5 Important Steps To Establish A Safe Fleet

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5 Important Steps To Establish A Safe Fleet

1. Direction In Strategies

Because a safety program may signify building central varies to the technique drivers are handled,, it is very important to contain handled supervision buy buy--in from the start start.. Desires to experience that safety is a tactically important purpose from the initial initial..

5 Important Steps To Establish A Safe Fleet

2. To Place Driver Principles

If drivers see safety as a regular part of corporate communications and goals, they are more likely to be knowledgeable about and adhere to the fleet safety policy policy.. The standards used should lay out the criteria for an acceptable driving record, as well as the consequences of not living up to the policy.. policy 5 Important Steps To Establish A Safe Fleet

3. Evaluate Accidents

While a strong, well well--supported safety policy is imperative to avoid accidents, the reality is that incidents will still happen happen.. Learning from and correcting the actions that led to an accident will help avoid or minimize their severity in the future.. future

5 Important Steps To Establish A Safe Fleet

4. Remedial Training

Training is one of the most effective ways to get the safety message to drivers, While providing targeted training to high high--frequency or high high--risk drivers is an effective way to address driver driver-specific issues, fleets can use general safety training for their entire fleet or for specific regions, divisions, etc etc.., based on accident reasons and trends trends.. 5 Important Steps To Establish A Safe Fleet

5. Obtain a Ride Along

Field managers ride along with their drivers at least once a year year.. This practice guarantees that field managers will be involved in pushing the safety message message.. Also needs to review the driver’s history and risk score before the ride ride--along by manager.. manager

5 Important Steps To Establish A Safe Fleet

d/b/a BrightFleet d/b/a BrightFleet 325 South McGee Ave., 522 Hunt Club Blvd., Suite 106 #319 Apopka, FL 32703 Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 545-2200 /(866) 706-2499 (US) contact-us@brightfleet.com http://brightfleet.com/

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