The ability of Science and technologies to alter the world is just one of its many potential uses. We are fortunate to live in a period where science and technology can help us, make our lives simpler, and inspire us to rethink how we conduct our daily lives, says Peter Biantes.
The technology we are already familiar with and exposed to has allowed us to innovate further, and the technologies on this list, both present and emerging, have the potential to significantly improve our quality of life.
On this is our collection of technological advancements that will “probably” alter our way of life in the upcoming ten years and beyond.
With the use of nanotechnology, new structures and materials can be created by manipulating matter at a scale close to the atomic level. It possesses the possibility of affecting a variety of industries, including manufacturing and healthcare. Nano-sensors in packaging can aid in the detection of pollutants similar to salmonella in the field of food science.

The potential for targeted drug delivery and healthcare is one of the biggest.
Using nanofibers to stimulate nerve cell growth, we may be able to treat cancer in the not-too-distant future to repair injured spinal nerves. Additionally, viruses and other contaminants can be eliminated by nano-structured filters from water, solving a long-standing problem of producing an abundance of clean drinking water.
Genetic Engineering
Biology’s interdisciplinary discipline of genomics focuses on deciphering and modifying the DNA and genomes of living things. A group of technologies known as gene editing makes it possible to use genetic engineering to modify the DNA and genetic makeup of living things.
As a result of biotechnology’s advancements, it is now possible to change a cell’s DNA, which will affect the features that its progeny will inherit. In plants, this might have an impact on the number of leaves or the colour, but in people, it might have an impact on things like height, eye colour, or the propensity to get sick.

Peter Biantes said that this creates an almost infinite number of opportunities because it implies that any inherited trait in a living thing might be altered.
When anything has the potential to change society as much as genomics, it’s easy to get carried away with ideas of how it could be possible to eradicate cancer or even forever extend human life. Such significant advancements are most likely still decades away, assuming they are even conceivable. In the short run, it is probably more productive to concentrate on solving smaller issues that will have an immediate influence on the real world.
Online Reality
Our five senses help us experience the world and learn about our reality, and the information that is sent to them can change how we perceive the world. Through VR, we can enter a world where our senses can be exposed to a perception of reality that isn’t there. Virtual reality has had and will continue to have, a significant impact on a variety of industries, including skill development, surgery, and gaming. Today, pilots can learn essential

skills in low-risk (accident-free), affordable, and environmentally beneficial (no carbon emissions from jet fuel) ways thanks to flight simulators.
Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) might be immersed in a reenactment of their traumatic event while undergoing virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET). Imagine also that students in isolated locations could visit the Great Barrier Reef and learn about the value of coral reefs, or a surgeon could practice on a patient-specific simulation (a complex tumour in a difficult-to-reach location). There are countless options.
Artificial intelligence (AI)
AI is the basis for learning, but the internet is the basis for information diffusion. Utilizing AI, smart devices may monitor, gather, and interpret pertinent data, apply learnt intelligence to make the best judgments, and generate discoveries at breakneck speeds that surpass those of the majority of humans, says Peter Biantes. Similar to how the internet has permeated and transformed most businesses, from finance to food, in less than 25 years, AI capabilities have the potential to do the same for all industries. Self-driving automobiles powered by AI are recognizable and relatable.

On the other hand, entirely new AI-powered applications are in the works. For instance, an AI tool can analyze students’ facial expressions, hormone changes, and other biological changes in a classroom to spot individuals whose attention is waning and suggest treatments.
A public, decentralized ledger that is not under the authority of a single person or organization is called a blockchain. While bitcoin is the most well-known but least understood application of blockchain, it can transform every aspect of society, from political (voting) to economic (digital currencies and smart contracts) institutions. It is quicker, less expensive, and more efficient for lenders to automatically initiate measures, such as margin calls, release collaterals, or locking cars (using IoT), when a car payment isn’t made on time thanks to smart contracts (programmatic agreements between two parties) created on the blockchain. Blockchain technology can ensure that only those who are eligible can vote, that ballots cannot be interfered with and that polling can be done safely on a smartphone.

To stop these science and technologies from going rogue in this new world, new strategies and perspectives will be necessary, says Peter Biantes. As these technologies proliferate, rules and ethical standards must be put in place as checks and balances. Let’s proactively work to integrate people and technologies to not only tackle development and disease-related problems but also to make the world a better and more just place. Together, we can actively mould these technologies for the benefit of society.