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Perton & Pattingham Business Index Home & Garden Ala rms /CCTV/Home Security Ba throoms Blinds & Curta ins Builder Ca rpe ntry Ca rpe t & Inte riors Cle a ning Services Decking & Fencing Dome s tic Applia nces & Repa ir Drivewa ys Electricia ns Externa l Clea ning Ga rden Centre Ga rdening & La nds ca ping Gutter Clea ning Lighting Locks mith Oven Clea ning Pa inter & Decora tor Pla s terer Plumbing & Hea ting Prope rty Ma intena nce Roofing Tre e Surgeon Windows, Doors & Conservatories Window Cleaning
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Words of Wisdom from Rev Julia Cody.... Firstly, a big thank you to those who stop me and thank me for these pieces I offer each month, many of whom I don’t know. It’s lovely to know people read them. Thank you for the encouragement! Every month I ponder what to write, trying to think ahead from the print deadline to when you’ll be reading. The strangest time to do this is for January's edition - writing in the midst of school nativities and carol services, it’s hard to imagine mid January! I hope you had a lovely Christmas, but as I struggle to imagine mid January, I expect Christmas seems a long time ago. Mid January… already. Half way through the first of the 12 months of 2017 - 1/24th of the year has passed. Sorry if that’s depressing! But time does seem to pass so very quickly doesn’t it? So let me encourage you (and me!), to develop a habit of pausing and appreciating this moment. One way to do this and slow down, is noticing your breathing. Trying counting to 3 in your mind as you breathe in, and to 4 as you breathe out. This deliberate breathing helps us slow down. You can also say words in your head, e.g. as you breathe in, “thank you loving God”, and as you breathe out, “that you’re with me in this moment”. In the midst of the busy pace of life, let’s pause, appreciate the moment, and thank God for being with us always.
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A Word From Gavin Williamson............... First of all I would like to wish residents across Perton a very Happy New Year. No doubt everyone will be recovering from the activities which took place in and around Perton during the festive season and indeed the turbulent year that we have just left behind. There was so much to do here in South Staffordshire over Christmas. I always find that events at this time of year always showcase the very best of our communities; people coming together to encourage the celebration of families, friends and neighbours after a year some may have found difficult - a great message to carry into the New Year with us. There is always such a brilliant community spirit during Christmas here in Perton and I was honoured to join Perton residents at their Christmas Fair. It was great to see the hundreds of visitors who had turned out to the Fair to enjoy wonderful performances from Perton Middle School Choir, the Salvation Army Band and Perton Middle Dance Club. There were many activities in the library and a Santa’s Grotto for children wishing to meet Father Christmas as he dropped by Perton for the Fair. Inside the Civic Centre there were around fifty stalls dedicated to local home-run businesses selling their fantastic produce. All the money raised will be divided between buying some new Christmas Lights for the village next year and the rest going to a number of local causes. Without the hard working and committed volunteers who fundraise throughout the year, to put money into the community Christmas lights, this event would not go ahead. I would like to congratulate all those who had a hand in organising this fantastic event, I am so delighted that due to the effort of all those involved in the Perton Christmas Fair, Perton will once again be lit up for Christmas. Even though 2017 has barely begun I am already looking forward to spending every minute I can continuing to speak to and spending more time with local residents across Perton. I would like to encourage you to get in touch if ever you need any help or advice on any issue whether it be local about Perton or South Staffordshire or a national issue, I am only too happy to see what I can do. I want to wish you and your families all the best of luck with your endeavours over the year ahead and I am looking forward to what 2017 has in store.
To contact Gavin Williamson call 01902 846616 or 0207 219 7150
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LOCAL CLASSES & GROUPS: PERTON & PATTINGHAM CHOIR SINGING: If you are interested in joining the popular choir, singing light and popular music with the occasional challenging piece, why not come along to one of their weekly rehearsals held in Pattingham Village Hall on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, or for more information, contact Gena Richards on 01902 700188 or Alan Hickman on 01902 744653. SLIMMING: Slimming World on a Thursday at Perton Civic Centre 3pm, 5pm and 7pm and run by Sheena who can be contacted on 07962075980 WILDLIFE WALKING GROUP: Monthly wildlife walks, leave Perton Library at 2pm every first Saturday of every month. For further information contact Keith Elder on 01902 754245 or keith.elder@hotmail.co.uk. FITNESS CLASS: Mondays at 6pm at Perton First School fitness class suitable for all the family. Booking is advisable text Liz on 07913168343 FIT 2 Box: Exercise classes held on Tuesdays at Perton First School, Juniors 6-6.30pm and adults 6.30-7.30pm. There is also an adult class on a Friday at Perton Civic Centre 7-8pm and a Fit2Box 30 class at Perton Civic Centre on Wednesdays 6.15-6.45 also Thursdays 9.30-10am. Call Simon on 07470221041 ADVICE: South Staffs Work Club, Perton Library 2.15pm - 4pm every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month. The Work Club offers advice and support to local people in preparation for the introduction of Universal Credit. The services are completely free and offer advice on Benefits, Debt, Career Coaching, CV development, Volunteering and much more. CYCLING GROUP: The SSCS promotes cycling as a fun and safe way to stay active and healthy by providing guided inclusive community based cycle rides ( from Perton ) in order to increase physical participation and improve well being across a range of age and ability. For details please see www.connectpages.co.uk KNITTING CLASS (KNIT & PURL): The classes are open to anyone who is interested in knitting. Experienced knitters are quite happy to teach anyone who does not know how to knit, adults or children, children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Meet in the New Room, Civic Centre, Perton on the second Thursday of the month from 7pm to 9pm. The classes are informal, lots of chat and refreshments. Everyone knits their own thing; some knit for charity, some for family and friends. Contact details are 07946 861057 or pedged@supanet.com ( ÂŁ2 a class ) PRE SCHOOL DANCE CLASSES: Every ThursdayPerton Diddi Dance hold a Funky Pre School Dance Class for boys and girls. Classes are held at The Church at Perton from 2.00pm - 2.45pm. Call Svenja on 07846 337910 for more details. DANCING: Classes for all ages in Ballet, Tap, Acrobatics, Disco and Musical Comedy held at Holy Cross Church Hall, Bilbrook. Annual Shows at the Grand Theatre Wolverhampton and exams with MASD. Contact Carol on 01902 398710 or email carol@suttieschoolofdance.co.uk. DANCING: Classes for all ages in Ballet,Tap, Acrobatics, Disco and Contemporary held at the United Reformed Church hall, Tettenhall Wood and at the Bradmore Centre Birches Barn Rd. W-ton. Shows and Examinations. Contact the Fusco Academy of Dance established 1972. On 07713126218 or e mail annafusco22@aol.com or hazel.fusco@yahoo.co.uk. New term begins Saturday 10th September. New ballet class at 10am.
NEW SHOWROOM AT 1 FINCHFIELD ROAD WEST 3 vertical blinds supplied for £75 up to 5' width.
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Wild About Perton in January..... For those of us who love the natural world, David Attenborough has a significant impact on our appreciation of nature. His latest BBC blockbuster, Planet Earth II, provides some wonderful images and all that’s best about nature’s gems, often found in exotic locations. But Perton has some wonderful wildlife too. Staffordshire Wildlife Trust has recently described what’s best in our local landscape in their state of Staffordshire Nature report (http://www.staffswildlife.org.uk/stateofstaffs). Staffordshire is a rich and diverse county for nature; from the lowland heaths of the south, with Highgate Common, beyond Wombourne, a real gem for rare invertebrates; to the breath-taking views from the Roaches, in the Staffordshire Peak district, north of Leek. And then there’s Mottey Meadows http://www.friendsofmotteymeadows.org.uk/ near Wheaton Aston, a special area for conservation with rare wildflower-rich floodplain meadows, which have been managed as hay meadows for many centuries. But all is not well with nature, with many species expected to go extinct in the next few years following habitat destruction and deadly chemicals. We’ve seen this decline locally too. Ten years ago, five species of tit were found locally during our May dawn chorus walk, but now both willow tit and marsh tit have gone, and the cuckoo, once clearly heard from Perton gardens in the spring, is now an occasional distant call. So what can we do to halt this decline? We could ask our Member of Parliament and Councillors to use their influence to bring about change. Our Parish Council could champion biodiversity locally, identifying opportunities to enhance and create habitats. At a personal level we can make a difference by ensuring our gardens are special places for wildlife, and we can put time into our local community. Wild About Perton organises regular work parties to help conserve and enhance local habitats. Why not join us? We also run monthly wildlife walks leaving Perton Library at 2PM every first Saturday of the month or join us at Perton Spring Festival on Saturday 20th May 2017.
For further information contact Keith Elder on 754245 or keith.elder@hotmail.co.uk. www.facebook.com/wildaboutperton www.connectpages.co.uk ♦ connectpagesonline@gmail.com ♦ 07734 461934
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