R egent U niversity
Spring/Summer 2008
Peru’s Hope School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship Creates a Culture of Entrepreneurialism in Peru
Divinity Training Beyond the Pulpit New Center Ignites a Passion for Math & Science
Study Law in the holy land Summer Program in Israel June 10-30, 2008
tudy law in the Holy Land through the Regent University School of Law Summer Program in Israel. Enjoy courses in Qur’anic and biblical law and on the legal environment of Israel. Classes will be taught on campus at the University of Haifa and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The program also includes tours of northern and central Israel. Dr. Joseph Kickasola Professor, Joint Appointment Regent University School of Law & Robertson School of Government Robert Ash Assistant Professor Regent University School of Law Dr. Jay Sekulow Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) Chief Counsel of the European Center for Law and Justice
Register today: 757.226.4040 www.regent.edu/israelprogram Also, learn about Regent Law’s Strasbourg Study Abroad Program: www.regent.edu/strasbourg
spring | summer 2008
{Features} Hope 14 Peru’s Regent University’s School of Global Leadership &
Entrepreneurship (GLE) is preparing a new generation of Peruvian business leaders. Thousands of Peru’s young men and women see hope on their horizon.
20 Divinity training doesn’t always lead to the pulpit. A Divine Trend?
Three Regent School of Divinity graduates, Sujuan Johnson, Tad Agoglia and Kim Grom, reflect this growing ministry trend.
a Passion for Math and Science 24 Igniting A critical need for qualified math and science teachers has led Regent’s School of Education to establish the Martinson Center for Mathematics and Science, a resource dedicated to proving that teaching and learning math and science can be fun.
{Departments} 2 Chancellor’s Message 3 Thoughts on the Matter Hollywood screenwriter and Regent alumnus Matt Sommer reviews the Academy Awards of 2008 from a redemptive film perspective.
4 UpFront Special Events: The fifth annual Clash of the Titans® debate brought Charlie Rose, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove, Max Cleland and Barry McCaffrey to Regent. This year, Regent’s Executive Leadership Series featured internationally recognized leadership expert John C. Maxwell, renowned film producer David Kirkpatrick, executive director of the Virginia Port Authority Jerry A. Bridges, and political consultant and FOX News commentator Dick Morris. News & Notes: Regent University’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team helps to establish a program that will prepare Ukrainian orphans for independent living. Promise Keepers and Regent University partner to train men around the globe. Regent hosts the National Christian Forensics Competition for home-educated students.
28 Alumni News 30 School Updates 32 Class Notes 38 Who’s Publishing 40 EndNote Cover Photo By Chayo Saldarriaga
Associate Professor of Government Dr. Robert D. Stacey explores the lost art of statesmanship.
s p r i n g | s u m mer 2008
{Chancellor’s Message}
enjamin Franklin once said, “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning.” As we approach our 30th anniversary this fall, Regent University continues to enjoy spiritual and academic growth and progress on many levels. How do we measure improvement, achievement and success? Here are just a few measures of our growth: s S piritual formation tops the list of our priorities. Our schools have increased and improved the integration of spiritual formation and biblical integration into our programs. The School of Undergraduate Studies has particularly focused on this as a growth area as they rapidly expand on-campus and online programs. s Having doubled our enrollment since 2000 to 4,228 current students, we see an increased demand for high-quality Christian education. Surveys and research tell us that our motto, Christian Leadership to Change the World, remains the primary draw and that the reputation of our alumni, faculty and programs is excellent. s The Online Education Database (OEDb) ranks Regent’s School of Undergraduate Studies number seven among the nation’s universities as an online education provider. Four new associate’s degrees in business, Christian studies, interdisciplinary studies, and psychology are launching to meet the demand for expanded bachelor’s degree programs, with more new programs in the pipeline. s Currently 175 students are studying with us from 42 countries, and we will announce an expansion of our international focus in the fall as part of a 10-year plan to improve our global impact. But behind the numbers are the real-life stories of our people—men and women who serve faithfully as leaders in their communities, churches, schools, businesses and even other nations. In this issue of Christian Leader, you will read about our partnership with the Peruvian government and the thousands of young entrepreneurs who are being trained by Regent to become their nations’ best hope for the future. The School of Education has expanded its programs to include math and science through the new Martinson Center for Mathematics and Science and through a local partnership with Norfolk Public Schools. These programs, supported by donor contributions and government grants, help Regent provide strong teachers in these critical areas. And finally, alumni from the School of Divinity prove that the pulpit isn’t the only place a divinity degree can take you. As always, we are blessed by our alumni and friends who support us so faithfully. Your support fuels a legacy that the Lord has ordained. Blessings,
Dr. M. G. “Pat” Robertson, Chancellor and President, Regent University
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
Spring/Summer 2008 Sherri Stocks Assistant Vice President of Marketing & Public Relations sstocks@regent.edu 757.226.4843 Patrick Wright Creative Director patrwri@regent.edu 757.226.4387 Devorah Nelson Managing Editor devonel@regent.edu 757.226.4063 Judy Baker Editor & Copywriter judibak@regent.edu 757.226.4307
Sandy West Production Manager Brook Chalfant Traffic Manager & Associate Copy Editor Graphic Designers Francisco Afanador, Nicole Knight, Kristy Henry Chris Decker, Ben Hamrick Photographers Francisco Afanador, Bob Anders, Joseph Calandra, Álvaro Dávila, David Edmonson, Lolo Lamas, Kelly Lee, Brian Main, Chayo Saldarriaga, Patrick Wright Illustrators Doug Thompson, Patrick Wright Contributing Writers Judy Baker, APR; Brook Chalfant; Bobbie Fisher; Sarah Hamilton; Karen Haywood Queen; Mindy Hughes, APR; Cheryl McKay; Matt Sommer;
{ } To submit letters, report corrections or make inquiries email Christian Leader, at christianleader@regent.edu.
Items for the Class Notes section should be identified by class year and school and sent to the Regent University Office of Alumn Relations, 1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, or you may email them to christianleader@regent.edu.
Regent University’s Christian Leader is published each fall and spring by the university’s Creative Marketing Department, free of charge, for alumni and friends of the university. Regent University admits students without discrimination on the basis of race, color, disability, gender, religion or national or ethnic origin. Regent University is certified by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to operate campuses within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Regent University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404.679.4500 for questions about the accreditation of Regent University. Opinions expressed in Christian Leader are those of individuals and do not necessarily represent the views of Regent University’s board, faculty, administration or staff. Regent University accepts news submissions from readers but reserves the right to edit based upon clarity, length and content. The university may decline to print material at its discretion.
{Thoughts on the Matter} Alumni Commentary
Atonement at the Oscars by Matt Sommer
very year I look for atonement at the Academy Awards. Wait—it was there this year. Actually the film by that name should have been called Atonement … Not! (More on that later.) I look for the screen gems that bring moments of grace in what is often a fourhour adoration of futility. For being the pinnacle of Hollywood, the Oscar films have been very unHollywood of late. Translation: the Academy rarely nominates films with happy endings; the Oscars tend to be reserved for “serious” films about the human condition. Now I certainly don’t want to turn a blind eye to humanity’s moral predicament. A bold look at tragedy can have a sobering effect. But filmmakers … please! … don’t leave us stewing in it. There is a flip side. The fact is, grace always seems to get an invite and sometimes even wins an award. So here, for your consideration, is my red carpet rollout of quite a different set of nominees. (Spoiler Alert: I give away some of the story beats.) Achievement in Justice Michael Clayton Clooney’s Clayton finds a moral compass—that truly is golden. The symbolism of the horses running free is parabolically brilliant. American Gangster - Detective ultimately defends the very man he brought to justice. Beyond
Best Performance by a Demon Daniel Day-Lewis - There Will Be Blood - Beyond the blatant Christian bashing (pun intended), in the end we’re to believe pure evil overcomes the real villain? C’mon. That would be the nature of evil to think it could. Javier Bardem - No Country for Old Men - What? Tommy Lee Jones doesn’t get the bad guy? Not the point. The Coen brothers create a character right out of Ecclesiastes: “The race is not to the swift … or the strong … but time and chance happen to them all.” A car crash masterfully foreshadows the killer’s ultimate fate.
Doug Thompson
the blood and guts, that’s the real guts of the story. Achievement in Grace Juno - A redemptive tour de force. If you get hung up on the characters’ failings, you’ll miss the real character of the film, which is pure joy. Ratatouille - A veritable banquet table of goodness. Best Performance by a Tragedy in a Nonredemptive Role Atonement - A virtuoso examination of hopelessness. My heart didn’t ache for the characters as much as the filmmakers. Like prisoners in a cell, they know every inch of love denied. Ultimately, even the characters’ attempts
at atonement proved to be fictional—a lie. There Will Be Blood The Gospel if it weren’t true. It’s how the dark side views Christians: greedy, hypocritical, manipulative—and needing to be destroyed. Best Performance by Real Human Beings The Entire Town - Lars and the Real Girl - The girl may be unreal but his fears aren’t. It takes the patient love of the whole town to help a tortured soul find truth and hope again. Ruby Dee - American Gangster - She tells it like it is when no one else can—a voice crying in a wilderness of corruption.
Best Performance by an Angel Hal Holbrook - Into the Wild - In a movie that makes 20somethings cheer and 40somethings cringe, Holbrook’s character is a shining light. His affection is as fervent as the fire he has come through. Ellen Page - Juno - Okay, so she got pregnant out of wedlock. But her gift in the end was no accident. And the winner is? … Let the reader decide. If you allow your heart to look close enough, grace did show up. And true to its nature, its presence was entirely unexpected. •
Matt Sommer ’83 (Communication & the Arts) and his wife, Jan, live in southern California where, other than on Oscar night, they express their strongest ideas in script form.
s p r i n g | s u m mer 2008
{UpFront} Special Events
Democracy’s Great Debate
Four respected leaders debate the question: Should America Bring Democracy to the World?
believe in democracy. He then asked, “Should America bring democracy to the world?” “Yes!” replied Rove, who answered first. Quoting Harry Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt, he noted that in 1950 only 22 democracies existed in the world. In 1974, there were 40, and in 2007, there were 143 free or partially free democracies. McCaffrey prefaced his answer by declaring himself a Christian committed to workable democracy. He supported the invasions of
Patrick wright
he question raised at Regent University’s fifth annual Clash of the Titans® was bound to provoke passionate debate: “Should America bring democracy to the world?” The capacity crowd that filled the Main Theatre in Regent’s Communication & Performing Arts Center on October 26, 2007, wasn’t disappointed. Four of the most knowledgeable minds in the country tackled the question: Jeb Bush, former Governor of the State of Florida; Karl Rove, former senior advisor to
Charlie Rose moderates participants Jeb Bush, Karl Rove, Max Cleland and Barry McCaffrey as they debate America’s international roll.
President George Bush; Max Cleland, former Senator and terrorism expert; and Barry McCaffrey, retired fourstar general and terrorism analyst. Emmy-winning public television and radio journalist Charlie Rose moderated. Rose introduced the panelists, honoring all as patriots, acknowledging that all
Afghanistan and Iraq, and likened the question to whether America should return the draft: “It’s a parallel question because it underlies our political philosophy.” He urged patience when introducing an alien concept like democracy to foreign countries. Bush agreed that America has a responsibility to
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engage those who struggle for freedom because “if the United States doesn’t do it, who will?” He noted that supporting democracy isn’t done in isolation or against national security interests. Bush also reminded the audience that today’s world is a dangerous place. Cleland earned the heartiest laugh of the afternoon when he gently jeered Rove, noting that they were both looking for work. He posited that America should bring democracy to the world—but by example, not by force. He quoted John F. Kennedy, Colin Powell and Ralph Waldo Emerson, urging selfless service with military intervention only when America’s own survival is threatened. The panelists were given the opportunity to question each other, spurring a heated exchange. All acknowledged wanting America to be a beacon of hope to the world, but differed on the proper approach. For McCaffrey, the U.S. has been compromised by its continued presence in Iraq. Bush cited a spring 2007 poll indicating that Iraqis prefer their current situation to the former regime, urging U.S. forces to stay. Cleland noted that the best thing America can do is lead by example. He queried McCaffrey about the state of the Army, noting that resources are rapidly being burned out, and families are being destroyed with some
troops on their fourth tours. McCaffrey garnered the biggest applause of the afternoon when he noted that while some of the troops shouldn’t be in Iraq, 90 percent of them are courageous and well led. But he cautioned that they are quickly “coming apart.” After a series of audience questions, Rose concluded the questioning by asking what article in the U.S. Constitution authorizes America to spread democracy. Cleland quoted the preamble, “to provide for the common defense.” McCaffrey noted the prohibition to “beware of foreign entanglements.” Rove cited the democratic parliamentary government established in Iraq and recent elections, and urged staying the course. McCaffrey noted that Iraqis aren’t searching for freedom; they’re searching to overcome their enemies. Bush cited America’s moral imperative to aid the starving and the wrongfully incarcerated. Cleland reminded the audience, “In good conscience, with history as our judge, we need to ask for God’s guidance.” Fittingly, the last word went to the moderator. Rose thanked the panelists and Regent University for the opportunity to present disparate opinions. “We are all united in a love of country,” he said. “Democracy burns in our hearts and history. There is and ought always to be the battle of ideas—and we must listen.” •
Success. Legacy. Preparation. Politics. Regent’s Executive Leadership Series draws record attendance.
egent University’s popular Executive Leadership Series (ELS) has grown into a premier event. Since 2005, it has attracted more than 4,100 business and community leaders to monthly luncheons featuring some of the region’s and nation’s most influential people. This year’s lineup provided attendees with leadership insights from several diverse speakers representing the worlds of business, entertainment and politics. John C. Maxwell, internationally recognized leadership expert whose organization has trained more than two million leaders worldwide, kicked off the 200708 series, speaking to more than 500 people about success. Before identifying the characteristics of highly successful people, Maxwell said you must first define success. He offered three criteria: knowing your purpose in life, growing to your maximum potential in that “strength zone” and sowing seeds that benefit others. Maxwell emphasized the importance of “adding value” to the lives of others. “Ninety percent of people wake up and think only about what matters to them.” Instead, he advised living by the words of Robert Louis Stevenson, who said, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.” October gave leaders an opportunity to hear from
Fall 2007 Executive Leadership Series guest speakers (left to right): leadership expert John C. Maxwell, Hollywood producer David Kirkpatrick, Virginia Port Authority Executive Director Jerry A. Bridges, and political consultant and FOX News commentator Dick Morris.
renowned film producer David Kirkpatrick. With a witty, heartfelt presentation, he shared lessons learned during 30 years in the film industry. “We must think about our legacy, and we need to make a difference while we can in a world that really needs our leadership,” he said. Kirkpatrick, whose legacy includes some of the most highly acclaimed and highestgrossing movies produced in recent decades, used behindthe-scenes Hollywood vignettes to illustrate his points. He said he was able to stay true to his artistic convictions by making movies such as Forrest Gump, Ghost, Beverly Hills Cop and Raiders of the Lost Ark despite the doubts and opposition of other executives. Throughout his presentation, Kirkpatrick discussed the concept of sustainability. “It’s vital to elevate yourself beyond yourself to create sustainability,” he advised. “You need to understand that your gift comes from a sustainable value. We need to look for
a return on our investment that’s outside of ourselves.” November brought one of Hampton Roads’ own leaders to the ELS stage, as Jerry A. Bridges, executive director of the Virginia Port Authority, shared details of the port’s growth potential. Currently, Virginia is the third largest port on the Atlantic seaboard, behind New York and Savannah. Bridges predicted that Virginia will overtake Savannah next year. Respecting the past and preparing for the future are marks of leadership that Bridges puts into practice in his position. “The leaders of the Virginia Port Authority who came before built a great asset in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and we plan to take it to the next level,” Bridges says. “Virginia represents the future of the maritime business on the East Coast. We are poised to become the number one gateway for international cargo.” Sharing insights from a political expert in December
was a timely choice for Regent with the Presidential primaries slated in early 2008. Although he predicted that Senator Hillary Clinton will likely win the 2008 Presidential election, political consultant and FOX News commentator Dick Morris also said the Republicans can defeat her by properly framing the issue of terrorism. Morris provided a detailed analysis of changing demographics, new voting patterns and the status of economic and social issues that point toward the nation electing a Democrat in 2008. However, Morris also explained why Clinton’s agenda will be detrimental to the nation, outlining the downsides of a national health insurance program, higher taxes, amnesty for illegal immigrants and weakening of the Patriot Act. Regent’s 2008 ELS schedule offers another engaging roster of speakers who will continue to serve as a firstclass resource for business and community leaders.• s p r i n g | s u m mer 2008
Orphan’s Promise Regent’s SIFE team, CBN and the Center for Entrepreneurship provide employment and life skills.
of them, will never make it into adulthood successfully. They are destined for a life of crime, drug abuse, alcohol, prostitution, suicide or jail. We are trying to change that.” SIFE has partnered with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Orphan’s Promise; Regent’s Center for Entrepreneurship (RCE); and Shvydko, a popular fast food company in Kiev, Ukraine, to prepare orphans for a successful independent life after leaving the orphanage. SIFE’s training program offers online English language tutoring via Skype, computer education, employment and life skills classes. “The internship program we’re developing is designed
to equip the orphans with the tools and training they need to transition from their lives in the orphanage to full independent living,” says Simisolar Komolafe, one of two Regent students who has spent time in the Ukraine working on this project for her student internship program at Regent. Komolafe and Feyisara Alayande, both Regent students and members of SIFE, are preparing a training manual to teach Ukrainian orphans and businesses. The manual will employ the principles of teamwork, conflict resolution, servant leadership and customer service. “I can’t imagine what a life would be like with no hope,” says Komolafe. “I am so glad
“Our motto here at Regent is Christian Leadership to Change the World. Students don’t have to wait to graduate to change the world.”
photo courtesy of Regent sife
ixteen is a magical number for most teens. The celebration of one’s 16th birthday is a momentous occasion, looked forward to with much anticipation. Rianna, however, dreads it. Her 16th birthday will mean leaving the orphanage she has called home her entire life and finding another place to live. It could also mean becoming homeless because, with little education, she has no job prospects that will enable her to provide for herself. But an exciting new program, Orphan’s Promise, has been designed specifically to help Ukrainian orphans, like Rianna, by providing them employment internships along with life skills development. Now Rianna has hope. She is one of over 100,000 orphans in Ukraine, and while she has no idea what she’s going to do, there’s one thing Rianna is certain of: she does not want to become another depressing statistic. Like others who age out of the orphanage, she could become trapped in a downward spiral of drugs, prostitution and jail. Before orphans in Ukraine turn 18, 10 percent of them will commit suicide. Sixty percent of the girls will end up in prostitution, and 70 percent of the boys will turn to crime to survive. Few, only 27 percent, will find work. “The future is very bleak for Ukrainian orphans,” says Dr. Shauna Tonkin, director of SIFE and Sam Walton Fellow. “Most of these orphans, approximately 80 to 90 percent
Regent University’s SIFE team and SIFE team leaders Dr. Shauna Tonkin and Dr. Gregory Stone.
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
we are able to do something to offer the orphans in Ukraine a brighter future. This program we’ve prepared for them can change their lives.” “Our motto here at Regent is Christian Leadership to Change the World,” explains Tonkin. “Students don’t have to wait to graduate to change the world. SIFE engages students like Simi and Feyi even before they graduate.” SIFE’s work in Ukraine also models the principles of corporate and social responsibility, teamwork and work ethics shared between SIFE, RCE and Ukrainian business owners. “We came into Ukraine at the right time,” Tonkin explains. “Until recently, there wasn’t much understanding or desire for corporate responsibility in giving something back to their communities. It just was not part of their corporate ethos. Now, they are interested in this.” “They see the need and want to help the orphans,” says Komolafe. “As these orphans receive on-the-job training through our program, they will learn responsibility, independence and become skilled for future long-term employment opportunities.” Following the success of this program in Kiev, SIFE plans to develop a model that can be applied to other orphanages. SIFE also intends to expand the program worldwide so other orphans can look toward their future with hope.•
Teachers of the Year
ß The School of Law’s Moot Court Team took first place
Kelly Lee
tudents and alumni from Regent University’s School of Education (SOE) are using their leadership abilities to impact the community and the next generation. This fall, more than 400 people participated in Regent University’s ninth annual Salute to Teachers event—designed to honor and recognize Teachers of the Year in school districts across Virginia. Forty-nine Regent SOE students and alumni won Teacher of the Year awards for the Hampton Roads area: representing schools from Chesapeake, Hampton, Isle of Wight, Newport News, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach and York County. Dr. Alan Arroyo, dean of the School of Education says this is a reflection of Regent SOE faculty’s commitment to provide a quality training program for teachers. “The school’s faculty members have exemplary records in the field as teachers, administrators and published
BRIEFLY honors in the William B. Spong National Moot Court Tournament sponsored by the College of William & Mary School of Law, February 15 and 16, besting law schools that included the University of Virginia, University of Cincinnati and South Texas College of Law. ß Regent’s online
(left to right) Salute to Teachers 2008 keynote speaker Dr. John Chenault (Teacher of the Year 06-07), School of Education Dean Dr. Alan Arroyo, and scholarship winner Angela Smith and her husband.
researchers,” the dean notes. “They are in the schools consulting with teachers and administrators as well as observing students. They are on state and national advisory boards and understand what is needed in the curriculum to develop competent, caring and qualified educators.” In addition to local awards, SOE students and alumni are gaining a national recognition. Sharon Byrdsong, Ed.D. candidate, and Dr. Doreatha White ’02 are Norfolk principals who have been
undergraduate program has been ranked number seven in the nation by the Online
recognized for bringing about positive transformation within their schools. Byrdsong, principal of Azalea Gardens Middle School, won National Middle School Principal of the Year in 2006. In 2007, White’s school, Dreamkeepers Academy, was selected as a Virginia Title 1 Distinguished School and became recipient of Fordham University’s National School Change Award. These awards demonstrate a leadership goal: to produce outstanding educators for generations to come. •
Education Database (OEDb), a national resource providing reviews of 620 programs from 57 accredited online colleges. ß School of Education student Lynnette Nelms was recently recognized by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards for her achievement as a National Board Certified Teacher for the Hampton City Schools District. ß After competing with other top film students in the nation, Regent student Sheryl Fountain (Communication & the Arts) was accepted
Regent Pioneers Counseling Program
to the 2008 Cannes Film
egent University has the distinction of becoming the first university in the nation to receive accreditation for an online doctoral program in counselor education and supervision. Regent received this and two other accreditations from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). The
at Cannes—the premiere
additional accreditations are in the community counseling and school counseling master’s degrees. All three programs received accreditation for an eight-year period through March 31, 2016. “This unique program offers world-class, worldwide instruction to future counselor educators,” says Dr. Rosemarie Hughes, dean of the School of
Psychology & Counseling. “And the CACREP accreditation of this innovative program marks an important milestone in the counseling profession.” According to a letter from CACREP, “Programs receiving accreditation for an eightyear period deserve to be commended for the work they completed throughout the accreditation process.”•
Program, which will involve an internship this March film festival in France. ß Current cross-categorical teaching student Nicole Harper won the Teacher of the Year award from the Diagnostic, Adjustive and Corrective Center, a specialneeds school that serves preschoolers in Portsmouth.
s p r i n g | s u m mer 2008
A Promising Partnership Photo Courtesy of Promise Keepers
Regent University and Promise Keepers join together to transform men’s lives.
Since 1996, more than four million men have attended Promise Keepers events across the country.
taying true to its mission of transforming the lives of men, Promise Keepers (PK) has embarked on new initiatives to extend its reach to more men in more engaging ways. And now, Regent University has partnered with PK to support that mission. “This partnership is a perfect fit for us. We train Christian leaders for the future and so does Regent. Both organizations are about transforming people’s lives worldwide,” says Dr. Tom Fortson, PK CEO. “That’s what we’re all about, and we want PK men to know the valuable resource that Regent can be in their lives.”
PK is an evangelical ministry dedicated to introducing men to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith, with a strong focus on uniting men to become an influence in the world. Regent is a financial supporter of PK events, where the university will have a visible presence, working with PK to develop leaders who will bring change to their families, businesses and communities. “We fully support Promise Keepers’ vision and strategy,” says Sherri Stocks, assistant vice president of Regent University marketing and public relations. “We hope to be their trusted leadership training partner and
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
educational resource. Our combined efforts will result in more opportunities for men to develop spiritually and professionally.” In 2008, PK will hold its popular rallies in seven cities across the country, with the theme, “Manhood: Let the Truth be Told.” “Today, we live in a very relativistic society, with tolerance for just about anything. Men are losing absolute truth,” Fortson explains. “At our events, we go to the bottom line and tell men that truth is known through scripture.” These large rallies, long a PK cornerstone, are just one way
the ministry connects with men. In November 2007, PK successfully debuted a new outreach, PKAdventure, which expands to more locations this year. PKAdventure uses movie theaters for digital cinema events coupled with meaningful community service projects, such as food and clothing drives, building repairs and medical missions. PK has also developed its “4 Core WINs”—“What’s Important Now”—to reinforce its relationships with men. Besides the rallies, PK is developing “single subject” events known as PKSelect that will roll out in 2009. Also, its technology portal
and web content are playing greater roles as resources for men around the world. “In the 21st century, we have an opportunity for instant access with men everywhere,” Fortson explains. “Since 1996 our vision has been to see men transformed worldwide, and we’re beginning to position ourselves to do that.” Regent looks forward to a thriving partnership with Promise Keepers.• For more information on PK events, visit www.promisekeepers.org.
11:04 AM
Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper PROMISE 1 A Promise Keeper is committed to honoring Jesus Christ through worship, prayer and obedience to God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. PROMISE 2 A Promise Keeper is committed to pursuing vital relationships with a few other men, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises. PROMISE 3 A Promise Keeper is committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical and sexual purity. PROMISE 4 A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values.
PROMISE 5 A Promise Keeper is committed to supporting the mission of his church by honoring and praying for his pastor, and by actively giving his time and resources. PROMISE 6 A Promise Keeper is committed to reaching beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity. PROMISE 7 A Promise Keeper is committed to influencing his world, being obedient to the Great Commandment (see Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:19-20).
Page 2
Register today for one of the National Men’s Conferences and Pastor’s/Leader’s Conferences: June 27-28 August 1-2 August 8-9 August 15-16 September 5-6 September 12-13 September 26-27 November 14-15
Fresno, CA Atlanta, GA Peoria, IL Dallas, TX Cleveland, OH Charleston, WV Ft. Lauderdale, FL Tacoma, WA
866.PROMISE WWW.PROMISEKEEPERS.ORG s p r i n g | s u m mer 2008
*Pastor’s/Leader’s Conferences are 3-4 weeks prior to the National conferences. See website for details.
1996 – Marked the establishment of the Rios Center for Emerging Female Leadership, named for Dr. Elizabeth Rios ’99 (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship). Rios was featured on the cover of Outreach Magazine in fall 2007 for being a “Face of the Future” and noted for her innovation and methodology in empowering women. 11,142 – Regent alumni have graduated from the university as of January 2008. 24 – States, as well as 3 countries, were represented among approximately 200 prospective students who attended Regent’s on-campus spring 2008 Preview Weekend. 1,360 – Feet of ribbon were used to create the finishing touches on the invitations to the School of Communication & the Arts’ Candlelight Forum 2008. An estimated 800 film celebrities, industry professionals, alumni and students were invited to this A-list Hollywood event held in the Directors Guild of America Theatre Complex in early April. 1,047 – Degrees were awarded by Regent in the 2006-2007 school year. 1 Million – Items make up the Regent University Library’s entire collection. This includes books, video and audio recordings, periodicals, special collections and other physical holdings that make the University Library a world-class facility of scholarly purpose and academic integrity.
300 Students Debate World Issues in National Forensics Competition
Joseph Calandra
ore than 300 high school-age students and their families from across the country gathered on the Regent University campus in early February to participate in a spirited debate and speech competition sponsored by the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA). As one of three host sites for national open tournaments this spring, Regent’s School of Undergraduate Studies provided approximately 60 rooms for the competition’s events. This was the first time Regent hosted the event, and according to organizers, the university’s facilities accommodated the competition very well. On the opening night of the competition, students and their families enjoyed an ice cream social after seeing a performance by the popular Regent VIPs— Varsity Improv Players. The NCFCA gives home-schooled students opportunities to learn and exercise analytical and
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
oratorical schools, addressing life from a biblical worldview. Staff from the School of Undergraduate Studies helped facilitate the competition, as well as serving as judges. “As a judge for some of the debates, I was astounded at the depth and breadth of knowledge of contemporary issues facing our nation that these students possessed. These motivated students represent the best and the brightest from around the country,” says Greg Morris, the School of Undergraduate Studies’ associate dean of enrollment and administration. Indeed, the two debate topics for the NCFCA 2008 competition season have also been discussed among Presidential contenders— “Resolved: That the United States federal government should substantially change its policy on illegal immigration” and “Resolved: That the United States of America ought to more highly value isolationism.” “Students spend months preparing for these debates, clipping news articles, researching topics and
outlining and practicing their arguments,” says Mike Larimer, NCFCA president. “The students take this very seriously and really enjoy the high level of competition.” Students from more than 20 states who ranged in age from 14 to 18 competed in debates, prepared speeches and extemporaneous speeches. Because this was a national open competition, the top two or three students from each of ten events automatically advanced to the NCFCA’s national championship in June, the highest level of competition offered by the organization. “This kind of national event is a big draw for students because of the level of competition, which is typically higher than they experience at the local level. They’re able to hone speech and debate skills that will be invaluable for their adult lives,” explains Larimer. “And they also enjoy the socialization and networking, seeing friends from other states and meeting new friends.” “The students brought a lot of positive energy to the campus, and we were delighted to have them visit us. Seeing them in action on the debate floor really gives a lot of hope for the next generation,” Morris says. “And now that they have experienced Regent, I’m confident that our great university will be on their short list of possible colleges to attend.” For a video clip from this event, visit www.cbn.com/ cbnnews/321048.aspx (available for a limited time). •
Government Chair Wins Templeton Award in the publishing industry, encourage scholars under age 40 to study and understand the global relationship between economics and culture. “Economics is one the most important aspects of contemporary life, yet it is one of the least understood and perhaps most often abused areas of human existence,” Moreno-Riano says. “The Templeton Enterprise award is a powerful endorsement that a change is beginning to take place in society, a change whereby economics will be grounded upon a robust ethical and anthropological foundation. It is an honor for me to be a part of such a significant cultural counter current and to represent Regent University at the forefront of the scholarly
of modern economic theory, humanity and existence. Moreno-Riano received the Templeton Enterprise award at a ceremony in New York City in October 2007. As a result of the award, Moreno-Riano was invited to participate in a symposium on economics and culture with other winners at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., in April. Also, he is collaborating with Dr. Michael Margolis from the University of Cincinnati on a book that explores whether the Internet will have a positive impact on democracy and citizen engagement. The book, with a working title of The Prospect of Internet Democracy, is slated for publication by early 2009. •
Patrick Wright
lthough many people rarely consider the impact of economic theory in their daily lives, a Regent University professor who has made the study of economics a priority recently achieved significant recognition for his work. Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riano, chair of the Government Department in Regent’s School of Undergraduate Studies, won a second-place Templeton Enterprise award for his article “Natural Law and Modern Economic Theory.” These awards are given by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, a national educational organization headquartered in Wilmington, Del. The Templeton Enterprise awards, some of the largest
Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riano
and business community.” Moreno-Riano’s article, published in the Journal of Markets and Morality, defends and advances the importance of natural law for modern economic theory. He asserts that a classical view of natural law—that is, the idea that unchangeable laws of nature govern human behavior—can contribute to the perspective
francisco afanador
Counseling Pioneer Joins Regent Faculty
Dr. Gary R. Collins
ocietal changes are impacting the field of Christian counseling. And who better to explore these changes and their impacts with faculty and students than Christian counseling pioneer Dr. Gary R. Collins, who has joined the
Regent University School of Psychology & Counseling as a distinguished visiting professor. “Having someone of Dr. Collins’ caliber available to our faculty and students will provide deeper insights into the field of Christian counseling,” says Dr. Rosemarie S. Hughes, dean of the school. “He really brings a unique perspective from his many years of experience as a scholar and a working professional.” Collins cofounded the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), the largest organization of its kind in the world, and has written and traveled extensively to promote the integration of
counseling and the Christian faith. Collins, a licensed clinical psychologist with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Purdue University, has authored more than 170 articles and nearly 45 books. His most recent work has been in the area of Christian coaching. He will be working with Regent faculty and students and teaching seminars on these topics. “What’s going on in the field of Christian counseling depends a lot on what’s going on in the world. If, as Christian counselors, we’re going to be relevant, we need to know what’s happening,” Collins explains. “Regent does it better than most schools, but Regent
needs to be cutting-edge and at the forefront, so our students are cutting-edge and relevant.” During a campus visit in January, Collins joined faculty at a retreat to discuss trends that impact counseling, such as the rise of spirituality that’s not associated with formal religion, discoveries in the field of neurobiology regarding the effects of trauma on the brain, innovations in technology, new methods of delivering education and globalization issues. “My goal for my work here is to equip our faculty and students to take creative leadership as future trends, changes and challenges arise,” he says. •
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
In Honor of Ronald Reagan Bob Anders
National scholars address President Reagan’s legacy at the third annual Reagan Symposium.
From Regent’s Main Theatre in the Communication & Performing Arts Center, panelists George H. Nash, James W. Ceaser, Stephen F. Knott, Paul G. Kengor, Andrew Busch, Steven Hayward, Hugh Heclo and Michael Barone discuss Reagan’s impact on American politics.
n the current election cycle, the 2008 presidential hopefuls—from both major political parties—have been quick to compare themselves to former President Ronald Reagan. More than 20 years after leaving office, Reagan’s legacy lives on and continues to be a subject for interpretation. In honor of the 40th president’s multifaceted legacies, Regent University held its third annual Ronald Reagan Symposium on February 1, 2008, attended by more than 450 people interested in exploring Reagan’s place in history. Dr. Charles W. Dunn, dean of Regent’s Robertson School 12
of Government, moderated the discussion among eight noted Reagan scholars. “Critics scoffed at a so-called third-rate actor, but Ronald Reagan now stands like a giant redwood among American presidents,” Dunn says. Reagan scholars and their speaking topics included: • George H. Nash, senior fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal; “Ronald Reagan and American Conservatism” • James W. Ceaser, professor of politics at the University of Virginia; “The Social Construction of Ronald Reagan”
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• Stephen F. Knott, associate professor of political science at the U.S. Naval War College; “Mr. Reagan Goes to Washington” • Paul G. Kengor, executive director for the Center for Vision & Values, and professor of political science at Grove City College; “Reagan’s Legacy: Bush’s Burden” • Andrew Busch, professor of government at Claremont McKenna College; “Three Decades of Reaganism: A Balance Sheet” • Steven Hayward, F.K. Weyerhaeuser fellow at the American Enterprise
Institute; “Is the ‘Age of Reagan’ Over?” • Hugh Heclo, Clarence J. Robinson professor of public affairs at George Mason University; “The Mixed Legacies of Ronald Reagan” • Michael Barone, senior writer for U.S. News & World Report; “Open-Field Politics 2008.” Topics during the daylong event included Reagan’s impact on conservatism, his effectiveness as president, political legacy management, tests for presidential leadership, and differences between George W. Bush and Reagan. “We’re just now entering the time to view Reagan’s legacy
with perspective,” Heclo said, as he discussed several of Reagan’s legacies. “Reagan is more than the sum of the parts, and he will continue to inspire untold generations of people.” Presentations from a previous Reagan symposium have been compiled into a book edited by Dunn, The Future of Conservatism: Conflict and Consensus in the Post-Reagan Era. This annual event is slated to take place again in February 2009. For a full review of the event, visit www.regent. edu/rr_cspan. •
Straw Poll Results Attendees at Regent University’s third annual Reagan Symposium on Friday, February 1, 2008, participated in a presidential straw poll, with the following results.
Republican votes: n Huckabee 39.0% n Romney 33.5% n McCain 14.0% n Paul 6.7%
Democratic votes: n Obama 83.3% n Clinton 8.3%
Independent votes:
n Huckabee 32.1% n McCain 28.6% n Obama 25.0% n Romney 7.1% n Clinton 3.6% n Other 3.6%
More than half of the 500 people attending the 2008 Reagan Symposium cast votes in the straw poll. Ages ranged from teenagers to people 55 and older, who made up more than a quarter of the straw poll voters.
Building a Firm Foundation The future of any university relies to a great extent on the health of its endowment, which is foundational in the financial stability of a university. Several well-known Ivy League schools have endowments in excess of $25 billion. Closer to home, universities like Virginia Tech and Washington & Lee have endowments more than twice the size of Regent’s. Although Regent’s endowment is healthy, it must continue to grow in order to attract the best and the brightest students, faculty and staff, and to secure the long-term future of the university. During periods of economic instability and
Patrick Wright
A university’s endowment secures future growth.
stock market volatility, the endowment can be affected externally and internally. Since the average tuition and fees paid by a student cover only 52 percent of the cost of
his or her Regent education, the remaining 48 percent must come from other sources, including the revenue generated by the endowment and, more importantly, the generous
gifts made to the university. It is the faithful giving of our alumni and friends that supports today’s students and helps to secure Regent’s long-term future. When there is a shortfall in giving by supporters, Regent faces the difficult decision of cutting programs or increasing tuition. All gifts to the university are important, whether great or small. Each gift provides the resources needed to meet the university’s current financial obligations, or to continue building a firm endowment. Through wise and thoughtful investing, the gifts made to Regent will have an enormous impact for years to come. •
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
Peru’s Hope Creating a Culture of Entrepreneurialism in Peru
n any given day, the streets of Lima, Peru, are filled with hurried pedestrians who blur across these streets,
tempting relentless traffic. Drivers maneuver through tiny, seemingly unnavigable spaces, using their horns as often as their brakes. In this city of 9 million, where ancient ruins stand adjacent to 21st-century buildings, the din is frequently pierced by the sound of a siren and the boisterous noise of a growing city. In this country of contrasts, Regent University’s School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship (GLE) is doing extraordinary things. Peru is often cited for its poverty and crime—but it is equally notable for the creativity and resilience of its people. Indeed, it was creativity and resilience that led 3,400 young Peruvian entrepreneurs to find their way to Lima in August 2007 for a Regent-led conference, only days after a devastating earthquake that took 510 lives and destroyed 58,000 homes across the central coast of Peru. Hope is truly beginning to soar in the hearts and minds of many Peruvians.
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By Bobbie Fisher
The impeccably restored 17thcentury Iglesia de San Francisco is among the most spectacular of Lima’s colonial-era churches. It miraculously survived the 1746 earthquake and houses both cloisters s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008 15 and a fine museum of religious art.
All told, 94 young leaders between 25 and 35 attended the nine-month program. The program was voluntary, but participation was absolutely vital. The group met in Lima three times over the course of the program, for two to four days per session. Between visits to Lima, students were given substantive reading and online assignments to complete in their home communities. For students from Lima and the other large cities, it was all in a day’s work—but for those coming to Lima from the jungle, mountain areas and smaller communities hundreds of miles away, it was often a struggle. One singularly [2]
chayo saldarriaga
strategies that Regent’s GLE teaches has been strikingly evident: when the first leadership program was offered in 2003, there were more than 2,500 applications for 90 positions. Recognition of the value of Regent’s program was evident as well, given the high level of support it received. In addition to CONAJU, GLE’s named partners included Peru’s then Vice President Raúl Diez Canseco Terry, founder of PROBIDE, a nongovernment organization that enhances the vision and values of Peru as an entrepreneurial country. Additional partners included the country’s Council of Ministers, and the state-owned petroleum
lolo Lamas
Despite the destruction, it was not desperation that motivated these young Peruvians, but rather hope—the hope for a better life, the hope for a secure future, the hope for a prosperous country. This hope was fueled in part by Kingdom Entrepreneurs, a comprehensive training program designed by GLE to help young leaders create economic growth for the future. To understand the significance of the GLE program and its impact today, you must look at how it began. The Kingdom Entrepreneurs program is part of an extensive GLE development project that builds upon the fruitful relationship between Regent and Peru established in 2003, when GLE partnered with Peru’s National Council for the Youth—Consejo Nacionale de Juventud (CONAJU)—to offer a National Leadership Certificate program, a values-based leadership development and training program for young leaders. The need for such training was evident: like much of Latin America and other cities around the world, Peru suffers from poverty, which contributes to crime, a growing narcotics industry, slower economic growth, low employment and skewed income distribution. Its best and brightest young minds are inheriting economic systems and organizational dynamics that are contrary to success. “The young people of Peru are very creative, and it’s important to educate them and empower them for business, especially now that we have signed the Free Trade Agreement with the United States,” says Alda Mirta Lazo de Hornung, one of the Peruvian Congress’ staunchest supporters of the Kingdom Entrepreneurs and a champion of women’s and children’s issues. “Creating a culture of entrepreneurialism in Peru will be far reaching. Our Secretary of Labor and Promotion of Employment, Dr. Susana Pinilla Cisneros, says that the priority for the government is to give training to empower the people.” The appetite of young Peruvians for the combination of values and
[1] Congresswoman and Pastor Dra. Mirta Lazo de Hornung. [2] A training session at one of the Agua Viva Church locations. [3] A group of Peruvian modular students along with Drs. Sergio Matviuk and Marcela Chaván de Matviuk. company Petroperu and its American partner, Coler & Colantonio, Inc. The leadership program was intense, covering a broad range of topics. There were three stated objectives: › Deliver a values-based leadership program that is culturally sensitive and organizationally effective. › Involve various strategic partners to ensure long-term progress and success. › Overcome geographic challenges through a combination of onsite presentation and online instruction.
16 regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
determined young man caught a ride on the local ambulance when it traveled to a city more than an hour away, just to find an Internet connection to keep up with assignments. For GLE and its partners, it was critical that youth from all across Peru attend the training. “From the government’s perspective, it was important that these young leaders were drawn from every sector—business, government, industrial—and equally important that the training pulled
people from the country as well as the cities,” says Dr. Bruce Winston, dean of the School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship. “That’s a milestone, because often Peruvians outside the large cities are looked on as less qualified or not well positioned to contribute to the country’s economic growth, which produces a genuine sense of exclusion.” In fact, according to 2003 graduates Carlo Valdivia, Alain Rutti and Brenda Garay, that was very much the case at the beginning of the training. “When we first went into the training room, all the young people from Lima sat in the front,” Garay remembers, “and the people from
how to lead by example.” “We were looking for young people who were already in leadership positions and the impact those organizations could have at the national and regional levels,” says Dr. Sergio Matviuk, Doctor of Strategic Leadership program director and assistant professor in the School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship. “We wanted to have a larger impact on society.” The methodology worked: four years later, graduates of the program are enthusiastic about their futures and the future of their country. The blended approach employed at the 2003 training—traditional classroom
“The young people of Peru are very creative, and it’s important to educate them and empower them for business, especially now that we have signed the Free Trade Agreement with the United States.”
chayo saldarriaga
the jungle and the other places sat in the back. It was self-imposed separation.” By the time the session was completed, the groups had integrated themselves, and “we were working together as a very effective team,” says Valdivia. Rutti believes the nature of the coursework contributed to bringing the group together into a cohesive unit: “The first course we took, Ethics and Values, told how Jesus was a leader. People followed him because he inspired strength,” he says. “We learned together
teaching by a team of instructors from Regent and distance learning by computer—allowed both Regent and the Peruvian students to operate in their own environments. For the Peruvians, it meant the opportunity to learn new and complex concepts in their own language. For GLE representatives, it meant being able to monitor assignments online from the campus. By all reckoning, the program was a success at every level. Valdivia, Garay and Rutti acknowledge the difference
the program made in their lives. “I met people from other regions, and found we had similar qualities,” says Garay. “We learned not only new technologies and theories, but also respect for each other.” The numbers bear further witness to its success. Out of 94 participants, all but one graduated. Of those, 90 percent affirmed that learning ethics and principles helped them improve their leadership practices. National response to the program was immediate and gratifying. “The government, the media and Peru’s church communities really got behind what we were doing,” says Winston. Dr. Marcela Chaván de Matviuk, Regent adjunct professor and leadership and program development consultant, adds, “At the graduation ceremony, the national media was there—television and magazines, doing interviews with the students.” The 2007 Kingdom Entrepreneurs project was built on the foundation of Regent University’s strong relationship with Peru. Peru is a typical Latin American country, imprinted with many of the stereotypes associated with patriarchal societies. The commotion on its streets isn’t just vehicular. Vendors stand in medians and race in and out through lanes of traffic, pressing maps, small wooden toys or orange drinks on cars stopped or slowed by congestion. Their urgency is matched by a different sort of street vendor: small children, some no more than 6 or 7 years old, expectantly performing intricate contortions between lanes of oncoming traffic for the few centimos thrown from passing cars. Despite all this, Peru still has the world’s highest percentage of entrepreneurial activity. “Peru has experienced economic growth at the macro level,” explains Dr. Sergio Matviuk. “President Garcia’s goal is to foster entrepreneurship to mitigate unemployment and stimulate microeconomic growth.” Indeed, Garcia was quick to accept Regent’s offer to provide entrepreneurial development training to s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
chayo saldarriaga
“The training was very passionate, . . . I embrace the knowledge that was shared. That’s what Regent training teaches— it’s for the future of Peru. To change the face of Peru.”
chayo saldarriaga
Fifteen hundred Peruvian students meet at a former movie theater, now one of the Agua Viva Church locations, for a GLE session taught by GLE alumnus Oscar Benitez ’92.
young entrepreneurs, business owners and Congress members through the School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship. Dr. Sergio Matviuk was selected to spearhead the program. Working with Dr. Marcela Chaván de Matviuk, GLE staff and various Peruvian institutions, he was charged with designing programs to motivate and equip young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses. For many young Peruvians, it was a difficult concept. “There is a reality of poverty in Peru,” says Daniel Diez Canseco Terry, brother of the former Vice President, and cofounder of PROBIDE. “Peruvians learn many professions, but it’s not easy for them to find jobs. Their mindset—even teachers reinforce it—is to go to school, then go to work in a factory or a store for somebody else. Students don’t realize that they can have their own businesses.” As a consequence, he adds, “Two hundred thousand young people enter the market every year, and the economy can’t sustain them. Only a third find jobs in their professions. Now they’re leaving Peru because of lack of opportunity.” Reversing that trend was one of the goals of Kingdom Entrepreneurs. Doing so in an ethical context was another. The program was elegantly designed to reach as many young Christian entrepreneurs as possible at their own level. The initial
session was held on August 30 and 31 and was open to anyone. Astonishingly, despite the earthquake just days before, 3,400 participants attended. Taught by Regent MBA graduates Oscar Benitez and Juan Callejas, “God’s Ideas” focused on the biblical basis for entrepreneurial activity, the basic aspects of starting a new business and Christian ethics in entrepreneurism. Two of Peru’s megachurches—Agua Viva (“Living Water”) and Camino de Vida (“Way of Life”)—provided the venues and heavily promoted the training. Their pastors, Peter Hornung and Robert Barriger, helped teach, motivate and minister to participants. The second session, held in November, was taught by Roberto Collazos, a successful businessman, instructor at PROBIDE and professor at San Ignacio Loyola University. A more specialized instruction, it focused on elements of developing a comprehensive business plan. Four hundred participants analyzed case studies and drafted their own business plans, which were then evaluated. The plan was for the authors of the best 50 plans to be invited to participate in the final session on December 8. In fact, nearly 100 were chosen and sat in rapt attention as Regent M.A. in Organizational Leadership alumnus Doug
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Fike and his wife, Charlene, focused their presentation of leading and managing a small business. Both have extensive experience in managing small businesses and were enthusiastic about the Kingdom Entrepreneurs model. “It was an extraordinary experience on many levels,” Doug Fike says. “In addition to teaching basic principles of building an ethical business, we were able to demonstrate a new paradigm of marital relationship and expose them to the role model of a fully empowered woman.” Charlene Fike adds, “Our focus is on transformation. We give them lots of theory and tools to work with, but we’re also about changing mindsets. In Latin America, for instance, team building is an unknown concept. We teach them that it’s an important element of building a successful business.” Following the final session, an evaluation committee selected five participants with the most promising and feasible business plans, each of whom received grant funding to assist them in launching their new businesses. Because the support of the Peruvian government is vital to any business endeavor, GLE representatives hosted a breakfast with legislators to talk about entrepreneurship initiatives in Peru. Both Dr. Sergio Matviuk and Dr. Marcela Chaván de Matviuk, along with Dr. Douglas Walker, visiting professor of Regent’s
[1] Regent GLE alumnus Juan Callejas ’02 speaks at Camino de Vida Church. [2] Dr. Marcela Chaván de Matviuk speaks at a GLE event. [3] (left to right) Dr. Sergio Matviuk, Rev. Robert Barriger, Dr. Douglas Walker, Dr. Tim McIntosh ’07 and Dr. Marcela Chaván de Matviuk. [4] GLE alumnus Alain Rutti Chachico ’04 is currently a fellowship holder for the Crop Improvement and Genetic Resources Department at the International Potato Center. School of Government, discussed the role of the Peruvian Congress in facilitating and promoting entrepreneurship and business development throughout the country. Eighty-five legislators, senior legislative advisors, governors, high ranking officials from Peru’s Ministry of Labor and other government offices, as well as pastors of prominent evangelical churches in Lima, attended the breakfast. Walker discussed the contribution that entrepreneurship can make to Peru’s development and the policy strategy that can accelerate economic growth and allow them greater participation in the world economy. Dr. Sergio Matviuk addressed the characteristics of credible congressional leadership that is committed to promote entrepreneurship and business development in their country and the practical actions they can take to increase their credibility. Legislators, grateful for the information, proposed that the same presentation be given on the floor of the Peruvian Congress. Regent has received letters from approximately 20 parliamentarians requesting the opportunity to travel to the campus in Virginia Beach for extensive training. It is impossible to overstate the importance of what GLE is doing in Peru through this entrepreneurial and leadership training. Both Señora Hornung and Virginia Borra Toledo, Peru’s former Minister of
Women and Social Development, speak passionately about why it’s so important to encourage young Peruvians to become entrepreneurs. “In all of Latin America, many women and children are victims of domestic violence,” Hornung says. “Those children performing in the streets of Lima are frequently beaten if the money they bring home isn’t considered enough. When we talk about entrepreneurship, we’re talking affecting the social environment.” Miguel Rosales is a former alcoholic/ drug user who has started breeding pork for sale. As he approached the third day of the Kingdom Entrepreneurs training, he was hopeful of selling 30 pigs in December. “I learned new concepts of business I had never heard of,” he says, “and I know it is possible to do things with my business.” Escarly Cardenas is a widow who would like to grow cedar trees to replace ones that are cut down. “The training was very passionate,” she remembers, “I embrace the knowledge that was shared. That’s what Regent training teaches—it’s for the future of Peru. To change the face of Peru.” Miriam Castro is a divorcee who would like to establish a lavandería—a laundry service. “I knew nothing of business,” she says, “and learning the business plan was hard. But it gave me the tools to succeed on my own.” Nancy Quispealaya runs a small
telephone sales company. She says she operates her business differently after taking the Kingdom Entrepreneurs training. “I’d like to expand the company, she says, “and perhaps one day to give it to my young nephew.” These young entrepreneurs have learned to develop business plans to make their dreams come true, and how to conduct their businesses ethically— businesses that can change the economy and the spirit of Peru. When the generous man gives a starving man a fish, he eats for a day. When the wise man teaches the starving man how to fish, he eats for a lifetime. But it is the visionary who offers the man more than just a fish dinner. It is the visionary who teaches a man how to start his own fish business—how to store his fish, how to cook them and sell them, how to care for the water so it produces more fish—so he not only has food himself, but also feeds his family, hires a workforce, saves for the future and creates a culture of plenty for all. This is what GLE and the Kingdom Entrepreneurs are doing in Peru. This is work that transforms a society and enriches a country. This is leadership that changes the world. •
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
The New York Times is talking about it. So is The Associated Press. And Christianity Today. They’re buzzing about a growing challenge for the Church: a shortage of pastors and priests. Over the past 50 years, seminary graduates have been choosing careers outside pastoral ministry. Should this be a concern for the church? Or, alternatively, is this ...
A Divine Trend?
david edmonson
by Cheryl McKay
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
ave you ever wondered if your
this trend. The New York Times also
pastor has someone being
noted, “These seminarians, particularly
Governor’s Office in Michigan for two
prepped to take his or her place
the young ones, are less interested in
years as the deputy director of community
one day? Is there a seminarian waiting in
making a career of religion than in taking
and faith-based initiatives, helping
the wings who is currently studying Greek
their religion into other careers.”
connect faith-based organizations with
and Hebrew, hermeneutics and exegesis?
In spring 2007, The Association
much-needed resources. She’s currently a
And let’s not forget Akkadian. (Just what
of Theological Schools surveyed more
volunteer at Triumph Church in Detroit,
is Akkadian, and does my future pastor
than 5,000 students graduating from
Mich., where she’s worked with children’s
need to know it?) Is it possible some eager
130 seminaries to find out, “What’s
ministries, evangelism, outreach and their
seminarian is destined for something
next?” About 49 percent of Master’s of
Bible institute. She also trains volunteers
Divinity grads and about 19 percent
to serve this church of 6,000 members.
Dr. Michael Palmer, dean of Regent’s
of those receiving other seminary
Additionally, Sujuan is president of
School of Divinity, has observed this shift.
degrees planned to go into full-time
S.T.A.R. Foundation—Success Thrives
He’s noticed Regent seminary graduates
parish ministry. So what about the
Around Respect—through which she
“have discovered that ministry is broader
rest of them? Their plans included
mentors young people. This ties into one
than the traditional roles of pastor,
careers such as teaching at a college or
of Sujuan’s greatest passions: to educate,
evangelist or missionary.”
seminary, missions, counseling, social
equip and train the next generation
work or ministries outside the church.
of leaders. S.T.A.R. is not a Christian
The Survey Says
The author of the Lewis Center study
organization. But Sujuan is there to be
The Lewis Center of Leadership at Wesley
asserts his opinion of this trend. He
Theological Seminary conducted a study
believes today’s Church “allows so many
that showed a decline in Protestant and
to ignore the call of God.” Is that what’s
“They are important. They must be
Catholic clergy under the age of 35. They
going on? Are seminarians ignoring God?
equipped. Unfortunately, our young people
feared the age of clergy was getting too
a voice for abstinence to teenagers.
His plans? Or is something else at work?
are being prematurely exposed and over-
“Young people matter,” Sujuan says.
old to reach young churchgoers. They
We decided to check in with
exposed to sex. They are searching for a
uncovered that in 20 years, Methodist
some of Regent’s School of Divinity
set of values to adopt, and parents have
church elders under 35 dropped from
graduates who didn’t choose the pulpit
done a poor job of giving their children
15 percent to 4.7 percent while those
and find out where they landed.
the tools they need to navigate such
55 and up spiked from 27 percent to
Sujuan Johnson ’06 in Detroit, Mich.
Since graduating, Sujuan served at the
41 percent. In the Presbyterian Church in 2002, 93 percent of clergy were over 35. In the Catholic Church in 2001, 65 percent of priests were 55 and older. The Fund for Theological Education exists to help with this problem and recruit the best young leaders into seminaries. They felt the quality of leaders had declined and that “many of the best and brightest (seminary) students were choosing professional careers outside the ministry.” They sought to change
Sujuan Johnson (M.Div. and M.A. in Public Policy, 2006) When Sujuan Johnson decided to commit four years of her life to graduate school, it wasn’t because she planned to become a pastor. With a variety of interests and talents, she didn’t know where the future and her degrees would take her. Yet she felt certain she was to attend Regent where her time became a season she calls “four years of intense spiritual, intellectual and relational growth.”
complex issues.” Sujuan fills this void with the teenagers she mentors through S.T.A.R. “Working with the next generation of leaders is a joy. Part of being a good leader is to look at people and see God in them—to see past today and encourage them to press toward tomorrow.” Sujuan sees all of life as a form of worship. “The notion that ministry happens only in the church is artificial. Wherever you are working—that is your sphere of influence. That is your ministry.”
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
Divine Trends | by CHERYL MCKAY “A leader is a servant,” Tad says. And
Reservation after the San Diego firestorm,
(M.Div., 2003)
a servant’s heart drives Tad’s actions, as
he found it 94 percent destroyed. More
Have you ever seen devastation up
well as another passion that explains why
than 150 homes were gone. Tad’s work on
he chose this work instead of pastoring a
the reservation was a race against time:
church. “The world is full of churches. But
clean up before the rain comes because
why do I want to sit in the four walls of
rain creates mudslides. Tad put himself
church and see who comes? I’d rather be
and his equipment in danger once the
out there in the world where the people
mudslides hit. His team remained on
are. I basically looked at my resources,
that Indian Reservation over 30 days,
the ruins of a desolate place where someone’s home is off its foundation? Where a waterlogged piano rests atop piles of timber? Where a little girl’s doll lies crushed beneath shards of glass that used to be her window? Tad Agoglia has seen it. And then he decided to do something about it. When Tad attended Regent, he was continuing his path toward becoming a pastor. Somewhere along the line, his view of his life’s purpose changed. Something inside would not allow him to sit at home while disasters occurred around him. Many of us watched, glued to our television screens in the comfort of our homes during disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and the Greensburg, Kan., tornadoes. Not Tad. He was on the scene. When the 2007 California firestorm began, Tad wrestled with the question of whether to spend the $5,000 (in gas alone) to get himself and his equipment from the East Coast to California. He says, “At what point do you take the yellow pads full of crunched numbers of the costs, throw them in the garbage and decide that when those families return home to a pile of ashes, we want to be there to help? That time is now.” Once Tad senses he’s supposed to go help a particular disaster area, he can’t ignore it. In October 2007, he set out for California, heading the 65,000 pound truck he calls Black Max toward the disaster scene. On his way, he picked up a few friends who share his vision for serving others. Tad seeks to help the uninsured, underinsured and those devastated when natural disasters strike. He doesn’t wait for an invitation; he just gets to work. Often, he heads to these sites having no idea how he’s going to pay for the work. But unlike federal organizations, he doesn’t wait for authorizations, for a contract or the promise of money. He just does it. 22
my disaster recovery company, my finances. And I said ‘We’re going to respond to natural disasters in America, and
Tad Agoglia ’03 surveys the ruins of a church in Lafayette, Tenn., where a tornado hit in Feburary 2008, taking 14 lives.
we’re going to show people the true character of God.’” Tad shows people love through actions, not words. Yet the question always comes: “Tad, why do you do this? Why do you help people?” His
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close? Have you walked through
answer is so simple. “God loves you, He cares about you. He’s reaching out to you. There’s hope that things will get better.” Sometimes, a group like FEMA will step up and fund Tad’s work, especially when he runs out of money and can no longer afford to keep his team there. But he doesn’t require payment from those he helps. Tad had his special truck designed to help in disasters because no one had anything like it. Imagine coming to the outskirts of a disaster and seeing the “immobilized” Red Cross. The “standing by” Salvation Army. The “sitting duck” FEMA.
Onlookers watch as Tad and Black Max salvage a church steeple.
No one has cleared the roads or debris so
sacrificing comfort, sleep, TIVO, finances,
these agencies can move deeper into the
and time with family and friends over
sites of devastation. And here comes Tad
Thanksgiving. When his work was done,
and his one-of-a-kind Black Max to blaze
instead of heading home for a much-
a trail that starts the rebuild in the lives of
deserved break, he went to Oregon and
those who need it most. Black Max can
Washington to help with the floods, then
pick up entire cars, trees and remnants of
Oklahoma to help with the ice storm.
homes. Tad can haul away 95,000 pounds
Tad hopes to do even more in the
in one trip. No other equipment can do
future by expanding his ministry and its
this. It’s equivalent to 14 trucks and 14
resources. He has plans to design special
men. The communities watch Tad work
rescue boats, more trucks, specialized
tirelessly as he clears what needs to be
water pumps for flood disasters and
taken away, helps salvage what little is
advanced satellite communications.
left and paves the way for rebuilding. When Tad arrived at the La Jolla Indian
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
When asked how he feels about divinity graduates working outside the church,
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Tad Agoglia
Tad is all for the trend. “So many people
The mission of RevGen is to “let today’s
out that “an increasingly large number of
won’t step into a church because they think
young people know there is a God who loves
our students are discovering that ministry
they’re not good enough and not acceptable.
them and created them for His purpose, in
can include service in a nonprofit agency,
We need to go out there. We need to be
a language that’s contemporary and with
a business or even in a volunteer role.”
examples of our faith through our lives,
rocking music that’s relevant.” This past year,
through our love … not only with our words.
19,000 people showed up for the festival.
degrees outside Regent’s School of Divinity
The Groms’ work extends beyond
may end up as pastors or priests. Such is the
This is why Disaster Recovery Solutions First
And let’s not forget that some who get
Response Team exists—to persevere hand-
this annual festival. They host other
case with Bart Tolleson, who holds an M.A.
in-hand with those who have lost everything,
events throughout the year, such as
and a Ph.D. in Communication from Regent.
sharing in the hope that we can overcome.”
paintball, youth camps and concerts.
In 2007, he became an ordained Catholic
They run a Bible bookstore and café,
priest, yet he wasn’t a divinity student.
where young people who’ve been a part of
RevGen Music Festival
changed in the past 50 years. People go
prayer meetings with these bands.
to seminary for reasons that extend far
Is Revelation Generation and running
Kim Grom (M.DIV., 2006) Kim Grom and her husband Bob cofounded Revelation Generation, more often known as RevGen. Like Sujuan, they have a heart for teenagers. That’s why the Groms welcome them to Revelation Farms, their 104-acre property in Frenchtown, N.J., for their annual RevGen Music Festival. The Groms know one way to reach
young people is through culture. That culture has to be hip, fun, engaging. They invite musicians such as Jars of Clay and Newsboys to perform. They have extreme sports, games and food at their festival. Since young people are heavily influenced by culture—positively and negatively—the Groms hope blending entertainment with good role models will have a lasting impact.
beyond becoming pastors. The fact that
a Christian bookstore what Kim imagined
more women are signing up impacts this
she’d do once she graduated? “I thought I
as well. Even though some churches have
would be a counselor or teacher,” says Kim.
women pastors, most are still men. That
Instead, she and her husband Bob developed
doesn’t stop women from finding other
their youth evangelism ministry. For Kim,
ways to use their seminary degrees.
there’s nothing like watching young people
Newsboys lead vocalist Peter Furler sings at the RevGen Music Festival.
The face of the seminary student has
RevGen perform. They also hold weekly
So, where should we land on this trend?
make life-changing commitments at their
Is it a crisis? Have people’s needs changed?
festival. The Groms have the added joy that
Like Tad says, there are many who won’t
their four young adult children are actively
go to church. When they encounter the
involved in the ministry alongside them.
Sujuans, the Tads and the Kims of this
Kim also feels her degree has been
world, they come face to face with well-
highly beneficial when it comes to
trained leaders who are serving in a different
choosing materials to sell through their
kind of ministry: one that’s on its feet, one
bookstore. The theological training she
that walks its talk. So, while this doesn’t
received at Regent gives her the knowledge
address the need for strong leaders at the
necessary to make sound decisions.
pulpit, it shows that seminary grads can
Kim is now an ordained minister through
legitimately do very relevant work outside
the Assemblies of God International. Even
the church. Their sound, biblical knowledge
though she is not pastoring through a
clearly enhances their work in the field.
church, she is no doubt guiding all the young people that have been placed in her path.
Ministry That’s Relevant
Remember that eager, young seminarian who is diligently studying his Akkadian (an eastern Semitic language)? Even if he went to seminary hoping to pastor a church one day, he might take a different
Sujuan, Tad and Kim are three examples
direction to serve a different need. Clearly,
of seminary graduates working outside
that has been the case for the School
of pastoring churches. Yet they are not
of Divinity graduates profiled here.
the only ones. While many graduates
They are no doubt exactly where
of Regent’s School of Divinity pastor
they are supposed to be, doing what
congregations—sometimes even establish
they are meant to do. And that’s a trend
new churches—there are others who create
we should all aspire to follow. •
or run ministries; open new businesses; train leaders; serve as missionaries, teachers and hospital and military chaplains; or run Bible colleges. Dean Palmer points s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
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Igniting a
By Karen Haywood Queen
for Math and Science
A critical shortage of qualified math and science teachers is spelling trouble for the United States as students across the country fall behind their counterparts around the globe. Regent University’s new Martinson Center for Mathematics and Science is a significant effort to help teachers and schools develop a passion for teaching and learning these all-important disciplines. American schools. The vision has been joined by Wachovia Bank, which recently granted Regent additional funds for the Center.” The quality of preschool-12 mathematics and science teaching is the single most important factor in improving student mathematics and science achievement, according to the Business Higher Education Forum (BHEF), an organization of Fortune 500 CEOs, prominent college and university presidents, and foundation leaders.
“If we fall behind in math and science and other countries excel, that puts us behind in different sectors of the economy in future generations.,” says Jeff Ludvik, assistant dean for the School of Education. But it’s hard to maintain quality in the face of constant teacher turnover and lack of up-todate teacher training. Snapshot: 45,000 math and science teachers nationwide left teaching just after the 1999-2000 school year with only 11,000 leaving due to retirement, according to a recent report from the National Science
In response to the need for the continued training of educators who teach math and science to elementary, middle and high school students, Regent University’s School of Education recently launched the Martinson Center for Mathematics and Science. “The Center is a reality because of the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. John Martinson,” Arroyo explains. “The Martinsons have an intense vision for improved math and science instruction in
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In 15 years, today’s elementary school math and science students will compete in an increasingly global marketplace. But will they be prepared to face the competition from India and the rest of the developing world? “All the statistics show that fourth graders in the United States can hold their own in math and science compared to the other developed countries,” says Alan Arroyo, dean of Regent University’s School of Education. “But by the time these students get to 11th grade, they’re at the bottom of the barrel. Most of the other developing countries are above us in math and science. Other countries are doing a better job of training people for professions in math and science. But it’s going to be more about collaboration than competition. This world really is flat economically. If we want to even collaborate with the rest of the world—and that’s the only way to survive economically—we must have the math and science knowledge. To work with people in India or China, we have to know as much as they do about math and science.”
Martinson Center Director Dr. Jenny Sue Flannagan
Teachers Association (NSTA). Snapshot: The turnover rate for math and science teachers is about 16 percent, compared to 12 percent for English teachers and 9 percent for social studies teachers, according to a research report sponsored by The Consortium for Policy Research in Education and the Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy. Snapshot: In 2002, 20 percent of public high school math teachers were either not fully certified in math or were certified in a field other than math, according to the National Science Foundation’s Division of Resources Statistics. In science, out-of-field teaching ranged from 17 percent for biology teachers to 28 percent for earth science teachers. In middle school, 40 percent of those teaching math and science were not fully qualified to do so, according to the National Science Foundation. “We’re in dire shape right now because of the shortage of science teachers,” says Gerry Wheeler, executive director of the National Science Teachers Association and a former physics teacher. “It’s especially problematic in the high-needs schools. There are a lot of teachers who are not qualified to teach the subjects they’re assigned to. We used to joke, ‘Don’t hum when you’re walking down the hall, or the principal will make you the music teacher.’ You can’t teach the science if you don’t know the science. The bottom line is substandard science education.” Mandates such as No Child Left Behind are reducing the number of teachers teaching outside their specialties by requiring that teachers be “highly qualified” (certified) to teach their subject. Every teacher is mandated s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
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Lab participants in the Martinson Center for Mathematics and Science experiment with [1] dry ice, [2] Newton’s first law of motion and [3] a water-absorbing polymer.
to be highly qualified by 2014. But that could be too late for students who graduate earlier. Wheeler stresses the need for better professional development, to encourage more math- and science- oriented people to choose teaching, and to offer differential pay for math and science teachers to improve retention rates. “For the next generation of scientists and engineers, we need to have a pool of science teachers. With community-level decisions, it is solvable.” Regent University’s new Martinson Center for Mathematics and Science is a creative solution and a significant community-level effort. The Center officially launched in January, offering a variety of resources to help address the issues and help teachers and schools bring math and science teaching into the 21st century. The answer could begin with igniting a child’s love of learning with a hands-on math or science lesson instead of more problems from a book. Center services include graduate courses, workshops and lectures, partnerships with schools, and curriculum review. The Center will help teachers improve content knowledge, critical thinking and problemsolving skills as well as to apply the latest and best methods in teaching math and science. Other programs offered through the School of Education, including one to recruit mid-career professionals to teach math and science, also aim to address the shortage. The first step might be as simple as helping a second-grader discover condensation and the water cycle by heating ice on a Bunsen burner. Overall, the goal is to take math and science beyond the textbooks and make connections with other classroom subjects and with the world. “We want to spark the love of learning for the sake of learning,” says Dr. Jenny Sue Flannagan, assistant professor and director of the Martinson Center. “It’s not about drilling the periodic table or multiplication facts. Yes, we’re
going to have to learn the facts. But we also have to develop that curiosity in students, that hunger for knowledge, that willingness to look at things through different lenses. Then we have to maintain that passion.” Flannagan began working last fall with Jennifer Biange, the gifted resource teacher at Linkhorn Park Elementary School in Virginia Beach. One of the first fruits of their labors was a lab for second-graders on the water cycle. The goals? To involve parents and engage students. Nine parents completed three training sessions during their lunch hours. On the day of the lab, parents helped students in small groups experiment heating up ice and liquid water on a hot plate, observing the condensation. “We talked about our senses, observation, condensation and the weather,” Biange says. The lab linked a unit students had just finished about different states of matter with an upcoming unit about the weather. “The teachers saw what the students can do and how these activities can excite the students and help them become more curious,” Biange says. “That’s our goal—to help our teachers become passionate about math and science so that their passion and excitement transfers to their students. Sometimes we get so focused on test scores that we fail to realize that with good, insightful teaching, students will be engaged, curious and supported and working authentically in the various disciplines and will do fine on those tests. In the end, they’re going to be better lifelong learners because they’re passionate about learning.” Although the lab is part of the curriculum, none of the teachers had done it before because the prospect was daunting without help. Instead of one teacher with 30 kids, each parent worked with three or four children. “The kids were up close and personal,” Biange says. “It is time-consuming. But just looking at the children’s reactions, it’s so worth it.”
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
A NEW KIND OF LAB The point is to help teachers, parents and students realize, “There are multiple ways to solve a problem,” Flannagan says. “It’s not necessarily about the answer, but the way you get to the answer. You typically teach the way you were taught,” Flannagan says, adding that she and those of her generation were taught using the scientific method where you ask the question, do the research and then come up with a hypothesis. In today’s teaching, she says, “Your research question drives how the research is set up.” In the classroom, parents had worried they wouldn’t know the necessary science content for the lab. “We told them, ‘You don’t need to know any content—just know how to ask questions,’ ” she says. “Parents realized that they didn’t need to be able to answer every question their child asked.” Nevertheless, parental support is key for the teaching to succeed. Wheeler is a self-described Sputnik child of the era when students worked hard to succeed in math and science to regain a lead over the Soviet Union. He expressed incredulity at the attitude some of today’s parents have toward their children’s work in math and science. “My parents took my performance in science and math much more seriously than teachers report to us now. Too many parents today say, ‘I wasn’t very good in math or science either. You don’t have to work that hard,’” Wheeler says. “The parents are poisoning the well. We need to have parents step forward and tell their children that science is important for their economic happiness, important for our country. Too often, parents use their own past to create an image of their child’s future. That’s not the 21st-century image.” Changing that image was the intent of the lab by getting parents in the classroom—both for much-needed help and to generate excitement for science at home. “When I was in the classroom, parents (who came to
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help) used to just make copies,” Biange says. can support math and science at home. “I wanted to use them in the classroom on an Why start in elementary school? First, interactive basis. The kids lit up when they because elementary teachers are generalists, saw their parents there. Now the parents usually with majors in early childhood are more comfortable with science.” education instead of in a specific subject The water cycle/condensation lab illustrates area. “Because they’re generalists, we want another key goal of the center—to help to provide them with more opportunities to teachers teach math and science through receive more training in the areas of math real-world problems. “We can connect it to and science,” Flannagan says. Second, the the students’ lives so they can see science goal is to inspire children in the early grades. and math are not just reading textbooks “Jenny Sue’s and my reasoning was to build and answering questions or just watching that love for science early,” Biange says. a demonstration. Students “Elementary school is where realize, ‘I can actually do an it all starts. If you get them in experiment and get my hands middle school or high school, on the materials that are going children may have already to help me understand the made up their minds. In process,’ ” Flannagan says. elementary school, everything That was eye-opening even is new and exciting. We want for Flannagan, whose degree is to keep encouraging that love in biology. “I was not a student for learning at an early age.” who loved math because no one Dr. Mervyn Wighting, Training will take advantage could ever answer the questions: director of Regent’s Career of the latest technology. “In the Switcher program ‘Why do I have to know this? old days, you had a telescope,” What’s the big idea behind this?’” Ludvik says. “Nowadays, Recently, she began reading research on the with computers, you can get a USB plugPythagorean theorem and “immediately in and use telescope hardware. Instead of my anxiety came back,” she recalls. “All I seeing (a star or planet) on a little telescope, remembered was working problems over you can see it on a computer screen.” and over. But the piece I was looking at was talking about using the Pythagorean theorem CAREER SWITCHING to solve a real-world problem. Suppose there’s In addition to training current teachers, a runner on first and a runner on second. other programs at Regent University are The first baseman knows there’s an out at focused on attracting professionals to first base he needs to make. So how far is the field and developing qualifications that distance? The Pythagorean theorem so these teachers can train others. is a tool to solve problems when you have Regent is working to ease the shortage of right angles. That’s when it hit me. We have math and science teachers by participating in to show kids that real-world problems can the state’s Career Switcher program, started be looked at through a mathematical lens.” in 2000, to help people with college degrees and professional backgrounds make an easier INTEGRATING MATH transition into teaching and then to help retain them in the classroom. Students begin & LITERATURE This spring, a class at the Martinson with a concentrated period of university Center will focus on integrating math into coursework followed by a year, with full language arts. Other programs will focus on pay, teaching with a personal mentor. connecting children’s literature to science. Regent’s Career Switcher program, “We want students to see the connections led by Dr. Mervyn Wighting, associate between the disciplines,” Flannagan says. professor of education and director of “We want to help students see patterns the Career Switcher program at Regent, and trends across all the disciplines … to opened to its first students in 2004. help students take the parts so they can Additionally, under that program is a see the bigger picture.” Also planned this partnership with Norfolk Public Schools year are more programs and workshops called Teach Now designed to encourage to let parents know what’s happening in mid-career professionals to teach math the classroom and offer ways on how they and science in Norfolk Public Schools.
Thanks to a $1.25 million grant in October and increased marketing, Wighting looks forward to reaching more potential teachers. The grant also provides for paying retention bonuses to encourage these teachers, especially math teachers, to remain in their new professions. “Highly qualified mathematicians and people who are in the sciences are lured into business and industry where they get paid more money and their working conditions are probably less stressful,” says Wighting. To encourage retention, these Teach Now bonuses will be paid in installments: $1,000 paid on successful completion of the first year of teaching in a Norfolk highneed school; $1,500 paid on successful completion of the second year; $2,500 paid on completion of the third year, Whiting says. Although the ideal candidate might be an engineer, Teach Now candidates don’t have to have a math and science background. Candidates will have to demonstrate knowledge of math and science by passing the Praxis II math or science test, an exam given to would-be educators to measure their knowledge in a subject area. Potential Teach Now teachers also will be interviewed to help determine their suitability for the classroom. Another Regent initiative to help address the problem is a math specialist degree program, which officially began in January after the Virginia Department of Education approved a new teaching license endorsement. In fact, the program has been underway for two years because farsighted people at Regent saw the state change coming. Regent began offering math specialist coursework, as continuing education professional development, as a pilot program two years ago in response to a request from Virginia Beach Public Schools and in anticipation of the state change. “Some of our students have already taken 18-21 credits,” says Kenyetta L. Veal, director of admissions and advising/master’s programs certification at Regent’s School of Education. “They’re ready to hit the ground running.” If all of us—parents, teachers, students and leaders at Regent University—run hard together, we may yet finish the race with distinction. • For more information on the Martinson Center for Mathematics and Science, visit www.regent.edu/ mathandsciencecenter.
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
{Alumni News} Office of Alumni Relations
888.294.ALUM alumni@regent.edu
Library Database Access for Alumni
Melissa Fuquay Alumni Director 757.226.4270 mfuquay@regent.edu
Michelle McGrath Alumni Chapter Coordinator 757.226.4612 mmcgrath@regent.edu
Stephanie King Alumni Relations Coordinator 757.226.4027 stepkin@regent.edu
Alumni Contacts Communication & the Arts Grace Alegre 757.226.4746 galegre@regent.edu
Divinity Ella Thompson 757.226.4972 ellatho@regent.edu
Education Jeff Ludvik 757.226.4251 jefflud@regent.edu
Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship Nile Gomez 757.226.4885 nilegom@regent.edu
Government Philip Bom 757.226.4555 philbom@regent.edu
Law Darius Davenport 757.226.4581 ddavenport@regent.edu
Psychology & Counseling Katie Pecht 757.226.4132 kathpec@regent.edu
Undergraduate Studies Kyle Graham 757.226.4187 kylegra@regent.edu
Over the last several months, hundreds of alumni have taken advantage of new access to three major electronic databases: Academic OneFile, Business Source Alumni, and Info Trac OneFile. Library Dean Sara Baron states, “As more database vendors offer alumni packages, we hope to increase the number and scope of resources we can offer alumni. As long as the resources are needed and used by alumni, we will strive to offer graduates access to the same quality information they had while they were students.” Registration for database access is quick and simple. To sign up, go to the Regent University alumni homepage (www.regent.edu/alumni) and click on the sidebar link “Library Privileges.”
Interactive Online Alumni Community The Office of Alumni Relations has received numerous requests from alumni over the past few years for a user-friendly online alumni community. Regent is excited to announce that it will be able to deliver such a community by May. Once the site is live, alumni may go to www.regentalumni.org to set up their online accounts. This new service is free to all Regent University alumni and will offer them the opportunity to network with one another, post job openings, place classified ads, chat with each other and with former professors, and create personalized profiles (much like MySpace), plus much more.
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
Chapter Leaders Needed Regent University has affinity chair vacancies for many of Regent’s academic disciplines in the Hampton Roads; Washington, D.C.; Dallas; and Houston chapters. The affinity chairs represent the eight schools at Regent and are responsible for facilitating informal opportunities for alumni within their respective schools to connect and network. In the coming months, Regent is looking to expand the chapter program to include the following metros: Raleigh, N.C.; New York, N.Y.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; and Los Angeles, Calif. If you are interested in a leadership position within the listed chapters, please contact Michelle McGrath at mmcgrath@regent.edu or 757.226.4612.
Capitol Hill Alumni Event
Regent alumni enjoy meeting new friends and catching up with old ones at the D.C. Chapter alumni reception.
Nearly 100 alumni and guests from the Washington, D.C. Alumni Chapter gathered for the annual D.C. alumni reception on January 25. The event, hosted by the Office of Alumni Relations and the School of Law, attracted alumni and deans from all eight schools and provided a wonderful opportunity for networking and reconnecting. Since then, Ken Gosnell ’06 has been named president of the D.C. Alumni Chapter and will be identifying more potential alumni leaders within the D.C. metro area in the coming months.•
{Alumni News}
osted strategically within her line of vision, just beyond her computer screen, her purpose statement reads: “To invest in difference makers to impact the future.” The focused Melissa Fuquay keenly crafted her life’s statement following her 2002 graduation from Regent’s Robertson School of Government. It is this purpose that motivated her successful early career in government and continues to propel her in her role as Regent University’s new director of alumni relations. She’s here to help take the university and its students—past, present and future—forward with her uncanny understanding of investments and impact. “It’s so powerful to invest in others. And it means much more than just giving. It involves developing and advancing what you believe in,” Fuquay says. “This university invested in me. Now, I am empowered to give back and impact the future. I want Regent’s alumni to understand what is necessary to set Regent up for years to come and believe in it.” As an intern on Capitol Hill in 2001, Fuquay tirelessly supported former Congressional Representative Matt Salmon. Her ability to see the big picture but also chart the steps to get there landed Fuquay a position assisting former Virginia Attorney General Mark Earley in the 2001 Virginia governor’s race. She then advanced to political and fundraising director for
various political candidates in three state senate races from 2002 to 2004. Advancing “difference makers” is what ultimately fuels Fuquay’s fire. “In each of my positions, I have had to own a vision for the future, but I carry it based on my desire to advance people of excellence with worthy causes for the greater good,” she says. Her distinct perspective has already proven valuable in her role as alumni director as she supports the mission of Regent University and its alumni. “As a 2002 graduate of the university, Melissa has a tremendous sensitivity to and understanding of the programs and services our alumni desire,” says Maureen McDonnell, vice president for Advancement and University Relations. “Her great enthusiasm, creativity and passion for our students and graduates make her the ideal leader to energize, engage and beautifully serve our current and future graduate and undergraduate alumni.” Having previously served Regent in the areas of fundraising and recruiting, Fuquay began her position as alumni director in July 2007 with a straightforward goal of building a better alumni community through building relationships. She and her dedicated team of two—Michelle McGrath, alumni chapter coordinator; and Stephanie King, assistant to the director—ended the year with a not-too-shabby list of successes under their belts. They restructured and
Patrick Wright
Alumni Director Invests in Regent Grads
Melissa Fuquay
expanded Regent Alumni Chapters and their supporting website and materials, established an alumni agents program within each of Regent’s eight schools to help make alumni contact more personal and consistent, and planned and coordinated a significant chunk of the national CCCU Alumni Professional Conference to be held at Regent this July. But one of their proudest accomplishments is establishing an interactive online community for alumni called iModules. With a launching date of May 1, iModules was born out of an overwhelming request from alumni for a more personal and meaningful way to connect with one another and Regent faculty. Much like other popular online communities, iModules features simple registration, personalized profiles and the ability to chat with others on your approved list. However, the program also features
enhancements such as mentorship and networking opportunities, job bank listings, classified ads and pages from each Regent’s eight schools so that alumni may interact with graduates of their particular school. More information on iModules is available at www.regentalumni. org or by contacting the Office of Alumni Relations at alumni@ regent.edu.“I think I’m so excited about iModules because I can relate to alumni as an alumna myself and understand the power of ongoing connection,” says Fuquay. “I think of all the people I met as a student, whom I now have the privilege of serving as an alumna and a director on their behalf. I want alums to know that when they leave us, they don’t ever really leave us.” Connected to her deep conviction to help alumni flourish is her call to nurture their ownership of their alma mater and fellow alumni so that they impact future generations and increase Regent’s strength and influence. It is clear that Melissa Fuquay’s purpose statement—To invest in difference makers to impact the future—suits her perfectly. When it comes to people, philanthropy and progress, Fuquay knows investments.•
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
{School Updates} Undergraduate Studies
The School of Undergraduate Studies has partnered with Virginia Community College to offer a guaranteed admissions agreement to provide students a seamless transition from community colleges to Regent. The school also partnered with Old Dominion University (ODU) to offer Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) to Regent students. ROTC is a college elective that focuses on leadership development, problem solving, strategic planning and professional ethics. The Online Education Database (OEDb), a national resource providing reviews of 620 programs from 57 accredited online colleges, recently ranked the School of Undergraduate Studes as number seven in the nation. In January, the school held its third annual Scholar’s Weekend. This invitation-only event provided a venue for 25 highachieving high school seniors to compete for five full and five half four-year scholarships to Regent University. In February, the school also hosted the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association’s (NCFCA) forensics competition. More than 300 high school students and their parents were on campus to participate. Also in February, adjunct Professor Charles N. Sapp, a councilman for the Hampton City Council, was recognized by the Hampton Roads Technology Council (HRTC) for his work on growth in the technology sector. HRTC honored him with the Chairman’s Award for Exceptional Leadership by a Local Elected Official. The school recently initiated chapters of two honor societies, Lamda Phi Eta (National Communication Association Honor Society) and Pi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science Honor Society), as well as the national service organization Alpha Phi Omega.
Communication & the Arts
Recent guest speakers for the 30
School of Communication & the Arts include renowned film producer David Kirkpatrick; legendary comedian from The Carol Burnett Show Tim Conway; and Eduardo Verastegui, lead actor from the award-winning film Bella. This spring, the Department of Theatre Arts hosted the fourth annual Virginia Beach Bash, a regional workshop sanctioned by the Society of American Fight Directors. The Bash included hands-on instruction from nationally and internationally recognized experts in the artand-craft of stage combat for the stage and screen. Director Richard Clabaugh and Student Coordinator Dale Girard from the 2008 film Eyeborgs were this year’s featured instructors. Classes catered to students of all skill levels and taught a wide spectrum of styles of weaponry from both Western and Asian cultures. In April, faculty and students traveled to Hollywood, Calif., to participate in this year’s Candlelight Forum. The event at the Directors Guild of America theatre drew together several hundred filmmakers, artists and professionals who share a common interest in producing in positive-value, redemptive entertainment. The Forum included presentations and showcases of a selection of the latest films and projects in small and large studios from mediaprofessionals, and a networking opportunity for participants.
In February, the School of Divinity presented the AfricanAmerican Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements in the USA colloquium. Participants discussed the ethics and theology of the black Pentecostal tradition and charted the future of this growing segment of the African-American church. The colloquium reflected on major trends within the Renewal Movement, which shaped world Christianity in the 21st century. School of Divinity alumnus Dr. Mark Wilson ’87, a leading biblical scholar of the early church and consulting historian
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
for the History Channel, led a 12-day study tour to Greece and Italy in March. The tour—which was open to Regent students, alumni, staff and faculty—visited significant biblical sites associated with the churches established by the Apostles Paul and Peter. In March, 10 students and 12 professors from the School of Divinity chaired sessions and presented scholarly papers at the annual conference of the Society for Pentecostal Studies and Wesleyan Theological Society at Duke University, Durham, N.C. Dr. Mara Crabtree, associate professor of spiritual formation and women’s studies, was appointed Region II representative, Commonwealth of Virginia, for the International Order of St. Luke the Physician—an ecumenical organization dedicated to the Christian healing ministry. The Ph.D. in Renewal Studies program will host the Spirit and Scripture: Renewal Biblical Hermeneutics symposium October 17-18, 2008. At this conference, six prominent Renewal scholars, representing important trajectories in the movement, will each present an essay that outlines a constructive way ahead for biblical hermeneutics in this tradition.
For the second year in a row, School of Education alumni and current students accounted for 49 of the areas 372 Teachers of the Year for 2007. Virginia Beach City Public Schools had the highest percentage of Teachers of the Year that were alumni or current students—27 percent. Dean Alan Arroyo and Dr. Hope Jordan received an extension of a coauthored grant from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to develop and offer content courses for highly qualified special educators. The grant was in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) that was issued by the VDOE. This grant was in the amount of $73,000. Jordan was given an extension and additional funding of an existing grant from the Virginia Department of Education. This grant provides funding
for students in our crosscategorical/special education master’s degree program. The extension of $76,000 is designated for degree-seeking students. Faculty member Dr. Don Finn was recently appointed as president-elect with the Virginia Association for Adult and Continuing Education (VAACE). VAACE is an association of adult and continuing-education practitioners dedicated to the professional interests and learning needs of its members. The Martinson Center for Mathematics and Science Education at Regent University partnered with Linkhorn Park, a Hampton Roads elementary school, in a project entitled “Got Science? Parents as Partners.” The project aims to equip parents with models and strategies to help their child at home with specific questions and experimental design and to train them to serve as facilitators in the science classroom. The program will also provide teachers with professional development focusing on differentiating science labs based on the needs of students.
Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship
The School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship (GLE) will host the 2008 annual Roundtables of Contemporary Research & Practice conference May 15-16 at The Founders Inn in Virginia Beach, Va., and has issued a call for papers. This two-day event is designed to facilitate interaction, learning and collegiality in a cordial environment. Participants from around the world will gather to discuss contemporary research in the areas of global leadership and entrepreneurship. GLE’s fourth study abroad trip, In the Footsteps of Sts. Benedict and Francis, is set for June 20-29. Led by Dr. Corné Bekker, participants will travel to Rome, Montecassino, Naples and Assisi, Italy. GLE students and faculty participated in a leadership conference titled Leading Like Jesus: The Leader That Peru Needs, at the Evangelical
{School Updates}
Seminary of Peru in Lima in November 2007. Hundreds of Peruvians representing the government, business and academic sectors participated in this three-day conference. The school hosted the third annual Autonomous Learning World Caucus in March 2008 at Oxford University’s Exeter College and Linton Lodge. Led by Dr. Paul Carr, this invitation-only event featured insight from top scholars in the areas of autonomous learning, self-directed learning, human resource development and learner-centered leadership who demonstrated how to create environments for learning and thinking within these areas. GLE will send a contingent of professors to participate in a cosponsored colloquium with St. Augustine’s College in Johannesburg, South Africa, to assist in the growth of valuesbased leadership—particularly the nature and practice of Christian leadership—in the country. This is the eighth year of involvement in southern Africa for GLE. Regent has been recognized by leaders in that country as the premier institution of Christian thought and action in leadership research.
The Robertson School of Government (RSG) celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2008. The school enjoyed an alumni reception in February during its third annual Ronald Reagan Symposium held on campus. RSG is pleased to announce that a new track, Mid-East Politics, will be added to the curriculum in the fall. In October 2007, Dr. Philip Bom took part in a church teaching mission to Minsk, Belarus, where he lectured on constitutional government, a humane economy and the place of civil society organizations. In Timisoara, Romania, he gave a presentation on “The New Europe” at the Areopagus Center for Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture. He also lectured on principled politics to leaders of a small Christian democratic party.
Dr. Charles W. Dunn, dean of the Robertson School of Government, recently gave two lectures. On November 16, 2007, he spoke on “The Future of Conservatism” at the Harbour League in Baltimore, Md. On January 21, 2008, he spoke on “The Seven Laws of Presidential Leadership” at the Leadership Institute in Washington, D.C. On November 10, 2007, Dr. Joseph Kickasola moderated a panel of Christians and Muslims on “Islam and Democracy” for the Regent Journal of International Law. During the event he also participated in a panel discussion on “Islam and Nation Building.” On November 14, 2007, Kickasola spoke to 850 members of the Logistics Officer Association in Washington, D.C., on “The Battle over the Qur’an: The Mother of All Clashes in the Middle East and the Interpretive Remedy.” Lastly, Dr. Jeffry Morrison served as an academic consultant for the forthcoming PBS series God in America. In September 2007 he presented a paper on George Washington’s civil religion at the American Political Science Association’s annual meeting. He also delivered two lectures at the University of Virginia-Wise, in October 2007. Morrison’s latest book, The Political Philosophy of George Washington, will be released in 2009 by John Hopkins University Press.
The American Bar Association (ABA) approved a new summer opportunity for law students to study in Israel’s unique legal environment. The coursework in qur’anic and biblical law will be taught by Professor Joseph Kickosola. Another course on the legal environment of Israel will be taught by Professor Robert Ash and Dr. Jay Sekulow. The program will take place in June, and classes be held at the University of Haifa and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem campuses. Third-year law students Ashleigh Kingery, Rich Wenner and Heath Sabin took first place at the 14th annual Burton D. Wechsler First Amendment
Moot Court Competition at American University in Washington, D.C. Additionally, Rich Wenner received honors for Third Best Oralist. In February 2007, the Moot Court Team also took first place at the J. Braxton Craven Moot Court Competition at the University of North Carolina. And in February 2008, the Moot Court Team achieved another first-place honor, this one at the William B. Spong National Moot Court Tournament sponsored by the College of William & Mary School of Law. In fall 2007, the Regent University Law Review hosted an on-campus symposium in conjunction with the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies. The symposium, Justiciability After Hein and Massachusetts: Where is the Court Standing?, examined recent changes in the contours of Article III of the Constitution following the cases of Massachusetts v. EPA and Hein v. Freedom From Religions Foundation, Inc. The Regent Journal of International Law (RJIL) also hosted a symposium, Islam, Democracy, and Post-9/11 Nation Building. The historic event brought three practicing Muslims to campus to debate with other noted scholars on Islam and democracy. Professor Bruce N. Cameron has been named the Reed Larson Professor of Labor Law. Cameron comes to Regent after serving as staff attorney and director of the Freedom of Conscience Project for the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation (NRTW). The School of Law and the School of Communication & the Arts joined with the Norfolk Portsmouth Bar Association Foundation to host Law School for Journalists. A large number of Hampton Roads journalists and attorneys convened to study the art of combining journalism and law within ethical and constitutional guidelines. The seminar keynote speaker was Manny Medrano, an attorney and legal affairs correspondent for ABC News.
Psychology & Counseling
Faculty and students from the School of Psychology & Counseling partnered with I Need A Lighthouse, Inc. to host Beacon of Hope. This threeday community event, held at the Virginia Beach Resort & Conference Center, focused on depression awareness and suicide prevention. Activities included seminars on topics related to depression. Regent doctoral students provided free mental health and depression screenings and consultation services from on site for all conference participants. I Need a Lighthouse, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides, promotes and supports community awareness, education and direction to children, teenagers and adults affected by depression. Christian counselor pioneer Dr. Gary R. Collins joins the faculty as a distinguished visiting professor. Collins has authored more than 170 articles and nearly 45 books, and served for 20 years as professor of psychology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Faculty member Dr. Gabriel S. Dy-Liacco has been selected to be an associate editor for the new APA Division 36 journal Psychology—of Religion and Spirituality. Associate Professor Dr. Teresa Laird has been awarded a grant from Texas University for her research, “A Study of Suicidal Behaviors on the Campus of a Historically Black College/University.” The spring term Psy.D. colloquia, held on dates between January and March, featured a variety of well-accredited speakers who addressed the topics “Advanced Training in Diversity Issues: An Integrative Approach,” “Integrating Professed Theologies and Lived Theologies: On the Psychology and Theology of Knowing God,” “Sexual & Religious Identity Conflicts in Clinical Practice: A Dialogue” and “Positive Psychology: Virtue & Vice.”•
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
homecoming photos: kelly lee
{Class Notes}
Homecoming 2007
Diane Fiazza (Divinity) is now serving as recruiter for all doctoral programs in Regent’s School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship.
Mark O’Keefe (Communication & the Arts) oversaw the launching of a new website section, titled Religion & Politics ’08, for the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. O’Keefe is an associate director with the Forum—promoting a deeper understanding of issues at the intersection of religion and public affairs.
Diane Lee Howell (Psychology & Counseling) is counseling department head for Binford Middle School in Richmond, Va. She has achieved National Board Certification for Professional Teaching Standards in the area of early childhood through young adult school counseling. Rosie E. Kelley (Education) was appointed to the United States Department of Education. She is an education program specialist GS-14 with the Instructional Change Group under Title One.
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Cindy A. Pellicane (Education) was awarded Teacher of the Year for Hugo Owens Middle School, in Chesapeake, Va. This is her 18th year teaching. Pellicane teaches seventh grade math and serves as the math department chairperson.
Reverend Janice Brewton (Communication & the Arts) is living in Waycross, Ga. She is the associate director of Bethesda House of Mercy, a faith-based residential rehab for women with drug and alcohol addictions. Brewton
also serves as an associate pastor of Bethesda Fellowship.
William “Bill” Helwig (Law) has been involved in general practice and working at the Rudy Gassert Yetka & Pritchett firm in Cloquet, Minn., since 2001. He also works as a Cloquet City assistant prosecutor and patent attorney. Shawn Hoehn (Psychology & Counseling) is working as a guidance counselor at Delmae Heights Elementary School, S.C.
{School Updates}
Dr. Elizabeth Rios (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) was selected as one of Outreach magazine’s “Faces of the Future,” noting her innovation and methodology in shaping the future of the Hispanic Evangelical Church. She was featured on the cover of the November/December 2007 issue at www. outreachmagazine.com. Deraine F. Simpson (Education) is the newly appointed principal of Brightwood Elementary School. The school is under construction and is scheduled to open September 2008. Dr. Michael Ray Smith (Communication & the Arts) was promoted to full professor at Campbell University in North Carolina—the second largest Baptist school in the world behind Baylor University
Round Table, an invitationonly venue. He continues to serve as head of the Media and Disability Interest Group for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Paul Edward (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) completed the first phase of a historic project with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). He managed the Expert Panel on Adult Offender and Recidivism Reduction Programming created by the CDCR. This Expert Panel was comprised of 17 national experts in the field of corrections. Edward is president of Aquilus Enterprises, Reforming California Corrections Inc., an organizational improvement consulting firm. John Kopalchick III (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) has been named vice president and market leader for the Office of Accretive Solutions in Houston, Texas. Kopalchick leads 150 professionals in providing accounting, enterprise governance and business technology solutions to clients in the Houston area.
Homecoming 2007
in Waco, Texas. Smith is one of 40 scholars worldwide to be invited to Oxford, England, to present research on cyberspace at the Oxford
Jason Upton (Divinity) led a special Regent University chapel service at the Communication & Performing Arts Center on November 1, 2007. Upton has spent years ministering as a worship leader both in the United States and around the world.
Homecoming 2007
David Held (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) was elected as mayor of North Canton, Ohio, for a second two-year term. Held began his public service as the city’s full-time administrator/acting safety and service director, just three months after graduating from Regent University. He was initially elected mayor in 2005 with 60 percent of the vote.
Beth A. Christianson (Communication & the Arts) is the marketing director at Norfolk Christian Schools. She recently won two Editor’s Choice awards for outstanding achievement in poetry from the International Library of Poetry. Also, she was chosen as a “poetry ambassador” for 20062007 from the National Poetry Month Committee and the International Library of Poetry.
Nicole Pertillar (Psychology & Counseling and Communication & the Arts) and Vicki Stevenson ’96 (Psychology & Counseling) are part of a ministry called United in Him (www. UnitedinHim.org). They also work with an affiliate program of the ministry called Forming Relationships Is Essential in Nurturing and Directing Students (FRIENDS). FRIENDS is a partnership between mentors and area churches and elementary schools to promote character growth, self esteem and individuality through a one-on-one, Christian-based mentoring program. Pertillar and Stevenson visit Regent once a week to seek mentors from the community. Ariella Sinjaya (Divinity) launched an English training center, Radiant Learning Center, in Makassar, Indonesia, during the summer of 2007.
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
{Class Notes}
ng Green? i o G
and local, nonprofit, and corporate clients (www. cascadesadvisory.com). J. Vance Stallings (Law) has been named to Virginia Business magazine’s “Legal Elite List” for 2007. Vance is a partner with Jones, Blechman, Woltz & Kelly, P.C. and resides in Williamsburg, Va., with his wife, Susan, and their three daughters. Dr. LaTonya Wyche Ricks (Education) earned a doctorate of Education from Nova Southeastern University in April 2007.
2004 If you or your business are taking initiative to make a positive impact on the environment, we want to know about it. Email your “green” update to christianleader@regent.edu.
Mark Weber (Communication & the Arts) was profiled in an article on Music Industry News Network about a daily email service he developed to keep readers up to date on Christian music arts and events. He is the director, director of photography, and editor of a new show called Clay Target Shoot Out! on The Outdoor Channel HD. Doreatha White (Education), principal of Dreamkeepers Academy—an elementary school in Norfolk, Va.—helped lead the school to become selected as a 2007 Virginia Title 1 Distinguished School and recipient of Fordham 34
University’s National School Change Award.
Jeremy Casper (Psychology & Counseling) is teaching at Los Angeles Film Studies Center. He is coteaching LAFSC’s Motion Picture Production class and Cinematography at Hollywood production workshop. Manda E. Hamilton (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) launched Cascades Advisory Group, LLC to provide excellence in management consulting and training to federal, state
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
Sarah Lane Bumps (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) and her husband Micah Bumps (Law and Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) have moved from Virginia Beach to Norfolk. Sarah is now a medical student at Eastern Virginia Medical School pursuing her M.D. Jeremy Perigo (Divinity) and his wife Angie Perigo ’05 (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) directed the film Burn Turkey, which seeks to fuel the restoration of the ancient divine fire that once blazed throughout Turkey. For more information on Burn Turkey, visit www. burn24-7.com or email burnturkey@gmail.com.
Community College in Knoxville. He also administers the BEST-Basic English Skills Test to English Language Learners. He has joined the Knoxville Writer’s Guild and Toastmasters International. Dr. Wade B. Mumm (Communication & the Arts) is the senior pastor and events coordinator of Greeneway Church in Florida. Motorcyclists from the church began a 25-day 4-Corners motorcycle trip that completely encircled the lower 48 states in May for their first annual 4-Corners 4-Prayer National Motorcycle Ride. The sole purpose of this trip was to pray for our nation every mile of the trip. The ride will end in mid-June. Visit www.4corners4prayer.com for more information. Dr. Nicole Roberson (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) became executive dean at North Lake College in Irving, Texas. As executive dean of the Business and Technology Center at North Lake, she is responsible for the
Gerald D. Adams (Education) is working as a full-time psychiatric technician with the State of Tennessee and as a part-time examiner for Pellissippi State Technical
Homecoming 2007
{Class Notes} development of new programs and for the administration of various academic programs including IT, marketing, management and accounting. David Thorne (Divinity and Psychology & Counseling) moved to Cleveland with his wife to help plant Momentum Christian Church. The oneyear-old church now includes about 250 people. The church has received a lot of positive local press, including an upcoming 700 Club interview with head pastor Dan Smith. The Thornes are considering participating in future church plants in the Cleveland area.
Dr. Abraham George (Divinity) sponsored the December 2007 multiethnic Leadership Forum in Dallas/ Forth Worth Metroplex in Texas. The forum, a monthly meeting of multiethnic Christian leaders, provides fellowship, prayer, networking and compassion ministry, and facilitates unity in the Body of Christ. George serves as pastor of Peaceway Community Church in Garland, Texas. The Leadership Forum was launched by Dr. Willie Tjiong, professor in the School of Divinity, and Dr. Bramwell Osula, professor for the School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship.
Ingrid Reynolds-Lawson (Education) and Glynis Jordan ’04 (Education) were two of the five applicants accepted into New Leaders for New Schools. This is a national nonprofit program that will help Prince George’s County Public Schools in Baltimore, Md., build its corps of talented principals. More than 125 Baltimore educators applied to be in this rigorous principal training program. Of those, 62 made it to the first round of interviews, only 21 made it to the final round, and five finalists were accepted. That’s an admissions rate of about 4 percent. Dr. Skip Rutledge (Communication & the Arts) was promoted to fulltime professor and received
tenure at Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU). Andi Waldmann (Divinity) has accepted a newly created position for the Christian Broadcasting Network—national director of CBN Germany. Tiffany Williams (Communication & the Arts) recently appeared on an episode of the CW Network’s show One Tree Hill, where she had a small speaking role with lead actor Chad Michael Murray. The episode aired February 5, 2008. Williams was also one of the semifinalists this year in the CBS Writer’s Mentoring program.
Spend a Week in Oxford, England Studying the Life and Works of C.S. Lewis. Summer Study Program at Oxford June 21-29, 2008 Travel with School of Communication & the Arts professors Drs. Ben Fraser and Bill Brown to retrace the life and works of one of the greatest contemporary authors of the Christian faith. Spend a day at The Kilns, Lewis’s home. Explore Magdalen College, where Lewis taught. Study his works and see firsthand the locations and influences from which he derived his inspiration.
This program is available for students and non-students as undergraduate credit, graduate credit or non-credit.
Christian Leadership to Change the World
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
Find out more today. www.regent.edu/cslewis
{Class Notes} Atlantic in Richmond, Va. Hemlick served as a professor of government at the John Tyler Community College. Leana K. Movsessian (Law) represents publicly traded companies conducting commercial development in real estate and construction litigation as well as contract compliance.
Homecoming 2007
Mitchell Becker (Government) will serve as the weapons officer on the newest submarine, PCU NEW MEXICO (SSN-779), being built in the Newport News Naval Shipyard. Dr. Steve Coffey (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) led the “Innovative Approaches to Ministry Among the Least Reached” session at the Chinese Missions Convention in Valley Forge, Pa., December 2007. More than 2,000 doctors (medical and Ph.D.), engineers, and IT and other business professionals, some from Wall Street, joined together for the purpose of missions.
Lima, Peru, November 2007. Dean’s presentation was part of a special event organized by Peru’s General Directorate that focused on values and positive morale in the Peruvian National Police Force. Kristie Helmick (Government) was recently accepted into University of Virginia’s Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership. She is currently working in the Public and Government Affairs office at AAA Mid-
Dr. Ben Dean (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) presented “Leadership Values in Government and Business” to Peru’s director general and 120 uniformed officers and staff of Peru’s National Police Force at the Ministry of the Interior in 36
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of their daughter, Taylor, on December 29, 2007. Rhonda W. Brooks ’00 (Education) and her husband have celebrated the birth of two children: a daughter, Makiya Alexis, on February 2, 2003; and a son, Micah Tracy, on August 6, 2007.
Donald “Randy” Cobb ’94 (Divinity) and his wife celebrated the birth of their twin daughters, Kayla Randalyn and Caroline Rhylee, on October 22, 2007.
Mike Iseman ’07 (Divinty) and Kelly Nitz ’07 (Divinity) were married on August 10, 2007.
Tina Connole-Huneycutt ’00 (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) and her husband, Scott, celebrated the birth of their daughter. Kylie Marie on July 6, 2006.
Alvin Dockett ’07 (Divinity) Homecoming 2007 and Michelle Latimer ’07 (Divinity) were married on September 22, 2007.
Carrie Rae Peters ’04 (Law) and James Earl Wiser were married on October 6, 2007, at their church in Hampton Roads, Va. Tara Reagor ’07 (Law) and David Dahl were married on June 2, 2007.
John ’04 (Law) and Tracy Bear ’05 (Undergraduate Studies), celebrated the birth
Harold ’99 (Law) and Heather Hayden Dyche ’01 (Law), celebrated the birth of their son, Hayden Jennings, on July 5, 2007. Gernot Elsner ’05 (Divinity) and his wife celebrated the birth of their daughter, Talisa Grace, on December 4, 2007. Shawn Hoehn ’99 (Psychology & Counseling), and his wife, Dee, celebrated the birth of their son, Joshua Nathaniel, on July 19, 2007. Sean D. House ’96 (Divinity) and his wife celebrated the birth of their son, Matthew Anand, on September 9, 2007. Johnny R. Jones‚ ’04 (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) and his wife, Rebecca, celebrated the birth of their son, Joshua Luke, on July 28, 2007.
Homecoming 2007
{Class Notes} Edward ’02 (Government) and Sue Yoon Logan ’03 (Law) celebrated the birth of their daughter, Elyse Sophia, on March 8, 2007. Rebecca Osteboe ’04 (Education) and her husband, Paul, celebrated the birth of their first daughter, Jiselle Lane, on June 17, 2007. Adrian Schoonmaker ’00 (Communication & the Arts), and his wife, Joyce, an undergraduate student in Regent’s Global Business program, celebrated the birth of their third child, Leilani Avril, on August 17, 2007.
David Adams ’95 (Law) passed away early February 2007 after battling a brain aneurysm. He formerly resided in Moultrie, Ga., where he joined the law firm of Allen, Forehand, & Adams. He is survived by his wife and four children. James Stephen Wallace ‘94 (Divinity) passed away on December 13, 2005. James served in the Air Force, which led him to Louisiana where he married Penny Frantom, his wife of 29 years. He earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College and an M.A. in Divinity from Regent University.
He and Penny served as church planting missionaries for OMF International in the Philippines, teaching and founding Cornerstone Bible Christian Fellowship in Manila. James had since pastored and taught in the U.S. In 2004, his book Set Free at Last! The Occult Trap was published by Wagner Publications. He was an active member River Valley Church in Bossier and Shreveport Young Life, where he most recently served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Until his illness, he worked at CDS Dental Studio.
Into the Woods Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Book by James Lapine Originally Directed on Broadway by James Lapine
Has something new happened in your life? We would like to hear about it. You may access the Regent website www.regent. edu/alumni/classnotes.cfm, or send any news directly to us at christianleader@ regent.edu. Please include full names, school, year of graduation and a phone number (for verification purposes only). Include the subject line “Class Notes” in your submission. We look forward to hearing from you. We do our best to include all submissions. However, if your submission is not received in time to include in the upcoming issue, please look for it in the next one.
Presented by Regent University Theatre Your favorite fairytale characters come to life with an innovative twist in this Broadway musical hit.
-Main Theatre-
Apr. 25, 26 & May 2, 3 at 8:00 p.m. Apr. 27 & May 4 at 3:00 p.m. $15 - Adults $12 - Seniors and Children $8 - Regent Employees $6 - Regent Students Season subscriptions for the 2008-2009 season are available.
757.226.4245 www.regent.edu/theatre For parental advisory information, please call the box office. “Into the Woods” is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI) All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI, 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 Tel: 212.541.4684 Fax: 212.397.4684 www.MTIShows.com
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
{Who’s Publishing} 2001
Alumni 1984
Nancy Sabbag (Communication & the Arts) wrote the facilitator’s guide and workbook to accompany Dr. Don Colbert’s book, The Seven Pillars of Health, published last year by Strang Communications. Sabbag also worked in Christian publishing in Orlando as a magazine editor. As a freelance editor since then, she has copyedited dozens of books for various Christian publishing houses: The Blessings of Love: Mother Teresa, Divine Love Came Down: The Wisdom of St. Alphonsus Liguori, Quiet Moments with John Powell and The Mysteries of Christ: A Scriptural Rosary.
Kathryn (Kathy) L. Kimmel (Communication & the Arts) recently published the book Across the Stream with Tate Publishing Company under the pen name “Ann Joseph.” 38
The book, an allegory inspired by a seminar on C.S. Lewis, champions the quest for truth.
examines the contemporary trend of allowing strict liability criminal law.
Therese Carrier’s newly published children’s book, Josiah’s School Fun Day, is about a young boy in a wheelchair. She also launched a website based on the Josiah character to honor her brother who was severely disabled in a car accident and wheelchair-bound until he passed away. Part of the proceeds from the book will go to The Josiah Foundation, which was established to help those with physical and mental development disabilities. For more details, visit www. hwbdproductions.com.
Monte Kuligowski (Law) published an article in the November 2007 edition of Rethinking DUI Law in Virginia. The essay, published by the University of Richmond Law Review, Vol. 42, No. 2,
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
Hunter Barnes (Communication & the Arts) cowrote a book with Dr. Myron Penner entitled A New Kind of Conversation: Blogging toward a Postmodern Evangelical Faith published by Paternoster. For more information, visit www. anewkindofconverstion.com. Candice (Zouhary) Watters (Government) recently published Get Married: What Women Can Do to Help it Happen. As founding editor of Boundless.org, Focus on the Family’s webzine for young adults, Watters has emerged over the past decade as a strong proponent for helping women marry well. The book helps women “live like they’re planning to marry.” Find out more at www.helpgetmarried.com.
Conquering Giants in Modern Times by Dr. Darren Maracin (Government) addresses three specific Old Testament “giants”—the Hittites, the Amorites and the Canaanites— who served as a foil to God’s chosen people, the Israelites. The book explores the role and nature of these giants and how the demonic forces behind them still operate today to prevent Christians from gaining their inheritance in Christ. The book will help believers identify, expose and overcome the three major areas. Rachel Olsen (Communication & the Arts) released her first book God’s Purpose for Every Woman: A P31 Women’s Devotional, published by Harvest House publishers. The book contains 175 two-page readings aimed at women who only have a short amount of time for their devotions. Each devotional entry, written by several authors from Proverbs 31 Ministries, includes a Bible reading, devotional words, a prayer and suggested application steps. For more details, visit Olson’s website at www.proverbs31.org. Victor Hudson (Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship) has published two books: Finish It! The David Factor, published under IntegriVision Publishers, and Fathers Come Forth! The Family Leadership Journey, published under the iUniverse imprint.
2003 The Empowered Youth Experiment, a new book by Dr. LaTonya Wyche Ricks (Education), is designed to reveal the power of positive thinking and teach you how to chart a future towards success and dreams. Kevin Mahaffy (Divinity) published his book What Would You Do?, printed by Xulonpress.
Gerald D. Adams (Education) submitted his biography and was published in Marquis Who’s Who in America, 62nd edition, 2008.
Matt Wilson (Law) published his first book, The Godly Path of Least Resistance. The book, which is available for order at most bookstores or on Amazon.com, gives readers insight into how
the Lord’s Prayer is more than a prayer, but is also a roadmap for daily living. Dr. Elliott Cooke (Communication & the Arts) published Fatherhood Communication, a book that covers the process of learning the role of fatherhood from a communication perspective. Topics include understanding what fatherhood messages are, their sources and contexts. Its aim is to assist men in being better fathers.
Dr. Mara Crabtree, associate professor for the School of Divinity, published the article “ ‘Forbid Not the Little Ones’: The Spirituality of Children in the Celtic Christian Tradition” in the Christian Education Journal. Volume 4; Issue 2; Fall 2007, Series 3.
Dr. Graham Twelftree, distinguished professor of the School of Divinity, recently published a new book, In the Name of Jesus: Exorcism Among Early Christians. Dr. Estrelda Alexander, associate professor of the School of Divinity, is in the process of publishing a book entitled Limited Liberty.
Dr. Amos Yong, director of the doctoral program for the School of Divinity, and Dr. Estrelda Alexander coedited their upcoming book Philip’s Daughters: Women in Pentecostal-Charismatic Leadership, Princeton Theological Monographs Series. Yong also recently published two books: Theology and Down Syndrome: Reimagining Disability in Late Modernity, and Hospitality and the Other: Pentecost, Christian Practices, and the Neighbor, Faith Meets Faith Series. • Do you have a book, film or other media project being produced or published? Take a moment to tell us about it so we can include it on our website and in Christian Leader. Visit www.regent.edu/alumni/publications. cfm to submit alumni or faculty publications, or contact us directly at christianleader@regent.edu.
s p r i n g | s u m m er 2008
Where are All the ‘Best Men’?: The Demands of Statesmanship by Robert D. Stacey, Ph.D.
n his 1888 classic The American Commonwealth, historian James Bryce included a chapter entitled “Why the Best Men Do Not Go Into Politics.” Bryce observed that between the end of the Founding Generation and his writing, only one American President, General U.S. Grant, would have been remembered by history had he never attained the White House, and only one other, Abraham Lincoln, is remembered because he “displayed rare or striking qualities in the chair.” In effect, Bryce lamented a dearth of true statesmen in his day. Indeed, American Presidents of the 19th century represent a veritable cavalcade of utterly forgettable characters. Who among us can recall Millard Filmore or Franklin Pierce, let alone describe the accomplishments of their respective administrations? Today, however, we seem to experience an even greater dearth of statesmen. We may be able to recall the names of our more recent presidents, but we are as likely to remember them for their failures as for their successes. Some of us might grant the title of statesman to a John Kennedy or a Ronald Reagan, but we also remember the war-time debacle of Lyndon Johnson and the selfinflicted malaise of Jimmy Carter. Attracting real statesmen to the highest offices—not just the presidency—seems to be an increasingly difficult challenge in America. Bryce offered several reasons for the lack of statesmen in public life, perhaps chief among them being that politics tends to tear down even the best men. But I would add a new complicating factor to the challenge of American statesmanship. Unlike Americans of the 19th century, today we have collectively lost sight of what it means to be a good statesman. In seeking to recover a sense of true statesmanship, we can and certainly should look to sound historical examples—figures such as George Washington and William Wilberforce come to mind—but an even better source is the Bible itself. Here we find a treasure trove 40
regent u n i v e r s i t y c h r i s t i a n l e a d e r
of both positive and negative examples to instruct us. The judges, the kings of Judah and Israel, and even the wicked rulers of the New Testament illustrate the qualities of true statesmanship. While an exhaustive account of biblical statesmanship is too much for one article, certain vital components immediately leap to our attention. Biblical statesmanship stresses sound moral leadership for example, as well as selflessness, wisdom and consistency. God prudently separated the offices of king and priest, and what God has put asunder, we would do well not to unite. Nor should we look to our president as our Theologianin-Chief. Nevertheless, time and again we see in Scripture that as the ruler goes, so the subjects go. A true statesman recognizes that he or she has both political and moral responsibilities to constituents. An old debate among historians asks, “Do great men make history, or does history make great men?” Both propositions are defensible. But in the context of statesmanship, great events and crises certainly happen from time to time, and when they do, great statesmen respond appropriately. But how would it be if the leader could not see past the next election cycle or the latest partisan struggle? Such is the difference between the politician and the statesman. As with so many other problems, we cannot fill the need until we understand what’s missing. We can blame our leaders and lament shocking improprieties, but it is foolish of us to expect good statesmanship when we as a people so frequently reward petty politics. Statesmanship begins with us.• Dr. Robert D. Stacey, an associate professor for Regent University’s Robertson School of Government, has authored articles for such publications as CHOICE Reviews, Daily Press and Philadelphia Enquirer, and has been quoted in front page stories for The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Washington Times.
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