1 minute read
“We are so grateful for the time that they give up to help keep the residents of Witham safe and thank them for their ongoing dedication to their role ”
Witham Mayor Cllr Jack Bayford
Witham Town Council was the first in Essex to work with us on our Community Special Constable scheme which was launched in the town in June 2018
The council currently suppor ts four Community Specials - Acting Special Chief Inspector Lorne Campbell, Special Sergeant Simon Jesse and Special Constables Claire Eaketts and Peter Symonds Lorne and Simon were two of the founding members of the team.
Lorne , who also volunteers with Witham Boys’ Brigade and attended the ser vice with them, says:
“It was great to see Simon, Claire and Peter recognised and receive the Mayor’s Civic Award for their work and contribution in the community
“Each member of the team gives freely of their time , playing an important par t in helping people and keeping our community safe ”
Special Constables are volunteer police officers They have the same police powers, uniforms and equipment as regular police officers but sacrifice their free time on a voluntar y basis, organising their busy personal lives, day jobs and other commitments around police duties
Essex Police are always looking for more volunteers to join our Special Constabular y, whether you want to become a Community Special Constable , dedicated to your local town or parish, or police a little fur ther afield
Visit www essex police uk/specials to find out more about our Specials and the Community Special Constables scheme