Perton & Pattingham Pages MONTHLY BUSINESS DIRECTORY: INC: EVENTS ▪ GROUPS ▪ CLASSES ▪ NEWS ››› Find & Search Local Businesses
p2 ››› Gavin Williamson MP Update
››› New Summer Cycling Rides
p3 ››› Local Classes & Groups
››› Perton Parish Council Update
p6 ››› 10% Off Lighting for the House
››› Healthy Living Week at Lakeside
p8 ››› 2 Week Trial at Stagecoach
Perton & Pattingham Business Index Home& Garden Ala rms /CCTV/Home Security Ba throoms Blinds & Curta ins Builder Ca rpentry Ca rpet & Interiors Clea ning Se rvices Decking & Fencing Domes tic Applia nces & Repa ir Drivewa ys Electricia ns Exte rna l Clea ning Flooring Ga rden Centre Ga rdening & La nds ca ping Gutter Clea ning Kitchens Lighting Locks mith Oven Clea ning Pa inter & Decora tor Pla s terer Plumbing & Hea ting Property Ma intena nce Roofing Tree Surgeon Windows, Doors & Conservatories Window Cleaning
23 9,15,17 ,19 3,11,12 16 13,27 11 6,10,21 18,26 6 22 4,5,12,2 3,26 21,27 4 18,22 6,7,13 6,24 15 23 17 4,5,27 6,9,10,1 1,12 6,9,12,1 5 9,13,17 ,21,22,27 4,12 3,4,8,16 ,2 5,27 5,8,24 4,7,8,9,25 3
Motoring & Transport Acces s ories Bodywork Ma intena nce Ta xi Service Classe s, Groups & Events Da nce Cla s s es Events Fitne s s & Sport Slimming Thea tre & Performing Arts Tuition IT, Finance & Property Computers & Repa ir Fina ncia l Advis er Prope rty Sa les & Lettings Lifestyle, Leisure & Retail Be ds & Ma ttres s e s Childca re & Schools Community Ca re Driving School Footca re Funera l Directors Gifts & Homewa re Golf Clubs Ha ir, Hea lth & Bea uty Phys iothera py Ve nue Hire Animals & Pets Pe t Grooming Pe t Shop
3 17 15 1 3,17 3 ,5,7,16 3 2 6 ,12 24 5 1 ,10,16 ,25 1 3,14 19 13 1 0,17,2 0 11 9 ,25 9 19 27 15 3 ,10,11 ,25 1 28 7 7
Summer Cycle Rides Especially for the summer South Staffordshire Cycling Scheme have introduced two new rides in the area. There are the family friendly off road rides in Wombourne. These are for people of all ages but particularly suitable for the younger riders as the route is fairly flat. These start at 2pm from the lower car park at the Railway Cafe on Bratch Lane and run every other Sunday afternoon from the 21 st July. The route is along the railway line to the lovely Cupcake Lane Cafe so please bring some pennies for refreshments. Suitable for adults and children who are more confident on their bikes are the Tuesday night Fitness Rides in Penkridge. Starting at 6.30pm from the Haling Dene the ride goes through the village to Boscomoor Road and on to Otherton Lane. It is called a Fitness Ride because everyone gets to ride at a pace where they feel warm and slightly out of breath which children and adults alike seem to enjoy! Followed by a 10 minute cool down, the ride returns to the start at 7.30pm so it is also suitable for people who are very busy. Both rides are intended for people who are new to cycling or those who are returning from illness or injury and are free of charge thanks to funding from the South Staffordshire Strategic Partnership. For more information people check out the cycling pages on the Goodlife in South Staffordshire website, our Twitter feed or our Facebook page. Alternatively you can email the project managers April Lewis and Neil Postins; or ♌ ♌ 07734 461934
Wild About Perton in August..... Over the past few weeks a close eye has been kept on the progress of a juvenile heron. The presence of a new heron was soon spotted by the resident adult heron who, in a fast aggressive ‘dogfight’ over the Upper Lake, tried to drive the youngster away. From time to time the youngster was seen stretched out on the grass by Cabot Grove. But he or she seems to have survived, fishing in the quieter river waters between the Upper and Lower Lakes. Herons will eat anything that moves in the water from fish or amphibians to large invertebrates, but they always fish from the safety of the bank or by waiting patiently in shallow waters, with a striking beak held clear of the water on long legs. Similarly the great crested grebe, which can also be seen on the Upper Lake in the summer, is undiscerning in its tastes. But, this bird dives from the surface then swims with strong legs under the water with its lance like beak stretched forward until something tasty is spotted. Our old friend the kingfisher adopts a different technique; waiting patiently on a branch above the water until something interesting comes into view in the water. Then it dives in head first, hopefully catching a young fish before launching itself back out of the water. So how do young animals survive with so many different predators out to catch them? Well many don’t, but because there are so many of them there are enough to survive, breed and continue the species. These small water animals have a plant ally; the ‘weed’. A mixture of Hornwort and algae, which grows in such profusion in the lake when temperatures rise. Open water is a dangerous place for most lake animals. Aquatic plants not only give protection from predators, but they provide a rich foraging habitat. Many animals like pond snails, caddis flies and mayflies, graze the tiny algae growing on submerged plant leaves. Join us on Saturday 17th September at the Perton Village Show at 2:00pm in Perton Civic Centre and for our monthly wildlife walk on Saturday 3rd September leaving Perton Library at 2:00pm.
For further information contact Keith Elder on 754245 or 4 ♦ ♦ 07734 461934
Brian Breakwell Painter & Decorator Semi-Retired with over 40 Years Experience Cheap Rates All Work Guaranteed
Tel: 07490 496006 or 01902 753364 Email:
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Visiting Foot Care Service NOW available in this area Nails Trimmed Corns Removed Painful Toenails Verruca Treatment Fungal Conditions Cracked Heels Hard Skin/Callus Reduction
Call 01902 687814 for appointments ♌ ♌ 07734 461934
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NEW SHOWROOM AT 1 FINCHFIELD ROAD WEST 3 vertical blinds supplied for ÂŁ75 up to 5' width.
Individual blinds supplied from ÂŁ20 each ________________________________
Fitting service offered Free home visits with pattern books. ________________________________
All blinds are made to measure. We supply and fit roller blinds, aluminium venetian, wooden venetian, roman blinds etc.
A Word From Gavin Williamson............... On Thursday 23rd June, our country took the momentous decision to exit the European Union. The following day will always stay in my mind as being the most emotional day since being elected as a Member of Parliament. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to convince him to stay in his post, it was extremely sad to witness the Prime Minister make his decision to resign as leader of the country, having seen him work so hard to make the case for the country to remain inside the European Union. He has always held his belief that Britain was stronger, safer and better off inside the EU, but felt it was not right that, given the difference between his beliefs and that of the majority of the country, that he led the Brexit negotiations. I sat with him just before he telephoned Her Majesty the Queen to tell her of his decision and stayed with him and his wife Samantha just before his addressed the nation, in what must have been the most difficult speech of his political career. As his Parliamentary Private Secretary it has been an immense privilege to work alongside such a brilliant and intelligent man. He has been a fantastic Prime Minister and has seen this country through some extremely difficult decisions concerning military action in Iraq and Syria, the Referendum in Scotland and of course working so hard to turn around the economy when the country was in a financial mess in 2010. The British people sent a clear message as to what they want politicians to deliver in wake of the referendum. I am committed to ensuring that South Staffordshire and Great Britain get the best deal as we start the negotiations for our exit. We are a brilliant country with the capability of growing even greater still. Now we have a new Prime Minister and I truly believe that she will unite our country and successfully lead us into the negotiations to exit the European Union and create a bright future for Great Britain.
To contact Gavin Williamson call 01902 846616 or 0207 219 7150 12 ♦ ♦ 07734 461934
In a post Brexit world we need to be prepared to plan for our futures and above all lets be sensible, why panic there’s really no need!!! Despite all the negativity and may I say, appalling rhetoric being spouted by politicians who either were In or Out, the facts seemed to be buried for the sake of political point scoring and one-upmanship. So at the risk of being sensible lets look at some of the facts. For nearly 10 years the Bank of England Base rate has been at an all time low of 0.5% per annum. There’s no point in harping on about “oh I remember when I could get 6% per annum from my building society accounts- (that was a generation ago!!). We now live in 2016 and things are not the way they used to be. Unemployment is at the lowest its been for nearly 6 years, Inflation is at a very low point., mortgage interest payment rates are at all time lows. There is a reason for this, the economy of the UK specifically, and the rest of the World generally, is totally neutral and balanced and there is a high degree of economic stagnation going on. This decision by the UK to exit the European Economic Community has dropped an absolute bomb into the pond. Quite honestly its probably the catalyst that’s been needed to “get things going’. If we draw some historical facts out of the fire, then its worth mentioning that the reason for this flat lining of the economies was due to the complete miss management of the lending books of the American, British and certain European Banks, they were all greedy for market share, they wanted to play ‘I’ve got more customers than you have’, they lent money out for mortgages irresponsibly, they saw Bricks and Mortar as the only asset class that was worthy of lending money against. They under invested in businesses and entrepreneurs, where historically they made more money than they ever did from mortgages!! In 2012/13 the Banks pretty well realised they were incapable of running compliant and trustworthy Financial Services divisions and there was a near total capitulation of Bank Assurers. (thank god for that !!, leave it to the professional IFA’s thank you very much!!!). It is now the time to look at how you have structured your finances. Look outside of the Banks Cash ISA’s or Building Societies. I’d even go as far as to say National Savings and Income NS&I are not too clever an investment either. Professional Wealth Management via an Independent IFA is going to give you a proper appraisal of what is available to you, your IFA should monitor developments and position your money into the most appropriate places as and when the market conditions dictate they should. You get peace of mind; lower taxation and you should make more money. What have you got to lose???
Frank Cochran - Managing Director & Independent Financial Adviser FSC Investment Services Limited. The purpose of this article is to provide technical and generic guidance and should not be interpreted as a personal recommendation or advice. You are not certain to make money - you may suffer a loss. FSC Investment Services Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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Give your child Creative Courage for Life with Stagecoach Performing Arts Parents looking for new ways to keep their children active, happy and engaged have found the solution in the form of performing arts classes at Stagecoach Performing Arts. Stagecoach Performing Arts in Wolverhampton offer classes in singing, dancing and acting at the Newhampton Arts Centre, Wolverhampton, WV1 4AN and are offering a two week trial during the school autumn term for youngsters aged two to 18. Performance at Stagecoach is about more than simply learning how to sing, dance and act. Students develop the creative courage to unlock their potential, to stand up and be heard, to work well with other students and to embrace new ideas and possibilities. As they hone their new skills and work together to devise and rehearse performances, students become more self-assured, expressive, sociable and imaginative. All skills that will serve them well on the stage of life and help them to tackle new situations with resilience, creativity and courage. Eva Johnson, 12, and her brother Sam, 10, are now Stagecoach regulars after initially attending a two week trial a couple of years ago. Their mum, Katie Johnson, said: “My children absolutely loved it. They came home after the first day and were full of chatter about the friends they’d made and the fun they’d had.” She added: “They learn so much more than singing, dancing and drama. My son is naturally quite shy and I’ve seen his confidence levels soar, whereas my daughter is outgoing and has been able to channel her energy into performing.” Classes are small which means every child is given attention and allowed to realise their potential at their own pace. The teachers all have performing arts experience and are there to lead and support youngsters as they conquer fears and rise to new challenges. Classes run during school term time September 15th-December 3rd. To find out more about the two week trial please call Annmarie on 01782 660811 or visit
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LOCAL CLASSES & GROUPS: PERTON & PATTINGHAM CHOIR SINGING: If you are interested in joining the popular choir, singing light and popular music with the occasional challenging piece, why not come along to one of their weekly rehearsals held in Pattingham Village Hall on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, or for more information, contact Gena Richards on 01902 700188 or Alan Hickman on 01902 744653. SLIMMING: Slimming World on a Thursday at Perton Civic Centre 5pm and 7pm and run by Sheena who can be contacted on 07962075980 WILDLIFE WALKING GROUP: Monthly wildlife walks, leave Perton Library at 2pm every first Saturday of every month. For further information contact Keith Elder on 01902 754245 or FITNESS CLASS: Mondays at 6pm at Perton First School fitness class suitable for all the family. Booking is advisable text Liz on 07913168343 FIT 2 Box: Exercise classes held on Tuesdays at Perton First School, Juniors 6-6.30pm and adults 6.30-7.30pm. There is also an adult class on a Friday at Perton Civic Centre 7-8pm and a Fit2Box 30 class at Perton Civic Centre on Wednesdays 6-6.30 & 6.30-7 also Thursdays 9.30-10am. Call Simon on 07470221041 ADVICE: South Staffs Work Club, Perton Library 2.15pm - 4pm every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month. The Work Club offers advice and support to local people in preparation for the introduction of Universal Credit. The services are completely free and offer advice on Benefits, Debt, Career Coaching, CV development, Volunteering and much more. CYCLING GROUP: The SSCS promotes cycling as a fun and safe way to stay active and healthy by providing guided inclusive community based cycle rides ( from Perton ) in order to increase physical participation and improve well being across a range of age and ability. For details please see KNITTING CLASS (KNIT & PURL): The classes are open to anyone who is interested in knitting. Experienced knitters are quite happy to teach anyone who does not know how to knit, adults or children, children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Meet in the New Room, Civic Centre, Perton on the second Thursday of the month from 7pm to 9pm. The classes are informal, lots of chat and refreshments. Everyone knits their own thing; some knit for charity, some for family and friends. Contact details are 07946 861057 or ( £2 a class ) PRE SCHOOL DANCE CLASSES: Every ThursdayPerton Diddi Dance hold a Funky Pre School Dance Class for boys and girls. Classes are held at The Church at Perton from 2.00pm - 2.45pm. Call Svenja on 07846 337910 for more details. DANCING: Classes for all ages in Ballet, Tap, Acrobatics, Disco and Musical Comedy held at Holy Cross Church Hall, Bilbrook. Annual Shows at the Grand Theatre Wolverhampton and exams with MASD. Contact Carol on 01902 398710 or email DANCING: Classes for all ages in Ballet,Tap, Acrobatics, Disco and Contemporary held at the United Reformed Church hall, Tettenhall Wood and at the Bradmore Centre Birches Barn Rd. W-ton. Shows and Examinations. Contact the Fusco Academy of Dance established 1972. On 07713126218 or e mail or New term begins Saturday 10th September. New ballet class at 10am.
Tips From Your Local PGA Pro at Perton Park..... Why it's Difficult to get out of the bunker: A high proportion of beginner golf players undergo difficulty playing from the bunkers, mostly because they don't understand how much sand they have to move to get the golf ball out, or they make actual contact with the golf ball. They either don't adopt a large enough swing, or they hit too far behind the golf ball, too close to it, or yet, directly on it and that may send it shooting way over the green. Golf Bunker Shot Drill: Sand wedges these days are designed to make it easy for you to get the ball out of the bunker. All you have to do is follow a couple of simple rules. The best method to hit consistent bunker shots is to comprehend that you are just trying to pitch sand out onto the green; the ball simply gets in the way. Consistently aim to take a smooth, controlled golf swing along with an open stance and clubface. A great drill to groove that sensation is to grab a hand full of sand, then assume your usual stance inside the bunker. Then make a smooth underarm toss and chuck the sand out of the bunker, with your palm facing towards the sky and your body pivoting forward. How much sand do you take? Take around as much as the dimension of a £5 note. You can place a note in the bunker then coat it with a thin layer of sand. Position the ball on, approximately a couple of inches from the right edge of the note. You then aim to make contact with the sand at the border of the note, about 2 inches behind the ball, allow the golf club to slide underneath the ball do not let it dig into the sand. Capture a divot the full amount of the note along with the ball. It’s a scooping or skimming action not a shoveling one. The plan is to skip the ball out, not shovel it, as well as to make contact a couple of inches behind the ball, to fly the ball out gently, along with a minimum of sand. Although no bunker shot is the same, and if you are using the equivalent explosion technique for each shot, you are getting it out and putting. 3 Factors Decide Bunker Shots Distance There are three conditions that decide how far a sand shot may travel, 1/ how hard you swing, 2/ how open your club-face is 3/ how far behind the ball your club-head makes contact with the sand. The most efficient technique to produce reliable distance control, is to adjust only the power of your golf-swing, and the quantity of the sand taken with each shot, while keeping your club face alignment consistent. If you already feel relaxed with the amount of sand that you take in your bunker explosion shot, it is best to alter only the power of your golf swing. The further you are from the pin, the harder you should swing. Try to preserve a consistent club face angle and also the quantity of the sand taken. Practice various swing speeds from different distances round the green. You can try modifying the quantity of sand that you take, while still allowing your clubface angle and swing tempo to remain consistent. Capture a lesser amount of sand if you want added distance from the bunker, take additional sand for a shorter bunker shot. Numerous pros favor this method, for the reason that the results are often more precise, however it does demand much more additional practice. Why not pop down to Perton GC for some bunker practice. We have two practise bunkers. Struggling with your game? email for free advice. Follow us on Facebook,
Jeremy Harrold, Tel: 01902 380073 or email: 22 ♦ ♦ 07734 461934
Words of Wisdom from Rev Julia Cody.... 1976… any memories? I was only 3(!) and all I remember is that we moved, and our brand new home had parquet floors, and I have a memory of curly wood shavings! I’m also aware of the infamous ‘summer of ’76’ - so hot tarmac melted and my parents’ new lawn died! 1976 was when the first homes were built in Perton… this year we celebrate Perton’s 40th Birthday!! I love hearing stories from those first residents, real pioneers, and the recurring theme of lots of mud! 40 years later we have so much to be thankful for: a thriving community of nearly 12,000 people - schools, doctors, shops, businesses, civic centre, library, churches, pubs etc. Perton is an attractive and popular place, lots of green spaces and water - much loved by our labrador! 40 years is something to celebrate - please join us on Saturday 17th September for a “Walk of Thanks for Perton” - all ages and dogs on leads welcome. We’ll gather at 12noon, in two locations: group 1 on the land opposite the Pear & Partridge; group 2 in the car park by the Scout Hut, Gainsborough Drive. The two groups will stroll, chat and pause to give thanks for our village, and then, hopefully(!), meet outside church for a short thanksgiving service. This will link into the opening of Perton Village Show at 2pm, followed by cream teas in church from 2.30pm. It’ll be a great day celebrating our village and I hope lots of you will join us.
01902 750232
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