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A message from the Chair

Nau Mai Haere Mai - Welcome to Edition 4 of Prebbleton Life.

Prebbleton is such a great township in which to live.


There is still a great sense of Community and I am sure we all enjoy being able to walk the streets and chat with the folk we meet along the way.

It is also great to see the goodwill of folk who leave fruit and produce outside their gate or at the book exchange for others to make use of. Apples and feijoas have recently been very popular and abundant..

Civil Defence and Selwyn Community Patrol are both looking for more volunteers to give more coverage in case of disaster or for increased security. Both organisations are there to make our Community safe and secure so please contact them if you can assist.

Joining the Selwyn Timebank as a Prebbleton resident is also a way to improve community wellbeing and will also allow you to make more friends in our community so please consider this option.

Participating in other group activities mentioned in this newsletter will also benefit our sense of community.

The next big event on our local calendar is the Matariki Event on Matariki Day, Friday July 14th.

If you would like to be involved in creating a unique event for Prebbleton please contact Angela and Jane by emailing prebbletonlife@gmail.com

PCA meetings are held at 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Cottage. Our rules allow for a public forum to be available as part of each meeting; usually the first 15-30 minutes.

If you have any Community concerns please either bring these to one of our meetings or email the PCA Committee at prebbletoncommunityassn@gmail.com or phone me on 021 295 6590. Enjoy reading this month's edition.

Ka kite, Graeme Gemmill

Monarch Butterflies 2023

This year there are very few Monarch Butterflies gathering in the Church Graveyard area. Possibly the result of a butterfly virus or perhaps just not enough swan plants (the host plants) around Prebbleton for the caterpillars to feed on.

May 2021 there were 200 - 300 but this year only 50 - 100.

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