Make Money Online Easy From Home

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Access your FREE Video Training Now! Table of Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4 Why Making Money Online and How Can You Start Immediately .......................................... 8 Power of the Internet ...................................................................................................... 10 3 Reasons Why Anyone Can Make Money Online ............................................................ 11 Ways to Make Money Online .............................................................................................. 14 Affiliate Marketing: ......................................................................................................... 14 Blogging: ......................................................................................................................... 16 AdSense: ......................................................................................................................... 17 Make Money on eBay:..................................................................................................... 18 Selling E-Books: ............................................................................................................... 21 Filling Online Surveys: ..................................................................................................... 22 Selling Info Products: ....................................................................................................... 23 Your Spare Room – Where BIG Money Is Made ................................................................... 24 Can You Start From Scratch? ........................................................................................... 26 7 Money Making Myths You Need To Know About .......................................................... 27 Myth #1: There are NO online jobs and making money online is scam ......................... 27 Myth #2: You need to invest lots of money to make money ........................................ 27 Myth #3: Making money online is not easy, because if it was everyone would be doing it now .......................................................................................................................... 28 Myth #4: You need to be intelligent to make money online ......................................... 28 Myth #5: I’m too old to start making money online ..................................................... 30 Myth #6: Right now, it’s not very good time to start online business ........................... 30 Myth #7: You need to have sales experience to make money online ........................... 32 Chapter Summary ........................................................................................................... 33 How to Create Money Machine That Never Stops – THE SYSTEM ........................................ 35 Foundations – the Secret of Building Skyscrapers ............................................................ 36 Hot and in-demand information products people must have....................................... 41 2

Access your FREE Video Training Now! Powerful Marketing ..................................................................................................... 42 4 Steps to Develop Unstoppable Money Making Power .................................................. 43 Step 1: Become observer and problem solver .............................................................. 43 Step 2: Prepare all necessary parts: ............................................................................. 45 Step 3: Put it all together ............................................................................................. 48 Step 4: Automation: How to Make Money While You Sleep ........................................ 50 Chapter Summary ........................................................................................................... 50 How to Make Money Online Step-By-Step .......................................................................... 52 Finding Large Groups of Hungry Buyers (Market & Keyword Research) ........................... 52 How to Find In-Demand Products .................................................................................... 59 How to Build Blog That People Want to Read .................................................................. 64


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Introduction First of all let me tell you that you’ve made great decision to download this free e-book. You’ll discover step-by-step what does it take to work from home and make anywhere between $400 to $5,788 every month even if you never done anything like this before. Making money online is not a rocket science and anyone, and I mean anyone can do it! There is no reason why it shouldn’t work for you. Before we start let me ask you few questions that will help you to get going and clarify what you really want to get out of this e-book. Have you ever bought any “make money online” scheme? If yes, then did you get the results you wanted? Why are these questions important? Well, when I started I’ve tried everything that is available out there to make money online. I have wasted so much money that’s not even funny anymore. Why? Well, all those promises from so called gurus sounded so appealing to me… almost irresistible. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about! The bottom line is this – no matter how many times you tried and failed, you can reach your dreams and aspirations. Making money online is possible and you can do it too and in this ebook I’ll show you how. Before we get into technicalities of making money online let me tell you little bit about myself. After all I hope that this will be begging of great relationship between me and you. Remember! I’m here to help you and I can offer you more knowledge and advice than is packed in this e-book. I can teach you what you need to know to make really serious money online, BUT it’s up to you to take action and do whatever it takes to become successful and to create life you want and life you deserve. My name is Peter and I’ve been making money online for about 2 years now. I’m 23 years old at the time of writing this book. My life was in ruins and I was stuck in job I didn’t like… but there was no choice because I had to pay bills and look after myself. There was nobody out there that I could turn to and ask for money.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! My parents were not rich. I cannot say that we were broke but living from one pay check to another was our reality. To cut long story short I made decision! Decision to change my life and live on my own terms. This was my dream and I had no idea if it was even possible. After all people in my environment were mostly broke and every time when I mentioned what I was about to do everyone laughed at me. This was the first time I’d learned very valuable lesson about making money online – people will try to pull you back to their level. Just observe this behaviour. When you’ll become successful people will try to pull you back to their level, they are not bad people, they just don’t like change. Several weeks ago I watched very interesting documentary. This documentary was about crabs and one of the fisherman explained how difficult it is to keep one crab in the bucket. When crab is alone he tries to escape – almost always successfully. But when you place another crab into the same bucket you no longer have to worry about escaping crabs. Why? Because the other crab will pull one that tries to escape back to the bucket. So my search for better life started online – I turned to good old Google for advice. I had no idea what to search for. Before I knew it I was holding in my hands first get rich quick scheme. I was so full of hopes! I told everyone what I was about to do and several of my friends told me stories of how their mysterious friends got ripped of and lost everything on the schemes – what they were basically telling me was that there are no ways to make money online and that I was wasting my time and money. One day I found advertisement in newspaper about how to make $500 per day following very simple and proven system. So I ordered this magic products and what I got was amazingly disappointing. The so called “manual” explained that to make $500 every day all I needed to do was to tell people to place the same ad in the newspaper and send them copy of the very manual I was holding in my hands. I won’t bore you here with too much detail here, to cut long story short, I have tried all possible “easy” ways to make money: surveys, stuffing envelopes, get rich quick schemes, I went to seminars, workshops… but I never made a single penny! I have confession to make! I don’t know everything there is to know about making money, but I have learned how to cut through all bullshit and how to do what works and what produces money. And this is what I’m going to share with you step-by-step in this book.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! If you follow everything I tell you to do I don’t see reason why you shouldn’t start to make substantial amounts of money every month. I tell you about different ways to make money and I’ll also explain why some don’t work and why some work. The bottom line is this: If you follow everything in this e-book you’ll start to make money and you start to live life you’ll always wanted… If you don’t take action and if you put this e-book aside with the attitude that it doesn’t work then you’ll simply keep drifting from one scam to another. Choice is yours! You have to make decision: are you going to do what you always done without getting any results or you’re going to step out from your comfort zone and you start to do whatever it takes to fulfil your dreams and desires. The difference between those people who fail and those people who keep achieving and getting unbelievable results is that successful people are willing to do whatever it takes to become successful.

“The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over, and then expecting different results." – Albert Einstein

You and I we have power to change our lives! We have consciousness that allows us to imagine future we want to live in and to reflect on our own actions. If you want to be successful then you need to know what success means to you. Are you after money? If so then how much money do you want… when and why you want it? Your job is to answer what and why, and my job is to show you how. So take a moment now and decide what you want. Don’t just say I want money! Money has no meaning on its own. We don’t want money just for sake of having money, instead we want to use money as a tool to get other things: cars, houses, holidays… So think about your goals as you go through this e-book and always know what you want. Your mind is goal oriented mechanism and when you know what you want magic will


Access your FREE Video Training Now! happen. Suddenly, you’ll notice things you never noticed before, people and events that will help you to make money will be attracted to your life. This is powerful stuff that works and it works all the time whether you’re aware of it or not. It works like gravity and it cannot be easily explained. No one can easily explain why this strange power works! But we don’t need to know how it works – we only have to be aware of it and let it do its work. This e-book is not meant to entertain you! I don’t want to throw at you bunch of information, instead I want you to change for better. I want you to see things from different perspective. Think about word – learning. One of the definitions of this word is: “Learning is process of acquiring knowledge that leads to change in behaviour”. And learning has 3 simple steps: Insight – in this stage you intellectually get what I’m talking about. Most money making curses are designed in such a way that all you can do after reading it is to remember bunch of isolated facts that most people simply don’t know how to apply to real world. Action – you need to be able to act on what you know. Being “book smart” is of no use in the real world. Knowledge that cannot be applied in the real world is useless… it just clutters your mind. Action is what counts because actions produce results. You can judge quality of your results by looking at actions you’re taking. If you don’t see any results then you’re probably not taking any actions. Transformation – at this stage you not only know what to do you also know why and how to do it. Your perception shifted and you experience paradigm shifts. And as a result of this your behaviour changes – therefore the process of learning is complete. My promise to you is that after reading this ebook you’ll be able to do what it takes to make money online. But you have to act on it! Nothing will change unless you take action. Don’t wait for the right time, the right time may never come and before you know it, life will pass you by without warning! Well, enough said! Let’s make some money!


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Why Making Money Online and How Can You Start Immediately Most people I talk to simply refuse to belief that it’s possible to make money online. Common belief is that the only way to make serious money is to start traditional offline business. They also believe that the only way to become rich is to find a way to deal with traditional complexities of dealing with traditional “brick and mortar” company. In this chapter we’ll swipe away this limiting belief and I’ll try to explain why is it possible to make money online in the simplest terms. First of all, word is constantly changing! You may have noticed that the manufacturing of products is slowly declining and that competition between traditional businesses is becoming more and more complex and fierce. Big companies are constantly restructuring and trying to find way to be more “in contact” with customers – to be able to respond faster and more effectively to changing needs and trends then competitors. This is not my idea. Peter Drucker (probably the greatest business and management theorist who ever lived) predicted these changes long time ago. Basically the era of big businesses is over. New era is about to begin – small and medium sized enterprises run by 1 or two entrepreneurs. Later on I’ll tell you exactly how you can take advantages of the Internet to start an online business that can easily generate more money than you can imagine. Technology is evolving at unbelievable pace and the speed at which new technological inventions are being invented is simply staggering – it’s accelerating! Peter Drucker also predicted the age of knowledge workers. This concept is centred around fact that information is becoming more and more valuable – after all we live in the information age. What this means that we’re not getting paid for what we can do with our “arms and legs” but for what information we posses and what we can do with it.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Think about this: if technology allows you to communicate with anyone on the planet for free and for as long as you want, then how difficult is it to run virtual company? You can outsource anything you want for so little... to be honest it’s really scary! Let me give you an example of what I mean – in the past, if you wanted to start online businesses you needed to figure out how to create websites. So you had really 2 options: Spend months or even years trying to figure this stuff out (learning PHP, HTML or other web programming languages), or… You could hire expensive web developing company to do it for you People were simply limited to what they could do. There were 2 main limitations: skills that they possessed and the amount of money they could invest into project. If you think that this use to be complicated then wait! Just by creating simple website you’re still very far from making money. You needed someone who could design your site (graphical design, logos, banners and so on…), plus you needed to create actual products that you could sell to make money. Just think about what kind of complexity was associated with product creation. And I’m not even talking about huge risks associated with products that no one wanted to buy. And there was problem of marketing products. These were times when you could simply start from scratch! No way! You needed capital and you also needed capital reserves that would cushion your mistakes. Let me dig deeper into this and pay attention! Let’s say you wanted to create 1 hour video with some information and you also wanted to distribute this video product to your customers. You needed production facility that could produce these videos and then duplicate them when ever necessary. Can you even imagine what kinds of expenditure this involves? Then there was problem of marketing your products. No matter what you had you needed to let other people know about it – you needed to advertise. Usual adverting options were newspaper and all kinds of printed publications that charge small fortunes to advertise. And how about testing? You had no idea whether your advertising even works, the only way to find out was testing – running several ads in multiple adverting mediums plus running several variations of ads in the same medium to find winners. This was incredibly expensive. So what am I trying to tell you here? 9

Access your FREE Video Training Now! In the past there was no way you could start business without investing huge sums of money and without necessary skills. But if I tell you that today YOU can start profitable businesses and make money from your own spare room, then I mean it! In the next few paragraphs I’ll tell you how is this possible and how can you start immediately.

Power of the Internet When it comes to making money online it doesn’t matter who you are and what you already know or how much money you have. There are no barriers to the entry! You can go into any market and you can make as much money as you want. If you learn how to leverage the Internet then… 

You’ll be able to write your own paychecks

You’ll be living life you always wanted

You’ll be free – financially free

If you don’t learn how to leverage power of the Internet then… you’ll be only watching others from sidelines how they keep achieving their dreams, while you’ll be stuck in job you hate – rat race.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! “The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today! The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.” – Nolan Bushnell

If you really want to make money, if you really want to start your own business, if you really want to break free from the chains of slavery of debt then you need to take action. There are 3 things you need to do… 

Don’t just read this e-book but absorb it and immerse yourself into it

Take action on what you learn. Don’t ever assume something won’t work for you unless you try it! Believe in yourself! If you don’t know how to do something then ask me – don’t guess!

Look at what’s working and keep improving it! Never stop learning!

3 Reasons Why Anyone Can Make Money Online Reason #1: There is universal principle that states that if someone else can do something then you can too. This principle is called: LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. Anthony Robbins says that if you want to achieve something in your life that all you need to do is to find person who has done what you’re trying to do and copy his/her actions and you’ll get exactly the same results. This concept is called modelling. Now think about what I’m saying here! You can basically reverse engineer any kind of success you want. Now how can you apply this principle in your life? Remember I want you to get results. I want to help you to get where you want to go and I want to help you to make as much money as you want.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! You may be asking why am I doing this. Soon enough I’ll introduce you to another extremely powerful principle that will accelerate your personal power and you’ll be attracting money into your life. For now, let’s get back to cause and effect principle and let’s see how can you start using it. Here is an example… You want to make money. Am I right? Then think about this… If you leave now, if you stop reading this e-book right now and you go and watch TV instead then the effect will have negative impact on your life. This is because effect of your action “leaving and watching TV” will not bring you closer to your goal (making money online) but it will postpone it. But if you stick to this book and you continue reading it then the effect of this will be that you’ll have more knowledge about making money and as a result you’ll be able to make money sooner. Understand this – everything you do has opportunity cost. This means that if you chose to do something then you cannot do something else. The question is then what should you be doing? It all depends on your goal. Once again goal setting is extremely important. In other words if you don’t know how much money you want to make then you’ll simply drift from one thing to another. Always doing something that produces no results. You need to start sorting and paying attention to what you’re currently doing. Use 80/20 principle which states that 80% of results are result form 20% of actions you take. So then if you stop doing 80% of actions that produce no results then you immediately increase your productivity and money making power. Let’s do simple exercise that will point out flaws in your behaviour. Here is the thing, if you’re currently not making money then there are only 2 reasons for this: You don’t know what to do, or… You’re doing things that are producing no results and are taking most of your time Here is what you should do (exercise): Step 1: Take blank sheet of paper and write down what you normally do during the day – how you spend your time


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Step 2: Analyse results and look at how can you improve in what you’re doing – stop doing things that waste your time and stop doing what doesn’t produce measurable results Why are we doing this? Well, if you follow everything in this book and if you follow every instruction clearly laid out for you here, then you’ll be not only able to make money but you’ll be able to do this working just couple of hours a day or less.

Reason #2: Making money online is NOT a rocket science! When I talk to people, the excuse no.1 they use is that they are not intelligent enough. This is no excuse! Everything you need to know can be learned easily and fast. Problem is somewhere else! The problem is in the fact that making money online requires some work. If you expect to make millions overnight then, I’m sorry, I cannot help you. There is nothing wrong with trying to get rich quick IF you’re prepared to work hard.

“Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man, but soon or late the man who wins is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN!” - Walter D. Wintle

Reason #3: You can start from scratch You’ll be surprised to know if I tell you that you can start making money online with no money down. Seriously, you don’t need any money to get going . In this e-book I’ll tell you exactly how to do this. So as you can see there are 3 main reasons why people never make money. They say: 

I don’t know what to do

I’m not intelligent enough

I don’t have any money to start


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Ways to Make Money Online There are different ways to make money online. Some are good some are bad. Some make you lot of money some make you few pennies. So let’s look at some of them now…

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is a great way to get started if you don’t have your own products to sell. Basically as an affiliate marketer you get paid selling other people’s stuff for commission. For example, let’s say I have weight loss product that I’m selling for $100. If you help me to sell it then I’ll pay you 50%. This means you get paid $50 if you sell my product. Since you don’t have to have your own products, you, as an affiliate you’re risking very little. If product you’re trying to promote doesn’t sell you simply move to the next product owned by someone else. Most affiliate networks or companies will give you everything you need to promote their products such as: web banners, email follow ups and so on… So really, to make commission from every sale you’re risking very little. It’s easy and very powerful because affiliate marketing can be used to make lots of money quite fast. So how can you actually make money online with affiliate marketing? Think of affiliate marketers as someone you ask for direction. You don’t have to do any selling. All you do is to point people who are already interested in particular product to place where they can learn more about the product and then ultimately purchase that product. If they do purchase, then you get paid percentage from sale. Every time you promote someone else’s product their affiliate software generates special URL that has embedded special ID that is assigned to you. This way if sale occurs the merchant (product owner) knows that it was you who referred the customer. What most of the time happens is that people won’t buy the product after they’re referred by you. In this case, affiliate software creates little file called cookie on the persons computer (the person referred from your site – in other words potential customer) and if the person makes decision to buy later on, you’ll still get credit for the sale. This period varies from product type to another product type. Usually cookie is set for period anywhere between 6 to 90 days. How much money can you actually make with affiliate marketing? 14

Access your FREE Video Training Now! It depends on products you’re promoting. For example, with psychical products (such as amazon’s affiliate program) your cut from sale is quite low. This is because too many people want cut from the sale. There is actual product owner, then product needs to be shipped and handled and you need to pay postage and so on… Plus amazon wants cut too. So you usually end up with commission between 2% to 10%. If you’re referring tons of new customers that you can negotiate your commission. If you decide to promote digital info products then you can expect to make anywhere between few percent to 75% or even 80%. This translated to the real world, you can expect to make anywhere between $20 to $50 out of each sale. So let’s say you want to be making $2,000 every month working from home and the product you’re promoting gives you $25 out of each sale. Then to make $2k / month all you need to do is to sell 80 products. This can be easily done if you follow some of the methods I’ll share with you in this e-book. Here is the good part, all you need to do to dramatically increase your earning is to sell product that pays $50 instead of $25. Now for the same amount of work you’ll be making $4,000. Are you beginning to see the power of this? Just by selling more expensive products you double your earning… you don’t have to work even any harder for it. Making money online allows you to multiply yourself in ways you cannot even imagine. Later you’ll see what do I mean by this. You may be asking why can someone afford to pay you 80% from the sale. Well, information products can be sold for much more money than any psychical products. Info products are very special types of products – I’ll explain this later. Now, since info products don’t have to be shipped (when purchased they can be instantly downloaded from the server) product owner is willing t pay you lots of money. They’re making money from back-end (don’t worry what this means for now). Later on I’ll show you where to find great info products and how to go about promoting them. And so you know, this is not the kind of selling you may be familiar with. You never have to talk to anyone, you never have to sell anything face-to-face, no customer support… Think about this for a moment: you never have to sell anything to anyone, you don’t even need to have your own website to make money with affiliate marketing, yet you have


Access your FREE Video Training Now! potential to make staggering amounts of money. I’m talking about easy $100 - $500 per day – every day!

Blogging: This has become one of the most popular ways to make money. Here is how it works… Blogs are simple Content Management Systems (CMS) that allow you to publish content in very user friendly way. You don’t have to know anything about HTML or any other programming language and you can start publishing content (on just about any topic you like) in matter of 5 minutes or less. But if you know little bit of HTML that’s only good thing. Here are some great resources where you can learn more about HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): 

W3C school -

W3C school / Learn HTML -

W3C school / Learn CSS -

Net Tut+ (great resources for learning about web design) -

So how do you actually make money blogging? Blogs are tools that help you to make money. You don’t actually make money blogging. You need to use blogs in combination with affiliate marketing or adsense or any other way to make money. But for now let me give you an example of how you would go about profiting from blogs. Step 1: Brainstorm several potential topics you want to write about Think about your interests and hobbies. Anything that interests you can be turned into profitable online business making you tons of money while you sleep. Just make a list of all hobies and interests. Don’t criticize yourself when doing this – just let the ideas flow. Here is a blog post you should read about how to come up with good business ideas. Step 2: Do quick and simple research There is nothing complicated about this! All you trying to do is to find out whether your chosen topic has money making potential or not. This kind of research can be done in 15 minutes or less and I’ll show you how to do this. 16

Access your FREE Video Training Now! The best way to assess market profitability is to do a quick keyword research. Here is another blog post that talks about keyword research & the fastest way to make money. Step 3: Find Products to Promote You may have your own product that you want to promote or you may not. If you don’t then you can use affiliate marketing. All you do is to place banners (given to you by product owner) and then you place these banners on your blog. So when someone comes to your site and they click on banner and they purchase you make money. That’s all there is to know about blogging for now. The idea behind making money with blogging is simple – chose in demand topic  Create good quality content  Monetize your blog (using affiliate marketing or some kind of advertising program such as AdSense).

AdSense: Adsense is advertising program run by Google and it works in following way… When you sign up for adsense you get special publisher ID. You’ll also get piece of code that you place on your site or blog. This code will then serve ads based on the context of your webpage on which the code is located. That’s why it’s called adsense – it senses content and based on this content analysis algorithm then decides what kind of ads to serve. For example, if you have webpage about fly fishing then AdSense will show ads that are related to fly fishing. And if someone clicks on these ads you get paid. So you get paid every time someone clicks on these ads. How much money can you make this way? Since how much money you make depends on ad click then some ads have more value that others. Why is this? Well, because each ad is optimised around specific keyword. I’ll try to explain this in the simplest terms I can… Think about this – advertisement focused around mortgages has more value that advertisement focuses around fly fishing. These are keywords with 2 different commercial values. If someone clicks on fly fishing ad and that person decides to buy whatever is there to buy… then the value of what can be bought is not much. So fly fishing advertisers are willing to pay cost per click in the region of $2 per click or less.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! But when someone clicks on the ads focused around mortgages then there is huge potential for the advertiser because if someone takes on mortgage then were talking about sums in region of $100, 000 and upwards. In this case advertisers are willing to pay lot of money per click – for example lets say -$20. So in this case you may make $10 if someone clicks on mortgage ads on your blog or website. The rest goes to Google for making all this possible.

Make Money on eBay: Making money on ebay is one of the most popular business models for making money online or offline. Great thing about ebay is that you can take advantage of huge global marketplace where seller and buyers from all over the world come together. Another advantage of using ebay to achieve your financial freedom is that you don't need huge start-up capitals to get going and all infrastructure that you'll need for trading is already set up for you. In this section I'll share with you what you need to now about ebay, what steps you need to take before you can start trading and making money and what you should sell and how. At the end of this article I'll point you on great resources so you can start making money with ebay as soon as possible. So get ready and let's get started... So, what is Ebay and how can you use it to make money Ebay was established in 1995 and since then it has transformed into probably the biggest online marketplace where people can buy all kinds of products, mostly through auction. So in some way you can think of ebay as enormous online auction site. What Ebay Goods Make Money? Anything that can be sold is currently being sold on ebay ranging from key rings to private jets (this is true story and you can read more about a sale of private jet on ebay). Some items are not worth the effort because they are not worth anything. Some items are prohibited and cannot be sold on ebay. If you never used ebay to make money or if you know very little about in ebay and what kinds of products are selling that you can simply browse through ebay product categories to brainstorm some potential ebay business ideas. As a general rule of thumb, you should follow the same guidelines when trying to make money on ebay as you would follow with any other type of business. Try to sell products that: you know something about or you like (hobbies, interests, expertise) and products that are in demand. 18

Access your FREE Video Training Now! After all if no one is interested in what you're selling that your chances of making money are slim. You may be lucky to make one or two sales but this is NOT the way to become financially independent anytime soon. Try to avoid products that are: 

too bulky - these products can be real pain to ship and shipping costs can spin out of control

too expensive

too fragile - don't sell products that are easy to break while being shipped unless you can properly cushion your products in packaging so that they can be safely delivered to the buyer.

So to recap, you can use ebay to make money. What should you sell depends on how much money you want to make and the scale of business is also critical when making initial decisions about what to do. If you're after some quick money selling "garage junk" then the time and effort you need to invest are minimal. If on other hand you want use ebay as a way to create living then you need to get everything right from very beginning. What you need to do before you can start trading?

There are some steps you need to take before you can start making money on ebay. Here they are... Step 1: Get the Right Equipment - you must gather all the tools, resources and equipment first. So what do you need? You'll need following: 

Computer and internet connection - you don't need any special computer in order to get started. But you should install an antivirus (such as Norton Internet Security) to ensure that your computer stays safe. Since you're working mostly online you never know what can happen. Your computer with all the ebay business data can get infected and your business can collapse. Don't let this happen!

Camera - presenting your products in the best possible way is one of the secrets of making money on ebay. For this you'll need good camera. It's well known fact that people like to see what they're buying. If don't have images of your products (ideally snapshots from different angles) then you'll be potentially loosing sales.

Packaging materials - depending on what you're selling you'll need to package your products. Think before you pack because postage expenses can easily heap up. Think 19

Access your FREE Video Training Now! about how to pack your products in the most economical way. You can grab amazing bargains on packaging material on ebay. Step 2: Registration - before you can start selling you'll need to register. Step 3: Start Listing Your Items - like with everything, listing your first items may seem little bit complicated. But this is only because you never done it before. After while you'll master it and you'll be laughing at how simple it is. Next I want to give you a few tips on how to list your items. Goal of listing is ultimately allow people to find your products. You need to do it in specific way like I'll describe bellow. How should you list your items? Well, each item, has several properties associated with it, such as, title, price, starting price, reserve price, postal charges and so on... So here is how to approach each of these properties: 

start with simple research - your goal here is to find out whether you have any competition in the ebay marketplace. If you do then you need to know what price are they charging and what keywords do your competitors use in title of the listing. You are basically modeling success here. You can cut your learning curve by simply following what other successful sellers are doing. You can take this even further and use google keyword tool to find the best keywords that describe your products that have high search volume. Because remember that people may not only find your products / items through ebay search but also through search using search engines. And you can do just this by using effective keywords in listing.

pricing model - how much are you going to charge for your products depends on many things. And probably the most important criteria is your competitor's pricing. If you charge more that your competitors then people will simply buy from cheaper source. Look at how to cut price in your value chain. For example, if you create products yourself, then try to find cheaper material or use more efficient manufacturing processes. Look also at your distribution and marketing - can you ship your products cheaper? Can you use better and more efficient packaging? Be creative!

terms of your service - are you going to ship abroad? Do you provide free shipping? Clearly state what you're going to do and what not! If you make it clear right from beginning then you'll save yourself unnecessary customer support.

So far we've discussed setting up your ebay business... 20

Access your FREE Video Training Now! But making money on ebay in long-term depends on your ability to grow your business and get repeated orders from your customers. Very important concept you need to understand is ebay's feedback mechanism. This is basically your rating, how well you do as a business owner and what experience your customers have when doing business with you (do you ship on time, are you misleading in your listings and so on...). I highly recommend you to learn more about how feedback works. To explain all there is to know about nuts and bolts of ebay business would take a whole book. You can head over to amazon and search for some books on how to make money with ebay. But ebay is NOT what will make you loads of money. You’ll only understand how to make tons of money when you read this ebook and get the big picture.

Selling E-Books: Here I’m going to introduce you to the 2 greatest principles in the business world – leverage and multiplication. First of all let’s talk about what’s the problem with traditional jobs and why you cannot get rich working for someone else. When you work for someone else, and especially when your earning power is limited to the work you do then you basically trade time for money. How much money you can make is directly related to the amount of work and energy you expand. As soon as you stop working your income also stops! How would you like to learn about strategy that will allow you to work less or not at all, yet you make more that you could make for anyone else. E-books are the easiest and the most basic type of info product that you can easily create and market yourself. Here is how it works… Let’s say you know something about weight loss. You can use simple and easy to follow framework that allows you to write your own e-book in less that 7 days. This book allows people interested in weight loss to achieve specific results – for example to lose 3 pounds in 2 weeks.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Next you create a simple small “one page” website that has only one purpose – that is to promote your book. You can optimise your website so it shows up in the Google when someone types in “weight loss”. Next, you plug in system that allows you to take payments online. When people purchase your e-book they’ll be redirected to download page where they can download your e-book. All this is automated! You don’t have to be there to make money online!

How does this sound? Well? Without single word of lie you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars every month selling your own e-book using completely automated process that I’ll show you how to set up step-by-step. I have written a blog post where you can read more about how to create and market your own ebooks.

Filling Online Surveys: Online surveys are also very popular but you should consider this option only if you want to make pennies – pocket money. You’ll never get wealthy filling online surveys. First let me tell you little bit about online surveys and then I’ll explain why you should avoid surveys. How making money with online surveys work? Companies all around the world are willing to pay you money for sharing your opinion. You really don’t need any special skills to do this – as long as you have basic computer skills you’re OK. Why would someone pay you for completing surveys. Well, your opinion about product or service will help company improve their products and it turn they’ll be able to make more money. Surveys are basically market research where you really share your opinion. This is how making money with online surveys works in a nutshell.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! So what’s wrong with this? Nothing really – it isn’t scam like many people think. The only downside to making money with surveys is that payout per completed surveys is so low that it’s not worth your time. If you want to make any substantial incomes completing online surveys. You’ll never get wealthy doing this and that’s why you should avoid it all together. You may see some websites promising you to make big money with surveys but you should avoid these kinds of site because it ain’t gonna happen!

Selling Info Products: Information marketing is the only way to get filthy rich without working too hard. Information marketing gives you freedom – ultimate freedom! Once you understand how it works and why it works I can almost guarantee you that you’ll be blown away by the shear power of what you’re about to learn. The rest of this e-book will concentrate on info products. I’m going to share with principles that you need to understand – but once you do get it, then sky is the limit to the amount of money you can make.

Get ready because from now on we’re going to dig deep down into the most powerful money making model under the sun! Dan Kennedy, probably the most respected copywriter, said: “information marketing is the easiest way to make money without using the gun”. This stuff will just blow your mind away, so get ready!


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Your Spare Room – Where BIG Money Is Made Let’s now talk about what is possible and why you can make unbelievable sums of money with information marketing from your spare room. Here is complete illustration of what I mean… According to google keyword tool more than 673 000 people all around the world search Google using phrase: “make money online”. Look at the screenshot bellow…

Now understand that these are hungry people actively looking for ways to make money online. These people have money in their hands ready to exchange it for information product that will help them to make money online. Also understand that all transactions in this market are happening on the Internet. People buy information products that instantly delivered to them – there is no delay. As soon as they pay, they get access to the product. Are you begging to see what kind of opportunity are we talking about here? Do you see the power that can shake your life and make you really wealthy?

“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” – Richard Branson

Make money online “MEGA MARKET” is only one type of opportunity you can take advantage of. Internet gives you unlimited amount of opportunity – in fact, there is more ways to make money that you can deal with.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! So what is the key to success here? It’s your ability to place yourself where the action happens. In other words you need to place yourself in between hungry customer with cash to spend and some kind of product that satisfies the deep and intensive desire that your potential customer has. And to do this you only need 3 things: 1. Computer with internet connection 2. Spare room 3. Financial goal Once again I cannot stress the importance having clear and well defined goal that you want to achieve. Set financial goal that is believable by you and have full faith that you’re going to achieve it. So what exactly allows you to make $400 to $5,788 every month from your spare room? Well, the answer is simple – it’s technology. I’ll show you how to access free tools that allow you to find out with incredible precision what people want… I’ll show you how to find ready made in-demand products that are selling like a hot cakes and I’ll show you how to position yourself where the money is. I know, I know. You’re probably sceptical right now! If yes, then let me ask you simple questions: 

If you know exactly what people want… if you know with high precision what are people willing to pay for, and…

If you know where to find READY-MADE products that people want, and…

If you know how to connect these people with products they want…

Then tell me honestly, do you still believe that you can’t make money online? It’s not rocket science! This system is rally simple but very, very powerful. Probably the most powerful statement I’ve ever read about making money online is from Eugen Schwartz’s Breakthrough Copywriting (highly recommend you to read this book). I’m going to loosely describe it in my own words:“Copywriting (and this also includes information marketing) is like a science. It can be compared to nuclear scientist or stock trader. As information marketer you’re dealing with 25

Access your FREE Video Training Now! force – mass desire- that is infinitely more powerful than the man who tries to harness that force. If you can channel this mass desire on yours, or someone else’s product, that you become millionaire! There is no question about this!” Power of information marketing cannot be described in plain words. You would have to experience it yourself! As an information marketer you’re creating impact in the world. You help other people to achieve their dreams and desires, and in the process you become wealthy.

“I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. “– Donald Trump

Can You Start From Scratch? Absolutely! In fact you can start with NO money! In know this may sound unbelievable and hard to swallow. But trust me it’s more than possible – it’s actually very easy and anyone can do it and you can too! Later on in this e-book I’m going to arm you with full scale working system that will show you step-by-step how to start making money online without investing a single penny. Why don’t I give you this blueprint now? I cannot give it to you now because you’re not ready yet. You don’t yet fully understand how making money online works. This e-book has been designed in such a way that step-by-step picture builds up in front of you. If I gave it to you now you wouldn’t know how to implement it properly and if it didn’t work for you, you would simply fail and I don’t want this to happen. I’m trying to d my best to walk you trough everything you need to know one step at the time. Just be patient! Remember that the thousand mile journey starts with a single first step. So yes, you can start with no money. But if you want to speed up the process you should invest little bit of money. I’ll show you how to set every element of your very own money machine for less that $100. And I don’t 26

Access your FREE Video Training Now! mean you’ll have to pay $100 every week or month. No, $100 is all it takes to start full blown online business that can generate millions of dollars per year.

7 Money Making Myths You Need To Know About And before you ask, I didn’t make these up. These are real “limiting beliefs” that most people have about making money online.

Myth #1: There are NO online jobs and making money online is scam This depends from the perspective you use to look at things. If you believe that you can make money doing nothing then yes, all online jobs are scams. As you already know by now, nothing happens unless you take action (“Massive Action”). If you want to start making money then you need to step out of your comfort zone and start to do things you never done before. You have basically only 2 options: you’ll either continue to live life you’ve led up until now or you decide to change and you take every action necessary to create change and to achieve your financial goals.

Myth #2: You need to invest lots of money to make money This is not true! You don’t need to invest any money in order to make money. Since you don’t need any offices or staff to run your business you have no expenses. All the things you need to get started are already within your possession… You’ve been able to download this e-book and you’re able to read it which means that you have PC and internet connection. That’s all you need to have. Note that abandoning this e-book just because it sounds too easy and too good to be true would be probably the biggest mistake of your life. Don’t make quick snap judgement about information contained in this e-book without properly reading it, understanding it and implementing it! Take your time to read this e-book properly. Take notes and observe because it really has all information you need to start making money online.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Myth #3: Making money online is not easy, because if it was everyone would be doing it now If this is your belief then you need to drop it now! How can something be easy if deep within you is belief that it’s difficult. Remember that the only limitations are those we set in our own minds – Napoleon Hill. By the way, Napoleon Hill wrote amazingly powerful book called: Think and Grow Rich and you should get it as soon as possible. It’s result of detailed analysis of more than 500 most powerful men in America. This research and analysis took place over the span of more than 25 years and based on this research Napoleon Hill wrote this book. It contains secret to wealth and power. So why people belief that making money online is not easy? It’s simple. In our society we are conditioned to be working for someone else. Venturing out on your own requires you to face unknown and uncertainty. Most people are looking for security of monthly pay check no matter how great opportunity exists out there. Why? It all boils down to one psychological principle: humans are more motivated to avoid loosing what they’ve got than they are motivated gaining what they don’t have. In other words, people rather avoid loosing $100 than risk gaining $500. And after all, it’s much easier to sit down and watch TV than it’s to actually do something!

Myth #4: You need to be intelligent to make money online Making money online is NOT question of intelligence or education. I don’t remember anyone teaching me at school how to become rich or how to make money. Let me tell you a quick story about Henry Ford and about how he was accused of being an ignorant man. This is story I read somewhere and it goes like something like this (I don’t remember word-by-word by it will be good enough to illustrate the point I’m trying to make): “Certain newspaper published article where Henry Ford was called ignorant man. Henry didn’t like this very much and soon enough he found himself sitting in the court room defending himself against these accusations. Lawyer kept asking him “general knowledge” type of questions. His intention was to ask questions that would proof that he was in fact ignorant. After while, Henry Ford got tired of these questions are replied: “Now tell me, why 28

Access your FREE Video Training Now! should I clutter my mind with general knowledge only to be able to answer your questions. In my office I have row of electric buttons and if I press the right button I can call scientists and other man of knowledge and I can get answers to questions that you don’t have intelligence neither to ask nor answer!” And here is another citation from Think and Grow rich: “There are two kinds of knowledge: One is general, the other is specialized. General knowledge, no matter in how great quantity or variety it may be is of but little use in accumulation of money. The faculties of great universities possess, in aggregate, every form of general knowledge known to civilization. Most of the professors have but little or no money. They specialize on teaching knowledge, but they do not specialize on the organisation, or the use of knowledge. Knowledge will NOT attract money, unless it is organised, and intelligently directed, through practical plans and actions to the definite end of accumulation of money. Lack of understanding of this fact has been a source of confusion to millions of people who falsely believe that “knowledge is power”. It is nothing of the sort! Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organised into definite plan of action, and directed to the definite end.” So what can we learn from this quotation? Before we get deeper into this let’s talk about one of the biggest problems people new to making money online have – information overload. Most people I talk to complain that there is so much info out there that they get info overload. Well, this happens for 2 reasons: 1. If you don’t know what you want to do then your mind wonders and you’ll do everything necessary but what it’s important. There is no way to avoid this. You too are very likely to suffer from information overload if you don’t set clear financial goal. 2. Second reason is action taking. Without having a clear goal the list of things that should be done is so overwhelming that you end up doing nothing at all! So as you can see what really happens is that people don’t set financial goals, they never take action and as a result of this they simply fail. And as you can imagine then they justify their failure saying: “I’m not intelligent enough, therefore I cannot make money online.” I’m not asking you to believe everything I say but you should at least think about it for a second or two and decide for yourself. 29

Access your FREE Video Training Now! You may be asking right now why am I talking so much about psychology and why am I not giving you actual blueprints for making money online. Well, here is the thing… What do you thing happens to people who win lottery? Quite soon they end up without any money left, plus they find themselves in even worst financial situation than they were before winning. So what is going on here? The answer is they are not ready – mentally. Later on in this e-book I’m going to talk to you about foundations that you need to learn. This is usually the most boring part of learning any new skills, but it’s also the most important part.

Myth #5: I’m too old to start making money online You’re never too old to make money. In my life I’ve seen many people in their “autumn years” and many of them had little or no money. Most of their lives they relied on someone else to help them financially once they get old – and from what they many times claim, it was the worst decision they ever made. So don’t use this excuse! Don’t wait for the right time to make money because the right time may never come.

Myth #6: Right now, it’s not very good time to start online business Right now we live in times where whole world is recovering from the global recession. People are afraid to spend money, and many people believe that because of this fact, it’s not good time to start business. Here is an example of how you can turn fear and misfortune into opportunity, or in words of 50 cent “turn shit into sugar”; Let’s say you just lost your job. You may see this as problem. And as you will soon find out this is more of an opportunity that problem. Here is how you can make more money then you ever made before while working for someone else… First of all you’re not alone, there are literary millions of people around the world who are jobless or just made redundant. You could help those people to get back on their feet showing them how to make money online. If this is your case then you need to keep reading this e-book. 30

Access your FREE Video Training Now! All I’m trying to say is that every misfortune or failure can be turned into opportunity. This can be done simply by asking the right question.

“He who asks questions cannot avoid the answers.” – Cameroon Proverb

Now let me tell you short story that will illustrate how a man with real problem use power of questioning to save his life. “Nazis needed no reason. They came simply because he was of Jewish descent. The Nazis stormed into his home, arrested him and his entire family. Soon they were herded like cattle, packed into the train, and than send into the death camp in Krakow. His most disturbing nightmares could never have prepared him for seeing his family shot before his very eyes. How could he live through the horror of seeing his child’s clothing on another because his son was now dead as the result of a shower? Somehow he continued. One day he looked at the nightmare around him and confronted an inescapable truth: if he stayed there even one more day, he would surely die. He made decision to escape and he made decision that escape must happen immediately! He knew not how, he simply knew he must. For weeks he’d asked the other prisoners, “How can we escape this horrible place?” The answer he received seemed always to be the same: “Don’t be a fool!” they said, “there is no escape!” Asking such questions will only torture your soul. Just work hard and prey you survive. But he couldn’t accept this – he wouldn’t accept it. He became obsessed with escape, and even when his answers didn’t make any sense, he kept asking over and over again: “How can I do it? There must be a way. How can I get out of here healthy, alive and today?” It is said that if you ask you shall receive. And for some reason, on his day he got his answer. Perhaps it was the intensity with which kept asking, or may be it was his sense of certainty that “now is the time”. Or possibly it was just impact of continually focusing on the answer to one burning question. For whatever reason the giant power of the human mind and spirit awakened in this man. The answer came to him from unlikely source: the sickening smell of decaying human flesh. There, only a few feet from his work, he saw a huge pile of bodies that have been shovelled into the back of truck – men, women and children who had been gassed. The gold fillings that had been pulled from their teeth; everything that they owned – 31

Access your FREE Video Training Now! any jewellery – even their clothing, had been taken. Instead if asking, “How could the Nazis be so despicable, so destructive? How could God create something so evil? Why has God done this to me?” Stanislavsky Lech asked different question. He asked, “How can I use this to escape?” And instantly he got his answer. As the end of the day neared and the work party headed back into the barracks, Lech ducked behind the truck. In a heartbeat, he ripped of his clothes and dove naked into the pile of bodies while no one was looking. He pretended that he was dead, remaining totally still even though later on he was almost crushed as more bodies were heaped on top of him. The fetid smell of rotting flesh, the rigid remains of the dead surrounded him everywhere. He waited and waited, hoping that no one would notice the one living body in that pile of death, hoping that sooner or later the truck would drive off. Finally he heard the sound of engine starting. He felt the truck shudder. And it that moment, he felt a stirring of hope as he lay among the dead. Eventually, he felt the truck lurch to a stop, and then it dumped the ghastly cargo – dozens of the dead and one living man pretending to be one of them – in a giant open grave outside the camp. Lech remained there for hours until nightfall. When he finally felt certain no one was there, he extracted himself from the mountain of cadavers, and he ran naked twenty-five miles to freedom.” – (extracted from Anthony Robbins; Awaken the Giant Within) So what can we learn from this story? No matter what kind of trouble of failure you’ll experience you can always find way to turn the situation around. Keep this in your mind as you start and grow your business because on your journey you may experience failure and temporary defeat – everyone will no matter how much you try to avoid this!

Myth #7: You need to have sales experience to make money online When making money online with information marketing you never have to meet anyone face-to-face. This means that you never have to sell anything to anyone. One of the most valuable skills that will ensure that you’ll never ever will be without money or jobless is marketing. What is marketing? Before we get into this let me tell you about difference between selling and marketing. I learned this from amazing marketer called Eben Pegan. Look at the graph bellow… 32

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Reach / Impact

Sales – as salesman you reach less people but you make more money per sale. For example you sell cars and high priced goods 1-2-1. You wouldn’t want to sell private jet using ads in newspaper.

Marketing – you are able to reach huge masses of people but your profits are smaller when compared to selling. The easiest way to make tons of money marketing info products is to use internet because you can reach huge markets a around the world, plus, you never have to talk to anyone face-to-face

So remember, selling = reaching small groups of people or single individual, while making lot of money per sale. And marketing = reaching large groups of people while making less money per sale.

Chapter Summary Anyone can make money online. You don’t have to be lucky or genius! All you need to do is to be aware and understand that law of cause and effect operates all the time. Everything happens for a reason and if you want to get something in your life that find out what actions you need to take to generate goal you want. You have 2 options here: you’ll either do it the hard way and you figure it out for yourself or you take knowledge and experience of others who have already done what you’re trying to do. You must have clear financial goal in your mind before you start and you must be willing to take action. If you don’t know what you want then you simply drift from one opportunity to another. One of the most common characteristics of all successful people is that they are willing to do whatever it takes to be successful. Learning something is NOT enough! Learning process is only complete if your behaviour changes. Remember! If you keep doing what you always done then you cannot expect to get different results. 33

Access your FREE Video Training Now! Technology allows you to work at home – you no longer have to have huge offices full of staff to make money. All you need is PC and internet connection. There are many ways to make money online but the only way to become wealthy is to do something where you can multiply yourself. Working from someone else and getting paid for only work you do will never make you financially independent. You need to start multiplying yourself and you need to learn how to leverage the Internet to make money while you sleep and to create multiple streams of income. The easiest way to become financially free is information marketing. You can easily make anywhere between $500 - $50,000 per month selling products that you don’t even own using methods I’m going to share with you. Don’t let myths about making money stop you from achieving your dreams! And finally you should always remember that nothing happens unless you take action – not tomorrow… not next week… BUT today!

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.” – Napoleon Hill


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How to Create Money Machine That Never Stops – THE SYSTEM Information marketing is probably as close as you can get to printing money! How would you like to learn a set of skills that will allow you to set-up simple but powerful system that will generate you between $500 to $5,000 + every month? Sounds good? What if I told you that not only you can set of these systems but you can set as many of these systems as you want? What will happen to your earning power is something amazing! Look at the diagram bellow…

Skill Set

System 1

System 2

System 3

System 4…

Let’s now talk about how this works and why it works… Earlier on I told you that you can make money selling (remember this is NOT selling as you may know it – you’ll never have to meet anyone or talk to anyone) other people’s stuff. This is called affiliate marketing. This is only one part of equation of the money making system will talk about. Each of these system, or money machines, is made of 3 parts that must be assembled in following order: 

Hungry crowd of buyers with cash!

Hot and in-demand information products people must have

Powerful marketing 35

Access your FREE Video Training Now! I know what you’re thinking! This seems to be too easy to be true. Before you can fully understand why this works and how it works you need to learn some fundamental skills and you need to understand some fundamental principles.

Foundations – the Secret of Building Skyscrapers Why do you think that before skyscraper is build a huge hole in the ground must be dug and filled with concrete. If they didn’t build proper foundations the whole building would collapse – sooner or later. You too need to create solid foundation before you can build your own money making empire. Did you know that nearly 95% of online businesses will fail within first year of existence. Can you guess why this happens? Actually there can be several reasons but nearly always it boils down to the fact that these businesses owners never established proper foundations. Zig Ziglar says that: “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want”. Making money online is about value creation and about helping other people to achieve their dreams. So now we know that first part of our money-making system is FINDING HUNGRY CROWDS OF BUYERS. But where and how do we do this? Problem with many products about making money online is that they just drop at you bunch of stuff and you’re left alone to figure out what to do. What do I mean? Well, telling you that you should go and look for hungry buyers is piece of information that is very nice to know but it will NOT help you to make money in any way. Why? Because you don’t know what you’re looking for and why you’re looking for it. What am I about to tell you may sound little bit complicated but you need to stay with me. Because if you understand this then you wont have any problem making money online. What EXACTLY do I mean by – Large Crowd of Hungry Buyer? Let me break it down to ridiculous details… 36

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We need to look for group of people

People we’re after must be

If we want to make $5,000 + / month

that is big enough so then what we’re

suffering from intensive desire

then we need to target buyers that

doing becomes profitable.

or problem that is painful and

already bought what we’re selling or

needs to be solved as soon as

something similar.

Most “gurus” tell you to look for small


groups of people – micro niches. All

Such people must be willing to pay

their trying to do is to send you to

These people must be actively

larger sums of money for solution to

markets where you cannot make any

look for solution.

their problems

money because there is only few people. So the group we’re looking for should be at least 200,000 plus

Here is what normally gurus tell you to do… 

Look for small markets without competition – well, if there is no competition then you probably cannot make any money in that market. And then there is secondary problem here… in the small market, you simply run out of people who are willing to buy something.

Do what you love to do – it’s very important to do what you like to do. But unfortunately your hobbies or interest may not be profitable business idea.

Let’s now dig deeper into the word hungry. Let me asks you something, if you’re really hungry right now are you going to keep reading or you’ll go and make yourself something to eat? If you’re in real need, such as hunger, then all your priorities will be reorganised. You no longer care about making money online but you instead get up and you make yourself something to eat. This kind of need needs to be fulfilled now! Not tomorrow and not next week but immediately. Let me give you next example. Let’s compare 2 completely different groups of people interested in 2 different things: group of people interested in fly fishing and group of people interested in loosing weight. 37

Access your FREE Video Training Now! Without reading any further, try to think about which of these 2 groups have more potential for making money and try to explain why based on the example I told you above. You can make more money by marketing info products to group of people interested in losing weight. Because they desires & needs are more powerful and intense than desires of people interested in fly fishing. You can only fully understand this if you understand little bit of evolutionary psychology… 

As we were evolving over the period of millions of years we’ve developed several needs that must be met. And if their not met than we’re immediately motivated to meet them through action.

Next, the only way to survive in the uncertain world is to develop set of beliefs (that create mental maps) that will help us and guide us. Remember that beliefs cannot be break they can only be stretched.

Another important principle we need to know is that all humans are irrational and all of our actions are based on emotions. We than justify our actions with logic. This means that you can never, and I mean never make tons of money online if you try to appeal to logical mind.

There are only 2 kinds of motivation: motivated towards something we want, and motivated away from something we don’t want

Let’s then continue with the example of weight loss and let’s see how concepts above can be applied to the real world so you can start to make some serious money online. People who want to lose weight can be divided into 2 general categories: Category 1: losing weight for health / medical purposes Category 2: those people who want to lose weight for other that health / medical purposes – this is the category we’ll focus on. So the question we need to ask is what is really going on in minds of these people. Why exactly do they want to lose weight? What emotions and irrational fantasies are playing in their minds? People DO NOT want to lose weight just for sake of doing it. They are not doing it for logical reasons either – remember all humans are irrational. I know this may be hard to accept but if you do accept it you’ll be able to really understand what people want and need. 38

Access your FREE Video Training Now! Let me give you quick example of why people are not logical. We all know that smoking kills. You logically and intellectually understand this. So if you’re smoker then why are you smoking even though you know that smoking is not good for you? You smoke out of habit and because you believe that smoking gives you emotional pleasure in some form. So if someone asks you why are you smoking then you use logic to justify your action by saying something like – “I’m too stressed! Or my job is too stressful or whatever!” And how about people who want to lose weight. Do you think they don’t know that every time they eat chocolate they’ll gain only more wait. Yes they do get it on intellectual level but they do it because of emotional pleasure that eating sweets gives them. When you then ask them why do they eat chocolate they logically justify saying something like – “Oh, this is just snack! I’m not too busy to eat something proper!” I’m sure you get the idea! Another thing you need to know is that you must never try to target whole market such as – weight loss in general. People do not want to read information just because they have nothing else to do. They want results and they want it fast. So you must target people who want specific result and you must let them know that you have product that solves their specific needs.

What are emotional fantasies? You can be only successful when you understand what are your target market’s emotional hot buttons and when you know how to push them in a right way. Let me give you an example of how you could go about identifying these “hot buttons”. Pay attention to the process! Let’s say that our target market are married women and that they are overweight. What is going on in their minds? Why do they really want to lose weight? For now, let’s say that you want to get their attention saying something like…

“How to lose weight” Is this powerful? Are they going to pay full attention after reading this? Are they going to act and purchase your product or product you’re promoting? Very unlikely! Why? For a start this kind of headline doesn’t promise any benefit.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! What if you write something like this… “How to lose 5 kg of ugly fat in 20 days or less without diet!” Is this more powerful? You bet! Now there is benefit (losing 5kg of fat) and this headline also implies that you can do it without dieting. Now let’s dif deeper into emotions and irrational fantasies of married women trying to lose weight. She feels that she is not attractive to her husband anymore and she fears that her husband will leave her for younger and more attractive woman in the office for example. With this kind of knowledge we can come up with headline such as …

“How to lose 5 kg fast without dieting so you’ll be more sexy and more attractive to your husband” If you write this kind of headline then women who are trying to lose weight and who are afraid of losing husband to more attractive and younger girl will be all over this. So why is this even important and how can you use this information to make money? You must keep these criteria in mind when completing first step of the process that creates money making machine that never stops, and that is – find large groups of hungry buyers. So to recap here are the criteria: 

Your target market must be large enough so it becomes profitable for you to operate within it

This large group of people must suffer from high intensity pain or problem. Example of high intensity desire markets are also:


Making money


Business opportunities


Dating / online dating


Getting out of debt


And so on…

People must be willing to pay for solution to their problems

Don’t worry. Later on I’ll show you how to use these criteria in action and what kind of tools do we use to look for large groups of hungry buyers.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Next we need to know if people are willing top pay for solution to their problems. This can be discovered in under 5 minutes of quick research using techniques I’ll share with you later on when we get to practical application of what we learn here.

Hot and in-demand information products people must have Doesn’t matter how much you know about your potential customer or how intensive or painful problems they have. Unless you can actually sell them something then you are not going to make any money. You must hammer it home that we’re not dealing here with any kinds of psychical products. We’re dealing exclusively with info products that you don’t even have to own and yet you can make money. You’ll never have to sell anyone face-to-face and you never have to talk to anyone on the phone – that’s the beauty of affiliate marketing. I want you to understand the critical importance that information product plays money making equation. Earlier on I told you that the only way to make serious money online, am I’m talking $5,000 + per month on autopilot, meaning that the only thing you need to do is to send out few emails and you make tons of money almost instantly. Yes, this is possible and you can do it too. But first you need to learn what to do and how to set everything up right from very beginning. Remember what I told you earlier about learning. It has 3 parts to it: 1. Insight – this is what’s happening right now, you’re learning new things and you begin to get intellectually what I’m talking about 2. Action – only when you understand something you can take action on it 3. Transformation – once you take action you experience change of your self-image which is part of transformation. You’ll be able to do things you couldn’t do before. If this happens then the learning process is complete because as you already know, definition of learning is acquisition of knowledge that leads to change in behaviour. Last part of our money making system is…


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Powerful Marketing You can think of this as another system / subsystem because it’s made of another 3 parts which are: 1. Getting traffic (visitors to your website) 2. Converting these visitors into sales or leads 3. Leading them into another process that is designed to make us even more money Getting Traffic So another critical part of our money making system is website or blog. Once again you DON’T need to know any programming language. There is nothing technical about this so please don’t freak out! Why is website important? Well, this is 2 part answer and it depends on whether you’re using your own products (which I’ll teach you how to create) or you’re using affiliate products. 

If you’re using affiliate products than your website or blog acts as an information centre where people can come and learn about where to buy what they’re looking for. Imagine that you’re in the middle of big shopping centre that you know very well. Now, I come to you and I ask you if you know where to buy some good clothes. You point me on the right direction – to specific shop with which you made a deal that goes something like this: shop owner will give you percentage cut from the money I spend in that shop on buying clothes. So the more people you refer to that store the more money you make.

If you have your own products then all the action happens there and therefore your site or blog must be designed in different way then affiliate site/blog.

Ok, now you may be asking how do you get people to your blog. There are free and paid for methods that are very effective. I’ll talk to you about these later on. What do you do with people that come to your site? Answer is that they need to be converted into some kind of outcome: sale, lead, subscription to your newsletter or whatever… This means that you should be clear about what you want them to do. Here is the difference between sites that make money and sites that make money: 42

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Sites that don’t make money – have some kind of content on them (videos or articles) that people can watch or read. Then there is no call-to-action (CTA)! I explain what this means later.

Sites that do make money have one critical element – they ask site visitor to take some kind of action.

So what kind of action do we want our site visitors to take? We want them to opt-in! We want them to give us their name and email address in exchange for some free stuff (e-book, video, audio…) One we do this we build list of names and email addresses that we can use to make huge sums of money over and over again. This is exactly reason why you can make $5,000 + every month by just sending few short emails. Later on I’ll give you step by step action plans on how to do this.

4 Steps to Develop Unstoppable Money Making Power Think of these steps as 4 different mind sets. Every time you do something that is related to making money online, you should always keep these 4 steps in mind:

Step 1: Become observer and problem solver The key to success, when it comes down to information marketing, is that you should always focus you efforts on creating value. There are 2 kinds of people: value creators and value extractors. Value creators are constantly focusing on ways how to help other people get what they want. If you help other people get what they want then you can get anything you want and you can make as much money as you want. Value extractors are those people that are only looking for ways to get value from other people. For example, you would be value extractor if you only wanted to get money out of other people and you didn’t care if they got what they wanted or not. Most employed people are operating in the value extraction mindsets. If you’re working for someone else then you usually only care about the benefits that you get out of your employer – how much money you make, how much holiday you can take, what kind of health benefits you can get and so on… 43

Access your FREE Video Training Now! I’ve read quite a few books on personal development and on making money and wealth creation in general. Many times I read or heard phrases such as: “create value and you attract money”. I didn’t really pay attention to this because I thought this was some kind of spiritual BS that never works. But I was wrong! It works! Here is how and why it works… If you help other people to solve their problems and fulfil their needs then you make more money faster and easier. Why? Because people talk! If you help them they will go and tell their friends and family about you. So how does this translate into the real world? If you create website, let’s say, about weight loss and if you give free and valuable information to your site visitors WITHOUT charging anything for it then they’ll go and tell other people about it, plus, when you ask then to buy something from you they are more likely to do it. Those people who are looking for weight loss have been looking for help for a some time. They joined forums, they have their facebook accounts full of friends and so on… This means they are part of network of other people with similar interests. If they discover your site and if you give them your free stuff without charging them then they will go to these networks and they’ll talk about you. And guess what? Their friends will go and check out your site and they will talk about you within their own networks and people from their networks will go and check you out and before you know it you’re making more money then you can imagine. But all this can happen if you shift your thinking from value extraction to value creation. This is all nice and good to hear. But how can you actually apply this to the real world and how can you make money using this piece of information? Well, this section is titled how to become observer and problem solver. So all you need to do is to observe. In your immediate surrounding there exists more money making opportunity then you can imagine. Think about this! In your family, within your circle of friends or just people you know, there are people who face some kind of problem or have some kind of pain. All this can be turned into money! How?


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Example – let’s say you have friend who is trying to get girl to go out on date with him. But he’s afraid to approach girl he likes to actually ask her to go out with him. Then you may know someone who is overweight and trying to lose weight. Then maybe your brother just lost his job. All these people can give you direct insights into what is going on in their minds, what do they fear, what frustrates them and so on… Next you’re going to use methods I teach you later on to see if there are other people just like them that are suffering from the same problems. If there are then you have market full of hungry buyers. Remember! You don’t have to create your own information products. And anyway, you’re not trying to be an expert on some topic (such as weight loss, dating and so on…). These people with real problems don’t even care about what and how much you know about some topic – they only care about the solution. Your jobs is to become facilitator that connects people with problems to solution.

Step 2: Prepare all necessary parts: Most people never make any money for very simple reason. They don’t take time to plan in advance. If there is no order in what you’re doing then you’re more likely to give up before you can see any results. Number one mistake in business is creating products first and then trying to look for customers. Stephen Pierce says that the easiest way to make money online is to sell what people are already buying. Making money online is not rocket science. You can find out what people want in matter of minutes. Not only that you also know how many people every month look for some kind of 45

Access your FREE Video Training Now! product or service. You also know where to find what people want. So all you need to do is to position yourself in the middle and collect the money. I just don’t think that it’s so difficult. Focus only on one thing at the time. Don’t try to multitask – it simply doesn’t work. Don’t believe me? Well, then tell me if it’s possible to feel good and bad at the same time. You either feel sad or you feel happy. You never feel sad and happy at once. This is because brain can only concentrate on one task at the time. Research shows that if you get distracted from current task it takes something like 20 minutes for your brain to catch with the flow of thoughts you had at the time you got distracted. Time Management Secrets Why am I talking about time management in book on how to make money? Well, think about this! What’s the point of making tons of money if you’re working 12 hours a day? There is no point. You simply don’t even have time to spend your money. So you may as well go back to your old job doing what you hate. If you understand following great truth about time and time management then you’ll never have any problems with time and you’ll be able to make as much money as you want while working only couple of hours every day or even less. You may have seen sales letters that keep promising to give you the secret key to making $12,677 every month while working only 2 hours or less. Are these people con artists? Is it even possible? Well the truth is that some people say it because they’ve seen it somewhere else and it actually helps with sales. So is it possible? You bet it is! Here is how why… First of all you need to shift your understanding of time. Let me ask you question – can you change time? Can you make days longer than 24 hours? Of course you cannot! Then why do you believe you can manage time? You cannot manage time! You can only manage tasks that you need to do that take time to accomplish. If you want to spend less time doing something than you need to do less tasks. 46

Access your FREE Video Training Now! This is where 80/20 rule comes in. To refresh your memory 80/20 rule states that 20% of actions are responsible for 80% of results you get. So if you filter out those 80% “junk actions” you’re suddenly spending less time and you get the same results. If you think that this is cool then listen to this… If we now integrate into this equation principle of value creation then you not only work less but you get greater impact because now other people (your would be customers) are doing the “money generating activities” for you. They go around spreading word about how great is your information and that other people should go and check it out too. But wait! You can work even less and you can make even more money. I know this seems to be too good to be true but let me explain first what I mean. So, by filtering “no results producing activities” and by applying principle of value creation, you no longer have to work as much plus it takes less time. What else can you do to streamline your effectiveness and efficiency? You outsource non-money making activities! Even if you filter out many activities that don’t produce results, you still have some left that are quite important, and need to be done, but are not making you money. There are websites where you can go to get help. How this works? Well, earlier on I told you that every misfortune can be turned into opportunity. Global recession and finical trouble usually lead to unemployment on the global scale. But because of technology you can meet people with wide variety of skills over the Internet. Websites like allow you to do just that. Anything you need to get done in your business can be outsourced using such websites. And it can be done dirt cheap! Why? Because you as potential employer (I mean this in a sense that you’ll be paying for the job done), have high bargaining power. Your goal is to get job done as cheap as possible. But those other people want to get that job, so they’re willing to bid so you chose them. But unlike traditional auction bidding here works in the opposite direction. Price is not rising but falling because they know that you only chose the cheapest offer or one that matches your budget. Don’t worry too much about this for now. I’ll tell you more about outsourcing later on. So before we move on here are some powerful tips that you must understand and apply:


Access your FREE Video Training Now! 1. You must see making money online as a process. Only if you do this you can break this process into parts. 2. When you break process into parts you can then see which parts are generating impact (helping you to make money) and which not. 3. If you want to make lot of money working only few hours then you need to kick those parts of the process that are not producing any results out of you life. This is because as you know time cannot be managed only tasks necessary to get something done take time and these need to be managed. 4. You can even further streamline the process of making money if you outsource those activities that are quite important but are not making you money. Ok, let’s now talk about 3rd step that you need to understand before you can become financially free…

Step 3: Put it all together If you want to win any kind of game then first you need to understand rules of that game. If you don’t then you won’t be even able to make a first move never mind winning that game. So then, what are the rules of “money making” game online? Rule 1: be clear about what you want first! You must set your financial goal right now. How much money do you want to make. I know I told you not to think about money and that you should think about how to create value first. But if you know how much money you want to make then it will help you to guide you through the rest of the process and you can also estimate in advance how much work you’ll have to do. Here is what I mean… If your financial goal is to make $5,000 per month then here is the thing. You need to sell some stuff! If you believe that you can make $5,k / month doing nothing at all then, I’m sorry, but I cannot help you! But if you’re prepared to actually do something then I may have tip or two to share with you. Here are 3 hypothetical options that will help illustrate what I mean… What is more difficult?


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Option 1 – sell 5 info products @ $1,000 each which equals to $5,000 (the amount of money you want to make per month), or…

Option2 – sell 50 info products @ $100 each which equals to $5,000, or…

Option 3 – sell 250 info products @ $20 each which equals to $5,000

No matter how you look at it, I strongly believe that option 1 is the easiest option. Would you agree? On the other hand if you don’t know what you want, then you simply drift. You do what everyone else is doing and you get just the same results. So what separates those people who make real money online from those who make pocket change? Those who make BIG money know what they want and they also know how to get it. Because instead of dreaming and guessing they set goal, they took action and they did everything that needed to be done to get where they wanted to go (clear financial goal).

Rule 2: Think in systems! System thinking has many benefits. In my opinion the biggest benefit of system thinking is that if you use it you can quickly see if some kind of task or action you want to take is even worth doing. Before you can understand what I mean you need to know what is system thinking. Most definitions of system thinking use words that no one quite understands. But my definition of system thinking is this – all things are interconnected and if you use system thinking you’re then trying to understand how are these things interconnected. System thinking is even more powerful when you use principle of cause and effect. Before you even move your finger, think about what is what you’re about to do going to do to the system. Example – once you understand how making money online works and you get the full picture, then you can go and create your own money making system. So next time before you spend your money on some kind of software, products or whatever, you’ll be able to tell in advance if you need it or not. If this sounds confusing then don’t worry. After reading this e-book you’ll get it.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Next step in the process of developing unstoppable money making power is…

Step 4: Automation: How to Make Money While You Sleep Problems never stop! When you go to sleep, people on the other side of the earth wake up and go about their day. They actively look for solutions using the Internet. So you want to be there in their faces when they do this. Your website is like a machine that spits out cash every day 24/7. And now you know it’s because when you go to sleep other people wake up so then they can buy your stuff or stuff you’re promoting. And because everything is automated, you don’t even have to be there. But this is only possible because of technology, in particular, automated payment processing systems. When people buy your stuff they get immediate access to it. This is because your info product can be accessed online – there is no need to wait for shipping. Digital info products never have to be handled or shipped which means that profit margins are unbelievable. Think about this! How much does it cost you to create an e-book? The production cost is zero if you do it yourself. Then you simply upload this e-book to the server and it can be downloaded as many times as necessary. So you always get 100% profit. This also means that you do work only once! This is exactly what I mean when I say you can multiply yourself. You do work only once but you get paid from the same effort many times over – even while you’re sleeping.

Chapter Summary Making money online involves 3 steps: Find large group of hungry buyers, find ready made in-demand products, and create powerful marketing. The only way to make large sums of money online working only 2-3 hours a day is to become value creator instead of value extractor. The key is to know how and where to look for problems that people have and then finding solution to these problems. If you can connect these two together then you won’t have any problem making money online. There is no point of making lot of money online if we have to work 12 hours + to get it. And as we discussed in this chapter, we cannot manage time but we can only manage the number of activities and tasks that we need to do since all takes take time to accomplish.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! But the only way to know which tasks are important and which are not is to use system thinking as a tool to see how what we do fits together.


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How to Make Money Online Step-By-Step So as you already know if you want to make money online then there are certain steps you need to follow. But what are these steps? Well, this is what we’re going to discuss in this chapter. As we discussed earlier, in the previous chapter, first step in our money making system is:

Finding Large Groups of Hungry Buyers (Market & Keyword Research) Why do we this and how do we do this? These are the questions that we need to answer first. So why do we do this? If you know how to look for problems that people have then you’ll be making money. The critical point here to understand is that we must always look for problems first and only then we can look for solution. The number one mistake people make is that they get idea, they create products and then they force people to buy it. This is very, very difficult and in most cases this leads only to failure. There are so many problems! Where should you start? Start with your own experience. Earlier on I explained how to look for solutions. Have you ever read story called: Acres of diamonds? The story goes something like this… There was a man who had a plot of land. He was working hard and he didn’t have much money. He was tired of working there, it didn’t really produce any results and hiw family was poor. He believed that there must be a better way to make money. So he decided to sell that land and go to the world for a search of wealth. The new owner discovered diamonds on that very land. You can read the full story here.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! What I’m trying to say with this example is that you don’t have to go very far to look for ideas. Look around you – you may easily find diamonds. So start with your own experience. What problems are you facing? What desires do you have? How about your friends and family or people you know? What problems/challenges are they facing? Make a list of all these problems before you continue (don’t ignore this exercise). Once you have this list then we need to make sure that there is a Large Group of Hungry Buyers. Once we’re sure of this then we move on. Here is how you do that… Step 1: Go to Google Keyword Tool Here is what you see (at the time of writing the interface looks like this)…

Step 2: Take each problem that you identified and type it in here


Access your FREE Video Training Now! So for example if one of the problems I identified was I lost my job, then how can we turn in into phrase that we can use in the step 2? You could type in – make money, or make money online Step 4: Analyse Results






If you see this for the first time it may look confusing. But don’t worry I’ll explain what it all means: A: these are the terms / search phrases you’ve entered in the step 2 B: that is Global Monthly Search volume, meaning that there is approximately 673,000 people searching for the phrase make money online using Google 54

Access your FREE Video Training Now! C: that is local search volume, meaning that if you’re in the UK then there is 90,500 people searching for the phrase make money online D: Google also shows you related keyphrases that you may want to be interested in. I’ll tell you how we use these related keywords later when we’ll talk about setting up your blog and traffic generation E: This shows you amount of PPC (Pay-per-Click) competition, and you don’t have to worry about this one. So let’s say we want to further analyse make money online market (group of people interested to make money online). We can already see that this market is good one. How do we know this? It’s because it meets our initial criteria: this market is large (673,000 people all over the world) and the desire behind this market is intensive – who wouldn’t want to know how to make money. So next thing we want to see is whether this market is influenced by any trends and most importantly whether it’s declining market or developing market. What we want to basically know whether it will be profitable in long-term. Can we make money not only this year but also year after and another year after that? Go to google trends and here is what you’ll see…


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Take the phrase make money online (as an example) and enter it here When you’re done press enter and you’ll see something like this (next page )…


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C This may seem cool, but if you don’t know what it all means that it’s useless to you. A : This shows trend of popularity. As you can see from the graph, year by year, more and more people are searching the Internet using the phrase make money online B : These are news associated to making money online C : This is some data, that can be used for different purposes such as PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns. PPC is form of paid advertisement.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Then we need to do one more thing which is to see if there are any buyers in this market. We can do this by simply going to Google and type in make money online like this…

Look for advertisers. If you see advertisers then this is good indicator that there is money to be made. If you don’t see any ads then that market is probably not very profitable. So to recap, you need to do 3 things: 1. Create a list of possible business ideas (remember to look for intensive problems) 2. Then, go over to google keyword tool and find out if for each idea there is big enough market 3. Also, make sure to check trends – future potential of the market 4. Look if there are any advertisers


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How to Find In-Demand Products The best place to do this is is where you can find thousands of info products. But before you can start promoting these products you need to register as an affiliate. To do this click this link: Here is what you’ll see‌

Here you need to create your account nickname. As a general rule, this should not be your own name. This nickname will be added to the promotional link.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! Once you’re done signing up go back to home page and click on marketplace…

You’ll see this page…

Here you can search for products to promote: 

Click on categories

Or search using keywords (type in keyword that is the same as your target market for example – make money online)

Ok so if I for example click on categories then here is what I would see…


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Here I see a list of products that are all related to making money online. As you can see, under each listing there are some statistics. Let’s talk about what they mean…

When you click this button you get promotional link that you can place on your website to start making money What are stats? These are statistics about product that you should get familiar with before selecting product to promote: 

Initial $/sale – this tells you how much money you make per sale. Remember that these are products that someone else has created yet you can make money


Access your FREE Video Training Now! promoting them. In this case you get $34,96 per sale. You should look for product where you make at least $20 per sale. 

Avg Rebill Total – this is how much you make every month. Not only is the product owner willing to share profits from sale, he/she also pays you every month. In this case $86.39 – this is called residual income and it’s as close as you can get to making money on autopilot.

Grav – this stands for gravity which basically describes popularity of the product. You should always look for products that have gravity at least 50 or higher. This particular product has gravity 692.19 which means that it’s very popular product

Let me now show you how to actually promote products from The idea behind this is very simple, you get promotional link that you can place on your website. If your site visitor clicks on this link and buys then you make money. Here what to do… 1. Based on the criteria above chose product you want to promote. 2. Click promote button next to that product within the product listing

When you click that button window will pop-up which looks like this (next page )…


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Enter your account nickname that you got during the sign-up process. Don’t worry about Tracking ID. You don’t need this now. When you enter your account nickname and you click create, you’ll see this window…

Copy this link and keep it somewhere safe because you’ll need it soon! This is all you need to know about selecting products to promote. Now I’m going to show you how to set up a free blog.


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How to Build Blog That People Want to Read Don’t worry there is nothing technical about creating blog. You don’t need to be any expert to do this, it’s very fast and easy. First go to But before you can set-up blogger blog you need to have Google mail ( account. If you don’t have one then you should go and get one now: If you have gmail account and you ready, go to and click – create your first blog link. If you’ve been using before then click create new blog link. Creating a blogger blog is free and easy process. It only takes 2 steps. Here is how to do it…


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Blog title – you should include keyword that describes your market. For example, make money online. The reason why we want to do this is that when people go to google and type in make money online we want our blog to be there.

Blog address (URL) – once again you should use your target keyword, in this example – make money online. But you may find that this blog address is not available (this means that there is already blog names like that). That’s ok, all you need to do is to add extra words or number to your blog address. For example, if make money online is not available then you should try make money online 101 or something like that.

Next, enter word verification and click continue button. In the next step you’ll have to chose template for your blog. It doesn’t matter which one you chose.


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Click start blogging button… And that is it! It took us 5 minutes to set up cool looking blog.


Access your FREE Video Training Now! This is the easy to use interface you’ll use to write blog posts. If you know how to use Microsoft Word then you’ll have no problems. I’ll tell you how to create blog posts. I’ll also give you “super lazy” strategy for crating tons of blog posts.

This is how that blog post looks when published. Simple and easy! Now let’s see what to do with that affiliate link we got earlier on. After end of your article you should include clickable link. This link of course points to the website you’re promoting (it’s you affiliate link).


Access your FREE Video Training Now! So write some kind of call to action – tell people what you want them to do. In this case I’ve written: Click here to learn more about how to make money online. Then highlight it and click link icon like this…

When you click that button window will pop-up like this...

Here you need to enter you affiliate link and click OK

Now that highlighted text will become active hyperlink. So when your site visitor clicks on it he/she will be redirected to the website where they can buy product you’re promoting.


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The main point I’m trying to make here is that before you can start making money selling other people’s stuff you need to set up an actual “clickable” link that people can click and buy. Knowing how to set up blog is great and as you can see, to do that, you don’t need any special skills and you also don’t programming or graphic design skills either. You can search the internet for FREE templates. Here are some things to keep in mind when dealing with blogs: 

Always create blog that is centred around some popular topic that has potential to make money. This is very first thing you need to do… create a list of all possible online business ideas

Use keywords when writing blog posts – you want other people to discover your writing. The easiest way to do this is to show up high in search engines like Google. This can only be possible if you search engine optimise your posts.

Write regularly – if you can, you should write at least 2 posts per week

Write for quality NOT quantity – there is no point in having 100s of posts on your blog if there are all crap! Write few good posts that actually provide value to readers

Write in structured way…

If you have any problems setting up your blog then you can read this blog post about how to set up blog step-by-step. Well there you have it!


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