#PetaX - Bicycle Perspective: Exploring Indonesia

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Indonesia Dari Atas Sepeda (Bicycle Perspective: Exploring Indonesia) A SERIES OF ‘X’ MAP: WEST JAVA | JANUARY 26, - FEBRUARI 06, 2011

(X) in general represents something of an unknown. The proper word here would be “Ambiguous”. (#PetaX®) , the road map of a journey consisting nothing but dots of unknown whereabouts, with limited related informations. Unknown also, the direction to go to those dots, and the connecting line needed to make a pattern out of them...

suppor ted by:

#PetaX e-book Indonesia version: http://sepedaku.com/petax_ind #PetaX video: http://sepedaku.com/petaxvideo


Sepedaku.com, is supported by Polygon, with Trax Magazine which will include the #PetaX report in their March 2011 editorial. Also supporting, Yayasan Tunas Cendekia, a non profit organization which focuses their effort on children’s education, with the objective of finding schools which needs improvement in terms of infrastructure or aid, which we might find along our journey. #PetaX aim is to document, in a simple manner, a small part of Indonesia from a bicycle. There is no intention of gaining financial profit out of this journey. This journey is by no means an individual egocentric objective, also not wanting to show how a journey should be done, because we are sure that most of our cyclists’ friends have more ability than our team. However, combining a bicycle journey with an out-of-the-box point-of-view, we try to look for stories, even in the simplest situation. Our route is closer to home now, no need to cross the ocean like before. Our journey will take us on a small area of West Java and borderline Central Java, if possible, a small part of East Java. Transportation will not be limited to bicycle, but combining with other land transportation available, depending on the needs of the journey. With a route so close, would we still know the full name of our neighbour, the one just outside of our window, in a time when the whole world is connected by media? We will see...

Previously, sepedaku.com facilitates a number of cyclists to go on #semak10 which resulted in a simple e-book, found here: http://sepedaku.com/semak10 and a simple video documentary. Now, we would like to do a similar journey.


“...combining a bicycle journey with an out-of-the-box point-of-view, we try to look for stories, even in the simplest situation...� 03

Velodrome, a ‘Home’ for Cyclist • Jakarta, January 26, 2011 •


#PetaX journey begins in Eastern Jakarta, in Velodrome, a cycling racing track. This facility officially opened in March 20, 1973 during the Ali Sadikin time as a Governor of Jakarta. The Velodrome has undergone a series of renovation, to prepare for the upcoming Sea Games. This renovation was initiated by Wahyudi, insisted that the Government give more attention and renovate the Velodrome. Based on our observation, only the track area that is not yet been touched. “They said it would be done in mid February”, claimed Andri Prawata, one of Jakarta’s first-team athlete. For quite some time, the Velodrome also functioned as a ‘hotel’ for cyclist or at least a place to stop by for any cyclist, just to come visit or even spends the night. The truth about this fact can be asked to all Cycling Athlete in all over Indonesia, as well as confirmed by Wahyudi, coach of ISSI Jakarta (Ikatan Sport Sepeda Indonesia, Sport Cyclist Association of Indonesia), “This is a home for cyclists. As long as they have no foul intention and good manners, everyone is welcome here. We are all brothers, aren’t we?” says Wahyudi. Based on that fact, #PetaX decides to spend the night here.

Daily Life at the Velodrome #PetaX arrived just in time with the athlete’s dinner, so we went to dinner with them in the nearest mall, allowing them to eat what they wish. Ideally, both meal time and nutritional calculation should be in the athlete’s attention. In reality however, meal funds are only enough for a hawker food stall, even cooking their own food when necessary. That also means, having to ignore additional supplements and vitamins, which we still have to import. With monthly wage of less than Rp 2 million for first-team members, it is not mathematically sensible that that much amount of money should be spend on quality foods and vitamins, aside of spending for their family needs, or college tuition. Aside from Alvin, who have purchased a Rp 50 million bicycle, paid in installments, no other team member have their own race-bred bicycle, all are on loans. Bicycles currently owned by ISSI Jakarta is only adequate for daily training, with parts canibalize from heere and there. That’s for the bicycle, for Jerseys and Pants; they have to rely on stuff they receive from previous race.

“...this is a home for cyclists, as long as they have no foul intention and good manners, everyone is welcome here, we are all brothers, aren’t we?...” ~ Wahyudi, coach of ISSI Jakarta ~


“...we are soldiers, we have to be prepared to fight, in any condition... “ ~ ISSI Jakarta ~

Raja Sapta Oktohari, who have been elected as Chairman of ISSI Jakarta, promised not to remain still at this fact. “It is not appropriate for a Capital city athlete, to be in such condition. In the near future, we will improve, from zero to super hero!” he exclaims. The athletes themselves are in high spirit despite being in a far-from-ideal condition. “We are soldiers. We have to be prepared to fight, in any condition”, they say to #PetaX during our breakfast after training session is over.

Indonesia’s Bicycle Racing Rhetoric LOOKING at the realities of Jakarta’s Bicycle Racing Athletes in their everyday lifes, which we feel would not be much different with athletes in other region; we dare take conclusion that the society in general is truly driven by the media and market demands towards just one branch of sports, neglecting others. Is it enough with screams of support, or a show of sympathy? No! A close coordination in synergy and continuous matter is needed among relevant parties with the development of


the sport. Communities and small clubs are good breeding grounds for talent, the Government as the name hints would be the governing body for the development, and the private sector would be a source of funding when and where the government funding is not enough. The people and society, would act as an observer, based on objective information provided by the media. Visit one of the forum thread in Sepedaku.com http://bit.ly/fBxMJl, where the Polygon Sweet Nice (PSN) Bicycle Racing Team was ‘tackled’ by the PB ISSI, causing them unable to compete in one of the international competition. This is happened due to a simple reason, a beurocratic administrative matter which should’ve been resolved by intense communication, or a mediator if necessary. Like football or other sports, wouldn’t we be proud if a bicycle sport branch, whether it would be Road Racing, Track Racing, Mountain Biking or BMX be able to perform well in international competition, and resulted in good wealth for the athletes? May our Velodrome not turn into Velodoom, although it would be likely if things are not improving soon.

Riding Along, with Jek Tagging Along • Garut, January 27, 2011 •


THE JOURNEY continues towards Bogor, Sukabumi, Bandung, arriving in Garut on January 27th 2011. In Garut, #PetaX spends the night in the house of Rizky Anugerah, a.k.a Jek (a member of the ISSI Jakarta’s Road Racing second-team). The next day, #PetaX asks Jek to come along with us in the journey, which he then agrees to come along. At 09:00, we left from Desa Cibunar, Garut, heading towards the next ‘X’ mark through paved roads to hilly trails. Only 60 km of full climb riding from Jek’s house in Garut, heavy rain falls with thick fog welcomes us upon entering Gunung Gelap. The journey is getting harder, and forces #PetaX team to stop in a small quiet roadside coffee shop

A Story Shared in a Gunung Gelap Coffee Hut A ROADSIDE coffee shop is where we stop for a rest and shelter from the heavy rain. As we sip our coffee, our bodies covered in traditional blankets named sarong to block the cold winds, conversation stirs up among people who gather next to us. It would be such a waste to just listen in, thus, we join them and listen to what they are discussing about. Yayat, a Babinsa (Badan Pembina Desa, Village Development Council), start to share his stories, joined by Cecep and Eman, both are Perum Perhutani guardsmen.

• A New Sub-District Called Cihurip THE SUB-DISTRICT of Cihurip, consisting of four villages stands since 10 years ago, as a result of decentralisation expansion. Yayat exclaims that Cihurip is the only Sub-District which have their own anniversary date. “Please, everyone is welcome to come! This Monday, January 31st we will host a ceremonial celebration the formation of Cihurip Sub-District.” Yayat invites us enthusiastically. “Ci” in Sundanese meant “Water” and “Hurip” means “Life”. The simplest explanation to the meaning of Cihurip thus, Water of Life. The Sub-District’s name of Cihurip, we feel correlates with the fact that strong stream flows from the water spring in the hills through hard stones, and then utilized by the local residents of Gunung Gelap as drinking water. The roadside shop that we stop by has electricity provided by a water generated windmill in Cilimbung River. A simple generator, using a dynamo made by the local residents themselves. One of the village deep in the plantation, Desa Mekarwangi, also get their supply of electricity in this manner. Again, according to Yayat, they have requested the PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara, National Electrical Company) to have electricity running here, but they have not received any follow up since then.


“ ...we need the forest to cover us, as a decoy, both for us or the local residents, no need to regret the mistakes made by the previous regime that let Gunung Gelap trees vanish, we in turn must work as hard for the better future... “ ~ Yayat, a Babinsa (Badan Pembina Desa, Village Development Council) ~

• Gunung Gelap, is Getting Back to it’s Dark Times “WE ARE soldiers, we need the forest to cover us, as a decoy, both for us or the local residents. No need to regret the mistakes made by the previous regime that let Gunung Gelap trees vanish. We in turn must work as hard for the better future”, Yayat says. He was given orders to rehabilitate Gunung Gelap, by planting fast-growing trees in a short period, which he has done for quite some time. Also, in cooperation with the local Perhutani, they run effort to guard the forest, while at the same time providing a way of income for the local residents. What it is they do? Becoming a Resin Tapper. Around 110 hectares of Pine Forest are spread into 5 areas, which are: Gunung Wiru, 25 hectares; Gunung Lutung, 90 hectares; Cibeureum 15 hectares; Cipasung 5 hectares; Ciawi 15 hectares. Each person is responsible to manage 5 hectares of Pine Forest, and is given rights to Tap the Resin from the trees, which is then sold to the local Perhutani. With that method, local residents can obtain a minimum of Rp 1.5 million. Not a small amount for Cihurip area. Employing this tactic, Perhutani’s job becomes easier, since the Resin Tapper will undoubtly take care of the area which they are responsible for.

Labor problems arise in the field. Perhutani, the Babinsa and Sub-District governance wishes that management of the Pine Woods is left in the hands of the local residents, as a way to reduce unemployment. Unfortunately, areas of Cipasung and Ciawi are left to hands of residents coming from outside of the area, while other areas are still in the hands of local residents. Trainings, although have been given previously, are expected by the local residents. They wish to receive trainings on how to care for the Pine Trees, and better ways to Tap the Resin, in order to product better quality product, more suited to the market demands. Also, a wish is made for investor to open a manufacturing plant to process the Resin in Cihurip area, in order to minimise additional transportation cost of selling the Resin to Bandung. At 16:00, amidst the cold air, falling rain and foggy slippery road, #PetaX continues on with the journey. Landscapes of rice fields on our left and right, which are more beautiful than their Tabanan, Bali counterpart, sadly must be ignored and unable to be documented. #PetaX continues to Cikelet, or at least to reach Pamengpeuk at nightfall.


The Blond Canadian Kampung Ciawi Tali, Desa Dukuh, Cisompet • January 28, 2011 •


OUR intention to spend the night in Cikelet area or at least in Pamengpeuk was halted by a nature call, in a form of hunger. Everything is wet, except for our lugagge which we store inside plastic bags in our backpack. It came so fast, possibly due to the wasted energy needed to maintain our body warmth. #PetaX arrived in a simple warung (diner) in Kampung Ciawi Tali to spend the night and recover our strength. Nasi Timbel served on banana leave, and some simple fried chicken, quickly moved from the plate to our stomach. Not long after, amidst the falling rain, we saw a couple of blond youth speaking in English, walking and entering a home. We were curious, because Desa Dukuh is definitely not a tourism spot, albeit the beautiful sceneries and it is far away from Pamengpeuk. Those blond youths, unexpectedly were staying at one of the houses owned by the lady who owns the warung. After Maghrib, she brings #PetaX to meet those youths.

International Youth Exchange

“... The way of living here are so different compared to where I live. Here, time passes real slow, allowing us to enjoy life...” ~ Raphaelle ~

EMY, who greeted #PetaX, showed a suspicious expression towards us, who were sitting in the living room during the slight rain. “Just a couple of curious men”, perhaps they think. But the conversation becomes more lively and close after we show our identification, along with a brief explanation of what the #PetaX team is doing, and some stickers. Initiated by the Ministry of Sports and Youth, 20 youths from Canada and Indonesia, have stayed in Kampung Ciawi Tali for 1 month. For 3 months stay, they will learn anything, from rice planting, traditional dances, including teaching English in local schools. Raphaelle, a 23 year old from Montreal, says she enjoys her time here. “The way of living here are so different compared to where I live. Here, time passes real slow, allowing us to enjoy life. In Montreal, we never have enough time and everything went by so fast, In the future, I will come visit again, and bring along others with me, well, although we will have difficulties adjusting to the toilet here”, adds Raphaelle. The next morning, #PetaX is invited to visit them, practising the Jaipong dance in the village hall. After participating in some of their activities, we start packing and prepare to continue our journey. From Kampung Ciawi Tali, #PetaX continues our journey towards Pamengpeuk, a beach with white sands and tall waves, most of them untouched by humans, with beauty competing equal with the beaches of Kuta. At point 0 mdpl, we rest our bodies, relaxing in several beaches around Pamengpeuk, Sayang Heulang beach, Ranca Buaya beach and Rantolo beach. Afterwards, #PetaX decides to ride 20 km to a hilly region at about 400 mdpl. Dirt, rocky trails, ascending and twisting, the surroundings are quiet. Wide hills are seen to the right and left of our trails, unfortunately, all are flat without trees. Only several trees are seen, dominated with young Jati trees. It was bright, but the freshness of the mountain air helps reduces our boredom.


Pamengpeuk Beach • Januari 28, 2011 •



Kampung Dukuh • Januari 29, 2011 •


Kampung Dukuh as a Miniature of Indonesia SATURDAY, 29 January 2011, 30 minutes before Ashar prayer time, #PetaX arrived in Kampung Dukuh, welcomed by children running closer and gathering towards us all of sudden. “Aya pit alus yeuh, kadieu barudak!” (“There are cool looking bicycles here, come gather boys!”), calls Baban, a 5 year old children running barefooted on slippery rocks. Some villagers come and greet us. They claim that, although they have receive visitors before, rarely those visitor came by bicycle. Our bicycle was kept in a small field, left kept in villager’s home which lies outside of the bamboo fences. Even so, the bicycles are safe, because all the villagers, both who lived inside or outside of the bamboo fence will keep it safe. “As long as you have no bad intention, we will welcome you”, says one of the villagers. We were welcomed by the Village Elders and some of the villagers in a house made of bamboo and sagu leaf roof, which was bigger compared to the other houses in the village. No suspicions are made towards #PetaX’s arrival. Meals are served to everyone. Even though it was a simple meal, it tastes really good when everyone sits equally without borders. That night, after receiving permission, #PetaX stays in Kampung Dukuh. For your information, almost all media, local press, personal blogs, national press, even international press often puts up stories regarding this village. Even so, #PetaX promises a special, deeper report compared to others.

“...meals are served to everyone, even though it was a simple meal, it tastes really good when everyone sits equally without borders...” Jek Deserted, He Went Home SINCE early in the afternoon, Jek asks us to stay there only for one night, insisting on this without a clear reason. He finally braved himself to admit to us. “My mother says, we should not stay in this village for too long. It is not safe here; the villagers are using practising witchcraft. I don’t want a spell to be cast upon me when we left the village, like what happened to one of our neighbors back home. I don’t want to prejudice, it’s just that I worry for my wife who is currently pregnant back home.” So admits Jek to us. We just listen without saying anything. It was not his fault to think that way, nor does his mother’s fault of judging something not based on facts, but mere lore. The next morning, Jek says goodbye to the team, returning back to Garut.


“...Their creativity, endurance and independence are trained since early years, they learn to make their own toys, cutting woods themselves with sharp knives or cleaves when needed, even counting the width of spaces...”

Sunday Is A Day Off, But There Is No Day Off For Study TODAY is 30 January 2011, a Sunday that went by fast even though life in Kampung Dukuh felt slow. We are ashamed to observe that the villagers, especially children, know no day off when it comes to studying. From midday, afternoon and night, a hall in a rised house made of bamboo walls, are always crowded with children reading the Qur’an. The village children who looked normal when they are playing, now looks extraordinarily diligent while they sit and fluently read the verses in Arabic, might as well considered to be their native languange, even though the institution is not


considered a Pesantren. On other days outside of Sunday, the children went to school. They walk across steep rocky terrains. After school, they pray and read the Qur’an, then continue playing with other children, just like any normal children would. At night, after Maghrib prayers, the hall is again packed with children studying religion. A special note must be taken. PLEASE DO NOT relate the religious studies and activities in this village with a known extremist group which frequently appears in the media, protesting about something. The people of Kampung Dukuh are very different in nature, from these groups.

The Extraordinary Children of Kampung Dukuh AS REPORTED in #Semak10 and in other places around the world, the life patterns of childrens are the same, equally extraordinary. Although with lack of proper narration, one of the private TV Channel tried to display that fact. But it is unfair to use the life of city living as a parameter to judge the appearance of these village children, especially in Kampung Dukuh, which considered being dirty and dumb. What #PetaX observed about the children in Kampung Dukuh, was far from dirty and dumb. Their creativity, endurance and independence are trained since early years. They learn to make their own toys, cutting woods themselves with sharp knives or cleaves when needed, even counting the width of spaces. Take for example, Baban, who is already able to do many things on his own, only at the age of 5 years old. From making his own toys, running around in steep and slippery rocks without falling and bare-footed, and sometimes cutting a chicken on his own, to be cooked by his family. It is possible that by the age of 12, they are able to build their own house, and done so without being forced to do so. We are not worried even though packaged snacks, heavy in artificial flavorings and colourants are available in some shops, which we doubt the safety and nutritional value of these snacks. We are not worried because natural snacks can be easily obtained by the children. One of these snacks, enjoyed by the children, is Limus. Limus is a type of fruit, similar to Mangoes, which are nutritious and contains fibre which cleans their teeth of leftover foods. Education-wise, the majority of time spent by the children is in the village. They have a packed schedule, but they went through it all by their own consent. Although most of the materials they studied are normative and dogmatic, #PetaX is sure that in time, they will be able to analyse themselves the materials that they study during their childhood. Looking at this condition, what saddens us is the state of children living in the big cities. Children who enjoyed lavish facilities compared to their village counterparts. We are sure that these facilities in turn will only help produce children with a spoiled mentality, far from being independent despite their mature age. Already studying in college or working, but is still living under the protective wings of your parents? Aren’t you ashamed when compared to Baban from Kampung Dukuh? One other important note that we repeatedly bring up, that among the many children we met in Kampung Dukuh, none of them are obese.

“...already studying in college or working, but is still living under the protective wings of your parents? aren’t you ashamed when compared to Baban from Kampung Dukuh?...” 17

“... more than 2 KM distance from home to school, walking through steep climbs and descents, which are slippery when wet....�


“...the children can study without having to share classrooms, sitting on a chair instead of lying on the floor, even having their own complete library...”

Corruption Have Taken Their Desk And Chair Away AFTER reviewing the daily life of the childrens in Kampung Dukuh, #PetaX observes that they are very enthusiastic when covering the more than 2 KM distance from home to school, walking through steep climbs and descents, which are slippery when wet. They run happily, while #PetaX team was running out of breath, pushing our bicycle beside us. These daily activity resulted in these children having better physical health compared to children their age who are living in the cities. The building of their Elementary School was built 3 years ago, using government funds. Before this permanent building, the school uses wooden materials for the walls. Two more classrooms are currently being built, while a classroom is used by 2 classes, easily separated by a board. A long conversation happened between #PetaX team and a Teacher, from talks of children quality and the education that they receive, up to the rethorics of missapropriated government funds.

An example would be the funds used to build the initial buildings and facilities, which they manage themselves and resulted in a good quality buildings and facilities, compared to the quality of the buildings / classrooms currently being built by a predetermined vendor. “I cannot say much. You can see for yourself the difference in the current buildings and the ones that are being built, although both are built using the same amount of funds.” Admits the teacher. Also, is the process of career increase in the educational sector are free from Corruption? A story is brought up, that in order to become the headmaster; a sum of Rp 18 million needs to be prepared by the candidate, which we don’t know where that much fund went to. #PetaX took these stories to believe, because it is not in our power to seek for supporting evidence to these stories. Imagine if funds allocated to the Education Sector did not leak to selfish individuals, the children can study without having to share classrooms, sitting on a chair instead of lying on the floor, even having their own complete library.


“...they almost did not need the involvement of external institution or parties for their everyday life, including aspects of clothing, food and shelter...�


A Small Independent Society / Colony WHAT we meant with Independent here, is that they almost did not need the involvement of external institution or parties for their everyday life, including aspects of Clothing, Food and Shelter.

1. Simplicity in their clothing Clothing here does not mean their ability to follow the fashion that is currently in trend, based on the globalization demands. Simple piece of clothing, utilizing a plain Sarung, is enough to cover the body, and act as a protection from the cold nights. For guests, it is advised as well to use Sarung, head cover and a simple line patterned shirt.

2. Partision of Kampung Dukuh Kampung Dukuh is divided into 2 parts by a simple bamboo fence. The internal part of Kampung Dukuh, is bound with several rules, including the prohibition of electricity and electrical devices or appliances. A bit of an exclusion these days, where some villagers start to own a mobile phone, caused by the rise in Chinese-brands mobile phones. What if the phones ran out of batteries? Simple go to the next village, or the outside parts of the bamboo fence, just a couple of steps away. Electricity and electrical appliances are allowed here.

3. Forest Kampung Dukuh has several Conservation Forest, which are kept well by the villagers, for their own sake of survival. Rules, though a bit dogmatic, are strictly followed, such as the rituals needed to be performed before entering the areas, and on certain days. All followed the rule without exempt, both local villagers and guests who happen to visit Kampung Dukuh. Aside from those rules, what physical implementation that is needed to guard the Conservation Forest? Only a bamboo fence, the height of an adult’s waist. It is very easy to jump over. However, based on #PetaX’s observation and information from villagers, no one dares crosses, or break the said rules. This fence is also used to divide between the Kampung Adat (Cultural Heritage) and the people around them.

4. Food and Irrigation #PetaX did not manage to ask about the utilization of medical plants and herbs which are grown around the villager’s home. We also did not ask whether they use chemical fertilizers in their crop field or gardens, but judging from the synergic flow of water from bathing & toilet to crop field irrigation, they shouldn’t need added chemical fertilizers. In Kampung Dukuh, an integrated water distribution system in a continuous flow from the springs to the crop field exists. Water from the natural springs, utilized for drinking water, bathing and cooking, afterwards flowed to the fish


pond. The fish pond here, also acts as a toilet. The fish feces and other micro organism inside the pond enrich the water. The water, passing through the ground, which acts as a natural filtration process, then flows to the crop field below. This integrated water distribution system which satisfies both household and crop field irrigation needs, was widely employed by villages in West Java, Central Java and East Java, especially by those in the mountain area. A friend once mention that during the 1970’s, some villages in Kuningan, West Java has applied these integrated system. Apart from which influences which, a seemingly simple system such as these are in fact, sophisticated system, judging from the benefit use of each water droplet in terms of society living. Protein sufficiency is gained from poultry which are kept free roaming in the village. Fish are readily available in the pond; Chickens are ready to be cut. All are readily available with no need to depend on supply from local market, which products in general are becoming filled with chemical additives. In regards to poultry and meat consumption, there is a similarity between Kampung Dukuh with other villages around Garut, and maybe in whole West Java. A dogma which says, “Do not keep animals which stands on four legs�. #PetaX assumes this was related to the separation between white meat and red meat, but in reality, the people of Kampung Dukuh were following the suggestion of stories made about Syeh Abdul Jalil, a person who defies the Kingdom of Mataram three centuries ago and chooses to exile himself here.

5. Housing The houses that they build are simple Rumah Panggung (houses with the floors raised above the ground), with Sagu leaves rooftop, wooden and bamboo pillars which also used as walls. Many literature mentions the advantages of bamboo houses over earthquakes, due to their flexible nature. Also, it is indeed easier to obtain bamboo, since they grow in a faster rate compared to big trees. Unfortunately, the media and the educational sector have led people to believe that house made of concrete are a sign of modernization. Which comes first? The illusion of modernization, or function? Please answer that yourselves. Cooperation among villagers in home building is much present, which is common in various region across Indonesia, from Papua to Aceh, from NTT to Talaud. Would this kind of cooperation among people exists if each and everything is judged using monetary value instead of a sense of belonging? We doubt it.

6. Tourism One thing the Village Elder reminds us, that even though the District of Garut puts Kampung Dukuh as one of the local Tourism Destination, this was not in agreement


with the people of Kampung Dukuh. “We are not asked to participate in deciding Kampung Dukuh as a Tourims Destination, and we never invite people to come. Just like yourselves, you come without our invitation, is that right?” which #PetaX agrees to. There are many interesting things to know and feel about the different way of life lived by the people of Kampung Dukuh. Feel free to come and visit them, our brothers under one nation of Indonesia. Remember to be polite.

7. Changes in Societal Values Differences, even the slightest hint are subtly observed between Kampung Dukuh Dalam and Kampung Dukuh Luar, which divided by the bamboo fence. A capitalistic sense was felt in some aspect of life in the society. A simple example would be the craft work that the villagers made was only valued at Rp 500, but was sold outside for Rp 10.000. It is perfectly normal under trade norm, but it is not convenient when look at society norm. Also, a cultural expansion provided by television programs, which are absorbed by the villager without proper filtration. We felt saddened upon hearing music from big city bands are still heard through the houses of Kampung Dukuh Luar, mostly by youths, when the call for prayer was chanted. It saddens us so, to see the people of Kampung Dukuh branded as country bumpkin for their attitude. Several times, the people of Kampung Dukuh were exploited by shady government official as reasons for more district funding, when in fact none of the funds ever goes to the good of the Kampung Dukuh people. A funny thing worth mention, when the government allocated Rp 1,7 Billion for the development, the Village Elders replies “What would with do with that much money in this village? Well, we can use it to buy more lands for crop fields, so that the people don’t need to leave the village in order to find a living.” To confirm this statement, please ask the Village Elders directly, #PetaX don’t want to be accused of information manipulation. The fertility of surrounding lands are not yet fully utilized, but sadly Private Corporation have taken much of the surrounding lands, as well as Perhutani who use patches of lands as production of Kayu Jati. This caused some villagers to become migrant workers abroad, even workers in big cities. One of the villagers says that some took the path of Scholars, and some were able to become member of People’s Council in Jakarta.

8. A Wise Leader Did Not Advise to Fight We often see in both social media and general media, the word of “Fight Back” and other suggestion of confrontation. Does this spirit of confrontation also affect the Village Elders of Kampung Dukuh, against the tides of modernization and the current


government policies? No, in fact, they are very democratic about it. “We will not prohibit people to live a lavish life, with monetary wealth and ownership of modern appliances, whatever it is. But those things, should not be inside these bamboo fences” says the Village Elders. This true, since some of the people outside the fences do own motorcycles, or even cars. Then how do they feel about the nations ideology and current government? “Let them be, we have to support whoever it is leading the country. If anyone has disagreement, please step aside and don’t fight back” again, another words of wisdom. This kind of wisdom is repeatedly uttered by many wise leaders, not limited to Kampung Dukuh. Unfortunately it is not in #PetaX’s power to mention them.

9. Water: The Key to Life Kampung Dukuh is located in one of the hilly region of Garut District. While travelling around the area, we met an old man who is resting in a shed aside a crop field. A conversation took place while we take some time to rest at the shed. The Old Man wisely explain why it is unadvisable to present a solution to a problem, without a holistic approach and observation, in regards as well with the judicial system. “There are two activities that we wish could be done more smoothly, as an agrarian nation like Indonesia, which are Farming and Trade. Farming and trade will not run smoothly without water. Water coming from mountain springs, which has a well preserved ecosystem. There, we will find our role of preserving the nature’s balance will run in harmony” This is one of the opinions expressed by the Old Man. Tens of houses in Kampung Dukuh receive water from the Conservation Forest which they protect rigorously, with rules that everyone obeys. The water guttering are made of bamboo, PVC Pipe and some iron wire to connect them. Water supplies are always available year round. Although made of simple apparatus and relying on gravity to work, we consider this as one of the most effective sophisticated devices for water distribution. Starting from household needs, to technical irrigation, all needs are fulfilled. Reference to world history comes to our mind. Petra in times of Ad and Tsamud, was a vast and large irrigation system, that made the city wealthy. Do not forget about Angkor Wat, which portrayed to have oceans of rice field with an advanced irrigation system, proven by vast giant canals connecting mountain springs and river to the cities. Not far away from us, see Borobudur and other temples around it, which acts as irrigation center. “A nation that is successful in befriending water, will definitely able to bring wealth to its people”, a wise word who the writer seems to forget where it came from. Nonetheless, those words is very relevant with our conditions today, when modernization marked by the industrial revolutions 300 years ago is not followed by our ability to manage


the threat of nature, in form of water flooding. Problems of flooding in the city cannot be viewed exclusively as caused by the city, when areas of water absorption in the mountains are cut down and turn into resort villas. Natural springs are controlled by private sectors, which bring wealth to few, instead of controlled by the nation for the wealth of all. When water absorption forest is turned into production forest, because much of the logic used is monetary value, profit and loss system. Regent of Indramayu, raise this issue back in 2007. “Reforestation effort should not be focused in our District, but up there in the mountains. We do not refuse Reforestation effort done here, but it should be done up there (in the mountains). We are just inhabiting the downstreams”. This problem with forest is also experienced by Kampung Dukuh resident. They are responsible to safeguard ‘only’ 7 hectare of forest, while the rest of the forest are turned into production forest for Jati wood, which has a higher economical value. Borders between conservation forest and production forest are blurred, unclear which is which. Shown in mass media, that the local residents are responsible for foraging the forest, where in fact, the local residents won’t do such foraging if they are not ordered to. Distribution paths are also no safe. But again, it is not in #PetaX’s responsibility to uncover them all. Experts have before discussed this issue, which we merely take some of their information to share as a limitless reference. One question remains though, have we befriend the natural powers of water yet? From these 9 points of essay, don’t you agree that some of them are something we long for? A condition where no one is ever hungry. It is difficult to experience it in a mass scale, but at least it has happened in a smaller scope, a place where #PetaX team visit, Kampung Dukuh. For 4 days and 3 nights we stayed and interact with them. We do not mean to exaggerate that although not perfect; they are the miniaturized version of Indonesia that we all dream of. A society where each member share with each other, fulfilling each other, although it is still far from perfect. Time is limited, barely enough to experience more of Kampung Dukuh, because there are still more information to dig. #PetaX packs up and have to continue our journey.

“...they are the miniaturized version of Indonesia that we all dream of, a society where each member share with each other...” 25

Heading Towards The Next “X” Mark • February 02, 2011 •


“...a physical landslide was followed closely by a landslide of mentality of those youths collecting donations...”

Landslide and ‘Mental Slide’ EARLY morning at 2 February 2011, #PetaX team left Kampung Dukuh, proceeding with our journey to the next location. After tens of Kilometers, we reach a point where the village road are caught in a landslide, caused by the heavy rain falling these past few days. The road was broken at 3 meters wide, and 20 meters long, 1 – 3 meters deep, leaving only a passable road of 1 meter wide for 2-wheeled vehicle to pass, which the local residents have able to clear. Cars are certain unable to pass. Worker from PLN (National Power Company) are seen working, pulling the ruptured cables from falling trees. Some older folks are working as well, cutting down trees that blocked the pathways using sharp machetes. While resting, #PetaX took the chance to see and converse with the people there. The worker claims that this area is prone to landslides. Hilly region and lack of road access heighten the chances for landslides to

happen. We observe that the road was curvy, with holes gaping here and there. This condition is far different with Kampung Dukuh. Despite located on a steeper hilly region, heavy rain and even several big earthquakes did not do much damage, with villagers continuing their lives as usual. Back to the landslide road, majority of people gathering are just watching. Some youth gathers donations from passing vehicles, using some empty cardboard. “We will buy lunch from the money gathered” replied them when #PetaX asks the reason for the donation. A physical landslide was followed closely by a landslide of mentality of those youths collecting donations. “Expecting donations while not doing any work” so thought #PetaX, quietly in our minds.


“...do we still have the ability to farm? do we know how a single grain of rice, the process it took from seed to steaming in our plates? does our feet, created to be very sensitive, knows the feel of wet soil during a rainy season? does our feet, stand the stinging thorn?...�

Farming Fretting #PetaX journey from the southern parts of West Java continues northward. We are heading to Cirebon, which would be a tiring trip. On Thursday 3 February 2011, we arrive in Desa Beber, a village as well as a Sub-district which borders with the Kuningan District. In this village, #PetaX stops to take shelter until 6 February 2011. Desa Beber relies on rainfall to irrigate their crop field, because they did not have the proper technical irrigation infrastructure, which should be available at every crop field. We, the #PetaX team would like to elaborate more from this condition, the condition of Indonesia, having a land so fertile it became the envy of nations across the world. The farming conditions in Desa Beber differs greatly with those farms in Kuningan District. Technical irrigation system guarantees uninterrupted supply of water all year long. Farming land actively support the lives of surrounding people, although not all. The villages in 3 districs of Cirebon, located at the mountain foot of Ciremai, the tallest mountain in West Java, needs closer cooperation with the surrounding District.


With lesser job opportunities, especially the declining number of productive farm land has made the younger generation unwilling to use their power to sow the lands. Not to mention images portrayed by mass media of glamour life, more and more disillusioning them of their future. The choice of going to the cities, even only working as building porter, seems to be the option taken by many of the people in this village, while others stay, finding a living by becoming motorcycle taxi. It is true that 70% of Indonesia consists of Oceans, but development of world civilization did not happen there, but at the lands. Mesopotamia, relying on Eufrat and Tigris river, would be an example of how a high civilization are built along the river. This fact was applied, although not fully, by Kampung Dukuh, or in Bangkok, perhaps brought by merchants from Gujarat or China, thousands of years past. The oceans are space of defenses.

Satu, a 60 year old man, that afternoon is planting the 25 days old seeds to his crop fields, quietly working under the corner of a Jatiluhur – Bali line of Electrical Tower. He doesn’t seem to mind working under these Electrical Tower line, despite all the negative exposure about the effects of these towers. Imagine for a while of the current condition, where youths are directed to become more and more creative, and becoming creative workers. A creativity that is quite useless when applied to the laws of nature, where gravity are not resisted, but followed. Threats of earthquakes should be replied with use of simple yet flexible material, such as bamboo. Genetic engineering wrongfully used to produce output according to market demands; chemical fertilizer packed to the grounds, defying the natural process, killing the fertility of the lands in no time. Not to mention the effect of global trade, making any product easier to come to Indonesia. Farming which was supposed to function as the basic needs fulfillment

becomes an industry of itself. When faced with abnormal weather, prices of chili which is actually very easy to plant in our own yards went skyrocketed, even when prices from farmers are stable. When import restrictions are lifted, flow of cheap farming produce will invade our lands, making a small number of importers wealthy, severing the farming sectors of our own country. Society thriving on consumption will become more primitive, blinded by the fact of a piece of heaven they have under their feet. In #Semak10, in a small corner of Sumatera a couple of months past, we encounter a similar problem, though it was in a form of garden plantation, not rice fields. A simple question to our youths, do we still have the ability to farm? Do we know how a single grain of rice, the process it took from seed to steaming in our plates? Does our feet, created to be very sensitive, knows the feel of wet soil during a rainy season? Does our feet, stand the stinging thorn? Please answer these questions on your own study room, with honesty.


Kaswadi and The Feudalism among Fishermen AT AROUND Maghrib prayer time, #PetaX arrived in a fishermen’s village of Gebang Mekar, after passing through the village road of Desa Beber, Belawa and others. It has been raining for the past hour between Lemah Abang district and Babakan. Gebang Mekar is located in the coastline of Cirebon, and has the largest population of fishermen in West Java with around 2000 fishermen, with the majority of them scattered all over the seas of Indonesia. During the Idul Fitri, the river mouth is filled with boats docking in them. #PetaX met Kaswadi, who greets us and lets us take shelter in his small room of his house, being served glasses of hot coffee, stories flow from Kaswadi, without a hint


of reservation nor suspicion. Kaswadi is a fishermen, who hasn’t sail the ocean for the past 3 years. “There are to many fishermen nowadays sir, the waves aren’t exactly friendly as well, also the high operational cost of seafaring, all that hinders a small scale fishermen like me, so I stop sailing” says the 60 year old ex-fishermen with a blank gaze. Aside from farming, the sea is the place where he spent much of his life, ever since he was a young boy, sailing with his father. He still calls himself a farmer, even though he had sold all of his crop field. To fulfill his daily needs, Kaswadi, who fathers 9 children (only 4 left) depends on his grocery shop and once in a while, becoming a becak rider. “It is more and more

“...We stake our lives each day, but much of the money we earn goes to the capital owner, what we receive is barely enough to eat, more often not enough...” ~ Kaswadi ~

difficult for us nowadays. We stake our lives each day, but much of the money we earn goes to the capital owner. What we receive is barely enough to eat, more often not enough. I don’t dare to push my limits further, we are lucky enough to live this way right now” he adds, between inhales of his Kretek cigarette, under the sound of the pouring rain. Kusfinah, Kaswadi’s oldest child, died at the age of 23 while working as a Migrant Worker in Saudi Arabia, the year 1983, the reason would be traffic accident. Although she just worked for 2 months, Kaswadi receive a sum of US$4000 as compassionate allowance, which is a hefty sum at that time. He use the money to buy a patch of land and build the house he currently reside in. One of his children is still in the 1st year of a

well-known local high school in Babakan District. Although the government program states educational fees to be none existent, the fact is that Kaswadi had to pay Rp 1,1 million for the high school’s entry fee, while the monthly Rp 20.000 computer fee is considered normal. Maghrib have passed, but the rain hasn’t stopped. Before it gets too dark, #PetaX decides to return to Desa Beber, 37 km further, and take shelter there. #PetaX rides through the Pantura (Jalur Pantai Utara, Northern Coast Highway) which was known as Jalur Tengkorak (skeleton trail). We choose these paths because it was relatively safer compared to the village trails we use previously, which we hear was quite unsafe during the night.



“...in the coastline of cirebon, and has the largest population of fishermen in west Java with around 2000 fishermen..� ~ Desa Gebang Mekar ~


Jobir and The Coastal Prostitution Scene THIS STORY is written based on a two-day long journey, when a local resident of Cirebon district accompanied #PetaX and acts as a guide for us. Let’s just call him Jobir, a 31 year old man, father to 2 children, whose marriage status is currently waiting for the marital court to decide. We have receive permission from Jobir, for everything we have written here. The harsh brought up by his family, and a lack of attention since early years has made him grow into a local hoodlum, although he has his own weak spot. A weak spot, turning weak when his beloved wife left him due to family demands. A second of observation would make him look like a tough and arrogant man, although that might not be the case when you have known him better. After a whole day of cycling since Saturday morning to afternoon, on 5 February 2011, at night we use a rental car and ride around the village path, arriving in a village along the coast, Desa Ciledug. Jobir, holding back his desires and lust for months, asks to stop in a prostitution shack beside a rice field, what you would call Warung Remang Remang in Indonesia. It was built as a collection of small rooms with bamboo walls and soil floor, with semi permanent concrete here and there. Outside, a middle-aged women waits, but upon entering the 3 x 6 meter room, there awaits many women, all young in their teens. Jobir does his thing, while we, #PetaX team wait outside, trying to have conversation with some workers who are waiting for their ‘guests’. Accompanied by cold beer, their stories flows naturally.

• Sutinah and her cliché story LET’S CALL her Sutinah, an illiterate dark-skinned 18 year old girl. She just started ‘working’ in this shed for 5 months, after 3 years ago was forced to ‘work’ in Jambi. She began her life as a villager from a poor family, living in a coastal area which is no longer fertile. Sutinah accepts happily when she was invited to work in Jakarta by someone she just barely knew. Her suspicion began when she was taken for a boat ride for days, passing Tanjung Priok, when she knows that there was no need to travel by sea to reach Jakarta from Losari, Cirebon. That night, and the nights afterwards, Sutinah cried in the corner of her room after her virginity was sold. 3 years she spends as a prostitute in Jambi, all started from a stealthy human trafficking, too poor at the time to have an open mind during her young age. What was the reason for this? Sutinah’s story ended, at the same time that Jobir’s session ends, coming out of the small shed with a content look on his face. In the end, even though we only spend the night talking with Sutinah and her friends, the prices for the drinks we have to pay, are higher than their main ‘services’.


“...that night, and the nights afterwards, Sutinah cried in the corner of her room after her virginity was sold...” • Dewi, Whose Child is Just 3 Months of Age, and Jobir Who Is Willing to Become Her Husband JOBIR’S partner was Dewi, 21 years old, who had just borne a child 3 months earlier, observable by the shape of her body at that time. The child is now living with Dewi’s mother in Brebes, while she stays in a lodging near her ‘workplace’. “Dewi wouldn’t let me open her Bra” says Jobir. “It is still full with Breast Milk, please don’t open it” pleads Dewi, according to Jobir. We don’t know who asked who, but afterwards, they sat together, talking to each other in a hushed tone, staring into each other’s eye. During our return trip, Jobir tells us in a serious manner, that he wanted to marry Dewi. We all were surprised to hear that happened so fast, for someone who just had his first experience with a prostitute. #PetaX remind him to get to know each other better and deeper first. We perceive Jobir’s intention to be noble, pulling Dewi out from the pit of prostitution, but as a friend, we need to remind him to use more data as a base of consideration before taking such big decision, since a marriage is not a process that should be taken easily. Just a few minutes as we head to the base of Ciremai mountain, Jobir received a text message from Dewi, “Hun, I am exhausted. We had to run to the rice fields because our place was raided by the police.” Jobir seemed panic, but was calm after Dewi confirms that she was fine. The car window was slightly open amidst the light rain and fog, typical of the mountain region. A young man whispers from behind the window, “Hey boss, how about some girls? Only Rp 300.000, short time including rooms”. No thank you, it was time to head home. #PetaX have to catch the train heading to Jakarta early morning, while our bicycles have not been washed, and luggage not yet packed. Jobir at this time is still talking about Dewi, and Dewi.. “C’mon man, see her tomorrow. For now, just drive properly, we are getting sleepy here.”

• There are More Jobir Out There, And Also Not Enough of Him JOBIR was fortunate to be under the guidance of his late grandfather, a freight truck driver with routes around Java Island and other part of Indonesia. This led him to acquire a lot of knowledge regarding routes and highways, above than average, we must say.

Jobir also receive harsh tutelage from his father who was a furniture craftsman, which equipped Jobir with a remarkable skill of wood craftsmanship. Unfortunately, even though his skill sets are not yet lost, he chooses instead to become a driver in a corporation operating in Cirebon City. Care and attention, as well as education, he did not receive them in his home, turning a young Jobir into a violent and rowdy person. A sense of dominance, getting into fights and brawls was part of his daily life from Elementary School to Junior High School, continue till recent years, but not now. This condition ‘forced’ Jobir to not continue to High School, opting to marry at a young age, a marriage that lasted more than 10 years, which will end soon in a courtroom. The rise and fall of life he had felt, although the majority is around the bottom part, did not make him forget the good deeds of his close friends. He looks as if about to cry, as he shares us this story “It was 2007, when my children and wife is living deep inside a village. That day, the whole family was starving, but I don’t have any money left in me. A friend came to our house, and took me to Cirebon City, inside a shopping center, shopping for daily needs. I thought all of those things he bought was for him, but when we arrived back at my house, he put down all of those goods and left it for my family. When he left, my wife and I cried” Jobir’s problems portray the current condition of our youth generation, representing many, almost all of them. This problem however, is one that rarely exposed. Even if one would analyze such problem, they would only reach a causal effect without providing solutions to eradicate the main source of these problems. What then, are the main sources of these problems? May we find the answer in our next trip of #PetaX.

• A Conclusion Regarding Jobir, Sutinah, Dewi and All Around Us THESE writings are compiled, not to give a vulgar portray of prostitution, and not to expose the life of Jobir, Sutinah or Dewi. What we aim is to get inside, get to know more about their lives, and at the same time, try to become a part of them. This topic has already been exposed by other media anyway. Jobir, Sutinah and Dewi, all are victims, which exists quietly among us, near us, despite our ignorance to identify or acknowledge them. Maybe we are truly have been made to forgot or deny these kinds of information or conditions, even though they are well within our own reach, since most information now are sent out over a glass / lcd display. Direct access to these kinds of conditions, are met as far as our vehicle’s window, with masks of pretention and premature justification readily available on our minds. This caused a blurring of insight upon those harsh and worse realities of lives around us, even though that they are vividly visible.


Done, #PetaX Returns To Jakarta • Februari, 06 2011 •


“...what’s important is not how far we went, or how long the journey took, but the objective of the journey, why we decide to take the journey on bicycle, and the result that we return with from the journey…”


An Idea, The End of #PetaX’s Journey AFTER visiting several points of interest, and bringing back some interesting stories, #PetaX team finally pack our bags, and return to Jakarta. A Train heading to Jakarta was taken, considering our physical condition has been drained by the 10 day long journey, covering 927 Km. Inside the Cirebon – Jakarta train, #PetaX team discussed to reach a general conclusion from the journey, based on observation made on the field, and relying on several references to strengthen an opinion of our writing. If there is something here that you find unpleasant or offensive, please forgive us. Because everything we write here, 90% of the time, we write them while smiling.

• Cruise Capability

IT IS TRUE that during #PetaX journey, we only cover a small part of West Java. Even so, with this much time spent, there are so much stories that we were able to gather. Imagine how much area of Indonesia that hasn’t been explored yet, not yet captured by the media. Have you ever think, how much have know about our own country? We dare say not much.

• Tourism

TOURISM destination are spread out all over West Java, from Nature-based Tourism, to Educational Tourism of cultural and exact science, all are available. Most destinations are reachable by common transportation mode; some are safer to use than others. Bicycle would be a transportation mode worth considered for its cruising ability, reaching wide and deep into the harshest condition. A deadlock condition would be met, when a potential tourism destination such as Pantai Pameungpeuk, receive professional touch in terms of tourism management. Economic activities will definitely increase, although limited to certain areas. What worries us is the threat of environmental destruction that could happen from tourism exploit. Also, the increased economic activity and economic opportunities, would affect the local residents mindset into becoming more materialistic, and in the end, leaving behind the traditional value set, for instance cooperation among each other. Cooperation and harmony among the people, a goal strived to achieved by many nations around the world, as well as an identity of our nation Indonesia, although much of it are only rhetoric in a tip of a pen.


We advise to not have professional management of these beautiful destinations. Let them be hard to reach and have limited access, making visitors exert more effort to reach these destination. Easier access would bring about too much change at an alarming rate, depicted previously in the different way of life between the people of Kampung Dukuh Luar and Kampung Dukuh Dalam, although both are separated only by a bamboo fence.

• Similarity in Cultural Principle

WE DID NOT visit all places in West Java; we feel that it is enough to visit the unique terrains, including mountain regions, hill region, and coastal region. The living pattern of the people of Kampung Dukuh is relatively similar with Kampung Naga in Tasik, a sense of heightened commercialization being only the difference. Similar as well the living pattern of Kanekes cultural tribe in Banten, although Kanekes prohibits visual documentation in the village. Integrated water utilization for living necessities are similar as well, from the south coast up to north coast. Villages deep in the forest with wide span of gardens, we could easily find uses of fire-wood stove as the main cooking utensil. Despite the simplest dishes, consisting of radish, tender trunk of banana and grilled salted fish, all tastes exquisitely good when consumed while enjoying the surrounding peaceful environment. Especially, during a communal meal when our stomach is in a hungry state. A common sense of togetherness and solidarity is felt high among the people living in these villages, but is under threat by an increased sense of monetary measurement among the of these people. We pray that someday we won’t find ourselves having to pay a toll fee just to visit and interact with the people of these villages, still brothers and sisters of ours under one nation.

• Health

OBESITY, in line with our finding in #Semak10 several months ago, was only found in big cities. Big cities with a large offering of services industries and transportation infrastructure in a form of smoothly paved roads; there we will find problems of obesity. The people, both voluntary and unaware are made less and less mobile, getting lazier to move themselves around and about. Massive and mobile form of communication slowly chips away the simplest yet most effective form of communication; face to face communications, with eye-to-eye stare, touch, tap and hug. We believe the most advanced technology will not able to replace the emotional bonds built by direct physical communication, ever. During our journey, we did not encounter people who have critical diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and others. This is caused by a diet of naturally grown and

prepared food, without genetic changes of their traits. We did not know who said it, but agreed on this: “genetically modified food is a crime”. The reason is changes in the genetic structure of foods will impact the cell structure of our body, directly or indirectly, sooner or later. This will cause decrease in stamina and endurance, and causing the mutation of several diseases. A person’s physical form will be determined by the daily variety of physical activities done. Farmers or fishermen, who do much walking, working in the fields and other activities, in average (if not to say, all) have a good physical build with ideal body weight and minimal fat stored in their muscles. It is ironic that we who lived in the big cities have to go fitness centers to get in shape, instead of increasing our movement in our daily activities. A simple example is to use a bicycle for activities in short distances, or do more walking.

• Education

TO DISCUSS thoroughly about the quality of education in Indonesia would need a very long write-up. Instead, we would like to write only about the characters of society we encounter along the way, which resulted from an educational process. Children who studies inside a bamboo shed, not necessarily less smart, less qualified compared to children in big cities who were chauffeured each day to International-grade school. Please prove this hypothesis, that educational development should not focus on physical infrastructure, but aimed towards education content, because content is where the core information that would go in to the heads of each educational system participant. When this is the case, would we still believe the various advertisements airing in mass media which offered supplements which helps increase intelligence, when we see the conditions of various villages we visit during our journey? We would like to propose an idea, that a person’s intelligence is determined by their daily activity and the information they receive as a base of train of thought. Food intake matters only to physical conditions. Just look at our leaders in the past, are you really sure that Soekarno and Hatta, consumed milk and other nutritious food everyday from born to death? Please find the answers yourselves. About corruption, they are everywhere, especially in further locations which are not easy to reach. Take for example one of the school in Kampung Dukuh, Cikelet, Garut. This is, again, a finding during our journey which we would like to share. For those who practice corruption, imagine if it was your children who are without chair and table in their school, simply because the funds that is allocated for them, went to someone else’s private account. How would you feel about that? It is ironic that this was found in the educational sector. Is it natural, that for reason of economic reasons, that each and every aspect of our lives, are measured by their monetary value?

• Social Society IN OUR WRITINGS, we describe the harmonic relationship between human and another human, human and its creator, and humans with the nature. We are not exaggerating when we conclude that Indonesia is a friendly nation. Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi, a phrase meaning “an abundance of natural resources” is present, and is possible to expand when desired. It is only a matter of willingness from the policy maker to incorporate them to strategic and tactical implementation, as well as facing challenges from egocentric desires of such policy maker. Local leaders, although still based their thoughts on dogmatic principle, still has a strong role to unite the members of society. This condition will turn bad, if such leadership is not followed by maturity and wisdom of the leaders. They would be vulnerable to provocation and resolved to anarchy, when someone desires it. We hope that villager of Kampung Dukuh, and other remote villages in Indonesia in general, are not like that. Village societies are a model of self-reliant and independent society. They are able and willing to move with only minimal supporting facilities. For instance, when they don’t have money, they will be able to continue living, relying on nature’s bounty. Hunting, farming or fishing, a choice determined by their geographical location and equipped skills. We think that it is possible, if a small number of villages decide to cut themselves of from the accepted norms of economic system while not interfering others. Both possible and fair, if they choose to do so.

• Religion WE WERE only able to visit villages where majority of the villagers are Muslims. We didn’t have enough time to visit Cigugur in Kuningan, where the majority of the villagers are Christian, or our Chinese brothers and sisters in Cirebon who are celebrating Lunar New Year at that moment. Even so, we confirm that there are no conflicts in the grass-root level. Religious life is running in harmony, even amidst diversity. A couple of days after #PetaX journey ended, Indonesia were shaken by two riots driven by religions issues. A vicious slaughter done by one religious holder to another, was depicted in an amateur video from Cikeusik, then another happened further, in Tumenggung. Both were carrying the same issue of religious beliefs. Our question remains: who instigated these riots? Thus, a conclusion was reached in the end of #PetaX - Indonesia From Above A Bicycle, as a Small Map Series: West Java,” beginning on January 26 2011 & ending on February 6 2011.


More About #PetaX There Is Nothing Special About #Petax

STAYING true to our original concept, #PetaX (read: Peta X) is a regular journey, taken by bicycle and other forms of transportation; visiting regular places; but hopefully, bringing back extraordinary stories, such as happened in our previous journey, #semak10, a couple of months ago. Several considerations are made, that many of our fellow cyclist are more experienced than us. Judging from distance travelled, many have gone around Indonesia, or even the world. A simple question we must ask. What stories are brought back from those far away journeys, and what point-of-view is used in these stories? If documentation of these journeys are self-portraits or surrounding landscapes with regular captions and storyline, then we are sorry to say, the journey won’t bring much impact or benefit for others, whether those stories are accepted or not.

search for the relevant topics there. Jek, who spends most of his time cycling in paved road, seems to have trouble controlling his mountain bike. “This is the same with power and endurance training, it is more tiring than a 200 km race man”, he says while catching some air to breathe. This is the reason why #PetaX decides to carry a backpack compared to using a pannier. Although it was more tiring, but we felt more stable when swinging around in broken path, because the majority of trails we passed are broken trails.

Endless Single Track

Between a Road Racing Cyclist, & a Mountain Biker

AFTER RELAXING in several beaches of Pamengpeuk, among them are Sayang Heulang, Ranca Buaya and Santolo, #PetaX decides to ride 20 km to a hilly region at about 400 mdpl. Dirt, rocky trails, ascending and twisting, the surroundings are quiet. Some climbing techniques and a lot of patient are needed. For those who are not aware of proper hill-climbing techniques on a bicycle, you are welcome to visit Sepedaku.com and


VILLAGES’ PATH in Cirebon District, Kuningan and Majalengka, all are composed of dirt trail, a path that runs following a river stream, rice fields and even bushes. Polygon Cozmic CX1.0, the weapon of choice for #PetaX team rides comfortably in these type of trails. One of the principles of Mountain Biking, especially XC (Cross Country) is to have a harmonic presence with nature, not ruining them. Returning to the long rocky descent in Kampung Dukuh, Cikelet, Garut, as far as tens of kilometers, won’t be much fun if travelled slowly. Ideally, these trails require the use of All Mountain class bicycles, but our Polygon Cozmic CX1.0 proved more than enough. However, we did push the bicycles a bit too far, resulting in one of the bicycle’s rear derailleur hanger being bent, though other components are left unharmed. Fortunately, a spare rear derailleur hanger was provided from Polygon with every purchase of the bicycle. Cirebon has Lemah Abang region (which name reflects the Tanah Abang are in Jakarta), and Pancuran (also, reflected the area of Pancoran in Jakarta), from Desa Beber through rice fields, heading west towards Kuningan, Majalengka, or circling

Mount Ciremai if the time allows it. Interested to go on these routes? Communicate with the local mountain biking community, they would be glad to accompany. #PetaX thinks the problem with mountain biking track availability, which are sacrificed for residential development, only happens in Jabotabek and other big cities. If we go away further, we won’t encounter this problem. The title of our report is not an exaggeration then. Fellow cyclist, some of you, during your cycling journey may encounter groups of children from the local villages, calling out “Mister” when you pass them. This is a sad fact, when bicycles in their eyes are merely the stuff of foreigners. Another sad fact is they are taught since a young age, that bicycles are not more than toys, to be discarded at later stage of life with ownership of other goods, such as motorcycle, implying to judge success by ownership of luxury goods. If you want to improve your basic skill of mountain biking (pedalling, handling, shifting, proper way to fall, etc) then training in special mountain biking tracks is enough (such as Jalur Pipa Gas, Jalur Pinggir Tol, Cihuni, Jati Asih, etc). Outside them, there are so many uncharted trails. What are you waiting for? Let’s get to know each patch of our nation, before everything is sacrificed for an illusion of development.

#PetaX, and their bicycle

COZMIC CX1.0 2011 Edition by Polygon can be classified as an entry level bicycle, aimed at beginners who wish a taste of the mountain biking world. The difference of Cozmic CX1.0, with the higher grade of Cozmic CX2.0 up to Cozmic CX5.0 lies only in the components used, and graphics. Geometry of the frame, which is the heart and soul of the bicycle, are the same. This is bicycle is the one we, #PetaX team use to explore a small part of West Java, covering 927 kilometers, from 26 January to 6

February 2011. We also use other method of transportation, not limited to bicycle. When the journey ends, the bicycle was full of scratches, and have the rear derailleur hanger replaced, like mentioned earlier, caused by forcing the bicycle to travel through trails which requires All Mountain class bicycle. Noted the available rear derailleur hanger replacement was provided by Polygon upon purchase of the bicycle. To go on a journey with similar trail characteristic as the one done by #PetaX, we can say in confidence that the Polygon Cozmic CX1.0 is more than capable. Going through muddy and slippery dirt surfaces, rocky descents, or slipping through city traffic, all travelled without much trouble. This would be one defining feature of a mountain bike, agile and stable at the same time. What is interesting is that Polygon Cozmic CX1.0 shares a similarity with the higher series, including the RXX series worth Rp 40 million, which is the shortened and strengthened drop-out. This improved the rotational stability of the rear wheel, and increased down-fore on descents, as well pedalling efficiency. Choosing an XC (Cross Country) type of mountain bicycle (such as the Polygon Cozmic CX1.0) for beginners, we feel is the most logical choice compared to other type of mountain bicycle. Along with cycling skill improvement, upgrades to the components can be done as necessary. To convert the bicycle into a hybrid bicyle to roam around the city, all you need to do is replace the tires with slick tires and a rigid fork. You will have in your hands, a mean-looking bicycle, and ready to go as fast, agile and stable as you could possibly take her on paved roads. #PetaX team does an upgrade to one of the bicycle, replacing the low-rise handlebar for a flat handlebar type, with bar-ends. A Hollowtech II crank was also fitted. All of these parts are owned by the team members, so there was no purchase done. Even so, for those of you who wishes to start cycling, the standard specification of Polygon Cozmic CX1.0, worth at Rp 4.3 million, is more than enough. The logical consideration would be, that the performance difference from the more expensive components would not be felt right away, thus it is wiser to upgrade your cycling skills and capabilities first. A simple illustration would be a guitar, where any guitar would be suited for aspiring guitarist, but a custom-made guitar would only be suited when used by a maestro. But this does not mean that we prohibit you from buying the higher priced models, especially if you can afford them. It all comes down to optimizing your purchase power.

~Happy cycling friends! Increase your cycling skills and capability, so that you can easily enjoy exploring the various trails in our beloved Indonesia ~


Live Tweet #PetaX @Sepedaku / Tue Jan 25 15:22:08 #PetaX – Bicycle Perspective: Exploring Indonesia. http://ow.ly/3JRSV @Sepedaku / Wed Jan 26 10:49:04 Starting today until s/d 6/2/11, just like #semak10 http://sepedaku.com/semak10 (pdf 11MB), #PetaX http://ow.ly/3JRSV will give live update.

@Sepedaku / Thu Jan 27 00:08:40 #velodrome preparing for Sea Games, the track still need some work to do. #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3tp80y

@Sepedaku / Fri Jan 28 04:57:30 First rest after cycling 2,5 jam, Batu Numpang, Cikajang. #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3u2byw

@Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 02:03:10 Even bicycle is exploited by women #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3uc03k

@Sepedaku / Wed Jan 26 14:01:14 Ali Sadikin build the velodrome in 1973, what does next Governor build? Shopping mall? #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3tkf8f

@Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 02:46:10 They’re reading #semak10 e-book, soon in English, also #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3ucens @Sepedaku / Thu Jan 27 00:10:50 Dawn in #velodrome, they begin practice when most of you still naked under your blanket. #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3tp8nj @Sepedaku / Thu Jan 27 01:21:49 Wanna ‘play’ with them? Go ahead. #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3tpt5j

@Sepedaku / Wed Jan 26 15:33:29 Football isn’t the only sport, right? how about bicycle racing achievements? Tonite, #PetaX spent the night with the athletes in velodrome. @Sepedaku / Wed Jan 26 17:51:04 For you who gets sick easily, don’t open this picture! #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3tmcp2


@Sepedaku / Fri Jan 28 23:23:51 #PetaX latest updateu: “Story shared in a coffee shed” & “The blond Canadian”. The people, the forest & their education http://ow.ly/3JRSV

@Sepedaku / Thu Jan 27 09:37:25 Hope the #velodrome won’t turn into ‘velodoom’ #PetaX http://ow.ly/3JRSV

@Sepedaku / Fri Jan 28 07:26:33 Abah (sepedaku.com member) was right. Gunung Gelap Garut is now bare. Lush on the outside, bare inside. #PetaX http://ow.ly/3JRSV @Sepedaku / Fri Jan 28 07:44:36 Gunung Gelap, lush on the outside, bare inside. 14:43:53 heavy rain & thick fog #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3u3dc8

@Sepedaku / Thu Jan 27 10:05:15 For #PetaX journey tomorrow, Jek wants a body-fit jersey. Custom made only Rp5.0000,- http://twitpic.com/3ttbp6

@Sepedaku / Fri Jan 28 10:56:46 1. Students, anyone know where Kampung Ciawi Tali, Depok village, Cisompet located? more beautiful than Tabanan or Puncak #PetaX

@Sepedaku / Thu Jan 27 09:47:14 Post cycling ‘snack’. Location? one of Garut remote village. Want some? #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3tt7sx

@Sepedaku / Fri Jan 28 10:58:08 2. In this remote village, some exchange student is staying. Only 7Km away from Pamengpeuk. #PetaX

@Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 03:06:12 Better get out fast, things are gonna get shaky! #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3uclqt @Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 03:17:59 5Km to Pamengpeuk, this is only a small part that #PetaX saw. http://twitpic.com/3ucpyw @Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 04:14:07 Pamengpeuk says “Welcome to your beach”, http://twitpic.com/3udasc

Here you can find the live tweets send using @Sepedaku twitter account during #PetaX journey, utilizing #PetaX hashtag. This does not include additional information that were sent directly & individually to us. @Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 04:53:36 Bicycle don’t need to come here, lucky us. (Gas station beside SMKN 1 Cikelet) #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3udp5p

@Sepedaku / Sun Jan 30 01:16:21 08:14:42 Jek leave #PetaX, afraid of the bad rumours about the village :)) http:// twitpic.com/3uod6u

@Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 06:56:44 Tonight, #PetaX will stay in that settlement. http://twitpic.com/3uest7

@Sepedaku / Sun Jan 30 23:48:02 06:46:04 walking through tough terrain, everytime they go to school #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3v02w9

@Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 07:21:38 Food seller in this area are too ‘honest’, boiled noodles only Rp2500. #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3uf03t @Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 07:44:29 The children quickly gathers, “aya pit alus euy” (“there’s a cool looking bike”), they shout #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3uf6hh

this is important”. #PetaX http://twitpic. com/3v29w3 @Sepedaku / Mon Jan 31 07:14:21 #PetaX is not talking about religion here, but their discipline and dedication in learning. They do this everyday. http://twitpic.com/3v3fkx

@Sepedaku Mon Jan 31 04:00:38 Anyone knows what insect is this? Looks the same with bamboo stick. #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3v25r5 @Sepedaku / Mon Jan 31 04:08:07 Limus, a popular snack with children of kampung X. “The fiber is good to clean our teeth”, they say. http://twitpic. com/3v283b

@Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 15:07:59 2Km of steep descent, a gift after climbing over 10 Km in the forest #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3uizck

@Sepedaku / Mon Jan 31 04:11:34 If education funds are not ‘leaked’ they can have their own desk & chair. #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3v2934 @Sepedaku / Mon Jan 31 04:14:29 Teacher: “you won’t understand bike geometry if you don’t know the basic,

@Sepedaku / Wed Feb 02 03:08:24 Latest #PetaX update, “Water: The Key to Life” (are we better than #X1 village?) http://bit.ly/hQ0Vmf @Sepedaku / Thu Feb 03 03:18:41 #PetaX is in village #Xn. Right now, a Press ID Card is like a weapon against local authorities sigh. http://twitpic.com/3vyjkf

@Sepedaku/ Mon Jan 31 09:14:29 Not afraid of damage, they can get hurt if miss-used. Right? #PetaX http://twitpic. com/3v42q0 @Sepedaku / Mon Jan 31 14:40:41 Stay tune to #PetaX http://ow.ly/3JRSV, we will have a quiz, prizes will be sepedaku merchandise (msgr bag, special tshirt, helmet cover, etc)

@Sepedaku / Sat Jan 29 09:58:44 Instant hit. Well it’s natural, only few bicycles ever entered this village. #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3ug7i6

@Sepedaku / Tue Feb 01 04:54:17 A note for parents of modern age: Extraordinary Children of #X1 Village #PetaX http://bit.ly/gJtEad

@Sepedaku / Tue Feb 01 03:10:53 Farewell #X1 village, Ah, missing you already! See you in the next #PetaX journey. http://twitpic.com/3vc8zf @Sepedaku / Tue Feb 01 04:22:11 Does anyone wish to be here and jump?, hhmm..., no, better do your work tho ;) #PetaX. http://twitpic.com/3vcudv

@Sepedaku / Thu Feb 03 03:27:24 Last night, one of #PetaX bicycle is left in a diner, too weak to climb rest of 7Km, during the rain. Safely stays there to pick up the next morning. http://twitpic.com/3vymge @Sepedaku / Thu Feb 03 04:06:41 Poor you! Since #PetaX start, 26/1, only washed after going thru cities, oceans, mountains, etc. http://twitpic. com/3vyz93


Live Tweet #PetaX @Sepedaku / Thu Feb 03 05:16:56 Which one dries first, we will use them #PetaX #Xn http://twitpic.com/3vzjqi @Sepedaku / Thu Feb 03 15:04:36 Baban’s words still rings in our ear, a 5 year old child in #X1 Village, “Can I have a bicycle?” #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3w41da @Sepedaku / Thu Feb 03 15:14:38 “If the aid funds are not corrupted, they will have chairs”, says the teacher in #X1 village #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3w44pd

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 01:28:49 After #PetaX stays in his house, Nana renovated his old iron bicycle. Nice! http://twitpic.com/3w8xd1 @Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 03:35:41 The village road was hit by a landslide from last nite rain, Belawa village, Lemah Abang sub-district, Cirebon. #PetaX #Xn http://twitpic.com/3w9xv9


Here you can find the live tweets send using @Sepedaku twitter account during #PetaX journey, utilizing #PetaX hashtag. This does not include additional information that were sent directly & individually to us.

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 04:23:38 Over in the landslide area, authorities are ready, elders giving help, many people only watch, & local youths asking for donation *huh? #PetaX #Xn

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 09:08:13 Use local people! After school, they are freelance-buffalo shepherd #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3wc7kv

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 10:24:39 Feaodalism is everywhere, “owners don’t work but receive more than us”, says Kaswadi #PetaX

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 04:27:42 See #PetaX later 11:27:05. 11:27:10. Friday prayer in #Xn http://twitpic.com/3wadb4

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 10:12:20 Several days in the southern coast, now, 17:11:20 #PetaX is in northeast part of West Java http://twitpic.com/3wcmbs

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 11:40:40 Cycling on muddy road, full of holes, at night, is not fun. #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3wd9ha

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 04:30:44 Bicycle: “we are not different, but our riders thinks we are different” #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3wae4s

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 10:15:04 Gebang Mekar Village - Cirebon, fishermen settlement with the largest number of fishermen in West Java #PetaX

@Sepedaku / Sat Feb 05 05:01:13 11:58:39 Situ Cipariuk, Ciremai mountain in the background #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3wmeo9

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 07:18:40 Hhhhhmmm the sweetness of sugarcane, and the scrumptious buffalo’s ass #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3wbjgp

@Sepedaku / Sat Feb 05 05:42:00 “Avoid Civil War. Pro’s and Con’s but still as one, welcomes Linggarjati with peace” #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3wmsnv

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 10:17:36 Kaswadi haven’t gone to sea for 3 years, “It’s getting tougher nowadays”, he tells #PetaX http://twitpic.com/3wcnnf @Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 08:39:28 New update #PetaX: Physiscal Landslide and ‘Mental Landslide’ http://bit.ly/ eUJsmz @Sepedaku”

@Sepedaku / Fri Feb 04 10:20:48 The scary facade of the North Coast only exist in media. Get in and interact. “You earn respect by giving them” #PetaX

@Sepedaku / Sun Feb 06 08:44:02 As of 6/1/2011, #PetaX is done, e-book & video in progress, forum http://ow.ly/3JRSV will be updated. Thank you all.

What They Say about #PetaX

A Compilation list Sepedaku.com thread replies and Facebook comments.

(via Sepedaku.com forum)

(via Facebook)

abah: - Pameungpeuk beach is more beautiful, even when compared to Kuta Beach. But to say Gunung Gelap is a thick forest, is an exaggeration. Wasn’t the forest cut down already? It was during the beginning of Reform Era when people, shouting in the name of Reform, cut down the forest for personal gain. - It was said to be called Gunung Gelap, because back in the old days, the forest was so thick on these mountains – or hills to be exact – that it made the environment dark. “Mid-day felt like Maghrib time” more or less describe the situation. It is a shame that the greed of humanity eliminate the trees. Ok, take care on the road, many widows ahead of you, people say. - Thank you for the report, reminds me of my childhood. The scent of the sun and the continuous joy, Alhamdulillah it carries over to my old age. - I have followed @sepedaku ever since yesteryear. Though my lack of intelligence causes me to shriek in confusion

Indra Ighra Ghrawita: What type of bicycle are you using om?... what size and type of tyre do you recommend?

upon reading names of region / villages replaced by X1 < X this, etc. My lack of intelligence aside, another possibility is the intention to keep the names secret. Or maybe the name is not important, since the village that you visit fairly reflects the condition of all villages in this country: Poor and discarded by their leaders, some of them even exploit these villages. #wow why so serious all of a sudden… petruslingga: The photos are beautiful! kilometertiga: Very good! One thousand thumbs up! devin: mmhhh.. the expose about the blond is interesting, go deeper bro!.. hehe arnaldowenas: Looking forward to Peta-X e-book, Looking forward to your next trip, looking forward to your review. Your expedition has bring many benefit and serve as an inspiration for us all. GO FORWARD!

Fredy Susanto: Great mission!! It is sad to see such crippled school in West Java. What about the Eastern part of Indonesia? Iye Rohadian: Indonesia and all above it, is beautiful to the touch, felt and enjoyed. A journey taken on a bicycle will only perfect it. Top! Alfa Febrianto: Salute commandant!

Toto Sugito: Nice adventure, take us with you next time Mochamad Ricky: marvelous! Ancilla Marcelina: interesting! Similar events such as this should be more often..keep your spirit! Annisa Gurdi: Salute and respect to Captain Inu and friends! Sepedaku + #Semak10 rocks! Iwan Hadiantoro: Nice journey. I envy you! Time is priceless , so enjoy while it last!

Rahmi Newbie: Education, tourism, poverty eradication, cycling and adventure.... Indeed a very nice package ;))

Moeldjana Abdoelgani: Marvelous!

Arno Himawan Egoll: salute...... success to you all

Teguh Setiawan: Impressive photos indeed

Cak Kris: This is as cool as #semak10...


#PetaX in Implementation Regions visited:

• Jakarta – (exposure) • Bogor, Tangerang, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Ciamis, Tasik – (passing through) • Garut – (exposure) • Municipality of Cirebon, District of Cirebon, District of Kuningan, and District of Majalengka – (exposure)

Transportation: • Bicycle • Public Transportation • Rental Car • By foot / walking

General Topography: • City landscape, flat • Small City • Hill landscape • Mountain landscape • Coastal landscape

#PetaX would like to express our gratitude to:

1. Polygon, who supports us in this unusual journey. 2. All members of sepedaku.com all cyclists in general, and the people we met during our journey. 3. TRAX Magazine (MRA Media), who is daring enough to give a different kind of coverage to their usual repertoire. Also Yayasan Tunas Cendekia, for the support, especially for educational facilities support where needed. dan bantuan khususnya untuk sarana pendidikan. 4. All residents of Kampung Dukuh, especially to Ama Uluk Lukman as the village elders and family. 5. #Semak10 Team, for the inspiration and spirit. 6. dr. Andreas Prasadja, who specialize in Sleep Health, for the medical consultation during our journey. 7. Other parties which we are unable to mention one by one.


Main Team: Inu Febiana (@IFnubia) – sepedaku.com | Bayu Hendroatmodjo (@bayuhdr)– Trax Magazine, Graphic Designer | Rizky Anugrah – Road Race Cyclist from Garut Budi Santoso (@budissimo) – sepedaku.com | Ancila Marcelina (@ancillamarcelin) – Production | Ali Indrawan (@aliindrawan) – Translation | People we met in each locations Supported by: Member sepedaku.com & Follower twitter @Sepedaku


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