U.S. National Plan of Action for Conservation and Management of Shark Resources Craig Heberer Fisheries Biologist NOAA Fisheries Southwest Region Long Beach, California craig.heberer@noaa.gov www.nmfs.noaa.gov/
U.S. National Plan of Action for Conservation and Management of Shark Resources z
Framework Plan for NOAA Fisheries guiding domestic and international management efforts (FMCs, RFMOs) U.S. NPOA implemented February 2001 −
Consistent with federal legislation (MSRA) z
Capacity building, sustainable stocks, IUU measures
Builds upon National Standards of MSRA
U.S. NPOA Elements z
Development of Conservation Measures −
Domestic regulations (annual catch limits, overfishing rules, no finning-5% rule (SFA 2001), time/area closures, critical habitat)
International resolutions and treaties with UN SFR, CITIES, RFMOs, bi-laterals (capacity controls, data reporting, compliance)
Data Collection −
Fishery dependent (logbooks for target and nontarget catches used in stock assessments)
Fishery independent (observer program for bycatch and research for gear modifications)
Shark Finning Prohibition Act of 2001 z
Annual report to U.S. Congress −
Elements of NPOA
Conservation and Management Effectiveness
Research and Monitoring Activities
International Efforts – Capacity building
Report available on-line z
U.S. NPOA Elements z
Reduce Bycatch – MSRA priority −
Cooperative research with industry on gear and methods research (circle hooks, bait switch, chemical and physical deterents)
National Bycatch Report (under construction)
Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program z z
Funds allocated and proposals up and running Export technology (field trials of circle hooks in Uruguay, Italy, Brasil)
U.S. NPOA Elements z
For West Coast HMS Fisheries −
Harvest limits for thresher, blue, and mako shark fisheries
Prohibitions on catch for great white, basking, and megamouth sharks
Observer programs
Research on survivorship studies in both commercial and recreational fisheries
Landings monitor and reporting programs (public can access data via internet)
U.S. NPOA Elements z
Hawaii Longline Swordfish Fishery −
Use of circle hooks and mackerel bait has reduced sea turtle mortalities and improved survivorship of hooked and released sharks
98% blue sharks released alive based on observer data