistently negative and have low energy, we will see reactions that reflect the energy we are putting out. If we change to a positive state of high energy, we will see reactions that reflect the energy we are putting out. Here’s where it gets exciting. We can change - and know that the world will reflect that change. So just as when we can stand in front of a mirror we can pull our stomach and look trimmer, we can stand in front of the world with more positive energy and the world will reflect that back to us. 9 Personal Growth


This is the foundation of the “Be, Do, Have” model. It starts with who you are being. That’s a fair bit of information. I hope you got something from it. The Ying and the Yang, the dark and the light, the good and the evil – they do come together and cannot exist without the other. And as we experience this more and more, and come to understand it, we cannot help but be filled with joy, because we realise we have nothing to worry about and nothing to fear. The more quickly we can see that a positive is lurking behind any perceived negative, and find that positive, and how it is all a reflection of us, then the more quickly every event, circumstance and person can serve us. When we pursue the other side of the coin, and then the world transforms into a place we love – because we understand it’s nature, trust it, become intimate with it, respect it, cherish it and find a way to let everything serve us. We start to transcend our circumstances, no matter what they might be. Gradually, we are filled with more and more gratitude. We become grateful to everything that we might have previously seen as a negative because we know everything has something of value to teach us about ourselves. The following diagram should help illustrate this point. The event, circumstance or person lifts us up because we see the negative and the positive simultaneously and therefore learn the lesson, or see the guidance, and remain balanced, centered, focused and moving forward.

An event, circumstance or person


Our quantum

Our life’s journey

The event, circumstance or person holds us down because we can only see the negative

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Stagnation or decline

Our quantum is the level of awareness and understanding we live with. If we do not get the learning of the vent, we stay in the same quantum. And as we experience Personal Growth, more and more events of bigger and bigger magnitude come into our lives until we finally get “it”….”it being whatever it is we need to learn in order to realise our dreams The concept of these quantum’s is illustrated below, with the red dots again illustrating events, circumstances, or people in our lives. Quantum



Life’s journey


To more quickly transcend the various quantum of understanding, we need to understand and appreciate the challenges of life as opportunities to learn and grow. And life will give us exactly the challenges we need at every step in our journey. You can be sure that life is just a reflection of us. Everything. All of it - as this client found out: Our sessions are seriously amazing for me. The impact to my life is unreal. It is giving me a lot of hope and so much to look forward to. For the longest time, I’ve been walking around thinking this is it. I should be happy. I have a good life. I never realised there’s more to life to really look forward to. It’s easy to distinguish not-so-good from good then get complacent when you’ve struggled to get to the good level. Our sessions are truly helping me take what’s good to great. Thank you. I am excited to see what other treasures we will uncover. I’ve found a new appreciation for my talents, my family and friends, my work, my challenges… actually, my life. R.L.

Our responsibility is simply to learn more and more about ourselves from each event, so we can become the person we have the potential to become. There’s a fair bit of faith required to take that step, so be patient if you need to. As you experience the world working in this way, with this knowledge, then more and more faith will come to you. When we have faith and love greatly, we can cause great things to happen. At the point where we are grateful for everything; we are free from everything. 11 Personal Growth


At this place of surrender, we do not try to control the things we do not yet know how to control and so our energy is preserved for that which we can influence. We experience more freedom, simply because more things serve us. Our change in energy has to be responded to by the changing energy of everything around us. We have begun to exercise our power to create a new reality. In this space, we can start to manifest abundance. This is a lot for most people to understand, and really the best way to understand it is through some powerful experiences. So the coaching session to help clients through this level includes a very powerful, life changing process called the Demartini Method, created by Dr John F Demartini. -> (Check out the internet if you want to know more.) Once you experience this, it will be a true breakthrough in the way you view and therefore experience life. You will be well on your way to mastering life, and quite suddenly your new Modus Operandi will be: For the master, everything serves. Nelson Mandela spent 28 years of his life in prison: reading, research and thinking. He left prison in 1990 and in four years was the beloved S.A. President. He then became one of the most admired and loved men in the world. Mandela has over 250 awards in the last 40 years, including the Nobel Peace Prize. What was his life’s purpose and vision? He said these words in his 1964 trial: " During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to the struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."[

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Clarity “I’m So Bloody Happy” “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Purpose is a truly vital ingredient of success and most people sense this and are searching for a purpose in life. In fact, not finding this purpose is a common reason for suicide because if you fail to determine your definite purpose, everything in life seems somehow wrong and pointless. It’s like navigating with a faulty compass – you might decide to travel West, and you think you are going West. However, after a while you come to realise you are just wandering around completely clueless and directionless. Walking around in life like this is dangerous, discouraging and depressing! At this point it could be helpful to have a quick look at the root of the word enthusiasm. It comes from the Greek word “entheos” which is two words, “en” meaning in or within, and “theos” meaning God. So “entheos” means having God within. Enthusiasm is something spiritual within us. Be Enthusiastic


Define your purpose/mission

Have Clarity

Now in this Personal Growth Model, everything interacts, interrelates and synergizes, so that they all build on each other, and at the same time builds each other. As enthusiasm grows, your energy grows, as the following client experienced. To put this in context, this client was feeling suicidal before I starting coaching her. “I’m so bloody happy. I feel like I’m in control of how I’m feeling rather than it controlling me. I’ve seen the power in the way you think and how it affects people is phenomenal. I’ve gone from being a rebel without a cause to having a true purpose in life. It’s given me a real sense of direction. It’s so fantastic to be earning more and I was beside myself when I got my first pay check. It’s not about just about the money; it’s the recognition of the work. I’ve really got momentum and I’m so proud of how I’ve handled this – I never thought I could. It’s a funny thing, I’ve got the day off today, but for the first time ever, I wish I was at work. I’ve never felt this good in my life.” And in another email: “Just letting you know some great news! I attended the interview for the Educator position on Tuesday and they let me know Tuesday afternoon I had the position! I felt great in the interview & everyone on the ward is really happy I've been appointed.” Annie.H.

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As you can see, when your energy changes, the world must change to reflect that change in energy. A few days ago I caught up with this client’s partner who I also coached. I was told that Annie is studying an MBA, and is in an even more senior position. And as we continue to raise our level of enthusiasm, by tuning in more and more to our spirit, we raise our energy even further. With our change in energy, the world changes to help us achieve that mission. Our success is even more likely. Like everything else in nature, it all fits together and works together. Indeed, it seems like we were created us to do something, and our creator gave us all the unique attributes required to do ‘that’ something. And by doing that something, we will experience all that we want from life, according to our desires and our values. For example, Mother Theresa found and lived her purpose and served her mission. Although Mother Theresa never drove around in a Ferrari, and never lived in a mansion, I am sure she died having experienced a lot more heartfelt joy than most Ferrari drivers or mansion owners. Her values were met, and her life was fulfilling. What is the purpose of our life? Are we either human beings having a spiritual existence; or are we spiritual beings having a human existence? From my experience, it doesn’t really matter which one it is. But what is important as we grow, is that we help others in life’s journey. Our purpose is to serve them using our unique gifts and talents. In doing this with all our hearts, our needs will be met, our growth will continue, our joy will grow, and our soul becomes fulfilled as this client experienced: Working with Lee has brought me back to my real inspiration in life. I find myself working harder than ever and having enormous fun doing it. Peter H

There is a lot of faith required to trust that we can make a living doing what we love to do, so we come back to certainty and faith mentioned on Level 1.

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Rest assured that there is always a way because there is a group of people out there somewhere who will just love what you do. Find them and serve them in ways that they want to be served - and watch what happens. As the saying goes, “your niche will make you rich” like Mother Theresa who , though serving the poorest of the poor, had many millions of dollars at her disposal. In your journey of serving your niche, the amount you can benefit them will be determined your benefits. This is the law of fair exchange. As you practice serving them, your expertise will grow. Your ‘competition’ gets left behind, your profits increase as word of mouth and referrals reduce your marketing expenses and increases the scarcity of your time, and you become known as “the guru”. More and more people seek the benefits you can offer them, and more people are willing to pay more money as you learn how to more quickly get greater and greater results. “What a different story people would have to tell if they would adopt a definite purpose and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming purpose.” Napoleon Hill Laws of Success

For example, I know a man who loves tennis and physics. Do you think you could make a living with the combination of these things? He travels the world advising tennis racquet manufacturers, tennis string makers, and top tennis players how to maximize their power on the tennis court. He’s found his niche, and loves to serve it! Inside you is the combination lock. Look there before looking anywhere else for that which you most deeply desire! What is your unique combination? The challenge is that it is often hard to see ourselves objectively, like the man in South Africa who went every day into his fields to work hard plowing his crops. One day he had a visitor who admired a rock he had on his mantelpiece. He asked about the rock and the farm owner said they were annoying because they were strewn all over the land. Later on, the farmer sold his land to move onto somewhere else that was easier to farm. The rocks were in fact diamonds and his farm later became the richest diamond mine in South Africa.

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You may also be too close to yourself to distinguish your diamonds and how best to use them. The following testimony is from a Doctor in her lets 50’s who has been teaching personal development for many years. She was too close to herself to see her life’s purpose, so she sought my help: Thank you ever so much for today. I left feeling moved, just the way I would like my clients to leave a session with me, so thank you. On dwelling on my purpose as articulated brought tears to my eyes, so I know we are on track. Am so grateful for your input, knowledge and wisdom. I'm so excited about what is to come forward. Dr E.Y.

That is why this part of the coaching program has a specific process to help your coach identify your purpose in life and your mission. To help you distinguish the two, here is an example of a purpose is: To free people’s spirits. After this is done, your purpose is translated into a mission which is a more specific statement of exactly what you want to do as a career goal. An example of a mission is: To use my creativity, my love of problem solving, and my skills in writing, coaching and training to develop and deliver powerful products and services that help millions of people achieve their potential and fulfill their heartfelt dreams. Can you imagine yourself being inspired every day when you wake up because you know you have a wonderful purpose to your life and you get to do what you love all day and get paid good money in return? Seem unrealistic? Well, that is exactly why we teach our clients to find their purpose and their mission, and then help them find a way to make a good living doing what they would most love to do and are best suited to do. It takes people from darkness into light as the following client experienced: Thanks Lee for being the light in my life when I was in the dark. My life has found more meaning and purpose since our meeting. Thank you again Lee for your wisdom, guidance and love. S.S.

Before we can move forward though, there may be some limiting beliefs that could hold you back. On the next level we address these limiting beliefs before they stop you dead in your tracks.

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– Energy –

How to Stay In

– The flow –

Energy is critical to our success as it is noticed by others, and is attractive to them as the following client experienced: “A few months later I landed back in Sydney where Mum picked me up, excited to go home and catch up with my brothers, who had both started coaching with Lee, something that I had said I will also do when I got back. The change in them was amazing, there was an energy that I'd never seen before and a real feeling of clarity about them! I called Lee straight away and went in for a meeting very nervous and excited!”

This level starts with our energy, which, as we have discovered, will be increasing. Be Energetic

Do Choose beliefs/values

Have Flow

Now the “Do” part of the model at this level is all about values and beliefs. It is crucial that we adopt values and beliefs that are going to serve us well in accomplishing our mission. Unfortunately, up until this point in our lives, our values and beliefs have most probably been adopted very subtly at an unconscious level. Our environment has largely determined our beliefs and values. Therefore, whilst our values and beliefs seem very important to us, they may not be the best values and beliefs to serve us. So this is the point where we need to carefully and thoroughly examine the order of our existing values, and other ways we might order or values to get what we want from life. When we can consciously choose our highest values that are congruent with who we are, and that will serve us well, then our energy will flow through us. For example, before I developed this new, proactive coaching system, a client of mine valued security and at the same time wanted to start a business of her own in health and fitness. She had a job which she was good at, well paid for, but found unsatisfying and purposeless. She would work towards getting everything done to start her business in such a stop start fashion that we both became confused about what was going on. 17 Personal Growth


Then I started to look at what might be stopping her and found that one of her highest values was security and she felt that this new venture was going to compromise her sense of security. After some discussion, we found a new way to move into the business so that her sense of security was maintained. She had this to say about her experience. “Today I am running my own business in Health and Wellness coaching that combines the modalities of NLP, Hypnosis, Nutrition, Healing and Personal Training. Lee helped me to see that my gifts and my passion lay within my love and ability to help people. When I combined that with my 2nd love of exercise, I had my passion, I have my dream. I never realised my worth and where I fit into this world prior to meeting Lee. I did what I thought I should do, what I thought would make me money, what I thought other people expected me to do. Now I have the courage to truly be me. Lee was the instrument that allowed me to play my own music and dance to my own true tune. Thank you Lee.”

Once we got the conflicting values sorted out, she stopped ‘getting in her own way’ and then it was just a matter of sorting out any limiting beliefs that might stop her. These beliefs are assumptions that cause us to experience the world in our own unique way. Our beliefs seem to be quite true, because our experience reinforces these beliefs. If we believe we are a loser, then people will treat us according to the negative energy we put out and bingo – we are a loser! As a “loser” even when we are wining, we’ll find a way to sabotage our winning so our results are in line with our beliefs. As a “loser” we may ask: “can I please get a ticket for this date”. The reply: “unfortunately there are no more tickets”. Our belief, I am an unfortunate person, and yep, I missed out again. Another person who sees themselves as a winner says: “Hmmm, do you know of any way that I could get a ticket, perhaps I could go on standby or something?” The loser has no hope, reinforces the belief, and misses out. The winner potentially does the opposite, and may get to see the show. Even if they don’t see the show, they can take some pride in the knowledge that they did everything they could to achieve their desired outcome, without being a victim of circumstances.

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Can you see how it works? The world did not change, the beliefs did! The winner could just as easily act like a loser, as the loser could act like a winner. In my first year as a full time coach, I had a client working in a huge network marketing business. He worked had left his job, worked in the business full time, and was very enthusiastic. However, he got to a level where he just needed one more month of doing x turnover to receive a substantial bonus as well as significant recognition. It would also see him realize a ten year goal. However, he butted up against a deeply held belief and made only one phone call in 3 days. Why? Because he had a belief that was simply: “Who am I to achieve this?” This single belief blocked his energy but after some intense coaching, he got the goal. Now his belief has been overturned by his results! The major battle has been won, he had this to say about his experience. “I have now spent over 18 months of regular coaching with Lee Brogden. As someone who was initially unconvinced that coaching would be worth the time and the money required, I can now honestly reflect on how much value the process has given me, in my business life and in my personal life. I had considered myself to be reasonably successful in all areas of my life, yet Lee has added a new dimension - he has continually challenged the way in which I view my life and my business and I have been grateful on many occasions to him for providing new insights into difficult situations and relationships. There is no doubt that I now have more confidence and certainty with where I am heading, and this has meant that I am enjoying the journey far more than I would have without Lee's influence. It's very good to know that I have met someone who is 100% committed to seeing me reach the highest levels and who has the coaching skills to make a difference in my life.” Phil P

As you clarify your values and adopt both empowering beliefs and values, your energy flows through you. As you progress forward with taking the actions required to fulfill your purpose, there may be beliefs and values that need to be revisited, and refined when you start taking bigger and bigger actions and dealing with things that are more and more outside of your experience and previous comfort zones. For example: Making your first 100 million dollar deal will require different thinking than making your first $100,000 deal. Finally, when you can loosen up on your beliefs and values, you realise that we can all see the world in very different ways, so you are more accepting of others, and they in turn are more accepting of you. Even more good things start coming your way! With your limiting beliefs out of the way, it is now time to look at what want your life to look like in the future. It’s time to create an inspiring vision. 19 Personal Growth




Develop a Clear Vision

Have Fulfillment

Now we already have a clear idea of the mission that we believe we are here to pursue, and no doubt pursuing that mission will give us fulfillment. We are inspired by our purpose and our faith that if we do what we love and serve others with our heart then we will have an abundance of that which we desire. With an inspiring vision, the impossible becomes possible. You are not so emotionally attached to day to day events because you have your eyes on a bigger prize as this client experienced: Well.....what can I say? Yesterday was just fantastic!!! Before I went into the interview I was outside in Martin Place and decided that I wouldn't read my notes, I didn't need to. I just sat down and cleared my head and thought about what I was really doing this for. I knew before I went in that if it did or didn't work out that it was perfect and that it was just a stepping stone to massive things in my future. I surrendered to the whole thing and totally lost any sense of nervousness and worry, that is what made it so successful. Thank you Lee, you’re a champion! (:-D) Adam M.

We know that we have many years ahead of us to make things happen – after all why would we want to stop doing that which we love? Retirement is not something we aim for any more because we are forming a big, exciting and inspiring vision and we know that it will be incredibly fulfilling to pursue it. (By the way, did you know that the retirement age was something invented by the government at a time of high unemployment as a way of giving young people more opportunities to start working?) One of the world’s great philosophers, Dr John Demartini, has a saying that I like and it goes something like this: If you are going to have a vision for your family, then you’d best have a vision for your community; and if you are going to have a vision for your community, then you’d best have a vision for your city, and if you are going to have a vision for your city, then you’d best have a vision for your country, and if you are going to have a vision for your county, then you’d best have a vision for the world; and if you are going to have a vision for the world, then it’s best to have an intergenerational, vision that will change the world for this generation and for many generations to come.

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As your vision becomes more and more inspired, so do you.

“Without a vision, a nation perishes.” Now the key at this point is to detail as much of your vision as you can see. The clearer it is, the easier it is for you to realize it. Why? Because if you went out to buy a car, and you didn’t know what sort of car you were looking for, it would take you a lot longer to buy the car. If you knew precisely what it was, you’d be able to let others know what you were looking for, and you would know what it looked like when you saw it, and possibly you would know where to find it. So it is with the parts of your vision. If you know what you need, you will know it when you see it, and be able to find it more easily when you seek it out as this client experienced: “I will never forget your efforts to make me understand the way of finding my dreams. After spending so much time for different areas and too much struggling with the life, finally I started working as a chemical engineer in the power division of one company in Sydney office.”

Also important is to write down the vision in as much detail as you can. Those parts of your vision that you hold in your head, you will control, and those parts that you don’t, someone may control. The vision you see most clear, and hold most dear, is the vision most near.

This is important because there are key differences between the masters and the masses: 1. The masters take the time to form a very clear and detailed vision. 2. The masters continue to work on building and refining the vision on a regular basis. 3. The masters revisit and ponder the vision regularly, sometimes for several hours each day, because within reason, they recognize that the time spent doing this is often is often more productive spend doing what they need to do to make the vision a reality. As you accomplish more and more of your vision, of course you are more and more fulfilled. Now that the vision is in place, things start to get easier as the “hard work” of soul searching has been done. Its time to break it down… because by the yard it’s hard, but by the inch it’s a cinch!

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The Power Of Focus Your vision might be a bit overwhelming, so not it’s time to break it down into manageable goals. This will give you something most people desire and that is centeredness. The kind of centeredness that means that no matter what happens to you and around you, you remain on track to achieve that which you set out to achieve. This requires you to set goals that are aligned with your purpose, and mission, and values and that will help you achieve your vision. Goals that stretch, excite, and inspire us Goals like these will keep us focused and to enable us to perform at our best. Be Centered

Do Determine Goals

Have Focus

Like a really clear vision, clearly defined goals help us to clearly see what we are doing, and where we are going. Would you jump in a taxi and not tell the driver where you want to get to and how quickly you want to get there? Of course not!! So don’t do that to yourself either when you set goals! Be different to the 95% of the population who go through their lives without consciously telling their brain where they want to get to and how quickly they want to get there. The difference can be profound, as this client expresses so well: Lee...thank you! I cannot thank you enough. You have made a positive difference in my life. With your help, the dream is now more than just a dream. Thank you for all the tools. I've become the better version of me through them. Life has changed for me since and it's all been great. As we evolve and get more determined with what we want, the right things come along... THANK YOU!” Ria

It’s simple to set a goal and at the same time it is very useful to sit with someone who is a professional in this area as they will often see more inside you than you can see. A coach can help you to better express exactly what it is you really desire to accomplish as the following client notes. Having a coach by my side has given me support and confidence to tackle the fears that have been inhibiting my growth and my ability to express myself truly and freely.

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I am now able to create goals and achieve them and create more. My confidence has been lifted ten fold!! My coach's belief in me and his seeing my abilities and coercing me to the finish line are the key traits that make me excited about having him by my side. You have assisted me in overcoming the obstacles to reach my goal. I think that putting money into your own dreams is only going to benefit you. Rosalind B.

However, if you want to try the slower, DIY approach, then you can start by setting goals that are HEALTHY. This means that it comes from your Heart; you feel Empowered to accomplish the goal; the goal is Aligned with your values, your purpose, your mission and your vision; it brings more Love into your life either for yourself and/or for others; it has a clear Time by which you think you can accomplish it (this is just a best guess on what you think is realistic); it is a goal that your inner Hero might set for itself and in that way it is both scary and exciting; and every part of you is saying a resounding Yes to how you expect to feel when you achieve the goal. Write the goal starting with the words “I have”. We are looking for a goal that states the accomplishment, or project completion, or something of this nature. And the goal must be in line with achieving your vision. Please do not write a goal that say’s something like “I have a million dollars”…that’s not the idea at all. You give and then you get.

The money that comes from achieving the goal is not usually the core of the goal but a by product of it. It is simply a way of measuring the value you have added to other people, and your perceived personal worth. And of course money may have no relevance at all for some goals. If you have set and not achieved goals in the past, and now shy away from goals, then please note this: This is not the past, this is the future. In fact, as the saying goes, “today is the first day of the rest of your life”.

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It’s helpful to understand that you past does not determine your future. Particularly if you decide and commit to creating a different future than the tracks of your past life might point to. So know this. This goal (or these goals) has so many things supporting them that none of your previous goals have ever had. Remember that they have come from a place of alignment with your spirit and God’s spirit (and if God is for you, who can stand against you?), the actions you take towards the goal will be completed with an attitude of gratitude whereby no matter what happens, you will seek the learning that comes along the way to the goal, so you will not become a victim, or give up. Instead, you will dance with whatever happens, knowing that there is something in every negative that you can turn into a positive. The goal is in line with your purpose, and your mission, and it will help you achieve your vision. And your values and your beliefs are supporting you in achieving this goal. The timing for the goal might under-estimated or over-estimated, but there should be no doubt that you will achieve the goal. Why? Because a healthy goal will be too important for you to ever give up on. Do not buy into any illusions that you are not a consistent goal achiever. In reality you are a consistent goal achiever. I bet you can consistently achieve goals that are important to you. Whether your goal is meeting someone on time, looking smart when you head out for dinner, teaching your child something, fixing your car, making a cake, exercising regularly, beating your previous best video game score, getting your drivers license, or organizing a holiday – you consistently set and achieve goals. This is just a subconscious thing we all do. You are already a winner! You consistently set and achieve goals probably without noticing or appreciating them. Persistent success comes when you setting goals that are so in line with who you are that there is no alternative than to achieve the goal…it just become a question of time.

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Health can be achieved with a considerable amount of work, and yet without much straining and tortured effort. Instead, they will be accomplished with ease and grace as this client experienced: “After a few months of coaching I was excelling in all areas. I had become one of the youngest managers in a city Flight Centre store, paid off my overseas holiday debt, and still had the finances to move into a lovely modern apartment with my boyfriend, complete with floorboards and city views from both bedroom and bathroom (a "goal on the side" !) The domino affect has also taken place in each of my goals. Each goal reached helps the next goal to be reached etc! The place I’m in now is perfect, I feel really complete and happy with everything I’m doing, everything I have done, and everything I still want to achieve.” Kristy M.

And the next level of this model will also help you…in ways you cannot imagine!

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The Quality Of Your Life Is Determined By The Quality Of The Questions You Ask. The school system judged our ability to listen and learn a number of academic subjects such as English and Mathematics and Spelling. That is such a small part of what humans are capable of that it almost a joke to consider it as any measure of our competence. Many people who completely “failed” in the school system have achieved outstanding results. You should not let your school experience make you doubt that there is a genius inside you, just as a client noticed the genius inside me:

" You helped me move a mountain today. I can see the genius is at work in you. I have notice a change inside myself. Clarity is ruling my speeding mind and where there was no motivation at one time is now a flaming passion of enthusiasm. I have shifted into a higher level and quite surprised at the level of action I am achieving in one day. My desires in life are coming true and it is all because I have a coach who understands the process of helping me shift. If you’re willing to be true to yourself then a session with Lee is what you need.” Leanne P.

In some ways, the exam system may be seen to be against us because as humans, we are most capable creators. However, the things that we create can only be subjectively evaluated. For example, some people will hate what I’ve written here and pick holes in the grammar and English. Some people will love it as it gives them great insights and understanding. A teacher grading this as an essay in school might fail me if grammar and English is important, or give me a distinction if content is more important to them. Either way, the subjective judgment of others is not important. What is important is that we already have the exact talents we will need to accomplish our mission. Be Intuitive


Ask high quality questions

Have Genius

At this level we want to tap into our genius. Now there’s a provocative word. We are enough, and we have enough, to do whatever we set our hearts on doing. 26 Personal Growth


We can find a way, and any problem is solvable if we seek the right assistance and just ask the right questions. You see, the quality of our questions determines the quality of our lives. Consider the difference in the lives of two people: One person says: Why does this always happen to me? The other says: What can I learn from this? Over time, the second person will clearly have a better life. So as you set out to accomplish your goal, ask yourself some high quality questions, and set down a written plan or some strategies on how you will accomplish the goal. For whilst only a very small percentage of people actually set goals, even less set down a strategy as to how they will accomplish these goals. To help you put a great plan together, ask quality questions like: What obstacles might I encounter, and how will I overcome them? How can I do this more effectively and efficiently? And whenever a challenge comes up ask questions like: What would a genius do in this situation? What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail? What would my hero do? What is my intuition guiding me to do? And if the answers are not forthcoming, then simply ask: Who could help me solve this? With this approach, there is nothing you can’t do. Remember, there is always a next step - a way round, a way though, or a way over any obstacle that comes your way. And often our intuition has more wisdom as to how to do something than we could ever imagine, as this client experienced: 27 Personal Growth


Thanks for your help. I've already noticed a big difference in how I perceive things and my intuition is doing whirly gigs with the recognition it's been getting. Tricia P.

The self actualized person is like a diamond. They have been created under pressure, they are rare, highly valued, reflect light brightly, and hang around with the most influential people. If you really want the goal, because it is aligned with every part of your being, and it is part of a big picture for your life, you too will persist and overcome As someone said, “consistent persistence wears down resistance”. And you will take consistent effective actions…and attract people to support you, which is the final level of the model.

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Actions Speak Loudest To get up every day and do something congruent with the strategy you have determined will accomplish your goals. It will be pretty much impossible for you not to do this, as every part of you will want to do something to achieve that which you truly desire to achieve. Be Present

Do Take Consistent Effective Actions

Have An expanding network of support

The next level of the model gives you a network of support. This is yet another reason why you are going to succeed. All that is required of you now is to consistently take action. And as you will feel empowered, you will consistently take action, and with that consistency, your clarity of purpose, your energy, your enthusiasm, your centeredness, your love, your ability to see abundance everywhere, and the genius that you have started to tap into…well people are simply going to be attracted to all those things.

And because you are consistently taking action, there will be nothing important left undone. No fear of the future, less regrets from the past. And so you will be more and more “present” in situations and with people. You will be in the moment, with every part of your energy applied to the matter at hand. This gives you tremendous power, as most people are not in this state. You can influence them more easily, impress them, attract them and persuade them. And they will want to support you, and help you, and be part of your vision. This is exciting, as you can gather from the experiences of the following client: As my coach, Lee keeps me honest which has been a key factor in enabling me to see the results to date that I have such as quitting smoking within the 2nd coaching session. It's 3 months on since my first coaching session, 2 out of 3 of my initial goals have already been achieved and the 3rd is well on track. It is an empowering experience and a side effect has been that I now feel far more confident in myself and prepared to tackle the "big" dreams.

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With the combination of the Coaching System and the rapport I have developed with Lee the "big" dreams now feel possible, I look forward to each coaching session with anticipation and I am confident of getting there. You might think you can achieve great things without any help, I know because that has been me. This experience is showing me that with the support of a coach such as Lee, I can achieve way more than I ever thought possible, reach for the stars (my stars)... and you've gotta be happy with that!! Miranda C.

---/--So there you have it. A full explanation of the Personal Growth Model. I hope you can see that completing the levels in this model will give back to you more than anything else you could invest your time into. (Please note that whilst I have told you what to do, I have not told you much about how to do it…that would be an entire book in itself.) Completing these steps will lead you to a life of abundance, freedom and fulfillment as this client experienced – much to his surprise: I was very unimpressed the first time I met Lee. I was attending a free personal development seminar in August 2004. It was towards the end of the seminar when an ordinarylooking guy with a goofy smile came up and started talking to me. Now, I had this mental picture of life coaches as these larger than life TV informercial salesmen who could motivate you to jump off a bridge. So I was shocked when I found out that this nerdy-looking bloke was one of the coaches running the seminar. Lee was his name and he asked me to give him the chance to coach me. Thinking I would regret the decision, I signed up Lee to coach me for 6 months. At the time I was working at a job that was completely BRAIN DEAD, at least for me. I had no experience with life coaching or anything of that sort before. All I knew was that I didn't want to look back in a year's time and STILL BE DOING THE SAME THING. Lee made a BOLD promise to me, that at the end of 6 months, my life would be measurably better. He promised me that I would be making more money, have more spare time, and have more luck with girls. Ok, he didn't promise that last bit, but I was thinking it at the time. Lee would give me some inspirational pep talks that would make me work harder. He gave me some eye-opening and insightful ideas about how to make He even had some exclusive social networks that I tapped into. But looking back on it, all of that was INSIGNIFICANT. The most IMPORTANT and LASTING thing I got out of working with Lee was the methodology that produces concrete ACTION steps to create what I wanted out of my life. Lee helped me discover what I must do and he made sure I DID those things...and keep on doing them.

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I can't put it any simpler than that. You are going to ask the inevitable question, what happened after the 6 months? At the end of the 6th month I had my first company generating enough cashflow that I decided to quit my job and focus on my business. Within 12 months I had my second business generating more profit than my first. During those 12 months, I accumulated over 100,000 frequent flyer points...on holiday travel, I was flying off for weeks at a time. I moved into a penthouse apartment overlooking Manly beach. I started my third business 13 months later, my first two businesses at this point were on automatic (and no, it wasn't MLM). I am not saying this to impress you, I am just describing what happened. Even after Lee stopped coaching me, I am still applying the lessons I learnt from him. Because Lee taught me a systematic way of HOW to be successful. Thanks Lee, you are a phenomenal coach! P.S. During one of my coaching sessions with Lee, I mentioned that I had met this incredibly gorgeous woman (on one of my overseas holidays). I was whining about the long distance, and how it would never work out. Well Lee wasn't letting me fool myself with excuses. Meeting her again, immediately, became a top priority on my action list. Today, she is my incredibly gorgeous wife. G.S.

Now I hope from all the experiences of my clients you can see how powerful coaching can be. It is truly life transforming. Tennis coaching begins even when you can't hit the ball. Personal growth coaching begins even if you feel you "don't have the time", or "don't have the money". You benefit from coaching immediately. This is the best time to begin coaching, learn how to get the basics handled, and then set yourself up for an incredible 2011. Maybe you are interested in giving coaching a go? If you are then that’s great, but be prepared because there are at least two disempowering beliefs that will potentially get in your way, so let’s have a look at them.

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1. I can’t afford it. 2. I don’t have time. Often the people I coach are well educated, well paid and well informed. However, there are also university students, unemployed people, truck drivers, single mums and other people who you might think are unlikely to get coaching. There is one reason why they make it happen: they truly want the best lives they can have and they are determined to find a way to get there…no matter what they or anyone else might think or say or do…they just want the best for themselves. They see Personal Growth Coaching as a very special investment in their future…one that will generate fantastic returns for their whole lives. They recognize that coaching can focus on any area of life that needs assistance right away, including addressing a perceived lack of time or money. They believe that changes can happen very fast as indeed they can: Within the first coaching session with Lee, my whole business started turning around. He assisted me in various areas of my business helping me with goals and my own personal aspirations as well. His coaching literally changed my life path and I will remain grateful for the work I did with him." Lisa N

Their empowering beliefs before they even begin coaching allow them to take the first step in the directions of their dreams. Right now, you may feel cautious, fearful, skeptical, tired, bored, inspired, enthusiastic, hopeful, or optimistic. Your feelings right now should not matter as much as your ability to make a decision that benefits you, and take immediate action from that decision regardless of how you feel. I encourage you to look at the beliefs in your mind right now…and see if they are empowering or disempowering you. If they are disempowering you, then you definitely need some help. If your beliefs are empowering you, then it’s time to take action and bring your dreams into reality more quickly.

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READERS SPECIAL OFFER: I am bringing a stream of people into my coaching business using this book as a prospecting tool. My goal is to train selected coaches on my systems and give them access to this stream of clients to work with. This will enable us to transform the lives of millions of people. So here’s the deal. I am willing to give some readers an exceptional, FREE coaching experience that could totally redefine your idea of how you can quickly become successful with the help of the right people.

I should, however, alert you to four things: 1. For those of you who are thoroughly versed in ALL the methods, mindsets, concepts, strategies and techniques of personal development, this coaching session would merely be an astounding and significant review process (that would - profoundly "up" your game). But for anyone who only understands some fraction of what I have shared here- or for people who yet to grasp how to best use and apply these ideas – this coaching session could prove --priceless! 2. I promise you'll receive a brilliant and generous dose of skillfully explained education and high performance personal growth coaching. However, please understand that - towards the end, I WILL extend a commercial proposition to coach you personally/privately and successfully for 26 - 52 weeks. So if that offends you, please do not take up this offer. Of course, you're under zero obligation to accept our proposition, and my bullet proof “no results, no fee guarantee” will apply to the offer. 3. You must qualify if you want me to wave the normal $195 fee. So if you're NOT committed to realizing the life of your dreams - please DO NOT contact us because you won't be accepted. 4. Finally, please do not apply unless you are prepared to attend. People who get accepted for a free coaching session - but do not attend WILL be charged the full $195 fee. We must stipulate that commitment before we accept you because this is a critically important coaching session, and we spend time preparing for it, and you get the space ahead of someone else. We need you to show up and experience the session critically and completely. 33 Personal Growth


Then, whether or not you decide to seek out our long-term coaching, - we still need your feedback, constructive criticism and your "ah ha's!"….fair enough? I resolutely believe that anyone qualified to participate - who experiences this session with a wide-eyed, open mind - will come away with a "treasure trove" of previously unknown (or previously misunderstood) breakthrough concepts. This one session alone, could be the basis for getting unstuck or "hurtling" your life more quickly towards your dreams so it is a priceless experience. My express goal for creating this booklet and the first coaching session is to help turn you into a powerful person who goes after your heartfelt dreams. I hope we'll have the opportunity to reshape your life, if not through long term coaching - then at least through the powerful impact this dramatic, mindshifting coaching session will produce. I can promise you that this 1 ½ hour session will definitely change the way you look and think about your life and the entire world. If you have decided to give it a go, do THIS-only, and do it immediately: Click here now to receive your first coaching session free. On the email, please include the following information: 1. Your name. 2. The main thing that you would want from your session to make it extremely valuable. (That’s right, we will demonstrate the power of coaching for you by working with you on anything you like!) 3. All contact numbers (day/night/cell phone, fax, address). IF we have a free coaching space available, we will call you back within 24 business hours to explore your suitability and arrange a time that suits you and your coach. If we do not have a free spot, then we will put you on our waiting list and call you when a free slot opens up. BUT, if you don't provide all the information requested, you will not receive a call back.

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All this may seem a bit dramatic and over the top, but our ongoing challenge is to find people at the exact moment in time when they finally decide they truly want to go after their dreams…and by pass the time wasting, not committed, uncertain, too afraid tire kickers. This book is going viral and being shared around, so we have a lot of demand and only have a limited amount of time and space for free sessions. (Did anyone have a limiting belief: Oh, ok, in that case, I won’t bother because I probably won’t get in?) Don’t want to take a chance, or wait in a queue? For those of you who, like me, trust your intuition, don’t want to take a chance on their dreams, or waste time in a queue, please click below: I am ready to invest in my dreams right away. Again, please provide the following information: Your name and all contact numbers (day/night/cell phone, fax, address). If you already clicked the link above, then we just need your name. We are very serious about helping people (and having fun doing it!) so we hope we have, in some way, already helped you. There are many people who can benefit from this information so please feel free to email this book to the people you care about and help us transform our world. Namaste!

With love and light,

Lee Brogden

Master Coach , Founder, & CEO of Personal Growth

PS Readers or this material will receive priority coaching bookings.

35 Personal Growth


PPS Your time has been wasted reading this UNLESS you are determined to take action to transform your life.

Now is the time to take action!

Click here now to receive your first coaching session free. or Click here if you are ready to invest in your dreams right away.

36 Personal Growth


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