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The future of computing that was earlier envisaged is now. Even now, technology, and by extension, the internet and computer have taken over the world. This generation has taken for granted the presence of advanced technology and devices, unlike in the past, when such didn’t exist. According to a corporate advisor, Peter Biantes, technology has helped humanity by introducing computers, programming languages, and so on. Peter Biantes is a highly respected and experienced professional in the corporate world. Now, the world cannot do without the computer and needs to improve its technology to make it more efficient Part of it is the introduction of AI, robotics, cloud computing, and so on.
Various Thoughts about Advancement in Technology
Computers nowadays have better software, communication, and hardware to make things better than before. This has helped to connect people around the world, even if they are strangers. The computer uses algorithms and processors to work efficiently. But the question remains, what effect, whether good or bad, will advanced technology bring?
Some computer experts are optimistic that when computing technology advances, it will accelerate science, and expand and incite artistic abilities. In addition, it will also take over some human jobs and make things easy. While some think that such advanced technology will be used as killing machines, render many people jobless, and cause chaos.
What are Computers?
A computer is an intriguing technology that speaks a machine language made up of codes or numbers It stores information in 0s and 1s, even if the information is an app, a sentence, and many more. Furthermore, a computer processes the data in binary form with the help of a transistor. Therefore, the number of transistors a computer has will determine its processing speed.