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Perton & Pattingham Business Index Home & Garden Ala rms/CCTV/Home Security Ba throoms Blinds Builde r Ca rpe ntry Ca rpe t & Interiors Cle a ning Services Dome stic Appliances & Repa ir Ele ctricia ns Fencing & Decking Flooring Ga rde n Centre Ga rde ning & La ndsca ping Gutter Cle a ning Lighting Locks mith Oven Cle a ning Pa inte r & De cora tor Pla ste re r Plumbing & He ating Prope rty Ma intena nce Roofing Tiling Tre e Surgeon Windows, Doors & Conservatories
12 13,14 18,25 11 9 9,25 10,15,27,32 21 8,10,12,13,26 29 26 5 9,10,11,21,23 2,11,21 12 14 9,17 8,13,18,25,27 4,10,24,27 13,17,18,27 8,10,15,18,30 15,17,18,24,26,30 30 11,20,23 9,11,16,19,21
Window Cle a ning Motoring & Transport Bodywork Ma intena nce Ta xi Service
30 13 1,9
Eating & Drinking Pubs Res ta ura nts & Ta kea wa ys Classes, Groups & Eve nts Da nce Cla ss e s Eve nts Fitnes s Footba ll Coa ching Slimming The a tre & Pe rforming Arts Tuition IT, Finance & Prope rty Administra tion As s is ta nt Compute rs & Repa ir Fina ncia l Advis er Property Purcha s e Property Sa le s & Lettings Life style, Leisure & Re tail Childca re & Schools Collecta bles & Toys Purcha s e Community Ca re Driving School Footca re Fune ra l Dire ctors Gifts & Homewa re Golf Clubs Ha ir, Hea lth & Bea uty Home a nd Toile trie s Supplies Toy Shop/Pla y Den Animals & Pe ts Pet Grooming Pet Shop
26,32 8,31 20,23 10,14,26,29 3 21 8,14 24,31 9,23 3 15,16,22 27 9 4 3,13,28 15 6,15,19,25,26,30 15 18 6,22 17 4 4,10,19,25 7 23 3,23 23
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PP/October 15
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Tips From Your Local PGA Pro at Perton Park..... Play with your Head: Part 2
We all have different targets, often according to what our golf handicap or skill level is. We are here to help you reach those targets so why not give us a call here at Perton Park.
Jeremy Harrold, Tel: 01902 380073 or email: jeremy@pertongolfclub.co.uk 6
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A Word From Gavin Williamson............... As summer comes to an end we can scarcely believe that it is already time to dust off the pencil cases and lunch boxes and send our children back to school. One of the most important building blocks of any successful society is in my opinion education. To some extent our education defines us, liberates us and allows us to become anything that we want to be. As both a parent and a Member of Parliament, a key priority of mine is campaigning for fairer funding for our schools in South Staffordshire. Our schools currently receive some of the lowest levels of funding per pupil in England. This is wrong and I think it is time that we make changes to the way funding is allocated. The unfair funding system for schools has seen children from South Staffordshire lose out for far too long. Currently pupils in Perton and across South Staffordshire currently receive ÂŁ515.75 less than a pupil in Wolverhampton. I have launched a petition across the constituency in support of a new national funding formula which will deliver a fairer deal for children in Perton. I will present the petition it in Parliament later in the year together with MPs from up and down the country. It is vital that we bring it home to ministers that parents want a fair deal for their children, based on need rather than where they happen to live. I think that it is disgraceful that schools in South Staffordshire receive less funding per pupil than schools in neighbouring areas like Wolverhampton, Walsall and Dudley. In my view this lacks rationale and is blatantly unfair. I support schools with a higher number of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds gaining additional funding to help bridge the attainment gap, but this should not be done merely on the basis of postcode. We are so fortunate that are children are taught by such wonderful teachers here in Perton and they deserve a fair funding formula. I encourage all of my constituents to support my campaign and sign my petition to right this injustice in our schools so our children can have the brightest future as they possibly can and more importantly the future that they deserve.
To contact Gavin Williamson call 01902 846616 or 0207 219 7150 8
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Useful Numbers Lakeside Surgery: 01902 755329 Tamar Surgery: 01902 755053 Pattingham Surgery: 01902 700462 Perton Dental Practice (Anders Square): 01902 758120 Dental Surgery, Tamar Medical Centre: 01902 756114 Perton Funeral Directors: 01902 756830 Perton Clinic : 01902 758150 Perton Civic Centre: 01902 745971 Perton Library: 01902 755794 Church at Perton: 01902 750232 Lakeside Community Church: 01902 753595 St Chad's Church Pattingham: 01902 700257 Neighbourhood Police: 0300 1234455 Staffordshire Police: 08453 303132 MP: Gavin Williamson: 01902 846616 Souths Staffs District Council: 01902 696000 Staffordshire County Council: 01785 223121 Perton Parish Council Office: 01902 745971 Pattingham & Patshull Parish Council: 01902 746898
If there are any other telephone numbers you think would be useful to the people of Perton and Pattingham then please contact us at pertonpages@gmail.com
What's On at Perton Library Hands-on-Handmade – Learn new skills this Autumn!: Why not come along to Perton Library for a four week course for adults to inspire creativity, build design confidence and crafting skills and to take part in a sociable, friendly activity at Your Library? Crafts will include glass painting, decoupage and jewellery making and all items made can be taken home at the end of the course. No experience is necessary and all materials and equipment are provided by our qualified tutor, Lisa Westmorland. 15th, 22nd October & 5th, 12th November 9:30—12:00, £10 per course (That’s just £1 per hour!) Booking essential (Adults only) Get Online Week: From 12-18 October, Get Online Week will return to help show thousands more people how the internet can make their lives a little easier. Free taster sessions will be available throughout South Staffordshire during and in the week following Get Online Week, Free Tasters for Get Online Week are being offered by Adult and Community Learning in the week after Get Online Week – Mon 19th Oct – Perton Library (01902)755794 - 9:30 11:30 IPad/Tablet Taster workshop, 12:00 – 14:00 PC/Laptop Taster workshop, Also, ask about a FREE session with our IT Buddy! Out of the Darkness – Pluto and the Outer Worlds: A fantastic new presentation from Andrew Lound, Pluto’s discovery in 1930 seemed to be the epitome of planetary discovery in the Solar System; yet it was just the beginning of a new era of discovery! This presentation, developed to commemorate the first spacecraft to visit Pluto, will examine the outer worlds, the dwarf planets of ice in the Kuiper belt and beyond and will include the latest information and images from the New Horizons space probe and NASA! Andrew has built a reputation with Perton Library for his excellent and informative audio visual presentations. Thursday 22nd October, 7:15pm—8:30pm, £3.50 (£3.00 Library members) (Booking Essential) These activities are in addition to the regular groups and meetings that take place at the library. For more information or to book a place on any of these events contact Perton Library on
01902 756123
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Visiting Foot Care Service NOW available in this area Nails Trimmed Corns Removed Painful Toenails Verruca Treatment Fungal Conditions Cracked Heels Hard Skin/Callus Reduction
Call 01902 687814 for appointments
NEW SHOWROOM AT 1 FINCHFIELD ROAD WEST 3 vertical blinds supplied for £75 up to 5' width.
Individual blinds supplied from £20 each ________________________________
Fitting service offered Free home visits with pattern books. ________________________________
All blinds are made to measure. We supply and fit roller blinds, aluminium venetian, wooden venetian, roman blinds etc.
CALL US FOR A FREE QUOTATION 01902 766755 OR EMAIL village.blinds@hotmail.co.uk
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LOCAL CLASSES & GROUPS: PERTON & PATTINGHAM CHOIR SINGING: If you are interested in joining the popular choir, singing light and popular music with the occasional challenging piece, why not come along to one of their weekly rehearsals held in Pattingham Village Hall on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, or for more information, contact Gena Richards on 01902 700188 or Alan Hickman on 01902 744653. SLIMMING: Slimming World on a Thursday at Perton Civic Centre. Classes are at 5pm and 7pm and run by Sheena who can be contacted on 07962075980 WILDLIFE WALKING GROUP: Monthly wildlife walks, leave Perton Library at 2pm every first Saturday of every month. For further information contact Keith Elder on 01902 754245 or keith.elder@hotmail.co.uk. FITNESS CLASS: Mondays at 6pm at Perton First School fitness class suitable for all the family. Booking is advisable text Liz on 07913168343 FIT 2 Box: These classes are held at The Pavilion on Perton just off Gainsborough Drive. Simon holds his classes on a Tuesday. 6.30 - 7.30 is for beginners to moderate and 7.30 - 8.30 is for advanced and people who exercise regularly. Call Simon on 07470221041 ADVICE: South Staffs Work Club, Perton Library 2.15pm - 4pm every 1 st and 3rd Thursday of the Month. The Work Club offers advice and support to local people in preparation for the introduction of Universal Credit. The services are completely free and offer advice on Benefits, Debt, Career Coaching, CV development, Volunteering and much more. CYCLING GROUP: The SSCS promotes cycling as a fun and safe way to stay active and healthy by providing guided inclusive community based cycle rides ( from Perton ) in order to increase physical participation and improve well being across a range of age groups and ability levels. For contact and ride details please see www.pertonandpattinghampages.co.uk DANCING: Classes for all ages in Ballet, Tap, Acrobatics, Disco and Musical Comedy held at Holy Cross Church Hall, Bilbrook. Annual Shows at the Grand Theatre Wolverhampton and exams with MASD. Contact Carol on 01902 398710 or email carol@suttieschoolofdance.co.uk.
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Words of Wisdom from Rev Julia Cody.... The shops are decorated with pumpkins, bats, spiders’ webs and so on… the run-up to Halloween. Did you know, like many notable dates in our calendar, Halloween was a Christian festival? October 31st is All Hallows’ Eve - from which ‘Halloween’ comes. In turn, November 1st is All Hallows’ - or All Saints' - Day, and November 2nd is All Souls’ Day. Three linked events, but, over time All Hallows’ Eve has become associated with rather different themes, and has then been latched onto by those happy to entice us to part with our money! Hallows is an old word for Saints. To understand the link between ‘hallows’ and ‘saints’, think of the word halo. In pictures and stained glass, saints of old are portrayed with halos, hence hallows are saints. All Saints - all Hallows - is when we remember Jesus said that all who follow him are saints, they’re all dedicated, set aside, made holy for him. We will be marking All Hallows' Eve in church again this year, with a party celebrating light. All welcome from 5.30pm on Saturday 31st October. All Souls’ Day is when we take time to remember those who have died, particularly those who’ve died since the last All Souls’ Day. We will be marking All Souls’ Day in church again this year, with a Memorial and Thanksgiving Service, taking place on Sunday 1st November at 4pm. All are welcome, and if you’d like a particular person mentioned by name in our prayers, please let me know. 01902 750232
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Wild About Perton in October..... A recent phone call reporting the sighting of a muntjac deer at twilight in a field close to the pumping station, confirmed a long standing suspicion that these elusive, diminutive mammals were living alongside us, just out of sight. Muntjac deer have a rich red summer coat, a brown winter coat and carry tiny unbranched antlers, but unlike fallow deer, which live in large herds, muntjac deer are generally solitary. These tiny deer which originated in South East Asia, are more correctly called Reeves' muntjac, after the East India Company tea inspector who gave his name to the muntjac and many other animals, including the Reeves’ pheasant. A few muntjac were brought to the UK during the 19 th century to grace country parks but many escaped or were deliberately released in the 1920s and are now, according to the British Deer Society (www.bds.org.uk), widespread and increasing in number and range. Britons have had a long fascination with deer, which are our largest land mammals. Deer are the only truly wild hoofed mammals in Britain, which like their domesticated cousins, cattle, chew the cud. But unlike cattle, deer can run fast and have antlers which are shed each year, with the succeeding crop usually larger than the previous year, until the deer reaches its prime. Red deer and roe deer have always lived in Britain, whereas the fallow deer and the reindeer died out in the distant past. Both have been re-introduced; the fallow deer by the Normans and the reindeer to Scotland in more recent times. Both fallow deer and red deer can be seen locally on Cannock Chase, our local area of outstanding natural beauty. A deer we’re unlikely to meet on any twilight evening is the extinct Giant Elk, which stood 7 feet tall at the shoulder and with a 12 foot span of antlers. If you spot an unusual animal or plant please let us know. Monthly wildlife walks, leave Perton Library at 2pm every first Saturday of every month.
For further information contact Keith Elder on 754245 or keith.elder@hotmail.co.uk. www.facebook.com/wildaboutperton
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Brian Breakwell Painter & Decorator Semi-Retired with over 40 Years Experience Cheap Rates All Work Guaranteed
Tel: 07976 152817 or 01902 753364 Email: sarah-2503@hotmail.co.uk
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LOCAL EVENTS: PERTON & PATTINGHAM Monday 12th October - Perton Parish Council Meeting at the Civic Centre starts at 7pm. Have your say on Perton. Wednesday 14th October - Open Morning at Perton Sandown First School. Between 9.30 and 11.00am. Contact the school on 01902 742686 Tuesday 20th October 2015 - Codsall and Wergs Christmas Shop Preview Evening. 6pm - 8pm. 10% off Everything, Glass of Wine and a Mince Pie. Tickets are just £2.50. Thursday 29th October - Flicks in the Sticks Movie Magic. "What We Did on our Holiday" showing at 2pm. Perton, Kingswood and Trescott Senior Citizens are Free. Otherwise £3.50 and refreshments at 50p. Friday 30th October 2015 - Halloween Party at The Wrottesley Arms Perton for Children then Adults. From 5.30pm - 7.30pm its the Childrens Party. Free entry, puppet show, magic show, party games, fancy dress competition and much more. Then its the adults turn with free entry, disco and jelly shots for those in fancy dress. Saturday 31st October 2015 - Creature Freature: Breakfast with the Animal Man ( Exotics of the World ). £5 per child includes breakfast and presentation with the Animal Man. 9.30 am - 11am. Saturday 31st October 2015 - Watch the Rugby World Cup Final at The Wrottesley Arms Perton. Monday 9th November 2015- Perton Parish Council Meeting at the Civic Centre starts at 7pm. Have your say on Perton. Wednesday 25th November 2015 - Open Morning at Perton Sandown First School. Between 9.30 and 11.00am. Contact the school on 01902 742686
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