Rights Catalogus Fall 2018

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Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Media & Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Cultural Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Film and Performance Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Linguistics and Translation Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Languages & Literatures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Philosophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Theology & Religious Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Political Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Economics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Recently Licensed Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Recently Published License Editions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Our Agents



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





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Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are delighted to share our new Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018 with you. In The World’s Highest-Scoring Students (p. 9) Hani Morgan analyzes how different countries – Finland, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, China, Canada, Estonia, and the United States transformed their school systems into the world’s leading systems of education. This book provides a balanced view of these highest-ranking nations in education, outlining the outstanding practices they use to achieve stellar results, but also pointing out the problems they endure. Hani Morgan is an Associate Professor of Education at the University of Southern Mississippi. He holds degrees from Columbia University and Rutgers University. The second volume of Ethics for a Digital Age (p. 11) deals with the most pressing ethical issues of the digital age from a professional and a philosophical perspective. The chapters of this volume offer the reader a window into some of the hot-button ethical issues facing a society where digital has become the new normal. Just as was the case in the first volume, this collection seeks to bridge applied and theoretical approaches to digital ethics. Bastiaan Vanacker is an associate professor at the School of Communication at Loyola University Chicago. Don Heider, dean professor of this school, has published six books. He is also a former journalist who has won five Emmy awards as well as an Associated Press award for his work. Childhood Memory Spaces (p. 31) examines what kind of places adults remember from their childhood and explores the question why certain places linger in our memories. The answers emerge from a variety of disciplines, such as cognitive science, environmental psychology, geography, and communication. These findings are complemented by personal stories of over 100 adults who still vividly recall the places where key facets of their identity developed, thus weaving theory with personal narratives in a most fascinating way. The author, Roger C. Aden, is a professor in the School of Communication Studies at Ohio University. He has already published three other books. News and content on rights and licensing as well as further information on our publishing house and our company history can be found at www.peterlang.com/rights. To discover further publications in your areas of interest, please visit www.peterlang.com. If you would like to receive further information or reading copies, please get in touch with us. We will be happy to help. We would also be delighted to discuss our list with you at Frankfurt Book Fair (4.2/H1). Please don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange a meeting. We hope you will enjoy browsing through our catalogue and look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes,

Claudia Stegmann International Rights Sales Manager Peter Lang International Academic Publishers c.stegmann@peterlang.com • rights@peterlang.com Skype: c.stegmann@peterlang.com • www.peterlang.com/rights Phone: +49 (0)30 232 56 79 21 Schlüterstr. 42 – 10707 Berlin • Germany






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Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Janae Dimick

And This Little Piggy Had None Challenging the Dominant Discourse on Farmed Animals in Children’s Picturebooks And This Little Piggy Had None: Challenging the Dominant Discourse on Farmed Animals in Children’s Picturebooks is a fascinating critique of how «farm» animals are represented in children’s literature. Drawing from the fields of critical animal studies, critical discourse analysis, and animal behavior research, Janae Dimick questions the validity of these representations as environmental, societal, and other negative effects related to factory farming emerge. Questioning the socially constructed categories that humans use to classify which animals are used for consumption and which are meant for companionship, the book works to dismantle the «truth» of what children learn from the informational texts that are read to them in educational and home settings. The first of its kind, this book will make readers question their relationship with nonhuman animals and rethink how language creates narratives that ultimately act to the detriment of humans, nature, and animals. Students studying critical pedagogy, ecolinguistics, ecopedagogy, early childhood literacy, ecocriticism, bioethics, critical animal studies, environmental studies and education, and human-animal studies would benefit from reading this easily accessible text. New York, 2018. X, 140 pp. Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 16

Janae Dimick received her PhD in education from Chapman University in 2016. She is currently Assistant Professor of English at Allan Hancock College in Santa Maria, California.

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5262-7 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 Textbook, English

D. Michael Rivage-Seul

The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking Seeing Through Alternative Fact & Fake News D. Michael Rivage-Seul’s eye-opening new book, The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking: Seeing Through Alternative Fact & Fake News, invites readers to try out what Baba Dick Gregory calls the «magic glasses» of critical thinking. Gregory’s eyewear suggests ten rules for seeing through the haze created by any culture’s ruling group mind. The criteria urge students to: (1) reflect systemically, (2) select market (as an organizing principle), (3) reject neutrality, (4) suspect ideology, (5) respect history, (6) inspect scientifically, (7) quadra-sect violence, (8) connect with your deepest self, (9) collect conclusions, and (10) detect silences. The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking then applies those criteria to a broader contemporary context where fascist tendencies reminiscent of the 1930s are unmistakable. Surprising interpretations of familiar Hollywood and documentary films illustrate every point, making this book a fascinating text and discussion starter for critical thinking and composition courses at the secondary and post-secondary levels.

New York, 2018. XVI, 264 pp., 7 b/w ill. Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 15 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4951-1 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4952-8 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 Textbook, English

D. Michael Rivage-Seul is a liberation theologian and former Roman Catholic priest. He taught for 40 years at Berea College in Kentucky, where he directed the Peace and Social Justice Studies program. There he soon received Berea’s Seabury Award for Excellence in Teaching, the institution’s highest faculty honor. His publications include The Emperor’s God: Imperial Misunderstandings of Christianity and A Kinder and Gentler Tyranny: Illusions of a New World Order, co-authored with his life partner, Dr. Marguerite K. RivageSeul.

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Peter McLaren • Suzanne SooHoo (eds.)

Radical Imagine-Nation Public Pedagogy & Praxis

This collection of essays, poems, and reflections by scholars, public intellectuals, artists, and community activists (as well as those whose work intersects with all of these categories) constitutes a landmark achievement in critical pedagogy and social justice education. Edited by two leaders whose work spans both academic and grassroots communities, Radical Imagine-Nation was conceived during a time of political turmoil both nationally and internationally, a time when freedom and democracy seemed out of reach for millions around the world. Contents: Acknowledgments • Suzanne SooHoo: Introduction • Donaldo Macedo: Conscientization as an Antidote to Banking Education • Tom Wilson: Coming to Know Paulo • Tricia M. Kress: Critical Pedagogy, Leadership and Institutional Reform: Paulo Freire’s «Formative Time» at the Social Services of Industry • Keqi (David) Liu: A Clarification of Freire’s Radical Political Pedagogy • Leona M. English/Peter Mayo: Migration, Racism, and the Mediterranean—A Freirean Perspective • Robert Lake: Utopia as Praxis: Paulo Freire Twenty Years After His Passing • Peter McLaren: Dare We Create a New Socialist Order? A Challenge to Educators of America in the Coming Trump Era • Henry A. Giroux: Toward a Politics of Revolt and Disruption: Higher Education in Dangerous Times • Antonia Darder: Critical Leadership for Social Justice: Unveiling the Dirty Little Secret of Power and Privilege • Peter Hudis: The Alternative to Capitalism in Light of Today’s Environmental Crises • Michael E. Dantley: Critical Consciousness and Spirituality: Deconstructing the Colonizing Practices of U.S. Education Through the Lens of Paulo Freire and Critical Spirituality • Margaret Randall: I Cannot Speak for the Gun • Michael A. Peters/Tina Besley: The Refugee Crisis in Europe: Words Without Borders • Petar Jandrić: The Challenge of the Internationalist Critical Pedagogue • George J. Sefa Dei: Reframing Education Through Indigenous, Anti-Colonial, and Decolonial Prisms • Ravi Kumar: Educational Project of Social Justice: The Possibilities of Intervention Against the Pedagogical Hegemony of Capitalism • Peter O’Connor/Jean M. Allen/Simon Dennan: Where I’m Bound I Can’t Tell: Radical Changes Are Still Possible in Higher Education • Anna Renfors/Juha Suoranta: «Miracle on Ice»: Sociological Understanding of the Finnish Schooling Model • Bettina L. Love: «Trayvon Was Standing His Ground»: Utilizing Critical Hip Hop Pedagogy to Construct Counter-Narratives of Resistance and Love • Miguel Zavala: Toward a Raza Research Methodology: Social Science in the Service of Raza Communities • Theresa Montano/Maria Elena Cruz: L@s Malcriad@s: A Union Based, Chican@ Studies Model Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers of Chican@ Studies • Contributors • Index

New York, 2018. XII, 328 pp., 3 b/w ill., 1 table Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 13 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4375-5 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4379-3 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Textbook, English

Peter McLaren and Suzanne SooHoo are both professors in the College of Educational Studies, Chapman University and are Co-Directors of the Paulo Freire Democratic Project at Chapman. They serve as Honorary Co-Directors of the Center for Critical Studies in Education, Northeast Normal University, China.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Barbara Beyerbach • R. Deborah Davis • Tania Ramalho (eds.)

Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy Engaging Students in Glocal Issues Through the Arts Revised Edition

New York, 2017. XX, 272 pp., 13 b/w ill. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 515 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3497-5 CHF 56.95 / €D 49.95 / €A 50.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 54.95

Textbook, English

Artists have always had a role in imagining a more socially just, inclusive world—many have devoted their lives to realizing this possibility. In a culture ever more embedded in performance and the visual, examining the role of arts in multicultural teaching for social justice is a timely focus. In Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy approaches to using activist art to teach a multicultural curriculum are examined and critiqued. Examples of activist artists and their strategies illustrate how study of and engagement in activist art processes glocally—connecting local and global issues—can deepen critical literacy and commitment to social justice. This book is relevant to those (1) interested in teaching more about artist/activist social movements around the globe, (2) preparing pre-service teachers to teach for social justice, (3) concerned about learning how to engage diverse learners through the arts, (4) teaching courses related to arts-based multicultural education, critical literacy, and culturally relevant teaching. As we think more broadly we address the question «why does a ‘social justice through the arts in education’ approach make sense»; describe examples of preservice teacher assignments examining artists’ roles in activist movements, promoting multicultural understanding and social justice; and share approaches to and examples of using the arts in the United States and abroad to deepen multicultural comprehension and teaching for social justice. Barbara Beyerbach, Ph.D., is a professor at SUNY at Oswego. She also serves as a co-director of Project SMART, a teacher professional development program aimed at creating urban/rural partnerships in K–16. R. Deborah Davis, Ph.D., is a professor emerita at SUNY at Oswego and a co-director of the Teacher Opportunity Grant. Tania Ramalho, Ph.D., a Brazilian American, is professor at SUNY at Oswego. She teaches critical literacy and pedagogy in the Curriculum and Instruction Department.

R. Michael Fisher

Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows The True Story of an Indigenous-Based Social Transformer

New York, 2018. XXII, 338 pp., 15 b/w ill. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 525 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3448-7 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3447-0 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Textbook, English

In times of extreme cascading global crises facing humanity, all responsible humans need to re-evaluate the dominant worldview that has brought us to this point of facing extinction. As a species we need to relearn the «good» ways from our greatest allies in Nature and from Indigenous cultures that lived in relative harmony with Nature. Equally, we need to learn the best ways to think critically and act on the holistic understanding that may guide us beyond our individual and collective trance and illusions cast forth like chains upon modern societies through elites who manipulate fear. Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows offers a unique strong «medicine» for the reconstruction of a healthy, sane, and sustainable future for all. Utilizing the form of an intellectual biography of Four Arrows (aka Dr. Don Trent Jacobs) and his daring activist life and true teaching stories, the author creates a powerful adventure into the firey philosophy, activism, and emancipatory inspirations of one of the world’s great visionary prophetic educators and social transformers. Through a number of unique experiences, including firefighting, white-water kayaking, wild horse training, world-class athletic competitions, and counter-cultural activism, Four Arrows has become a connoisseur of fear and courage. This book shows how he walks a universal ethical path of Fearlessness at a time when too many remain trapped by their fears. Among other readers, high school teachers and post-secondary teachers across diverse disciplines will find great ideas, eliciting dialogues and study questions for students, who now face a globalizing world where they can take charge of the future via fearless engagement. R. Michael Fisher has a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction and a masters of adult education from The University of British Columbia. He is the founder of the In Search of Fearlessness Project and Research Institute. Fisher is the author of hundreds of published articles, as well as book chapters and monographs, focusing on the topics of education, fear, and fearlessness. His two prior books are leading-edge explorations: The World’s Fearlessness Teachings (2010) and Philosophy of Fearism (2016).

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Robert Bahlieda

The Economic Gulag Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Inequality

The Economic Gulag: Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Inequality is a trenchant critical analysis of the devastating ravages of capitalist patriarchy in our modern society and its pervasive and increasingly destabilizing negative influence on our views and values regarding power, gender, wealth, and inequality. It extends the investigation begun in The Democratic Gulag (2015) that argued that we live in a social and ideological gulag dominated by the meta-ideology of patriarchy that has defined and circumscribed every aspect of the social experience of humanity for millennia to the detriment of all. The Economic Gulag explores how patriarchy is infused within capitalist theory and practice. It offers a socially democratic critique and alternatives to reform its dominance. Through the lens of critical theory and the use of current empirical and statistical research, The Economic Gulag deconstructs the modern neoliberal capitalist wealth myth and its underlying theory of homo economicus. This book exposes a system rife with deception, inequality, human exploitation, and misery that is touted as the unchallenged champion of democratic individualism and success. The Economic Gulag makes a powerful case for the pressing need to dismantle the democratic and economic gulags in which we live and replace them with a new ideal social democracy based on true economic equality and fairness in a post-patriarchal and post-capitalist world. It concludes with fifteen radical, powerful, and transformative recommendations for change that will provide the «shock therapy» required to usher in a new socially democratic order liberated from patriarchy and all its vestiges. Contents: Acknowledgments • Introduction • Ideology, Leadership, and Capitalism • The Impact of Industrialization • The New Global Economy • The Profit Problem • Solving the Profit Riddle • The Social Case Against Capitalism • Liberating the Gulag • Conclusion • Index

New York, 2018. XII, 336 pp. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 524 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5376-1 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5377-8 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 Textbook, English

Robert Bahlieda is a retired elementary school principal (2008) and academic theorist with 37 years of experience working in education in Ontario, Canada. He holds a Master’s Degree (M.A.) in English from York University in Toronto and a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.) from the University of Toronto (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education).



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Lynn A. Bryan • Kenneth Tobin (eds.)

13 Questions Reframing Education’s Conversation: Science 13 Questions: Reframing Education’s Conversation: Science examines thirteen critical questions confronting contemporary science education and a dynamic and evolving universe threatened by issues of sustainability and disharmony. The world’s leading scholars in science education utilize cutting-edge theories and analyses to illuminate possible pathways in a world threatened by global warming, mass extinctions, and pervasive conflicts. These provocative responses to some of the most difficult questions facing science education to date are intended to provoke, expand, and enlighten readers about possibilities for transforming and enhancing the social and physical worlds we inhabit and for which we are stewards. The sections of 13 Questions address science curriculum; power and science education; quality of science teachers; quality of science students; quality of science teacher education; equity; language; religion; race; families; culture of science and science education; political issues and science education; and bold visions for science education. The book is international in scope and shows value for difference in the perspectives, values, and theoretical underpinnings of authors. New York, 2018. XIV, 536 pp., 10 b/w ills. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 442 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2780-9 CHF 116.95 / €D 101.95 / €A 103.95 / € 94.95 / £ 76.95 / US-$ 113.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2779-3 CHF 69.95 / €D 59.95 / €A 61.95 / € 55.95 / £ 45.95 / US-$ 66.95

Lynn Bryan is Professor at Purdue University, where she holds a joint appointment in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and the Department of Physics and Astronomy. She is Director of Purdue’s Center for Advancing the Teaching and Learning of STEM (CATALYST), and past-President of NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning Through Research. Kenneth Tobin is Presidential Professor, Graduate Center of CUNY. He has published more than 20 books, 200 journal articles, and 125 book chapters. Numerous awards include the Distinguished Contributions to Science Education Through Research Award (NARST), the Mentoring Award (AERA), and the Distinguished Teaching Scholars Award (NSF).

Textbook, English

Tim Kubik

Unprepared for What We Learned Six Action Research Exercises That Challenge the Ends We Imagine for Education

New York, 2018. XIV, 194 pp. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 519 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4739-5 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Monograph, English

Unprepared for What We Learned: Six Action Research Exercises that Challenge the Ends We Imagine for Education explores how twentieth century models of education are not delivering on their promises, or helping to deliver the promise of the next generation. We hear that our students are not prepared, and that our teachers must not be prepared to teach those students. Managing preparation has become an obsession for policy-makers who claim that national competitiveness is at stake. After more than one hundred years everything is well managed, yet no one is prepared. This preparatory mindset presumes that learners must be prepared before they can participate in society, and that this preparation must be managed intentionally using models, an implementation plan, and a system for assessing and evaluating the impact of those models. It’s biggest failing is that those with the greatest stake, our young and adult learners, no longer recognize it as an effective model. Empowered by digital technologies, learners today are no longer willing to wait to be prepared. We seek experiences for which we are unprepared for what we’ll learn. Unprepared for What We Learned: Six Action Research Exercises that Challenge the Ends We Imagine for Education shares six exercises drawn from students, teachers, and school communities wrestling with problems of practice for which they were unprepared. Readers will question standards, outcomes, and global competencies; negotiate personalized learning; and ultimately co-create innovative school communities that disrupt the preparatory mindset. Together, these young and adult learners participating in the authentic work of their school communities will challenge the ends we imagine for education. Dr. Tim Kubik graduated Yale University and taught in Liberia before earning Joint Ph.D. in History & Theory from The Johns Hopkins University. He has designed and taught courses from elementary to post-graduate levels as a teacher and as a consultant for the AS/ISSN, BIE, WLS, and Project ARC across 19 states and six countries.

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Matthew Farber

Game-Based Learning in Action How an Expert Affinity Group Teaches With Games

New York, 2018. XVI, 238 pp., 12 b/w ill. New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies. Vol. 80 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4474-5 CHF 56.95 / €D 49.95 / €A 50.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 54.95

How are expert educators using games in their classrooms to give students agency, while also teaching twenty-first century skills, like empathy, systems thinking, and design thinking? This question has motivated Matthew Farber’s Game-Based Learning in Action: How an Expert Affinity Group Teaches With Games showcasing how one affinity group of K12 educators—known as «The Tribe»—teaches with games. They are transformational leaders outside the classroom, in communities of practice. They mentor and lead newcomers to game-based learning, as well as advise game developers, academics, and policymakers. Teachers in «The Tribe» do not teach in isolation—they share, support, and mentor each other in a community of practice. Farber shares his findings about the social practices of these educators. Game-Based Learning in Action details how the classrooms of expert gamebased learning teachers function, from how they rollout games to how they assess learning outcomes. There are plenty of lessons to be learned from the best practices of expert educators. These teachers use games to provide a shared meaningful experience for students. Games are often the focal point of instruction. Featuring a foreword from James Paul Gee (Mary Lou Fulton Presidential Professor of Literacy Studies, and Regents’ Professor), this book comments on promises and challenges of game-based learning in twentyfirst century classrooms. If you are looking to innovate your classroom with playful and gameful learning practices, then Game-Based Learning in Action is for you! Matthew Farber, Ed.D. is Assistant Professor in the Technology, Innovation, and Pedagogy Program at the University of Northern Colorado. His research is at the intersection of teacher education, learning technologies, and game-based learning.

Textbook, English

Tracey Wilen

Digital Disruption The Future of Work, Skills, Leadership, Education, and Careers in a Digital World

New York, 2018. X, 206 pp., 30 ill., 1 table pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4921-4 CHF 34.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.20 / € 27.50 / £ 22.– / US-$ 32.95 Textbook, English

Everything we do is impacted by technology—how we communicate with others, connect at work, learn at school, and live our lives. We are accustomed to and dependent on technology. But how do we rethink our approach to the new technologic world of work, leadership, lifelong learning, skill development, and careers? The accelerated pace of technology and competition is causing workplace environments to become more technical, diverse, and in need of disruptive leaders. This new landscape requires innovative styles of leadership and new techniques of managing organizations. Digital Disruption: The Future of Work, Skills, Leadership, Education, and Careers in a Digital World covers the key forces impacting the future of work, industries, leadership styles, skills, and education with a focus on how to remain relevant in an ever-increasingly complex digital world. Drawing on over twenty years of research, Dr. Tracey Wilen’s twelfth book will intrigue readers with up-to-date information on the latest trends in a disruptive world, along with practical advice, innovative best practices, case examples, and pragmatic tips and pointers. Digital Disruption offers educators, executives, and students a fresh approach on how to navigate the future to ensure success. Digital Disruption is suitable for myriad courses, programs, and students, including business, education, sociology, human resources, gender studies, technology, leadership, management, and career management. Dr. Tracey Wilen is a researcher and speaker on the impact of technology on society, work, leadership, education, and careers. A former visiting scholar at Stanford University, she has held leadership positions at Apple, HP, and Cisco Systems. She was an adjunct professor at several Bay Area colleges, teaching classes in business, technology, and women’s workforce topics. Dr. Wilen has authored or co-authored twelve books including Employed for Life (2014), Women Lead (2013), and Society 3.0 (2012). She has appeared on CNN, Fox, and CBS News and is a regular guest on radio and TV shows across the US as an expert contributor. Dr. Wilen was honored by the San Francisco Business Times as the Most Influential Woman in Bay Area Business.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Bob Coulter

Building Kids’ Citizenship Through Community Engagement

New York, 2018. X, 148 pp. [Re]thinking Environmental Education. Vol. 12 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3519-4 CHF 95.95 / €D 83.95 / €A 84.95 / € 77.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 92.95

Building Kids’ Citizenship Through Community Engagement offers a compelling, empirically-based argument for giving young people opportunities to grow through productive involvement with their local community. Drawing on John Dewey’s pragmatic frame of experience and concepts of bildung that inform educational practice in Europe, the book speaks directly to teachers and parents who are looking for a way to support young people in their efforts to become confident, self-directed citizens. Throughout, the book offers a paradigm for growth that counters the limits of narrow visions of schooling and equally thin out-of-school learning opportunities which serve to limit young people’s potential. In framing the argument, veteran educator Bob Coulter draws on more than 30 years of experience that includes extensive work with youth as a classroom teacher and in a variety of other community-based efforts, as well as 18 years of work as a mentor to teachers and parents. Key themes running through Building Kids’ Citizenship Through Community Engagement include a cogent argument in support of young people assuming an active, age-appropriate role as citizens, as well as a modern updating of Dewey’s concept of experience that is suitable for a technological age. These theoretical ideas are made tangible through specific recommendations for productive uses of digital technology and a critical review of several frameworks that have proven useful for designing and evaluating the quality of kids’ community-based learning experiences. Bob Coulter, Ed. D., is currently the director of the Litzsinger Road Ecology Center, a field site managed by the Missouri Botanical Garden. Previously, he was an award-winning elementary grade teacher.

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3518-7 CHF 45.95 / €D 40.95 / €A 40.95 / € 36.95 / £ 29.95 / US-$ 44.95

Textbook, English

Thomas A. Lucey • Kathleen S. Cooter (eds.)

Financial Literacy for Children and Youth Second Edition The 1% and the other 99%…the Haves and the Have Nots… Words such as junk bonds, subprime mortgage, bailouts, derivatives, and housing bubble have become part of the daily vernacular of the ordinary American. There is a chasm arguably growing between the «Haves» and the «Have Nots» which teachers must acknowledge and instruct the adults of tomorrow. Financial Literacy for Children and Youth, Second Edition asserts that teaching is a social and political act capable of enabling the teachers of today to delve into the practical, theoretical, and socio-historical perspectives of financial literacy instruction in schools with the hopes to better the life outcomes of young people. Each section of the book reflects one of those perspectives. Each chapter is written by well-known financial literacy educators and is followed by questions designed to encourage discussion and critical analysis. The book is designed for both preservice and in service social studies teachers and is written at a level understandable to both undergraduate and graduate students. The book challenges the teacher or teacher-to-be to think critically about financial literacy instruction as a necessary and important portal to social justice for the students of today. New York, 2018. VIII, 302 pp., 8 b/w ill., 12 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3361-9 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3360-2 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Textbook, English

Thomas A. Lucey (Ed.D., University of Memphis) is Professor of Elementary Education in the School of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University. Kathleen S. Cooter (Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University) is Professor Emerita at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky, and former Executive Director of the Kentucky Council for Economic Education. She is a facilitator for financial empowerment trainings for the Louisville Metro government.

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Hani Morgan

The World’s Highest-Scoring Students How Their Nations Led Them to Excellence

New York, 2018. X, 186 pp., 3 b/w ill., 1 tbl. Global Studies in Education. Vol. 35 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5142-2 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5143-9 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

The World’s Highest-Scoring Students focuses on how various countries transformed their school systems into the world’s leading systems of education. Hani Morgan covers eight countries: Finland, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, China, Canada, Estonia, and the United States. His book offers ideas on how the United States can improve its school system so that it can regain its status as the world’s undisputed leader in education. In addition to offering a brief historical context for each country, Morgan describes important practices that helped these nations achieve stellar results in international testing. Some of the subjects covered include teacher preparation programs, cultural attitudes toward education, and teacher recruitment practices. His book differs from other texts on this topic because he describes in detail the most recent practices that various educational systems have used to maintain top academic performance and the strategies others have implemented to climb to the top. The World’s Highest-Scoring Students offers a new perspective on this topic in several ways. This book provides a balanced view of the highest-ranking nations in education, offering the outstanding practices they use to achieve stellar results but also pointing out the problems they endure. In addition, Morgan discusses various controversies about international tests, including the limitations of using these tests to evaluate students. Hani Morgan is Associate Professor of Education at the University of Southern Mississippi. He received his M.A. and M.Ed. from Teachers College, Columbia University, and his Ed.D. from Rutgers University. He is the co-editor of The World Leaders in Education: Lessons from the Successes and Drawbacks of Their Methods.

Textbook, English

Joe L. Kincheloe • Shirley R. Steinberg (eds.)

Classroom Teaching An Introduction Second Edition Classroom Teaching is an introductory text that challenges the antiquated ways that teaching and curriculum have been presented. By adding chapters to Joe L. Kincheloe’s original volume, this second edition gives a fresh, politicized viewpoint of power and politics in an era of corporatized education. The authors set the scene to introduce cutting-edge notions of teaching, knowledge-making, and ways of seeing the world. The essays included in this second edition of Classroom Teaching present a critical pedagogical approach to a socially-just praxis of schooling and being in schools. This edition also includes essential essays on diversity, sexuality, and media which are contemporaneous with today’s concerns in society. Pre-service teachers, interns, and teacher educators in North America will find Classroom Teaching engaging and unique as they commit to an informed vision of educating our children and youth.

New York, 2018. X, 232 pp. pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5727-1 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 Textbook, English

Joe L. Kincheloe was Canada Research Chair of Critical Pedagogy at McGill University. The author of over fifty books and hundreds of articles, his work centered on critical pedagogy, emancipatory teacher education, and the social context of learning. A philosopher, sociologist, and student of education, he was a musician, a poet, and father of four children. His legacy continues through his scholarship, leadership, and humanity. Shirley R. Steinberg is Research Chair of Critical Youth Studies at the University of Calgary. With Kincheloe, she co-founded The Freire Project (www.freireproject.org). The author or editor of many books and articles, she is the founder of the International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership. She is a community activist who speaks globally on issues of social justice, equity, and education.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Media & Communication

Jaime Banks (ed.)

Avatar, Assembled The Social and Technical Anatomy of Digital Bodies Avatar, Assembled is a curated volume that unpacks videogame and virtual world avatars— not as a monolithic phenomenon (as they are usually framed) but as sociotechnical assemblages, pieced together from social (human-like) features like voice and gesture to technical (machine-like) features like graphics and glitches. Each chapter accounts for the empirical, theoretical, technical, and popular understandings of these avatar «components»—60 in total—altogether offering a nuanced explication of avatars-as-assemblages as they matter in contemporary society and in individual experience. The volume is a «crossover» piece in that, while it delves into complex ideas, it is written in a way that will be accessible and interesting to students, researchers, designers, and practitioners alike.

New York, 2018. 16 pp., 7 b/w ill.

Jaime Banks (Ph.D., Colorado State University) is Assistant Professor at West Virginia University’s Department of Communication Studies. Her social scientific work is animated by questions about how digital games influence how we see ourselves and about how humans relate to the technologies they use. She is a research associate at WVU’s Interaction Lab, was the founding Chair of the National Communication Association’s Game Studies Division, and serves on the editorial boards of Communication Research Reports and the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media.

Digital Formations. Vol. 106 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3828-7 CHF 100.95 / €D 87.95 / €A 89.95 / € 81.95 / £ 65.95 / US-$ 97.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3560-6 CHF 56.95 / €D 49.95 / €A 50.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 54.95 Monograph, English

Michael Zimmer • Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda (eds.)

Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age New Challenges, Cases, and Contexts The continuous evolution of internet and related social media technologies and platforms have opened up vast new means for communication, socialization, expression, and collaboration. They also have provided new resources for researchers seeking to explore, observe, and measure human opinions, activities, and interactions. However, those using the internet and social media for research – and those tasked with facilitating and monitoring ethical research such as ethical review boards – are confronted with a continuously expanding set of ethical dilemmas. Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Challenges, Cases, and Contexts directly engages with these discussions and debates, and stimulates new ways to think about – and work towards resolving – the novel ethical dilemmas we face as internet and social media-based research continues to evolve. The chapters in this book – from an esteemed collection of global scholars and researchers – offer extensive reflection about current internet research ethics and suggest some important reframings of well-known concepts such as justice, privacy, consent, and research validity, as well as providing concrete case studies and emerging research contexts to learn from. New York, 2017. XXXIV, 312 pp. Digital Formations. Vol. 108 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4267-3 CHF 100.95 / €D 87.95 / €A 89.95 / € 81.95 / £ 65.95 / US-$ 97.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4266-6 CHF 56.95 / €D 49.95 / €A 50.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 54.95 Textbook, English

Michael Zimmer (PhD, New York University) is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he also serves as Director of the Center for Information Policy Research. As a privacy and internet ethics scholar, Zimmer has published and provided expert consultation on internet research ethics internationally. Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda (PhD, Lancaster University) is a Senior Researcher at the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Cologne, Germany. As a cultural anthropologist with links to computer science her research covers big data epistemology, social media archiving, security, research ethics and the internet of things.

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Media & Communication

Bastiaan Vanacker • Don Heider (eds.)

Ethics for a Digital Age Vol. II

The second volume of Ethics for a Digital Age contains a selection of research presented at the fifth and sixth Annual International Symposia on Digital Ethics hosted by the Center for Digital Ethics and Policy at Loyola University Chicago’s School of Communication. Thematically organized around the most pressing ethical issues of the digital age from a professional (parts one and two) and a philosophical perspective (part three), the chapters of this volume offer the reader a window into some of the hot-button ethical issues facing a society where digital has become the new normal. Just as was the case in the first volume, this collection attempts to bridge applied and theoretical approaches to digital ethics. The case studies in this work are grounded in theory and the theoretical pieces are linked back to specific cases, reflecting the multi-methodological and multi-disciplinarian approach espoused by Loyola’s Center of Digital Ethics and Policy during its eight years of existence. With contributions by experts from a variety of academic disciplines, this work will appeal to philosophers, communication scientists, and moral philosophers alike. Contents: Don Heider: Foreword • Part I: Trust, Privacy, and Corporate Responsibility • David Kamerer: Introduction to Part I • Susan Currie Sivek Media That Know How You Feel: The Ethics of Emotion Analytics in Consumer Media • Joseph W. Jerome/Bénédicte Dambrine: The Intersection of Trust and Privacy in the Sharing Economy • Heidi A. McKee and James E. Porter: Corporate Response to Employee Social Media Missteps: A Rhetorical and Ethical Lens • Part II: Technology, Ethics, and the Shifting Role of Journalism • Jill Geisler: Introduction to Part II • Kathleen Bartzen Culver: Drones in the National Airspace • Chad Painter and Patrick Ferrucci: Normative Journalistic Roles in the Digital Age • Stephen J. A. Ward: Radical Journalism Ethics: Constructing an Ethic for Digital, Global Media • Part III: Ethics and Ontology • Bastiaan Vanacker: Introduction to Part III • Mathias Klang and Nora Madison: Vigilantism or Outrage: An Exploration of Policing Social Norms through Social Media • David J. Gunkel: The Machine Question: Can or Should Machines Have Rights? • Timothy H. Engström: Making and Managing Bodies: The Computational Turn, Ethics, and Governance • David S. Allen: Spatial Ethics and the Public Forum: Protecting the Process of Creating Public Space and Meaning • Bastiaan Vanacker: Concluding Remarks: Digital Ethics: Where to Go from Here? • Contributors

New York, 2018. X, 224 pp. Digital Formations. Vol. 118 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5180-4 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5179-8 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 Textbook, English

Bastiaan Vanacker is an associate professor at the School of Communication at Loyola University Chicago, where he also serves as Program Director of the Center for Digital Ethics and Policy. His research focuses on journalism ethics and law. Don Heider is the founding dean of the School of Communication at Loyola University Chicago. He also helped found the Center for Digital Ethics and Policy. He is the author or editor of six books, as well as a former journalist who has won five Emmy awards for his work.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Media & Communication

Paula M. Poindexter

Millennials, News, and Social Media Is News Engagement a Thing of the Past? Revised and Updated 2nd Edition

New York, 2018. XX, 216 pp., 5 b/w ill., 29 tables pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5003-6 CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

Textbook, English

Five years after the first edition of Millennials, News, and Social Media: Is News Engagement a Thing of the Past? was published, a focus on the Millennial generation’s relationship with news is more important than ever. This revised and updated book reports the results of a new survey that reveals changes in news consumption habits and attitudes while painting a detailed portrait of Millennials in a news media landscape now dominated by social media and mobile devices. Generational, racial, ethnic, and gender differences in news engagement and social media use are examined and so is the historic presidential election that the oldest and youngest Millennials experienced. How Millennials voted, the issues that mattered, and the relationship between their political identity and news is also explored. The spread of fake news, attacks on the press, and the need for news literacy are also discussed. Since the publication of the book’s first edition, Snapchat and digital subscriptions have emerged and social media sites have become popular platforms for news. How Millennials have responded to these changes in the media landscape is also examined. Finally, recommendations for further improvement of news coverage of Millennials are proposed. Plus, the book underscores how all segments of society, including news organizations, journalism schools, and tech companies, can work toward a more informed and news literate society, a requirement for viable democracies. This revised and updated book will appeal to students, scholars, journalists, and everyone who cares about informed and civically engaged citizens and a strong democracy. Paula M. Poindexter (Ph.D., Syracuse University) is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin. She is the author of News for a Mobile-First Consumer (Peter Lang, 2016). She is past president of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) and in that role was responsible for creating «News Engagement Day.» Poindexter’s news media experience includes the Los Angeles Times and Houston’s KPRC-TV.

Michael S. Daubs • Vincent R. Manzerolle (eds.)

Mobile and Ubiquitous Media Critical and International Perspectives What does the phrase «ubiquitous media» actually mean? Individual definitions are just as varied and ubiquitous as the media to which they refer. As a result, there is to date no large-scale theoretical framework through which we can understand the term. The goal of this volume is to provide a diverse set of critical, theoretical, and international approaches useful to those looking for a more diverse and nuanced understanding of what ubiquitous media means analytically. In contrast to other existing texts on mobile media, these contributions on mobile media are contextualised within a larger discussion on the nature and history of ubiquitous media. Other sections of this edited volume are dedicated to historical perspectives on ubiquitous media, ubiquitous media and visual culture, the role of ubiquitous media in surveillance, the political economy of ubiquitous media, and the way a ubiquitous media environment affects communities, spaces, and places throughout the world. Michael S. Daubs (PhD, Western University, Canada) is Senior Lecturer in Media Studies at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. New York, 2018. X, 312 pp., 10 b/w ill., 2 tables Digital Formations. Vol. 116 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4841-5 CHF 100.95 / €D 87.95 / €A 89.95 / € 81.95 / £ 65.95 / US-$ 97.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4636-7 CHF 56.95 / €D 49.95 / €A 50.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 54.95

Textbook, English

Vincent R. Manzerolle (PhD, Western University, Canada) is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media and Film at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He is a co-editor of The Audience Commodity in a Digital Age (Peter Lang, 2014).

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Media & Communication

Rhiannon Bury

Television 2.0 Viewer and Fan Engagement with Digital TV

New York, 2018. XII, 148 pp. Digital Formations. Vol. 102 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5313-6 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3852-2 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Television 2.0 sets out to document and interrogate shifting patterns of engagement with digital television. Television content has not only been decoupled from the broadcast schedule through the use of digital video recorders (DVRs) but from broadcasting itself through streaming platforms such as Netflix, Vimeo and YouTube as well as downloading platforms such as iTunes and The Pirate Bay. Moreover, television content has been decoupled from the television screen itself as a result of digital convergence and divergence, leading to the proliferation of computer and mobile screens. Television 2.0 is the first book to provide an in-depth empirical investigation into these technological affordances and the implications for viewing and fan participation. It provides a historical overview of television’s central role as a broadcast medium in the household as well as its linkages to participatory culture. Drawing on survey and interview data, Television 2.0 offers critical insights into the ways in which the meanings and uses of contemporary television are shaped not just by digitalization but by domestic relations as well as one’s affective relationship to particular television texts. Finally it rethinks what it means to be a participatory fan, and examines the ways in which established practices such as information seeking and community making are altered and new practices are created through the use of social media. Television 2.0 will be of interest to anyone teaching or studying media and communications. Rhiannon Bury is Associate Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at Athabasca University, Canada. She has published numerous articles in the areas of gender, internet, technology and fan studies. Her first book, Cyberspaces of Their Own: Female Fandoms Online, was published by Peter Lang in 2005.

Textbook, English

Scott E. Caplan

The Changing Face of Problematic Internet Use An Interpersonal Approach

New York, 2018. X, 250 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5099-9 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3050-2 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 Textbook, English

Since the advent of the Internet and increasingly mobile devices, we have witnessed dramatic changes in computer-mediated technologies and their roles in our lives. In the late 1990s, researchers began to identify problematic forms of Internet use, such as difficulty controlling the amount of time spent online. Today, people live in a perpetually digital and permanently connected world that presents many serious types of problematic Internet use besides deficient self-regulation. Thousands of studies have been published on interpersonal problems such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking, relationship conflicts about online behavior, and the increasingly problematic use of mobile devices during in-person interactions. The Changing Face of Problematic Internet Use: An Interpersonal Approach also examines future trends, including the recent development of being constantly connected to mobile devices and social networks. Research in these areas is fraught with controversy, inconsistencies, and findings that are difficult to compare and summarize. This book offers students and researchers an organized, theory-based, synthesis of research on these problems and explains how interpersonal theory and research help us better understand the problems that online behavior plays in our personal lives and social interactions. Scott E. Caplan (PhD, Purdue University) is an associate professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Delaware.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Media & Communication

Rebekah J. Buchanan

Writing a Riot Riot Grrrl Zines and Feminist Rhetorics Riot grrrls, punk feminists best known for their girl power activism and message, used punk ideologies and the literacy practice of zine-ing to create radical feminist sites of resistance. In what ways did zines document feminism and activism of the 1990s? How did riot grrrls use punk ideologies to participate in DIY sites? In Writing a Riot: Riot Grrl Zines and Feminist Rhetorics, Buchanan argues that zines are a form of literacy participation used to document personal, social, and political values within punk. She examines zine studies as an academic field, how riot grrrls used zines to promote punk feminism, and the ways riot grrrl zines dealt with social justice issues of rape and race. Writing a Riot is the first full-length book that examines riot grrrl zines and their role in documenting feminist history. Rebekah J. Buchanan is Associate Professor of English and Director of English Education at Western Illinois University. Her research interests include out-of-school literacy practices of youth especially in activist music scenes, fandoms, Harry Potter literary tourism and representation of teachers in popular culture. New York, 2018. XXXVI, 182 pp., 3 b/w ills. Mediated Youth. Vol. 31 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5077-7 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2391-7 CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95 Textbook, English

Lee B. Becker • Tudor Vlad

The Changing Education for Journalism and the Communication Occupations The Impact of Labor Markets This book provides a unique perspective on journalism and communication education, drawing on extensive, detailed data across time to examine the evolution of education for journalism and related communication occupations such as public relations and advertising. It demonstrates how journalism and communication education adapted to forces within the university as well as forces from outside the university. Particular attention is given to the impact of the labor markets to which journalism and communication education is linked. The analysis shows dramatically how dependent employers are on journalism and communication education, how educational institutions have changed to accommodate female and minority students, and how the labor market has responded to the graduates produced. Part history, part sociological analysis, this book will change the reader’s understanding of education for journalism, public relations, advertising and the related occupations. It also offers insights about what the future of education in these fields holds. New York, 2018. XXII, 264 pp., 48 b/w ill., 33 tables Mass Communication and Journalism. Vol. 22 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4148-5 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4147-8 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 Textbook, English

Lee B. Becker earned his doctorate from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Georgia. He received the Paul J. Deutschmann Award for Excellence in Research Award from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. His publications include The Training and Hiring of Journalists. Tudor Vlad earned his doctorate from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He is Director of the James M. Cox Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research at the University of Georgia. He has written on evaluation of international media assistance programs, media systems in emerging democracies, and journalism and mass communication curricula.

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Media & Communication

Sallyanne Duncan • Jackie Newton

Reporting Bad News Negotiating the Boundaries Between Intrusion and Fair Representation in Media Coverage of Death Reporting Bad News addresses a gap in the literature concerning death reporting and stories of personal tragedy. Much has been written about disasters and large-scale tragedies, but this research concentrates on individual loss and the relationship between journalist and vulnerable interviewee. While much discussion in this area is negative, focusing on the ethics of intrusion and journalists who act insensitively under pressure, the authors’ aim is to turn this focus around by looking at best practice in encounters between reporters and the bereaved, survivors and the vulnerable. It is hoped that by examining contemporary death reporting, explaining its public service role, proposing a new model of ethical participation and offering a structure for sensitive interviewing, the most harmful aspects of the process can be reduced for both the journalist and, more importantly, the grieving and the victims. The work is based on years of research by the authors, on interviews with journalists, journalism educators, bereaved families and support groups and is supplemented with a detailed analysis of the reporting of death across academic disciplines and perspectives. New York, 2017. XII, 224 pp., 1 b/w ill. Mass Communication and Journalism. Vol. 16 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2564-5 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2563-8 CHF 56.95 / €D 49.95 / €A 50.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 54.95

Sallyanne Duncan is Programme Director of the MLitt Digital Journalism course at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, and a former journalist. Her research focuses on reporting trauma, suicide and mental health, and bereavement, particularly concerning the individual family. Jackie Newton is Head of Journalism at Liverpool John Moores University and a former print reporter and editor. She is particularly interested in journalists’ relations with the bereaved, associated sensitive interviewing and media representations of victims and families.

Textbook, English

Lisa Sparks • Anna Leahy

Conversing with Cancer How to Ask Questions, Find and Share Information, and Make the Best Decisions

New York, 2018. 268 pp. Language as Social Action. Vol. 22 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3354-1 CHF 94.– / €D 85.90 / €A 86.– / € 115.35 / £ 58.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3353-4 CHF 36.– / €D 32.– / €A 32.90 / € 29.95 / £ 24.– / US-$ 52.95 Textbook, English

With more than 40% of people eventually facing a cancer diagnosis, Conversing with Cancer is a much-needed addition to understanding and improving cancer care through strong communication among providers, patients, and caregivers. Each person whose life is affected by a cancer diagnosis—patient, healthcare provider, caregiver—has information and needs information in order to make the best decisions possible under the circumstances. After studying and writing about the topics of communication and cancer for many years separately, authors Lisa Sparks and Anna Leahy combine their expertise in this new tour de force. Here, they apply principles from the field of health communication to the cancer care experience, drawing from a wide range of scholarship to offer a comprehensive view of cancer care communication and extend existing work into new insights. Engaging chapters cover all phases of the journey through cancer, from prevention to recovery or end-of-life; analyze the roles of the variety of cultural and social identities and relationships; and explore written, verbal, non-verbal, and electronic communication. In addition, this book draws from the real-life stories of cancer patients themselves to enrich the book’s unique discussions and to better understand how theory can be put into practice. Conversing with Cancer is ideal for use in health communication classes, medical and nursing programs, and formal caregiver training. In addition, it is useful for cancer patient and caregiver supports groups and for individual providers, patients, and caregivers. Lisa Sparks is a highly regarded teacher-scholar whose published work spans more than 150 research articles and scholarly book chapters and is the author and editor of more than ten books in the areas of communication, health, and aging with a distinct focus on intersections of provider– patient interaction and family decision-making as related to cancer communication science. Anna Leahy is the author of Tumor and Aperture and co-author of Generation Space and What We Talk about When We Talk about Creative Writing. She earned her PhD from Ohio University and teaches in the MFA and BFA programs at Chapman University, where she edits the international journal TAB. For more information, see www.conversingwithcancer.com.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Media & Communication

Maxine Newlands

Environmental Activism and the Media The Politics of Protest

New York, 2018. XVIII, 236 pp. 7 b/w ills. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3118-9 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5010-4 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 Textbook, English

For more than 40 years politicians, activists, advocates, and individuals have been seeking ways to solve the problem of climate change. Governments and the United Nations have taken an economic path, while others seek solutions in the equality of climate justice. Taking the step from green consumer to the streets at climate summits and protest camps, as well as taking direct action recasts activists as everything from tree huggers, to domestic extremists, to ecoterrorists. Political policing and new legislation increasingly criminalizes environmental activism, supported by media reporting that recasts environmental activism as actions to be feared. Why this has happened and how activists have learned to circumvent the media’s recasting is the story of Environmental Activisim and the Media: The Politics of Protest. Through media movements to persuade the moveable middle, high court challenges, and gatekeeping, activists have found ways to challenge media and political discourse. This book identifies four key areas to tie together diverse sets of green governmentality, traditional media discourse, and activism: (1) environmental governance and green governmentality; (2) historical media discourse; (3) alternative communication infrastructures; and (4) local to the global. Using data from 50 interviews, archival research, and non-participatory observation from environmental activists from the UK, USA, and Australia, this text will show why protest is important in democratic political participation. From activists to slacktivists, Environmental Activism and the Media: The Politics of Protest is for those with an interest in cultural, social, and political studies; democratic processes; climate and social justice; governmentality; and/or the study of environmental politics, human geography, communication, and sustainability. Maxine Newlands (PhD, University of East London) is Senior Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations at James Cook University, Queensland, Australia. Her research interests include environmental politics, advocacy, and media discourse. Dr. Newlands has been a regular contributor at The Ecologist since 2012, writing on the topics of activism and environmental politics.

Anna Roosvall • Matthew Tegelberg

Media and Transnational Climate Justice Indigenous Activism and Climate Politics

New York, 2018. XX, 214 pp., 1 b/w ill., 5 coloured ill., 8 tables Global Crises and the Media. Vol. 22 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3488-3 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3487-6 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Textbook, English

Media and Transnational Climate Justice captures the intriguing nexus of globalization, crisis, justice, activism and news communication, at a time when radical measures are increasingly demanded to address one of the most pressing global issues: climate change. Anna Roosvall and Matthew Tegelberg take a unique approach to climate justice by focusing on transnational rather than international aspects, thereby contributing to the development of theories of justice for a global age, as well as in relation to media studies. The book specifically explores the roles, situations and activism of indigenous peoples who do not have full representation at UN climate summits despite being among those most exposed to injustices pertaining to climate change, as well as to injustices relating to politics and media coverage. This book thus scrutinizes political and ideological dimensions of the global phenomenon of climate change through interviews and observations with indigenous activists at UN climate summits, in combination with extensive empirical research conducted on legacy and social media coverage of climate change and indigenous peoples. The authors conclude by discussing transnational solidarity and suggest a solidarian mode of communication as a response to both the global crisis of climate change and the broader issues of injustice faced by indigenous peoples regarding redistribution, recognition and political representation. Anna Roosvall received her PhD at Stockholm University, where she is Professor in the Department of Media Studies. In 2016 she was Visiting Fellow at LSE, London (Department of Media and Communications). Her publications include Communicating the Nation (2010, Inka Salovaara-Moring, co-editor). Matthew Tegelberg received his PhD from Trent University and is Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Science at York University. He recently co-edited Media and Global Climate Knowledge: Climate Journalism and the IPCC (2017).

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Media & Communication

Debra L. Merskin

Seeing Species Re-presentations of Animals in Media & Popular Culture

New York, 2018. XXVI, 266 pp., 13 b/w ill., 10 coloured ill., 9 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5359-4 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4756-2 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Textbook, English

Animals are everywhere. They inhabit our forests, our fields, our imaginations, our dreams, and our stories. Making appearances in advertisements, television programs, movies, books, Internet memes, and art, symbolic animals do tremendous work for us selling goods, services, and ideas, as well as acting as stand-ins for our interests and ideas. Yet, does knowing animals only symbolically impact their lived experiences? Seeing Species: Re-presentations of Animals in Media & Popular Culture examines the use of animals in media, tracking species from appearances in rock art and picture books to contemporary portrayals in television programs and movies. Primary questions explored include: Where does thinking of other beings in a detached, impersonal, and objectified way come from? Do the mass media contribute to this distancing? When did humans first think about animals as other others? Main themes include examining the persistence of the human-animal divide, parallels in the treatment of otherized human beings and animals, and the role of media in either liberating or limiting real animals. This book brings together sociological, psychological, historical, cultural, and environmental ways of thinking about nonhuman animals and our relationships with them. In particular, ecopsychological thinking locates and identifies the connections between how we re-present animals and the impact on their lived experiences in terms of distancing, generating a false sense of intimacy, and stereotyping. Re-presentations of animals are discussed in terms of the role the media do or do not play in perpetuating status quo beliefs about them and their relationship with humans. This includes theories and methods such as phenomenology, semiotics, textual analysis, and pragmatism, with the goal of unpacking re-presentations of animals in order to learn not only what they say about human beings but also how we regard members of other species. Debra L. Merskin (PhD, Syracuse University) is Professor of Media Studies in the School of Journalism & Communication at the University of Oregon. Her research focuses on the role of media in obscuring or revealing voices and faces of those who are otherized by mainstream American culture.

Kevin Howley

Drones Media Discourse and the Public Imagination Drones: Media Discourse and the Public Imagination starts with a basic premise: technology shapes and is shaped by the stories we tell about it. Stories about drones—at once anxious and hopeful, fearful and awe-inspired—are emblematic of the profound ambivalence that frequently accompanies the introduction of new technologies. Through critical analysis of a variety of cultural forms—from newspaper headlines, nightly newscasts, and documentary films, to advertising, entertainment media, and graphic arts—this book demonstrates the prevalence of drones in global battlefields and domestic airspace, public discourse, and the popular imagination. Written in a lively, engaging, and accessible style, Kevin Howley argues that media discourse plays a decisive role in shaping these new technologies, understanding their application in various spheres of human activity, and integrating them into everyday life. In doing so, Howley highlights the relationship between discursive and material practice in the social construction of technology.

New York, 2018. XXXII, 284 pp., 10 b/w ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4741-8 CHF 100.95 / €D 87.95 / €A 89.95 / € 81.95 / £ 65.95 / US-$ 97.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2640-6 CHF 56.95 / €D 49.95 / €A 50.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 54.95 Textbook, English

Kevin Howley is Professor of Media Studies at DePauw University. His work has appeared in the Journal of Radio Studies, Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, Social Movement Studies, and Television and New Media. He is author of Community Media: People, Places, and Communication Technologies (2005), and editor of Understanding Community Media (2010) and Media Interventions (2013).



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Cultural Studies

Martin Siefkes • Emanuele Arielli

The Aesthetics and Multimodality of Style Experimental Research on the Edge of Theory

Style research has a long and venerable tradition, but its results are highly fragmented. Style exists in language and literature, art and architecture – but every discipline has its own theories. New approaches in empirical aesthetics and multimodality call for broader perspectives. This book offers an overview of experimental research on style, and proposes a common theoretical basis. How do we perceive styles? How do styles change – and why? What is multimodal style? Are style and personality really connected? How is style related to aesthetic experiences? Which cognitive mechanisms are relevant for the creation and perception of styles? Are there neural correlates for style use? The book discusses these and further questions, providing researchers with a valuable source of new ideas. Contents: Style • Neuroaesthetics • Stylistics • Linguistics • Cognition • Art • Design • Rhetorics • Experimental aesthetics • Gustav Theodor Fechner • Cognitive psychology • Theories of perception • Cognition • Linguistics • Genre • Multimodality • Multimodal text • Semiotics • Hermeneutics • Interpretation

Berlin, 2018. 261 pp., 8 coloured fig., 32 b/w fig. Sprache – Medien – Innovationen. Bd. 11 hb • ISBN 978-3-631-67562-5 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

Monograph, English

Martin Siefkes teaches at the University of Technology Chemnitz. His research focuses on the theory and applications of multimodal linguistics as well as museum studies in the context of digital humanities. Emanuele Arielli teaches aesthetics at the IUAV University in Venice, Italy. His research interests include the connection between aesthetics, communication and media theory, both from a philosophical and a psychological point of view.

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Igor Wasserberger

Jazz in Europe New Music in the Old Continent

Jazz in Europe provides a detailed record of how «new» (American) music evolved on the «old» (European) continent. The «chroniclers» explore the history of jazz in individual European countries from a local perspective, with each author contributing a unique bird’s-eye view of their particular context. This comprehensive analysis of the origins and dissemination of jazz on the old continent, produced by an international team of distinguished writers, is the first of its kind. Although members of national jazz communities may not agree with all the views presented in the book, it will undoubtedly provoke lively debate and open up new avenues for research within European jazz scholarship. CONTENTS: Foreword: Jazz and Europe in the Twentieth Century: Dominants and Stereotypes of the New Music in the Old Continent • Great Britain • France and the Francophone Countries • Austria • Germany • The Soviet Union • Switzerland • Italy • Hungary • Scandinavian Countries and the Nordic Concept • The Netherlands • The Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) • Yugoslavia and Succession Countries: Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia • Poland • The Czech Lands • Slovakia

Oxford, 2018. XXVIII, 510 pp., 93 b/w ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-78874-318-1 CHF 100.– / €D 85.95 / €A 88.30 / € 80.30 / £ 65.– / US-$ 97.95

Edited Collection, English

Igor Wasserberger (born 1937 in Bratislava, Slovakia) has been active as a jazz theoretician and writer since the early 1960s. He collaborated on the Encyclopedia of Jazz and Modern Popular Music (together with Antonín Matzner and Ivan Poledňák, 1980–90) and is also the author of Jazz Profiles (co-author Antonín Matzner, 1969) and Phenomena of Contemporary Jazz (2003). Antonín Matzner (born 1944 in Plzeň, Czech Republic; died 2017 in Prague) was a music theoretician and writer. Among his most important achievements are the four-volume Encyclopedia of Jazz and Modern Popular Music, which he co-wrote and co-edited (1980–90), The Beatles, the Voice of a Generation (Prague, 1987), Czech Film Music (coauthor Jiří Pilka, Prague, 2002) and Sixty Prague Springs (Prague, 2006). Peter Motyčka (born 1978 in Michalovce, Slovakia) is a writer on music with a focus on jazz, as well as editing the monthly classical music magazine Hudobný život published by Music Centre Slovakia (Hudobné centrum). He participated in the Jazz in Eastern Europe project run by the Osteuropa-Institut at Freie Universität Berlin (2007–10).



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Film and Performance Studies

Emma Hamilton • Alistair Rolls (eds.)

Unbridling the Western Film Auteur Contemporary, Transnational and Intertextual Explorations According to Jim Kitses (1969), the Western originally offered American directors a rich canvas to express a singular authorial vision of the American past and its significance. The Western’s recognizable conventions and symbols, rich filmic heritage, and connections to pulp fiction created a widely spoken «language» for self-expression and supplemented each filmmaker’s power to express their vision of American society. This volume seeks to re-examine the significance of auteur theory for the Western by analysing the auteur director «unbridled» by traditional definitions or national contexts. This book renders a complex portrait of the Western auteur by considering the genre in a transnational context. It proposes that narrow views of auteurism should be reconsidered in favour of broader definitions that see meaning created, both intentionally and unintentionally, by a director; by other artistic contributors, including actors and the audience; or through the intersection with other theoretical concepts such as re-allegorization. In so doing, it illuminates the Western as a vehicle for expressing complex ideas of national and transnational identity. Oxford, 2018. VIII, 236 pp. pb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-155-1 CHF 66.95 / €D 57.95 / €A 58.95 / € 53.95 / £ 43.95 / US-$ 65.95 Edited Collection, English

Emma Hamilton is a Lecturer in History in the English Language and Foundation Studies Centre at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Her first monograph, Masculinities in American Western Films: A Hyper-Linear History, was published in 2016. Her research interests include representation studies, especially film and history; gender, sexuality, age and race across time and place; and modern American and Australian histories. Alistair Rolls is Associate Professor of French Studies at the University of Newcastle, Australia. His research focuses on the work of Boris Vian and French and Anglo-American crime fiction. He is the author of The Flight of the Angels: Intertextuality in Four Novels by Boris Vian (1999), French and American Noir: Dark Crossings, with Deborah Walker (2009), and Paris and the Fetish: Primal Crime Scenes (2014).

Ramona Fotiade

Pictures of the Mind Surrealist Photography and Film

Oxford, 2018. XII, 369 pp., 8 coloured ill., 27 b/w ill. New Studies in European Cinema. Vol. 5 pb. • ISBN 978-3-03911-129-9 CHF 74.– / €D 63.95 / €A 65.20 / € 59.30 / £ 48.– / US-$ 72.95

Monograph, English

Pictures of the Mind is the first integrated study of Surrealist photography and film, assessing the impact of early experimental practice and theoretical discourse on prominent post-war trends in art house cinema. Roland Barthes’s interpretation of the photographic image, alongside Jacques Derrida’s concepts of spectrality and trace, underscore an exploration of the recurrent references to the phantomatic aspect of photography and film in Surrealist theoretical writings and practice. The analysis uses Derrida’s account of the uncanny to shed light on the Surrealist conception of photographic and film images as mental constructs, or pictures of the mind, rather than mere visual representations. This leads to a consideration of the similarities between the Surrealist conception of beauty as fixedexplosive and Gilles Deleuze’s theory of the time-image as applied to Luis Buñuel’s films. Ultimately, the impact of Surrealism on post-war cinema is assessed as part of a wider consideration of the status of photographic and filmic images in the age of digital cinema. The elaboration of an aesthetics of spectrality in early Surrealism is shown to have had lasting implications for a range of post-war filmmakers such as Chris Marker, Maya Deren, Nelly Kaplan, Federico Fellini, Andrei Tarkovsky, Jan Svankmajer, Akira Kurosawa, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Guillermo del Toro, Guy Maddin, Terry Gilliam and David Lynch. Ramona Fotiade is Senior Lecturer in French at the University of Glasgow. She has written extensively on Surrealist and experimental cinema and contributed to The Surreal House exhibition at the Barbican Art Gallery in 2010 with articles on film and architecture. She is the author of the Ciné-file film guide to À bout de souffle (2013).

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Film and Performance Studies

Malcolm Scott

Frank Capra and the Cinema of Identity Celebration and Interrogation This study proposes a new definition of Frank Capra’s work as a cinema of identity, focusing on his reflection on American national identity as well as his own positioning as a US immigrant. The interplay of celebration and interrogation is used to show the two poles of his films’ narrative structure, placing in a new critical light the supposed «happy endings» of this complex filmmaker. All of his films are discussed, including his feature films (both silent and sound, grouped thematically and in broad chronological order) and wartime documentaries. There are separate chapters on controversial works like Mr Smith Goes to Washington, Meet John Doe and It’s a Wonderful Life. Not intended as a biography of Capra but as a study of his career and ideas on film, the book takes into account the views of numerous earlier critics and writers and offers a fresh appraisal of this celebrated director and his often problematic films.

Oxford, 2017. XII, 288 pp., 25 b/w ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-373-9 CHF 87.95 / €D 75.95 / €A 76.95 / € 69.95 / £ 56.95 / US-$ 85.95 Monograph, English

After studying at the Universities of Hull, Montpellier and Oxford (BA and DPhil), Malcolm Scott became Professor of French at the University of St Andrews, serving for twelve years as Head of French and a similar period as Head of the School of Modern Languages, as well as founding the St Andrews Institute of European Cultural Studies. The author of a dozen previous books on French literature and politics, he is a leading authority on the work of François Mauriac and a member of the French-based International Society for Mauriac Studies. He was appointed Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques «for service to French culture». Throughout his career, film, especially American film, has remained one of his great passions, now combined with his interest in identity studies to produce this book on Frank Capra.

Christopher Garbowski

Cinematic Echoes of Covenants Past and Present National Identity in the Historical Films of Steven Spielberg and Andrzej Wajda The author analyzes appropriately selected historical films of Steven Spielberg and Andrzej Wajda with respect to historical memory in relation to film. Cultural and moral foundations of national identity are also taken into account. Spielberg films particularly valuable for this comparative analysis are: «Schindler’s List», «Amistad», «Saving Private Ryan» and «Lincoln»; crucial Wajda films include: «Korczak», «Holy Week», «Katyń and Wałęsa». These works are analyzed in relation to the problem of representing the Holocaust, self-scrutiny in historical memory, commemoration of sacrifices for the national community during war, and foundation myths evoked through national heroes. The larger thematic framework for the above concerns is the underlying sense of covenant present within the two national communities that Spielberg and Wajda draw upon, a sense that explores the possibility of moral renewal under contemporary circumstances. Christopher Garbowski is an Associate Professor at the Department of English at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland. He is the author and co-editor of several books, for example on religious life in Poland and on American and Polish cinema. Berlin, 2018. 278 pp. Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance. Historical Narratives. Theater. Public Life. Vol. 10 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-73007-2 CHF 54.– / €D 46.95 / €A 48.– / € 43.70 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 Monograph, English



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Film and Performance Studies

Andi Stein • Beth Bingham Georges

An Introduction to the Entertainment Industry Second Edition Entertainment is big business. Whether it’s a favorite television show, an artist at the top of the music charts, a blockbuster film, or a hometown sports team, people love entertainment. In this introduction to the entertainment industry, Andi Stein and Beth Bingham Georges provide a glimpse inside the industry to show how each segment operates as well as the challenges and trends within the business. Each chapter addresses a different segment of the entertainment industry including: Film Television Radio Theatre Music Sports Theme Parks Shopping The book is designed as an introductory text for entertainment studies courses and as an overview of the industry for those looking to pursue careers in the field of entertainment.

New York, 2018. X, 254 pp., 23 b/w ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5549-9 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5963-3 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 Textbook, English

Andi Stein is a Professor in the Department of Communications at California State University, Fullerton. She is the author of Why We Love Disney: The Power of the Disney Brand and Attracting Attention: Promotion and Marketing for Tourism Attractions and co-author of News Writing in a Multimedia World. She worked as a journalist and public relations practitioner for 16 years prior to entering academia. Stein has a B.A. from George Washington University, an M.A. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon. Beth Bingham Georges is a full-time Lecturer in the Department of Communications at California State University, Fullerton. She began her career in television news and has more than 18 years experience as a reporter, anchor, and producer in markets in Southern California and Georgia. Georges is the author of Workbook for Broadcast News Writing for Professionals. She has a B.A. from the University of California, San Diego, and an M.A. from California State University, Fullerton.

Claire MacNeill

Applied Theatre with Looked-After Children Dramatising Social Care Applied theatre is a continually growing and diversifying field. This book is the first of its kind to examine the use of applied theatre with looked-after children. It interrogates the experiences of young people in care in the UK and the potential of applied theatre as a liberation tool within these settings. Informed by twelve years of practice-based research, the book examines how a central pedagogy was initially developed with young people and front-line staff within a residential children’s home. The author then critiques the ways in which this pedagogy was adapted and expanded to work with other «looked-after», misrepresented and marginalised young people in related settings. The research presented here describes a unique journey through care homes, children’s prisons and innercity estates, exploring the possibility of reclaiming childhoods through theatre practice. It asks the questions: what does it mean to be «looked after» and «cared for» by an institution? What are the challenges of developing liberatory practice within rigid and homogenising frameworks? And how can theatre forge radical creative spaces within a network of power and control? Oxford, 2018. 303 pp., 7 b/w fig. hb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-071-4 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95 Monograph, English

Claire MacNeill has been researching applied theatre with looked-after and misrepresented young people since 1999. Her PhD examined the use of applied theatre as an empowerment tool with looked-after children. She provides consultancy for theatre companies, children’s charities and social care departments and advocates for decolonising research and engagement methods with «hard to reach» young people. She is also a sessional lecturer in applied theatre at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Film and Performance Studies

Lara Cox

Afterlife of the Theatre of the Absurd The Avant-garde, Spectatorship, and Psychoanalysis In 1961, Martin Esslin named a body of plays that lacked plot, character depth, and details of time and space the «Theatre of the Absurd». Esslin explained that this type of theatre, minimalist in the extreme, constituted a response to the existential crisis of Europe, which was in the midst of recovering from World War II. But the fact that this body of theatre lacked details of time and space means that we may break the ties that anchor the Theatre of the Absurd irremediably to the historical context of post-World War II Europe. How can the Theatre of the Absurd speak meaningfully to us in the twenty-first century? This book explores this question by combining the avant-garde that Martin Esslin named in 1961 in his signature work The Theatre of the Absurd with gender studies, queer theory, and psychoanalysis, and avant-garde studies. The Theatre of the Absurd is capable of subverting post-millennial institutions and ideologies, including the Prison Industrial Complex and the West’s domination of the Islamic world in a post-9/11 era. Lara Cox teaches English at Université Picardie Jules Verne (France). She gained her Ph.D. in French theatre from the University of Exeter in 2012. She has published on visual culture (theatre, film, stand-up, art) and gender studies. Bruxelles, 2018. 216 pp., 1 b/w ill., 1 coloured ill. Texts, Cultures and Performances. Vol. 37 pb. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0191-8 CHF 47.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.80 / € 38.– / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95 Monograph, English

Simon Bacon (ed.)

The Gothic A Reader What is the Gothic? From ghosts to vampires, from ruined castles to steampunk fashion, the Gothic is a term that evokes all things strange, haunted and sinister. This volume offers a new look at the world of the Gothic, from its origins in the eighteenth century to its reemergence today. Each short essay is dedicated to a single text – a novel, a film, a comic book series, a festival – that serves as a lens to explore the genre. Original readings of classics like The Mysteries of Udolpho (Ann Radcliffe) and Picnic at Hanging Rock (Joan Lindsay) are combined with unique insights into contemporary examples like the music of Mexican rock band Caifanes, the novels Annihilation (Jeff VanderMeer), Goth (Otsuichi) and The Paying Guests (Sarah Waters), and the films Crimson Peak (Guillermo del Toro) and Ex Machina (Alex Garland). Together the essays provide innovative ways of understanding key texts in terms of their Gothic elements. Invaluable for students, teachers and fans alike, the book’s accessible style allows for an engaging look at the spectral and uncanny nature of the Gothic.

Oxford, 2018. X, 264 pp., 45 coloured ill., 1 b/w ill. pb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-268-8 CHF 39.– / €D 33.95 / €A 34.– / € 30.90 / £ 25.– / US-$ 37.95

Reader, English

Simon Bacon has published many articles on vampires, zombies and monsters in popular culture and science fiction and has co-edited books on various subjects, including Undead Memory: Vampires and Human Memory in Popular Culture (2014), Little Horrors: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Anomalous Children and the Construction of Monstrosity (2016) and To Boldly Go: Gender and Identity in the Star Trek Franchise (2017). His first monograph, Becoming Vampire: Difference and the Vampire in Popular Culture, came out in 2016. He is currently working on his second book, The Undead Self: Troubled and Troubling Identities in Screen Adaptations of Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Linguistics and Translation Studies

Peter Schlobinski • Torsten Siever (Hrsg.)

International Usernames The Choice of Names on Social Media in 14 Languages Until now, usernames have been neglected in the areas of onomastics and internet research. And yet they are highly interesting both in individual languages and from a contrastive point of view across various languages; specifically, with regard to writing systems, semantic and morphologic aspects. It can be said that every internet user has thought about which username they want to use for themselves. This volume brings together the results of an international project that compared this in various languages. Contributors analyse analogue corpora for similar (and language-specific) parameters. The analyses cover the following languages: Arabic (Moroccan), Chinese, German, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Croatian, Luxembourgian, Dutch, Russian, Swedish, and Spanish. Peter Schlobinski is a professor of German Linguistics at the Leibniz University Hannover. His principal research areas are sociolinguistics, internet linguistics, and presentday German. Torsten Siever is a research fellow at the Leibniz University Hannover. He specialises in internet linguistics, word formation, the language of advertising, and e-learning. Berlin, 2018. 400 pp., 12 ill., 143 tables Sprache – Medien – Innovationen. Bd. 10 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74809-1 CHF 81.– / €D 69.95 / €A 71.90 / € 65.40 / £ 54.– / US-$ 78.95 Edited Collection, German

Wolfgang Gladrow • Elizaveta Kotorova

Speech Act Patterns in Russian and German A Contrastive Presentation This monograph is dedicated to the analysis of speech act patterns such as appeals, apologies, accusations, warnings or compliments, and how they work specifically in Russian and German. The theoretical premise of the examination is the idea of the natural semantic metalanguage as an objectivised means for pragmatic description and field theories on how these expressions are structured. The 22 speech act patterns are analysed based on criteria such as definition, structure, functional factors, communicatively pragmatic field composition of different realisations, and reactions in discourse embedding. It identifies differences, similarities, and commonalities in linguistic form and pragmatic definition in both languages. Wolfgang Gladrow held the chair for East Slavic Languages at the Institute for Slavonic Studies at the Humboldt University, Berlin. He specialised in the areas of Russian grammar, pragmatics and sociolinguistics of the Russian language, and contrastive linguistics.

Berlin, 2018. 403 pp. Sprach- und Kulturkontakte in Europas Mitte. Studien zur Slawistik und Germanistik. Bd. 9 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-67318-8 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95 Monograph, German

Elizaveta Kotorova heads the chair for Lexicology and Pragmalinguistics at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Zielona Góra. Her research interests lie in the area of lexical semantics and linguistic pragmatics, as well as contrastive linguistics and typology.

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Linguistics and Translation Studies

Louis-Jean Boë • Joël Fagot • Pascal Perrier • Jean-Luc Schwartz (eds.)

Origins of Human Language: Continuities and Discontinuities with Nonhuman Primates

This book proposes a detailed picture of the continuities and ruptures between communication in primates and language in humans. It explores a diversity of perspectives on the origins of language, including a fine description of vocal communication in animals, mainly in monkeys and apes, but also in birds, the study of vocal tract anatomy and cortical control of the vocal productions in monkeys and apes, the description of combinatory structures and their social and communicative value, and the exploration of the cognitive environment in which language may have emerged from nonhuman primate vocal or gestural communication. Contents: Vocal Repertoire of Captive Guinea Baboons • Exploring Baboon Vocalizations with Speech Science Techniques • Origins of Human Consonants and Vowels: Articulatory Continuities with Great Apes • Comparative Anatomy of the Baboon and Human Vocal Tracts • Evolution of the laryngeal motor cortex for speech production • Motor and Communicative Correlates of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus • From Animal Communication to Linguistics and Back • Primate Roots of Speech and Language • What gestures of nonhuman primates can (and cannot) tell us about language evolution • Dendrophilia and the Evolution of Syntax • Comparing Human and Nonhuman Animal Performance on Domain-General Functions

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 368 p., 33 coloured ill., 22 b/w ill., 10 b/w tables Speech Production and Perception. Vol. 4 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-73726-2 CHF 85.– / €D 72.95 / €A 75.– / € 68.20 / £ 56.– / US-$ 82.95 Edited Collection, English

Louis-Jean Boë, Pascal Perrier and JeanLuc Schwartz are speech scientists in GIPSAlab, Université Grenoble Alpes & CNRS, France. Joël Fagot is a primatologist specialist of animal cognition in Aix-Marseille University, France.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Languages & Literatures

Greicy Pinto Bellin

From European Modernity to Pan-American National Identity Literary Confluences between Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire and Machado de Assis

This book analyses the relationships between the writers Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire and Machado de Assis, showing their impact on representations of literary modernity and literary national identity in the Americas. The central argument is that Machado de Assis parodied Baudelaire by criticizing the French influence on Brazilian literature of his time, as well as emulating Poe by searching for a Pan-American identity in the representation of the urban scene, nationalism, the female figure and the world of work. PanAmericanism emerges from both Poe’s and Machado de Assis’s critical reflections on literary national identity in non-hegemonic contexts as a way of deconstructing the idea of literary modernity. CONTENTS: The Representation of the Urban Scenes in Poe and Machado: Literary Modernity as a European Simulacrum in Non-Hegemonic Context • Nation, Literary Nationality and Literary National Identity in Machado de Assis and Edgar Allan Poe • Female Representation in Poe, Baudelaire and Machado de Assis as a Metaphor of Cultural Liberty in Contexts of Literary Imitation • The Brazilian Labor Market as a Simulacrum: Machado’s Emulation of Poe in «Father Against Mother»

Oxford, 2018. X, 159 pp. Brazilian Studies. Vol. 4 pb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-323-4 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95

Monograph, English

Greicy Pinto Bellin is a professor in the Department of Literature at Centro Universitário Campos de Andrade (Uniandrade), Brazil. She has published a number of articles on the works of Edgar Allan Poe and Machado de Assis. Her most recent publication is an English translation of ten stories by Machado de Assis, Miss Dollar: Stories by Machado de Assis (2016, with Ana LessaSchmidt and Glenn Cheney).

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Languages & Literatures

Abdur Raheem Kidwai

Images of the Prophet Muhammad in English Literature

Images of the Prophet Muhammad in English Literature seeks to promote a better understanding between the Muslim world and the West against the backdrop of the Danish cartoons and the deplorable tragedy of 9/11, which has evoked a general interest in things Islamic. This book recounts and analyzes the image of Prophet Muhammad, as reflected in English literary texts from the twelfth to nineteenth centuries. It will be of much interest to students of English literary history, cultural studies, Islamic studies, and literary Orientalism. Contents: Preface • The Distorting Mirror: Representation of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in Medieval and Other Writings in the West • The Crescent in the West: Representation of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in the Literary Works • Towards Fairness and Truth: Recent Trends in the Representation of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) • Index

New York, 2018. XIV, 152 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4748-7 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Monograph, English

Abdur Raheem Kidwai, Professor of English and Director of the UGC Human Resource Development Centre at Aligarh Muslim University, has a PhD from the Aligarh Muslim University and a PhD from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom. He has been the Honorary Visiting Professor/Fellow at the Department of English, University of Leicester, and has delivered lectures on literary Orientalism at the universities of Oxford, Mauritius, Sunderland, and Leicester. Some of his books include Orientalism in Lord Byron’s Turkish Tales, Stranger Than Fiction: Image of Islam/ Muslims in English Fiction, and Orientalism in English Literature: Perception of Islam and Muslims.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Languages & Literatures

Uta Felten

Flâneurs/Flâneuses Nomads in Modern European Cinema This study considers the figure of the nomad and how it is used in European film on the basis of films by Wenders, Antonioni, and Rohmer. The aim is to describe and analyse nomadism as an epistemological and urban concept. An interdisciplinary examination, this book is simultaneously a building block in the transnational historical narrative on film, as is yet to be completed, which focuses on the epistemological and poetological relations between the classics of European author cinema. Uta Felten is Professor of Romance Literature and Cultural studies at the Leipzig University. Her principal research areas are intermediality research and modern cinema of the romance languages.

Berlin, 2018. 84 pp., 37 b/w ill. pb. • ISBN 978-3-631-67932-6 CHF 23.– / €D 19.95 / €A 20.50 / € 18.60 / £ 16.– / US-$ 22.95 Monograph, German

John Bickley

Dreams, Visions, and the Rhetoric of Authority In Dreams, Visions, and the Rhetoric of Authority, John Bickley explores the ways dreams and visions in literature function as authorizing devices, both affirming and complicating a text’s authority. After providing a framework for categorizing the diverse genres and modes of dream and vision texts, Bickley demonstrates how the theme of authority and strategies for textual self-authorization play out in four highly influential works: the Book of Daniel, Macrobius’s Commentary on the Dream of Scipio, Julian of Norwich’s Revelations of Love, and Chaucer’s Hous of Fame. John Bickley received his Ph.D. in humanities from Florida State University, where he was the recipient of a doctoral presidential fellowship and focused on medieval literature, medievalism, and adaptation theory. He earned his M.A. in English literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Among his scholarly works, Bickley has published entries for Southern Writers: A New Biographical Dictionary, co-authored an introduction and bibliographical material for the Penguin Classics edition of Joel Chandler Harris’s Nights with Uncle Remus (2003), and contributed to a casebook on Woody Allen.

New York, 2018. XXVI, 130 pp. Medieval Interventions. New Light on Traditional Thinking. Vol. 11 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5449-2 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Monograph, English

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Languages & Literatures

Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel

Nota Bene Making Digital Marks on Medieval Manuscripts

We stand at the cusp of an exciting moment in digital medieval studies. The advent of ubiquitously available digitized manuscripts alongside platforms that host encoded medieval texts has democratized access to the cultural heritage of the Middle Ages, and gives us the potential for greater understanding of that era. Seen through the lens of late medieval French literature, in particular the Roman de la Rose and the works of Guillaume de Machaut, this book exhorts us to be optimistic about what we can achieve. Challenging the pessimism inherent in views that see our historical situatedness as a barrier to truly understanding the medieval era, Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel argues that digital networks of manuscript images, texts, and annotations, can not only aid us in comprehending medieval literary culture, but are, in fact, complementary to medieval modes of thought and manner in which manuscripts transmitted ideas. Using her teaching of Guillaume de Machaut and her work with the Roman de la Rose Digital Library, Mahoney-Steel envisages a future in which the digital humanities can enable us to build transhistorical relationships with our medieval objects of study. Contents: List of Illustrations • List of Examples and Table • Preface • Introduction • Interpreting the Medieval Text • Encoding and Decoding Texts: Marking-up Texts for Analysis • Teaching with Digital Annotation Tools • Annotating the Everted Network • Envisioning an Annotated Environment: The Roman de la Rose Digital Library • Conclusion • Index

New York, 2018. XVIII, 128 pp., 8 b/w ill., 1 table Medieval Interventions. New Light on Traditional Thinking. Vol. 3 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3138-7 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 Monograph, English

Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel is the Digital Scholarship Specialist for Johns Hopkins University Libraries. She holds a PhD in medieval studies from the University of Exeter and has published on the medieval motet, Linked Open Data, Guillaume de Machaut, and collaborative work in the digital humanities.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Nicholas Rescher

Philosophical Pragmatism in Context Philosophical Pragmatism in Context looks at human affairs and the condition of man from a purposive point of view. From this point of view it is a centrally significant feature of man that we humans are creatures possessing preferences, desires, wants, and—above all—needs. The possession of people’s wants and needs is clearly a factual issue. What my needs are—what I require in order to have a healthy, happy, and rewarding life—is part and parcel of the conditions that define me as the sort of being that I am. Both what people happen to desire and what it is that they require of a healthy, happy, communally productive life—one that engenders satisfaction to themselves and enlists the appropriation (and even admiration) of their fellows—is clearly something factual, something that can be determined by observation. Furthermore, it is something objective—people do not choose what it is that they need; rather, this is something that is determined for them by their mode of emplacement in the world’s scheme of things. For pragmatism, these requisites pervade the whole domain of human activity, and the issue of whether our modus operandi achieves these goals is pivotal. The pragmatic approach to validation is thus diversified in its efficacy, and it is the aim of this book to expound and illustrate its merits. Both teachers and students of philosophy will find material of interest in the author’s normative and original point of view. New York, 2018. X, 130 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5025-8 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 Monograph, English

Nicholas Rescher is Distinguished University Professor at the University of Pittsburgh where he has taught since 1961. Author of over 100 books in almost every branch of philosophy, he has served as president of the American Philosophical Association, the American Catholic Philosophical Association, and the American Metaphysical Society. In 2016 he was awarded the Helmholtz Medal of the German Academy of Sciences (Berlin-Brandenburg).

Ondřej Beran

Living with Rules Wittgensteinian Reflections on Normativity The book proposes to see the talk about rules-following as a way of giving an account of particular people’s characters and their lives. This focus on understanding others as variously coping with the claims of particular rules attempts to specify the variety of «attitudes towards a soul» as discussed in the Wittgensteinian tradition. The book derives from the philosophical tradition that considers human beings as rule-following creatures. It suggests that rules followed by other people allow for understanding and sympathising with them. Coping with rules is explored as a complicated lived practice, with respect to: particularised rules holding in relation to a context or to individual people, the variety of our responses to rules we are subject to, or our failure in coping with them. Ondřej Beran is a researcher, currently based at the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Centre for Ethics, University of Pardubice. His publications and areas of research interest include the philosophy of language, ethics, the philosophy of religion and feminist philosophy.

Berlin, 2018. 232 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-73592-3 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.50 / £ 41.– / US-$ 59.95 Monograph, English

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Roger C. Aden

Childhood Memory Spaces How Enduring Memories of Childhood Places Shape Our Lives

Childhood Memory Spaces: How Enduring Memories of Childhood Places Shape Our Lives explores the places adults remember from their childhood. More specifically, it examines the questions «what kinds of places do we remember?» and «why do they linger in our memories?». The answers emerge from a variety of sources, including scholarship in cognitive science, environmental psychology, geography, communication, etc., but they are illustrated primarily through the over 100 stories told by adults who still vividly recall the places where key facets of their identity developed. Those stories reveal both that the answers are significantly more complex than one academic perspective can explain and that profoundly personal narratives can highlight their complexity in ways that scientific and social scientific research alone cannot. This book meets a need to integrate related, yet independent, lines of research in the natural and social sciences—doing so with a decidedly humanistic touch. Specifically, the book offers an interdisciplinary exploration of how place, memory, and identity intersect as we craft our life stories while seeking what Kenneth Burke called equipment for living with the challenges that life presents along the way. Weaving theory with personal narratives, Childhood Memory Spaces underscores a fundamental relationship: the stories of our lives are entwined with place, and we understand these stories (and ourselves) by reflecting upon the ways in which these memorable places have shaped, and continue to shape, our lives. Contents: Acknowledgments • Introduction • Foundational Memory Places • Places of Adventure • Places of Sanctuary • Places of Community • Places of Outdoor and Family Connection • Places of Generational Presence • Conclusion • Subject Index • Name Index

New York, 2018. X, 210 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4773-9 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

Monograph, English

Roger C. Aden (Ph.D., University of Nebraska) is a professor in the School of Communication Studies at Ohio University. He is the author of three other books, most recently Upon the Ruins of Liberty: Slavery, the President’s House at Independence National Historical Park, and Public Memory.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Theology & Religious Studies

Skip Jenkins

A Spirit Christology

New York, 2018. XVIII, 342 pp. Ecumenical Studies. Vol. 3 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5372-3 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 Monograph, English

This book extrapolates a uniquely Pentecostal and incarnational Spirit Christology, inspired by piqued interest in the Holy Spirit and for the purpose of ecumenical dialogue. The method employed is Pentecostal in its emphasis on the Spirit, incarnational in its consideration of the life of Jesus, and Spirit Christological in its uniting of the two. The aim is to supersede the five-fold gospel model by systematizing Pentecostal praxis into a cohesive and identity-giving Spirit Christology. The book distinguishes the components of Pentecostal identity through an investigation of past and current Pentecostal voices, juxtaposes them against secular and other denominational categories, and ultimately arrives at a distinctly Pentecostal conceptualization of Spirit Christology that translates ecumenically and generationally. In fact, this project is the first constructive Spirit Christological endeavor developed by a Pentecostal and dedicated to the specific, Pentecostal issue of fusing holiness for living and power for witness. It is solidly ecumenical, utilizing the theology of Edward Irving, James D. G. Dunn, Karl Barth, Colin Gunton, and David Coffey, and it is the only text that brings these voices together in one volume. A Spirit Christology will be beneficial to a diverse audience of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as academic professionals. The development and explanation of a Pentecostal and incarnational Spirit Christology will be a unique and valuable addition to a variety of classes, including courses on the doctrine of Christ, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, contemporary theology, and recent Pentecostal theology. Furthermore, the content draws from Pentecostal, Reformed, and Catholic traditions, a conglomerate that will appeal to an ecumenical audience. Skip Jenkins received his MTS and ThM degrees from Duke Divinity School and his PhD in systematic theology from Marquette University. He is the chairperson for the Department of Theology at Lee University, where he received the Excellence in Teaching Award, the Excellence in Advising Award, and the Janet Rahamut Award for Student Mentoring.

Nicola Santamaria

Will There Be Tiers in Heaven? Disability and the Resurrection of the Body Will someone with a disability, either mental or physical, be recognisable in the heavenly realm? If they no longer have their disabilities, how will we know them? Are disabilities part of who we are? In the case of someone who loses a limb in an accident, it is easy to imagine them with the missing limb restored, but with congenital conditions many complex questions are raised. This book attempts to look at the issues in detail by comparing two key interlocutors, St Augustine and Jean Vanier. Although Augustine lived more than a thousand years ago, his teachings on the subject of heaven are still fundamental to much contemporary theology. Jean Vanier, founder of the L’Arche communities, works with people with learning difficulties. His contribution is supplemented by the work of Henri Nouwen, a Dutch Catholic priest whose writing was heavily influenced by his experiences with L’Arche. Finally, this book also offers some suggestions for the application of the theological debate to pastoral situations.

Oxford, 2018. XII, 250 pp. pb. • ISBN 978-1-78874-243-6 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95 Monograph, English

Nicola Santamaria taught maths and psychology in secondary schools for many years, before completing a doctorate in theology at King’s College London. During this time, she worked at St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre for people with learning disabilities and taught at Allen Hall, the Roman Catholic Seminary in the Diocese of Westminster.

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Theology & Religious Studies

Doyen Nguyen

The New Definitions of Death for Organ Donation A Multidisciplinary Analysis from the Perspective of Christian Ethics Foreword by Professor Josef M. Seifert

This book critically examines the moral soundness of the two definitions of death used in organ donation-transplantation: «brain death» (heart-beating) and «controlled cardiac/circulatory death» (non-heart-beating). The author carries out a multidisciplinary study of the crucial moral issues surrounding these new definitions to answer the question: are the donors truly dead at the time of organ removal? The book probes the history of these protocols, and the rationales of pro-»brain death» Catholic scholars who assert that braindead individuals are dead because, without a functioning brain, they have undergone a substantial change. The author’s arguments, firmly grounded in both classical metaphysics and contemporary biophilosophy, demonstrate that the new definitions of death are unsound because they contradict both Aristotelian-Thomistic anthropology and holistic biophilosophy. The book also looks at the new definitions in terms of Christian ethics. It provides a detailed critical analysis of John Paul II’s 2000 Address to the Transplantation Society, showing that, contrary to popular belief, the Catholic Church has not given any formal approval to the «brain death» protocol. Contents: Chapter 1: The Position of the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum • Chapter 2: The Positions of Specific Catholic Scholars • Chapter 3: Metaphysical Conceptions of the Human Person • Chapter 4: Contemporary Biophilosophical Understanding about Life and Death • Chapter 5: Human Dignity, Sacredness of Life, and the Papal Pronouncements on Life, Death, and Organ Donation

Berlin, 2018. XXII, 590 pp. pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3277-4 CHF 142.– / €D 122.95 / €A 126.50 / € 115.– / £ 94.– / US-$ 138.95

Edited Collection, English

Doyen Nguyen, MD, STD is both a theologian and a hematopathologist. A graduate of Temple University Medical School and a scholar of the Leopold Schepp Foundation, she is a lay Dominican and, currently, an independent academic researcher associated with the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome where she obtained her doctorate in moral theology, specializing in end-of-life ethics.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Thomas L. Dynneson

Rise of the Early Roman Republic Reflections on Becoming Roman

New York, 2018. XXXII, 382 pp., 20 b/w ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3457-9 CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95 Monograph, English

An audaciously daring narrative, this text presents an overview of the early history of Rome, focusing the reader’s attention to those distinctive and often hidden cultural features that contributed to create a unique ancient Roman mindset and civic outlook. Using an historical format, Thomas L. Dynneson addresses these cultural forces which ultimately shaped the Romans into the ancient world’s most powerful military city-state. Comprised of numerous values and beliefs, the Romans sought to develop their citizens as a cohesive whole. This approach enabled a mastering of both the practical and utilitarian tactics for solving problems, an expression of classical intellectualism. Identifying this sense of idealism paralleled with the Romans embodiment of sacrifice to overcome all obstacles, the author explores several features of becoming Roman. Within this text, each section is designed to pull together the general historical elements which helped to create a unique Roman citizenship. The final section of each chapter contains further analysis, including the author’s narrative regarding the general sources used, and the second containing a review of one exceptional recommended reading. The later chapters of the book provide a special «Recent Scholarship» section, which explores the work of recent scholars’ «revisionists» perspectives related to the traditional ancient sources. Thomas L. Dynneson served as Professor of Anthropology and Education at the University of Texas and as Visiting Scholar at Stanford University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Colorado, specializing in education and anthropology. He currently serves as Professor Emeritus of The University of Texas of the Permian Basin. He edited and coauthored several books and articles pertaining to citizenship development, anthropology education, European history, and ancient history and philosophy.

Labeeb Ahmed Bsoul

Medieval Islamic World An Intellectual History of Science and Politics Medieval Islamic World: An Intellectual History of Science and Politics surveys major scientific and philosophical discoveries in the medieval period within the broader Islamicate world, providing an alternative historical framework to that of the primarily Eurocentric history of science and philosophy of science and technology fields. Medieval Islamic World serves to address the history of rationalist inquiry within scholarly institutions in medieval Islamic societies, surveying developments in the fields of medicine and political theory, and the scientific disciplines of astronomy, chemistry, physics, and mechanics, as led by medieval Muslim scholarship. Dr. Labeeb Ahmed Bsoul (Ph.D., McGill University) is Associate Professor at Khalifa University. Among his many published articles and books are Formation of Islamic Jurisprudence (2016), Islamic History and Law (2016), and International Treaties (Mu‘ahadat) in Islam (2008).

New York, 2018. XVI, 284 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5185-9 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 Monograph, English

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


David Jacques • Tom Phillips • Tom Lyons

Blick Mead: Exploring the ‘first place’ in the Stonehenge landscape Archaeological excavations at Blick Mead, Amesbury, Wiltshire 2005–2016

The Stonehenge landscape is one of the most famous prehistoric places in the world, but much about its origins remains a mystery and little attention has been paid to what preceded, and thus may have influenced, its later ritual character. Now, the discovery of a uniquely long-lived Mesolithic occupation site at Blick Mead, just 2km from Stonehenge, with a detailed radio carbon date sequence ranging from the 8th to the late 5th millennium BC, is set to transform this situation. This book charts the story of the Blick Mead excavations, from the project’s local community-based origins to a multi-university research project using the latest cutting-edge technology to address important new questions about the origins of the Stonehenge landscape. Led by the University of Buckingham, the project continues to retain the community of Amesbury at its heart. The investigations are ongoing but due to the immense interest in, and significance of the site, this publication seeks to present the details of and thoughts on the findings to date.

Oxford, 2018. XX, 240 pp., 43 coloured ill., 6 b/w ill., 62 tables, 38 fig. Studies in the British Mesolithic and Neolithic. Vol. 1 hb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-096-7 CHF 54.– / €D 46.95 / €A 47.60 / € 43.30 / £ 35.– / US-$ 52.95 Edited Collection, English

David Jacques has been the Project Director of Blick Mead, an internationally significant Mesolithic archaeological site, c. 2km from Stonehenge since 2005. Along with a number of leading specialists and community volunteers this team has discovered the oldest occupation site in the Stonehenge area and the place where the communities who built the first monuments at Stonehenge lived. These discoveries have contributed significantly to a new understanding of the initial settlement patterns and practices in the Stonehenge landscape. The Blick Mead Project is the winner of «Research Project of the Year 2018» by Current Archaeology Magazine, and has been extensively reported in the national and international media.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Klaus Bachmann

Genocidal Empires German Colonialism in Africa and the Third Reich Between 1904 and 1907, German soldiers, settlers and mercenaries committed mass murder in Africa. Can this be considered the first genocide of the 20th century? Was it a forecast of the Third Reich’s extermination policy in Central and Eastern Europe? This book provides the answer. Based on extensive archival and library research in Tansania, Namibia, South Africa, Germany and Poland as well as on the most recent and up-to-date jurisprudence of international criminal tribunals, the renowned historian and political scientist Klaus Bachmann paints a new and surprising picture of the events and their legal significance, which many will find disturbing and provocative. It abolishes many well-established interpretations about German colonialism and its alleged links with the Third Reich and provides a new and intriguing contribution to the current post-colonial debate. Klaus Bachmann is a professor of social sciences at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland. His academic research focuses on Transitional Justice, International Criminal Law and Modern European History. Previously, he worked in South Africa, France, Austria, the US, China and Belgium. Berlin, 2018. 384 pp., 7 tables Geschichte – Erinnerung – Politik. Studies in History, Memory and Politics. Vol. 21 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74517-5 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95 Monograph, English

Andre Liebich

Wickham Steed Greatest Journalist of his Times Hailed as «the greatest journalist of his time» Henry Wickham Steed (1871-1956) was editor-in-chief of The Times after World War I, having been its foreign editor since 1914, and, previously, its correspondent in Berlin, Vienna and Rome. «Spiritual godfather» of the post-Habsburg new states he was long acknowledged as the world’s greatest authority on Central Europe. In the 1930s, he stood at the forefront of the anti-appeasement camp and, in World War II, was the BBC’s Overseas Services chief broadcaster. Contemporaries remarked upon Steed’s impressive appearance, prodigious command of foreign languages, and extraordinary network of connections in high places. He was also a paradoxical personality of a liberal outlook and conservative disposition, torn too by complex personal relationships. Lionized abroad but denounced at home, Steed remained an outsider even as he reached the pinnacle of success in his chosen profession and exerted a significant influence on his times.

Bern, 2018. 378 pp., 9 coloured fig., 5 b/w fig. pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3273-6 CHF 99.– / €D 85.95 / €A 88.– / € 80.– / £ 66.– / US-$ 96.95

Monograph, English

Andre Liebich, honorary professor of international history and politics, Graduate Institute Geneva. Previously, professor of political science, Université du Québec à Montréal. Ph.D Harvard; Doctor honoris causa, Babes-Bolyai University. Author of From the Other Shore: Russian Social Democracy after 1921 (published 1997/1999; Fraenkel Prize).

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Beverley Driver Eddy

Erika and Klaus Mann Living with America

This book provides new insights into the lives of Thomas Mann’s two eldest children, by focusing on their years in America. It begins with Erika and Klaus Mann’s self-promotional tour of the United States in 1927–1928, and follows up with their return in 1936 as voluntary exiles determined to fight the spread of Nazism in Europe. As children of privilege and considerable personal charm, Erika and Klaus Mann quickly became highly visible representatives of the German exile community. In examining their lives in America, the United States plays a central role. Just as the Manns’ views of America evolved between 1936 and 1952, so did American public opinion and government policy. This study examines Erika and Klaus Mann’s public and private statements, while also examining statements made about them by American journalists, politicians, book critics, and F.B.I. and immigration officers. It follows the Mann siblings’ rise in America as celebrity representatives of an «other,» better Germany, and the forces that began to rally against them even before the outbreak of the war. It shows the many concrete actions the Mann siblings took to persuade Americans to view their country as one linked to European interests, and it describes their various war activities, with Erika becoming a U.S. war correspondent and Klaus an American soldier.

New York, 2018. XII, 552 pp. 17 b/w ill.

Contents: List of Illustrations • Foreword • List of Abbreviations • Erika and Klaus: First Impressions (October 1927–April 1928) • Erika and Klaus: Political Awakening (1928–1936) • Erika and Klaus: Testing the Waters (August–December 1936) • Erika: The Pepper Mill (October 1936–January 1937) • Erika: Search for a New Path (February–September 1937) • Klaus: Interlude in Europe (January–September 1937) • Klaus: Commitment to America (September 1937–February 1938) • Erika: Finding Her Place (September 1937–May 1938) • Erika and Klaus: Cooperative Efforts in Europe (April–October 1938) • Erika and Klaus: Cooperative Efforts in America (November 1938–April 1939) • Klaus: Life in Prewar America (April 1939–September 1939) • Erika: Facing the Approaching War (March–September 1939) • Klaus: Seeking New Paths (October 1939–March 1940) • Erika: Fighting with the Pen (January–December 1940) • Erika: Speaking Out (January–December 1940) • Mediating Between Cultures (December 1939–February 1941) • Erika: The Warrior (November 1940–December 1941) • Klaus: Death of a Dream (March 1941–January 1942) • Klaus: Hanging On (January–December 1942) • Erika: At War with Germany (December 1941–December 1942) • Klaus: Basic Training (December 1942–April 1943) • Klaus: Specialized Training (April–June 1943) • Erika: Into the Fray (January 1943–May 1944) • Waiting in Limbo (June–December 1943) • Klaus: An American Soldier (January–December 1944) • Erika: Army War Correspondent (June 1944–June 1945) • Klaus: Stars and Stripes Reporter (November 1944–July 1945) • Erika: Taking Tally (June 1945–April 1946) • Klaus: Transitioning to Peace (July 1945–June 1946 • Erika and Klaus: Futile Efforts in America (April 1946–April 1947) • Klaus: Seeking a Foothold in Europe (May 1947–May 1948) • Erika: A Changing Climate (May 1947–December 1948) • Klaus: The Last Year (May 1948–May 1949) • Klaus: Aftermath (May– July 1949) • Erika: Making Adjustments (January 1949–December 1950) • The Final Break (December 1950–June 1952) • Erika: Aftermath (July 1952–August 1969) • Index

Beverley Driver Eddy is Professor Emerita of German at Dickinson College. She received her PhD from Indiana University. Recent book subjects include Austrian poet Evelyn Schlag, Danish feminist writer Karin Michaëlis, Bambi author Felix Salten, and the U.S. army men trained in psychological warfare during World War II.

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4216-1 CHF 120.– / €D 104.95 / €A 107.20 / € 97.50 / £ 78.– / US-$ 116.95 Monograph, English



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Charles Morris Lansley

Charles Darwin’s Debt to the Romantics How Alexander von Humboldt, Goethe and Wordsworth Helped Shape Darwin’s View of Nature This book argues that the Romantic movement influenced Charles Darwin and his theory of natural selection. Given that Darwin has traditionally been placed within Victorian naturalism, these Romantic connections have often been overlooked. The volume traces specific examples of Darwin’s reliance on the Romantics – such as Alexander von Humboldt’s Personal Narrative, which he took with him on the Beagle, and the poetry of William Wordsworth, discussed in his notebooks – and explores correlations in Darwin’s own writings. When Darwin refers to the «archetype» in Origin, could he be drawing on Goethe’s own use of the concept? And how to explain his description of all poetry as creating a feeling of «nausea»? In addition to these key figures, the book also explores the possible influence of Darwin’s own grandfather, Erasmus Darwin. The book cleverly follows Darwin’s form of the narrative in a search for traces of history in both science and poetry, inspired by the unique imagination of Darwin himself.

Oxford, 2018. XII, 274 pp., 5 coloured fig., 5 b/w fig. hb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-138-4 CHF 93.– / €D 79.95 / €A 81.50 / € 74.10 / £ 60.– / US-$ 90.95

Monograph, English

Charles Morris Lansley is an Early Career Research Fellow at the University of Winchester (2016–2018), where he was awarded his PhD for the research that forms the basis for this book. He also holds a BA (Hons) in Philosophy from the University of London, a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of Leicester and a Master of Arts in Language and Linguistics in Education from the University of Southampton. Prior to his PhD, he worked for the British Council overseas and for the Defence Academy in language and logistics training. Dr Lansley is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. His research interests are in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century naturalists and in scientists and poets of the Romantic era.

Łukasz Mikołajewski

Disenchanted Europeans Polish Émigré Writers from Kultura and Postwar Reformulations of the West As Europe experienced tumultuous change after the Second World War, two Polish exiles, Jerzy Stempowski (1893–1969) and Andrzej Bobkowski (1913–1961), discussed and redefined their ideas of the continent in the pages of Kultura, the Polish émigré review. Highlighting the changes in their writings about «the West», «the East» and «civilization», this book pieces together the evolution of their own self-understanding as Europeans, the overlooked shifts of accents along with silences and falsifications. By following these two writers’ accounts of the events that led them from Poland and Ukraine to France, West Germany, Switzerland, the United States and Latin America, this study shows the tension between changing discourses and individual lives, between the wider concept of Europe and the experience of exile, emigration and belonging. Łukasz Mikolajewski is a junior professor at the Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw, specializing in intellectual history. He wrote his doctoral thesis at the European University Institute.

Oxford, 2018. X, 472 pp., 12 b/w ill. Exile Studies. Vol. 16 pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-1844-0 CHF 85.– / €D 72.95 / €A 74.70 / € 67.90 / £ 55.– / US-$ 82.95 Monograph, English

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Hilary Potter

Remembering Rosenstrasse History, Memory and Identity in Contemporary Germany

Oxford, 2018. 278 pp., 8 coloured fig. German Life and Civilization. Vol. 64 pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-1917-1 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.20 / € 55.60 / £ 45.– / US-$ 67.95

In February 1943 intermarried Germans gathered in Berlin’s Rosenstrasse to protest the feared deportation of their Jewish spouses. This book examines the competing representations of the Rosenstrasse protest in contemporary Germany, demonstrating how cultural memories of this event are intertwined with each other and with concepts of identity. It analyses these shifting patterns of memory and what they reveal about the dynamics of the past–present relationship from the earliest post-unification period up to the present day. Interdisciplinary in its approach, the book provides insights into the historical debate surrounding the protest, accounts in popular history and biography, an analysis of von Trotta’s 2003 film Rosenstraße, and an exploration of the multiple memorials to this historical event. The study reveals that the protest’s remembrance is fraught with competing desires: to have a less encumbered engagement with this past and to retain a critical memory of the events that allows for a recognition of both heroism and accountability. It concludes that we are on the cusp of witnessing a new shift in remembering that reflects contemporary socio-political tensions with the resurgence of the far right, noting how this is already becoming visible in existing representations of the Rosenstrasse protest. Hilary Potter holds a PhD in German Cultural Studies from the University of Bath. She teaches at the University of Leeds and previously taught at Cardiff University. Her research has also been published in the edited volume Memorialization in Germany since 1945 (2010).

Monograph, English

Klaus Schroeder • Jochen Staadt (Hrsg.)

The Border of Socialism in Germany Everyday Life in No Man’s Land Between 1949 and 1989, the situation at the inner German border was characterised by acts of violence and human rights abuses. The only way the dictatorship of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany could maintain its existence in the face of the mass exodus out of East Germany was by establishing a murderous border regime. This volume considers the circumstances surrounding the East German border regimes. It includes contributions on the historical, regional and everyday circumstances surrounding the East German border regime, its background between 1945 and 1949, and its legal review after reunification. Authors: Stefan Appelius, Kerstin Eschwege, Joachim Heise, Ralph Kaschka, Gerhard Schätzlein, Angela Schmole, Enrico Seewald, Klaus Schroeder, Jochen Staadt. Klaus Schroeder teaches as a Professor at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at the Free University Berlin. He has been Head of the «Forschungsverbund SED-Staat» (research association on the Socialist Unity Party state) since 1992.

Berlin, 2018. 542 pp., 40 ill., 11 tables, 3 graphs Studien des Forschungsverbundes SED-Staat an der Freien Universität Berlin. Bd. 25 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74236-5 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

Edited Collection, German

Jochen Staadt is a project manager in the «Forschungsverbund SED-Staat» (research association on the Socialist Unity Party state) at the Free University Berlin, where he has been working since 1992.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Political Science

Jonathon Whooley

Imagining Iran Orientalism and the Construction of Security Development in American Foreign Policy

Imagining Iran constructs and assembles American foreign policy through critical security studies discourse analysis and Orientalist descriptions of key actors within the presidential administrations of Lyndon Baines Johnson through Ronald Reagan (1965–1989). This book is essential reading for those who are interested in learning about how foreign policy making is conducted, how theories directly affect the process of foreign policy making, and how the shah and Iran served US interests. It also discusses the larger question of why the US uses autocratic proxies to pursue its nominally human rights and democracy-based goals. Students of foreign policy, Middle East studies, and critical security studies, as well as Iran experts, can benefit from this historical deep dive on policy making. The internal conversations, diary entries, and previously classified documents and briefings tell the story of how the US imagined Iran, and why that ideational construction proved to be such a dominant and pernicious image for 26 years, the reverberations of which are still felt today in our modern conception of what Iran is and what Iranians can do through the lens of American foreign policy. Contents: Foreword • Acknowledgments • Security Narratives and American Foreign Policy Research Design • Foreign Policy and Ideational Construction within the Johnson Administration • Foreign Policy and Ideational Construction within the Nixon Administration • Security, Foreign Policy, and Ideational Construction within the Ford Administration • Security, Foreign Policy, and Ideational Construction within the Carter Administration • Foreign Policy and Ideational Construction within the Reagan Administration • Conclusion: The «Good Oriental» and American Foreign Policy toward Iran • Appendix: Archival Documents • Bibliography • Index

New York, 2018. XII, 206 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5022-7 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

Monograph, English

Jonathon Whooley is a full-time lecturer at the University of San Francisco and San Francisco State University, where he teaches human rights, strategy and war, American foreign policy, gender, critical security studies, and global politics. His research interests include the historical construction of American foreign policy as related to the Middle East, identity, gender, human rights, and security. Dr. Whooley earned his PhD from the University of Florida in 2015 with a successful dissertation on the securitization and construction of American foreign policy toward Iran from the administrations of Lyndon Baines Johnson through Ronald Reagan. He has also co-authored book chapters with Laura Sjoberg in The Arab Spring and Arab Thaw (2013) and with Mahmood Monshipouri in Human Rights in the Middle East (2011).

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Political Science

Adam Nobis

A Short Guide to the New Silk Road

Most social scientists are familiar with the concept of the Silk Road. In recent years, however, it is the New Silk Road that has been on the lips of many. This short guide is addressed to all those eager to learn more about this new road. The New Silk Road resembles the old road in that it represents an ensemble of relationships and connections among several distant places. The author depicts some of them and presents people, institutions and projects connected to the road. Moreover, the various meanings and values attributed to the new road by different people across the world are explored. The book seeks to reveal the implications and meanings the New Silk Road has for the world we inhabit and for its future. «Adam Nobis’s […] is a much-needed, relevant and interesting publication. It is relevant because it addresses processes unfolding before our eyes and impacting our real, socio-cultural world. It is interesting, for it discusses these processes in an original way and competently combines synthesis with analysis. It is much-needed as it offers the readers a wealth of detailed information about the developments it depicts.» Leszek Kopciuch, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin «This modestly-sized book is an outcome of the author’s painstakingly meticulous effort to put together scattered pieces into an imposing mosaic that is the New Silk Road. […] With Nobis’s guide in hand, the reader can feel at ease traversing, both physically and imaginatively, the paths that stretch between China and Europe.» Leszek Koczanowicz, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw Contents: The Silk Road • The New Silk Road • «Silk» globalization • The new «silk» world order • Communication • Values • Meanings

Berlin, 2018, 160 p. International Relations in Asia, Africa and the Americas. Politics, Economy, Society – Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 2 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74867-1 CHF 35.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.80 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95

Monograph, English

Adam Nobis is Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Wrocław (Poland) and the Director of the Global Studies Laboratory at the Institute of Cultural Studies. He is also chief editor of the academic journal «Culture-History-Globalization».



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Political Science

Elizabeth J. Natalle

Jacqueline Kennedy and the Architecture of First Lady Diplomacy This unique rhetorical analysis of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy’s communication uncovers five forms of soft diplomacy that catapult her to the top of all American first ladies as a model of international influence. Her use of interpersonal, fashion, language, cultural, and state diplomatic strategies constitutes an architectural plan of smart power. Breaking away from the stereotype of Mrs. Kennedy as a style icon, the evidence in this monograph supports her astute awareness of how to support the Kennedy Administration’s foreign policy during the Cold War era by engaging state visits to Europe and South America, receiving heads of state at the White House, creating cultural ideals of freedom through art and preservation, and using French and Spanish to speak directly to the people of other countries. Her persuasive tactics set the stage for future first ladies to excel in a role that requires creativity and sound judgment. Students in communication, political science, history, rhetoric, and women’s studies will benefit from this book in their own study of first ladies, the presidency, foreign policy, and Cold War history. Written in an engaging style, Jacqueline Kennedy and the Architecture of First Lady Diplomacy will appeal to a range of scholarly interests across disciplines.

New York, 2017. XVIII, 234 pp. America and Global Affairs. Vol. 2 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4116-4 CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95

Elizabeth J. Natalle is Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and has a Ph.D. in Communication from Florida State University. She co-edited Michelle Obama: First Lady, American Rhetor and has published previously in Rhetoric Society Quarterly and Women’s Studies in Communication.

Monograph, English

Tai-uk Chung • Zhuldyz Sairambaeva • Pierre Chabal (eds.)

On The Asian and European Origins of Legal and Political Systems Views from Korea, Kazakhstan and France This book analyses the legal and political systems of three different regions of the Asian/ Eurasian continent. More precisely it compares the origins of such systems as both the ancient foundations inherited from the past and the founding principles of modern systems today. It suggests that the European constructions, the East-Asian dynamics and the Centralasian transitions, often studied separately or at best in a comparison of only two of them, ought to be approached as three variations on a theme. The value for the readers and the challenge for the authors is to situate these origins within both legal norms and traditions, whether Latin or Asian, as well as within modern Anglo-Saxon common-law dimensions and remnants of the Soviet system. After Le régionalisme et ses limites (Peter Lang, 2016) and Mutations de société et réponses du droit (Peter Lang, 2017), this book furthers international, comparative research presented at conferences in Kazakhstan in 2014, France in 2016 and Korea in 2017. It covers i) law and politics in modern State-building, ii) formation and development of civil and economic law, iii) constitutionalism in Asia and in Europe, iv) international law and international relations. Bruxelles, 2018. 300 pp., 6 tables, 2 coloured ill. Cultures juridiques et politiques. Vol. 13 pb. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0732-3 CHF 51.– / €D 43.95 / €A 45.10 / € 41.– / £ 34.– / US-$ 49.95 Edited Collection, English

Tai-Uk CHUNG (law, Korea), formerly vice-dean, teaches History of philosophy, Legal fundaments, Social and political philosophy at the graduate School of law, InHa University, Inch’eon, South Korea. Zhuldyz SAIRAMBAEVA (law, Kazakhstan) is professor and director of the Department of International Law of al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Pierre CHABAL (political science, France) founded and leads cooperation with Central Asia, where he is invited professor at the national universities of Mongolia (NUM), Kazakhstan (KazNU) and Uzbekistan (UMED).

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Political Science

Klaus Mayer-Meixner

Relativist Ethics and the Plural World An essay on the probable world order in the second half of the 21st century

Relativist ethics and the politic plurality provide the basis for the new political world order. Devised in 1789, Political Relativity, which the author draws upon here, opposes the millennia-old political Darwinism of an absolute exercise of power. It is clear that the great ancient empires and hegemonies currently find themselves in the process of disintegration. They represent the past. By contrast, the new world based on global political pluralism is developing for the future. This new world consists of a larger or large number of sovereign states and sovereign state communities. They will each succeed in defining their common legal basis by majority decision, created from their diversity. Contents: New Integral Ethics • Ancient Religious Ethics • Liberal Ethics • Sovereigns and Democratic Federation in Europe • The New Separation of Powers • The Gradual End of Anglo-Saxon Hegemony • The Potential of a EurAsian Community • The World Wide Community • The Plurality of Sovereign Currencies

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 188 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-72479-8 CHF 42.95 / €D 35.95 / €A 36.95 / € 33.95 / £ 27.95 / US-$ 41.95

Monograph, German

Klaus Mayer-Meixner studied History and Sociology in Vienna. He completed his habilitation (post-doctoral qualification) in Linz. He is Professor Emeritus for Economics and Political Sociology in Bonn.



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Stefan Xenakis

Subject Trials in Imperial Courts A Systematic-Bibliographic Overview

The subjects of the Holy Roman Empire of the early modern period were not entirely powerless in the face of their masters. Villages and public figures joined ranks to make a stand and took legal action – often successfully – all the way to the Imperial Chamber and Aulic Court. This book summarises research and literature published on the topic since World War II and examines it systematically for scenes of action and forms of judicial and extrajudicial conflict resolution. Contents: Subject Trials • Research on Resistance • Judicial and Extrajudicial Conflict Resolution • Imperial Chamber • Aulic Court • Legal History of the Early Modern Period • Legal Systems Theory • History of Rural Areas • Holy Roman Empire • Bibliography

Berlin, 2018. 357 pp. Rechtshistorische Reihe. Bd. 476 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74489-5 CHF 72.– / €D 61.95 / €A 63.70 / € 57.90 / £ 48.– / US-$ 69.95

Monograph, German

Stefan Xenakis studied Modern History at the Justus Liebig University Giessen and earned his doctorate as part of the DFG research group «Communities of Power» on mercenary soldiers in the early 16th century. He then went on to become a research fellow at the Research Centre for Supreme Jurisdiction in Wetzlar as part of the LOEWE special focus area «Extrajudicial and Judicial Conflict Resolution».

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018


Halim Kazan • Mehmet Baykal (eds.)

Emerging Trends in Business An Interdisciplinary Approach This book presents a collection of interdisciplinary chapters covering the most informative issues in various fields of both theoretical and applied business. The contributors focus on up-to-date developments in business areas such as innovation, entrepreneurship, banking and digital marketing. Halim Kazan is full professor in the area of production management and quantitative analysis. His academic research interest is in quantitative analysis focusing on production management. Mehmet Baykal studied in the Department of Business at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Ankara Gazi University. He holds a Ph.D. in business and has business and consulting experience. His research interests include technology-integrated marketing, e-business development and online marketing.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 174 pp., 6 fig., 11 tables pb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74469-7 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

Edited Collection, English

Marcella von Hirschhausen

Performance Management in Luxury Goods Retail Development of a Performance Indication System for the Management of Luxury Goods Stores In the luxury goods industry, the point of sale represents the central interface between the customer and the brand. Here it is necessary to meet both the expectations of this luxury clientele for excellent service and the demands of the shareholder for efficiency. A specially designed balanced scorecard for store managers of luxury goods stores offers a solution to this. From 2002 to 2006, Marcella von Hirschhausen studied Business Studies specialising in marketing, finance, and banking. She attended the EBS Business School OestrichWinkel, IAE in Aix-en-Provence, and UADE in Buenos Aires. Between 2006 and 2008, she gained experience at the point of sale for a global luxury brand, before returning as a research fellow in the Strategic Marketing department at the EBS. In 2011, Marcella von Hirschhausen returned to the luxury goods industry, working in after-sales and service management as well as performance and retail operations management, amongst other things. In her work as a lecturer, she specialises in brand communication, (luxury) brand management, and (after-) sales management. Berlin, 2018. 380 pp., 66 ill., 18 tables Strategisches Marketingmanagement. Bd. 31 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-75754-3 CHF 84.– / €D 71.95 / €A 74.– / € 67.30 / £ 55.– / US-$ 81.95

Dissertation, German



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Recently Licensed Publications

Sean Steel

Paolo Stellino

Wojciech Małecki

Teacher Education and the Pursuit of Wisdom

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Embodying Pragmatism

On the Verge of Nihilism

Richard Shusterman’s Philosophy and Literary Theory

A Practical Guide for Education Philosophy Courses Teacher Education and the Pursuit of Wisdom takes its readers into the deep waters of investigating teaching not simply as a profession but as a precious «way of life.» The author begins by investigating the nature of teaching as both an «active» and a «contemplative» endeavor and inquires into the resonance between the nature of teaching on the one hand and what has been said classically about genuine philosophizing on the other hand. Having laid the groundwork for students to be able to recognize this intimate connection, readers are next challenged to take up the notion of teaching as a «way of life» in the pursuit of wisdom experimentally and to record their observations in a personalized journal format. Thorough explanations are provided concerning the value of journaling for self-knowledge, and exemplar texts by master journal writers are discussed. This book is designed for use as a primary textbook in philosophy of education courses. Instructors will find it helpful as a means to organize engaging classes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels for genuine philosophic practices and inquiry. It contains a well-defined program of work that is modelled upon the latest research concerning «authentic task design.» Its rich experimental approach is replete with a broad array of learning tasks, assessment tools, and practices that are aligned with the competencies-based approach taken in most professional certification and BEd Programs.

New York, 2018. XXII, 382 pp., 11 b/w ill.

The first time that Nietzsche crossed the path of Dostoevsky was in the winter of 1886–87. While in Nice, Nietzsche discovered in a bookshop the volume L’esprit souterrain. Two years later, he defined Dostoevsky as the only psychologist from whom he had anything to learn. The second, metaphorical encounter between Nietzsche and Dostoevsky happened on the verge of nihilism. Nietzsche announced the death of God, whereas Dostoevsky warned against the danger of atheism. This book describes the double encounter between Nietzsche and Dostoevsky. Following the chronological thread offered by Nietzsche’s correspondence, the author provides a detailed analysis of Nietzsche’s engagement with Dostoevsky from the very beginning of his discovery to the last days before his mental breakdown. The second part of this book aims to dismiss the wide-spread and stereotypical reading according to which Dostoevsky foretold and criticized in his major novels some of Nietzsche’s most dangerous and nihilistic theories. In order to reject such reading, the author focuses on the following moral dilemma: If God does not exist, is everything permitted?

Bern, 2015. 247 pp.

Embodying Pragmatism is the first monograph in English devoted to Richard Shusterman, an internationally renowned philosopher and one of today’s most innovative thinkers in pragmatism and aesthetics. The book presents a comprehensive account of Shusterman’s principal philosophical ideas concerning pragmatism, aesthetics, and literary theory (including such themes as interpretation, aesthetic experience, popular art, and human embodiment – culminating in his proposal of a new discipline called «somaesthetics»). As Shusterman’s philosophical writings involve a dialogue with both analytic and continental traditions, this monograph not only offers a critical vision of contemporary pragmatist thought but also situates Shusterman and pragmatism within the current state of theory.

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4691-6 CHF 116.95 / €D 101.95 / €A 103.95 / € 94.95 / £ 76.95 / US-$ 113.95

Lisbon Philosophical Studies – Uses of Languages in Interdisciplinary Fields. Vol. 6

Frankfurt am Main, 2010. 202 pp.

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4539-1 CHF 69.95 / €D 59.95 / €A 61.95 / € 55.95 / £ 45.95 / US-$ 66.95

pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-1670-5 CHF 77.95 / €D 68.95 / €A 70.95 / € 64.95 / £ 51.95 / US-$ 84.95

hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-61217-0 CHF 58.95 / €D 51.95 / €A 52.95 / € 48.95 / £ 38.95 / US-$ 62.95

Sold: Korean rights

Sold: Greek rights

Sold: Simplified Chinese rights

Literary and Cultural Theory. Vol. 34

Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

Recently Published License Editions

Michele Knobel • Judy Kalman (eds.)

Charles Allers

Ruth Levitas

New Literacies and Teacher Learning

The Evolution of a Muslim Democrat

The Concept of Utopia

Professional Development and the Digital Turn

The Life of Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim

New Literacies and Teacher Learning examines the complexities of teacher professional development today in relation to new literacies and digital technologies, set within the wider context of strong demands for teachers to be innovative and to improve students’ learning outcomes. Contributors hail from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Finland, Mexico, Norway, and the U.S., and work in a broad range of situations, grade levels, activities, scales, and even national contexts. Projects include early year education through to adult literacy education and university contexts, describing a range of approaches to taking up new literacies and digital technologies within diverse learning practices. While the authors present detailed descriptions of using various digital resources like movie editing software, wikis, video conferencing, Twitter, and YouTube, they all agree that digital «stuff» – while important – is not the central concern. Instead, what they foreground in their discussions are theory-informed pedagogical orientations, collaborative learning theories, the complexities of teachers’ workplaces, and young people’s interests. Thus, a key premise in this collection is that teaching and learning are about deep engagement, representing meanings in a range of ways. These include acknowledging relationships and knowledge; thinking critically about events, phenomena, and processes; and participating in valued social and cultural activities. The book shows how this kind of learning doesn’t simply occur in a one-off session, but takes time, commitment, and multiple opportunities to interact with others, to explore, play, make mistakes, and get it right.

New York, 2016. VI, 262 pp.

Long before the recent «Arab Spring», when the topic of democracy with in many Muslim countries took center stage internationally, Malaysia’s Anwar Ibrahim, an energetic and charismatic politician, had been one of the most vocal global proponents of the compatibility of Islam and democratic principles. Anwar, who at one time was asked to be secretary-general of the United Nations, has lived a life that is a compelling testimony of the growth and evolution of his love for his country and his faith. Anwar has been active at the highest levels of Malaysian politics for over thirty years, and though he has been jailed for his activism on several occasions, he continues to be a dynamic, passionate voice for the diverse cultures, religions, and peoples of Malaysia. Anwar’s life story is told in a factual, impartial way, and his one-on-one interviews with this book’s author add a personal component. This volume is essential reading for scholars and students interested in Islamic politics and South East Asian studies.

Student edition In this highly influential book, Ruth Levitas provides an excellent introduction to the meaning and importance of the concept of utopia, and explores a wealth of material drawn from literature and social theory to illustrate its rich history and analytical versatility. Situating utopia within the dynamics of the modern imagination, she examines the ways in which it has been used by some of the leading thinkers of modernity: Marx, Engels, Karl Mannheim, Robert Owen, Georges Sorel, Ernst Bloch, William Morris, and Herbert Marcuse. Utopia remains the most potent secular concept for imagining and producing a «better world», and this classic text will be invaluable to students across a wide range of disciplines.

New York, 2013. 345 pp. American University Studies. Series 7: Theology and Religion. Vol. 335

Oxford, 2012. XVIII, 264 pp.

New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies. Vol. 74 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2911-7 CHF 39.95 / €D 34.95 / €A 35.95 / € 32.95 / £ 25.95 / US-$ 42.95

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2356-6 CHF 92.95 / €D 82.95 / €A 84.95 / € 76.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 99.95

pb.• ISBN 978-1-906165-33-8 CHF 30.95 / €D 27.95 / €A 28.95 / € 25.95 / £ 20.95 / US-$ 33.95

Spanish Translation

Bahasa Malay translation

Simplified Chinese translation

Ralahine Utopian Studies. Vol. 3



Rights Catalogue Autumn 2018

A Aden, Roger C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


M MacNeill, Claire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Allers, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Mahoney-Steel, Tamsyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Arielli, Emanuele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Małecki, Wojciech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

B Bachmann, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Mayer-Meixner, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Manzerolle, Vincent R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Bacon, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

McLaren, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Bahlieda, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Merskin, Debra L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Banks, Jaime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Mikołajewski, Łukasz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Baykal, Mehmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Morgan, Hani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Becker, Lee B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Beran, Ondřej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

N Natalle, Elizabeth J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Beyerbach, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Newlands, Maxine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Bickley, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Newton, Jackie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Boë, Louis-Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Nguyen, Doyen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Bryan, Lynn A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Nobis, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Bsoul, Labeeb Ahmed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Buchanan, Rebekah J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

P Perrier, Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Bury, Rhiannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Phillips, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Pinto Bellin, Greicy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

C Caplan, Scott E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Poindexter, Paula M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Chabal, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Potter, Hilary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Chung, Tai-uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Cooter, Kathleen S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

R Ramalho, Tania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Coulter, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Rescher, Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Cox, Lara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Rivage-Seul, D. Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

D Daubs, Michael S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Roosvall, Anna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Rolls, Alistair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Davis, R. Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Dimick, Janae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


Sairambaeva, Zhuldyz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Santamaria, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Duncan, Sallyanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Schlobinski, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Dynneson, Thomas L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Schroeder, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Eddy, Beverley Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Fagot, Joël . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Schwartz, Jean-Luc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Scott, Malcolm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Siefkes, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Farber, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Siever, Torsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Felten, Uta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

SooHoo, Suzanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Fisher, R. Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Sparks, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Fotiade, Ramona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Staadt, Jochen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Steel, Sean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

G Garbowski, Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Stein, Andi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Georges, Beth Bingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Steinberg, Shirley R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Gladrow, Wolfgang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Stellino, Paolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

H Hamilton, Emma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Heider, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Tegelberg, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tobin, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Howley, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

V Vanacker, Bastiaan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 J

Jacques, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Vlad, Tudor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Jenkins, Skip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

von Hirschhausen, Marcella . . . . . . . . . . . 45

K Kalman, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

W Wasserberger, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Kazan, Halim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Whooley, Jonathon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Kidwai, Abdur Raheem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Wilen, Tracey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Kincheloe, Joe L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Kinder-Kurlanda, Katharina . . . . . . . . . . . 10

X Xenakis, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Knobel, Michele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Kotorova, Elizaveta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Kubik, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


Lansley, Charles Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Leahy, Anna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Levitas, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Liebich, Andre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Lucey, Thomas A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Lyons, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Z Zimmer, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

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