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In the News
Malta will never forget 2022’s Papal Visit
The chairman and CEO of Transport Malta would like to thank all officials and staff who rendered their sterling service to make this possible.
Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects visits Transport Malta premises
The newly appointed Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Hon Dr Aaron Farrugia recently visited all Transport Malta buildings and personally met each and every employee. He thanked all employees of the Authority for the warm welcome.
Transport Malta involved in Annual Walk in aid of Puttinu Cares
On Good Friday, the Rapid Traffic Response Team within Transport Malta’s Land Enforcement Unit was tasked with safeguarding participants of the yearly walk organised in aid of Puttinu Cares. Land Enforcement Officers are always instrumental in events of this nature.
Enforcement Officers ensure security during VOOMQUEST
Officials of the Maritime Enforcement Unit within Transport Malta were tasked with complementing security operations during VOOMQUEST. The officers’ assistance is always necessary during events of this kind.
Driving Instructors attend Road Safety Training
As a joint initiative between Trasport Malta and the Malta Road Safety Council, a two-day seminar was organised to aid in the optimisation of driving tests in Malta. This seminar was conducted by an international company which specialises in all areas of road safety.
Transport Malta’s Enforcement Officers distribute tokens on Mother’s Day
Transport Malta’s Enforcement Officers distributed little tokens on the occasion of Mother’s Day to show appreciation for all mothers.
Transport Malta publishes 6th edition of T-21: The Transport Malta Quarterly
This edition of Transport Malta’s official publication focuses on the changes that have taken place recently and on the historic events that have shaped the first few months of the year. Furthermore, it also contains interesting information on current transport methods and how dynamic they must be to accommodate our ever-changing society.
Transport Malta sponsors Special Olympics Malta Invitational Games 2022
Transport Malta happily announced that it is one of the main sponsors of the Special Olympics Malta Invitational Games 2022, which were held between the 14th and 18th of May 2022. TM expressed its good luck wishes to all athletes!
Transport Malta’s Sustainable Mobility Team organise Conference regarding Autonomous Vehicles
The Sustainable Mobility Team within the Risk Management, Policy and EU Affairs Department of Transport Malta organised a half-day conference titled: ‘The Future of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Malta’ which was held on Thursday 19th May 2022 at the Westin Dragonara. The event brought together local and foreign experts as well as stakeholders, the industry and the public, with the aim of discussing challenges and opportunities in this emerging field.
Transport Malta employees achieve great results in Special Olympics Malta Invitational Games 2022
Transport Malta employees Shaun Baldacchino (pictured left) and Albert Borg (pictured right) both achieved great results in their respective categories in Bowling during the Special Olympics Malta Invitational Games 2022. Shaun Baldacchino won bronze and Albert Borg won gold. We congratulate our employees for their excellent performance! Transport Malta’s Ports and Yachting Directorate successfully closes IMAROS
The Ports and Yachting Directorate within Transport Malta successfully organised the closing event of IMAROS, an EU-funded project. This event was organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Coastal Administration to present the results on the challenges faced by oil spill responders dealing with ‘new generation’ very low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) spills.
Transport Malta sponsors Sustainable Mobility Award Giving Ceremony
The first edition of the Sustainable Mobility Award Giving Ceremony organised by Eko Skola was held at Ħal Kirkop Secondary School. Transport Malta is one of the main sponsors of this event. Ms Laura Sue Mallia - Director Risk Management, Policy and EU Affairs presented a number of awards, namely to the Mobility Student Champion, Mobility Educator Champion and to the 2 schools being awarded for having the Best Green School Travel Plan. Transport Malta also sponsored and awarded a bicycle lock to all participants for their efforts to promote sustainable mobility.
Transport Malta’s Enforcement Officers attend training sessions
Transport Malta’s Land Enforcement Officers had training sessions which instructed them on more efficient and effective procedures that are related to their job.
“Fuq il-Baħar, Moħħok Hemm” Safety at Sea campaign launched
Transport Malta launched the educational campaign ‘Fuq il-Baħar, Moħħok Hemm’. The campaign aims at pushing towards more responsibility behaviour at sea, especially during the summer season.
Transport Malta organises Father’s Day giveaways
Transport Malta’s Enforcement Officers distributed little tokens on the occasion of Father’s Day to show appreciation for all fathers. This was organised in tandem with the Safety at Sea campaign “Fuq ilBaħar, Moħħok Hemm”.
Road Infrastructure Safety Management Programme Seminar
Transport Malta’s goal to road safety is to move towards Vision Zero. This exercise seeks to considerably reduce road accidents in the near future with the adaptation from the studies that are being carried out at the moment and which are to be adopted in the near future, which includes safer road infrastructures , more awareness, stricter enforcement and educational campaigns on road safety. The Malta Independent Interviewed Rudolph Muscat
The Malta Independent spent a day on board one of TM’s RHIBs with Maritime Enforcement manager Rudolph Muscat and other officials, to better understand how these officers carry out their work on a daily basis.
Malta Ship Register recognised under QUALSHIP21
The Malta Ship Register has been recognised by the U.S. Coast Guard under #QUALSHIP21 - an initiative that recognises and rewards high quality vessels for their quality and security. This further confirms our country’s professionalism in this sector.
Transport Malta Meeting with 2022 Student Mobility Ambassadors
The Risk Management, Policy and EU Affairs Department of Transport Malta, together with the EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Malta, met with some of the new 2022 Student Mobility Ambassadors. Part of the Innocap Project enables an open discussion on how we can become more sustainable as a country. These meetings will continue to take place on a monthly basis to ensure continuity and continue generating ideas to reach our goals.
Superyacht registration increases by more than 51%
The Maltese flag recorded a record increase of more than 51% in the registration of superyachts larger than 24 meters. As a result, Malta has become the jurisdiction of choice and one of the leaders in this sector with more than 1,030 registered super yachts.
Young Innovators Teachers Training Seminar
Transport Malta, through its Risk Management, Policy and EU Affairs Department, together with EIT Climate KiC, participated in a seminar for MCAST lecturers on how to support the engagement of students in sustainable mobility as part of the Young Innovators Teachers Training and presented our challenges for Young Climathon 2022. Climathon is a global community for change makers and innovators in climate change.
Roadside Inspections to ensure safer roads Safety on our roads is a priority for Transport Malta. In collaboration with The Malta Police Force, we carried out a number of roadside inspections over a number of days in July. During these inspections, 207 cars were stopped, 179 fines were issued and 15 cars were towed. These roadside inspections are part of the Authority’s enforcement capability to ensure safer roads in Malta. Enforcement is key.
Capt. Charles Pace interviewed on Movers and Shakers
Captain Charles Pace, Director General of the Civil Aviation Directorate within Transport Malta, was interviewed by Movers and Shakers magazine, where he explained the regulatory obligations of the authority and the importance of attracting more direct foreign investment to Malta. “Today, we have 670 registered aircraft and if things go according to plan, the numbers will continue to increase,” said Captain Pace.
Transport Malta attended the General Assembly of the CCAM Association
Mr Pierre Montebello (Chief Officer Land Transport Directorate) and Ing Ronald Attard Pullicino (Senior Manager - Projects, Innovation & International Affairs) attended the General Assembly of the CCAM Association in Brussels on 29th June 2022, related to connected, cooperative and autonomous mobility. They had the opportunity to share Malta’s views on the subject and the country’s ambitious plans in this important transport sector with industry leaders and peers from various other countries. They received very positive feedback, particularly concerning Malta’s future participation in international projects and the possibility of pilot projects conducted in Malta.
Logos Hope ship returns to Malta
After 12 years of absence, the World’s Largest Floating Book Fair - Logos Hope, which is a Malta Flagged ship, is back at Valletta Cruise Port plc. The Logos Hope was open to the public at Valletta Cruise Port from 13th July 2022.
SkolaSajf sessions underway
The Risk Management, Policy and EU Affairs Department of Transport Malta, together with the Enforcement Department, Land and Maritime Directorates have organised four half day interactive hands-on workshops with FES SkolaSajf Centres. The first session was held at the Luqa centre, where a team from Transport Malta had the opportunity to deliver talks and interact with students of all ages attending the centre on different means of sustainable transport.
David Attard wins International Maritime Prize 2021
Transport Malta congratulates Professor David Attard on his award from the International Maritime Organization with the International Maritime Prize for 2021. Professor Attard’s contribution within the maritime field is highly acclaimed internationally as well as his efforts in promoting IMLI and turning it into a world class institution. IMLI has served the industry by training thousands of maritime officials across the globe.