1 minute read
A message from the Chair
April brought two extraordinary Family Events to Prebbleton.
Firstly the Giant Pumpkin Market and Food Exchange at the beginning of the month and then the ANZAC Commemoration on ANZAC DAY.
The Giant Pumpkin Event featured on the front page of the Selwyn Times and Prebbleton have to thank Marcus Peters for instigating and motivating individuals and groups to join together for this opportunity to show their gardening skills.
Next year’s Event promises to be ‘bigger’ and brighter so watch out for it and indicators when to plant your seeds and seedlings in this newsletter.
Our Prebbleton ANZAC Commemoration also depends on many Prebbleton Groups coming together for this occasion.
Our thanks go out to Selwyn District Council, Templeton RSA, Te Kura o Taumata Kuri / Prebbleton Primary School, Prebbleton Public Hall Society Inc, Prebbleton Heritage Inc and Prebbleton Community Association Inc for their involvement in putting our Prebbleton Commemoration together.

Also thanks to Selwyn District Council for printing the Order of Service and Prebbleton Fresh Choice providing Morning Tea.
The next big Event on our Calendar is the Matariki Event on Matariki Day Friday 14th July. This is the first year Matariki Day is a Public Holiday so it gives us the opportunity to create something unique for Prebbleton for our annual calendar. If you would like to be involved please contact Angela and Jane by emailing prebbletonlife@gmail. com
It was great to have Springs Ward Councillors Malcolm Lyall and Grant Miller at a recent meeting to share their knowledge of Prebbleton concerns and plans with us. Our Committee has put in a submission for the SDC Draft Annual Plan 2023-2024 for further Traffic Calming Measures on Springs Road.
Remember that if you have any Prebbleton Community concerns please do not hesitate to either email the PCA Committee at prebbletoncommunityassn@gmail.com or phone me on 021 295 6590
Enjoy reading this month’s edition and join in if possible.
Graeme Gemmill