Convention Guide

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With the financial support of the European Parliament

Level 3

Workshop Room 315

Workshop Room 313

Workshop Room 316

Workshop Room 314

Workshop Room 312



Workshop Room 311

Workshop Room 300

Workshop The Arc

Party of European Socialists 98, rue du Tr么ne B-1050 Brussels T+32 2 548 90 80 F +32 2 230 17 66 AISBL - BBCE N掳0897 208 032


PES Convention 2011 Table of Contents

The political renewal process


Welcome by Poul Nyrup Rasmussen


Welcome by Bruno Tobback


Welcome by Elio Di Rupo


PES Convention on Social Media


Welcome by Philip Cordery


Programme Overview


Workshops and Plenary on “Fair Economy”


Photo and video exhibitions Photo Competition “Click 4 Progress”

18 19

Workshops and Plenary on “Equal Societies”


S&D Group Reception


Film Screening & Debates


Political Bookshop & Signing Sessions


Workshops and Plenary on “A just world”


Who are PES activists?


Workshops and Plenary on “Active Democracy”


Concert & Party


Phrase Book


Practical Info Venue maps

53 54-57


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The first pan-European political renewal processs. Changing the way we do politics, developing innovative policy and listening to people to answer the challenges citizens face in today’s world.

The PES Network on modernizing politics is about renewing the way we do politics. It works to create a common strategy for the 2014 European elections. It also focuses on party reform by exchanging on the modernization of our structures, methods and instruments. Reinventing the role of our members, ensuring internal democracy, democratizing our decision-making processes and selection methods are at the heart of the Network’s work. Equally central are effectively getting our messages through, opening up to trade-unions and NGOs, and building successful political alliances.

Re:new is the PES online consultation platform. Made up of a mix of forum and social media tools, interactive and open to everyone, Re:new is where we can all contribute to the debate on “Progressive Societies”. After the Declaration of Principles, the challenge is the fundamental programme. Just like the Convention, Re:new revolves around Active democracy, Equal societies, A fair economy and A just world. Use Re:new to give input on the workshops and plenary. Have your say in defining our common programmatic basis!

“Progressive Societies” means innovative policy in the 21st century. The PES has just adopted our first Declaration of Principles, our political identity card. The fundamental programme is the step further for European progressive politics. It will outline the core of our policies for the future with the Convention providing the platform for innovative ideas. Developing a common programmatic basis is a novelty in European politics. It embodies our pledge to work together and our commitment to a progressive EU.

Dear Friends, Welcome to the PES Progressive Convention. I am delighted to welcome you to this unique gathering of our progressive family. We will come out of this two day convention richer in our ideas, stronger in our resolve and more unified in our sense of purpose. It will be a richness based on the passion of our debate, a resolve based on the urgency of the times, and a sense of purpose based on our fundamental belief that we live in a society and not just an economy. This crisis we have faced since September 2008 has now escalated to unprecedented levels. It has brought countries to their knees, and is wreaking havoc on the lives of people across Europe. Millions are unemployed and living in poverty. The effects now touch every aspect of our lives, our societies and our politics. People are angry, and rightly so. They feel that they aren’t being listened to. They feel that they must pay for the mistakes of others. A crisis of this scale can’t be solved only by policy makers. Everyone must be included in recovery. That is what this Convention is all about: listening to you and hearing your ideas for creating the Europe you want and the Europe we need. These two days of debate and exchange are all about the renewal of our movement and the re-launching of our momentum: We have new governments this year in Ireland, Finland, and Denmark, shortly in Belgium and hopefully soon in France, Germany and Italy. If we successfully build on this momentum there could be a very different Europe this time next year. I look forward to seeing you all over the next few days as we start our urgent work. Another, better Europe is possible; let’s build it together!

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen President Party of European Socialists 4

Dear Friends,

Dear Friends,

I’m truly honoured to welcome you to the 2011 PES Re:new Convention in Brussels. This guide provides you with all the necessary information for your stay. Should you need any more information, do not hesitate to contact the PES staff. They will see to it immediately.

I am delighted to welcome you to Brussels, at the heart of Belgium and Europe, for this major Convention organised by the Party of European Socialists and its partners.

A very important mission of this Convention is to start a Euro-wide open brainstorming, based on our Declaration of Principles. The Declaration defines our shared identity, our core values. We now must take this a step further and renew social democratic policies aimed at building better societiesin the 21st century. We can only achieve this if all progressive forces in Europe work together.

At a very difficult time for Europe, we, as European socialists, must continue to be a force driving forward proposals and action in the citizens’ interests. What we want is a constructive Europe,not a destructive one.

I am convinced that this effort will lead us on a new path in today’s world. A world in which too many ordinary people are facing the effects of an ongoing financial and economic crisis. Now is the time to show them that we have the ideas as well as the energy to change things for the better. Time to remind them -and ourselves- that fear is not a good adviser. Because he who fears the challenges of the future, will always end up betrayed and mislead. Let us be optimistic and shape the future of Europe with our shared Declaration at hand. A future of true freedom, progress and solidarity. I hope you enjoy this Convention and your stay in Brussels, With fraternal regards,

Our values of social progress, justice and freedom are what will make it possible to return to a Europe that is socially fair, economically responsible and meaningful for those who live in it. The Party of European Socialists is a formidable working platform via which we can exchange our ideas and plans, involving parties, activists, sympathisers and volunteers in Europe and throughout the world. This joint work is valuable not only in giving new democratic impetus to the reality of a social, economic and political Europe but also in building this new European project. It is also vital for Europe to listen more to a world that is constantly changing, particularly at a time when many people are fighting for democracy. We socialists instinctively refuse to adopt an attitude of resignation: another Europe is possible and it is by working together that we will achieve it! Yours in solidarity,

Bruno Tobback President sp.a, Belgium

Elio Di Rupo President PS, Belgium

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PES Convention on Social Media PES wants its convention to be as open and inclusive as possible. This is why we have organized a broad live coverage of the whole event by using the main social networking tools to enlarge the participation and to incentivize debates also online. You have many ways to contribute to make your Convention a success also on the web.


Would you like to comment on the Convention live? Twitter is the tool you need. One general #tag and four thematic ones will be used during the event. If you have a twitter account you can join the live coverage: Convention - #Re_new A fair economy - #Re_eco Equal societies - #Re_soc A just world- #Re_world Active democracy - #Re_dem Combine our #tags, mention @PES_PSE , @PES_Women and @PoulNRasmussen and your party leader in your tweets.

RE:NEW Do you think that the reflection started during the Convention should go on? Would you like to further discuss one of the topics of the workshops? Re:new is the place to go. There you will find four themes corresponding to the main axes of reflection of the Convention itself. Login, join the ongoing discussions or open new threads.

LIVE STREAMING You will be able to watch all Convention plenary sessions online at htttp:// Share this URL with your comrades and friends, and invite them to join us remotely. 8


PES Progressive convention has its home on Facebook at groups/pes.convention. Join the group and use it to give your point of view on the event.

INTERNET ACCESS A wireless Internet access will be available during these two days. Below you find all the information to connect: Network: SQUARE Username: PES Password: pesconvention2011

Dear Friends, Welcome to the PES Progressive Convention in Brussels! It is the first time that progressive politicians, activists, trade-unionists, NGOs, artists, and academics will gather from all over Europe for a unique open brainstorming of two days, to debate, exchange, formulate new alternative proposals and define new progressive policies aimed at building fair and sustainable societies in the 21st century. The recent developments in the world, the financial and economic crisis, the uprisings in the Arab World, the occupying movements, show that citizens are eager to participate and to be taken into account. This is why we aim at doing politics differently and thus at organizing a different type of event, outward-looking, participative and based on a bottom-up, open, inclusive and friendly approach. Aside from more than 50 workshops and plenary debates, the Convention also aims to draw inspiration from the cultural and academic spheres. Film screenings, literary cafÊs, bookshops, exhibitions, concerts – will also allow us to reflect on our values and on our policies and to openly talk about them. With this Convention, we pave the way towards our Fundamental Programme, towards a Fair Economy, Equal Societies, a Just World and Active Democracy. So use this unique opportunity to share your views, to exchange ideas, to suggest, to propose, to speak and to listen, to meet other progressives, to inspire and get inspired! Thanks for coming and now, enjoy the PES Progressive Convention! With fraternal regards,

Philip Cordery Secretary General Party of European Socialists 9

Programme Overview Friday 25th November 09.00 – 10.30

Workshops on “Fair economy”

11.00 – 12.00


12.00 – 13.00

Leaders’ conversation on “Fair economy”

Saturday 26th November

13:00 – 13:45

PES activists workshop: From concept to campaign - A meeting between activists to discuss the next 12 months.

09.00 – 10.30

Workshops on “A just world”

13.15 – 14.00

Literary café: Michel Wieviorka, Pour la prochaine gauche

11.00 – 12.00

Leaders’ conversation on “A just world”

13.30 – 16.00

Film screening & debate: Inside Job – organized by the S&D Group in the EP

12.00 – 13.00

“A new progressive Europe”

13.00 – 14.15

14.00 – 14.45

Literary café: Paul Magnette, Grandeur et misère de l’idée nationale

15.00 – 16.30

Workshops on “Equal societies” 1

Literary café on social housing – Nicolas Ancion, Dans la cité Volta & Alain Cofino Gomez, Quelques nouvelles de la grande expédition au coin de la rue - organised by the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions

17.00 – 18.00

Leaders’ conversation on “Equal societies”

13.30 – 16.00

18.00 – 18.15

“Click 4 Progress” photo competition prize

14.15 – 15.00

18.15 – 20.30

Film screening & debate : Waste Land - organized by Curieus

Film screening & debate: L’opposant by Anis Lassoued - organized by the GPF Literary café – Progressive Values for the 21st Century - organized by FEPS

15.30 – 17.00

Workshops on “Active democracy”

18.15 – 19.30

Film screening & debate: Two Prides, Two Worlds. One Europe – organized by Animo

17.30 – 18.30

Leaders’ conversation on “Active democracy”

18.15 – 19.00

Literary café: Carlo Patrignani, Lombardi e il fenicottero

18.30 – 19.30


19.30 – 21.30

Visit of the Magritte Museum – organised by the S&D Group in the EP


Concert & party


Reception in the Magritte Museum hosted by the S&D Group in the EP

1. Note e tthat hat th the h workshop rkshop p organised rganiised byy the e PES E Gro Group p iin n the Committee of the Regions will take place e from om m 14.30 1 t 16.30. 16 30. to

During plenary sessions, interpretation will be provided in English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch (to get a headset, you’ll need your ID or passport). For workshops and other activities, check the detailed programme for interpretation (see following pages).


Friday 25 November WORKSHOPS: 9.00 – 10.30

A fair economy

Workshops - A fair economy


Organiser: S&D Group in the European Parliament Speakers: - Monika Flašíková-Beñová (Vice-President of the S&D Group, SMER Slovakia) - Claude Moraes (MEP S&D Group, LP United Kingdom) - Emir Kir (Brussels Minister for Social Action and International Relations, Belgium) - Matt Cavanagh (Institute for Public Policy Research, IPPR) - Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga (Foundation for Studies on Applied Economy, FEDEA) Moderators: Hannes Swoboda (Vice-President of the S&D Group, SPÖ Austria) Languages and Interpretation: English / French / German / Spanish Workshop description: The conference will look at the economic impact of social integration. Leading politicians and research institutes will discuss the relationship between labour force movements and the economy of the EU and its Member States. Can integration be a key factor in developing fair and sustainable economies? We want to promote an evidence-based discussion on the effects of migration on the labour market, social provision, and the economy of host countries. Room number: 300


Organiser: FEPS, Policy Network, Gauche Réformiste Européenne (GRE), SOLIDAR, Mutualités Socialistes Speakers: - Roger Liddle (Policy Network) - Yassir Fichtali (Chèque Déjeuner) - Alain Cordesse (Ligue de l’Enseignement, SOLIDAR) - Michael Stephenson (Co-operative Party) - Jean Pascal Labille (Mutualités Socialistes) - Thierry Beaudet (Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale, MGEN) Moderator: Bruno Liebhaberg (GRE) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: The focus of the roundtable will be threefold: to debate social democratic politics; to re-embrace the movement of mutualism and to engage with the practical and technical barriers which cooperatives and mutuals face across a range of sectors and countries. Room number: Level 3 12

All the information displayed in this guide is correct at the time of printing. However, the names of speakers are subject to change.

Workshops - A fair economy POST-CRISIS DEVELOPMENT MODEL

Organisers: FEPS, Labour Nordic Collaboration Committee (SAMAK), Fondazione Italianieuropei, Associazione Bruno Trentin Speakers: - Guglielmo Epifanie (Associazione Bruno Trentin) - Joseph Muscat (LP Malta) - Carin Jämtin (General Secretary, SAP Sweden) - Claudio De Vincenti (Fondazione Italianieuropei) - Raymond Johansen (SAMAK) Moderator: Anne Demelenne (Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique FGTB) Languages and Interpretation: English / Italian Workshop description: This workshop will assess the different ways European member states have been affected by the crisis. We will engage on a debate on the future challenges facing the EU economic policy and governance principles. The workshop will be the opportunity to present research findings on structural growth for a fairer and more sustainable growth model. Room number: Level 3


Organisers: FEPS, Foundation Jean Jaurès (FJJ), Fundació Rafael Campalans, Istame, Associazione Bruno Trentin Speakers: - Pervenche Berès (MEP S&D Group, PS France) - Sergio Cofferati (MEP S&D Group, PD Italy) - Walter Cerfada (Associazione Bruno Trentin) - Rocio Martínez-Sampere (Fundació Rafael Campalans) - Michel Sapin (MP PS France, FJJ) - Speaker from ISTAME Moderator: Maria Joao Rodrigues (FEPS/PES) Languages and Interpretation: French / Italian / English Workshop description: While the conservative majorities in the EU still press for more austerity, we have constantly upheld a different, progressive model. The concepts of solidarity and shared sovereignty are the only solutions for rescuing the Euro-zone. They put social justice and growth at the core of economic policies for a viable, sustainable and inclusive growth model. Room number: Level 3


Organisers: FEPS, Union of Socialist Local and Regional Representatives in Europe (USLRRE) Speakers: - Claudy Lebreton (Assembly of French Departments, ADF) - Roland Schäfer (German Association of Towns and Municipalities, DStGB) - Freddy Thielemanns (Mayor of Brussels) - Karl-Heinz Lambertz (Minister-President of the German-speaking Community of Belgium, President of the PES Group in the CoR) To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.


Moderator: Ernst Stetter (FEPS) Languages and Interpretation: English / French / German Workshop description: A just economy needs strong municipalities, cities and regions. They can give a strong impulse for sustainable growth and jobs, the fight against climate change and the protection of the environment. Municipalities, cities and regions have the responsibility to provide citizens with a comprehensive range of fundamental services of general interest. Room number: Level 3


Organiser: European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Speakers: - Paul Magnette (Belgian Minister for Climate and Energy, PS) - Brendan Barber (Trade Union Confederation, United Kingdom) - Ronald Jansen (ETUC) - Evelyn Regner (MEP S&D Group, SPÖ Austria) - Jürgen Klute (MEP GUE, Germany) Moderator: Veronica Nilsson (ETUC) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: The dramatic expansion of finance not only led to a cycle boom and bust, but also created the condition for a deeply unbalanced economy. Increasing income inequality that resulted from the financialization of the economy ultimately contributed to the financial and economic crisis. How can we return from finance to wages and avoid crises in the future? Room number: 201


Organiser: New Economics Foundation (NEF) Speakers: - Charles Seaford (NEF) - Tony Greenham (NEF) - Lakshmi Puri (UN Women Deputy Executive Director) - Andreas Schieder (State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance, Austria) Moderator: Anna Coote (NEF) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: The new economics of fair growth gives priority to public over private interests in money and banking. It builds new objectives for economic policy to generate ‘Good Jobs’ with indicators for wellbeing and sustainability to guide policy makers. It grows the ‘core economy’, promote co-production and redistribute paid and unpaid time. Room number: 202


Workshops - A fair economy

A fair economy

Workshops - A fair economy


Organiser: Finance Watch Speakers: - Ieke Van den Burg (Finance Watch) - Tommy Waidelich (MP, SAP Sweden) - Representative from the European Green Party - Academic Moderator: Thierry Philipponat (Finance Watch) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: When finance should serve the economy, the economy has often become the servant of finance. From supporting production and society, the financial industry has focused increasingly on speculative or socially useless activities. Its influence over policy-making has never been so important. A publicinterest driven reorganization of the financial sector is needed. Room number: 204


Organiser: Europeans For Financial Reform (EFFR) Speakers: - Stephany Griffith-Jones (Columbia University) - Pierre-Alain Muet (MP, PS France) - Carsten Sieling (MP, SPD Germany) - Ahmed Laaouej (Senator, PS Belgium) - Andreas Botsch (ETUC) Moderator: Amir Ghoreishi (AK Europa) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: The complexity of the financial system hinders a truly democratic debate. But what it at stake is too important to be left to the sole experts. This workshop will present the European-wide progressive campaign for taxing financial transactions and new ideas to tame credit rating agencies as means to empower citizens and hold the financial sector to account. Room number: 206


Organisers: ECOSY - European Young Socialists Speakers: - Thomas Piketty (Paris School of Economics, ENS) Moderator: Sylvia Kunze (ECOSY) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: Though most European governments profess their taxation system to be progressive, this is far from the truth. How can we make our taxatio systems more progressive: through revisions of income, corporate and property tax rates or through a financial transaction tax? We need a European fiscal revolution. Room number: 211 To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.



Organiser: European and Environmental Bureau (EEB) Speakers: - Frauke Thies (Greenpeace) - Josche Muth (European Renewable Energy Council, EREC) - Aurélie Filippetti (MP, PS France) - Peter Žiga (MP, SMER Slovakia) - Pavel Poc (MEP S&D Group, CSSD Czech Republic) Moderator: Mikael Karlsson (EBB) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: In order to ensure sustainable, environmental friendly, affordable and secure energy for Europe, the energy systems need to be transformed. During this workshop we will not only discuss about strengthenin renewable energy and phasing out fossil energy, but also about the future of nuclear energy. Room number: 213


Organiser: European Metalworkers Federation (EMF) Speakers: - Jean-Claude Marcourt (Minister for the Economy in the Wallonia Region, PS Belgium) - Luc Triangle (European Trade Union Federation: Textiles, Clothing and Leather, ETUF-TCL) - Marie Granlund (MP, SAP Sweden) - Sabina Petrucci (Italian Metalworker Trade Union, FIOM-CGL) Moderator: Eddy Stam (EMF) Languages and Interpretation: English / French / German Workshop description: During this workshop we will debate on how to make our industry environmentally sustainable and our jobs secure. How can we strengthen industrial development and prepare ourselves for the demands of the economy of the 21st century? Room number: 214



Organiser: Transport and Environment Speakers: - Jos Dings (European Federation of Transport) - Saïd El Khadraoui (MEP S&D Group, sp.a Belgium) - Algirdas Butkevicius (Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania) Moderator: Malcolm Fergusson (Independent expert on transport and environment policy) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: This workshop will explore how transport can be made to work for people, the environment and the economy, in times of tight national budgets. How can we use road charges, end tax breaks for aviation

Workshops - A fair economy and subsidies for unsustainable form of transport as well as tighter fuel efficiency standards to this effect? Room number: 216

PLENARY 11.00 – 12.00 OPENING

Opening, Leaders Conversations and Closing with the participation of: Poul Nyrup Rasmussen (PES President), Elio Di Rupo (Leader PS Belgium), Bruno Tobback (Leader sp.a Belgium), Martin Schulz (President of S&D Group in the EP), Karl-Heinz Lambertz (President of PES Group in the CoR), Zita Gurmai (PES Women President), Kaisa Penny (ECOSY President), Philip Cordery (PES Secretary General) and Leaders of PES Member Parties and Organisations. A detailed programme of the plenaries is available separately.


The entire rationale for a new fair growth model is that we live in a society, not an economy. Tragically, a whole generation has been led to ignore this simple fact. The neoliberal model is by definition built on short-term interest. Today, we all realise that it was also built on short-term thinking. As progressives, we need today more than ever to reassert our way. A way that balances budgetary discipline with a real growth and jobs agenda. A way that proposes a new, alternative macroeconomic model that is economically sound, socially and environmentally just and actively democratic. PES leaders and high level guests will address the main issues emerging from the workshops.

13.00 – 13.45 PES ACTIVISTS WORKSHOP: FROM CONCEPT TO CAMPAIGN A meeting between activists to discuss the next 12 months. Room number: 211 and 212

13.15 – 14.00 LITERARY CAFÉ: Michel Wieviorka, Pour la prochaine gauche (see page 30).

13.30 – 16.00 FILM SCREENING & DEBATE: Inside Job, organized by the S&D Group in

the EP (see page 28).

14.00 – 14.45 LITERARY CAFÉ: Paul Magnette, Grandeur et misère de l’idée nationale (see page 30).


Photo and video exhibitions EUROPA HABITABILIS Organiser: PES Group in the Committee of the Regions About the photo exhibition: The PES Group in the Committee of Regions is hosting a photo exhibition, capturing different realities of housing in four European cities: Brussels, Budapest (Hungary), Malmö (Sweden) and Dunkirk (France). From bleak to promising, the pictures of Belgian photographer Loïc Delvaulx succeed in conveying a strong message about the major challenges linked to the provision of decent and affordable social housing. Room: Level 0

THROUGH THE EYES OF MIGRANTS – THE SEARCH FOR DECENT WORK Organiser: SOLIDAR About the photo exhibition: Out of 214 million international migrants, 90% are migrant workers and their families. The lack of decent work and aspirations to live a decent life are one of the major reasons for international migration, but - as this exhibition illustrates - migrants then often find themselves in situations where their human and labour rights are violated. rights are violated. Room: Level 0

Photo Competition “Click 4 Progress”

“CLICK 4 PROGRESS” The socialist and social democratic movement has long been fighting to build a better life for all. We are proud of what we have achieved for people. The welfare state, universal education and health care lifted millions out of poverty and created more equal and fair societies. People, money, goods, information and ideas travel around the world incessantly. Our movement strives for freedom, equality, solidarity and social justice. These values are being challenged. So, the Party of European Socialists organised a big photo competition, calling all Europeans and beyond to send us pictures of what they consider being socialist values. The competition started in July and ended beginning of November. The winning prize will be delivered at 18h00 on Friday 25 November in the Plenary room. Come and pay a visit to the exhibition, where the best photos are displayed ! Room: Level 0

BREAKING THE SILENCE Organiser: Breaking the Silence About the video exhibition: Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories. Breaking the Silence was founded in 2004, when 65 soldiers chose to break their silence about their service in Hebron by organizing a photo exhibition in Tel Aviv entitled “Bringing Hebron to Tel Aviv.” The original exhibition was made up of photos and videos of the day-to-day reality of service in Hebron captured by these soldiers. Room: 205

19 18

Equal societies

Workshops - Equal societies

Workshops - Equal societies



Organiser: PES Group in the Committee of the Regions (CoR) 14.30 – 16.30 Speakers: - Karl-Heinz Lambertz (President of the PES Group in the CoR) - Stephen Hughes (MEP S&D Group, LP United Kingdom) - Michel Delebarre (Senator and Mayor of Dunkirk, PS France) - Barbara Steenbergen (International Union of Tenants) - Carina Nilsson (Deputy Mayor of Malmö, SAP Sweden) - Piero Fassino (Mayor of Turin, Senator PD Italy) Moderator: Alain Hutchinson (CoR member PES, Belgium) Languages and Interpretation: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish. Workshop description: During this workshop we will discuss about the importance of affordable and universally accessible housing for social inclusion and economic stability and the policies to make it become a reality. Room number: The Arc


Organiser: FEPS, ECOSY - European Young Socialists Speakers: - Kaisa Penny (ECOSY) - Eskil Pedersen (Worker Youth League AUF Norway) - Zita Gurmai (President PES Women and Vice-President of FEPS) - Nicola Schmit (Minister for Social Affairs and Employment Luxemburg) - Emine Bozkurt (MEP S&D Group, PvdA Netherlands) Moderator: David Kitching (FEPS) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: Which attitudes abound in the new Europe and how do they affect Europe’s youth and their chances for a decent life? The speakers will explore the experiences of different groups of young people in society and ways to achieve a better life in a better and more equal Europe. Room number: Level 3


All the information displayed in this guide is correct at the time of printing. However, the names of speakers are subject to change.

Organiser: FEPS, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Wiardi Beckman Stichting (WBS) Speakers: - Klaus Busch (University of Osnabrück) - Paul Kalma (Wiardi Beckman Stichting) - David Coats (Work Matters Consulting) - Bohuslav Sobotka (Head of the Czech Social Democratic Party, CSSD) Moderator: Ernst Stetter (FEPS) Languages and Interpretation: English / French / German Workshop description: What has happened to a Social dimension of the European Project? Can we subordinate the market to the policies that serve people? Would a Social Stability Pact be possible? The workshop will be a momentum to discuss the question on how to link labour, social and economic policies into a new progressive paradigm. Room number: Level 3


Organiser: FEPS, SOLIDAR Speakers: - Conny Reuter (SOLIDAR) - Attila Ágh (Hungarian Centre for Democracy Studies, HU) - Erich Fenninger (Volkshilfe) - Jan Cremers (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies) - Anne Van Lancker (sp.a Belgium) Moderator: Katya Koleva (Institute for Social Integration, Bulgaria and FEPS) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: This workshop will outline how quality social services can contribute to making an inclusive society ty a reality, y with the ultimate aim of bringing these people back into society ty and d to to move move us us all all towards towa to ward rdss a mo more re social Europe. Room number: Level 3

To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.



Organiser: Arbeiterkammer Europa Speakers: - Josef Wöss (Austrian Chamber of Labour) - László Andor (Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) - Michael Roth (MP, SPD Germany) - Eric Lentze (European Senior Organisation, ESO) - Rovana Plumb (MEP S&D Group, PSD Romania) Moderator: Eva Belabed (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: During this workshop the future of pension systems will be discussed and whether raising employment levels or rather measures such as increasing the pension age are the best means to ensure sustainable and adequate pensions. Room number: 201


Organiser: Centre for european and international studies, Bulgaria (CEMI) Speakers: - Sergei Stanishev (Chairman of Bulgarian Socialist Party) - Laurette Onkelinx (Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, PS Belgium) - Milena Hristova (MP, BSP Bulgaria) - Emma Reynolds (MP Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, LP United Kingdom) Moderator: Kristian Vigenin (MEP S&D Group, BSP Bulgaria) Languages and Interpretation: English / Bulgarian Workshop description: During this workshop we will discuss about concrete measures to support social integration on the regional level, aimed at building a fairer society through elimination of social inequalities and creating jobs, e.g. by integrating minorities, economic restructuring and strengthening education system. Room number: 202

EUROPEAN LABOUR MARKETS, BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE Organiser: Neujobs FP7 Project Speakers: - Frank Vandenbroucke (University of Antwerp) - David Natali (European Social Observatory, OSE) 22

Workshops - Equal societies

Equal societies

Workshops - Equal societies

- Ilaria Maselli (Neujobs FP7 Project) - Alejandro Cercas (MEP S&D Group, Chairperson PES Social Europe Network, PSOE Spain) Moderator: Olaf Cramme (Policy Network) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: During the workshop we will discuss about four ur main transitions that will have a major impact on employment – the decarbonisation isation tion of our economy, demographic change, increasing mobility of workers and d an increasing demand for high skills – and policies to face these challenges. es. Room number: 204


Organiser: Hans-Böckler-Foundation Speakers: - Sebastian Sick (Hans-Böckler-Foundation) - Till van Treeck (Hans-Böckler-Foundation) - Lionel Fulton (Labour Research Department, London, United Kingdom) om) - Bruno Catero (Università del Piemonte) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: A stronger worker’s participation is a precondition ndition tion for a more social Europe and for fair economic growth. During the workshop rkshop hop we will discuss about different models of workers participation on and nd corporate governance and which policies are necessary to strengthen hen the power of workers. Room number: 206


Organiser: European Youth Forum (YFJ) Speakers: - Gina Ebner (European Lifelong Learning Platform, EUCIS-LLL) - Ana-Maria Almario (International Falcons Movement - Socialist Educational International, IFM-SEI) - Karina Ufert (European Student Union) - Rudy Demotte (PS Belgium) Moderator: Luca Scarpiello (YFJ) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: In Europe, we are facing a serious educational ational ona challenge on the quality of education and on how to pay for it. What policies cies are needed to strengthen our education systems, making them sustainable ainable ble and open to everyone and how can we give a more prominent role ole for non-formal education?” Room number: 211

To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.



Organiser: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Speakers: - Agnieszka Fihel (University of Warsaw) - Jason Heyes (University of Manchester) - Luca Visentini (European trade Union confederation (ETUC) - Claes-Michael Jonsson (Swedish Trade Union Confederation – LO) Moderator: Andrew Watt (ETUI) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: During this workshop we will discuss about the increasing mobility of workers in Europe. How was labour mobility affected by the crisis? Is migration in the EU mostly short or long term? Do migrants find jobs appropriate to their skills? And what policies are needed to ensure that workers can move freely in the EU, while high social standards are guaranteed? Room number: 213


to racism and antisemitism at football grounds, hate challenges us all. This workshop will look at this rising tide of hate and intolerance and look at some positive initiatives that are successfully challenging it Room number: 216

PLENARY 17.00 – 18.00


Unemployment and social inequalities are on the rise, and the gap between rich and poor keeps getting bigger. This is the direct result of the relentless attack of the conservative majorities on our social protection systems. As progressives, we need to reaffirm the need to safeguard and strengthen Europe’s welfare states and build a more social Europe. Because it is fair, because it is moral, because it is the only sustainable solution for our common future.

Organiser: European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) Speakers: - Luiza Bara (EPHA) - Robert Pederson (European Public Health and Agriculture Consortium) - Mike Rayner (British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group) - Sophie Hæstrup Andersen (MP, SD Denmark) Moderator: Monika Kosinska (EPHA) Languages: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: In recent years, health care has predominantly been seen as a sector with potential for economic growth. How can progressives ensure that health care is more than a market and contribute to ensuring that the access to decent, universal and affordable health care is a human right, guaranteed for all? Room number: 214

PES leaders and high level guests will address the main issues emerging from the workshops.


18.15 – 19.00

Organiser: Searchlight Speakers: - HOPE not hate (United Kingdom) - Never Again (Poland) - Open Society Institute (OSI) Languages and Interpretation: English / French / Dutch Workshop description: Hate is on the rise across Europe. From the electoral successes of the far right to anti-Roma prejudice, rising anti-Muslim sentiments


Workshops - Equal societies

To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.

18.00 – 18.15


18.15 – 20.30


Waste Land - organized by Curieus (see page 28).

18.15 – 19.30


Two Prides, Two Worlds. One Europe – organized by Animo (see page 29).


Carlo Patrignani, Lombardi e il fenicottero (see page 30).


S&D GROUP RECEPTION AT MAGRITTE MUSEUM (19.30-21.30: tour of the museum) (see overleaf)


Fine Arts Museum – Magritte Museum


TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE: CHANGE EUROPE! You have come from all over Europe to the PES Convention in Brussels to discuss and develop new ideas for our shared future - just at the moment when Europe faces the deepest crisis it has known. The idea of Europe – its promise of freedom, peace, equality and social progress – has not lost its appeal. But the EU is badly governed. It does not deliver and people are losing faith in it. Despite this, if our Union did not exist, we would have to invent it. We need the Union in order to deal with the challenges of a globalized world, for together we are stronger. Europe is worth defending – and worth being reinvented in this crisis to make it fit for the future. We want Europe, but we want a different Europe, and this Convention gives us the opportunity to share our ideas for reform. Take up the challenge: Change Europe!

The Belgian Royal Museums of fine arts were founded two centuries ago. Their collections amount to twenty thousand paintings, sculptures and drawings. Located in Brussels, they include the Ancient Art Museum (15th-18th centuries), Modern Art Museum (19th-20th centuries), the Wiertz Museum, the Meunier Museum and the Magritte Museum. Opened in June, 2009, the Magritte Museum displays works of the surrealist artist after whom it is named. Instantly popular, the museum welcomed over 500,000 visitors in its first year of operation. The museum’s collection is unrivalled. It includes more than 200 works consisting of oils on canvas, gouaches, drawings, sculptures and painted objects as well as advertising posters, musical scores, vintage photographs and films produced by the artist. Location: Rue de la Régence, 3

19.30 - 21.30 Martin Schulz President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament

Tour of Magritte Museum 20.00

Reception 27 26

Film Screening & Debates Friday 25 November INSIDE JOB by Charles Ferguson Oscar for the best documentary film 2010. Organiser: S&D Group in the European Parliament. Moderator: Pervenche Berès (MEP, Chair of the Committee of Employment and Social Affairs) About the movie: This film relates, through serious investigations and interviews with key players, the world-wide depression, which has cost more than 20,000 billion dollars, and which deprived millions of people from their jobs and their homes. Language: English (with French subtitles) Room: Silver Hall, Level 0

13.30 – 16.00

WASTE LAND by Lucy Walker

Organiser: Curieus Speaker: Bart Martens (Member of Flemish Parliament, sp.a) About the movie: Filmed over nearly three years, Waste Land follows renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from his home base in Brooklyn to his native Brazil and the world’s largest garbage dump, Jardim Gramacho, located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. There he photographs an eclectic band of “catadores” - self-designated pickers of recyclable materials. Muniz’s initial objective was to “paint” the catadores with garbage. Language: English (with Dutch subtitles) Room: Silver Hall, Level 0

18.15 – 20.30 28


Organiser: Animo and ECOSY Speaker: Roland Javornik (film director) Moderator: Maite Morren (Animo) About the movie: It tells the story of four Estoniansin their preparation of next year’s Baltic Gay Pride. Because of the homophobic controversy in neighbouring Lithuania, they are in doubt as to which approach would be most suited .That’s why they decide to do some research in Belgium as well as in Lithuania, before making their final decision. But before they can confront the homophobes, they first have to confront their own demons. Language: English Room: Plenary, Level 0

18.15 – 19.30

Saturday 26 November L’OPPOSANT by Anis Lassoued

Organiser: GPF Speakers: Anis Lassoued (director) and Chema Ben Châabène (lawyer, co-founder of the North African Film Festival of Nabeul) About the movie Language: Tunisian (with English subtitles) Room: Silver Hall, Level 0

13.30 – 16.00

Political Bookshop Friday 25 November The political bookshop will be an open, friendly centre place in the Convention, run by the European Bookshop, where participants will be able to buy books recommended by PES Leaders, to meet progressive authors during signing sessions and to take part in debates on progressive books at literary cafés.

POUR LA PROCHAINE GAUCHE by Michel Wieviorka Moderator: Amandine Crespy (FEPS Young Academics network / Université Libre de Bruxelles) About the book: The next left is very precisely the space where new dynamics fostering intellectual and political renewals are being invented. Language: French


by Paul Magnette Moderator: Jean Sloover About the book: “Avec cet ouvrage, Paul Magnette ose une question fondamentale pour la gauche et la démocratie d’aujourd’hui: à quelles conditions peuvent-elles s’inscrire dans une reconnaissance du fait national actuel sans y perdre leur âme ?” Language: French

14.00 – 14.45 LOMBARDI E IL FENICOTTERO by Carlo Patrigiani Other speakers: Anna Pettini & Andrea Ventura, economists, University of Florence Moderator: Lorenza Antonucci (FEPS Young Academics network /Bristol University) About the book: “Today, being left-wing can’t depend on a precise choice of class, on an anti-capitalistic choice: it is something selective and beyond it you can talk about everything, about friends, about possible allies, about companions, about whatever you want, but we can’t talk about left-wing” (Riccardo Lombardi) Language: French 30 30

18.15 – 19.00

Saturday 26 November DANS LA CITÉ VOLTA by Nicolas Ancion and QUELQUES NOUVELLES DE LA GRANDE EXPÉDITION AU COIN DE LA RUE by Alain Cofino Gomez

Organiser: PES Group in the Committee of the Regions Moderator: Alain Berenboom About the books: “Dans la cité Volta”: In search of the ideal location for his TV detective drama, the book’s main character discovers in the heart of a middle-class neighbourhood of Brussels the ‘Volta’ social housing estate and the humanity of its inhabitants. “Quelques nouvelles de la grande expédition au coin de la rue”: Following the tradition of travel fiction, the author frequents different cafés in downtown Schaerbeek and through the stories of their regulars, he attempts to reconstruct the reality of the local social housing estates. Language: French


Organisers: FEPS, FES and Renner Institut Moderator: Karl Duffek (Director Renner Institut and Vice-President FEPS) Speakers: Julian Nida-Rümelin (Chair of the SPD Commission on Fundamental Values), Patrick Diamond (Senior Research Fellow Policy Network), Dimitris Tsarouhas (Bilkent Univeristy), Rémi Bazillier(University of Orléans), Ania Skrzypek (FEPS Policy Advisor), Eric Sundström (FEPS Fresh Thinking Magazine) About the book: The debate will be an opportunity to introduce the main threads of the pan-European ideological debate, with specific focus on issues such as: societal support for the notion of social justice; modern economic sense of values; ideological crossroads of social democracy and trade unions; and last but not least relevance of ideology in the contemporary democratic party politics. Language: English

14.15 – 15.00

SIGNING SESSIONS Friday 25 November 09.45 Christian Kellerman, “DECENT CAPITALISM” 10.30 Pierre-Alain Muet, “TAXER LES TRANSACTIONS FINANCIÈRES”

Saturday 26 November



31 31

Workshops - A just world


Saturday 26 November WORKSHOPS: 9.00 – 10.30


Organisers: FEPS, IDEAS Speakers: - Nabil Shaath (Former Foreign Minister, Fatah, Palestine) - Hanin Khoury (Vice-President, International Union of Socialist Youth, IUSY) - Francisca Sauquillo (Vice-President, SOLIDAR) - Dalia Gabr (Blogger, Egypt) - Ana Gomes (MEP S&D Group, PS Portugal) Moderator: Ann Linde (International Secretary, SAP Sweden) Languages: English / French (No Interpretation) Workshop description: This seminar seeks to address, on the one hand, the prospects for a democratic form of political renewal in North Africa. On the other hand, it will look at whether the European Union can play a constructive role in aiding this process of true democratisation, given the sometimes disappointing history of cooperating with oppressive regimes in the past. Room: Level 3


Organisers: FEPS, SOLIDAR, Italianieuropei Speakers: - Rodica Novac (Ado Sah Rom, Romania) - Valeria Ferraris (Researcher, International and European Forum for Migration Research, FIERI) - Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (MES S&D Group, PSD Romania) - Karine Temmerman (Senator, sp.a Belgium) Moderator: Conny Reuter (Secretary General, SOLIDAR) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: This workshop aims to address the so called migration-development nexus, migrant rights and in particular the development -related push factors of migration. Beyond an agenda that is at present too focused on border security and the management of irregular migration how can the EU instead address the human dimension of migration and development in its own right and provide coherent and solidarity based policy responses? Room: Level 3 32

All the information displayed in this guide is correct at the time of printing. However, the names of speakers are subject to change.

A just world Organisers: FEPS, IUSY, ECOSY Speakers: - Viviana Piñeiro (President, IUSY) - Stephany Griffith-Jones (Institute for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University, USA) - Luciano Vecchi (Regional Counsellor of Emilia Romagna, DP, Italy) - Espen Barth Eide (State Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, DNA, Norway) Moderator: Matthieu Meaulle (FEPS) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: A fair world is a democratic world: how can we reshape our global institutions to face up to this challenge? Which role can the international organizations play in ensuring a peaceful and democratic environment, including in conflict areas? Room: Level 3


Organisers: FEPS, European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity (EFDS) Speakers: - Štefan Füle (European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy) - Kemal Kiliçdaroğlu (Leader of CHP, Turkey) - Nicolai Wammen (Minister for Europe, SDP Denmark) - Hannes Swoboda (Vice-President of the S&D Group, SPÖ Austria) - Ranko Krivokapič (Speaker of the House of Parliament, President of SDP, Montenegro) - Božidar Ðelič (Deputy Prime Minister, DS, Serbia) - Dimitris Tsarouhas (Bilkent University, Turkey) - Mojca Kleva (MEP S&D Group, SD Slovenia) Moderator: Jan Marinus Wiersma (Vice President, EFDS) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: Previous enlargements can be considered a success however they also lead to a sharpening and a change of membership criteria. EU enlargement is a process of aspirant countries fulfilling the required criteria. It is also a political process, driven by political and economic considerations, such as peace and stability in Europe. Are these political considerations increasingly important? Should they prevail? Room: Level 3


Organiser: GPF Speakers: - Federica Mogherini (MP, PD Italy) - Ricardo Petrella (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.


Workshops - A just world


Organisers: GPF, Friends of the Earth, Action Aid Speakers: - Oliver De Schutter (UN Special Rapporteur on the Right of Food) - Laura Sullivan (European Policy and Campaigns Manager, Action Aid) - Kathleen Van Brempt (MEP, sp.a Belgium) Moderator: Daniel Pentzlin (Advisor, Friends of the Earth Europe) Languages: English / French (No Interpretation) Workshop description: This workshop will give an opportunity to understand better the role of land grabs and commodity speculation in the food crisis. The workshop will address how speculation on commodity markets and land grabs are contributing to the global food crisis. The discussion will also lead to an assessment of political tools that can be used to tackle land grabs and food speculation, at the national, European and International levels. Room Number: 202


Organisers: CNCD, GPF, Eurodad Speakers: - Marta Ruiz (Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer, Eurodad) - Alejandro Cercas (MEP S&D Group, PSOE Spain) - Grégoire Niaudet (International Advocacy Department, Caritas France Secours Catholique, France) - John Evans (Secretary General, Trade Union Advisory Committee, OECD) Moderator: Antonio Gambini (Research Officer, Finance and Development, CNCD, Belgium) Languages: French / English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: State of play of the struggle against tax havens, after the meeting of the G20 in Cannes. What is the exact role of our countries as clients of tax havens? Campaigns of mobilisation of local and regional authorities against tax havens. Room Number: 204


A just world

- Marije Laffeber (International Secretary, PvdA Netherlands) - Pablo Sanchez (Policy Officer, EPSU) - Ivaylo Kalfin (MEP S&D Group, BSP Bulgaria) Moderator: Javier Moreno Sánchez (Secretary General, GPF) Languages: English / French Workshop description: Water will become one of the most geostrategic challenges in the next decades. Climate change, urbanisation, and unsustainable management of water resources have led to increased global pressure on water resources. Managing water as a global good is a key test for global solidarity and global governance, as well as for responsible, sustainable local management of water resources. Room Number: 201


Organiser: Solidarité Socialiste Speakers: - André Flahaut (Speaker of the Parliament, PS Belgium) - Jean-Christophe Cambadélis (MP, PS France) - NGO Speaker - Speaker from Africa Moderator: Patrick Abeels (Solidarité Socialiste, Belgium) Language: French (No Interpretation) Workshop description: L’atelier traitera de la sécurité et de la souveraineté alimentaires en Afrique, abordant entre autres l’Accord de Cotonou et ses répercussions sur l’agriculture africaine, les politiques agricoles et le rôle des sociétés civiles du Nord et du Sud dans le combat et la revendication de la sécurité et de la souveraineté alimentaires. L’objectif est de dégager les enjeux et de déterminer des revendications politiques à porter au niveau européen. Room Number: 206


Organiser: Fair trade advocacy office (FTAO) Speakers: - Brave R. Ndisale (Malawi Ambassador to Benelux and Mission to the European Communities) - Pascal Lamy (Director General, WTO) - Kader Arif (MEP S&D Group, PS France) - Agnes Jongerius (President, Federation of Dutch Trade Unions) - Sergi Corbalán (Executive Director, FTAO) Moderator: Emma Reynolds (MP, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, LP United Kingdom) Languages: English / French Workshop description: Trade policy has fallen off the International political agenda in the last 10 years. Will the Doha Development Round or the EU bilateral trade agreements bring about actual improvements to the livelihoods of small producers and workers, both in the South and in the EU? In times of economic and financial crisis, how can we ensure that global supply chains play their part in making trade work for small producers and workers? Furthermore how can we ensure that not only is trade working for small producers and workers, but that it is living up to a decent standard of work? Room Number: 211

To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.



Organisers: Climate Action Network, OXFAM, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Speakers: - Lies Craeynest (Economic Justice Policy Advisor, OXFAM) - Jason Anderson (WWF) - Rovana Plumb (MEP S&D Group, PSD Romania) - Katalin Garane Nagy (Hungarian Permanent Representation) - Frank Schwabe (MP SPD, Germany) Moderator: Wendel Trio (Climate Action Network Europe, CAN - Europe) Languages: English / French (No Interpretation) Workshop description: Despite being overshadowed by the economic crisis, the urgency to tackle climate change is increasing. During this workshop, we will discuss the necessity of solidarity between EU countries, opportunities provided by green economic growth and the responsibility of all Member States to unite in favour of a more ambitious and fair EU climate vision. Room Number: 213


Organisers: Association of World Council of Churches Related Development Organisations in Europe (APRODEV), Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) Speakers: - Urban Ahlin (MP, SAP Sweden) - Agnès Bertrand-Sanz (APRODEV) - Maysa Zorob (Palestinian NGO, Al Haq) - Emily Schaeffer (Israeli NGO, Yesh Din) Moderator: Nathalie Stanus (Project Coordinator, EMHRN) Languages: English / French (No Interpretation) Workshop description: The aim of the workshop is to give an update of the human rights situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory from the perspective of representatives from organisations on the ground. Furthermore there will be a discussion of two different avenues where the EU can exercise some leverage over Israel in order to promote respect for human rights, international and humanitarian law: namely the use of conditionality and the implementation of EU-Israel cooperation in accordance with international law. Room Number: 214



Organisers: ITUC, FGTB Speakers: - Rudy De Leeuw (President, FGTB) - Alison Tate (Director of External Relations, ITUC) - Johan Hassel (Secreatry General, IUSY)

Workshops - A just world - Raymond Torres (International Labour Organisation) - Olga Zrihen (Senator, PS Belgium) Moderator: Rudi Delarue (Director, ILO Brussels) Language: English Workshop description: In dealing with multiple crises, generating jobs, economic demand and growth are needed in Europe and globally. However with austerity cuts, deregulation of labour laws, increasing unemployment and more precarious work are the reality in many countries, numerous countries in Europe are the new the front lines of labour rights attacks. Also in transitional countries and the emerging democracies of the Middle East and North Africa there are challenges to achieving decent work and development. Is social dialogue dead? Room Number: 215


As a consequence of the economic crisis facing the world, global inequalities and imbalances have dramatically worsened. Millions live in poverty without access to basic needs, including food, housing, healthcare, education anddecent work. Global warming is affecting our lives on a daily basis. Following the Arab Spring that started this year, there is also a real appetite for democracyall over the world. Solutions could be found at national level in the past. Today, we need a new international architecture to have a sustainable economic and social system. Global challenges require global answers in an adapted institutional framework. PES leaders and high level guests will address the main issues emerging from the workshops.


13.00 – 14.15


Nicolas Ancion, Dans la cité Volta & Alain Cofino Gomez, Quelques nouvelles de la grande expédition au coin de la rue, organised by the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions. (see page 31)

14.15 – 15.00 LITERARY CAFÉ:

Progressive Values for the 21st Century, organised by FEPS (see page 31).

13.30 – 16.00


L’opposant, by Anis Lassoued, organised by the GPF (see page 31).


“OUR POLITICAL GOALS CAN ONLY BE ACHIEVED BY ACTING TOGETHER” I am French, born in Algeria and I have lived in Ireland since the 1980’s. I have worked as an academic at the Dublin Institute of Technology, Paris-Sorbonne and UNESCO. I specialized in foreign languages, education, culture and responsible tourism. I became involved in politics in 1997 when I founded the Dublin branch of the French Parti Socialiste. I have since worked very closely with the Irish Labour Party, and I am a co-founder of the Dublin City Group. I am now a senator for the French living Abroad, secretary of the Defence and Foreign Affairs committee. I believe in solidarity, a fair society, I promote a clean environment and combat all forms of discriminations. The PES is a necessary platform to unite all those who believe in a better society, and a better Europe. That is why I am proud to bring my contribution as a PES activist.

“EUROPEAN ACTIVISM ENCOURAGED ME TO BECOME ACTIVE AT LOCAL AND NATIONAL LEVELS” I joined the PES activist network in 2008 because I strongly needed to discuss European issues with activists from other Europeanprogressiveparties.PESactivism pushes us to choose campaigns and allows us to meet and discuss with people we’d never know in our national or local sections. It trusts us to be able to create things from scratch. In fact, European activism encouraged me to become active at local

Hélè ène Con nway-M Mourett (Fran nce / Irreland d) “I AM A EUROPEAN” “EUROPEAN POLITICAL PARTIES LIKE THE PES ARE THE LABORATORY THROUGH WHICH WE CAN GIVE FORM TO A NEW KIND OF DEMOCRATIC POLITICS” I am a London based PES activist, member of the Labour Party and chair of the Labour Movement for Europe (www Being a PES activist, connected with others across the continent, helps me to not only theoretically grasp a global and European dimension to much of public policy but also to experience it practically. A lot of the solutions to the triple crisis; economic, environmental and social, will only be found on the macro-regional (in our case the European) and the global level. European political parties like the PES are the laboratory through which we can give form to a new kind of democratic politics. It’s no longer enough to ‘think global and act local’. We need to start to ‘act global’ as well.

Da avid d Sch hoib bl (A Aus stria a/U Uniited d King gdo om)

I am a European born in Germany and a member of the SPD since 2003. Right from the start European topics caught my interest. I graduated in tax administration and used to be an executive officer (tax office - Berlin) for many years. Interests are changing so I decided to attend lectures in mechanical engineering and transport systems at TU Berlin. Since 2008 I’m part of the PES activist scene. Living as an activist in Berlin is like living in “little Europe” and so it is important to approach social Europe from different angles. Talking isn’t enough sometimes so our citygroup has performed several street action days; having some fun while raising awareness on important subjects like the FTT or environment policy. Being an activist is being part of an animated Party.

Viola Weyer (Germany)

and national levels. In our citygroup in Clermont-Ferrand, we schedule an event called Manifesto Days where we gather activists and thinkers from across Europe to discuss and campaign on social Europe issues. We aim for it to become a regular event for the PES and the French socialist party. We invite you to join us for Manifesto Days 2012.


a member of PSOE and a PES activist for 4 years. I am the Coordinator of the PES activists in Spain. I am an economist and hold a law degree. Being a PES activist is the best way to strengthen European democracy. We stand up for the values of freedom, gender equality, tolerance, solidarity, an Inclusive Europe, and fight for socialism and social democracy all around Europe. I became a PES activist because I understood that the integration of European people and the union of the socialists and social democrats is the opportunity to improve people’s lives. More Europe is the answer to the major challenges which we are facing. I believe that a different and better Europe is possible.

Atenea Melgarejo Vargas (Spain)

If you too believe a better Europe is possible and want to make it happen, join us now at

Allexa andrre Ala aphilip ppe e (F Fra anc ce)

“THE ADDED VALUE FOR OUR PES ACTIVISTS IS MAINLY THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN ABOUT ISSUES DISCUSSED AT THE EUROPEAN LEVEL” I am a member of the Social Democratic party of Sweden. I am 48 years of age and my occupation is teacher. I became a PES activist 2008 because of the up coming election to the parliament in 2009. We formed a city group to organise campaignactivities and meetings for members in our party in the city of Örebro. The added value for our PES activists is mainly the opportunity to learn about issues discussed at the European level.

Thomas Esbjörnsson (Sweden)


Workshops - Active democracy

Saturday 26 November WORKSHOPS: 15.30 – 17.30 LEVEL 3

EUROPE ON THE BORDERLINE: INTEGRATION Organisers: FEPS, SOLIDAR Speakers: - Representative from the SOLIDAR network - Nebahat Albayrak (MP, PvdA Netherlands) - Representative from the Migration Policy Group - Ilija Trojanow (German writer, interviewed in Fresh Thinking) Moderator: Eric Sundström (FEPS Fresh Thinking Magazine) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: Building on the second issue of the FEPS Fresh Thinking magazine, a special edition for the PES Progressive Convention 2011, this workshop will look at the long-term solutions that we, as progressive, should develop to ensure the full and fair integration of migrants in our societies. Room number: Level 3 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! FUTURE PROSPECTS OF EU CITIZENSHIP Organisers: FEPS Jurists Network with Eusonet Speakers: - Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar (MEP S&D Group, PSOE Spain) - Harald Baumann-Hasske (EUSONET) Moderator: Judit Tánczos (FEPS) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: Europeans still face many obstacles when exercising their EU citizenship rights. There is a real risk that this drive people away from the European project. This workshop will look at the legal solutions that progressives could promote to overcome these obstacles. Room number: Level 3

Workshops - Active democracy TRANSNATIONAL PARTY SYSTEM Organisers: FEPS, Karl Renner Institut Speakers: - Steven Van Hecke (University of Antwerp) - Erol Kulachi (Université libre de Bruxelles, ULB) - Simon Lightfoot (University of Leeds) - Isabelle Hertner (University of Birmingham) - Speaker from SPD Düsseldorf Moderator: Karl Duffek (Karl Renner Institut) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: This workshop explores how academics are studying the PES. It outlines which questions we are asking about the development of the PES, which parts of the PES’s activities are currently being studied and how we see the PES in relation to national parties. Join us for a interesting discussion of how the PES functions, how it might develop in the future. Room number: Level 3 IMPORTANCE OF WOMEN’S POLITICAL EMPOWERMENT IN LIGHT OF NEW ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHALLENGES Organisers: FEPS, CEE Network for Gender Issues Speakers: - Zita Gurmai (President PES Women and Vice-President of FEPS) - Sonja Lokar (CEE Network for Gender Issues, Slovenia) - Besima Borić (SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Mija Javornik (SD Slovenia) - Sanja Major (SDP Croatia) - Anka Grzywacz (SLD Poland) - Jindřiška Mařasová (CSSD , Czech Republic) - Katarína Nevedalová (MEP S&D Group, SMER Slovakia) - Brigitta Schmögnerová (President of Proforum) Moderator: Marja Bijl (PvdA, the Netherlands) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: The gender pay gap is widening, pension reforms are “forgetting” to pay due attention to the unsolved issue of women’s unpaid care work, and shrinking labour markets are excluding more and more women. What are the policies that progressive women and men can promote to redress the widening gender imbalances? Room number: Level 3

Active democracy 40

All the information displayed in this guide is correct at the time of printing. However, the names of speakers are subject to change.

To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.

Workshops - Active democracy


PARTY REFORM: HOW CAN WE IMPROVE THE OPENNESS OF OUR PARTIES? Organiser: Compass Speakers: - Peter Hayden - Niels Annen (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, FES) - Harlem Désir (MEP S&D Group, PS France) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: Across the social-democratic political party systems, structures and methods have been challenged in the last couple of years trying to renew and reconnect with the electorate. What can parties do to be more democratic, transparent and open towards its members, the electorate and civil society? Room number: 201 FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND THE MEDIA Organiser: European Journalism Centre (EJC) Speakers: - Gábor Harangozó (MSZP Hungary) - J.P Marthoz (Université catholique de Louvain, UCL) - Renate Schroeder (International Federation of Journalists, IFJ) - Leigh Phillips (Euobserver) - Giuseppina Paterniti (Rai3)


Active democracy

NEXT LEFT AND THE AMSTERDAM PROCESS - MOBILISING FOR SOCIAL DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE: THINK TANKS, ACADEMIA AND THE POLITICAL WORLD Organisers: FEPS, Policy Network, Wiardi Beckman Stichting (WBS) Speakers: - Frans Timmermans (MP, PvdA Netherlands) - María Badía i Cutchet (MEP and Vice-President of the S&D Group, PSOE Spain) - Stewart Wood (Member of the House of Lords and Oxford University) - Paul Magnette (Belgian Minister for Climate and Energy, PS Belgium) - Olivier Ferrand (Terra Nova) - Olaf Cramme (Policy Network) Moderator: Ania Skrzypek (FEPS) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: As Europe moves into its next electoral cycle, socialist and social-democratic thinking must be subject to constant innovation and experimentation, exploring new challenges and providing progressive solutions to new challenges. This requires mobilizing the left’s intellectual forces to keep our progressive thinking at the forefront. Room number: Level 3

Workshops - Active democracy Languages and Interpretation: English / French / Italian Workshop description: Freedom of the press is essential to democracy.Only in a climate of total freedom and independence, media can truly promote democracy and contribute to the progress of societies. Nevertheless, freedom of the media must be accompanied by responsible and high quality journalism. Room number: 204 LESBIANS, GAY, TRANS PEOPLE, EQUALITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: ARE EUROPEAN SOCIALISTS LEADING? Organiser: Rainbow Rose Speakers: - Paola Concia (MP Italy) - Cécile Barateau - Representative of the EP’s LGBT rights intergroup Moderator: Maite Moren (Animo) and Sophie Florès (Rainbow Rose) Languages and Interpretation: English / French Workshop description: Socialists and Progressive leaders should secure equality and full enforcement of human rights for all. LGBTI rights are still violated in Europe. This workshop will present some socialist experiences to redress these violations, and foster dialogue between the Party and the LGBTI movement, including LGBT NGOs and LGBT rights Intergroup of the EP. Room number: 206 THE PEOPLE’S VOICE: THE ROAD TO TRUE DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE Organisers: ECOSY - European Young Socialists, Young European Federalist (JEF) Speakers: - Martin Schulz (Leader S&D Group in the EP, SPD Germany) - Philippe Adriaenssens (JEF-Europe) - Jesús Caldera, (FEPS) - José Reis Santos (PES Activist) Moderator: Brando Benifei (ECOSY) Language and Interpretation: Workshop description: How should we reform Europe’s institutions in order to make them truly democratic, or should we question the institutions theemselves? From the Union’s institutional reform to the cry for systemic change in the streets, we explore the various roads to a true democracy. Room number: 211

To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.


Workshops - Active democracy SEEKING ASYLUM IN EUROPE Organiser: European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) Speakers: - Yonous Muhammadi (Greek Forum for Refugees) - Tineke Strik (MP GroenLinks, Netherlands) - Andreas Kamm (Danish Refugee Council) - Els Keytsman, Director of the Flemish Refugee Action (Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen) Moderator: Aspasia Papadopoulou (ECRE) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: Europe has an obligation to help refugees who are escaping war, torture and persecution. Asylum is a human right. Yet Europe is today eroding refugee protection. Do Member States ensure access and efficient protection to those reaching their shores? Are they sharing the burden, and do they provide the same rights and protection standards? Room number: 213 DEMOCRACY IS MORE THAN POLITICS: WHAT ROLE FOR PUBLIC SERVICES IN EUROPE? Organiser: European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) Speakers: - Gloria Mills (UNISON, United Kingdom) - David Hall (Public Services International Research Unit, PSIRU) Language: English (No Interpretation) Workshop description: This workshop will address the role of public services/ public spending in Europe. What is their contribution to social cohesion, economic justice, equality, employment? What can we learn from recent trends to involve profit-making companies in the provision of public services? How can we ensure transparency and accountability? Room number: 214


FROM INDIGNATION TO INCLUSION: ESTABLISHING LINKS WITH NEW MOVEMENTS Organiser: SOLIDAR Speakers: - Catherine Trautmann (MEP S&D Group, PS France) - Rudi Vervoort (President, PS Brussels) - 99% movement speaker - a Spanish representative from Indignados Movement - a Portuguese representative from Indignados Movement Moderator: Conny Reuter (SOLIDAR) Language: English (No Interpretation)


Workshops - Active democracy Workshop description: How should we reform Europe’s institutions in order to make them truly democratic, or should we question the institutions themselves? From the Union’s institutional reform to the cry for systemic change in the streets, we explore the various roads to a true democracy. Room number: Silver Hall


17.30 – 18.30

LEADERS’ CONVERSATION ON “ACTIVE DEMOCRACY” Today’s crisis is not just economic and social. It is also a crisis of values, of democracy. The backlash against gender equality, the threat against freedom of the media, the rise of racism and other forms of discrimination are only the most visible examples of this. At the same time, massive and popular protest movements show the deep divide that separate citizens from politics. As progressives, we need to regain the momentum to build societies that are open, inclusive, and tolerant. We need to rebuild the bridges that will allow our societies to reclaim politics. PES leaders and high level guests will address the main issues emerging from the workshops.

18.30 – 19.30 CLOSING



By BalMODERNSOUNDsystem followed by DJ set (see overleaf).

To find your way to the workshops please refer to the maps on pages 56 and 57.


Workshops’ Organisers

Concert Welcome by Freddy Thielemans (Mayor of Brussels) Concert by BalMODERNSOUNDsystem, followed by DJ set. The BalMODERNSOUNDsystem was born of the encounter between a DJ and jazz musicians. Renowned musicians are interacting with a DJ remixing classic tubes and live: a unique show for an eclectic and catchy result. Organiser: PS Belge Room: Level 0

Saturday 26 November 19.30


A EUROPEAN AGENDA FOR SOCIAL HOUSING WORKSHOP OF THE PES GROUP IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS. Where? Room “The Arc”, Square Brussels Meeting Centre (see map page 57) When? 25 November, 14.30-16.30 Within the framework of the PES Convention, the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions (CoR) contributes to the theme ‘Equal societies’’, with a workshop, a study visit, a Literary Café and a photo exhibition, focusing on social housing. The Group calls for concrete measures at European level to ensure decent, affordable and universally accessible housing, which is a prerequisite for social inclusion and economic stability. Stephen Hughes MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament’s S&D Group, Piero Fassino, Mayor of Turin (Italy), and Alain Hutchinson, Member of the Brussels-Capital Regional Parliament and CoR member, are amongst the key speakers of the workshop. An extensive list of documents on the social housing issue is available on the website of the event at

SOLIDAR is a European network of 56 NGOs working to advance social

justice in Europe and worldwide. Founded in 1948 to encourage international cooperation between social aid organisations connected to the social democratic family, SOLIDAR voices the concerns of its member organisations to the EU and international institutions across the policy sectors social affairs, international cooperation and lifelong learning. The network is brought together by its shared values of solidarity, equality and participation and works in cooperation with progressive civil society, social democratic and socialist parties and trade unions. Highlights of SOLIDAR’s work this year: - Advocating for improving active inclusion and the participation of all in society, promoting decent work and quality employment, and guaranteeing access to affordable and high quality public social services and infrastructure. - Promoting a rights-based approach to development in which decent work and social protection are promoted as tangible and successful tools to break the cycle of poverty, achieve the MDGs and sustainable development. - Raising awareness on a people first approach to migration and development.



FOUNDATION FOR EUROPEAN PROGRESSIVE STUDIES FONDATION EUROPÉENNE D’ÉTUDES PROGRESSISTES The Global Progressive Forum (GPF) is an initiative of the Party of European Socialists and the Group of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS). The GPF is a common place where progressives from international institutions, political forces, trade unions, NGOs, youth movements, and foundations can discuss and propose innovative solutions for a fairer globalization. The GPF focus on decent work, financial markets, migration, climate change, fair trade and global governance. In a period of unprecedented crisis where national responses are not to the scale of the problem, recovery will be faster and stronger if progressives around the world work together, putting people first. Poul Nyrup Rasmussen President of the Party of European Socialists (PES) and Martin Schulz Group leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament are co-chairs. Javier Moreno Sanchez is the Secretary General.

MISSIONS NEXT LEFT Re-thinking the core of social democracy to shape a better future for all

EUROPEAN SOCIETY Re-storing trust in politics and promoting a true European space for debate

SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY Re-inventing progressive political economy to foster a new model of development

GLOBAL SECURITY Re-thinking international relations and the role of the EU in the world 51 50

Phrase Book


Practical Info




I don’t speak French / Dutch

Je ne parle pas Français / Néerlandais

Ik spreek geen Frans / Nederlands

I don’t understand

Je ne comprends pas

Ik versta het niet

Do you speak English?

Parlez-vous anglais ?

Spreekt u Engels?

Yes / No

Oui / Non

Ja / Neen





Au revoir


Thank you


Dank u


S’il vous plaît


Excuse me



What is your name?

Quel est votre nom ?

Wat is uw naam?

I’m a PES activist

Je suis militant/e du PSE

Ik ben een militant van de PES

I’m participating in PES Convention

Je participe à la Convention du PSE

Ik neem deel aan de Conventie van de PES

Could you show me the way to the Square?

Pouvez-vous m’indiquer le chemin du Square?

Kunt u mij de weg wijzen naar de Square?

I am lost. Can you help me, please?

Je suis perdu/e. Pouvezvous m’aider s’il vous plaît ?

Ik ben verloren gelopen. Kunt u mij helpen alstublieft?

How much does this cost?

Combien ça coûte?

Hoeveel kost dit?



































SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre Monts des Arts 1000 Bruxelles Metro station: Gare centrale

PES INFO STAND Please, feel free to ask all your questions to PES staff at the PES info stand. Don’t forget to check for all info regarding the Convention.

RESTAURANTS MIM restaurant (Musée des Instruments de Musique) Rue Montagne de la Cour 2 1000 Bruxelles T. +32/2 502 95 08 Kwint Mont des Arts 1 1000 Bruxelles T. +32/2 505 95 95 Taverne du Passage Galerie de la Reine 30 1000 Bruxelles T. +32/2 512 37 31 Le Vaudeville Galerie de la Reine 11 1000 Bruxelles T. +32/2 511 23 45 A la Folie Rue des Eperonniers 54 1000 Brussels T. +32/2 503 49 99

TRANSPORT Airport-Hotel-Airport No pick-up will be provided at the airport or train station. Taxis are readily available at both locations. From the airport, you can take bus 12 or the train to Gare centrale. Taxi company Taxis Verts T. +32/2 349 49 49

Taxis Bleus T. +32/2 268 00 00 53

Level -1

Level 0

Level 2

Silver Hall Film Screenings & Debates

Working space

- PES photo exhibition - Literary Cafés - World Food stands - Bars - Internet corner

Workshop Room 215

Workshop Room 213

Workshop Room 216

Workshop Room 214

Workshop Room 212

Workshop Room 211

Workshop Room 206

PES info stand Photo Exhibition


Photo Exhibition


Workshop Room 204

Plenary Room

Video Exhibition “Breaking the Silence”

Workshop Room 202

Workshop Room 201

55 54


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