Student Gateway to SuccessQRC

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Student Guide Student Gateway to Success

In New York, DeVry University and its Keller Graduate School of Management operate as DeVry College of New York. In Calgary, Alberta, DeVry University operates as DeVry Institute of Technology. Revision Date: July 2007 DeVry IT Training

My DeVry Student Gateway to Success Table of Contents



























How do I access 1.


1. Enter Username: Your DSI (DeVry Student ID Number - Example: D00000000) Enter Password: Use your Date of Birth (YYYYMM) First Time Login ONLY Click Login button

2. First Time Login ONLY

Enter Old Password: Date of Birth (YYYYMM) Enter New Password: At least 6 characters long and must contain at least one number. Enter New Password Again Click OK button NOTE: Make note of your password for future use.

Forgot your password?

Click on Click Here link. Fill in all pertinent information completely: - First Name - Last Name - DSI number (D00000000) - Phone Number - Birth Date (mmddyyyy) - Email Address - Role: Student • Select appropriate Type Click Submit button 'Thank you' message will display Please wait for an email response with new login information before taking any other action.

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How do I navigate the Portal main page?

The portal main page has been designed to be intuitive. It is organized into sections so you can find information quickly and directly.

3. Student Tools - These links will take you to important student resources 1.





The My Favorites area - Click on [Customize] and follow the prompts to add a favorite site or to customize your favorites portlet settings. Once you have added a site, you can edit or delete it by clicking the [Customize] link once more.



1. Search Student Portal - Enter a keyword and click [Search]. Search results will display.

2. My Tools

My Student Email

Takes you to links to setup, activate or update your DeVry University Hotmail Email account

My Financial Aid

Takes you to ‘My Financial Aid’ site

My Degree Requirements

Takes you to Degree Navigator

Register for My Classes

Takes you to OSS enrollment

View My Schedule

Takes you to your current grid schedule

Change My Schedule

Takes you to OSS to your schedule

View & Pay My Bill

Enables you to view your billing statement and payment history and to pay your bill or designate other payer.

View My Grades

Takes you to your grade card

Update my Contact Info

Takes you to OSS where you can update your contact information

5. Current Announcements - Click on [Announcements] to read the full text.

6. Home. Account Info and Logout

Home - Click [Home] to take you back to the portal main page. Account Info - Click [Account Info] to view your account profile. Logout - Click [Logout] to exit the portal.

7. Tabs will be described on the next page. Page 4

How do I navigate the Portal main page? (continued) TABS 1. My Classes Tab - This tab opens to, the on-line component for all classes. Please note that this site requires you to enter your DSI User ID and a password. NOTE: You are able to access eCollege by entering the url directly into your Internet Explorer.

2. Student Resources Tab - Within this tab, you are able to navigate to a variety of quick links for DeVry or Keller student resources. Most of the tabs go to specific information within The DeVry Financial information link takes you to In addition, information about special offers can be found on this tab.

3. “How To” Center Tab - This is the central repository of online training materials. To access a document, click on the document name. 4. Locations Tab - You may search for a location by clicking on [Search by Location], or you may access a local campus website by clicking on a community name.

5. Help/Contact Tab - Contained within this tab you will find: • a link to Remedy, our help desk tool • FAQ’s for Online students • A feedback form in which you may share your thoughts with us.






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How do I access OSS Student Self Service? 1. From the Portal main page, within My Tools, depending on which you need, click on [Register for My Classes], [Change My Schedule] or [Update My Contact Info].

4. Once in OSS you have access to your: • • •

Personal Information Academic Information Enrollment Links

2. Click on the DVU OSS Student SelfService link to access OSS (Oracle Student System) and Home.

3. Your profile will display, and you should click on [Verified] to proceed.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success

The links shown on the OSS Home page will take you directly to the designated areas, such as: Browse Unit Sections The ability to search and add on any course by Term, Career, Keyword, Call Number, Instructor, Organizational Unit, Time Between, Day of the Week, Location and Status. Enrollment Now Open Selecting this link will allow you to see your schedule and to enroll in courses for terms open for registration. This also replaces the previous “View Student Schedule� link. My Status This shows your Academic Status. If you have a financial or academic hold a link to the hold will display in this region. Academic Connection Use these links to help you register for courses or look up prior coursework. University Links These are quick links to other DeVry websites.

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Welcome Page - Toolbar 1) Home Tab Home page with schedule, Enrollment, Academic and University links.

2) Enrollment Tab Search and Enroll in courses and view schedule.

3) Academics Tab Academic History information.

4) Finance Tab This tab is not currently active.

5) Admission Application information.

6) My Profile Personal contact information such as address, email and phone numbers can be changed here.

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How do I search and enroll in units/courses?

Select the Enrollment Now Open Link on the Home Page. This will bring you to a Schedule page to search. 1. Click ‘Search and Add’ to search for the course to enroll. If you know the Call Number select the button. Note: As of Fall 2006 both Graduate and Undergraduate students are on a standard semester schedule of FALL, SPRING, and SUMMER sessions.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success 2. Fill out any one of the following fields or a combination of fields: Key Word, Call Number, Instructor, Time Between, Day of the Week, Location or Status. Note: You may also select the Teaching Period.

4. The results will appear at the bottom of the page. Select the checkbox for the appropriate course(s) and click .

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5. You may receive a warning. These are for your information. You may receive an error. To remove the error, remove the course from the enrollment cart by selecting the trash can. 6. Resolve conflicts and click ‘Enroll’. Note: A warning will not appear for enrolling in prior attempted or completed courses. Please check to make sure you are enrolling in the correct course.

7. You will then be taken back to the 'Schedule Page' on the Enrollment tab. Note: If you did not receive any conflicts as shown above, you would then be taken directly to this page showing the newly enrolled course.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success

How do I know I have a hold on my account?

Several errors are received when there is a hold on your account, below are a few examples of what you may see either on the home page or while enrolling in courses. 1. On the first example is what you may see on your home page after logging into https://

2. The screenshot to the left is an example of a posted HOLD (an empty Release Date field means the hold is active). This error is received upon clicking on the ‘You have 1 Hold(s) message’ (enlarged above). In this instance you would need to contact your local Academic Advisor or Registrar for assistance.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success

3. Students attempting to enroll by clicking their “Enrollment Now Open” link will encounter the hold message to the right.

4. Students attempting to enroll by using the “Enrollment” tab will encounter this HOLD message below.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success

How do I drop a Unit/Course in OSS? You can only drop a unit/course prior to the start of the term. Please see academic or center support staff to drop a unit any other time during the term. On the Enrollment tab you will click on 'Schedule'. This will bring you to this Schedule page.

1. Click on the blue X in the 'Drop' column for the course you wish to drop. 2. The message will appear, “The identified unit sections will be dropped. Do you wish to drop these unit sections? 3. Click ’Yes’ button.

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4. You will then receive a confirmation screen stating “Unit has been successfully dropped.�

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success

How do I swap a Unit/Course in OSS? (Drop a course and Replace it with another)

Swapping courses can only be done prior to the start of the term. After the term starts please see an administrator to make schedule changes. On the OSS Home Page you click on ‘Enrollment Now Open’ or click on the Enrollment tab under:

This will bring to this Schedule page. 1. Click on

the button.

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2. Select the appropriate course that will be replaced or ‘swapped’ on your schedule and click

3. Click either Search and Add if you need to search for the course. (Click Quick Add if you know the Call Number or specific Unit Section Information.)

Fill out any one of the following fields or a combination of fields: Key Word, Call Number, Instructor, Organizational Unit, Time Between, Day of the Week, Location or Status. Note: You may also select the Teaching Period. 4. Click ‘Go’. Page 17

My DeVry Student Gateway to Success 5. Select the course checkbox Then click


6. Resolve any conflicts and once you have the course you would like to replace click ‘Next’.

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7. You will see a review screen in which you will be able to view the courses you are swapping. Click ‘Submit’.

8. You are then taken back to your schedule page on the Enrollment tab showing the changes.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success

How do I view my schedule in OSS? On the OSS Home Page you click on ‘Enrollment Now Open’ or click on the Enrollment tab under

This will bring to this Schedule page. 1. Click on the 'Show' link to view the details of each course. Note: This is where the call number is listed that can be used for ‘Quick Add’. See below. To print a copy of your schedule select And select File/Print in the menu bar of your browser. 2. Click on 'Hide' to hide schedule details.

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How do I view my schedule in a grid?

1. On your Student Portal page, within My Tools, click on [View My Schedule].

2. Click on the appropriate term. NOTE: You will see your current enrolled term and any future enroll terms.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success

You will see a grid of your schedule with the enrolled units listed at the bottom of the page. Undergraduate Students will see one of the following:

• • • • •

Standard schedule Session A schedule Session B schedule Session A and Standard Session B and Standard Online units will be listed on the bottom of the page. Graduate Students will see

Term Schedule Online units will be listed on the bottom of the page.

Undergraduate students who are enrolled in Session A and B units will see a link at the top of the grid. Click on this link to see Session B units.

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How do I view my Academic History?

On the Welcome Page select the ‘Academics Tab� (located at the top of the page or the Academics link at the bottom of the page). This will bring you to this Academic History page. 1. Select appropriate Career from the drop down. 2. Click on 'Go'. 3. Click on 'Show' to view your Academic History for the selected term.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success

How do I access Degree Navigator? B

A A. Once connected to the Internet, type the following URL to access the MyDeVry portal:

B. 2. You will enter Degree Navigator from your student portal, clicking on the My Degree Requirements link, located at the left side of the portal page in My Tools:

1 2 3

Under Profile you can: Review your academic progress View your course list Under Search you can: View Courses View Degrees (Programs) Under Notes you can: Read Notes




Click here to select your program requirements. If you have more than one, select the one you want to view.

You can also click here to view your course list and grades. As always, if you have any questions, please contact your Academic Advisor.

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You can display your program textually or visually. Click here to view your program. Click here to print your Program.

Click here to visualize your Program. (See next page.) Your Program version: the effective academic term date. Click on the drop down arrow to select from a list of reports you can request. GPA is shown in most of the reports.

Requirements and Conditions are listed.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success This is a visual version of a program that displays requirements as islands. Click in the “ocean” to raise the course stacks (shown). Click on any island for a description of that requirement. Click on a course for its description. Unused courses are those that cannot be used toward this program. Your program version: the effective academic term date.

Pie Chart: An at-a-glance view of how many credit hours earned compared to the total number needed to complete a program. Course Stack: Group of courses needed to complete a sub-requirement. All the stacks on an island show one full requirement.

No Reuse indicates that courses used to satisfy one requirement cannot be used toward any other requirement.

Numbers below stacks show credits earned/needed for that stack. Numbers attached to island show total credits earned/needed for that island’s requirement.

Program Name, location, effective term and total number of required credits.

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How do I access and activate my Online Payment Service Account? 1. From the portal, under My Tools section, click on the 'View & Pay My Bill' link.

Note: This website is available for U.S. students only.

NOTE: In addition to View and Pay My Bill, you can request automatic, monthly payments from your credit card, checking or savings account. To get started, download and complete the request form. Select [Click here to request automatic payments] from the Student Services link. Once you complete the form, fax it to 888-58DEVRY. You will receive an email confirmation when your automatic payments are scheduled and a confirmation each time a payment is processed.

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View and Pay My Bill (continued) The first time you log in you will: 1. Review 'Terms and Conditions'. 2. Select 'Please Accept Agreement'. 3. Click ‘Next’.

On the 'Enrollment Personal Information' screen you will see your name and DSI Number already entered. 4. Enter 'Email Address'. 5. Enter 'Phone Number' - Not a required field. 6. Click 'Next' button. Note: This information is tied to the student system. To change this information you will need to contact your Registrar or center support staff.

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View and Pay My Bill (continued)

7. Click 'Pay Now'.

(Shown below is the view seen if the ’Billing Statement link’ ” is selected, included to the right is the last page of the bill.) NOTE: You are able to print your statement by clicking on [File] and [Print] from your top toolbar.

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View and Pay My Bill (continued) 8. Depending on the payment type you selected, there are different required fields. All required fields are indicated with a * red asterisk. Credit Card Required Fields Email Address Card Type Account Number Expiration Date Name on Card Billing Address – Country, Address1, City, State, Zip Account Nickname – To save payment method for future use

Bank Accounts (Checking or Saving) Required Fields Email Address Name on Account Payer Bank Name Payment Amount Account Number Re-enter Account Number Account Nickname – To save payment method for future use

9. Once you have entered your payment information, including the amount, click 'Submit'.

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View and Pay My Bill (continued)

On the Payment Confirmation screen you should review the information entered. 10. Click 'Complete'. You will receive an email notification upon completing activation and every time you have a new e-Bill.

You will then be taken back to the main page showing your billing statements. The bill status will be updated stating ‘Partially Paid or Paid in Full’ depending if you made a full or partial payment.

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View and Pay My Bill (continued)

The ‘Payment History’ tab shows 12 months of prior payments that were made online through this website.

The ‘My Profile’ tab shows is where you are able to ’Invite Other Payer’ or Add/Remove Payment Account’ information. 1. Click ’Invite Other Payer’ to invite your parents, guardian or third party payers to pay your tuition bill online.

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View and Pay My Bill (continued)

2. Enter 'Nickname'. 3. Enter 'My Email Address'. 4. Enter 'Other Payer Email Address'. 5. Click 'Invite' button.

You will then be provided a view of the information regarding the other payer you invited including the information they will be sent via email: the Activation ID. Note: You must provide your DSI number and full name to the person you are sending the invitation as they will need this to sign up to pay your bill online.

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View and Pay My Bill (continued) 1) Mailing Address Click to receive information where to mail payments.

1) 2)

2) Contact Us This link will take you to FAQ’s and Payment Assistance.

3) Terms & Conditions List of Sallie Mae Terms and Conditions

4) 4) Bills Summary of billing, where to pay and /or view bill

5) 5) Payment History History including status and tracking numbers

6) 6) My Profile Update personal and payment option information.


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How do I access my Financial Aid Information? 1. From the portal, under My Tools, click on [My Financial Aid]. 2. The following screen will display.

Tab Descriptions Home: Summary information of account status. Access your current bill, view scheduled payments and recent activity. Bills: Summary of billing, where to pay and /or view bill Payment History: History including status and tracking numbers Recent Activity: View transactions that occurred after your last bill was issued.

3. Click on the appropriate tabs or links to view your financial aid information.

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4. Click 'Your Awards' tab to view your currently scheduled financial aid awards.

5. Click 'Your Documents' tab to view the current status of your required documents.

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My DeVry Student Gateway to Success 6. Click the 'Messages' tab for important notices related to your financial aid.

Note: For Undergraduate students only: Your monthly Educard payment amount will be listed here.

7. Click 'Your Loan History' tab to view your aggregate borrowing history.

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8. Click the 'Forms' tab to view standard documents that are available to download.

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