Most puppy mills are usually dark, dirty, and dilapidated. Their aim is just to breed puppies for profit. While some do not make it, most pets that are raised here come out traumatized, injured, deaf, blind, or sickly due to poor medical care
Here are top reasons why you should avoid buying a puppy from a puppy mill #REASON 1 - GENETIC WEAKNESS Gene weaknesses are the most common cause of poor health and weak traits in puppies. Breeders in a puppy mill do not always care about the passing on of strong genes in a given dog breed, which leads to gene weakness
#REASON 2 - Poorly fed, unsocialized pets For a puppy to be all-round healthy, it must be fed properly. The best way to do this is to start feeding the puppy with organic dog food as early as possible. Puppy mills do not take this as a consideration
Brace yourself for future health problems Even when they appear healthy on the surface, most puppies from a puppy mill bring along serious health problems with them
Psychological problems A puppy must be allowed to roam freely on frequent basis for it to be psychologically and physically fit. Puppies in a puppy mill are usually denied this
You won't meet the puppy's parents Everyone wants to see who sired their puppy. It enables you to preview the temperament and health of your future dog. If you are buying a puppy from a puppy mill, you will be denied this opportunity
#REASON 7- Puppy mill puppies are expensive Despitebeingraisedinthemostinhumaneconditions, puppiesfrompuppymillsareusuallyveryexpensive.Puppy millsareouttheretomakeprofitandthat’swhattheydo!
#REASON 8 - Adopted dogs are more fun Although they are usually short for space, shelters take good care of their pets. They feed them properly while ensuring that they get good medical care. On top of this, a shelter is better placed at matching you with a well-mannered dog that will fit perfectly into the lifestyle of your home
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