3 minute read

Investing in Our Grand Harbour

HON DR. IAN BORG Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects

c. MTIP Malta’s maritime industry is one pivoted on three main principles: quality, reputation, and confidence. Amidst the negative impact brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, changes were undoubtedly to occur, but one thing remained the same; our commitment to keep a high prolific maritime industry, an asset ingrained in this government’s holistic vision of a progressive, safer, and cleaner Malta.


As famous English poet Lord Byron once said, “the best prophet of the future is the past” and I truly believe in these words as the past has time and time again showed us the importance of our island’s maritime industry to not only the rest of Europe, but to the rest of the world. Taking our Grand Harbour as a point of departure, one cannot disregard its reputable stance and its history. It was the base for the Knights of St. John for 268 years and after their departure, it served as a strategic base for the British empire for a further 170 years. Furthermore, the Grand Harbour was a recurring first choice for various filmmakers who captured its pristine beauty in blockbuster films which in turn pumped funds towards our economy. Well, as they say, history does in fact repeat itself and the Grand Harbour was yet again a main agent which helped our economic wheel keep on turning amidst this pandemic, since it has been the main driver for the shipping of goods and additionally kept a high degree of employment. This government is well-aware of the island’s strong points and its motto is to strengthen them more.

The Grand Harbour Clean Air Project, a €50 million investment, is a clear proof of this philosophy. This shoreside electricity project will drastically cut 90% of the air pollution caused by cruise liners and Ro-ro ships when they visit the Grand Harbour. Furthermore, a total of 17,000 families living in the vicinities will benefit from cleaner air and a greener lung. Yet, our vision goes beyond, and this government, with sheer determination, never sits on the fence. Transport Malta, together with Infrastructure Malta, will be embarking on a number of projects set to regenerate the Grand Harbour, thus enhancing port capacity and the services that can be offered, not to mention the flexibility the harbour can offer to the shipping industry in Malta as a whole.

One initiative is the €5 million investment in maritime infrastructure in order to liberalise the fast ferry service. The government, in the most transparent and complete way, gave freedom to all those interested operators to provide the direct Fast Ferry service for passengers wanting to travel between Mġarr

Harbour, Gozo and the Grand Harbour, Valletta, in just 45 minutes, starting from 1st June 2021.

Another project decided upon after several assessments of the Grand Harbour and which is a complement to the Grand Harbour Clean Air Project, is the removal and departure of a number of inactive vessels and oil rigs from our Grand Harbour. These inactive vessels and oil rigs were interfering with our harbour’s unique aesthetic and further causing potential damage to the marine environment. For an environmentally friendly government this is completely unacceptable and the decision for these vessels to be removed had to be taken at the earliest.

The complexity of such operations is not to be underestimated when considering the fact that a number of these vessels, now considered wrecks, are fully submerged, which adds to the need of specialised equipment and experience. In addition, the circumstances surrounding each vessel, now considered un-seaworthy, vary to the extent that each vessel has to be treated differently, in terms of both the legal approach and works methodology. A number of operations have already been successfully completed and others are ongoing or planned for the coming weeks.

In fact, on the 9th of March, the first oil rig, Rig Atwood Beacon was removed from our Grand Harbour, and in the coming weeks, a wider strategic plan will be revealed as to how we will stand behind our philosophy to safeguard our Grand Harbour’s pristine beauty and dynamicity. This government is committed to keep its discipline even if hard decisions need to be taken, yet, for the benefit of our nation, we are more than ready to take up the challenge.


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