Social Sciences • English Language Titles 2017

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Social Sciences

Economics and Management

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Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Media and Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Political Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Sociology

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Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

The Peter Lang Publishing Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

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Economics and Management

Economics and Management

Hasan Arslan • Mehmet Ali Icbay • Rasim Yilmaz • Günther Löschnigg (eds.)

Research on Business This book presents a collection of papers written by researchers, teachers, administrators, analysts and graduate students working and doing research in the field of social sciences. The scientific studies include a wide range of topics from the analysis of social science textbooks to the teacher image in newspapers, the relationship between self-efficacy and cognitive level and the role of organizational silence on the loneliness of academics in work life.

Arvind Ashta

Microfinance Battling a Wicked Problem A school of thought hails microcredit as a social innovation, a messiah to enable people to help themselves out of poverty through entrepreneurship. An opposing school of thought considers microcredit as a capitalist demon ensnaring the poor in poverty and debt. The layman and the million professionals working in this industry are at a loss to make sense of the stories that circulate about microcredit. This book provides this sense-making, useful for students, professionals, investors and researchers who are attracted to this field. Poverty is a wicked problem, akin to Hydra, the Greek mythological monster with many heads. As microcredit tries to balance multiple objectives to grapple with these multiple heads, it has needed to shift the weapons it uses. The arsenal for this battle has needed new philosophies, changing ethics, differing missions, institutional partnerships, the latest technologies and new products. These rapid innovations have differed in speed across the world, with adaptations in developed and developing countries. This book presents these with many case studies and field research. It is clear that development initiatives, no matter how financial, cross academic disciplines. At the very least, they affect disciplines such as economics, business management, sociology, history, geography, politics, legal systems in place, as well as science, which is evolving at such a high speed. The book provides this multidisciplinary view and motivates future research and practices.

Bruxelles, 2016. 228 pp. Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 418 pp., 75 tables, 67 fig.

Business and Innovation. Vol. 15


ISBN 978-3-631-67502-1 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06790-3 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-8076-0092-8 CHF 51.– / €D 45.95 / €A 46.80 / € 39.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

ISBN 978-2-8076-0091-1 CHF 49.– / €D 41.95 / €A 42.90 / € 39.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95


Economics and Management

Luminita Chivu • Constantin Ciutacu • Valeriu Ioan-Franc • Jean-Vasile Andrei (eds.)

Economic Dynamics and Sustainable Development – Resources, Factors, Structures and Policies Proceedings ESPERA 2015 – Part 1 and Part 2 The book is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Romanian Academy. It contains the most valuable 100 papers presented at the International Conference «Economic Scientific Research – Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches» (ESPERA 2015). The event is initiated annually by the National Institute for Economic Research «Costin C. Kirițescu» of the Romanian Academy. ESPERA aim to present and evaluate the economic scientific research portfolio as well as to argue and substantiate development strategies, including European and global best practices. ESPERA intend to become a scientific support for the conceptualization and the establishment of policies and strategies and to provide a systematic, permanent, wide and challenging dialogue within the European area of economic and social research.

Michał Chmielecki • Łukasz Sułkowski

Metaphors in Management – Blend of Theory and Practice This book will help managers understand organizations in non-quantitative manner. The modern-day managers are challenged with dealing with these constantly increasing complexities in the pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness. They must understand how constant changes influence their tasks so they can contribute to establishing a fast-reacting organization. The authors analyze how metaphors can serve as methods or tools that provide insight into how organizations function, and how best to deal with making them successful in a state of permanent change.

Elżbieta Czarny • Andżelika Kuźnar • Jerzy Menkes (eds.)

The Impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on International Cooperation This book gathers Polish and foreign scholars to consider diverse aspects of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It examines key general areas such as the improvement of the position of the negotiating parties in the world economy, in politics and in international organisations. The contributors analyze possible acceleration of nondiscriminatory liberalisation negotiations, creation of new international standards or reducing regulatory differences, such as «Investor-state dispute settlement» (ISDS), public health, geographical indications. The contributions focus also on specific issues, such as the impact of TTIP on Polish and EU economy, on merchandise and services trade, energy supply, research and development, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), or on the third parties.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 206 pp., 2 b/w ill., 15 b/w tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 270 pp., 29 b/w graphs, 63 tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. Part 1: 672 pp., Part 2: 688 pp.

New Horizons in Management Sciences. Vol. 5

Polish Studies in Economics. Vol. 8


ISBN 978-3-631-67330-0 CHF 184.– / €D 158.95 / €A 163.50 / € 148.60 / £ 121.– / US-$ 179.95


ISBN 978-3-631-71611-3 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06571-8 CHF 194.– / €D 176.95 / €A 178.30 / € 148.60 / £ 121.– / US-$ 179.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71612-0 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06972-3 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67855-8 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


Economics and Management

Christoph Demmke

Zbysław Dobrowolski

Gregor Hagemann

Doing Better with Less? The Future of the Government Workforce

Combating Corruption and Other Organizational Pathologies

Financial Reporting Quality in Emerging Economies

Politics of Public HRM Reforms in 32 Countries

The effective use of human resources and tangible or intangible assets are key components of an organization’s success in the turbulent environment of the modern world. Such effective use requires the skillful application of the methods and procedures of management science. Of course, in the application of these methods and procedures it is important to effectively reduce the occurrence of organizational pathologies. This book examines these organizational pathologies (corruption, fraud, money laundering, and a shadow economy) from various perspectives including individuals from within the organization, the organization as a whole, and the macrostructure within which the organization functions.

This publication contributes to a discussion about the future of public employment and HR policies in the context of a changing statehood and new financial pressures. It presents comparative quantitative and qualitative data in the field of public employment and human resources management. These data were collected through the OECD «2015 Survey on Managing Budgeting Constraints: Implications for HRM and Employment in Central Public Administration». This book provides an improved understanding of the broad reform trends that have affected public employment and human resources management across OECD member countries since the 2008 financial crisis. It challenges many popular assumptions, increasingly puts into question traditional characteristics of public administration systems and provides answers as to many outcomes of HR reforms.

Empirical Evidence from Brazil and South Africa Contrary to their increasingly important role in the global economy, little is known so far about the financial reporting practices in emerging economies. This study therefore analyses the financial reporting practices of listed firms in Brazil and South Africa. It also investigates the determinants of financial reporting quality and its effect on information asymmetries. In addition, the author compares the results for the two emerging economies to those for Germany representing a developed economy. The empirical findings have several implications for researchers and lecturers as well as for practitioners, such as preparers and users of financial reports, legislators, standard setters and auditors.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. XXIX, 332 pp., 54 b/w ill., 93 b/w tables Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 270 pp., 57 b/w graphs, 29 tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 268 pp. Studies in Politics, Security and Society. Vol. 6

Münsteraner Schriften zur Internationalen Unternehmensrechnung. Vol. 14


ISBN 978-3-631-67700-1 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67351-5 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07180-1 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06600-5 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71544-4 CHF 88.– / €D 79.95 / €A 80.80 / € 67.30 / £ 55.– / US-$ 81.95

ISBN 978-3-631-71543-7 CHF 84.– / €D 71.95 / €A 74.– / € 67.30 / £ 55.– / US-$ 81.95


Economics and Management

Christine Husmann

Katrin John

Esra Kabaklarlı

The Private Sector and the Marginalized Poor

Development of Other-Regarding Preferences in Children and Adolescents

Privatization Performance in Turkey

An Assessment of the Potential Role of Business in Reducing Poverty and Marginality in Rural Ethiopia The book examines the role that the private sector can play in reducing poverty and marginality in Ethiopia by providing improved agricultural inputs to marginalized poor farmers. By creating a marginality map the author analyzes who and where the marginalized poor are. Data from a household survey about purchasing behavior, demand and needs indicates that this group can be a promising market segment for the private sector if adequate business models are applied. Yet, an analysis of the institutions governing agricultural input markets shows that investments by the private sector are discouraged by de facto monopolies of the government on crucial elements of the different supply chains, including seed breeding, fertilizer imports and finance.

Other-regarding preferences, hence appreciation of others’ welfare, are mainly culturally transmitted, whereby most of the development takes place in the sensitive period of childhood and adolescence. This work analyzes the development as well as possible influencing factors of other-regarding preferences during this period. To test the hypotheses derived from developmental and socialization aspects, the author conducts a survey measuring altruistic and cooperative preferences for German pupils. Results show that over the age span studied altruism and cooperation are increasingly important. Individual differences show none or only small relationship with measures of other-regarding preferences while differences in school environments are similarly important to age differences.

This book examines the financial performance of Turkish firms that were privatized by way of IPOs (Initial Public Offerings). The author uses event study methodology to empirically evaluate the financial efficiency of privatized firms. She also compares the equity returns of state firms to the returns of private sector firms that were listed in the same period or in the same sector. The pre-and-post privatization performance is tested using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test involving accounting data and financial ratios of the privatized firms. Empirical findings of post privatization analysis indicate improvements in firm performance in regard to real sales, leverage and capital expenditures.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 259 pp., 10 coloured fig., 9 b/w fig., 17 tables Development Economics and Policy. Vol. 77

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 222 pp., 15 b/w ill., 61 tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 120 pp., 12 fig., 21 tables

ISBN 978-3-631-67188-7 CHF 70.– / €D 61.95 / €A 63.70 / € 57.90 / £ 46.– / US-$ 75.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67671-4 CHF 71.– / €D 60.95 / €A 62.70 / € 57.– / £ 47.– / US-$ 68.95


eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07098-9 CHF 75.– / €D 67.95 / €A 68.40 / € 57.– / £ 47.– / US-$ 68.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07041-5 CHF 25.– / €D 21.95 / €A 22.30 / € 18.60 / £ 16.– / US-$ 22.95


ISBN 978-3-653-06671-5

CHF 73.75 / €D 68.90 / €A 69.48 / € 57.90 / £ 46.– / US-$ 75.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67551-9 CHF 23.– / €D 19.95 / €A 20.50 / € 18.60 / £ 16.– / US-$ 22.95


Economics and Management

Philipp Nikolaus Kluge

Petra Lieven

Marketing Luxury Goods Online

Rating Agencies and the Fallout of the 2007–2008 Financial Crisis

The marketing of luxury goods faces a fundamental challenge: balancing sales growth against exclusiveness. In today’s digital world, this trade-off has become even more challenging. A luxury brand’s fragile concept of exclusiveness is seemingly incompatible with the ubiquitous availability provided by the mass medium Internet. The author addresses this trade-off both conceptually and empirically. First, the author conceptually examines the specific marketing-mix for luxury goods in terms of product, price, communications, and distribution management. Second, this marketing-mix is applied to the online environment. Third, the author empirically tests the effects of the online accessibility of luxury goods on consumer perceptions of scarcity and desirability.

This book examines rating agencies role in the recent financial crisis and proposed reforms. It summarizes the key causes that have led to the crisis, analyzes points of criticism and accusations leveled at rating agencies, and discusses proposals towards regulatory reform. The author takes rating agencies position regarding these accusations and proposals into account. In contrast to other studies focusing only on US and EU regulatory issues, this study also considers whether responses from other countries could deliver a feasible path in adopting new regulations. The author examines in a cross-country qualitative manner stakeholder perceptions with respect to rating agencies. Based on empirical findings the study discusses how perceived or revealed shortcomings can be solved.

Michael Lück • Jarmo Ritalahti • Alexander Scherer (eds.)

International Perspectives on Destination Management and Tourist Experiences Insights from the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT) The International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT) covers various areas of research. ICNT’s fourth book offers insights of tourism experts with a wide range of interest and expertise on the way tourism is understood and worked in different countries around the world. The first part of this volume focuses on factors influencing the management of tourism destinations, including competition, controlling, and marketing. An in-depth view into tourist experiences is offered in the second part, with examples ranging from volcano tourism to national park and wildlife tourism, and gastronomic experiences.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 221 pp., 25 b/w ill., 15 graphs, 21 b/w tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. XXVII, 267 pp., 68 graphs, 28 tables Schriften zu Marketing und Handel. Vol. 19

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 298 pp., 7 b/w tables

Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Management und Tourismus (IMT). Vol. 11


ISBN 978-3-631-67865-7 CHF 75.– / €D 64.95 / €A 66.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67621-9 CHF 81.– / €D 69.95 / €A 71.90 / € 65.40 / £ 54.– / US-$ 78.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07000-2 CHF 79.– / €D 71.95 / €A 72.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06985-3 CHF 67.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

ISBN 978-3-653-06966-2

CHF 86.– / €D 77.95 / €A 78.50 / € 65.40 / £ 54.– / US-$ 78.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67629-5 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95


Economics and Management

Anil Paul

Jürgen Plöhn • George Chobanov (eds.)

Susanne Schneider


Sustainability and Welfare Policy in European Market Economies

HR Policies and Maternal Labor Supply

Skills, Behaviors & Traits The author presents required leadership characteristics – 38 skills, 12 behaviors, and 9 traits – for project managers to run projects successfully. He offers a qualitative case study explaining the importance of Commitment, Communication, Knowledge, Motivation, Role Model, and Teamwork.

The articles in this volume are selected from the contributions to two international conferences. Authors and teams tackle general economic approaches and developments with respect to new concepts for the production possibility frontier, the connection of development and exports diversification and improvements to the business process. Other contributors address economic sustainability with respect to an institutional path to sustainable growth, available financial instruments, behavioral models of economic expectations, solutions for waste treatment as well as to technological aspects related to security, privacy and IT governance. Finally, a third group of authors discusses health policy in the EU and postsecondary education in Bulgaria as aspects of public welfare.

The Example of Employer-Supported Childcare The author asks how far the extension of employer-supported childcare serves as a driver for higher maternal labor supply. She addresses this question by categorizing employer-supported childcare as an efficiency wage introduced by the employer to increase the working volume of mothers. Applying various impact evaluation techniques in an econometric analysis, the author concludes that the availability of employer-supported childcare has a positive impact on the length and working volume of mothers who return back to work after giving birth. Furthermore, the usage of employer-supported childcare by mothers with pre-school age children influences the amount of agreed and actual working hours positively.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 212 pp., 22 b/w ill., 13 b/w tables Sofia Conferences on Social and Economic Development in Europe. Vol. 5

Bern, 2017. 220 p., 10 b/w ill., 33 b/w tables.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 184 pp., 10 tables, 1 graph pb.

ISBN 978-3-631-67286-0 CHF 51.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.– / £ 34.– / US-$ 54.95


ISBN 978-3-631-66074-4 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95


eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71817-9 CHF 67.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71981-7 CHF 67.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

ISBN 978-3-653-06907-5

CHF 53.75 / €D 49.98 / €A 50.40 / € 42.– / £ 34.– / US-$ 54.95

Sozialökonomische Schriften. Vol. 52 ISBN 978-3-631-71975-6 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95


Economics and Management

Tobias M. Scholz

Murat A. Yülek • Hongyul Han

David Zastrau

Big Data in Organizations and the Role of Human Resource Management

Industrial, Science, Technology and Innovation Policies in South Korea and Japan

Estimation of Uncertainty of Wind Energy Predictions

A Complex Systems Theory-Based Conceptualization Big data are changing the way we work as companies face an increasing amount of data. Rather than replacing a human workforce or making decisions obsolete, big data are going to pose an immense innovating force to those employees capable of utilizing them. This book intends to first convey a theoretical understanding of big data. It then tackles the phenomenon of big data from the perspectives of varied organizational theories in order to highlight socio-technological interaction. Big data are bound to transform organizations which calls for a transformation of the human resource department. The HR department’s new role then enables organizations to utilize big data for their purpose. Employees, while remaining an organization’s major competitive advantage, have found a powerful ally in big data.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. XVII, 237 pp., 10 b/w ill., 15 b/w tables

Designing effective industrial and science, technology and innovation (STI) policies is still an ongoing quest for both developed and developing countries. This book examines industrial as well as STI policies in East Asian countries South Korea and Japan comparatively. Japan is one of the largest industrial economies in the world. However, it is experiencing competitiveness problems with a relative fall in its manufacturing industry indicators such as exports. Korea is, on the other hand, a rapidly rising industrial power challenging larger peers including Japan. The two economies are competing in similar markets and are on different cycles of development. This book looks at the competitive positions of the two countries in the field of industrial and STI policies in general and in the sectors of railway equipment, medical equipment, aviation equipment and electronics.

ISBN 978-3-631-71890-2

CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95 eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-3-631-71903-9

Currently, a new generation of fuel-efficient ships, which use wind force in addition to conventional propulsion technology, is being developed. This study describes a mathematical method for a probabilistic estimate of the wind propulsion force on a ship route. The method is based on quantile regression, which makes it suitable for various ship routes with variable weather conditions. Furthermore, the author takes different macro weather situations into account for the calculation of the statistical distributions. He validates the results for a multi-purpose carrier, a ship route in the North Atlantic Ocean and archived weather forecasts. It showed that the wind force can be estimated more accurately if the macro weather situation is taken into account properly.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. XVI, 123 pp., 38 b/w ill., 15 coloured ill., 17 b/w tables Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 208 pp., 35 fig., 59 tables

Maritime Logistik / Maritime Logistics. Vol. 9


ISBN 978-3-631-68124-4 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07261-7 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71895-7 CHF 55.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.50 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

Personalmanagement und Organisation. Vol. 5 hb.

With Application to Weather Routing and Wind Power Generation

ISBN 978-3-631-71885-8 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95




Bernard W. Andrews

Jeff Astley • Leslie J. Francis (eds.)

Working Together

Diversity and Intersectionality

A Case Study of a National Arts Education Partnership

Studies in Religion, Education and Values

Partnerships among a variety of institutions – for profit, not-for-profit, and non-profit – are a relatively recent organizational development. Such partnerships link businesses, government, and social agencies. The primary reason for these relationships is to achieve goals sooner and more efficiently by building on the resources and expertise of each partner. In arts education, schools, arts organizations, cultural institutions, government agencies, and universities have engaged in joint ventures to improve the teaching and learning of the arts disciplines in their schools and in their communities. These partnerships have been particularly beneficial for teachers, many of whom have limited background in the arts but are expected to teach them in their classrooms. Arts partnerships initially focused on the goals of the participating organizations; that is, to develop artistic skills, to build future audiences, and/or to encourage young people to consider an artistic career. More recently, partnerships focus on educational goals rather than solely artistic ones. Despite the challenges and complexities of arts education partnerships, most partners believe that the benefits to students, teachers and the community outweigh the disadvantages and consequently, as the research in Working Together demonstrates, they are willing to justify the time, energy, and expense involved to improve the quality of arts education.

This volume brings together two core concepts that are central to understanding the social and public significance of religions and theologies within the contemporary world and are therefore of key importance to the discipline of religious education: diversity and intersectionality. Religious diversity requires an understanding of religions and theologies and their roles within a plural society. However, the effect of the intersectionality of multiple social identities on a person’s flourishing illuminates the ways in which the broader complexity of diversity must be viewed from different perspectives. These core constructs were brought together in a recent conference convened by the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, the leading international association for religious educators across the world. This volume presents twelve key contributions made to the seminar, spanning both conceptual and empirical approaches, and represents a unique collection of international perspectives on the interlocking themes of intersectionality and diversity.

Oxford, 2016. XII, 256 pp. New York, 2016. XVI, 154 pp., num. ill.

Religion, Education and Values. Vol. 10

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 502



ISBN 978-1-4331-3144-8

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

ISBN 978-3-0343-2252-2 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95 eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-110-0 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95



Jacqueline Bach

Lisa Bass (ed.)

Diane Linder Berman • David J. Connor

Reel Education

Black Mask-ulinity

Documentaries, Biopics, and Reality Television

A Framework for Black Masculine Caring

A Child, A Family, A School, A Community

Reel Education is the first single-authored book to bring together the theoretical and practical considerations of teaching cinematic texts about education that claim a degree of verisimilitude. Given the recent influx of documentaries, biopics, and reality television shows about education, new theoretical frameworks are required to understand how these productions shape public conversations about educational issues. Such texts, with their claims to represent real-life experiences, have a particular power to sway audiences who may uncritically accept these stories as offering “the truth” about what happens in schools. Since all texts, whatever their truth-claims may be, are grounded in specific ideologies, those in the fields of humanities, education, and media and communication studies must pay attention to how these films and television shows are constructed and for what purposes. This book provides an analysis of documentaries, biopics, and reality television, examining the construction of the genres, the explicit and latent ideologies they contain, and the ways in which students and faculty might critically engage with them in classrooms.

Black Mask-ulinity: A Framework for Black Masculine Caring is a collection of research, narratives, essays, and conceptual works to lay the foundation for an important emerging theoretical framework: Black Masculine Caring (BMC). This framework facilitates an understanding of the teaching and leading styles of Black males, and seeks to improve the educational experiences of Black male students. This book is significant in that it builds upon feminist ethic of caring frameworks and takes readers on a journey toward understanding the ethic of caring through a masculine lens. Authors explore the experiences of caring school leaders; Black male students in need of care; Black males as caring fathers; Black males as caring spiritual leaders; and Black males as caring institutional leaders. This book is appropriate for students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in classes including the foundations of education, the sociology of education, ethics in educational leadership, teacher preparation, Black studies, and scholars seeking a deeper experience in their study of the ethics of caring.

A Tale of Inclusive Education This book is a true story of one family’s journey into inclusive education. Having previously been told that her son Benny had «failed to function» in two exclusionary special education classrooms in New York City, Berman’s family set off in search of a school where Benny would be accepted for who he was, while having the opportunity to grow and flourish academically, socially, and emotionally alongside his brother, Adam. Connor’s interest was piqued when Berman shared her desire to document the ways in which the new school community had supported Benny throughout the years. Together, they thought, surely other teachers, school and district level administrators, parents of children with and without disabilities, teacher educators, and student teachers, could learn from such a success story? The result of their collaboration is this book in which Berman skillfully narrates episodes across time, describing ways in which children, teachers, educational assistants, parents, and a principal came to know Benny— developing numerous and often creative ways to include him in their classrooms, school, and community. Connor’s commentaries after each chapter link practice to theory, revealing ways in which much of what the school community seems to «do naturally» is, in fact, highly compatible with a Disability Studies in Education (DSE) approach to inclusive education. By illuminating multiple approaches that have worked to include Benny, the authors invite educators and families to envision further possibilities within their own contexts.

New York, 2016. XII, 186 pp. Minding the Media. Critical Issues for Learning and Teaching. Vol. 17

New York, 2016. IX, 177 pp.



ISBN 978-1-4331-2916-2

Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 72 ISBN 978-1-4331-2654-3

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

CHF 38.– / €D 33.70 / €A 34.70 / € 31.50 / £ 25.– / US-$ 40.95



ISBN 978-1-4331-2915-5

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2655-0

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.30 / € 123.04 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

New York, 2017. XXVI, 258 pp. Inclusion and Teacher Education. Vol. 4 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3322-0

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95



Esther Berner • Philipp Gonon (eds.)

Susan Bernheimer

David C. Bloomfield

History of Vocational Education and Training in Europe

Voices of Early Childhood Educators

American Public Education Law Primer

Voices of Early Childhood Educators presents powerful, living stories of early childhood students and practitioners. Susan Bernheimer clearly shows the importance of their stories for understanding the challenges now facing our field, including valuable insights into new forms of resilience and development. Bernheimer invites college students and their instructors into an eye-opening journey with early childhood professionals today.

This clear, readable introductory text for undergraduate and graduate Education Law courses or modules offers a practical guide to everyday problems such as student expression, discipline, religion, curriculum, social media, privacy, charter schools, discrimination, special education, and more. Features include distinctions among school, district, state, and federal law; the Facts and Find research method; the Cascade approach to the American legal system; lobbying advice; and the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the replacement to No Child Left Behind. Written by the ex-Counsel to the New York City Board of Education and a graduate of Columbia University Law School, American Public Education Law Primer is more than an academic text, presenting the real world of Education Law to benefit professionals, parents, and the general public.

Cases, Concepts and Challenges Understanding today’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems requires a comprehension of the rise and development, i.e. of the foundations of topical VET. This book provides a comparative view of its development in Europe. The contributions of renowned authors give insight into conceptual questions, cases and challenges in this field.

Bern, 2016. 604 pp., 16 b/w ill., 6 coloured ill. Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education. Vol. 14

New York, 2016. XV, 133 pp.



ISBN 978-3-0343-2120-4

Childhood Studies. Vol. 6 ISBN 978-1-4331-3060-1

CHF 128.– / €D 109.95 / €A 113.30 / € 103.– / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

eBook (SUL)


ISBN 978-3-0343-2354-3

CHF 134.– / €D 122.95 / €A 123.60 / € 103.– / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3061-8

CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

New York, 2007, 2012. XII, 150 pp. Peter Lang Primer. Vol. 7 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3040-3

CHF 34.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.20 / € 27.50 / £ 22.– / US-$ 32.95



Sandra Bohlinger • Thi Kim Anh Dang • Malgorzata Klatt (eds.)

Education policy: Mapping the landscape and scope This book maps recent developments in the landscape of education policy in higher and vocational education, the returns of education, curriculum design and education reforms, driven by social, economic, political and cultural factors. Contributed by over twenty authors from five continents, this collection provides diverse, innovative and useful perspectives on the ways education policy is researched, implemented and enacted. It helps researchers, policy makers, students and practitioners to better understand processes of policy making, its theory, practice and outcomes. Despite national differences, many shared features and challenges emerge from this book as education systems face the common need to reinvent their existing systems and processes.

Regina Bradley

Dignity and Human Rights Education

Boondock Kollage

Exploring Ultimate Worth in a Post-Secular World This book addresses the question of human rights education in a world that is witnessing a resurgence of religion in public life, and a continuation of religion across much of the globe, long after secularization theories predicted its decline. Promoting a universal vision of human rights while acknowledging religious diversity is a challenge for schools. This book starts with the basic premise that human rights are grounded in a belief in the dignity and ultimate worth of the human person. Drawing on key philosophical and theological sources for understanding dignity, it builds a vision of human rights and religious education that seeks to square the impossible circle of universal human rights education in a religiously diverse world.

Stories from the Hip Hop South Boondock Kollage: New Stories from the Contemporary Black South is a collection of twelve short stories that addresses issues of race, place, and identity in the post–Civil Rights American South. Using historical, spectral, and hip hop infused fiction, Boondock Kollage critically engages readers to question the intersections of regionalism and black culture in current American society.

Oxford, 2017. X, 304 pp., 1 fig.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 560 pp., 19 b/w ill., 17 b/w tables hb.

Robert A. Bowie

Religion, Education and Values. Vol. 11 ISBN 978-3-631-65751-5


ISBN 978-3-0343-1940-9

CHF 75.– / €D 64.95 / €A 66.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95

CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.20 / € 55.60 / £ 45.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-05044-8 CHF 79.– / €D 71.95 / €A 72.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-207-7 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 66.70 / € 55.60 / £ 45.– / US-$ 67.95

New York, 2017. XXII, 140 pp. Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 102 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3303-9

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95



Rochelle Brock • Dara Nix-Stevenson • Paul Chamness Miller (eds.)

Kathy Bussert-Webb • Maria Eugenia Diaz • Krystal A. Yanez

Critical Black Studies Reader

Justice and Space Matter in a Strong, Unified Latino Community

The Critical Black Studies Reader is a groundbreaking volume whose aim is to criticalize and reenvision Black Studies through a critical lens. The book not only stretches the boundaries of knowledge and understanding of issues critical to the Black experience, it creates a theoretical grounding that is intersectional in its approach. Our notion of Black Studies is neither singularly grounded in African American Studies nor on traditional notions of the Black experience. Though situated work in this field has historically grappled with the question of «where are we?» in Black Studies, this volume offers the reader a type of criticalization that has not occurred to this point. While the volume includes seminal works by authors in the field, as a critical endeavor, the editors have also included pieces that address the political issues that intersect with – among others – power, race, class, gender, sexuality, religion, place, and economics.

Justice and Space Matter in a Strong, Unified Latino Community provides a detailed analysis of «colonias» along the Mexico–United States border, examining the intersection of culture, education, language, literacy, race, religion, and social class in Latino immigrant communities. The researchers investigated El Corazón, a colonia in South Texas as a case study of these unincorporated border settlements, consisting of mostly Mexican heritage residents and lacking many basic living necessities. Highlighting over ten years of research findings, the authors consider structural inequalities alongside the unique strengths of El Corazón. Their acute observations dispel myths about such high-poverty communities and demonstrate how residents overcome the odds through activism, faith, and «ganas.» In presenting a portrait of the El Corazón colonia, the authors offer a deeper level of understanding of one Latino community to inspire the development of a more equitable, compassionate world. This book will be invaluable to students and scholars of all fields who work with culturally diverse people in poverty, and will be ideal for courses in ethnic studies, multicultural studies, ethnographic methods, and socio-cultural applications for education.

Keith Catone

The Pedagogy of Teacher Activism Portraits of Four Teachers for Justice Through the artful science of portraiture, The Pedagogy of Teacher Activism presents the stories of four teacher activists—how they are and have become social change agents—to uncover important pedagogical underpinnings of teacher activism. Embedded in their stories are moments of political clarity and consciousness, giving rise to their purpose as teacher activists. The narratives illuminate how both inner passions and those stirred by caring relationships with others motivate their work, while the intentional ways in which they attempt to disrupt power relations give shape to their approaches to teacher activism. Knowing their work will never truly be done and that the road they travel is often difficult, the teacher activists considered here persist because of the hope and possibility that their work might change the world. Like many preservice educators or undergraduates contemplating teaching as a vocation, these teacher activists were not born ready for the work that they do. Yet by mining their biographical histories and trajectories of political development, this book illuminates the pedagogy of teacher activism that guides their work.

New York, 2017. XVIII, 156 pp. New York, 2017. XIV, 282 pp.

Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 11

Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 60 hb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-2407-5 CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-2406-8

CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.60 / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

New York, 2017. XXXVI, 242 pp. Critical Studies of Latinos/as in the Americas. Vol. 3 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3205-6

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3437-1 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3436-4

CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95



Lilian Cibils

Kabba E. Colley

Christopher S. Collins • Alexander Jun

Immigration, Motherhood and Parental Involvement

Purposeful Engagement in Science Learning

White Out

Narratives of Communal Agency in the Face of Power Asymmetry

The Project-based Approach

Understanding White Privilege and Dominance in the Modern Age

Purposeful Engagement in Science Learning provides a blueprint of how teachers and their students can engage in science learning that mirrors the way science is practiced. It is written for K–16 science educators as well as those in the informal science education sector. The framework for this book is based on the project cycle, which is consistent with the process of scientific inquiry. Chapter One reviews the historical, philosophical and psychological foundations of project-based scientific inquiry (PBSI) and the evolution of this approach in the U.S. Chapter Two examines and synthesizes the research on PBSI. Chapter Three explores how to plan PBSI and offers practical strategies for veteran and novice science educators alike. Chapter Four presents different strategies for implementing PBSI with particular emphasis on factors to consider, including the roles and responsibilities of teachers and students. Chapter Five provides selected case histories of successful PBSI. Chapter Six deals with the different methods of evaluating and assessing students’ learning in PBSI environments and provides examples of performance-based assessments suitable for evaluating students’ learning. Chapter Seven examines the relationship between PBSI, after-school programs and community involvement. Finally, Chapter Eight identifies and describes relevant resources that could be used to support and enhance PBSI. This book is organized in a way that allows science educators to address the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), while at the same time, helping students learn science in ways that are relevant to their lives.

Colleges across the country, and the nation as a whole continue to be divided along racial lines. White Out: Understanding White Privilege and Dominance in the Modern Age is about the role of Whiteness and a defense of White dominance in an increasingly diverse society. Whiteness is socially constructed, just as race is undoubtedly a social construct, documented through various periods in history. This book proposes that White Out is a learned habit that serves to defend White dominance in a multicultural age. White Out is a strategy that covers systems, dispositions, and actions that cannot cover the full indentation or impact. However, the action of blotting, either intentional or unintentional, serves to obscure experiences of people of color in lieu of a competing definition of reality. The authors introduce the White Architecture of the Mind as a metaphor highlighting the mind as a collection of walls, doors, windows, and pathways that influence individuals to react based on a systemic logic that was socially constructed reason. White Out, a byproduct of a White architecture of the mind, is a set of individual actions, choices, behaviors, and attitudes that are guided by a system that predisposes these attitudes and perpetuates privilege for core members of a dominant majority. The oftenunconscious purpose in denying privilege and articulating colorblind ideology is to support a larger system and view of reality. The concepts covered in this volume include: White Pain, Whitefluenza (privilege as a virus), White 22 (White if you do, White if you don’t), Whitrogressions, Angry White Men, White Pilgrims, and Good White Friends.

Immigration, Motherhood and Parental Involvement is based on the vivid accounts of seven Latina immigrant women of how they learned to navigate the school system in the rural southwest of the United States. Their stories are presented within several contexts, the socio-political conditions of immigration overarching them all. The process of acquiring a new socio-cultural script offers a common frame to the narratives, which illustrate the central role of the community in finding spaces for agency in circumstances of vulnerability. As a contribution to educational theory, this book explores the official discourse of parental involvement within the broader context of social policy by pointing to a common underlying ideal parent norm across areas of policy related to family and women. It also revisits the concept of parental involvement through contrasting ideologies of motherhood, as it applies the concept of participation parity in everyday institutional interactions as a fundamental measure of social justice. Immigration, Motherhood and Parental Involvement offers deep insight into the institutionalized patterns of formal inclusion/informal exclusion in the relationship of schools with Latina immigrant mothers, even within the best intended programs. Its focus on the persistent need for the implementation of culturally and linguistically sensitive approaches to home-school relations makes this a mustread for undergraduate and graduate courses in teacher education, education leadership and sociology of education.

New York, 2017. X, 296 pp. Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 439

New York, 2016. XVI, 202 pp.


ISBN 978-1-4331-3088-5 CHF 65.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.10 / € 52.80 / £ 43.– / US-$ 63.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3091-5 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

New York, 2017. XVI, 124 pp., 5 b/w ill.




ISBN 978-1-4331-3089-2

CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3090-8

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3541-5

CHF 31.– / €D 26.95 / €A 27.50 / € 25.– / £ 20.– / US-$ 29.95



Meghan Cosier • Christine Ashby (eds.)

Mary M. Dalton

Mary M. Dalton • Laura R. Linder (eds.)

Enacting Change from Within

The Hollywood Curriculum

Screen Lessons

Disability Studies Meets Teaching and Teacher Education

Teachers in the Movies Third Revised Edition

What we have Learned from Teachers on Television and in the Movies

Disability Studies in Education (DSE) provides a useful and compelling framework for re-envisioning the possibility of education for all students. However, the philosophies of Disability Studies (DS) can be seen as contradictory to many mainstream values and practices in K-12 education. In an ever-shifting educational landscape, where students with disabilities continue to face marginalization and oppression, teachers and teacher educators are seeking ways to address these educational inequities. They desire realistic and specific ways to work toward social justice, from within the confines of current education systems. Enacting Change from Within aims to provide a framework through which to analyze and address policy and practice in education, offering practical yet visionary ways to frame social justice work in schools that consider the day-to-day responsibilities of teachers. This book is intended to encourage an important dialogue on how to do the work of education from a DS perspective while complying with the often incongruous and deeply entrenched policy and practice requirements in our schools. This book is ideal for current and future teachers seeking to create more just, equitable and inclusive schools.

The third edition of this book analyzes over 165 films distributed throughout the United States over the last 80 years to construct a theory of curriculum in the movies that is grounded in cultural studies and critical pedagogy. The portrayal of teachers in popular motion pictures is based on individual efforts rather than collective action and relies on codes established by stock characters and predictable plots, which precludes meaningful struggle. These conventions ensure the ultimate outcome of the screen narratives and almost always leave the educational institutions – which represent the larger status quo – intact and dominant. To interrogate «the Hollywood curriculum» is to ask what it means as a culture to be responsive to films at both social and personal levels and to engage these films as both entertaining and potentially transforming.

This unprecedented volume includes 30 essays by teachers and students about the teacher characters who have inspired them. Drawing on film and television texts, the authors explore screen lessons from a variety of perspectives. Arranged in topical categories, the contributors examine the «good» teacher; the «bad» teacher; gender, sexuality, and teaching; race and ethnicity in the classroom; and lessons on social class. From such familiar texts as the Harry Potter series and School of Rock to classics like Blackboard Jungle and Golden Girls to unexpected narratives such as the Van Halen music video «Hot for Teacher» and Linda Ellerbee’s Nick News, the essays are both provocative and instructive. Courses that could use this book include Education and Popular Culture, Cultural Foundations, Popular Culture Studies, other media studies and television genre classes.

New York, 2017. XIV, 242 pp.

New York, 2017. XVI, 244 pp.

New York, 2016. XI, 355 pp.

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 486

Inclusion and Teacher Education. Vol. 2

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 495


ISBN 978-1-4331-2909-4 CHF 38.– / €D 33.70 / €A 34.70 / € 31.50 / £ 25.– / US-$ 40.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3085-4 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95



eBook (SUL)


ISBN 978-1-4331-2910-0

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.30 / € 123.04 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

ISBN 978-1-4539-1774-9

CHF 35.80 / €D 25.35 / €A 25.56 / € 21.30 / £ 19.20 / US-$ 32.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3083-0 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3084-7

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95



Scot Danforth • Susan L. Gabel (eds.)

Belinha S. de Abreu

Vital Questions Facing Disability Studies in Education

Mobile Learning through Digital Media Literacy

Second Edition Edited by the leading scholars in the field, Vital Questions Facing Disability Studies in Education provides an overview and introduction to the growing field of disability studies in education, including the application of the interdisciplinary field of disability studies to inclusive education, teacher education, educational research, and educational policy development. While traditional special education research has focused on developing interventions aimed at increasing students’ functional capacities, disability studies scholars have asked provocative and probing questions about how communities and schools can value, include, and nurture disabled persons. This second edition continues the emphasis of the first edition on the central questions that drive this critical field of inquiry and social action, while broadening its scope to more fully address international educational issues. The first edition of this text has been widely adopted in undergraduate and graduate courses in disability studies and inclusive education.

Mobile Learning through Digital Media Literacy proposes media literacy education as a conceptual framework for bridging mobile technologies in teaching and learning. As cell phones have become more advanced and applications more innovative and fitting, candid conversations are taking place as to how technology can be a purposeful tool in the classroom. Mobile technology already attracts students and encourages text-language development; yet its accessibility affords the potential for more extended use, offering enhancement and flexibility for instructional development. In light of a shared vision of collaboration and growth developing globally within educational circles, this book examines mobile learning as a formal literacy, as a productivity environment for creative growth in and out of the classroom, and as an advancement to social learning through online networks. The book surveys media literacy education—both within the classroom and its extended implications—for concerns of civic participation and data privacy, as more educators and policymakers internationally consider the possibilities of connected classrooms and m-learning on a universal scale.

George J. Sefa Dei • Meredith Lordan (eds.)

Anti-Colonial Theory and Decolonial Praxis Are we living in a post-colonial world? A colonial one? An anti-colonial one? Lifting the veil from language and politics, Anti-Colonial Theory and Decolonial Praxis uses case studies from around the world to explore and untangle these concepts as they relate to education. The anti-colonial prism is very much connected to the postcolonial lens but these frameworks are not the same. Building upon earlier works, this book takes up the subject of anti-colonial praxis and its specific implications – the larger questions of schooling and education in global and, particularly, Diasporic contexts. The goal is to re-theorize the anti-colonial for the decolonial projects of transforming schooling and education in a broadly defined way. Beyond explaining these ideas, this book demonstrates ways communities are engaging in praxis as a form of anti-colonial change in a wide range of locations. Incorporating case studies from various locations and Diasporic communities – including Somalia, Canada, Nigeria, Jamaica, and St. Vincent – and provocative theoretical analyses, the book brings varied experiences of anti-colonial praxis to the reader in timely, culturally diverse, and engaging ways. This book could be used in upper undergraduate and graduate level courses in anthropology, Diaspora studies, education, environmental studies, ethnic studies, gender studies, law, multiculturalism studies, politics, social work, and sociology.

New York, 2017. XXXIV, 214 pp. New York, 2016. XXI, 359 pp. Disability Studies in Education. Vol. 2 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-2757-1

CHF 52.– / €D 46.10 / €A 47.40 / € 43.05 / £ 34.– / US-$ 55.95

New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies. Vol. 73

New York, 2016. XXII, 217 pp.


ISBN 978-1-4331-2895-0 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95




ISBN 978-1-4331-2894-3

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3388-6 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3387-9

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95



Markus Deimann • Michael A. Peters (eds.)

Ty-Ron M. O. Douglas

The Philosophy of Open Learning Peer Learning and the Intellectual Commons In this book, internationally recognized scholars provide in-depth insight into the emerging field of open education. The Philosophy of Open Learning provides an overview of the current debates and introduces the reader to the overall discourse on open education. The broad range of topics, including MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and OERs (Open Educational Resources) is aimed at demonstrating that open education has emerged as a new principle for organizing higher education. Based on this idea, the book covers various issues that are backed up by thorough philosophical reflections that provide orientation for the heated debates. Open education is discussed in its various imbrications to other open movements, such as open access, and its relevance for education over the last fifteen years.

Border Crossing «Brothas» Black Males Navigating Race, Place, and Complex Space Border Crossing «Brothas» examines how Black males form identities, define success, and utilize community-based pedagogical spaces to cross literal and figurative borders. The tragic deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Tamir Rice in Cleveland, and numerous others from Brooklyn, Britain, and Bermuda whose lives have been taken prematurely suggest that negotiating race, place, and complex space is a matter of life and death for Black males. In jurisdictions such as the U.S. and Bermuda, racial tensions are the palpable and obvious reality, yet the average citizen has no idea how to sensibly react. This book offers a reasonable response that pushes readers to account for and draw on the best of what we know, the core of who we are, and the needs and histories of those we serve. Drawing on the educational and socializing experiences of Black males in Bermuda – a beautiful yet complex island with strong connections to the U.S., England, and the Caribbean – this book offers educators and leaders new language for postcolonial possibilities and emancipatory epistemologies related to Black male identities and success in a global context. Intriguing findings and fresh frameworks grounded in understandings of race, class, ability, transnationalism, culture, colonialism, and the construction/performance of gendered identity emerge in this book.

Branka Drljača Margić • Irena Vodopija-Krstanović

Uncovering English-Medium Instruction Glocal Issues in Higher Education English-medium instruction (EMI) is a complex educational innovation and a prerequisite for active participation in the process of internationalizing academia. Given its impact on today’s universities, it is crucial that EMI should be effectively and responsibly implemented. This book draws on a range of theoretical and empirical insights to explore the implications of EMI for stakeholders and describe the measures that should be taken to capitalize on its strengths and respond to its challenges. Using questionnaires, interviews and classroom observation, the authors investigate two academic communities – one that has undertaken instruction in English and one that has not – to weave together teacher and student attitudes, experiences, expectations and needs, along with comparative findings from classroom practice in Croatian and English. By analysing EMI in a local academic context against the backdrop of the global higher education landscape, this book offers a glocal perspective and opens up new avenues for reflection and action that will be relevant to educational institutions undergoing change.

New York, 2016. VIII, 152 pp.

New York, 2016. XXX, 212 pp.

Global Studies in Education. Vol. 32

Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 101

Oxford, 2017. X, 142 pp.


ISBN 978-1-4331-2858-5 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3539-2 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95




eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-189-6 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2857-8

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3538-5

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

ISBN 978-1-78707-057-8 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95



Isabel Ann Dwornik

Figen Ereş (ed.)

Matthew Farber

Dreams and Deception

Educational Policies in Turkey and Its Reflection

Gamify Your Classroom

Sports Lure, Racism, and Young Black Males’ Struggles in Sports and Education This book helps young black males, educators, policy makers, parents, and all other interested parties to understand the importance of education alongside athletic pursuits. In the world today, many young black males view athletic participation as the way to secure a successful future. Yet for the majority of them, dreams of playing professional sports rarely pan out. Many end up returning to a life of poverty as a result of the sports lure which deceives them and entices them to focus exclusively on athletic talent at the expense of their education. This book presents a social historical and critical deconstruction introducing readers to this sports lure, revealing what makes it so powerful in the lives of these youths. As Isabel Ann Dwornik documents, centuries-worth of racism in the United States is at the core of this phenomenon, which has affected the academic identity development of black male youths and has discouraged them from taking full advantage of their schooling.

Education is a major political issue and a major focus of country attention. The fact that the development and knowledge brought forth by an information society is constantly being questioned and has made development and innovation in education inevitable. Education is also seen as a crucial factor in ensuring economic productivity and social development. This book examines the educational policies and results in Turkey. It states that basic problems of the Turkish education system are inequality, quality and a lack of planning. Centralized structure affects autonomy negatively in schools. The problem with education policies of the Ministry of National Education is also the lack of vision. This volume develops needed paradigms to balance the opinions of the decision makers, administrators and teachers with the preferences of the student body in Turkey.

A Field Guide to Game-Based Learning Revised edition This completely revised and expanded field guide is packed with new innovative ideas on how to implement game-based learning and gamification techniques in everyday teaching. With nearly two dozen more experts than the first edition, this book contains interviews with more than 70 authorities in the field, including academics such as James Paul Gee, Kurt Squire, Mizuko (Mimi) Ito, Lee Sheldon, Jordan Shapiro, and Mary Flanagan. The author also shares conversations with experts from numerous organizations such as Common Sense Media, iCivics, DragonBox, Connected Camps, GlassLab Games, Schell Games, Institute of Play, Games for Change, BrainPOP, Tiggly, Toca Boca, ThinkFun, BrainQuake, Filament Games, BreakoutEDU, Kahoot, Classcraft, and more. Featuring a new introduction, as well as a foreword from USA Today’s national K-12 education writer Greg Toppo, this book provides new practical lesson plan ideas, ready-to-use games, and links for further research in each updated chapter. Included are best practice recommendations from star game-based learning teachers, including Steve Isaacs, Peggy Sheehy, Michael Matera, Rafranz Davis, Zack Gilbert, and Paul Darvasi. Regardless of your teaching discipline or grade level, whether you are new to game-based learning or if you have experience and want to take a deeper dive, this book will engage and reinvigorate the way you teach and how your students learn!

New York, 2017. XXII, 230 pp. Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society. Vol. 66

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 204 pp., 19 tables, 2 graphs


ISBN 978-1-4331-3374-9 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95



eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07003-3 CHF 37.– / €D 32.95 / €A 33.60 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3373-2

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67872-5 CHF 35.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.80 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95

New York, 2017. XXII, 338 pp. New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies. Vol. 77 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3502-6

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95



Helen Fox

Julie C. Garlen • Jennifer A. Sandlin (eds.)

H. James Garrett

When Race Breaks Out

Teaching with Disney

Learning to be in the World with Others

Teaching with Disney, the first comprehensive volume on Disney as cultural pedagogy and classroom praxis, explores what it means to teach, learn, and live in a world where many familiar discourses are dominated by The Walt Disney Company. The book analyzes the ways in which the powerful messages of Disney shape the way we teach and learn. Featuring scholars from a wide range of educational contexts, including educational foundations, art education, higher education, K-12 contexts, adult education, media literacy, critical pedagogy, and curriculum studies, this book is accessible and interesting to a global audience of educational researchers and practitioners as well as undergraduate and graduate students in educational foundations, curriculum and instruction, curriculum theory, critical media education, art education, sociology of education, and related fields. Discussion questions are provided for each chapter to help facilitate class discussions and assignments. This is an excellent assignment text for education classrooms.

Difficult Knowledge and Social Studies Education

Conversations about Race and Racism in College Classrooms 3rd Revised edition The third revised edition of «When Race Breaks Out» is a guide for college and high school teachers who want to promote honest and informed conversations about race and racism. Based on the author’s personal practice and interviews with students and faculty from a variety of disciplines, this book combines personal memoirs, advice, teaching ideas, and lively classroom vignettes. A unique insideräs guide to the salient ideas, definitions, and opinions about race helps instructors answer students’ questions and anticipate their reactions, both to the material and to each other. An extensive annotated bibliography of articles, books, and videos with recommendations for classroom use is included.

In this book, H. James Garrett inquires into the processes of learning about the social world, populated as it often is with bewildering instances of loss, violence, and upheaval. In such learning, interactions invite and enliven our passionate responses, or prompt us to avoid them. Interpreting and working with these often emotional reactions is critical to social studies education and developing strategies for individuals to participate in democracy. Garrett illustrates ways that learning about the world does not occur in absence of our intimate relations to knowledge, the way learning sometimes feels like our undoing, and how new knowledge can feel more like a burden than an advantage.

New York, 2017. XIV, 160 pp. New York, 2017. XXIV, 262 pp.

New York, 2016. IX, 229 pp., num. ill.

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 506

Higher Ed. Questions about the Purpose(s) of Colleges and Universities. Vol. 29

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 477





ISBN 978-1-4331-3478-4

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2882-0

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3238-4 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3237-7

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95



C.P. Gause (ed.)

Keratso Georgiadou

Michaela Gläß

Leadership, Equity, and Social Justice in American Higher Education

The Role of Computer Education in the Social Empowerment of Muslim Minority Women in Greek Thrace

Higher Education Modelling

A Reader Never before have leadership, equity, and social justice been more important and/or critical to the mission of public universities and institutions of higher education. The twentyfirst century has ushered in a period of instantaneous feedback, including live newsfeeds, reviews of goods and services, and online streaming events, as well as experiences. Anyone with a smartphone has access to millions of individuals with whom to report his/her affirmation and/or dissatisfaction with individuals, products, or services. Colleges and universities have not been immune to this current climate. The purpose of this volume is to «critique» the current state of American higher education through the lenses of critical theory and critical pedagogy. This volume seeks to impact higher education preparation programs by filling the void in the literature from voices in the field. The contributing authors are a diverse array of scholars and practitioners who are committed to moral and shared leadership, equity and access, and social justice.

This book explores the Muslim minority women’s perceptions of how computer education can lead them to social participation. Moreover, it discusses the contribution of (administrative) members of the community to this effort. The analysis of quantitative findings shows that Muslim women in Greek Thrace exhibit a more western-oriented behavioural intention to use computers. By evaluating multiple interviews, the author presents how women use the potential of computer education for social participation and empowerment. In doing so, she emphasises the role of information and communications technology as a window to the outside world.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 236 pp., 64 b/w ill., 14 b/w tables

Development, Application and Perspectives This book deals with the feasibility analysis of market-oriented Higher Education Institutions based on the data of international field survey. The topics under examinations require the use of qualitative methods: guideline-oriented open expert interviews in different countries for data collection, content analysis of the survey data, and proposal of a Balanced Scorecard application in the Higher Education Institution management. Based on the elements of New Public Management methodology the author elaborates a detailed development plan usable as a model to restructure a Higher Education Institution to cope with the challenges of the Future.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. XVII, 177 pp., 5 b/w tables, 11 b/w ill.

New York, 2017. XVI, 398 pp.

Europäische Bildung im Dialog. Wissenschaft – Politik – Praxis. Vol. 12

Higher Ed. Questions about the Purpose(s) of Colleges and Universities. Vol. 23


ISBN 978-3-631-71444-7 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71445-4 CHF 55.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.50 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07102-3 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2668-0

CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.60 / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

Internationale Märkte. Vol. 20 ISBN 978-3-631-67905-0 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95



Norma S. Guerra

İsmail Güleç • Bekir Ince (eds.)

Jiying Han

Addressing Challenges Latinos/ as Encounter with the LIBRE Problem-Solving Model

1st International Symposium of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

College English Teacher Development in China

Listen-Identify-Brainstorm-Realitytest-Encourage Written for educators and professionals, this book examines the cultural challenges Latinos/as encounter as they move from one social setting to the next. Problem solving is presented as a skill, strategy, and protective factor in the development of resiliency and self-efficacy. This solution-oriented approach facilitates Latino/a personal and professional development in processing the unexpected. The book introduces the LIBRE Model problem-solving activity as the tool to negotiate positive change by (1) affirming cultural competency, (2) supporting self-regulated decision making, (3) monitoring self-engagement styles, and (4) developing resiliency toward smoother transitions. The goal is to provide the reader with partnering tools that will empower Latino/a engagement, personal management, and active self-agency in managing decisions, challenges, and choices.

This book consists of papers presented at the 1st International Symposium of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language. The Symposium was held at Het Pand Culture and Congress Center of Ghent University in April 2015. It was presented by the Sakarya University Institute of Education Sciences and the Belgium Turkish Associations with the support of the Turkish Language Association and the Yunus Emre Institute.

A Mixed-method Study This study addresses the professional development of college English teachers in mainland China. It is designed to examine the relationship between teachers’ motivation and their attitudinal elements including teacher engagement and commitment, and teaching approaches. This study adopts a mixed-method design that starts with a quantitative phase in which data were collected and analysed to examine the hypothesised predictive power of teachers’ motivation on their engagement, commitment and teaching approaches. In the second phase, qualitative data acquired via semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis were collected to further interpret, explain and elaborate the quantitative results in greater depth. As language teaching has been an often-researched discipline in the teacher motivation literature, this study prompts one to rethink and reflect on the effectiveness of college English curriculum reform and provides implications for current college English teaching and the development of college English teachers.

New York, 2016. XIV, 120 pp. Critical Studies of Latinos/as in the Americas. Vol. 14

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 228 pp., 44 tables, 19 graphs

Bern, 2017. 228 pp., 9 b/w ill., 14 b/w tables


ISBN 978-1-4331-3310-7 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95


ISBN 978-3-631-66705-7 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.50 / € 49.50 / £ 41.– / US-$ 59.95



eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06209-0 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.40 / € 49.50 / £ 41.– / US-$ 59.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-0343-2449-6 CHF 76.– / €D 68.95 / €A 69.60 / € 58.– / £ 48.– / US-$ 69.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3309-1

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

ISBN 978-3-0343-2132-7 CHF 72.– / €D 61.95 / €A 63.80 / € 58.– / £ 48.– / US-$ 69.95



Nahal Jafroudi

Rethinking the Human Person Moral Landscape and Ethical Literacy Recent developments in the natural and social sciences have brought great benefits to humanity, both in terms of our material wellbeing and our intellectual and conceptual capacities. Yet, despite a broad ethical consensus and highly developed innate faculties of reason and conscience, there seems to be a significant discrepancy between how we ought to behave and how we actually behave, leading to a disregard for the dignity of human persons across the globe. This book suggests that the problem arises from various misunderstandings of the nature of the self and that the solution could lie in adopting a holistic concept of the human person within the context of a carefully cultivated ethical literacy. It argues that the ideas of the Iranian philosopher Ostad Elahi (1895–1974) provide a powerful and compelling alternative to the dominant post-Enlightenment understanding of selfhood, education and morality.

Manuel Jiménez Raya • José Javier Martos Ramos • Maria Giovanna Tassinari (eds.)

Learner and Teacher Autonomy in Higher Education: Perspectives from Modern Language Teaching This volume seeks to foster the development of teacher and learner autonomy in language learning in higher education. It pools the insights and experiences of a group of international researchers who present their reflections and research on different aspects of autonomy and related issues. Although autonomy is acknowledged as one of the main goals of education, in higher education the need for accountability and standardisation of learning outcomes may constitute external limitations to its development. In order to overcome teaching traditions and mainstream academic culture, teachers may need to reorient themselves and face the challenge of a substantial change involving their own and their learners’ beliefs, their practice and their role in the institution.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 208 pp., 3 fig., 17 tables

Sean Justice

Learning to Teach in the Digital Age New Materialities and Maker Paradigms in Schools Learning to Teach in the Digital Age tells the story of a group of K–12 teachers as they began to connect with digital making and learning pedagogies. Guiding questions at the heart of this qualitative case study asked how teaching practices engaged with and responded to the maker movement and digital making and learning tools and materials. Over the course of one school year, Sean Justice attended to the ebb and flow of teaching and learning at an independent K–12 girls school the northeastern United States. Teachers and administrators from across grade levels and academic domains participated in interviews and casual conversations, and opened their classrooms to ad hoc observations. In conducting the study, Justice interwove a sociomaterial disposition with new materialism, posthumanism, and new media theory. Methods were inspired by narrative inquiry and actor-network theory. Findings suggested that digital making and learning pedagogies were stabilizing at the school, but not in a linear way. Further, Justice suggests that the teaching practices that most engaged the ethos of twenty-first-century learning enacted a kind of learning we hear about from artists, writers, scientists, and mathematicians when they talk about what innovation feels like, leading to the proposition that a different kind of language is needed to describe the effects of digital materialities on teaching practice.

New York, 2016. XVIII, 270 pp. New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies. Vol. 78

Oxford, 2016. X, 382 pp.

Foreign Language Teaching in Europe. Vol. 14


ISBN 978-1-906165-80-2 CHF 77.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.90 / € 61.80 / £ 50.– / US-$ 75.95


ISBN 978-3-631-65984-7 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-175-9 CHF 81.– / €D 73.95 / €A 74.10 / € 61.80 / £ 50.– / US-$ 75.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-05464-4 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3319-0 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3318-3

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95



Peter Kallaway • Rebecca Swartz (eds.)

Michele Knobel • Colin Lankshear (eds.)

Mojca Kompara • Tomasz Stępień

Empire and Education in Africa

Researching New Literacies

The Shaping of a Comparative Perspective

Design, Theory, and Data in Sociocultural Investigation

Spatialisation of Higher Education: Poland and Slovenia

Empire and Education in Africa brings together a rich body of scholarship on the history of education in colonial Africa. It provides a unique contribution to the historiography of education in different African countries and a useful point of entry for scholars new to the field of African colonial education. The collection includes case studies from South Africa, Ethiopia, Madagascar, French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Française) and Tanzania (then Tanganyika). It will therefore prove invaluable for scholars in the histories of French, British and German colonialism in Africa. The book examines similarities and differences in approaches to education across a broad geographical and chronological framework, with chapters focusing on the period between 1830 and 1950. The chapters highlight some central concerns in writing histories of education that transcend geographic or imperial boundaries. The text addresses the relationship between voluntary societies’ role in education provision and state education. The book also deals with «adapted» education: what kind of education was appropriate to African people or African contexts, and how did this differ across and between colonial contexts? Finally, many of the chapters deal with issues of gender in colonial education, showing how issues of gender were central to education provision in Africa.

This book provides an expansive guide for designing and conducting robust qualitative research across a diverse range of purposes concerned with understanding new literacies in theory and in practice. It is based on the idea that one of the best ways of learning how to do good research is by closely following the approaches taken by excellent researchers. This volume brings together a group of internationally reputed qualitative researchers who have investigated new literacies from a sociocultural perspective. These contributors offer «under the hood» accounts of how they have adapted existing research approaches and, where appropriate, developed new ones to frame their research theoretically and conceptually, collected and analyzed their data, and discussed their analytic results in order to achieve their research purposes. Each chapter, based on a substantial and successful study undertaken by the researchers, addresses the research process from one or more of the following emphases: theory and design, data collection, and data analysis and interpretation. Core elements discussed in each chapter include research purposes and questions; theoretical and conceptual framing; data collection and analysis; research findings and implications; and limitations, glitches, and difficulties experienced in the research process.

The book focuses on European Integration in the Field of Higher Education and Research, as well as the Implementation of the Bologna Process in Slovenia. The common policy of higher education and research belongs to the most important fields in the process of European integration and to the constitutive elements of the European Union. The authors analyse the process constituting the framework of higher education and research policy in Poland and Slovenia. The book analyses the political process of transformation within these two member states of the EU and exemplifies their plurality and specificity which are integrated in the genuine European idea of education, science and the research community.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 158 pp., 13 coloured ill., 3 b/w tables Comparative Studies on Education, Culture and Technology / Vergleichende Studien zur Bildung, Kultur und Technik. Vol. 6

New York, 2016. VIII, 340 pp. History of Schools and Schooling. Vol. 60 hb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3348-0

CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3347-3

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

New York, 2017. X, 254 pp. New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies. Vol. 76 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3145-5

CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.60 / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95


ISBN 978-3-631-71297-9 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95 eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71298-6 CHF 49.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.90 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95



Gloria Ladson-Billings • William Tate (eds.)

Susan Diana Longerbeam • Alicia Fedelina Chávez (eds.)

«Covenant Keeper»

Going Inward

Derrick Bell’s Enduring Education Legacy

The Role of Cultural Introspection in College Teaching

Although he spent his career as a lawyer and law school professor, Derrick Bell had a profound impact on the field of education in the area of educational equity. Among many accomplishments, Bell was the first African American to earn tenure at the Harvard Law School; he also established a new course in civil rights law and produced what has become a famous casebook: Race, Racism, and American Law. The man who could rightly be called, «The Father of Critical Race Theory,» Bell was an innovator who did things with the law that others had not thought possible. This volume highlights Bell’s influence on a number of prominent education and legal scholars by identifying some of his specific work and how they have used it to inform their own thinking and practice. What is contained here is an assemblage of contributors with deep commitments to the path-breaking work of Derrick Bell – a scholar, a teacher, an activist, a mentor, and a covenant keeper.

Going Inward is a pragmatic text for faculty in all disciplines who desire to deepen their reflection on teaching. Through the culturally introspective writings of faculty in a variety of academic disciplines, readers will gain a deeper understanding of faculty cultural influences on college teaching and student learning. This book introduces readers to cultural self-reflection as a powerful tool for insight into how our values and beliefs from our cultural and familial upbringing influence our teaching practice. Cultural self-reflection is a process for generating insights and empathy toward serving students from backgrounds and cultures both similar to and different from one’s own. The integrated design of the book’s three parts – cultural introspection, faculty culture and teaching autobiographies, and developing a culturally introspective practice – makes this book helpful to teaching faculty and academic administrators.

Antonina Lukenchuk (ed.)

Outliving Your Dissertation A Guide for Students and Faculty This guide focuses on the dissertation work as a step-by-step process and details the structure and the content of dissertation chapters. Unique to this edition is its conception of the dissertation in optimistic, realistic, and symbolic terms, which altogether provide theoretical basis and practical advice to students who are beginning their dissertation process. The guide features the personal accounts of doctoral students who have gone through the experience, which makes this edition stand out among other similar books on the market. Dissertation is the work of a laborer, a craftsman, and an artist. Long hours of hard labor with our hands and head go into developing ideas, planning, and implementing research projects such as dissertations. But what ultimately drives our academic pursuits and, therefore makes them successful and enjoyable is inspiration that sets our hearts on fire and makes it impossible not to venture on the journey. The uncharted territories of the dissertation process – life events and happenings – make the path toward the highest academic degree attainment both exciting and challenging. Just like life itself with its unplanned and unpredictable twists and turns, the dissertation journey requires strength of character and an unwavering faith in one’s self and in the ultimate value of the pursuit of knowledge. So, why merely survive? Let’s enjoy the dissertation journey! The guide is intended primarily for doctoral students pursuing dissertations in social sciences, as well as for faculty who teach doctoral-level research courses and seminars and supervise doctoral dissertations.

New York, 2016. XI, 226 pp., num. b/w ill. New York, 2016. XXX, 208 pp. Social Justice Across Contexts in Education. Vol. 3

Higher Ed. Questions about the Purpose(s) of Colleges and Universities. Vol. 24

New York, 2017. XXXII, 210 pp.


ISBN 978-1-4331-3035-9 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95


Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 428



ISBN 978-1-4331-3034-2

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3103-5 CHF 43.– / €D 37.80 / €A 38.90 / € 35.35 / £ 28.– / US-$ 45.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3104-2

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3201-8

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95



Nina Maadad • Grant Rodwell

Michael B. MacDonald

Curry Stephenson Malott

Schooling and Education in Lebanon

Playing for Change

History and Education

Music Festivals as Community Learning and Development

Engaging the Global Class War

Syrian and Syrian Palestinian Refugees Inside and Outside the Camps This book provides insights into the education and schooling of Syrian and Palestinian Syrian children inside and outside Lebanese refugee camps. It describes what is happening to these children and young refugees in terms of their schooling. Investigating the perspectives of children, their parents, teachers, community leaders, and state politicians and bureaucrats on the schooling provisions and educational opportunities for refugee children in Lebanon, this book reveals the condition of social disadvantage that Syrian and Syrian Palestinian refugee children and their families are experiencing in Lebanon. Maadad and Rodwell propose the idea of the pedagogy of the displaced that recognises socio-economic disadvantage and refocuses the nature of the learner and their learning and the philosophy of teaching. A collaborative action of society – the refugee families, the schools, the communities, the host state, the international aid agencies and the rest of the world – in addressing the barriers to education and schooling of the refugee children must break ground and be sustained.

Playing for Change – performing for money and for social justice – introduces a critical pedagogy of arts-based community learning and development (A-CLD), a new discipline wherein artists learn to become educators, social workers, and community economic development agents. Challenging the assumption that acculturation into a ruling ideology of state development is necessary, this book presents a version of CLD that locates development in the production of subjectivities. The author argues that A-CLD is as concerned with the autonomous collective and the individual as it is with establishing community infrastructure. As a result, a radical new theory is proposed to explain aesthetics within arts movements, beginning not by normalizing music cultures within global capitalism, but by identifying the creation of experimental assemblages as locations of cultural resistance. This book offers a new vocabulary of cultural production to provide a critical language for a theory of anti-capitalist subjectivity and for a new type of cultural worker involved with A-CLD. Drawing from a four-year study of thirteen music festivals, Playing for Change forwards A-CLD as a locally situated, joyful, and creative resistance to the globalizing forces of neoliberalism.

History and Education is a text that engages the history of the global class war, from the United States to the former Soviet Union, from the People’s Republic of China to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in order to contribute to the development of communist pedagogy. Central to this communist pedagogy is the struggle for Native American sovereignty and for the self-determination of oppressed nations within the U.S. Pedagogical theory is mobilized to highlight the centrality of seizing state power in the movement for transforming capitalist production relations and bourgeois society into socialist relations and a communist form of society premised on the self-determination of racial, ethnic, and linguistic minorities. In the process History and Education challenges both the white chauvinism of pure proletarian communists as well as the anti-communism that, for decades, has dominated the Left in general, and the educational Left in particular, especially in the U.S. The book contributes to the current resurgence in the popularity and appeal of socialism as an achievable and necessary internationalist, solidarity-based alternative to capitalism.

New York, 2016. XXVII, 163 pp.

New York, 2016. XX, 176 pp.

Bern, 2017. 170 pp., 4 coloured ill., 7 b/w ill.

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 475

Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 9


ISBN 978-3-0343-2381-9 CHF 57.– / €D 48.95 / €A 50.60 / € 46.– / £ 38.– / US-$ 55.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2970-4 CHF 43.– / €D 37.80 / €A 38.90 / € 35.35 / £ 28.– / US-$ 45.95


eBook (SUL)



ISBN 978-3-0343-2382-6

CHF 60.– / €D 54.95 / €A 55.20 / € 46.– / £ 38.– / US-$ 55.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2971-1

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3398-5 CHF 38.– / €D 33.70 / €A 34.70 / € 31.50 / £ 25.– / US-$ 40.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3399-2

CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95



Christopher McMaster • Caterina Murphy • Ben Whitburn • Inger Mewburn (eds.)

Postgraduate Study in Australia Surviving and Succeeding Each contributor to this book was given the remit: «If you could go back in time to talk with yourself when you began your studies, what advice would you give?» Hindsight is such a bonus, especially, when vying for your doctorate or postgraduate degree. Postgraduate Study in Australia: Surviving and Succeeding addresses this with advice from postgraduate students and recent graduates that will assure that you are not alone in your endeavors. This project follows similar editions that focus on Aotearoa/New Zealand, South Africa, the United States, and the United Kingdom, and is currently being replicated in Scandinavia. This down-to-earth anthology shares personal stories from postgraduate students and recent graduates, employing a practical approach and focusing on the context of postgraduate studies in Australia. This first-person approach to research about postgraduate study helps curate the current understanding, with critical reflections adding to our collective knowledge. Both prospective and current postgraduate students will find this collection insightful.

Karen Meadows

sj Miller • Nelson M. Rodriguez (eds.)

Pedagogy of Survival

Educators Queering Academia

The Narratives of Millicent E. Brown and Josephine Boyd Bradley

Critical Memoirs

With particular focus on the first-hand narratives of two desegregation pioneers – their stories, sufferings, and pedagogy of survival – this book gives voice to unsung heroes and the often overlooked view of the adolescent perspective to address the question of how one can endure and thrive in the midst of hardship and tragedy. While enduring her own personal trauma, the author wrestled with the question, «How will I survive?» The answer, she discovered, was in the actual act of surviving and in the navigational strategies she employed and witnessed in the lives of others. In Pedagogy of Survival, the author uses the narratives of ordinary people to highlight extraordinary lessons of perseverance. The integration of historical and present-day change agents challenges readers to examine their own lives and see that they, too, have the ability to not merely withstand trials, but to become agents of change. Everyone has a story that matters and can serve as a lesson for someone else. So what is your story? How will you use it to help others? Ultimately, what is your pedagogy of survival?

New York, 2016. XXIV, 225 pp.

New York, 2016. XXVI, 214 pp. Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 85 hb.

New York, 2017. XVI, 250 pp. pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-4162-1

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

The memoirs in this collection represent a cross-section of critical reflections by a queerly diverse set of individuals on their experiences inhabiting a variety of spaces within the field of education. In their stories, the authors share how they queered and are continuing to queer the academy in relation to questions of teaching, research, policy, and/or administration. Their memoirs speak across generations of queer educators and scholars; collectively their work highlights an array of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. As snapshots in time, the memoirs can be taken up as archive and studied in order to gain perspective on the issues facing queers in the academy across various intersections of identities related to ethnicity, culture, language, (a)gender, (a)sexuality, (dis)ability, socio-economic status, religion, age, veteran status, health status, and more. By way of the memoirs in this volume, a richer body of queer knowledge is offered that can be pulled from and infused into the academic and personal contexts of the work of educators queering academia.

Social Justice Across Contexts in Education. Vol. 4

ISBN 978-1-4331-3158-5 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95




ISBN 978-1-4331-3157-8

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3431-9 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3430-2

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95



Ann Milne

Patricia A. Mitchell (eds.)

Brian Mooney

Coloring in the White Spaces

African American Males in Higher Education Leadership

Breakbeat Pedagogy

Reclaiming Cultural Identity in Whitestream Schools This book examines the struggle against racial and cultural inequity in educational systems, presenting the case study of a New Zealand school and its community’s determination to resist alienating environments. If we look at an untouched child’s coloring book, for instance, we think of the pages as blank. But they’re not actually blank – each page is uniformly white, with lines established to dictate where color is allowed to go. Children by this are taught about the place of color and the importance of staying within pre-determined boundaries and expectations, reinforcing a system where the white background is considered the norm. To challenge such whitestreaming, this book offers the example of a community that defied and rejected this environment in favor of a culturally-located, bilingual learning model of education based on secure cultural identity, stable positive relationships, and aroha (authentic caring and love). This journey is juxtaposed against pervasive deficit-driven, whitestream explanations of inequity and purported «achievement gaps» of indigenous Māori and Pasifika students. This story chronicles the efforts of the Kia Aroha College community on its quest to step outside education’s «White spaces» to create a new space for learning and to reclaim educational sovereignty – where individuals have the absolute right to «be Māori,» to be who they are, in school.

New York, 2017. XXII, 228 pp., 12 tables, 5 graphs

Challenges and Opportunities African American Males in Higher Education Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities presents narratives from thirteen African American males working in higher education leadership. Their narratives describe the barriers and roadblocks that continue to impede them while climbing the ivory tower ladder to leadership. This book highlights a number of topics relevant to the experiences of Black males on what it means to hold a leadership position at a historically black college and at a predominately white institution. This is an opportunity to hear the voices of African American males and to look at leadership through their lens. What have been some of the challenges and opportunities they have faced during their journey in higher education? What specific strategies helped them cope with barriers impeding their climb to a leadership position in higher education? What specific programs make a difference for emerging Black male leaders? Did they have a mentor or did they feel isolated during their journey? How are they feeling now? What tips can be passed down to our next generation of Black leaders? These narratives provide inspiration for all African American men aspiring to advance their careers in higher education. Hopefully, African American males will find these narratives useful as they prepare to enter the landscape of higher education leadership and avoid some of the pitfalls discussed in the book.

Hip Hop and Spoken Word Beyond the Classroom Walls Breakbeat Pedagogy provides a groundbreaking framework for the inclusion of hip-hop culture in schools. Looking beyond the previous model of hip-hop-based education, Brian Mooney argues for school-wide hip-hop events, such as poetry slams, as the ideal site for students to engage in the elements of hip-hop culture. Working from the perspective of a classroom teacher, the author reflects on the story of Word Up!, a hip-hop and spoken word poetry event that began with students in a New Jersey high school. He makes the case for a pedagogy with the potential to transform urban schools and the way we think about them. This is essential reading for any teacher committed to social justice and culturally relevant education.

New York, 2016. XIV, 150 pp. New York, 2017. XXVI, 202 pp., 1 table Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 90

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 512

ISBN 978-1-4331-3483-8 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3208-7 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95





Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 513 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3484-5

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3207-0

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3325-1 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3324-4

CHF 34.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.20 / € 27.50 / £ 22.– / US-$ 32.95



Terry Moore • Carol Pybus • Mitchell Rolls • David Moltow

András Németh • Claudia Stöckl • Beatrix Vincze (eds.)

Australian Indigenous Studies

Survival of Utopias – Weiterlebende Utopien

Research and Practice This book provides a guide to research and teaching in an Australian Indigenous Studies that is oriented toward the diverse, contemporary world. Central to this perspective is a sensibility to the intercultural complexity of that world – particularly its Indigenous component – and an awareness of the interactional capabilities that the Indigenous (and others) need to successfully negotiate it. These capabilities are important for facilitating Indigenous peoples’ goal of equality as citizens and recognition as Indigenous, a goal which this book seeks to address. The Indigenous Studies presented in this book rejects as unproductive the orientation of orthodox Indigenous Studies, which promulgates the retention of old cultures, positive stereotypes, binary oppositions and false certainties. It adopts a more dialogical and process-oriented approach that highlights interactions and relationships and leads to the recognition of cultural and identity multiplicity, intersection and ambiguous difference. The book covers key topics such as ancestral cultures, colonisation and its impacts, identity politics, interculturality, intersectionality, structural marginalisation, unit development and teaching complexity. The focus of the book is the development of a sensibility that can shape readers’ perceptions, decisions and actions in the future and guide teachers in their negotiation of intercultural classroom relationships.

Life Reform and Progressive Education in Austria and Hungary – Lebensreform und Reformpädagogik in Österreich und Ungarn Life reform and progressive education developed various utopias and projected new ways of cultural, social, religious and political living. This book studies how these utopias lived on until World War II, how they still affect present life in Austria and Hungary, and it examines continuities and differences within the political, educational and cultural movements of both countries. The main focus lies on interrelations between educational utopias and strategies and the development of a collective identity in times of radical political and social changes.

Hannele Niemi • Jiyou Jia (eds.)

New Ways to Teach and Learn in China and Finland Crossing Boundaries with Technology This publication will introduce how two different countries promote high quality learning with technology in very different educational systems. The book opens inspiring scenarios how new technological tools and services can be used for promoting students’ learning in schools and higher education, enhancing collaboration in educational communities and supporting teachers’ professional development. The publication focuses on three major themes: Students as knowledge and art creators in playful learning systems, personalized learning supported by mobiles and intelligent tutoring systems with games and new webbased tools identifying learning difficulties, and technology in digitalized learning environments. The book is based on systematic research work in universities.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 204 pp., 3 b/w tables, 4 b/w graphs Oxford, 2017. VI, 286 pp.

Erziehung in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Vol. 11

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 334 pp.


ISBN 978-3-0343-2245-4 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 40.80 / € 37.10 / £ 30.– / US-$ 45.95


ISBN 978-3-631-70065-5 CHF 66.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.60 / € 53.30 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-254-1 CHF 49.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.50 / € 37.10 / £ 30.– / US-$ 45.95

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-69873-0 CHF 55.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.40 / € 42.– / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

ISBN 978-3-631-70066-2

CHF 70.– / €D 62.95 / €A 64.– / € 53.30 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67642-4 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.– / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95



Anthony J. Nocella • Erik Juergensmeyer (eds.)

Karleen Pendleton Jiménez

Fighting Academic Repression and Neoliberal Education Resistance, Reclaiming, Organizing, and Black Lives Matter in Education Fighting Academic Repression and Neoliberal Education is a cutting-edge investigation of the alarming state of education today. This practical how-to handbook gives readers tactics and strategies to organize and challenge forces that threaten liberatory critical education. Drawn from scholars and activists from across the world, the fifteen chapters guide readers through a strategic method of understanding the academic industrial complex and corporate education in the twenty-first century. Education is being hijacked by banks and corporations that are tearing apart the foundational fabric of academic freedom, resulting in mass standardized education and debt for all students and furthering racial inequity. This is a must-read for anyone interested in democracy, education, social justice, critical pedagogy, and Black Lives Matter.

Tomboys and Other Gender Heroes Confessions from the Classroom Have you ever been told that you’re too girlish or too boyish? We are all potential targets of the gender police, some more so than others. And how did you respond? Did you hide or change or rebel or hurt or gleefully celebrate your style? Tomboys and Other Gender Heroes is a study that brings together gender stories from approximately 600 children and youth. Set in both urban and rural contexts, these young people show how their schools and communities respond to their bodies, passions, and imaginations. As one 13-year-old student expresses, «My flowered jeans make me feel happy because they represent the sort of feminine side to me and at the same time show my masculine side. They also make me feel like I’m a part of a large force that stands up to bullying and criticism, to express themselves and to show the world that our lives have meaning.» In this book, student writings are framed by teaching strategies and gender theory, featuring themes of sports, film, media, landscape, joyfulness, and gender creativity. The research will be of great interest to university students in the fields of education, gender, sexuality and women’s studies, sociology, social work, psychology, counseling, and child development. This book is ideal for teachers, professors, parents, and community members who hope to create accepting environments for gender diversity.

Menah Pratt-Clarke • Johanna B. Maes (eds.)

Journeys of Social Justice Women of Color Presidents in the Academy This edited volume documents the unique experiences of women of color in higher education administration. From full professors, senior administrators, deans, presidents, and chancellors, women of color share their social justice journeys to leadership roles in the academy. With a focus on women of color presidents, a rich landscape is painted through their own voices of their experiences as they ascend and lead higher education institutions, navigating complex dynamics influenced by their race, culture, class, and gender status. The narratives of African American, Native American, Asian American, Mexican American, and Puerto Rican women leaders reflect the importance of their cultural heritage; the role of family values; the necessity of professional mentorship and support; the presence of personal resiliency; and the need to lift others while climbing and thriving. This book affirms the social justice imperative of diversifying the academy to include the scholarship, voices, perspectives, viewpoints, and leadership of women of color. Through this work, we clearly see that women of color can climb to the highest rung; can penetrate the abode ceiling, the bamboo ceiling, and the plantation roofs; can sit in the president’s chair; and can thrive as leaders in the academy. This volume can be used in higher education, gender and women’s studies, leadership, and sociology courses on education and identity.

New York, 2017. XXIV, 272 pp.

New York, 2016. X, 155 pp., num. b/w ill.

New York, 2017. XVIII, 220 pp.

Radical Animal Studies and Total Liberation. Vol. 3

Gender and Sexualities in Education. Vol. 7

Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 88


ISBN 978-1-4331-3313-8 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2694-9 CHF 38.– / €D 33.70 / €A 34.70 / € 31.50 / £ 25.– / US-$ 40.95





ISBN 978-1-4331-3314-5

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2695-6

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3183-7 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3182-0

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95



Charles Reitz

David Rosenlund

Jackie Seidel • David W. Jardine (eds.)

Philosophy and Critical Pedagogy

History Education as Content, Methods or Orientation?

The Ecological Heart of Teaching

Insurrection and Commonwealth

A Study of Curriculum Prescriptions, Teacher-made Tasks and Student Strategies

With a Foreword by Peter McLaren Critical pedagogy, political economics, and aesthetic theory combine with dialectical and materialist understandings of science, society, and revolutionary politics to develop the most radical goals of society and education. In Philosophy and Critical Pedagogy: Insurrection and Commonwealth, Marcuse’s hitherto misunderstood and neglected philosophy of labor is reconsidered, resulting in a labor theory of ethics. This develops commonwealth criteria of judgment regarding the real and enduring economic and political possibilities that concretely encompass all of our engagement and action. Marcuse’s newly discovered 1974 Paris Lectures are examined and the theories of Georg Lukács and Ernest Manheim contextualize the analysis to permit a critical assessment of the nature of dialectical methodology today. Revolutionary strategy and a common-ground political program against intensifying inequalities of class, race, and gender comprise the book’s commonwealth counter-offensive.

Historical content, historical methods and historical orientation are three aspects that may be taught in history education. This study examines the emphases which are included in formal curricula texts and those which are included in teacher-made tasks. The results show that the curricula of history education contains historical content, orientation and methods, yet history teachers focus almost exclusively on the historical content. In a second step, this study examines the strategies with which students may process and combine elements from the three emphases of content, orientation and methods. The results provide insight into what strategies the students use and how they process the relationship between historical knowledge, historical methods and historical orientation.

Radical Tales of Refuge and Renewal for Classrooms and Communities The Ecological Heart of Teaching is a collection of writings by teachers about their life in classrooms. Reflecting over three years of collective work, it illustrates how teachers, parents, and students can avoid some of the distractions and panic endemic to many schools, allowing them to focus thoughtfully on rigorous, beautiful work. It draws on ecological thinking, Buddhism, and hermeneutics to provide deeper, richer, and more abundant sources for teaching, thinking, and practice, and shows how these three lineages provide keys to decode the current malaise that surrounds schooling. The book will be valuable to beginning and experienced teachers and administrators, as well as to parents and anyone involved in stepping away from the exhausting industrial images and ideas that have turned schooling into an ecological and intellectual disaster. For those interested in interpretive research and life-writing, the book provides a wide array of examples; it is a valuable resource for undergraduate classes in curriculum and teaching, as well as graduate research methods courses interested in new forms of thinking and writing.

New York, 2016. XV, 265 pp. New York, 2016. XVI, 255 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 208 S., 11 Graf., 16 Tab.

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 478

Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 7


ISBN 978-3-631-67672-1 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07100-9 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95



ISBN 978-1-4331-3363-3

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3236-0 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3235-3

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95



Nathan Snaza • Debbie Sonu • Sarah E. Truman • Zofia Zaliwska (eds.)

Pedagogical Matters New Materialisms and Curriculum Studies

Virginia Stead (ed.)

Tomasz Stępień

RIP Jim Crow

Heuristics of Technosciences

Fighting Racism through Higher Education Policy, Curriculum, and Cultural Interventions

Philosophical Framing in the Case of Nanotechnology Confronted with the accelerated development of science and technology the presented analyses are focusing on three predominant theoretical approaches in the philosophy of science and technology: technoscience (STS), technology assessment (TA) and converging technologies (NBIC). On this base are extrapolated the coordinates of the heuristics of technosciences which are recognized as the platform of understanding but also dealing with technoscientific innovations. This concerns especially nanotechnology and the emerging theoretical, methodological, ethical, sociopolitical controversies and dilemmas. In this manner the book epitomizes the elaborated to date approaches and designs the heuristic turn as the strategy of comprehensive understanding of technosciences.

This edited collection takes up the wild and sudden surge of new materialisms in the field of curriculum studies. New materialisms shift away from the strong focus on discourse associated with the linguistic or cultural turn in theory and toward recent work in the physical and biological sciences; in doing so, they posit ontologies of becoming that re-configure our sense of what a human person is and how that person relates to the more-than-human ecologies in which it is nested. Ignited by an urgency to disrupt the dangers of anthropocentrism and systems of domination in the work of curriculum and pedagogy, this book builds upon the axiom that agency is not a uniquely human capacity but something inherent in all matter. This collection blurs the boundaries of human and non-human, animate and inanimate, to focus on webs of interrelations. Each chapter explores these questions while attending to the ethical, aesthetic, and political tasks of education – both in and out of school contexts. It is essential reading for anyone interested in feminist, queer, antiracist, ecological, and posthumanist theories and practices of education.

Together we can build enough momentum to see Jim Crow lying silent and still in his grave.

New York, 2016. XXXIV, 214 pp.

New York, 2016. XII, 462 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 384 pp.

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 501

Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis. Vol. 6

Comparative Studies on Education, Culture and Technology. Vol. 5


ISBN 978-1-4331-3133-2 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3068-7 CHF 47.– / €D 41.10 / €A 42.30 / € 38.42 / £ 31.– / US-$ 49.95




eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-1-4331-3132-5

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

This book shouts out ways that we can and must respond to the sickening accumulation of racially inspired and systemically sanctioned deaths. Today, we remember the passing of young, Black Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. In responding to this event, we are determined to dismantle the alexithymia (indifference to the suffering of others) that pervades our campuses. It is nothing less than a by-product of racism protected by the illusion of democracy. RIP Jim Crow contains three sections: (1) Antiracist Theory and Policy; (2) Antiracist Administration, Curriculum, and Pedagogy; and (3) Antiracist Cultural Interventions. Each of the 31 chapters contributes to the normalization of anti-racist policy within academic institutions, antiracist discourse within academic cultures, and institutional praxis that upholds speaking out against racist activity. The hope is that this book will also reduce racism in the broader world through academic relationships with community partners.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3069-4

CHF 185.– / €D 164.60 / €A 169.20 / € 153.81 / £ 123.– / US-$ 199.95

ISBN 978-3-631-65697-6 CHF 81.– / €D 69.95 / €A 71.90 / € 65.40 / £ 54.– / US-$ 78.95 ISBN 978-3-653-04932-9

CHF 86.– / €D 77.95 / €A 78.50 / € 65.40 / £ 54.– / US-$ 78.95



Julian Stern

William M. Sughrua

Thomas Szende

Virtuous Educational Research

Heightened Performative Autoethnography

The Foreign Language Appropriation Conundrum

Resisting Oppressive Spaces within Paradigms

Micro Realities and Macro Dynamics

Conversations on Ethical Practice This is a book of conversations with researchers working across Europe, the USA and Africa. It aims to illuminate the lived reality of educational research on a wide variety of topics, including family life in rural South Africa, support for self-harming students in the UK, character development in the USA and Korea, educational leadership in the UK and China, philosophical analysis of education policy, and much more. The book is for and about researchers and is built around a set of conversations with the author – a fellow researcher. Researchers work at the frontiers of our knowledge and understanding of the world, and frontiers can be dangerous places. How are the researchers’ personal qualities – virtues such as courage, honesty and kindness – tested and exemplified in their work? The conversations presented here explore the experience of research and ask what qualities are needed, or wished for, in order to successfully face its challenges. There are many books that include lists of what to do and what not to do when carrying out research. Here, in contrast, we find out what really happens and why – and what it takes to keep going.

This book argues for – and carries out – what the author terms Heightened Performative Autoethnography (HPA). The common theme throughout the volume involves resisting oppressive and hegemonic spaces within paradigms, and hence seeking epistemological liberation. The text methodologically and conceptually situates this newly proposed variant of autoethnography, while contextualizing and justifying its «performed or enacted» theme involving resistance against the oppressiveness of paradigms. The book concludes with an analysis and commentary, demonstrating how this particular theme, and HPA as a research and writing repertoire, are able to meaningfully respond to the eighth moment of contemporary qualitative research, which calls for a critical and social justice agenda directed at empowerment, equity, liberation, and related issues. Heightened Performative Autoethnography could be used in upper-level undergraduate classes and graduate courses within the social sciences, humanities, and education, for courses on critical theory, contemporary research methodology, performative studies, narrative writing, and related subjects.

This monograph’s title reflects the need to articulate the classroom actions and strategies of an increasingly efficient technological environment with symbolic, cultural, and political issues, namely the multi-dimensionality of affiliations, which today condition the practices of learners, teachers, tool designers, and the dissemination (or not) of languages throughout the world. Reflective testimony of a teacher who is passionate about his work, this book is also the result of research conducted by a linguist wishing to raise the field of foreign language education to the level of a coherent and rigorous discipline capable of presenting teaching/learning options to all languages/cultures.

New York, 2016. XI, 239 pp.

Oxford, 2016. X, 249 pp. Religion, Education and Values. Vol. 9

Higher Ed. Questions about the Purpose(s) of Colleges and Universities. Vol. 25

Bruxelles, 2016. 223 pp.


ISBN 978-3-0343-1880-8 CHF 63.– / €D 55.60 / €A 57.20 / € 52.– / £ 42.– / US-$ 67.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3292-6 CHF 40.– / €D 35.40 / €A 36.30 / € 33.04 / £ 26.– / US-$ 42.95


eBook (SUL)


eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-3-0353-0831-0

CHF 66.40 / €D 61.88 / €A 62.40 / € 52.– / £ 42.– / US-$ 67.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3293-3

CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95

ISBN 978-2-87574-371-8 CHF 55.– / €D 46.95 / €A 48.40 / € 44.– / £ 36.– / US-$ 53.95 ISBN 978-3-0352-6635-1

CHF 58.– / €D 51.95 / €A 52.80 / € 44.– / £ 36.– / US-$ 53.95



Barbara Thayer-Bacon

Relational Ontologies Relational Ontologies uses the metaphor of a fishing net to represent the epistemological and ontological beliefs that we weave together for our children, to give meaning to their experiences and to help sustain them in their lives. The book describes the epistemological threads we use to help determine what we catch up in our net as the warp threads, and our ontological threads as the weft threads. It asks: what kind of fishing nets are we weaving for our children to help them make sense of their experiences? What weft threads are we including and working to strengthen, and what threads are we removing or leaving out? It is important to carefully re/examine these most basic ways of catching up what sustains us in our ocean of infinite experiences, as the threads we weave for our children will determine what they catch up in their nets, until they are old enough to re/weave their own. Relational Ontologies reweaves America’s epistemological and ontological fishing net on a larger scale, turning to indigenous cultures and diverse spiritual beliefs for assistance in reforming American schools.

New York, 2017. XVIII, 172 pp.

Monica Tilea • Oana-Adriana Duţă • Alina Stela Reşceanu (eds.)

Sustainable and Solidary Education Reflections and Practices This volume of thematic studies offers multifaceted interpretations of education for sustainable and solidary development (ESSD). It is a joint work of academics, teachers and researchers covering the domain of education from the perspective of economy, social sciences, language studies, communication and pedagogy. The authors propose a range of reflections and empirical studies which refer to: various means and methods for an effective teaching/learning process; transversal skills related to ESSD; and the importance of financial resources and quality assurance in education. The unitary and original endeavour of this volume establishes a common meeting point for devising up-to-date methods and practices across disciplines, with a view to supporting sustainable and solidary education.

Gresilda A. Tilley-Lubbs

Re-Assembly Required Critical Autoethnography and Spiritual Discovery Entering the academy as an older woman, the author had not foreseen the challenges that awaited her when she left behind a successful career as a public school Spanish teacher/department head to pursue a Ph.D. She took for granted her position of power and privilege in an educational setting, not at all prepared for the rapid demotion of respect, self-confidence, and salary that she soon faced as an older Ph.D. student/Spanish adjunct faculty member at a research university that would serve as her academic, and later professional, career home for the rest of her working years. In this critical autoethnography, she troubles her journey through the Ph.D. and the tenure process, as well as in her position as a tenured professor. She describes a process that led her into/through the murky waters and mire of academic machinations into the light of spiritual discovery to affirm wholeness and celebration of Self. What sets this book apart is the author’s refreshing willingness to critically interrogate her Self throughout the process. Re-Assembly Required: Critical Autoethnography and Spiritual Discovery can be used in graduate and undergraduate courses in artsbased research writing, advancements in qualitative inquiry, autoethnography writing, creative non-fiction writing, women’s studies, and critical pedagogy.

New York, 2017. XXII, 154 pp.

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 505

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 414 pp., 21 b/w ill., 48 coloured ill., 57 b/w tables, 2 coloured tables


ISBN 978-1-4331-3223-0 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95


ISBN 978-3-631-72066-0 CHF 75.– / €D 64.95 / €A 66.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95



eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-72087-5 CHF 79.– / €D 71.95 / €A 72.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3222-3

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Critical Qualitative Research. Critical Issues for Learning and Teaching. Vol. 24 ISBN 978-1-4331-2872-1 CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-2873-8

CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95



Joseph Tobin (ed.)

Omiunota Nelly Ukpokodu

Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur

Preschool and Im/migrants in Five Countries

You Can’t Teach Us if You Don’t Know Us and Care About Us

Vygotsky and the Promise of Public Education

England, France, Germany, Italy and United States of America

Becoming an Ubuntu, Responsive and Responsible Urban Teacher

A significant and growing percentage of the children enrolled in early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs in Europe and the United States are children of recent im/ migrants. For most young (3–5 years old) children of parents who have come from other countries, ECEC settings are the first context in which they come face to face with differences between the culture of home and the public culture of their new country. For parents who have recently im/migrated to a new country, enrolling their child in an early childhood program is a key moment where cultural values of their home and adopted culture come into contact and, often, conflict. For countries with high rates of im/migration, ECEC programs are key sites for enacting national goals for social inclusion and the creation of new citizens. And yet the field of early childhood education has conducted too little research on the experience of im/migrant children, their families, and their teachers. This book tells the story of our study of beliefs about early childhood education of im/migrant parents and of the practitioners who teach and care for their young children. It is simultaneously a study of im/migration seen from the perspective of early childhood education and of early childhood education seen from the perspective of im/migration.

This book addresses the needs of diverse urban students for a new kind of teacher, classroom learning context, curriculum, and pedagogy in order to effectively learn, perform, and achieve. Drawing on the African concept of Ubuntu as a fundamental framework for enacting a humanizing pedagogy, the text invites teachers, students, and families to enter into an interdependent and interconnected relationship for education. This book is uniquely transformative as it elevates the centrality of student humanity and models the integration of emergent theories and practices, utilizing real-life stories to enlighten and illuminate. Emphasis is placed on Ubuntu pedagogy as a model to emulate, anchored on five ethical dimensions: humanism and Ubuntu competence, relationship and learning community, humanism in the curriculum, pedagogical and instructional excellence, and collaboration and partnership. Particularly valuable for teachers learning to cultivate the spirit of Ubuntu that undergirds their ability to be humane, responsive, socially- just, efficacious, and resilient, this book is a cutting-edge resource for effectively addressing the persistent academic achievement of diverse urban students.

Bruxelles, 2016. 223 pp.

Vygotsky and the Promise of Public Education recontextualizes the scholarship of educator and psychologist Lev Vygotsky, highlighting its relevance to contemporary issues in public education. Emphasizing the historical, social, and cultural formation of conscious awareness, Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur advances Vygotsky’s project with current research in psychology, enabling the redefinition of central concepts such as learning, teaching, and developing. This attention to how we conceptualize learning and teaching is vital to the project of crafting schools to fulfill the promise of public education. Written for teacher candidates, educators, researchers, and policy-makers, this book both recognizes the complications of teaching and learning in public schools and contributes to the scholarship on the critical possibilities of schools as social institutions. The significance of public education for each and every child and teacher, and the future that is created in each studentteacher relationship, is re-centered as, perhaps, the most worthwhile project of our time.

New York, 2017. XXXII, 312 pp.

Early childhood and education. New Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care. Vol. 1

New York, 2016. XXVI, 240 pp. Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 66

Educational Psychology. Critical Pedagogical Perspectives. Vol. 16


ISBN 978-2-87574-360-2 CHF 47.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.80 / € 38.– / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2570-6 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95


eBook (SUL)



ISBN 978-3-0352-6639-9

CHF 50.– / €D 44.95 / €A 45.60 / € 38.– / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2569-0

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-1539-4 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-1540-0

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95



Jennifer Valcke • Robert Wilkinson (eds.)

Yusef Waghid • Nuraan Davids

Hongyu Wang

Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education

Education, Assessment, and the Desire for Dissonance

From the Parade Child to the King of Chaos

Perspectives on Professional Practice This book offers a collection of original papers showing how Higher education institutions have coped with changing the language of instruction. It points out that Higher education institutions have undergone radical change in the past decades; of which the shift to English-medium instruction, as well as bi- or plurilingual programmes, is one notable example. The papers comprise new research on teaching and learning through an additional language, and its impact on professional development for university teachers, programme and course development, as well as quality assurance. The articles span different international contexts, and provide education developers, university teachers, educational administrators, language experts, and others, with global perspectives on the professional practices of university teachers.

Education, Assessment, and the Desire for Dissonance aims to address the contentious practice of assessment in schools and universities within a poststructuralist educational paradigm. Within the theoretical paradigm of Foucault’s (1994) notions of governmentality, subjectification and dissonance, the book examines why, through which and in which ways (how) educational assessment should unfold considering the challenges of globalized and cosmopolitan dimensions of educational change that have beset educational institutions. Waghid and Davids show how conceptual derivatives of Foucauldian governmentality, in particular the notions of power, panopticon and surveillance, dispositive, freedom and resistance – as relational concepts – affect assessment in universities and schools. The authors argue why universities and schools cannot be complacent or non-responsive to current understandings and practices of assessment. In the main, the authors contend that a Foucauldian notion of powerful, subjectified and dissonant assessment can, firstly, be extended to an Agambenian (2011) notion of a profane, denudified and rhythmic form of assessment; and secondly, be enhanced by a Derridian (1997) idea of friendship that bridges a Foucauldian view of governmental assessment with an Agambenian view of ethical assessment. Friendship allows people to act responsibly towards one another – that is, teachers and students acting responsibility towards one another – and resonates with an ongoing pursuit of rhythmic assessment practices.

The Complex Journey of William Doll, Teacher Educator From the Parade Child to the King of Chaos depicts the pedagogical life history of an extraordinary teacher educator and internationally renowned curriculum scholar, William E. Doll, Jr. It explores how his life experiences have contributed to the formation and transformation of a celebrated teacher educator. From the child who spontaneously led a parade to the king of chaos who embraces complexity in education, complicated tales of Doll’s journey through his childhood, youth, and decades of teaching in schools and in teacher education are situated in the historical, intellectual, and cultural context of American education. Seven themes are interwoven in Doll’s life, thought, and teaching: pedagogy of play, pedagogy of perturbation, pedagogy of presence, pedagogy of patterns, pedagogy of passion, pedagogy of peace, and pedagogy of participation. Based upon rich data collected over six years, this book demonstrates methodological creativity in integrating multiple sources and lenses. Profoundly moving, humorous, and inspirational, it is a much-needed text for undergraduate and graduate courses in teacher education, curriculum studies, theory and practice of teaching and learning, life history studies, chaos and complexity theory, and postmodernism.

New York, 2016. XXXIV, 196 pp. Complicated Conversation. A Book Series of Curriculum Studies. Vol. 49

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 260 pp., 5 b/w ill. hb.

ISBN 978-3-631-68126-8

CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95 eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07263-1 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

New York, 2017. XX, 166 pp. Global Studies in Education. Vol. 33 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-4044-0

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3410-4 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 hb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3411-1

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95



Kay Whitehead

Ruth Whittle • Sandra Salin

Beata Wyszyńska

Lillian de Lissa, Women Teachers and Teacher Education in the Twentieth Century

Preparing Modern Languages Students for ‘Difference’

Language Therapy Space

A Transnational History Beginning with Lillian de Lissa’s career as foundation principal of the Adelaide Kindergarten Training College in Australia (1907–1917) and Gipsy Hill Training College in London (1917– 1947), and incorporating the lives and work of her Australian and British graduates, this book illuminates the transnational circulation of knowledge about teacher education and early childhood education in the twentieth century. Acutely aware of anxieties regarding the role of modern women and the social positioning of teachers, students who attended college under de Lissa’s leadership experienced a progressive institutional culture and comprehensive preparation for work as kindergarten, nursery and infant teachers. Drawing on a broad range of archival material, this study explores graduates’ professional and domestic lives, leisure activities and civic participation, from their initial work as novice teachers through diverse life paths to their senior years. Due to the interwar marriage bar, many women teachers married, resigned from paid work and became mothers. The book explores their experiences, along with those of lifelong teachers whose work spread across a range of educational fields and different parts of the world. Although most graduates spent their lives in Australia or England, de Lissa’s personal and professional networks traversed the British dominions and colonies, Europe and the USA, fostering fascinating global connections between people, places and educational ideas.

Going beyond Graduate Skills This book informs and encourages aspiring lecturers and teaching staff in Modern Languages who prepare students for using their language skills in and out of the classroom. Drawing on pedagogical, psychological and language-specific concepts of learning, the book illustrates how such concepts can enhance students’ experience of transitioning from school to university to residence abroad, and beyond. A key feature of the study is an investigation of students’ fragility as they transition from school to university and, only two years later, from their home institution to their placements abroad. Interventions intended to «teach» transition are shown to be unsuccessful, as the learning through such interventions tends to remain superficial. First-year students are shown to benefit from trust-building between students and teachers and early networking among their peers to build self-confidence. In contrast, prior to studying abroad students benefit more from intercultural awareness training, including linguistic, cultural, social, academic and/or emotional aspects. The book serves as a useful basis for discussion in Modern Languages departments about curriculum change and university policy with regard to resourcing the Humanities.

Oxford, 2017. XVIII, 266 pp., 10 b/w ill.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language to the Visually Impaired Language can be seen as a therapeutic tool to the visually impaired. The author explores the psycho-linguistic therapy «Touching the World» which is rooted within two areas. The mental one pivots on emotional openness and balance, gained through the sandtray therapy, controlled breathing practice, the Brain Linkage Method, and the edu-kinaesthetic area. The linguistic layer offers a two-pathed differentiation. Lexical and grammar fields are taught through the Re-charged Direct Method, enriched with sand and water experiments, based on tactile-audible perception. The author’s suggestions to explore language as a therapy tool show how deeply the possibilities and discoveries are hidden in a language teaching-learning process.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 221 pp., 56 b/w graphs, 28 b/w tables

Oxford, 2016. XII, 278 pp.

German Linguistic and Cultural Studies. Vol. 29

Polish Studies in English Language and Literature. Vol. 38


ISBN 978-3-0343-1955-3 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95


ISBN 978-3-0343-2238-6 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.20 / € 55.60 / £ 45.– / US-$ 67.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-0353-0835-8 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-429-3 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 66.70 / € 55.60 / £ 45.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06077-5 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

ISBN 978-3-631-66845-0 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95



Peter Zuurbier • Frédérik Lesage

Masamune’s Blade A Proposition for Dialectic Affect Research Affect is so powerful and represents such ripe territory for study that, in its infancy, conventions of research need to be established that attend to its particular motion and shape. Masamune’s Blade: A Proposition for Dialectic Affect Research outlines an original research method for the study of affect known as affect probes, and proposes the establishment of a new knowledge project based in affect. The book begins with a call to discursively reshape research using affect, after which the authors develop a unique conceptualization of affect, one that brings it into the realm of Frankfurt School Critical Theory. The theoretical foundation sets up the affect probe method, which involves giving participants a package of small activities that require fun, easy, and creative participation. The activities are intended both to inspire affects and to mark their presence. Strategies for analysis are outlined and a series of critical interventions are woven throughout the text to situate the ideas.

New York, 2016. XIV, 218 pp. Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 489 hb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3037-3 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3036-6

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95




Hasan Arslan • Mehmet Ali Içbay • Günther Löschnigg • Rasim Yilmaz (eds.)

Contemporary Approaches in Humanities This book presents a collection of papers written by researchers, teachers, administrators, analysts and graduate students working and doing research in the field of social sciences. The scientific studies include a wide range of topics from the analysis of social science textbooks to the teacher image in newspapers, the relationship between self-efficacy and cognitive level and the role of organizational silence on the loneliness of academics in work life.

Vito Breda

The Objectivity of Judicial Decisions A Comparative Analysis of Nine Jurisdictions This book discusses how judges qualify their activities as objective. The data for this project was retrieved from a large sample of cases using Langacker’s methodology. The sample included over a thousand decisions from Brazil, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Romania and the UK. The decisions considered allegations of judicial bias, unfairness, and injustice. Pre-judices are shared cognitive methods that legal practitioners perceive as necessary. The results of the study directly confirm Pierre Legrand’s claims of pre-judices in legal discourse, and as corollary, Jules L. Coleman and Brian Leiter’s idea of modest objectivity in law.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 344 pp., 7 coloured ill., 53 tables, 33 graphs

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 135 pp., 1 b/w table


ISBN 978-3-631-68107-7 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07231-0 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.30 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-70211-6 CHF 37.– / €D 32.95 / €A 33.60 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95

Studies in Politics, Security and Society. Vol. 7 ISBN 978-3-631-67590-8 CHF 35.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.80 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95



Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani (eds.)

Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2016 The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2016 provides a dynamic and up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to international human rights law and to comply with commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The 2016 Yearbook surveys the activities of the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy in 2015 by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, the Yearbook provides a selection of international and national caselaw that casts light on Italy’s position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. «Italy and Human Rights in 2015: Universal Ethics, Good Governance and Political Realism» is the focus of the introductory section of the Yearbook. Starting with the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international human rights law plunged onto the world stage with very specific principles and rules, which represent so many points that are essential not only for the legality but also for the sustainability of the political agenda. The universal code of human rights, widely ratified by Italy, presses for a continuous commitment to perfecting the legal order, which has immediate significance for the good governance agenda.

Georgios Gounalakis • Greg Taylor (eds.)

Sára Gabriella Hoffman

Media Diversity Law

Regulation of Cloud Services under US and EU Antitrust, Competition and Privacy Laws

Australia and Germany Compared This collection of essays compares media diversity law (including cartel law) in Australia and Germany. Both countries are liberal Western capitalist societies strongly committed to the rule of law, individual freedoms and democratic values and principles. They also face similar economic, social and technological challenges. Yet there also are important differences between Australia and Germany that make a comparison of how both countries regulate media diversity profitable. Australia has no constitutional guarantee of media freedom, but all relevant rules are federal. In both respects Germany is different. This book reveals that notwithstanding important differences, both countries have evolved broadly similar legislative regimes – but each can also learn from the experience of the other.

This book examines how cloud-based services challenge the current application of antitrust and privacy laws in the EU and the US. The author looks at the elements of data centers, the way information is organized, and how antitrust, competition and privacy laws in the US and the EU regulate cloud-based services and their market practices. She discusses how platform interoperability can be a driver of incremental innovation and the consequences of not promoting radical innovation. She evaluates applications of predictive analysis based on big data as well as deriving privacy-invasive conduct. She looks at the way antitrust and privacy laws approach consumer protection and how lawmakers can reach more balanced outcomes by understanding the technical background of cloud-based services.

Bruxelles, 2016. 287 pp., num. graphs and tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 272 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 249 pp., 26 b/w ill.

Human Right Studies. Subseries: Italian Yearbook of Human Rights. Vol. 7

Schriften zum Medien-, Urheber- und Wirtschaftsrecht. Vol. 23

Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Energie- und Regulierungsrecht Berlin. Vol. 59


ISBN 978-2-8076-0132-1 CHF 55.– / €D 46.95 / €A 48.40 / € 44.– / £ 36.– / US-$ 53.95


ISBN 978-3-631-66075-1 CHF 70.– / €D 61.95 / €A 63.70 / € 57.90 / £ 46.– / US-$ 75.95


eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07267-9 CHF 67.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

ISBN 978-2-8076-0146-8

CHF 58.– / €D 51.95 / €A 52.80 / € 44.– / £ 36.– / US-$ 53.95

ISBN 978-3-653-05461-3

CHF 73.75 / €D 68.90 / €A 69.48 / € 57.90 / £ 46.– / US-$ 75.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67739-1 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95



Alicja Jagielska-Burduk • Wojciech Szafrański

Legal Issues in Cultural Heritage Management A Polish Perspective This book presents the legal institutions involved in cultural heritage protection from a Polish point of view. Its authors set out the legal framework of cultural management in the context of private and public law. They analyse the Anglo-Saxon concept of trusts, fideicommissum set up by aristocratic families and, in the Polish legal system, foundations and property law. The authors research these institutions in terms of their ability to secure valuable cultural property selected for its artistic, historic and cultural qualities and of their effectiveness in doing so. They also outline a model of economic heritage management putting forward proposals for its future operation.

Neža Kogovšek Šalamon

Stéphanie Rohlfing-Dijoux (ed./dir.)


Developing Intra-regional Exchanges through the Abolition of Commercial and Tariff Barriers / L’abolition des barrières commerciales et tarifaires dans la région de l’Océan indien

Citizenship, Residence Rights and the Constitution in Slovenia This book is about the «erasure», a process by which the Republic of Slovenia unlawfully deprived 25 671 of its residents of their legal status following the country’s secession from the former Yugoslavia in 1992. After losing their status, these individuals were left without any rights on the territory of Slovenia. Since the Slovenian state refused to remedy the problem for many years, the European Court of Human Rights took up the case. In the 2012 Kuric and Others v. Slovenia decision, the Grand Chamber found that Slovenia had violated human rights. This book describes the full background of this case and examines its constitutional implications.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 201 pp., 3 b/w ill.

Myth or Reality? / Mythe ou réalité ? This book is related to the development of intraregional commercial exchanges in the region of the Indian Ocean. This issue is addressed from an economic as well as from a legal point of view. The contributions, in English and French, aim to present an overview of the economic, customs-related, technical, legal and cultural restraints that hinder the creation of a free trading area.

Bruxelles, 2017. 444 pp., 24 tables

Lex et Res Publica. Polish Legal and Political Studies. Vol. 5

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 371 pp.


ISBN 978-3-631-67033-0 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67168-9 CHF 81.– / €D 71.95 / €A 73.90 / € 67.20 / £ 54.– / US-$ 87.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06247-2 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL)

Cultures juridiques et politiques. Vol. 10

ISBN 978-3-653-06556-5

CHF 85.35 / €D 79.97 / €A 80.64 / € 67.20 / £ 54.– / US-$ 87.95

ISBN 978-2-8076-0126-0 CHF 61.– / €D 51.95 / €A 53.90 / € 49.– / £ 40.– / US-$ 59.95 ISBN 978-2-8076-0127-7

CHF 64.– / €D 57.95 / €A 58.80 / € 49.– / £ 40.– / US-$ 59.95



Tudorel Toader • Marieta Safta

Elmar Widder

Wenjia Yan

The Dialogue of Constitutional Judges

A Fair Trial at the International Criminal Court? Human Rights Standards and Legitimacy

The Role of Representatives of Minority Shareholders in the System of Corporate Governance

This book, both internally and internationally, determines the constitutionalization and uniformity of law, respectively the overall strengthening of the protection of values of the rule of law. The authors present the mechanisms of institutional cooperation between the Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Human Rights, the other constitutional courts, the Venice Commission, the Parliament, the President of Romania, the Government, the Advocate of the People, the courts of law and the media.

Procedural Fairness in the Context of Disclosure of Evidence and the Right to Have Witnesses Examined

In the Context of Corporate Governance in the US, EU and China

This book approaches the question of whether or not the court procedure at the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be regarded as fair from two angles: First, does the ICC provide a fair trial according to the accepted standards of international human rights law? Secondly, is it substantively fair so as to establish the legitimacy of the court on a sound footing? Practitioners and academics are increasingly conscious of the need for an approach to evidence which spans civil law and common law traditions, national and international law. This is what this monograph does, in meticulous detail, for the law of confrontation and disclosure.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 294 S., 11 Graf.

Due to the global influence of the shareholdercentered model of the US, both China and the EU have taken more measures to protect minority shareholders. In this respect, the representation of minority shareholders on the board, in particular the system of cumulative voting which was originally designed by the US to protect minority shareholders, has become a frequently-discussed issue in China and the EU. This study of comparative law is based upon the comparison of the attitudes among the US, China and the EU towards cumulative voting. By analyzing some empirical investigations and massive literatures of American academics as the theoretical foundation, it tries to demonstrate whether the convergence of corporate governance towards the shareholder-centered model is inevitable.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. XLVII, 176 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 399 pp.

Internationales und Europäisches Strafverfahrensrecht. Vol. 14


ISBN 978-3-631-67890-9 CHF 84.– / €D 74.95 / €A 77.– / € 70.– / £ 56.– / US-$ 90.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67566-3 CHF 72.– / €D 61.95 / €A 63.70 / € 57.90 / £ 48.– / US-$ 69.95


eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07096-5 CHF 76.– / €D 68.95 / €A 69.50 / € 57.90 / £ 48.– / US-$ 69.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-70006-8 CHF 67.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

ISBN 978-3-653-07031-6

CHF 88.50 / €D 83.30 / €A 84.– / € 70.– / £ 56.– / US-$ 90.95

European University Studies. Series 2: Law. Vol. 5909 ISBN 978-3-631-70005-1 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95



Yonghong Yang

Sovereignty in China’s Perspective This book explores China’s perspective on sovereignty. The concept of sovereignty is universal, however, the understanding of it varies in different states and due to cultural backgrounds, history or the composition of ethnic groups. In order to comprehend China’s current perspective on sovereignty, the author connects Chinese historical ideas with the current international society. She locates misunderstandings of China’s past and present which could cause misjudgment of China’s perspective on sovereignty. Hence, the author analyzes China’s imperial history concerning sovereignty and foreign policies. She surveys the cultural, political, administrative and legal roots of the ancient empires because of their great influence on its current political arrangements. In addition, the study examines the divergence between the European and Chinese understanding on human rights.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 233 pp. Schriften zum internationalen und zum öffentlichen Recht. Vol. 118 hb.

ISBN 978-3-631-71928-2 CHF 72.– / €D 61.95 / €A 63.70 / € 57.90 / £ 48.– / US-$ 69.95 eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71933-6 CHF 76.– / €D 68.95 / €A 69.50 / € 57.90 / £ 48.– / US-$ 69.95


Media and Communication

Media and Communi­ cation

Gregory Adamo • Allan DiBiase (eds.)

College Media

Giorgia Aiello • Matteo Tarantino • Kate Oakley (eds.)

Communicating the City

Learning in Action

Meanings, Practices, Interactions

College Media: Learning in Action is a unique resource for journalism educators and students, media advisors, student personnel administrators, and students at any level – undergraduate or graduate – interested in learning theory and practice. Sixteen original, scholarly and diverse chapters encompass a wide range of methodologies that detail how students involved in college media organizations have formative experiences in a variety of different forms of publication and electronic media broadcasting. In part, the volume is assembled to help students and educators alike justify their practice and involvement at a time of change when new forms of social media, pressure to quantify learning outcomes, and budget issues in higher education are reshaping the undergraduate media landscape. This volume offers insight into how many journalism and media professionals began their careers and in doing so affirms the value of learning through direct experience and involvement.

How human meanings, practices and interactions produce and are produced by urban space is the focus of this timely and exciting addition to the study of urban communication. Challenging notions of the ‘urban’ as physically, economically or technologically determined, this book explores key intersections of discourse, materiality, technology, mobility, identity and inequality in acts of communication across urban and urbanizing contexts. From leisure and media consumption among Chinese migrant workers in a Guangdong village to the diverse networks and communication infrastructures of global cities like London and Los Angeles, this collection combines a range of perspectives to ask fundamental questions about the significance and status of cities in times of intensified mediation and connectivity. With case studies from Italy, Britain, Ireland, Russia, the United States and China, this international collection demonstrates that both empirical and critical knowledge on the relationship between communication and urban life has become vital across the humanities and social sciences. Communicating the City will be essential reading for all scholars and students who desire to gain an in-depth understanding of the multiple roles that media and communication have in lived experiences of the city.

New York, 2017. XXX, 216 pp.

New York, 2016. VIII, 214 pp.

Urban Communication. Vol. 4


ISBN 978-1-4331-2431-0 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95


eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-1-4539-1831-9

CHF 98.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3097-7 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 ISBN 978-1-4539-1902-6

CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


Media and Communication

Carol Ames

Entertainment Public Relations Communicating with Audiences Every show needs an audience. How do we find them? How do we reach them? How do we motivate them to buy tickets? This informative book provides an essential look at the public relations strategies, tactics, and tools that have put Hollywood entertainment at the center of global popular culture. It uniquely focuses on the public relations cycle in each segment of the entertainment industry. PR cycles connect strategy to benchmarks in product development, production, and distribution, as well as to seasons and industry events. Chapters focus on the basics and challenges of successful public relations for: blockbuster movies; independent films; network, syndicated, and streaming television; personal publicity and celebrity representation; award events; music; video games; sports; and tourism. Also discussed are charity tie-ins, public service campaigns, and corporate public relations, as well as the use of digital and social media for two-way conversations with audiences. Sidebars give examples and instructions for writing effective entertainment media releases, media alerts, press statements, pitches, PSAs, social media postings, and campaign proposals. Other sidebars analyze the ways industry organizations use events such as the Academy Awards and the Super Bowl to build public awareness and place their industries at the center of popular culture. This book is a valuable resource for those who already know the basic strategies, tactics, and tools of PR and for those who want to learn them in the context of the rapidly changing field of entertainment and tourism marketing.

New York, 2016. XIV, 316 pp. pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3054-0

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Miriam Bait • Marina Brambilla • Valentina Crestani (eds.)

Alina Bârgăoanu • Raluca Buturoiu • Loredana Radu (eds.)

Utopian Discourses Across Cultures

Why Europe?

Scenarios in Effective Communication to Citizens and Corporations The term Utopia, coined by Thomas More in 1516, contains an inherent semantic ambiguity: it could be read as eu topos (good place) or ou topos (no place). The authors of this volume analyze this polysemous notion and its fascination for scholars across the centuries, who have developed a variety of visions and ways to explain the «realization» of utopian discourses. The experts in the fields of sociology, political science, economics, computer science, literature and linguistics offer extensive studies about how utopian scenarios are realized in different cultural contexts.

Narratives and Counter-narratives of European Integration This publication tackles strategies for bridging the widening gap between the EU and its citizens. It focuses on new theoretical and empirical frameworks about EU media frames and narratives, political discourse and citizens’ perceptions in order to promote a critical, yet constructive approach to the role of communication in the process of European integration. It has been acknowledged that the least problem the EU has is a communication problem. Communication is largely ineffective against a rising sentiment of injustice and inequality among increasingly diverse national, social and political groupings across the EU. Therefore, the authors underline how EU communication and EU public sphere can shape common representations of what can unite us as Europeans.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 214 pp., 5 b/w fig., 2 tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 296 pp., 18 b/w ill., 18 tables


ISBN 978-3-631-66683-8 CHF 58.– / €D 46.95 / €A 46.70 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06174-1 CHF 61.– / €D 46.95 / €A 46.70 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07138-2 CHF 70.– / €D 62.95 / €A 63.80 / € 53.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67929-6 CHF 66.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.50 / € 53.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95


Media and Communication

Susan B. Barnes

András Benedek • Ágnes Veszelszki (eds.)

Branding as Communication

In the Beginning was the Image: The Omnipresence of Pictures

Once only a sign, technologies have helped to transform brands into symbols that we constantly encounter in our natural and mediated environments. Moreover, the branding of culture marks a commercialization of society. Almost everywhere we look, a brand name or logo appears. By combining a scholarly approach with case studies and examples, this text bridges the worlds of communication and business by providing a single vocabulary in which to discuss branding. It brings these ideas together into a coherent framework to enable discussions on the topic to occur in a variety of disciplines. A number of perspectives are also provided, including brands as signs and symbols, brand personality, history, communication, cognitive factors, loyalty, personal branding, community, and social issues. Providing a comprehensive overview of the branding process – from the creation of brands to analysis of their messages – readers will begin to understand the communicative impact of branding.

Time, Truth, Tradition

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 190 pp., 11 b/w ill., 10 coloured ill., 1 b/w table

New York, 2016. XIV, 204 pp.

ISBN 978-1-4331-2803-5

CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.60 / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95


Perspectives in Communication Studies Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr. Ayseli Usluata This book brings together friends and colleagues of Prof. Dr. Ayseli Usluata who cherish her as a person as well as an academic. As we have all experienced, Prof. Usluata’s major passion is advancing academia as an interdisciplinary collaboration. Thus, this book’s aim is to bring together current original works in communication studies and business communication fields. This volume is intended to provide an intellectual, multi-faceted and balanced collection of writings from various academic fields with a communication focus. Academic articles in this book range from branding cases to advertising studies and to media education.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 190 pp., 11 b/w ill., 7 graphs, 7 tables hb.

ISBN 978-3-631-67532-8 CHF 41.– / €D 34.95 / €A 36.– / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95

Visual Learning. Vol. 6

Visual Communication. Vol. 5 pb.

The authors outline the topic of visuality in the 21st century in a trans- and interdisciplinary theoretical frame from philosophy through communication theory, rhetoric and linguistics to pedagogy. As some scholars of visual communication state, there is a significant link between the downgrading of visual sense making and a dominantly linguistic view of cognition. According to the concept of linguistic turn, everything has its meaning because we attribute meaning to it through language. Our entire world is set in language, and language is the model of human activities. This volume questions the approach in the imagery debate.

Ayşe Binay Kurultay • Burcu Sabuncuoğlu Peksevgen (eds.)

ISBN 978-3-631-67860-2

CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.10 / € 40.10 / £ 33.– / US-$ 48.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06948-8 CHF 43.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.20 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95


Media and Communication

Paul Booth

Dennis D. Cali

Alec Charles

Digital Fandom 2.0

Mapping Media Ecology

Political Animals

New Media Studies

Introduction to the Field

News of the Natural World

Until now, the academic foundations of media ecology have been passed down primarily in the form of edited volumes, often by students of Neil Postman, or are limited to a focus on Marshall McLuhan and/or Postman or some other individual important to the field. Those volumes are invaluable in pointing to key ideas in the field; they provide an important and informed account of the fundamentals of media ecology as set forth at the field’s inception. Yet there is more to the story. Offering an accessible introduction, and written from the perspective of a «second generation» scholar, this single-authored work provides a unified, systematic framework for the study of media ecology. It identifies the key themes, processes, and figures in media ecology that have coalesced over the last few decades and presents an elegant schema with which to engage future exploration of the role of media in shaping culture and consciousness. Dennis D. Cali offers a survey of a field as consequential as it is fascinating. Designed to be used primarily in media and communication courses, the book’s goal is to hone insight into the role of media in society and to extend the understanding of the themes, processes, and interactions of media ecology to an everbroader intellectual community.

Newspapers have long been enthralled by accounts of cute, cuddly, strange, dangerous and endangered beasts, and by extraordinary and sometimes apocryphal narratives of natural phenomena. This study explores the incidence of several such stories in the British press: from reports of the «ethnic» conflicts between different species of squirrel to the tragedy of Cecil the slaughtered Zimbabwean lion. It takes in, along the way, the celebrity of Knut the polar bear, the Tamworth Two and the Exmoor Emperor. It surveys the media representation of the natural landscape from the crocodileinfested reaches of the River Thames out as far as the bleak wastes of the former planet Pluto. In doing so, and in conversation with reporters and players in these tales, it investigates the political subtexts and social meanings of such stories, and seeks thereby to reveal the real value of such soft, sentimental and sometimes silly news.

2nd Edition In this completely revised and updated version of Digital Fandom, Paul Booth extends his analysis of fandom in the digital environment. With new chapters that focus on the economics of crowdfunding, the playfulness of Tumblr, and the hybridity of the fan experience, alongside revised chapters that explore blogs, wikis, and social networking sites, Digital Fandom 2.0 continues to develop the «philosophy of playfulness» of the contemporary fan. Booth’s analysis reveals the many facets of the digital fan experience, including hybrid fandom, demediation, and the digi-gratis economy. With a foreword from noted fan scholar Matt Hills, Booth’s new Digital Fandom 2.0 shows the power of the fan in the digital age.

Oxford, 2016. VIII, 222 pp.

New York, 2017. XXVI, 284 pp.

New York, 2016. XXIV, 258 pp.

Digital Formations. Vol. 100

Understanding Media Ecology. Vol. 4



eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-008-0 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3150-9

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2763-2

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-78707-007-3 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95


Media and Communication

Kamila Ciepiela (ed.)

Flore Coulouma (ed.)

Identity in Communicative Contexts

New Perspectives on Irish TV Series

The central focus of the book is the identification of the ways people engage in communicative encounters to (re)constitute personal and social identities. Its aim is to identify some principal themes that have emerged from the ample research on identity in a variety of contexts. A common thread of the articles is the role of language in the construction and performance of identities. It embraces an exploration of the sociocultural environments in which human communication takes place, the interplay between these environments, and the construction and display of identities through our communicative performances. Research located in a range of literary, sociological, psychological and linguistic perspectives is used to illustrate the potential of communication in establishing a sense of identity.

Cara Courage • Nicola Headlam • Peter Matthews (eds.)

The Archers in Fact and Fiction

Identity and Nostalgia on the Small Screen

Academic Analyses of Life in Rural Borsetshire

Within the growing field of television studies, little work has yet been done on the Irish context. This volume aims to fill this gap by offering new and compelling studies of contemporary Irish TV series. Fictional TV series, which constitute an autonomous genre within the broader cultural phenomenon of TV broadcasting, are explored here as paradigmatic representations of Irish popular culture. This book investigates the vast number of series produced in Ireland over the past two decades, focusing on their cultural impact at a time when American and British dominance have led many critics and viewers to underestimate the significance of Irish programming. The essays collected here reveal a distinctly Irish culture of TV fiction series, in both the Irish and English languages, and examine some of its finest examples, from Father Ted to Love/Hate and Sin Scéal Eile.

If you have ever wondered about the ethical implications of Dr Richard Locke’s affair with Shula Hebden Lloyd, or whether the ergonomic design of tractor seats could have prevented Tony Archer from getting a bad back, then this book is for you. Leading academics from across the United Kingdom use storylines from BBC Radio 4’s The Archers to examine life in rural Borsetshire, bringing their academic research to new audiences. Is Lynda Snell a middleclass warrior? Can Rob Titchener be compared to Iago? The irreverent but thought-provoking contributions will have you laughing and thinking.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 224 pp., 14 b/w ill.

Oxford, 2016. VI, 216 pp., 18 b/w ill.

Łódź Studies in Language. Vol. 48

Reimagining Ireland. Vol. 74

Oxford, 2017. VIII, 166 pp., 2 b/w ill., 14 fig.


ISBN 978-3-631-66661-6 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.50 / € 49.50 / £ 41.– / US-$ 59.95


ISBN 978-3-0343-1977-5 CHF 60.– / €D 53.50 / €A 55.– / € 50.– / £ 40.– / US-$ 64.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06100-0 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.40 / € 49.50 / £ 41.– / US-$ 59.95

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-120-9 CHF 38.– / €D 33.95 / €A 34.10 / € 28.40 / £ 23.– / US-$ 34.95

ISBN 978-3-0353-0828-0

CHF 63.20 / €D 59.50 / €A 60.– / € 50.– / £ 40.– / US-$ 64.95

ISBN 978-1-78707-119-3 CHF 36.– / €D 30.95 / €A 31.30 / € 28.40 / £ 23.– / US-$ 34.95


Media and Communication

Stephen Cushion • Richard Sambrook (eds.)

The Future of 24-Hour News New Directions, New Challenges Over the last 30 years 24-hour television news channels have reshaped the practice and culture of journalism. But the arrival of new content and social media platforms over recent years has challenged their power and authority, with fast-changing technologies accelerating the speed of news delivery and reshaping audience behaviour. Following on from The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives (Cushion and Lewis, 2010), this volume explores new challenges and pressures facing television news channels, and considers the future of 24-hour news. Featuring a wide range of industry and academic perspectives, including the heads of some of the major international news channels (BBC Global News, Al Jazeera and Sky News, among others) as well as leading academics from around the world, contributors reflect on how well rolling television news is reinventing itself for digital platforms and the rapidly changing expectations of audiences. Overall, the 24 chapters in this volume deliver fresh insights into how 24-hour news channels have redefined rolling news journalism – or potentially could do – in order to remain relevant and effective in supplying continuous news for 21st-century audiences.

Øyvind Dahl

Müge Demir • Ahmet Talimciler (eds.)

Human Encounters

Football in Turkey

Introduction to Intercultural Communication This book gives a comprehensive introduction to intercultural communication in the era of globalization. The reader is introduced to essential concepts in the field, different theories and methods of analysing communication, the importance of verbal and nonverbal languages for bringing about mutual understanding and, finally, the ethical challenges that arise. The volume also has a practical aspect. The author discusses subjects such as handling encounters with people using foreign languages; incorporating different life styles and world views; the use of interpreters; non-familiar body language; different understandings of time; relocation in new settings; the use of power and how to deal with cultural conflicts generally. Published in English for the first time following a very successful original edition in Norwegian, this richly-illustrated book offers a refreshing and engaging introduction to intercultural understanding.

The book presents a collection of papers on a wide range of football issues. Football is a complex and dynamic phenomenon that needs to be examined in various social and historical contexts. It is influenced by social, economic, political and cultural factors while it also affects social life. As a miniature model of social life, football can almost be regarded as a magical game in the sense that it includes several indicators which provide us with the opportunity to collect information about the events taking place. The methods of analyzing and solving problems experienced on football fields and in social life should broaden the perspective, focusing on all actors of football.

Oxford, 2016. XIV, 304 pp., 42 coloured ill., 17 b/w ill. New York, 2016. VII, 349 pp.

Interdisciplinary Communication Studies. Vol. 8


ISBN 978-1-4331-3046-5 CHF 46.– / €D 40.30 / €A 41.40 / € 37.65 / £ 30.– / US-$ 48.95


ISBN 978-1-78707-081-3 CHF 74.– / €D 63.95 / €A 65.20 / € 59.30 / £ 48.– / US-$ 72.95



eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-116-2 CHF 78.– / €D 70.95 / €A 71.20 / € 59.30 / £ 48.– / US-$ 72.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71774-5 CHF 49.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.90 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3047-2

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 138 pp., 5 fig., 7 tables ISBN 978-3-631-71647-2 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95


Media and Communication

Erika Engstrom

Feminism, Gender, and Politics in NBC’s «Parks and Recreation» Widely hailed as one of the best feminist-oriented series on television, NBC’s Parks and Recreation (2009–2015) presents a multifaceted text for examining the incorporation of feminist ideology into its storylines. This book analyzes the various ways the series presented feminism as a positive force, such as the satirical portrayal of patriarchy; alternative depictions of masculinity; the feminist ideology and political career of main character Leslie Knope; the inclusion of actual political figures; and depictions of love and romance as related to feminist thinking. A much-needed treatment that adds to the literature on feminism in media and popular culture, this book serves as an ideal resource for instructors and scholars of gender and mass media, women’s studies, and media criticism by investigating Parks and Recreation’s place in the continuum of other feminist-leaning television programs.

Alex Frame • Arnaud Mercier • Gilles Brachotte • Caja Thimm (eds.)

Tweets from the Campaign Trail Researching Candidates’ Use of Twitter During the European Parliamentary Elections Hailed by many as a game-changer in political communication, Twitter has made its way into election campaigns all around the world. The European Parliamentary elections, taking place simultaneously in 28 countries, give us a unique comparative vision of the way the tool is used by candidates in different national contexts. This volume is the fruit of a research project bringing together scholars from 6 countries, specialised in communication science, media studies, linguistics and computer science. It seeks to characterise the way Twitter was used during the 2014 European election campaign, providing insights into communication styles and strategies observed in different languages and outlining methodological solutions for collecting and analysing political tweets in an electoral context.

Jami A. Fullerton • Alice Kendrick (eds.)

Shaping International Public Opinion A Model for Nation Branding and Public Diplomacy Bridging two «camps» in the field of international public opinion – nation branding and public diplomacy – this book presents a firstof-its-kind cohesive framework with which readers can better research, teach, practice, and understand the field. At its core is the introduction of the Model of Country Concept, which illustrates the array of factors, including hard- and soft-power initiatives, that shape how global citizens form their opinions about other countries. Each chapter applies the Model of Country Concept across a wide geographic, methodological, and disciplinary range of qualitative and quantitative research studies. They include traditional and social media content, international educational exchange programs, tourism, government-sponsored programs, and entertainment. By way of definitions, prior research findings, professional best practices, and published theories and models, the book offers a framework for future positioning of both practice around and research about nation branding and public diplomacy. Written for practitioners, researchers, teachers, and students of public diplomacy, international relations, media/journalism, and strategic communication, among others, the book offers a comprehensive yet approachable solution for framing a conversation about the heterodox nature of nation branding and public diplomacy, and advances the field through original research.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 274 pp. Bonner Beiträge zur Medienwissenschaft. Vol. 11

New York, 2017. X, 282 pp.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3356-5 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67009-5 CHF 66.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.60 / € 53.30 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95



eBook (SUL)


New York, 2017. VIII, 146 pp. hb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3355-8

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

ISBN 978-3-653-06168-0

CHF 70.– / €D 62.95 / €A 64.– / € 53.30 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3029-8 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3028-1

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


Media and Communication

Eletra S. Gilchrist-Petty • Shawn D. Long (eds.)

Guy J. Golan • Sung-Un Yang • Dennis F. Kinsey (eds.)

Contexts of the Dark Side of Communication

International Public Relations and Public Diplomacy Communication and Engagement

Research on the dark side of communication has typically been studied from a single standpoint confined to a specific context. As an intradisciplinary project, this volume transcends the traditional unilateral perspective and focuses on a wide range of communication topics across a variety of contexts. From interpersonal communication, organizational communication, computer-mediated communication, and health communication, the book presents a collection of essays that merges theory with practical application. Chapter contributors write candidly and unapologetically about how they and various populations under investigation mitigate a wealth of dark side behaviors spanning sexualization, cyberstalking, bereavement, and various illnesses. The different perspectives offer a lens through which students and academics can enhance their understanding of how dark side behaviors are experienced and communicated. They enlighten our understanding of the dark side of human communication, initiate thought-provoking conversations, and inspire future studies that will advance the limitless inquisitions of contextual dark side research.

This book provides an important discussion of the conceptual and practical interconnections between international public relations and public diplomacy. Written by some of the leading thinkers in both disciplines, the volume provides key lessons regarding global relationship-building and stakeholder engagement. Written from a government, corporate, and not-for-profit perspective, the book deals with such topics as mediated public diplomacy and information subsidies, international broadcasting, nation-branding, diaspora relationships, international exchanges, and soft power. A variety of international conceptual pieces and real-life case studies present an in-depth analysis of the strategic application of public relations tactics in governmental and organizational global relationship management efforts. The book is recommended for students, scholars, and practitioners in the fields of international public relations, public diplomacy, and international relations.

New York, 2016. XIX, 340 pp.

The Newsroom A Space of Decision Making Journalists are in the daily business of making the unseen visible, of connecting us to the world beyond our direct experience. In doing this, objectivity becomes a pivotal issue, and a highly debated topic both in academia and everyday life. The first systematic approach to the issue of objectivity was initiated by the discipline of «mass media sociology»: this approach, which was at its peak between 1970 and 1980 in the United States, proposed a completely scientific, «mathematical» solution to the problem of objectivity. This book is an overview of academic work on journalistic objectivity between the 1970s and 1980s by American mass media sociologists such as Herbert Gans, Gaye Tuchman, Mark Fishman, Todd Gitlin, Edward Epstein, Harvey Molotoch, Marilyn Lester and Michael Schudson, observing and comparing their positions on journalistic routines and their influence on the news. The ideal of objectivity is discussed from the points of view of the traditional and sociological schools, and weighed against the constant tension between a journalist’s search for truth and their perception of it, as well as the constraints posed by the organization for which he or she works.

Oxford, 2017. X, 232 pp.

Lifespan Communication. Children, Families, and Aging. Vol. 10 hb.

María Francisca Greene González

ISBN 978-1-4331-2750-2

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

New York, 2015. 458 pp., num. fig. and tables hb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-2688-8

CHF 167.– / €D 148.10 / €A 152.20 / € 138.40 / £ 111.– / US-$ 179.95


ISBN 978-1-78707-244-2 CHF 76.– / €D 64.95 / €A 66.60 / € 60.50 / £ 49.– / US-$ 73.95 eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-1-78707-245-9

CHF 80.– / €D 72.95 / €A 72.60 / € 60.50 / £ 49.– / US-$ 73.95


Media and Communication

Marouf A. Hasian, Jr.

Humanitarian Aid and the Impoverished Rhetoric of Celebrity Advocacy Providing a comparative study on celebrity advocacy – from the work of Bono, George Clooney, Madonna, Greg Mortenson, and Kim Kardashian West – this book provides scholars and readers with a better understanding of some of the short-term and long-term impacts of various forms of celebrity activism. Each chapter illustrates how the impoverished rhetoric of celebrities often privileges the voices of those in the Global North over the efforts of local NGOs who have been working for years at addressing the same humanitarian crises. Whether we are talking about the building of schools for young women in Afghanistan or the satellite surveillance of potential genocidal acts carried out in the Sudan, various forms of celebrity advocacy resonate with scholars and members of the public who want to be seen «doing something.» The author argues that more often than not, celebrity advocacy enhances a celebrity’s reputation – but hinders the efforts of those who ask us to pay attention to the historical, structural, and material causes of these humanitarian crises.

Mehmet Ali Icbay • Hasan Arslan • Francesco Sidoti (eds.)

Danielle Johannesen • Mark E. Huglen (eds.)

Research on Cultural Studies

Iconic Sports Venues Persuasion in Public Spaces

This book is a collection of papers written by researchers, lawyers, administrators, analysts and graduate students working and doing research in the field of law, communication and arts. The topics include women rights in Turkey, witness statement as evidence in Turkish law, legal regulations about organ or tissue trafficking, the new social movements in Turkey, humorous discourse on social media or the traditional country fairs in Turkey.

From the Colosseum of Rome to Wrigley Field and Madison Square Garden, iconic sports venues are larger than life. They often exist in a seemingly «sacred» space, outside the hustle and bustle of the everyday. At their most basic level, iconic sports venues are revered and idolized. They emanate a sense of persuasion that contributes to how they become meaningful for those who come into contact with them. This book examines how and why iconic sports venues acquire meaning. Looking at different venues, chapters address how the material features of a site participate in the construction of messages and meanings, and how they influence those messages and meanings. Each chapter includes a description of the venue in question; an interpretation of its mystique; and a discussion of the implications of the interpretation. A unique and timely contribution to the fields of composition, persuasion, sport management, sport rhetoric, and communication, the goal of this book is to inspire more scholarly research, essays, and projects focused on the persuasive qualities of sports venues. More broadly, scholars, students, and professionals can use the chapters in this book as models for investigating «iconic» structures both locally and globally.

New York, 2017. X, 224 pp. Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 342 S.


ISBN 978-1-4331-3402-9 CHF 40.– / €D 35.40 / €A 36.30 / € 33.04 / £ 26.– / US-$ 42.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67500-7 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95



eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06789-7 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL)

New York, 2016. VI, 279 pp. pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3403-6

CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3160-8

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3159-2 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 ISBN 978-1-4539-1697-1

CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


Media and Communication

Agnieszka Kampka • Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska (eds.)

Rhetoric, Knowledge and the Public Sphere Public deliberation depends on how skillful communicators are in establishing their version of what is known to be publicly acceptable. This volume provides rhetorical analyses of institutional websites, political speeches, scientific presentations, journalistic accounts or visual entertainment. It shows the significance of rhetorical construction of knowledge in the public sphere. It addresses the issues of citizenship and social participation, media agendas, surveillance and verbal or visual manipulation. It offers rhetorical critiques of current trends in specialist communication and of devices used when contested interests or ideologies are presented.

Keith Kenney

Taroub A. Khayyat

Philosophy for Multisensory Communication and Media

Political Communication in the Age of Dissemination Media Constructions of Hezbollah

Multisensory media – hybrid media that engage more than the auditory and visual senses – is beginning to change the way that we communicate. While hardware and software for capturing and emitting different types of sensory data are still being developed, this book lays a theoretical foundation for their use. Drawing upon the ideas of philosophers who write about sensory perception as well as each of the senses, Keith Kenney explains the issues that communication and media scholars will need to investigate as we begin to exchange haptic, olfactory, and even gustatory messages. Scholars interested in communication theory, media theory, and multimodality will discover new ideas by current philosophers, while scholars of sensory studies will learn how their field can be extended to communication and media. Designers of multisensory experiences, such as videogame developers, will find practical suggestions for creating richer and more meaningful experiences. A dozen sidebars apply philosophical ideas to common experiences so that the text can be used in advanced undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

This book addresses the concept and forms of dissemination in political communication and news media. It studies the new age of dissemination in global communication manifested in a new relationship between political communication and media systems. The broad aim of this study is to investigate the «media reality» of political communication in this new age. Working within the sphere of political communication and interconnected media systems, the study examines how the information in news source texts and responses to them are recontextualised and disseminated worldwide and fed back again through recursive communication. Specifically, this work also considers the ways in which the aims of the political phenomenon of Hezbollah are disseminated and connected across various news media outlets. In particular, the process of recursive dissemination of communication is analysed in three news media outlets, namely Al-Jazeera, the BBC, and CNN.

Oxford, 2016. X, 282 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 246 pp., 25 b/w fig. Studies in Language, Culture and Society. Vol. 8

New York, 2016. X, 250 pp., 1 b/w table

Interdisciplinary Communication Studies. Vol. 7


ISBN 978-3-631-66633-3 CHF 68.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 45.– / US-$ 72.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2206-4 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95


eBook (SUL)


eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-3-653-05950-2

CHF 71.65 / €D 66.64 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 45.– / US-$ 72.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2205-7

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-3-0343-2262-1 CHF 67.– / €D 59.70 / €A 61.40 / € 55.80 / £ 45.– / US-$ 72.95 ISBN 978-3-0353-0822-8

CHF 70.60 / €D 66.40 / €A 66.96 / € 55.80 / £ 45.– / US-$ 72.95


Media and Communication

Elisabeth Klaus • Josef Seethaler (eds.)

Edward Lee Lamoureux

Fergal Lenehan

What Do We Really Know About Herta Herzog?

Privacy, Surveillance, and the New Media You

Stereotypes, Ideology and Foreign Correspondents

Exploring the Life and Work of a Pioneer of Communication Research The book for the first time explores in-depth the life and work of Herta Herzog (1910–2010), an Austrian-American social psychologist. Herzog spent most of her working life in the United States, where she moved to in the 1930s, following her first husband Paul Lazarsfeld into migration and working with him at the famous Office of Radio Research in Princeton and Columbia. The chapters by scholars from the U.S., Israel, Germany and Austria show the amazing scope of Herzog’s work as both, one of the founders of empirical communication research and the «grand dame» of market and motivation research. Herzog crossed many borders, moving from Europe to the U.S. and back again, stepping over disciplinary lines as well as restrictions by gender.

Very little in the American way of life functions adequately under surveillance. Democracy itself may be at mortal risk due to the loss of privacy and the increase in surveillance. Examining challenges in a wide range of contexts, this book investigates and critically examines our systems of data management, including the ways that data are collected, exchanged, analyzed, and re-purposed. The volume calls for re-establishing personal privacy as a societal norm and priority, requiring action on the part of everyone at personal, societal, business, and governmental levels. Because new media products and services are professionally designed and implemented to be frictionless and highly rewarding, change is difficult and solutions are not easy. This volume provides insight into challenges and recommended solutions.

German Media Representations of Ireland, 1946–2010 This book examines German media representations of Ireland from 1946 to 2010, from the post-war period to the years of the so-called «Celtic Tiger» and Ireland’s subsequent economic downturn. It charts both the patterns and the inconsistencies in depictions of Ireland in the weekly publications Der Spiegel and Die Zeit, as well as in German cinema. Cultural stereotypes may be employed in the furthering of a problematic cultural essentialism; however, they may also be used to «play» with readers’ or viewers’ expectations. They may be juxtaposed with newer cultural generalizations, or re-moulded to fit a transformed cultural reality. The representations of Ireland examined in this book are revealed as inherently ideological, consistently locating Ireland outside of an evolving European societal «normalcy». While this is often presented as something highly positive, the book argues that it implicitly places Germany at the centre of Europe and may be viewed as a type of excluding Europeanism.

New York, 2016. XL, 248 pp.

Oxford, 2016. X, 306 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 179 pp., 3 b/w ill.

Digital Formations. Vol. 96

Reimagining Ireland. Vol. 75


ISBN 978-3-631-67361-4 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.– / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2495-2 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07174-0 CHF 49.– / €D 43.95 / €A 44.80 / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-0353-0841-9 CHF 70.– / €D 63.95 / €A 63.70 / € 53.10 / £ 43.– / US-$ 64.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2494-5

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-3-0343-2222-5 CHF 67.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.40 / € 53.10 / £ 43.– / US-$ 64.95


Media and Communication

Alexander Lyon

Tim Markham • Scott Rodgers (eds.)

Brian McNair

Case Studies in Courageous Organizational Communication

Conditions of Mediation

Communication and Political Crisis

Research and Practice for Effective Workplaces Alexander Lyon presents 31 case studies in organizational communication that explore issues of courageous communication. Through case studies on many well-known organizations such as Google, the Miami Dolphins, NASA, Comcast, the Boy Scouts of America, Netflix, Taco Bell, Massachusetts General Hospital, Merck Pharmaceuticals, and others, the book articulates a communication-based model of courage around four themes: Courageous communication is collaborative, upward, transparent, and engaging. The book presents both effective and cautionary portraits of organizations as they responded to complex issues. It situates the case studies in existing literature and provides practical guidance for enacting courageous communication in professional settings.

Phenomenological Perspectives on Media Phenomenology has become one of the most important philosophical traditions underpinning recent theory and research on new media, whether or not the word is used explicitly. Conditions of Mediation brings together, for the first time in a single publication, the diversity of phenomenological media research – from social platforms and wearable media to diasporic identity formation and the ethics of consumer technologies. The new orthodoxy in media studies emphasizes the experience of media – whether as forms, texts, technics or protocols – marking a departure from traditional approaches preoccupied with media content or its structural contexts. But phenomenologically informed approaches go beyond merely asking what people do with media. They ask a more profound question: what constitutes the conditions of mediated experience in the first place? Beginning with an accessible introduction, this book invites readers to explore a wide range of phenomenological perspectives on media via two critical dialogues involving key thinkers alongside a series of theoretically sophisticated and empirically grounded chapters. In so doing, interdisciplinary media studies is brought into conversation with the work of philosophers such as Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, as well as phenomenologically-inspired thinkers such as Erving Goffman, Pierre Bourdieu, Tim Ingold, Henri Lefebvre, Friedrich Kittler, Marshall McLuhan and Bernard Stiegler.

Media, Politics and Governance in a Globalized Public Sphere Communication and Political Crisis explores the role of the global media in a period of intensifying geopolitical conflict. Through case studies drawn from domestic and international political crises such as the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, leading media scholar Brian McNair argues that the digitized, globalized public sphere now confronted by all political actors has produced new opportunities for social progress and democratic reform, as well as new channels for state propaganda and terrorist spectaculars such as those performed by the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. In this major work, McNair argues that the role of digital communication will be crucial in determining the outcome of pressing global issues such as the future of feminism and gay rights, freedom of speech and media, and democracy itself.

New York, 2016. VIII, 187 pp. Global Crises and the Media. Vol. 16

New York, 2017. XX, 350 pp. hb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3124-0 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

New York, 2017. X, 258 pp.



ISBN 978-1-4331-3123-3

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2420-4 CHF 38.– / €D 33.70 / €A 34.70 / € 31.50 / £ 25.– / US-$ 40.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3469-2

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2421-1

CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95


Media and Communication

Paul Messaris • Lee Humphreys (eds.)

Julien C. Mirivel

Hana S. Noor Al-Deen (ed.)

Digital Media

How Communication Scholars Think and Act

Social Media in the Classroom

A Lifespan Perspective

Social Media in the Classroom provides a comprehensive resource for teaching social media in advertising, public relations, and journalism at the undergraduate and graduate levels. With twelve chapters by contributors from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, this volume provides original scholarly work which encompasses a wide range of methodologies, theories, and sample assignments for implementing social media. This book is an excellent resource for preparing students to transform their personal skills in social media into professional skills for success in the job market.

Transformations in Human Communication 2nd Edition The age of digital media has given rise to a new social world. It is a world in which the transmission of information from the few to the many is steadily being supplanted by the multidirectional flow of facts, lies, and ideas. It is a world in which hundreds of millions of people are voluntarily depositing large amounts of personal details in publicly accessible databases. It is a world in which interpersonal relationships are increasingly being conducted in the virtual sphere. Above all, this is a world that seems to be veering off in unpredictable ways from the trends of the immediate past. This book is a probing examination of that world, and of the changes that it has ushered into our lives. In more than thirty essays by a wide range of scholars, this must-have second edition examines the impact of digital media in six areas – information, persuasion, community, gender and sexuality, surveillance and privacy, and cross-cultural communication – and offers an invaluable guide for students and scholars alike. With one exception, all essays are completely new or revised for this volume.

Every great scholar begins as a student. But what does it take to get there? And what is the journey like? This book explores the lifespan development of some of the best-known communication scholars in the United States. Grounded in 30 in-depth interviews, personal stories, and communication theory, the book reveals the nature of human development, the curvature of disciplinary thinking, and the values that drive communication professionals. With powerful examples from great thinkers and teachers such as Robert Craig, Valerie Manusov, and Gerry Philipsen, the book shows that communicating well is a slow, gradual awakening toward others. How Communication Scholars Think and Act is designed to inspire students and faculty alike to persevere in the face of setbacks, to learn about communication more deeply, and to improve human relationships across contexts. This is an ideal text for courses in communication theory, interpersonal communication, and introductory courses to the field. It is a mustread for anyone who wants to become a communication professional.

New York, 2017. X, 154 pp.

New York, 2017. XIV, 380 pp. pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3286-5

CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.60 / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

Lifespan Communication. Children, Families, and Aging. Vol. 11

New York, 2016. XIX, 240 pp.


ISBN 978-1-4331-3079-3 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95




ISBN 978-1-4331-3078-6

CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2904-9 CHF 40.– / €D 35.40 / €A 36.40 / € 33.05 / £ 26.– / US-$ 42.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-2905-6

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95


Media and Communication

Aydemir Okay (eds.)

Bolanle A. Olaniran • Juliann C. Scholl

Mervi Pantti (eds.)

Trust in Communication Management

Handbook for the Crisis Communication Center

Media and the Ukraine Crisis

This book aspires to make an expedient contribution to the trust-based body of knowledge. Various disciplines analyze the notion of «trust», by addressing it from their own perspectives. The fact that the importance of multilevel and cross-level perspectives is gaining increasing attention in communication management has led to a call for examining trust across levels of communication analysis. The authors approach trust from the standpoint of different sub-branches of communication discipline, including brand management, public relations research, comparative advertising, health communication, political communication and digital communication. In addition, this book provides empirical evidence from a wide range of cases in Turkey, seeking to both reveal the existing situation in details and open up a world of new questions and lines of enquiry to pursue for future research.

Crisis communication plays an important role in maintaining a community’s safety and security. While governments devote significant attention to national crises, anticipation and preparation specific to local communities is imperative and can assist media outlets, elected officials, and message designers in successfully reaching their intended target audiences. However, local leaders might not possess the communication skills and knowledge needed to prepare a local community for potential crises. Therefore, there is a need for communities to have support systems in place to help them respond and communicate appropriately. This volume provides a comprehensive resource that provides the knowledge and guidelines that can be used for localized crisis preparation. Focusing on crisis preparedness/readiness, it discusses and extends the anticipatory model of crisis management (AMCM) in the establishment of crisis communication centers (CCCs) within local communities and municipalities across the U.S. The authors advocate for communities to create CCCs that would be comprised of municipal and community members who can fulfill specific functions on a team tasked with preparing for crisis, as well as responding to a crisis aftermath. Directions for future research such as the comparison of specific crisis prevention strategies across similar local communities, and developing new and innovative ways to collect and warehouse large amounts of crisis data, is provided.

Hybrid Media Practices and Narratives of Conflict How are media and communications transforming armed conflicts? How are conflicts made visible in the media in different national and transnational settings? How does the media serve as a means by which various actors manage and communicate conflict? These are some of the questions addressed in this book. Using a variety of disciplinary perspectives and analytical approaches, contributors discuss the complex, multi-level Ukraine conflict as it is imagined and enacted in and through various media. Covering a wide range of media forms and content, including television news, newspapers, PR campaigns, and social media content, they offer new, empirically grounded insight into the ways in which traditional mass media and new media forms are involved in narrating and shaping conflict. This book is suitable for students of conflict and media courses in journalism, media and communication, politics, security, and Russian and Eastern European studies.

New York, 2016. XXIV, 193 pp. Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 368 pp., 97 tables, 19 graphs

New York, 2016. XXVI, 300 pp.

Global Crises and the Media. Vol. 21


ISBN 978-3-631-67537-3 CHF 75.– / €D 64.95 / €A 66.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2434-1 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06959-4 CHF 79.– / €D 71.95 / €A 72.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95



ISBN 978-1-4331-2433-4

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3340-4 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3339-8

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


Media and Communication

Jussi Parikka

Charles Pavitt

Paula M. Poindexter

Digital Contagions

A Survey of Scientific Communication Theory

News for a Mobile-First Consumer

This detailed survey of present-day scientific communication theory rejects the outmoded «levels» organizational scheme in favor of a system based on the underlying model and fundamental explanatory principle each theory presupposes. In doing so it shows the fundamental similarities among all communication-relevant contexts. Most theories included in the book are causal in nature, derived from one of three underlying models: message production, message reception, or interactive. A few theories take on a functional form, sometimes in dialectic or systemic versions. An introductory chapter describes what is meant by scientific explanation, how that concept is instantiated in scientific communication theory, and delineates the three causal models prevalent in these theories. A useful resource for scholars, this book is suitable for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses in communication theory.

The rapid adoption of mobile devices has created a new type of consumer, one who chooses smartphones and tablets over laptops and desktops, TV and radio, print newspapers, magazines, books, and landline phones. This new mobile consumer has not just forced businesses, institutions, governments, and organizations to innovate with mobile solutions; this new mobile consumer has upended the news media landscape, challenging news organizations and journalists to produce news for consumers who have little resemblance to yesterday’s newspaper readers, TV news viewers, and online news consumers. Based on two national surveys, News for a Mobile-First Consumer introduces a mobile consumer taxonomy comprised of three types of mobile consumers: mobile-first, mobile specialists, and mobile laggards. The demographics of these mobile consumers as well as their relationship to news and social media are explored in depth. Social media as a competitor to and platform for mobile news are also examined, and special attention is devoted to news apps from the perspective of consumers. News for a Mobile-First Consumer also provides insight about millennials, racial and ethnic minorities, and women, who are at the forefront of the mobile revolution but less engaged with news. To improve mobile journalism and increase news engagement, «Essentials of Mobile Journalism» are proposed. As the first book to explore news and consumers in the mobile sphere, this book is required reading for scholars and professionals as well as undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in journalism, communication, strategic communications, advertising, media and society, marketing, and technology courses.

New York, 2016. VII, 369 pp.

New York, 2016. XXIV, 272 pp.


ISBN 978-1-4331-3376-3 CHF 44.– / €D 38.60 / €A 39.70 / € 36.12 / £ 29.– / US-$ 46.95




A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses, 2nd Edition Now in its second edition, Digital Contagions is the first book to offer a comprehensive and critical analysis of the culture and history of the computer virus. At a time when our networks arguably feel more insecure than ever, the book provides an overview of how our fears about networks are part of a more complex story of the development of digital culture. It writes a media archaeology of computer and network accidents that are endemic to the computational media ecology. Viruses, worms, and other software objects are not seen merely from the perspective of anti-virus research or practical security concerns, but as cultural and historical expressions that traverse a non-linear field from fiction to technical media, from net art to politics of software. Mapping the anomalies of network culture from the angles of security concerns, the biopolitics of computer systems, and the aspirations for artificial life in software, this second edition also pays attention to the emergence of recent issues of cybersecurity and new forms of digital insecurity. A new preface by Sean Cubitt is also provided.

New York, 2016. XL, 297 pp. Digital Formations. Vol. 111 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-3232-2

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3377-0

CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-2840-0 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-2841-7

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95


Media and Communication

Erika Polson

Jefferson D. Pooley

Susana Sampaio-Dias

Privileged Mobilities

James W. Carey and Communication Research

Reporting Human Rights

Reputation at the University’s Margins

Reporting Human Rights provides a systematic examination of human rights news and reporting practices from inside the world of television news production. From an interdisciplinary perspective, the book discusses the potential of journalism in contributing to human rights protection, awareness and debate, in ignoring, silencing or misrepresenting human rights issues around the world or, in extreme situations, in inciting hatred, genocide and crimes against humanity. It provides insight into how journalists translate human rights issues, revealing different reporting patterns and levels of detail in reporting, and suggesting different levels of engagement with human rights problems. The book explains the most important factors that encourage or limit the coverage of human rights news. Grounded in a close examination of the news production processes and key moments where possible human rights stories are contemplated, decided or eventually ignored, the book opens up new insights into the complexities and constraints of human rights reporting today.

Professional Migration, Geo-Social Media, and a New Global Middle Class As corporations ramp up «workforce globalization» and young professionals increasingly pursue opportunities to work abroad, social entrepreneurs use online digital platforms to create offline social events where foreigners can meet face-to-face. Through ethnographic study of such groups in Paris, Singapore, and Bangalore, Erika Polson illustrates how, as a new generation of expatriates uses location technologies to create mobile «places,» a new global middle class is emerging. While there are many differences in the specifics between the expat groups, they share certain characteristics that indicate a larger logic to the way that the increasing mobility of professional career paths is connected to new subjectivities and changing forms of community among a diverse and growing demographic. This book opens up a new field of study, one which pays more attention to middle class mobility while questioning the privileging of mobility more generally.

James W. Carey, by the time of his death in 2006, was a towering figure in communication research in the U.S. In this book, Pooley provides a critical introduction to Carey’s work, tracing the evolution of his media theorizing from his graduate school years through to the publication in 1989, of his landmark Communication as Culture. The book is an attempt to understand the unusual if also undeniable significance that Carey holds for so many communication scholars, as well as making his work accessible to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students.

New York, 2016. VII, 196 pp. Intersections in Communications and Culture. Global Approaches and Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 34

New York, 2016. XX, 234 pp.



ISBN 978-1-4331-3026-7

ISBN 978-1-4331-0846-4

CHF 38.– / €D 33.70 / €A 34.70 / € 31.50 / £ 25.– / US-$ 40.95

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95



ISBN 978-1-4331-3027-4

CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-0847-1

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

New York, 2016. XIV, 220 pp., 25 b/w tables Global Crises and the Media. Vol. 20 hb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-2960-5

CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95


Media and Communication

Tal Samuel-Azran

Intercultural Communication as a Clash of Civilizations Al-Jazeera and Qatar’s Soft Power Intercultural Communication as a Clash of Civilizations argues that Al-Jazeera is not an agent of globalization, as is widely argued, but a tool used by the Qatari government to advance its political as well as Islamist goals. This book also maps the Western tendency to reject the network outright despite Al-Jazeera’s billiondollar investments designed to gain entrance into Western markets; it shows empirically that this rejection is similarly rooted in religious, cultural and national motives. This book asserts that the main outcome of Al-Jazeera’s activities is the promotion of religious and cultural conflicts. The network persistently portrays global events through the prism of conflicting religious and cultural values – propelling a clash of civilizations as per Samuel P. Huntington’s well-known thesis.

Suchitra Shenoy-Packer • Elena Gabor (eds.)

Catherine R. Squires (eds.)

Immigrant Workers and Meanings of Work Communicating Life and Career Transitions This first-of-its-kind book uniquely captures the meanings of work expressed by immigrants. Their stories – from work histories to life transitions and professional journeys – are conscientiously and rigorously mapped by the academic insights of communication scholars, many of whom are immigrants themselves. Immigrant workers’ narratives of work and its nuances in an adopted country offer many hitherto muted, invisible, and/or purposely silenced perspectives. A variety of new and familiar terms – concepts such as career inheritance, aphorisms, cultural adaptation, acculturation, and cultural distance – and culture-specific terms such as ganas and consejos are discussed alongside the inherent struggles of identity construction across borders. While the contributors represent diversity in co-cultural affiliations, national origin, and immigration experiences encountered both personally and professionally, the stories of immigrants represent an even larger number of countries and cultures. This volume compels the academic community to acknowledge immigrants as workers whose voices matter and whose sense and processes of meaning-making is nuanced, complex, and multi-dimensional. Immigrant workers’ voices can contribute significantly to the rich growth of research in organizational communication, meanings of work, career studies, cross-cultural management, psychology of work, and work and society.

Dangerous Discourses Feminism, Gun Violence, and Civic Life Dangerous Discourses brings together new work by feminist scholars who provide a multifaceted view of the ways contemporary media discourses inscribe particular understandings of gendered social identities, gun violence, and public policy. The chapters examine multiple media locations where discourses about guns and violence against women proliferate, including social media, mainstream news, National Rifle Association-sponsored magazines, gun research, public policy debates, popular magazines, and television drama. Utilizing theory and empirical research, this book helps us see more clearly how gender, sexuality, and other intersecting identities must be included in analysis of media discourses of guns and gendered violence. The authors discuss the role of patriarchal ideologies, and center feminist thought and concerns in order to get beyond the one-liners, sound bites, and truisms about bad guys, the Second Amendment, mental health, and personal freedom that currently dominate public debates about guns and violence. With its unique views on the ways gun violence and gender inflect each other in the United States, this book is designed for courses in media studies, women’s studies, and sociology.

New York, 2016. XXIV, 145 pp. Critical Intercultural Communication Studies. Vol. 19 pb.

New York, 2016. XXVI, 276 pp.

ISBN 978-1-4331-2263-7 CHF 36.– / €D 32.– / €A 32.90 / € 29.95 / £ 24.– / US-$ 38.95

New York, 2016. X, 159 pp.



ISBN 978-1-4331-2264-4

CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3279-7 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-2830-1

CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3278-0

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


Media and Communication

Matteo Stocchetti (ed.)

Douglas J. Swanson

Storytelling and Education in the Digital Age

Real World Career Preparation

Experiences and Criticisms While the importance of the role of storytelling can hardly be overestimated, the impact of digitalization on this role is more ambivalent. In this second book-length publication of the programme Media and Education in the Digital Age – MEDA, the authors take a critical stance towards the alleged emancipative affordances of digital storytelling in education. The collection is inspired by the effort of making professional educators aware of the risks of the digital turn in educational storytelling but also of the opportunities and the conditions for critical engagements. Based on their research and field experience, fifteen scholars discuss in nine chapters these risks and opportunities, providing ideas, evidence, references and inspiration to educators and researchers.

A Guide to Creating a University Student-Run Communications Agency University student-run communications agencies allow students to work with real clients and get real world experience before they graduate from college and enter the workforce. Student-run agencies are increasing in popularity, but building a successful agency is challenging. With more than ten years of experience supervising a student-run agency, Swanson examines the three critical roles a student agency must fulfill in order to be successful. First, the agency must be an exceptional environment for learning. Second, it must be a successful business—without satisfied clients, the agency will not survive. Third, it must be a supportive partner in both on- and off-campus communities. As the first book to address student-run agencies, Real World Career Preparation offers extensive ‘how to’ guidance, and is supported by 22 Agency Spotlight best practice examples from student-run agencies across the U.S. The book ends with a comprehensive directory of 158 university studentrun agencies in operation all over the world. Real World Career Preparation is essential reading for any faculty member or administrator who is involved with an agency, or who plans to launch one in the future. This book is also valuable for college students working in an agency who seek ‘the big picture’ view of how their work for clients has long-lasting impact on the campus and the community.

Esther Thorson • Mitchell S. McKinney • Dhavan Shah (eds.)

Political Socialization in a Media-Saturated World The studies that comprise Political Socialization in a Media Saturated World synthesize, question, and update our knowledge of political socialization that has accumulated over the past 40 years of related research. The scholarship advances innovative theoretical perspectives and develops new models of the socialization process that revolve around the key social structures of family, media, peers, and school. The Hierarchy Model of Political Socialization, in particular, provides a comprehensive conceptual framework for organizing and analyzing youth responses to the political. With research that spans multiple election cycles across nearly a decade, and data drawn from a national panel study that allows for cross-generational comparison, the findings and models of political socialization presented provide the most comprehensive and in-depth examination of youth political socialization that exists to date. This book provides a foundation and research agenda for examining the Millennial generation in the coming years as these citizens mature to adults and become the driving force of society and our polity.

New York, 2016. XXVIII, 472 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 192 pp., 20 ill., 2 tables

Frontiers in Political Communication. Vol. 29


ISBN 978-3-631-67544-1 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.– / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95

New York, 2017. XVI, 298 pp.

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06976-1 CHF 49.– / €D 43.95 / €A 44.80 / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95



ISBN 978-1-4331-2571-3 CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.60 / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3174-5

CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-2572-0

CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95


Media and Communication

Weimin Zhang

Klaus Zilles • Joan Cuenca (eds.)

Media in China: Constructing National Resistance in Natural Disaster Representations

Media Business Models

This book examines how media can be used in facilitating crisis control following natural disasters. Set in the context of the contemporary Chinese nationalistic culture this book dissects how Chinese media enhances disaster relief by constructing the meaning of it. It takes a historical overview of the negotiations between discursive power and media coverage of natural disasters in Chinese media. It then conducts a case study of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake to analyze how Chinese media enhance crisis control in engaging with contemporary Chinese nationalism. In examining the mediated disaster relief closely relevant to this study within a global context this book briefly analyzes the Australian media’s representation of the 2013 Tasmanian Bushfire. In a penetrating investigation of the research question a systematic theoretic framework is structured consisting of the theories of representation, discourse and power, cultural identity, media framing and narratives.

Breaking the Traditional Value Chain The business models of traditional media are experiencing a profound crisis. One of the core issues of this crisis is the increasing breakdown of the value chain model – a model based on the numbers of readers, viewers, and users which the mass media can «sell» in exchange for advertising revenue. These formerly stable models of the media value chain are now in perpetual flux, requiring adaptation to the rapid changes in technology and the volatility of user preferences. Can media companies cope with these new circumstances and at the same time fulfill their traditional roles? This volume addresses this question, and others, to explore scenarios, phenomena, and developments which point to new configurations arising from new media business models, innovative ways in which media practitioners engage their audiences, intercontinental media phenomena, user-generated content, and the general disconnect between print and online media paradigms. Contributors point to a way out of the general bewilderment, providing answers to frequently asked questions, and ideas for new guidelines and solutions.

Bern, 2017. 214 pp., 15 b/w tables

New York, 2016. 269 pp.


ISBN 978-3-0343-2369-7 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-0343-2366-6 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3178-3 CHF 40.– / €D 35.30 / €A 36.30 / € 33.– / £ 26.– / US-$ 42.95 ISBN 978-1-4331-3179-0

CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95


Political Science

Political Science

Gisela Baumgratz • Khaled Chaabane • Werner Ruf • Wilfried Telkämper (eds.)

Urmilla Bob • Munashe Furusa • William A. Little

Development by Free Trade?

Identity Construction and (Mis) Perceptions on Being Black in South Africa

The Impact of the European Unions’ Neoliberal Agenda on the North African Countries

Développement à travers le libre-échange ? Les enjeux de l’Agenda Néolibéral de l’Union européenne pour les pays de l’Afrique du Nord One year ago the negotiations between Tunisia and the European Union about a deep and comprehensive free trade agreement (DCFTA) had started in Tunis. Experts from both sides of the Mediterranean accepted to contribute to this book in order to foster the public debate in the North-African countries by informing actors of the civil society about the risks of this new generation of free trade agreements of the EU for the respective countries and their population. In fact, by analyzing the impact of the structural adjustment programs of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria since the late 1980s followed up by the EU’s free trade policy, the authors seriously doubt about the positive effects on development and prosperity promised by the promotors of free trade. They underline, on the contrary, that it is the EU which profits from the asymmetric power-relations in order to pursue its economic and especially its security interests related to «illegal migration».

Unpacking Socio-Economic, Spatial, and Political Dimensions in the South Durban Basin Identity Construction and (Mis) Perceptions on Being Black in South Africa: Unpacking SocioEconomic, Spatial, and Political Dimensions in the South Durban Basin presents the research findings of a two-year empirically based study on the politics of race, ethnicity, and identity in Durban, South Africa, among Black or nonWhite groups, specifically the historical racial categories of African, Indian, and Colored. Research on race and identity politics tends to focus on Black-White relations. Thus, there is a gap in our understanding of ethnic and racial interactions among Blacks. This study challenges the tendency to reduce race to a Black-White binary. The research also recognizes that the examination of differences within and between groups is necessary to understand the complexity of the issues. Its key contributions are in relation to examining the question of identity politics (in terms of nationality, ethnicity, race, class, and gender); unpacking hierarchical and spatial relationships and interactions among and between communities and groups in the home, work places, social arenas, and other public spaces; and highlighting points of conflict/ contestation. The main focus is on differential experiences, realities, and perceptions among and between groups.

New York, 2016. VII, 181 pp. Bruxelles, 2017. 288 p., 21 fig., 5 tabl.

American University Studies. Series 10: Political Science. Vol. 68


ISBN 978-2-8076-0253-3 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.– / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-8076-0254-0 CHF 55.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.40 / € 42.– / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-1-4331-1721-3 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 ISBN 978-1-4539-0971-3

CHF 103.– / €D 94.95 / €A 95.– / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95


Political Science

Nir T. Boms

Matthew Chambers (ed.)

Expat-ing Democracy

Hearts and Minds

Dissidents, Technology, and Democratic Discourse in the Middle East

US Cultural Management in 21st Century Foreign Relations

Lucio Levi • Giampiero Bordino • Antonio Mosconi (eds.)

Federalism A Political Theory for Our Time

This volume looks at a key component of recent US foreign relations, namely, its emphasis on «hearts and minds» as part of its cultural management of the global Other. The authors collected here analyze to what extent we can frame the intent and consequences of this term as a coherent policy, discussing how to think about foreign policy strategies that involve the management of cultural relations. «Including fascinating first-hand and deeplyresearched accounts of the workings of various US institutions (many of them ‹cultural›), this volume is a must for an understanding of the power the US projects worldwide.» Professor Laleh Khalili, SOAS University of London «This fascinating collection reveals the nuance and complexity behind a seemingly banal phrase.» Professor David Schmid, State University of New York at Buffalo

This volume is a collection of essays published between 1999 and 2015 in the review The Federalist Debate. The book highlights the issue of federalism intended as a theoretical paradigm to interpret the major problems of our age, and in particular the issues of peace and war in a world characterized by an uncontrolled globalization.

Democracy, Human Rights, Integration, Radicalisation and Security. Vol. 2

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 296 pp., 1 graph, 7 tables

Bruxelles, 2016. 466 pp.

American Studies and Media. Vol. 4

Federalism. Vol. 7


ISBN 978-3-631-65469-9 CHF 57.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 37.– / US-$ 60.95


ISBN 978-3-631-66730-9 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06304-2 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-8076-0055-3 CHF 51.– / €D 45.95 / €A 46.80 / € 39.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Taking Syria and Iran as case studies, this book explores how expatriate groups have used tools such as technology and new media to influence political discourse and to irrevocably alter the political dynamics both in their home countries and in the Middle East at large. Based on over 60 in-depth interviews with dissidents, expat leaders, journalists and researchers from Syria and Iran that were conducted both before and after the Arab Spring, the author examines the tripartite relationship between technology, dissent and democratization. This approach offers a unique perspective on contemporary geopolitics in the Middle East and considers possible scenarios for the future of the region.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. XI, 246 pp., 7 tables, 12 graphs

ISBN 978-3-653-04712-7

CHF 60.05 / €D 55.57 / €A 56.04 / € 46.70 / £ 37.– / US-$ 60.95

ISBN 978-2-8076-0054-6 CHF 49.– / €D 41.95 / €A 42.90 / € 39.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95


Political Science

Igor Lyubashenko

Shaun May

Transitional Justice in PostEuromaidan Ukraine

Capital-in-Crisis, Trade Unionism and the Question of Revolutionary Agency

Swimming Upstream

Jan Nelis • Caroline Sägesser • Jean-Philippe Schreiber (eds.)

Religion and Secularism in the European Union State of Affairs and Current Debates

The entry of the capital relation into its epoch of structural crisis forms the basis for the development of the author’s conception of revolutionary agency. Drawing on the work and achievements of both Marx and Hungarian socialist thinker István Mészáros, May relates the emergence and deepening of the structural crisis to the decline of trade unionism as the traditional and universal form of organization deployed economistically by workers against capital. In the relationship between the «defensively-structured», universal, trade union form and the growing contradictions of the global capitalist system, May seeks to unearth the possibility of a higher form of agency which is more adequately adapted to address the immediate and long-term objectives facing millions of people today worldwide in the age of capital’s «destructive selfreproduction». Looking back in order to look forward, he also subjects the form of agency within the Russian Revolution to a critique which relates it directly to the conditions prevailing in Russia at the time. In so doing, he questions its supposed validity as a form of revolutionary agency for the struggle to put an end to the global capitalist system today.

The present volume monitors new developments concerning religious issues, faith-based organizations, State-Church relations and secularism in the EU, which especially during the past two decades have undergone profound changes, changes which continuously and increasingly alter mentalities and habits, whether belief-related or not. In this collective work, authors develop the major themes that are relevant to their country of expertise, while a final chapter is devoted to the role of the European Courts (ECHR and EU). The different chapters show that in recent years, religion, once thought to be of minor importance in a highly secular society, has made quite a vigorous political comeback. Thus Europe seems to have reached a crucial point in its history, a moment in which future tendencies in the field of religion and secularism are being defined, and negotiated. There is little doubt that the outcome of this process will influence the continent’s future outlook, as well as its role and relevance in an increasingly globalized world.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 170 pp., 11 coloured ill.

Oxford, 2017. XVI, 442 pp.

Bruxelles, 2017. 224 pp.

Studies in Political Transition. Vol. 7

Trade Unions. Past, Present and Future. Vol. 26

Dynamiques citoyennes en Europe. Vol. 8


ISBN 978-3-631-67149-8 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.– / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95


ISBN 978-1-78707-230-5 CHF 87.– / €D 74.95 / €A 76.10 / € 69.20 / £ 56.– / US-$ 84.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06514-5 CHF 49.– / €D 43.95 / €A 44.80 / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-293-0 CHF 91.– / €D 82.95 / €A 83.– / € 69.20 / £ 56.– / US-$ 84.95

eBook (SUL)

The book focusses on transitional justice policies implemented in Ukraine since the beginning of 2014. The author covers investigations and trials, vetting, historical justice, as well as two issues that only partially refer to the «transitional justice toolbox»: attempts to deal with the consequences of the armed conflict in Donbas and elements of institutional reforms that supplement transitional justice efforts. He explains constrains faced by each of the mentioned policies and interrelationships between them. The author comes to the conclusion that the Ukrainian case presents both similarities and significant differences in comparison to other post-communist countries, which implemented such policies much earlier. Furthermore, there is no evidence supporting the thesis that the implementation of these policies provides visible effects in terms of democratisation of the country.

ISBN 978-2-8076-0333-2 CHF 47.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.80 / € 38.– / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95 ISBN 978-2-8076-0334-9

CHF 50.– / €D 44.95 / €A 45.60 / € 38.– / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95


Political Science

Filip Pierzchalski

Cesáreo Rodríguez-Aguilera de Prat

Agnieszka Rothert

Political Leadership in Morphogenetic Perspective

The European Democratic Deficit

Power of Imagination

The Response of the Parties in the 2014 Elections

Education, Innovations and Democracy

This book depicts a new research perspective of political leadership, in which the multi-level and dynamic leadership relation is explained as relations between the leader (human agency) and followers (sociological environment). In this sense, leadership comprises mutual influences between personal and structural domain. In morphogenesis, the subjective matrix of leadership keeps the division into private and public exposure, as well as individual and collective realization, which in fact means that the phenomenon of political leadership directly depends on the reality of the agent and structure. The author offers a new point of view for his primary research goal, which is a precise and systematic explication of the notion of political leadership in the morphogenetic scope.

The «never-ending crisis» that started in 2008 and the technocratic and fiscal measures demanded by the «Troika» have aggravated the EU’s so-called «democratic deficit» more than ever before. In this essay the principal theoretical and practical dimensions of this phenomenon at the levels of institution, procedure and social legitimacy are set out and developed. With this in mind, the dysfunctions in the architecture of the institutions, the elite, complex and opaque mechanisms in decision-making and, most importantly, the growing critical estrangement of many citizens reveals that poor democratic quality of the EU constitutes its principal and most serious political problem. To empirically illustrate this debate, Rodríguez-Aguilera evaluates the positions and proposals of the parties in the six most populous countries that have addressed this issue through a comparative analysis of their political programmes.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 187 pp., 15 b/w graphs, 2 b/w tables

The purpose of this book is to encourage the use and exploration of imagination, intuition and insight as essential ingredients for scientific, educational and civic endeavors. This groundbreaking book is a kind of intellectual provocation, but also an antidote for our current crises in education. It is a dizzying, transdisciplinary and morphing romp through fields as disparate as complexity theory, quantum physics, neuroscience, political sciences as well as the innovative uses of games.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 129 pp., 3 b/w graphs

Studies in Politics, Security and Society. Vol. 10

Bruxelles, 2016. 163 pp., 1 fig., 14 tables

Studies in Politics, Security and Society. Vol. 5


ISBN 978-3-631-67692-9 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95


ISBN 978-2-87574-363-3 CHF 44.– / €D 38.50 / €A 39.60 / € 36.– / £ 29.– / US-$ 46.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07181-8 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06558-9 CHF 49.– / €D 43.95 / €A 44.80 / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95

ISBN 978-3-0351-0952-8

CHF 46.35 / €D 42.84 / €A 43.20 / € 36.– / £ 29.– / US-$ 46.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67170-2 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.– / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95


Political Science

Paul Christian Sander

Monica Simeoni (ed.)

Anna Sroka

Nation-Building in the Shadow of the Bear: The Dialectics of National Identity and Foreign Policy in the Kyrgyz Republic 1991–2012

Europe or Not! Multiple Conversations and Voices

Accountability and democracy in Poland and Spain

Since 1991, Kyrgyzstan’s leaders have pursued a post-Soviet national identity. Their concepts failed to consolidate the country’s multi-ethnic society, and continuously antagonize civic values and ethnic myth. The author applies international relations theory to frame Kyrgyzstan’s identity crisis: The ruling elite has to manage tensions between their strong dependency on Russia as main donor and security provider and domestic challenges in their pursuit of a national identity. A legitimate national identity must represent both the foreign policy interests of the country and the demands of the Kyrgyz majority and ethnic minorities for representation. The Kyrgyz case unveils the complex dialectics of domestic pressure and external interests that have defined post-Soviet nation building in Russia’s near abroad.

With Alberto Martinelli, Vittorio Cotesta, Nadia Urbinati and Alain Touraine Europe is in crisis and the EU project risks disintegration. The refugee and Brexit issues, as well as recent events in Turkey, demonstrate how serious matters really are. In a EurActiv interview, in February 2016, Edgar Morin, the French sociologist and philosopher, speaks of a «planetary crisis» and the need «to change civilisation» in order to respond to the complexity of today’s world. Furthermore, the drama of terrorism, a new phenomenon for contemporary western democracies requires serious reflection regarding jihadism and its radicalisation. These are but some of the issues addressed during the multiple conversations held with the three sociologists, Alberto Martinelli, Vittorio Cotesta and Alain Touraine and with the political scientist, Nadia Urbinati. All the interviewees are leading experts on European issues and institutions, as well as on democracy put to the test currently by rampant populism in almost all the EU countries. Alain Touraine fervently holds that «it is madness» not to want a united Europe at a moment when we need a new political and economic project capable of defeating the nationalism, walls and separation between states that now seem to prevail. Europe finds itself in a dramatic position: it must choose innovation and construction, or disintegration, with all the unpredictable consequences this may entail.

This book is a response to the need for scientific research on one of the components of quality of democracy, id est accountability. The author analyses thoroughly in cross-section the accountability mechanisms in Poland and Spain. This approach required that each of the issues under investigation be reviewed synthetically, and only the aspects meaningful for the notion of accountability have been explored. This book may be a starting point for further, more in-depth analyses of accountability, not only in Poland and Spain but also in other countries.

Bruxelles, 2016. 180 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 348 pp., 5 b/w ill., 28 b/w graphs, 45 b/w tables

Europe des cultures / Europe of cultures. Vol. 14

Studies in Politics, Security and Society. Vol. 8


ISBN 978-3-631-67517-5 CHF 29.– / €D 24.95 / €A 25.60 / € 23.30 / £ 19.– / US-$ 28.95


ISBN 978-2-8076-0108-6 CHF 45.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.60 / € 36.– / £ 30.– / US-$ 43.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06866-5 CHF 31.– / €D 27.95 / €A 28.– / € 23.30 / £ 19.– / US-$ 28.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-8076-0109-3 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.20 / € 36.– / £ 30.– / US-$ 43.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06592-3 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. XIV, 130 pp., 1 coloured ill. European University Studies. Series 31: Political Science. Vol. 626

ISBN 978-3-631-67447-5 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


Political Science

Anna Sroka • Fanny Castro-Rial Garrone • Rubén Darío Torres Kumbrián (eds.)

Radicalism and Terrorism in the 21st Century Implications for Security

Alessia Usai

The Creative City Cultural Politics and Urban Regeneration between Conservation and Development

This book addresses the issues of radicalism and terrorism, which are of exceptional importance and relevance in contemporary society. Each of the two phenomena are analyzed from a multidisciplinary perspective. The book contains articles which explore legal, political, psychological, economic and social aspects of radicalism and terrorism. A portion of the contributions are of a theoretical nature, they constitute an attempt at constructing analytical frameworks for studies on the two phenomena. There are also studies of particular cases, such as radicalism in Poland and in Spain, as well as within the European Union as a whole. This collective work is a response to the need for analyses of two issues which are increasingly responsible for determining the level of security which characterizes the contemporary world.

This book focuses on the relationships between the creative city principles and the planning approach introduced by the European Landscape Convention in order to identify best practices for the development of innovative cultural policies and new urban regeneration tools. The research is characterized by a cross-cutting approach to cultural heritage. It proposes a new model for the design of advanced cultural districts consisting of a benchmark methodology and a «toolbox» of spatial, economic and social indicators that can be used to build the necessary knowledge. Finally, having Sardinia Region (IT) as reference, the book offers a picture of programs and plans to which the methodology and the toolbox can be applied, outlining their potential impacts within cultural and spatial planning.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 321 pp., 30 b/w graphs, 9 b/w tables

Bruxelles, 2016. 204 pp.

Lorenzo Vai • Pier Domenico Tortola • Nicoletta Pirozzi (eds.)

Governing Europe How to Make the EU More Efficient and Democratic This book is a collection of the contributions to the Governing Europe project, which tackles the current situation and the future developments of the European mechanism of governance, putting forward a series of policy and institutional recommendations for the medium and long term, aimed at improving the democratic nature and the effectiveness of the European decision-making processes.

Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education. Vol. 2

Bruxelles, 2017. 250 pp., 6 fig., 6 tables

Studies in Politics, Security and Society. Vol. 9 hb.

ISBN 978-3-631-67542-7 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


ISBN 978-2-8076-0192-5 CHF 45.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.60 / € 36.– / £ 30.– / US-$ 43.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06974-7 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-8076-0193-2 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.20 / € 36.– / £ 30.– / US-$ 43.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-2-8076-0059-1 CHF 51.– / €D 45.95 / €A 46.80 / € 39.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Federalism. Vol. 8 ISBN 978-2-8076-0058-4 CHF 49.– / €D 41.95 / €A 42.90 / € 39.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95


Political Science

Mirjam Zbinden • Janine Dahinden • Adnan Efendic (eds.)

Diversity of Migration in South-East Europe This interdisciplinary volume gathers recent work related to the diverse migratory movements in South-East Europe. The contributions address current aspects of emigration, immigration, transit migration and return from different disciplinary vantage points. They impressively demonstrate that SouthEast Europe is a highly dynamic migration region marked by a multiplicity of migrationrelated processes fuelled by global and especially European developments.

Can Zeyrek (ed.)

Laboratory Western Balkans Regime Cha(lle)nge Even though comprehensive studies on political systems in the third wave of democratization have been made in the field of transformation, the situation in the Western Balkans remained underexposed. The reason for this might be that the fall of Yugoslavia and the emergence of new states are events that are to be attributed to the third wave of democratization. As Croatia has chosen the path of democracy, others still have problems with the rule of law. This book draws the political culture approach as a focal point providing a comprehensive understanding of transformations. The aim of this volume is to conceptualize the approach of embedded transformation.

Bern, 2016. 234 pp. Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe. Vol. 16

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 152 pp., 14 fig., 7 tables


ISBN 978-3-0343-2137-2 CHF 89.– / €D 76.95 / €A 78.80 / € 71.60 / £ 59.– / US-$ 86.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-0343-2399-4 CHF 94.– / €D 84.95 / €A 85.90 / € 71.60 / £ 59.– / US-$ 86.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-05645-7 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

ISBN 978-3-631-66337-0 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95




Dolapo Adeniji-Neill • Ann Mungai (eds.)

Written in Her Own Voice Ethno-educational Autobiographies of Women in Education

Aleksandra Ålund • Carl-Ulrik Schierup • Anders Neergaard (eds.)

Reimagineering the Nation Essays on Twenty-First-Century Sweden

The contributors to Written in Her Own Voice illuminate how gender and gender roles affect women’s advancement, educational success, and life aspirations. Chapters provide thick, rich descriptions of the authors’ lives, using heuristic and phenomenological inquiry as guiding theoretical frameworks. These women write about how power relations within society continue to promote exclusion and marginalization along race, gender, class, and religious lines around the globe. They examine the influences of families, communities, and societies in their educational and professional lives. This unique project has produced fascinating stories from real-life anecdotes, examining the role of families in developing one’s sense of self vis-à-vis others and the role of culture and community in the development of personhood. Diasporic experiences give voice to adaptations and changes that occur when two cultures (i.e., Western and native cultures) collide. The authors courageously narrate how they find their voices amidst the noises that threaten to drown them out.

This collection of essays offers a critical analysis of neoliberal transformation as it has unfolded in Sweden, long regarded as exemplary in terms of social welfare, equality and an inclusive multicultural democracy. The book presents a multidisciplinary exposition on Sweden, seen in a wider European perspective. It addresses changing frameworks of citizenship, welfare and democracy, migration and asylum, urban segregation and labour market segmentation and processes of securitization. It illuminates intersecting dimensions of class, gender and racialization and juxtaposes xenophobic populism with new social justice and antiracist movements on a changing political stage. Addressing a growing alignment with retrogressive illiberal policies across Europe, the volume exposes the reach of the adverse direction in which European «integration» is currently heading.

New York, 2016. XI, 183 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 376 pp., 2 coloured ill.

Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 44

Political and Social Change. Vol. 4


ISBN 978-1-4331-3252-0 CHF 40.– / €D 35.40 / €A 36.40 / € 33.05 / £ 26.– / US-$ 42.95



eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71519-2 CHF 79.– / €D 71.95 / €A 72.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3253-7

CHF 148.– / €D 131.70 / €A 135.40 / € 123.05 / £ 98.– / US-$ 159.95

ISBN 978-3-631-71518-5 CHF 75.– / €D 64.95 / €A 66.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95



Neriman Aral • Figen Gürsoy • Ece Özdoğan Özbal • Saliha Çetin Sultanoğlu • Sebahat Aydos • Selim Tosun • Tuğba Karaaslan • Gül Kadan

Hasan Arslan • Mehmet Ali Içbay • Frederic Jacobs (eds.)

Hasan Arslan • Mehmet Ali Içbay • Christian Ruggiero (eds.)

Research on Social Studies

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Child Poverty

This book is a collection of papers written by researchers, teachers, administrators, analysts and graduate students working and doing research in the field of social sciences. The topics in the book include a wide range of studies from the analysis of social science textbooks to the teachers’ image on newspapers, from the relationship between self-efficacy and cognitive level to the role of organizational silence on the academicians’ loneliness in the working life.

Communication, Social Sciences, Arts

According to the annual UNICEF report «The State of the World’s Children», progress has been achieved in the fight against poverty, but the inequalities in children’s conditions still exist. With the data, those most at risk are identified, i.e. children who are least visible in the spotlight of public attention and suffer most from social isolation in the community. In order to develop every society should identify those who are most in need and should look for ways to support them. Both physical and emotional development of children living in socially disadvantaged areas should be supported and their access to basic needs should be facilitated. This book presents the results of a project aiming at mapping child poverty in the Mamak district of Ankara. Taking the local conditions into consideration, an action plan has been developed to characterize the poverty experienced by the children living in the Mamak district and to generate solutions.

This book presents a collection of papers written by researchers, teachers, administrators, analysts and graduate students working and doing research in the field of social sciences. The scientific studies include a wide range of topics from the analysis of social science textbooks to the teacher image in newspapers, the relationship between self-efficacy and cognitive level and the role of organizational silence on the loneliness of academics in work life.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 190 pp., 22 b/w ill., 56 tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 253 S., 5 s/w Graf., 70 s/w Tab.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 396 pp., 66 coloured ill., 50 tables, 11 graphs


ISBN 978-3-631-69840-2 CHF 35.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.80 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67528-1 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-69841-9 CHF 37.– / €D 32.95 / €A 33.60 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06900-6 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.20 / € 56.– / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-69829-7 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.30 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67501-4 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95



Ecaterina Balica

Moshe Y. Bernstein

Małgorzata Bogunia-Borowska (ed.)

Homicide-Suicides in Romania

Globalization, Translation and Transmission: Sino-Judaic Cultural Identity in Kaifeng, China

Social Spaces and Social Relations

Statistical Data and Media Representations This book examines homicide-suicides in a post-communist country in South-East Europe. It presents results regarding risk factors and particularities of homicide-suicides in Romania committed in the period 2002–2013. The author analyses statistical data from legal records, police registers, and online newspapers discussing the way in which the victims and aggressors of homicide-suicides are represented. She completed the data by investigating six penitentiaries in Romania regarding the risk factors specific to various types of homicide-suicide: intimate partner femicide-suicides, familicide-suicides, filicide-suicides and homicide-suicides committed by police officers.

Around the tenth century Jewish merchants from Central Asia arrived in Kaifeng. Welcomed by the Emperor, they integrated into China’s economy, society and culture. They intermarried with their hosts, following patrilocal custom with Chinese wives adopting their husbands’ Jewish traditions. In 1163 they built a synagogue, where the group, numbering 5,000 at its apex in the sixteenth century, continued to conduct Jewish rituals for seven centuries. Despite the loss of this building in 1849 by flooding, the families and clans of Jewish descent continued to recall their ancestral identity and preserved a few basic customs. In 1978 with the «opening-up» of China, foreign visitors to Kaifeng generated both a renewed interest in the group and a communal revival of its Jewish identification. This cultural revival has created both opportunities and risks, due largely to an ambivalent Chinese policy denying ethnic status to the Kaifeng Jews while allowing them limited cultural expression. This book explores how a small minority was able to transmit its blend of SinoJudaic culture over the centuries and how their descendants are striving to revitalise that cultural heritage today.

Introduction by Anthony Giddens The human world is an area of countless places and spaces. This book focuses on the variety of places, on their genuine features, and on their specific form of creating social relations. It discusses spaces inside or outside ourselves and the social relations we are able to find and create there. «The authors of the book attempt to describe and analyze different spaces and social relations created within them. They look at the social relations and their types, observe the functioning of neighborly relations, relationships on social networks, at home or in museums. Each of these places is different and forms and creates social relations differently. The book offers an interesting study of selected cases over spaces of our everyday lives that help or hinder us build social relationships.» (From the introduction by Anthony Giddens)

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 138 pp. Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 210 pp., 19 b/w tables

Bern, 2017. 253 pp.

Warsaw Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences. Vol. 7


ISBN 978-3-631-66722-4 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95


ISBN 978-3-0343-2543-1 CHF 75.– / €D 63.95 / €A 66.– / € 60.– / £ 49.– / US-$ 72.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06285-4 CHF 67.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-06452-0 CHF 39.– / €D 36.65 / €A 36.96 / € 30.80 / £ 25.– / US-$ 40.95

ISBN 978-3-0343-2544-8 CHF 79.– / €D 70.95 / €A 72.– / € 60.– / £ 49.– / US-$ 72.95

ISBN 978-3-631-66784-2 CHF 37.– / €D 32.95 / €A 33.90 / € 30.80 / £ 25.– / US-$ 40.95



Conor Caldwell • Eamon Byers (eds.)

Allison Craven

New Crops, Old Fields

Fairy tale interrupted

Reimagining Irish Folklore

Feminism, Masculinity, Wonder Cinema

From our homes to our houses of government, from our schoolyards to our stadia, from our galleries to our gable walls, folklore is not only preserved but continues to be reimagined in all aspects of everyday life in Ireland. In the twenty-first century, the traditions of Irish folklore are engaged in a constant process of regeneration, where the old and the new, the oral, the textual and the visual intermingle. However, while the «first life» of Irish folklore has amassed a vast literature, what has attracted less attention is its «second life»: the variety of ways in which traditions have been reused and recycled in other contexts by politicians, poets, visual artists, sportsmen, tourism officers, museum curators, writers and musicians. This volume is concerned with those moments of cultural creation that occupy the space between the «first life» and «second life» of folklore and, in particular, the ways in which folk traditions are reinvented. Featuring essays from both authorities in the field and emerging voices, this interdisciplinary collection demonstrates the rich diversity of folk culture, as a practice and as an area of study, in contemporary Ireland.

Feminism, masculinity and fairy tale figure within an extended analysis of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (1991), in light of the live-action remake, Beauty and the Beast (2017). The history of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast is compared with Disney’s adaptation which centralises the figure of the Beast rather than the heroine, Belle. A flagship during a key period of Disney’s corporate expansion in the early 1990s, in the first section of the book, the production is situated with respect to gender histories in the corresponding period: the rise of post-feminism, and its implicit disavowal of feminism, the mythopoetic men’s movement and the crisis of masculinity. The following section canvasses views of masculinity in second wave feminism and the role of myth and fairy in key works of feminism. A critical discussion ensues of twenty-first century wonder cinema in which the influence of feminist ideas is seen to circulate within the pastiche treatments of fairy tales and enchantment.

Peter Cullen • Maria Elisa Montironi (eds.)

Teaching Business Culture in the Italian Context Global and Intercultural Challenges Italy often suffers from its cultural heritage. Certain themes have passed into stereotype and popular consumption, while others have been overlooked. This volume discusses teaching choices and topics on the implementation of a US study abroad business programme in Italy. The authors first have a look at business questions, then at culture through a chapter on the fashion industry. The final section focuses on methods in teaching Italian culture, language, history, and intercultural communication. This volume highlights non-traditional aspects of Italian culture, and focuses on the intercultural dimension of teaching and learning for study abroad students. The points of view found herein should promote a more contextualized and contemporary view of what studying Italy can be about.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 179 pp., 1 coloured ill., 5 b/w tables Oxford, 2017. X, 190 pp., 7 b/w ill. Reimagining Ireland. Vol. 80

Bern, 2017. 254 pp.

Interkulturelle Begegnungen. Studien zum Literatur- und Kulturtransfer. Vol. 22


ISBN 978-3-0343-1912-6 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95


ISBN 978-3-0343-2087-0 CHF 73.– / €D 62.95 / €A 64.90 / € 59.– / £ 48.– / US-$ 71.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-248-0 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-0343-2470-0 CHF 77.– / €D 69.95 / €A 70.80 / € 59.– / £ 48.– / US-$ 71.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07176-4 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.40 / € 49.50 / £ 41.– / US-$ 59.95

ISBN 978-3-631-67699-8 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.50 / € 49.50 / £ 41.– / US-$ 59.95



Jeanette den Toonder • Kim van Dam • Fjære van der Stok (eds.)

Native America Indigenous Self-Representation in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico This book focuses on self-representations of several indigenous communities in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. It offers a multifaceted understanding of North American indigenous history, identity, community and forms of culture. Intersecting themes shape the structure of this volume: the first part focuses on the theme of recovery in relation to the literary field, the second part examines the theme of governance through examples of conflict, public government and citizenship, and the final part discusses the theme of increased global movements in relation to the preservation of local traditions. The contributors hope to advance trans-indigenous studies by encouraging productive dialogues across the U.S., Canada and Mexico–U.S. borders.

Robin DiAngelo

Manyaka Toko Djockoua

What Does It Mean to Be White?

Cross-Cultural Affinities

Developing White Racial Literacy

Emersonian Transcendentalism and Senghorian Negritude

Revised Edition What does it mean to be white in a society that proclaims race meaningless, yet is deeply divided by race? In the face of pervasive racial inequality and segregation, most white people cannot answer that question. In the second edition of this seminal text, Robin DiAngelo reveals the factors that make this question so difficult: mis-education about what racism is; ideologies such as individualism and colorblindness; segregation; and the belief that to be complicit in racism is to be an immoral person. These factors contribute to what she terms white racial illiteracy. Speaking as a white person to other white people, DiAngelo clearly and compellingly takes readers through an analysis of white socialization. Weaving research, analysis, stories, images, and familiar examples, she provides the framework needed to develop white racial literacy. She describes how race shapes the lives of white people, explains what makes racism so hard to see, identifies common white racial patterns, and speaks back to popular narratives that work to deny racism. Written as an accessible overview on white identity from an anti-racist framework, What Does It Mean to Be White? is an invaluable resource for members of diversity and anti-racism programs and study groups, and students of sociology, psychology, education, and other disciplines. This revised edition features two new chapters, including one on DiAngelo’s influential concept of white fragility. Written to be accessible both within and without academia, this revised edition also features discussion questions, an index, and a glossary.

The book, through textual analyses, brings concepts of Senghorian Negritude and Emersonian ideas into a cross-cultural dialogue, and thus opens up a completely new perspective in research on the history of ideas. It synthesizes the diverse cultural, literary, philosophical and religious trends which have impacted on the complex and elusive fields of Transcendentalism and Negritude. Focusing on the current debate on influences and affinities in literary and cultural studies, the book shows that African religions and philosophy have influenced the formation of American Transcendentalism.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 196 pp., 2 fig., 2 tables Interamericana. Inter-American Literary History and Culture. Vol. 9

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 210 pp. New York, 2016. XI, 368 pp., num. b/w ill.

Literary and Cultural Theory. Vol. 48


ISBN 978-3-631-64082-1 CHF 61.– / €D 47.95 / €A 49.30 / € 44.80 / £ 37.– / US-$ 54.95

Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. Vol. 497


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-02620-7 CHF 61.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.80 / € 44.80 / £ 37.– / US-$ 54.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07259-4 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.40 / € 49.50 / £ 41.– / US-$ 59.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-3110-3

CHF 37.– / €D 32.90 / €A 33.80 / € 30.75 / £ 25.– / US-$ 39.95

ISBN 978-3-631-68125-1 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.50 / £ 41.– / US-$ 59.95



Viorela Ducu • Áron Telegdi-Csetri (eds.)

Maureen Duru

Marion Eggert • Florian Pölking (eds.)

Managing «Difference» in Eastern-European Transnational Families

Diaspora, Food and Identity

Integration Processes in the Circulation of Knowledge

Studies in this book have been gathered on the occasion of two academic events in the field of Transnational Families, focusing on the Eastern-European space, from a – diversified – qualitative social research perspective. The volume places a special emphasis on a gendered and practice-oriented approach, exploring territories of domination and empowerment that inform the negotiation of difference. Studies follow processes of emancipation, family practices, redistribution of gendered roles, forms of abuse, social remittance, confrontation between rights and cultures, forming joint action strategies and egalitarian capital, in a process of emergence of new social actors. Studies reflect back upon the ambiguity of conceptual frameworks to be put to use while approaching this yet unexplored area.

Nigerian Migrants in Belgium This book examines the connection between food and identity in the Nigerian diaspora community in Belgium. Encounters between people from different cultures do not lead to a simple adaptation of the diet, but usually give rise to some kind of fusion of new and indigenous food habits. The author questions the relationship between what Nigerian migrants in the diaspora eat, their self-perception and how they engage with outsiders. Starting with a historical introduction about the country, this study examines what aspects of the Nigerian food culture is retained and what has changed. This is reflected by the dynamics in the Nigerian homes, especially the gender roles. The new generation of Nigerians, who see Belgium as home, also hang on to a Nigerian diet that remains not only an important part of who they are, but is also used in the creation of cultural boundaries and group identities. However, the influence of the new environment is very present because each diaspora community, wherever and whenever, must adapt. Skills such as language and social norms are indeed necessary to survive in the new environment. Yet, food plays a prominent role: on the one hand, it contributes to the affirmation of Nigerian feelings, and on the other hand, food serves as a means of communication with the host country.

Cases from Korea Korea, geographically situated at cultural crossroads, has a long history of creative engagement with knowledge from outside sources. This volume discusses processes of knowledge integration – of interpretive adaptation, dissection, selection and re-assemblage, of reduction and amplification, as well as of blending with existing cognitive structures – in premodern and early modern times. The articles assembled deal with a wide range of sources (including material objects as carriers of knowledge) and with diverse fields of knowledge, spanning the realms of philosophy, religion, literature, military and technical knowledge, and political thought. Together, they richly illustrate the transformative powers inherent in re-configurations of knowledge.

Bruxelles, 2017. 311 pp., 10 tables, 14 ill.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 237 pp., 3 coloured fig., 3 b/w fig., 4 tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 190 pp.

European Food Issues. Vol. 9

Research on Korea. Vol. 6


ISBN 978-3-631-70236-9 CHF 35.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.80 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95


ISBN 978-2-8076-0130-7 CHF 59.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.70 / € 47.– / £ 39.– / US-$ 56.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-70237-6 CHF 37.– / €D 32.95 / €A 33.60 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-2-8076-0211-3

CHF 62.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.40 / € 47.– / £ 39.– / US-$ 56.95

ISBN 978-3-631-65583-2 CHF 59.– / €D 51.95 / €A 53.50 / € 48.60 / £ 39.– / US-$ 63.95 ISBN 978-3-653-04798-1

CHF 62.15 / €D 57.83 / €A 58.32 / € 48.60 / £ 39.– / US-$ 63.95



Shirlita Espinosa • Antonella Fazio (eds.)

Meindert Evers

Igor Filippov • Flocel Sabaté (eds.)

Globalization, Violence and Security

The Aesthetic Revolution in Germany

Identity and Loss of Historical Memory

Local Impacts of Regional Integration


The Destruction of Archives

This collection is a great contribution to the field of violence and security studies. It presents six comparative, cross-regional analyses of violence and security, with both theoretical contributions and empirical researches conducted in Mexico, Morocco, Colombia, South Africa and Brazil. The book looks at violence and security within the broader contexts of globalization and regionalization as forces that shape the way discourses are understood with very concrete real-life consequences. Articles in the collection also discuss identity politics, indigenous cultures, race and ethnicity, and mass media in relation to violence and security. The book is uniquely trilingual with articles written in English, Spanish and French, and it also includes a preface by RISC president Harlan Koff.

From Winckelmann to Nietzsche – from Nietzsche to Beckmann The Aesthetic Revolution in Germany refutes the stereotypical image of Germany as the country of romantic but unworldly poets and thinkers. In 1750, an aesthetic revolution takes place in Germany, at the beginning of which stands J.J. Winckelmann. The romantic movement (Schiller, Hölderlin, Kleist) paves the way for this aesthetic revolution, which Heine is one of the first to criticise. Since then, criticism has never fallen silent. Opposing the rationalisation of the world (Wagner), the aesthetic revolution climaxes in the philosophy of Nietzsche. During the 1920s and 30s, it becomes a conservative revolution (George, Spengler, Th. Mann, Benn) and fails inevitably. Beckmann and M. Walser show that particularly after 1945 the aesthetic perspective is still necessary.

Archives are the documentary memory of each society and so they become one of the pillars of its identity. Its destruction is sometimes accidental, but it is often deliberate in order to remove the ties with the past. The new times that revolutions attempt to reach usually involve forceful and symbolic ruptures with former identity, including the destruction of the economic, administrative and historical documentation. This book collects updated texts written by outstanding researchers from an initial Congress held in Moscow in 2006 in order to analyze the causes and consequences of the destructive violence against archives boasted during revolutionary turmoils. The studies pay special attention to the first important contempt and destruction of documentation, during the French Revolution; continue studying the damages to archives during 19th century; and culminated analyzing the effects of Russian Revolution over the documentation and the evolution until the end of the Soviet period.

Bern, 2017. 351 pp., 1 table

Regional Integration and Social Cohesion. Vol. 16

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 362 pp., 5 b/w ill.

Identities / Identités / Identidades. An interdisciplinary approach to the roots of the present / Une approche interdisciplinaire aux racines du présent / Una aproximación interdisciplinar a las raíces del presente. Vol. 7


ISBN 978-2-87574-355-8 CHF 46.– / €D 40.70 / €A 41.80 / € 38.– / £ 30.– / US-$ 49.95


ISBN 978-3-631-71668-7 CHF 37.– / €D 31.95 / €A 32.90 / € 29.90 / £ 25.– / US-$ 36.95


eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71976-3 CHF 39.– / €D 35.95 / €A 35.90 / € 29.90 / £ 25.– / US-$ 36.95

eBook (SUL)

Bruxelles, 2016. 211 pp., 76 graphs, 14 tables

ISBN 978-3-0352-6629-0

CHF 50.– / €D 44.95 / €A 45.60 / € 38.– / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

ISBN 978-3-0343-2506-6 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 86.90 / € 79.– / £ 65.– / US-$ 95.95 ISBN 978-3-0343-2507-3

CHF 103.– / €D 93.95 / €A 94.80 / € 79.– / £ 65.– / US-$ 95.95



Jordi Garreta-Bochaca (ed.)

Tea Golob

Izabela Grabowska

Immigration into Spain

Living Beyond the Nation

Evolution and Socio-educational Challenges

European Transnational Social Fields and Identifications

Movers and Stayers: Social Mobility, Migration and Skills

In the last fifty years Spain has experienced major changes regarding population movements and the perception the Spanish have concerning emigration and immigration as well as emigrants and immigrants. In short, in a few years it has gone from emigrating to receiving a significant flow of foreign immigration to again becoming issuers of people to Europe while immigration is still reaching the Spanish borders. All of this has led to growth in Spain’s interest in the study of international migration, its impacts on the origin and destination, designed integration policies and their implementation, as well as international comparisons. The volume presents the evolution of the migration phenomenon, the creation and maintenance of transnational networks, the most relevant factors for exclusion and social integration, the demands and forms of intervention of the social workers who work with persons of foreign origin as well as the institutional response given from social services, the evolution of immigrant students in schools and educational policies on cultural diversity in the Spanish educational system, the development of associations, and other important questions about «Immigration into Spain: Evolution and Socio-educational Challenges».

The book provides key insights in experiencing lives and attitudes of the increasing number of people who reside beyond national boundaries and strategically create their lifepaths. It is a brief but comprehensive introduction to the latest theoretical developments combining issues of reflexivity and habitus resulting in unique empirical and practical implications. Intended for the readers who are looking for a combination of scholarly insights and everyday life stories of the people living beyond the national constraints, no matter whether they are interested in contemporary social trends and their impact to individuals, ethnographic research, globalization trends or the future visions of the European Union.

The author examines social mobility in the enlarged EU by analysing the work sequences of 1865 movers and stayers in Poland. Using indicators of upward and downward social mobility, she explores the role of migration in careers. Her research shows that migration adds dynamism to work paths and contributes to the improvement of people’s working lives. It also suggests that agency and reflexivity guide the acquisition of tacit skills during migration, resulting in various patterns of social mobility.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 242 pp. Bern, 2016. 258 pp.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 94 pp., 2 b/w fig., 1 table

Migration – Ethnicity – Nation: Studies in Culture, Society and Politics. Vol. 3


ISBN 978-3-0343-2436-6 CHF 80.– / €D 68.95 / €A 70.70 / € 64.30 / £ 53.– / US-$ 77.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67866-4 CHF 23.– / €D 19.95 / €A 20.50 / € 18.60 / £ 15.– / US-$ 24.95


eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-3-0343-2453-3

CHF 84.– / €D 76.95 / €A 77.20 / € 64.30 / £ 53.– / US-$ 77.95

ISBN 978-3-653-06984-6

CHF 24.25 / €D 22.13 / €A 22.32 / € 18.60 / £ 15.– / US-$ 24.95

ISBN 978-3-631-66170-3 CHF 57.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 37.– / US-$ 60.95 ISBN 978-3-653-05817-8

CHF 60.05 / €D 55.57 / €A 56.04 / € 46.70 / £ 37.– / US-$ 60.95



Avila Kilmurray

Community Action in a Contested Society The Story of Northern Ireland Much has been written about the history of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, but one story remains untold: that of the grassroots activism that maintained local communities in the face of violence. This book speaks through the voices of the activists themselves, drawn from both sides of a divided society. It records their memories of community organising and work on social issues, as well as their insights into surviving the politics of the period and contributing to peacebuilding. Providing a vivid account of how politics touched people’s lives, the book celebrates the energy, imagination and determination of community activism. It also examines the challenges faced by policymakers struggling to make sense of conflicting community narratives and official government positions. There are vital lessons here for organisers, activists and policymakers working in any contested society, particularly those operating at the interface between social need and peacebuilding. Informed by an oral history approach, this book argues that conflict transformation is possible and that community activism has a major contribution to make in creating alternatives to violence.

Michalis Kontopodis • Maria Cecília Camargo Magalhães • Maria José Coracini (eds.)

Facing Poverty and Marginalization Fifty Years of Critical Research in Brazil A long history of poverty, discrimination, colonialism and struggle for social justice has provided, over the last fifty years, the context for the development of a vast amount of critical scholarship targeting marginalization in Brazil: Freireian pedagogics, theology of liberation, critical sociology, anthropology and ethnomathematics, critical social psychology and discourse analysis. Most of this scholarship has unfortunately been accessible only to the Portuguese-speaking readership. This volume presents, for the first time to an international audience, the novel understandings of critical research that have emerged in this frame. While Brazil is entering a new phase of socio-economic and political turmoil, distinguished representatives of the various critical research traditions from all over Brazil explore the voices and practices of those who are usually hardly heard: the helpless, the mentally ill, the landless, the homeless, the voiceless youth, delinquents, indigenous people, the powerless. The volume proposes original theoretical tools and arguments that can inspire social-scientific discussions on facing poverty and marginalization not only with regard to Brazil, but also other parts of the world. It is the first book of its kind in English and a unique tool for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and specialists across the social sciences.

John Idriss Lahai

Gender in Practice Culture, Politics and Society in Sierra Leone In Sierra Leone, the dominant epistemological framework of the political and social history of the country and the post-colonial understanding of the place of men and women are based on the inter-subjective discourses of power, place, identity and belongingness. Through a complex web of culturally regulated, politically motivated and patriarchally conditioned belief systems on sexualities, a transition is imagined that goes beyond symbolism and familial attributes. Its aesthetics, as this book demonstrates, are deployed as a domain in which the political and cultural understanding of statehood, gender relations, politics, governance, armed conflict, human rights, women’s empowerment and sexual identity are made and remade. In the main, the rudimentary discourses on the everyday individual/collective survival strategies of women have exposed, in expressive forms, the gendered uncertainties in people’s lives. However, in practical terms, as described in this book, these uncertainties are a demonstration of the tensions between culturalism (and its post-colonial discontents) and the gender-ideological narrative concerning the question of gender equality and women’s place in politics, culture and society across time and space in Sierra Leone.

Oxford, 2016. VIII, 158 pp., 6 coloured ill.

Oxford, 2016. XVI, 276 pp.

Oxford, 2017. XVIII, 324 pp.

(Post)Critical Global Studies. Vol. 1

Africa in Development. Vol. 14


ISBN 978-3-0343-2257-7 CHF 30.– / €D 25.95 / €A 25.80 / € 23.50 / £ 19.– / US-$ 28.95


ISBN 978-1-906165-64-2 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-216-9 CHF 31.– / €D 27.95 / €A 28.20 / € 23.50 / £ 19.– / US-$ 28.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-046-2 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-022-6 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95

ISBN 978-1-906165-77-2 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95



Julian C.H. Lee • John M. Prior • Thomas A. Reuter (eds.)

Trajectories Excursions with the Anthropology of E. Douglas Lewis This volume engages with the work of E. Douglas Lewis, who has made major contributions to the understanding of Eastern Indonesia, ethnography, culture, and religion, as well as a neurobiologically informed anthropology. Lewis’ work on the Ata Tana ‘Ai (People of the Forest) of Flores has long been regarded as a seminal work on culture and society in Eastern Indonesia. His ‘precedence theory’ became highly influential among anthropologists in their interpretations of other social groups in the region. In this volume, however, a group of scholars influenced by his work undertake diverse and thought-provoking excursions from Lewis’ work, shedding light on his insights on subjects ranging from Eastern Indonesian ethnography, to theorizing culture change, to development, and to the nascent field of ‘neuroanthropology’. Of particular note, this book also features an extended contribution by Lewis that is, as Professor James J. Fox notes in this book’s foreword, ‘the kind of serious contemplation of an intellectual trajectory that every senior anthropologist should be urged to write’.

Cara Levey

Andrea Lombardinilo

Fragile Memory, Shifting Impunity

McLuhan and Symbolist Communication

Commemoration and Contestation in Post-Dictatorship Argentina and Uruguay

The Shock of Dislocation

Fragile Memory, Shifting Impunity is an interdisciplinary study of commemorative sites related to human rights violations committed primarily during dictatorial rule in Argentina (1976–1983) and Uruguay (1973–1985). Taking as a departure point the ‹politics of memory› – a term that acknowledges memory’s propensity for engagement beyond the cultural sphere – this study shifts the focus away from exclusively aesthetic and architectural readings of marches, memorials and monuments to instead analyse their emergence and transformation in post-dictatorship Argentina and Uruguay. This book incorporates the role of state and societal actors and conflicts underpinning commemorative processes into its analysis, reading the sites within shifting contexts of impunity to explore their relationship to memory, truth seeking and justice in the long aftermath of dictatorship.

With an interview with Derrick de Kerckhove. Symbolism as a parataxis, as a «jazz of the intellect»: this is the starting point of this research, inspired by a socio-literary interpretation of Marshall McLuhan’s mediology and developed from a diachronic and exegetic perspective. According to the Canadian sociologist, the footsteps that led to this electric era can be traced through the study of certain writers and poets, whose symbolism provides a number of sociological hints foreshadowing our media modernity. This book aims to investigate the role of symbolism in McLuhan’s sociological research, by outlining how the study of memory and the analysis of literary tradition are fundamental to understanding the complex development of communication and cultural studies. The research presented here focuses on the function of symbols as interpretative keys for the study of media carried out by McLuhan. It is exactly in this artistic movement that the sociologist finds the opportunity to analyse the representative practices (irrational and linear) of modern men, shaped by the reticular patterns of the mind. From this perspective, McLuhan identifies the creative process that lies at the root of symbolist poetry, identified as «a disposition, a parataxis, of components that draws a particular intuition through precise links, but without a point of view, that is a linear connection or sequential order».

New York, 2016. XXIV, 360 pp., ill.

Oxford, 2016. XI, 295 pp., 11 b/w ill.

Oxford, 2017. XVI, 382 pp.

Asian Thought and Culture. Vol. 74

Cultural Memories. Vol. 3

Interdisciplinary Communication Studies. Vol. 9


ISBN 978-1-4331-3357-2 CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95


ISBN 978-3-0343-0987-5 CHF 64.– / €D 56.30 / €A 57.90 / € 52.60 / £ 42.– / US-$ 68.95


eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-527-6 CHF 75.– / €D 67.95 / €A 68.20 / € 56.80 / £ 46.– / US-$ 69.95

ISBN 978-1-4539-1813-5

CHF 120.– / €D 108.95 / €A 110.– / € 91.70 / £ 75.– / US-$ 110.95

ISBN 978-3-0353-0830-3

CHF 67.45 / €D 62.59 / €A 63.12 / € 52.60 / £ 42.– / US-$ 68.95

ISBN 978-1-78707-439-2 CHF 71.– / €D 60.95 / €A 62.50 / € 56.80 / £ 46.– / US-$ 69.95



Alina Petra Marinescu

Max Mauro

The Discursive Dimension of Employee Engagement and Disengagement

The Balotelli Generation

Accounts of keeping and leaving jobs in present-day Bucharest organizations The book analyses organizational disengagement and its consequences at an organizational and at an individual level. The author argues for the existence of an additional dimension of employee disengagement, namely discursive disengagement. It is a distinctive dimension with respect to its dependence on a specific work of the employee. The author engages with discourse analysis to classify employee disengagement trajectories, vocabularies of motive and rhetorical resources. She analyses how people frame their decisions of staying or leaving organizations by defining their employment situation and how they justify their choices through their professional experiences.

Issues of Inclusion and Belonging in Italian Football and Society Sports governing bodies, governments and European institutions highlight the inclusive power of sport and its capacity to foster a sense of belonging among youth of immigrant background. At the same time, sport at youth and grassroots level can be as much an exclusionary as an inclusive experience. As a country of relatively short immigration history and with a great passion for sport, particularly football, Italy makes a compelling case on which to situate an analysis of sport participation of youth of immigrant background and issues of representation in relation to national identity. The book originates from 40 in-depth interviews with young players aged seventeen to twenty-three, born in Italy to immigrant parents or raised in Italy since their childhood. It further collates over thirty interviews and conversations with coaches, club and league administrators, educators, and migrants’ rights activists. Analysis of official documents and media analysis further contribute to the construction of a specific body of knowledge which sheds an unprecedented light on issues which are at the forefront of policy discussions and media discourses across Europe.

Anthony Victor Obeng

Decolonizing Africa and African Development The Twenty-First-Century PanAfricanist Challenge The book is an intellectual and political response to Thomas Sankara’s challenge to the African people to dare to invent their own future, an echo of Patrice Lumumba’s call for them to write their own history. Exploring the history of Africa’s underdevelopment and the short-circuiting of the Pan-African movement, it argues for the revival of Pan-Africanism as a force for change and calls for a worthy successor to the Fifth Pan-African Congress. As a background to this argument and call, the book revisits Pan-Africanism’s history and founding ideals and conducts ruthless forensic examinations of the de facto Bantustanization of much of Africa and parts of the Caribbean, the ‘alternative development’ fiascos of the late twentieth century, the contemporary ‘globalization’ and ‘democratization’ of African projects by imperialist interests, the ‘Pan-Africanisms’ of imperialism’s active collaborators and other obstructions to the decolonization of Africa and African development. Finally, recognizing that the plights of many Afro-Latinos, Afro-Indians, Afro-Arabs and other ‘lost’ or neglected ‘tribes of Africa’ – as well as those of the victims of ‘black-empowered’ predators – call out for urgent PanAfricanist responses, the book contains numerous start-up project ideas for action-oriented Pan-Africanists.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 117 pp., 6 b/w graphs, 2 b/w tables

Bern, 2016. 204 pp., 5 coloured ill.

Oxford, 2017. XX, 280 pp.

Studies in Politics, Security and Society. Vol. 11

Savoirs sportifs / Sports knowledge. Vol. 9

Africa in Development. Vol. 15


ISBN 978-3-631-71677-9 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95


ISBN 978-3-0343-2502-8 CHF 39.– / €D 33.95 / €A 34.90 / € 31.80 / £ 26.– / US-$ 38.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71678-6 CHF 49.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.90 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-0343-2503-5 CHF 42.– / €D 37.95 / €A 38.20 / € 31.80 / £ 26.– / US-$ 38.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-107-0 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 66.70 / € 55.60 / £ 45.– / US-$ 67.95

ISBN 978-3-0343-0758-1 CHF 78.– / €D 53.50 / €A 55.– / € 50.– / £ 45.– / US-$ 77.95



Grzegorz Piotrowski

Janet Bubar Rich

Borut Rončević • Matevž Tomšić (eds.)

In the Shadow of the Iron Curtain

Riding on Horses’ Wings

Information Society and its Manifestations: Economy, Politics, Culture

Central and Eastern European Alterglobalists This book examines the alterglobalist activists in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Based on lengthy ethnographic fieldwork and numerous in-depth interviews with key figures of the movement, it covers mobilizations and actions between 1998 and 2011 and analyzes the process of adapting the alterglobalist way of thinking, claims and organizational modes in post-socialist countries. By pointing out the main challenges the movement faced, the author discusses the ways it tried to overcome these. The main argument is that the post-communist legacy (expressed in low levels of mobilization, in rejection of leftist ideals and discourse and in deep mistrust towards political life) had a tremendous impact on the formation and the shape of the alterglobalist movement in the region.

Reimagining Today’s Horse for Tomorrow’s World The bond between humans and horses is deep. For humans, horses provide freedom. Riding on horses and horse-drawn chariots or carts has allowed humans to go farther and faster than they could on their own. Horses (now high-horsepower cars) are our wings. As a result, their images show up in our dreams and our personal and cultural stories as symbols not only of freedom, but of power, swiftness, nobility, and beauty. Equine images empower us to ride on inner journeys, explore the mysteries of the soul, and carry the human spirit forward. In bringing to life the horse tales of many cultures throughout the ages, Riding on Horses’ Wings is as whimsical and magical as it is inspiring. From the white-winged Pegasus and part-human Centaurs in ancient Greek myths, Epona in ancient Celtic lore, the eightlegged Sleipnir in Nordic tales, and Kanthaka in Buddhist lore, to the many horses in Native American mythologies and today’s literary and fine arts, movies, YouTube videos, and beyond, horses touch our hearts and elevate our imaginations. In this book, Janet Bubar Rich taps into our love of horses and horse tales, inspiring us all to take life by the reins, make the changes needed to improve our lives, and create sustainable futures for horses, humans, and other species on earth, our home.

The book provides a compilation of idiosyncratic manifestations of information society in techno-economic, political and cultural spheres. The contributors focus on the increasing complexity within information societies. To manage this complexity, societies develop constantly evolving context-specific modes of meta-governance. The contributions allow a better understanding of well-known conceptualizations and definitions of information society and related concepts such as postindustrial society, post-modernity, as well as network society, and knowledge society.

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 286 pp., 3 coloured ill., 10 b/w ill., 23 b/w tables

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 210 pp., 7 b/w ill.

New York, 2016. XVII, 111 pp.


ISBN 978-3-631-67733-9 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.– / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95


ISBN 978-1-4331-3284-1 CHF 92.– / €D 79.95 / €A 81.60 / € 74.20 / £ 60.– / US-$ 88.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07247-1 CHF 55.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.40 / € 42.– / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-4331-3665-8 CHF 97.– / €D 88.95 / €A 89.– / € 74.20 / £ 60.– / US-$ 88.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-70356-4 CHF 67.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

ISBN 978-3-631-70355-7 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95



Jamilla Rosdahl

Miri Rozmarin

Tom Sandqvist

Sculpting the Woman

Vulnerable Futures, Transformative Pasts

Born in a Shtetl

Muscularity, Power and the Problem with Femininity What is femininity? Why does the idea of femininity not seem to «fit» with muscular women? Why are muscular women the object of such controversy and skepticism? Why do some women build muscle despite these strong cultural reactions? Muscular women have long been the focus of public scrutiny, cultural contempt and fascination. Sculpting the Woman interrogates the protected status of femininity as it has been rendered irrelevant to the history, theory and politics of the muscular woman. This highly original and provocative work draws on important social thinkers including Michel Foucault and Judith Butler as well as recent theoretical developments on gender, identity and the body in poststructuralism, psychoanalysis, various feminisms and social and moral philosophy. This book offers a personal insight into one of the most threatening of cultural identities: the «muscular female». Through its analysis of femininity’s complex relationship with muscularity, it explores the larger question: «What is a woman?»

On Vulnerability, Temporality, and Ethics Vulnerability reins our time. People know that their world is changing in ways that they cannot foresee. Communities disintegrate and boundaries lose their relevance. Drawing on the concept of vulnerability as an affective relation individuals hold with their world and with their lives, this book analyzes vulnerability as it is immanently connected to temporality. It provides an account of political temporality – connections between past, present, and future that engage with the contemporary social reality – and enables and sustains transformative dynamics through which individuals can mobilize their vulnerability. This technique allows them to gradually transform their reality and its influence on their own subjectivity and agency. This book portrays the kinds of relations through time and social space that people can create by working with their vulnerability as an affect that has the power to yield new sensibilities, skills, and values. These connections with the past are called transformative lineages.

An Essay on Sonia Delaunay and her Jewishness Sonia Delaunay is one of the most important artists of the early twentieth century, whose contribution to European Modernism was fundamental, if not always fully acknowledged in its own right. She is known for translating her experiments via painting into the realm of fashion, interior design and crafts and, thus, consciously transcending the boundaries between fine and applied art. The focus within mainstream art history has been her relationship with her husband Robert Delaunay. Tom Sandqvist shifts this focus on her Jewish roots and sheds a light on the influence of growing up in the typical Eastern European shtetl, which has not attracted any special attention in the analysis of Delaunay’s art. Tom Sandqvist reflects on the impact of Judaism on Sonia Delaunay’s œuvre, with a special focus on her early contributions to Simultanism and Orphism within the interwar Parisian AvantGarde.

Oxford, 2017. X, 220 pp., 5 b/w ill. Queering Paradigms. Vol. 8

Oxford, 2017. VIII, 194 pp.


ISBN 978-1-906165-83-3 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95


ISBN 978-3-0343-2224-9 CHF 62.– / €D 52.95 / €A 54.40 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-413-2 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-391-3 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07027-9 CHF 49.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.90 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 164 pp., 37 b/w ill. ISBN 978-3-631-67888-6 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95



Bee Scherer (eds.)

Domonkos Sik

Queering Paradigms VI

Radicalism and indifference

Interventions, Ethics and Glocalities

Memory transmission, political formation and modernization in Hungary and Europe

This edited volume brings together perspectives on embodied queerness within the complicated parameters of hegemonic normativities, biopolitics and social-religious governmentalities. Queering Paradigms VI offers queer interventions, explores value-production in socio-corporeal normative frameworks, and exemplifies and highlights the complexity of queering in the global-local continuum. Queer maintains its revolutionary subversive functionality as an impulse and catalyst for cultural shifts challenging status quos, advancing cultural philosophy and activism/artivism and subverting harmful discourses at work among communities of practice and academic disciplines. The authors of this volume demonstrate the discoursive power of value-production and show pathways of globallocal queer resistance, virtuosity and failure in the fields of philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, art, criminology, health, social media, history, religion and politics. The volume features a particular South Asia focus and a balanced mix of early career researchers and established scholars, which reflects Queering Paradigms’ ethos for fostering a genial academic community of practice and to proffer intergenerational support and voice.

Most theories of radicalization focus on the birth of antidemocratic ideas, semantics, behavior patterns and organizations. However, such focus is one-sided: radicalization is as much about the forgetting of historical lessons and the weakening of a democratic consensus, as the spreading of populist ideas. A case study of public and private processes of memory transmission in Hungary reveals how the ambiguous relation to modernization affects political formation: the failures provoke populist reactions, while the successes result in political indifference. The combination of these two political cultures creates a dangerous compound including both the opportunity for the birth of antidemocratic semantics and their ignorance. The author analyzes the potential of such «incubation of radicalism» on a European survey.

Philippe Vonnard • Grégory Quin • Nicolas Bancel (eds.)

Building Europe with the Ball Turning Points in the Europeanization of Football, 1905–1995 Since 1990, football history has become increasingly important within the field of sport science, yet few studies have centred on the Europeanization of the game from the interwar period onwards. This period saw the creation of a sovereign institution dedicated to European football, the establishment of specific rules about players’ transfers and contracts and, in particular, the development of competitions. This book examines the development of European football between 1905 and 1995 from a transnational perspective. It offers a space for discussion to both early-career and established historians from a range of different countries, leading to a better understanding of the crucial turning points in the Europeanization of the game. The volume aims to promote valuable new reflections on the role of football in the European integration process.

Oxford, 2016. VIII, 242 pp.

Oxford, 2016. X, 308 pp., 4 coloured ill., 5 b/w ill. Queering Paradigms. Vol. 7

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 284 pp., 9 tables, 2 graphs

Sport, History and Culture. Vol. 7


ISBN 978-1-906165-87-1 CHF 74.– / €D 63.95 / €A 65.20 / € 59.30 / £ 48.– / US-$ 72.95


ISBN 978-3-631-67417-8 CHF 64.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.50 / € 53.20 / £ 43.– / US-$ 69.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-78707-145-2 CHF 78.– / €D 70.95 / €A 71.20 / € 59.30 / £ 48.– / US-$ 72.95

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL)

ISBN 978-3-653-06776-7

CHF 67.45 / €D 63.31 / €A 63.84 / € 53.20 / £ 43.– / US-$ 69.95

ISBN 978-3-0343-1983-6 CHF 60.– / €D 53.50 / €A 55.– / € 50.– / £ 40.– / US-$ 64.95 ISBN 978-3-0353-0829-7

CHF 63.20 / €D 59.50 / €A 60.– / € 50.– / £ 40.– / US-$ 64.95



Marta Warat • Ewa Krzaklewska • Anna Ratecka • Krystyna Slany (eds.)

Gender Equality and Quality of Life Perspectives from Poland and Norway This book engages with a critical perspective on gender equality and quality of life. It provides a comprehensive overview of theoretical and methodological frameworks for exploring both concepts which is complemented by the analysis of gender equality policies in Poland and Norway. With contributors from sociology to history and health studies, it draws on a wide range of examples to examine a multidimensional concept underpinning policy commitments and actions in areas such as family, labour market, health, reproductive rights or participation in political life. «This is not only an expertly written and interesting book, but also a particularly current one in the light of the Europe-wide sociopolitical changes that affect both Poland and Norway.» Prof. Małgorzata Fuszara (University of Warsaw)

Michał Wenzel

Rasim Yilmaz • Günther Löschnigg (eds.)

Labour Protest in Poland

Studies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences

Trade Unions and Employee Interest Articulation After Socialism This book is an account of protests organized by trade unions from the late socialism to the 21st century. It uses protest event analysis and mass surveys to examine the impact of trade unions on institutions before and after systemic change. Social protest in the post-war Poland was primarily a working-class phenomenon. Unionized employees were able to influence transformation processes in many ways: directly in enterprises, politically via their representatives in parties, and indirectly by creating a public opinion sympathetic with their goals. Individual chapters contain theoretical assumptions, an overview of employee protest under state socialism, the dynamics of trade union membership, and a detailed description of trade union protest activities after systemic change. A comparison between protest dynamics in Poland and in Hungary serves as illustration of legacies of negotiated transition on social mobilization.

Frankfurt am Main, 2016. 205 pp., 32 tables, 33 graphs

This volume is a collection of empirical and theoretical research papers in the social sciences regarding the Balkans and the Near East written by researchers from several different universities and institutions. The studies include a wide range of topics from economic, financial, political, agricultural, sociological, international relations to historical, cultural, and feminist issues in the region of the Balkan and Near East. The book is aimed at educators, researchers, and students interested in the Balkan and Near Eastern countries.

Warsaw Studies in Politics and Society. Vol. 4

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 297 pp., 18 b/w graphs, 107 b/w tables


ISBN 978-3-631-67575-5 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95


ISBN 978-3-631-66892-4 CHF 57.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 37.– / US-$ 60.95


eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-653-07119-1 CHF 67.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

eBook (SUL)

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-71416-4 CHF 73.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.30 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 322 pp., 13 b/w graphs., 11 b/w tables

ISBN 978-3-653-06317-2

CHF 60.05 / €D 55.57 / €A 56.04 / € 46.70 / £ 37.– / US-$ 60.95

ISBN 978-3-631-71415-7 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95


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A Adamo, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Coulouma, Flore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Adeniji-Neill, Dolapo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Courage, Cara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

H Hagemann, Gregor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Aiello, Giorgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Craven, Allison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Han, Hongyul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Ålund, Aleksandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Crestani, Valentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Han, Jiying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Ames, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Cuenca, Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Hasian, Jr., Marouf A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Andrei, Jean-Vasile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Cullen, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Headlam, Nicola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Andrews, Bernard W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Cushion, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Hoffman, Sára Gabriella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Aral, Neriman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Czarny, Elżbieta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Huglen, Mark E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Humphreys, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Arslan, Hasan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 , 38 , 51 , 70 Ashby, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

D Dahinden, Janine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Ashta, Arvind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Dahl, Øyvind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Astley, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Dalton, Mary M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Aydos, Sebahat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Danforth, Scot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Ince, Bekir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Dang, Thi Kim Anh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Ioan-Franc, Valeriu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Husmann, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Içbay, Mehmet Ali . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , 38 , 51 ,70

B Bach, Jacqueline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Davids, Nuraan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Bait, Miriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

de Abreu, Belinha S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Balica, Ecaterina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Dei, George J. Sefa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Jafroudi, Nahal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Bancel, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Deimann, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Jagielska-Burduk, Alicja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Bârgăoanu, Alina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Demir, Müge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Jardine, David W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Barnes, Susan B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Demmke, Christoph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Jia, Jiyou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Jiménez Raya, Manuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


Jacobs, Frederic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Bass, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

den Toonder, Jeanette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Baumgratz, Gisela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

DiAngelo, Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Johannesen, Danielle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Benedek, András . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Diaz, Maria Eugenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

John, Katrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Berman, Diane Linder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

DiBiase, Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Juergensmeyer, Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Berner, Esther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Djockoua, Manyaka Toko . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Jun, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Bernheimer, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Dobrowolski, Zbysław . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Justice, Sean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Bernstein, Moshe Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Douglas, Ty-Ron M. O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

K Kabaklarlı, Esra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Binay Kurultay, Ayşe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Drljača Margić, Branka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Bloomfield, David C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Ducu, Viorela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Kadan, Gül . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Bob, Urmilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Duru, Maureen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Kallaway, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Bogunia-Borowska, Małgorzata . . . . . . . . . 71

Duţă, Oana-Adriana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Kampka, Agnieszka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Bohlinger, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Dwornik, Isabel Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Karaaslan, Tuğba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Kendrick, Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Boms, Nir T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


Efendic, Adnan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Kenney, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Bordino, Giampiero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Eggert, Marion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Khayyat, Taroub A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Bowie, Robert A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Engstrom, Erika . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Kilmurray, Avila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Brachotte, Gilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Ereş, Figen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Kinsey, Dennis F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Bradley, Regina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Espinosa, Shirlita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Klatt, Malgorzata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Brambilla, Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Evers, Meindert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Klaus, Elisabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Booth, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Kluge, Philipp Nikolaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Breda, Vito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Brock, Rochelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Farber, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Knobel, Michele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Bussert-Webb, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Fazio, Antonella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Kogovšek Šalamon, Neža . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Buturoiu, Raluca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Filippov, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Kompara, Mojca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Byers, Eamon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Fox, Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Kontopodis, Michalis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Frame, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Krzaklewska, Ewa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

C Caldwell, Conor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Francis, Leslie J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Kuźnar, Andżelika . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Cali, Dennis D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Fullerton, Jami A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Castro-Rial Garrone, Fanny . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Furusa, Munashe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

L Ladson-Billings, Gloria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Lahai, John Idriss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Catone, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Centro di Ateneo per i Diritti Umani . . . . . 39

G Gabel, Susan L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Çetin Sultanoğlu, Saliha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Gabor, Elena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Lankshear, Colin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Chaabane, Khaled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Garlen, Julie C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Lee, Julian C.H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Chambers, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Garreta-Bochaca, Jordi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Lenehan, Fergal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Charles, Alec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Garrett, H. James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Lesage, Frédérik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Chávez, Alicia Fedelina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Gause, C.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Levey, Cara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Chivu, Luminita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Georgiadou, Keratso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Levi, Lucio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Chmielecki, Michał . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Gilchrist-Petty, Eletra S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Lieven, Petra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Chobanov, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Gläß, Michaela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Linder, Laura R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Cibils, Lilian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Golan, Guy J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Little, William A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Ciepiela, Kamila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Golob, Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Lombardinilo, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Ciutacu, Constantin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Gonon, Philipp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Longerbeam, Susan Diana . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Colley, Kabba E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Gounalakis, Georgios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Long, Shawn D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Collins, Christopher S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Grabowska, Izabela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Lordan, Meredith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Connor, David J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Greene González, María Francisca . . . . . . . 50

Löschnigg, Günther . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , 38 , 83

Coracini, Maria José . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Guerra, Norma S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Lück, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Cosier, Meghan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Güleç, İsmail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Lukenchuk, Antonina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Gürsoy, Figen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Lamoureux, Edward Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


Social Sciences


Lyon, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Talimciler, Ahmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Lyubashenko, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Q Quin, Grégory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

M Maadad, Nina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

R Radu, Loredana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Tate, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

MacDonald, Michael B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Ratecka, Anna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Taylor, Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Tarantino, Matteo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Tassinari, Maria Giovanna . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Maes, Johanna B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Reitz, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Telegdi-Csetri, Áron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Magalhães, Maria Cecília Camargo . . . . . . 77

Reşceanu, Alina Stela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Telkämper, Wilfried . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Malott, Curry Stephenson . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Reuter, Thomas A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Thayer-Bacon, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Marinescu, Alina Petra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Rich, Janet Bubar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Thimm, Caja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Markham, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Ritalahti, Jarmo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Thorson, Esther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Martos Ramos, José Javier . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Rodgers, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Tilea, Monica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Matthews, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Rodríguez-Aguilera de Prat, Cesáreo . . . . . 65

Tilley-Lubbs, Gresilda A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Mauro, Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Rodriguez, Nelson M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Toader, Tudorel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

May, Shaun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Rodwell, Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Tobin, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

McKinney, Mitchell S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Rohlfing-Dijoux, Stéphanie . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Tomšić, Matevž . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

McMaster, Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Rolls, Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Torres Kumbrián, Rubén Darío . . . . . . . . . 67

McNair, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Rončević, Borut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Tortola, Pier Domenico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Meadows, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Rosdahl, Jamilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Tosun, Selim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Menkes, Jerzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Rosenlund, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Truman, Sarah E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Mercier, Arnaud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Rothert, Agnieszka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Messaris, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Rozmarin, Miri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

U Ukpokodu, Omiunota Nelly . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Mewburn, Inger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Ruf, Werner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Usai, Alessia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Miller, Paul Chamness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Ruggiero, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

V Vadeboncoeur, Jennifer A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Miller, sj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


Sabaté, Flocel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Vai, Lorenzo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Mirivel, Julien C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Sabuncuoğlu Peksevgen, Burcu . . . . . . . . . 45

Valcke, Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Mitchell, Patricia A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Safta, Marieta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

van Dam, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Molek-Kozakowska, Katarzyna . . . . . . . . . 52

Sägesser, Caroline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

van der Stok, Fjære . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Moltow, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Salin, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Veszelszki, Ágnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Montironi, Maria Elisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Sambrook, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Vincze, Beatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Mooney, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Sampaio-Dias, Susana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Vodopija-Krstanović, Irena . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Moore, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Samuel-Azran, Tal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Vonnard, Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Mosconi, Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Sander, Paul Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Mungai, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Sandlin, Jennifer A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

W Waghid, Yusef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Murphy, Caterina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Sandqvist, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Wang, Hongyu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Scherer, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Warat, Marta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

N Neergaard, Anders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Scherer, Bee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Wenzel, Michał . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Nelis, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Whitburn, Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Németh, András . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Schneider, Susanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Whitehead, Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Milne, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Niemi, Hannele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Scholl, Juliann C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Whittle, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Nix-Stevenson, Dara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Scholz, Tobias M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Widder, Elmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Nocella, Anthony J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Schreiber, Jean-Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Wilkinson, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Noor Al-Deen, Hana S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Seethaler, Josef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Wyszyńska, Beata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Seidel, Jackie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

O Oakley, Kate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Shah, Dhavan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Y Yan, Wenjia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Obeng, Anthony Victor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Shenoy-Packer, Suchitra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Okay, Aydemir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Sidoti, Francesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Yang, Sung-Un . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Olaniran, Bolanle A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Sik, Domonkos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Yang, Yonghong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Özdoğan Özbal, Ece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Simeoni, Monica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Yilmaz, Rasim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , 38 , 83

Slany, Krystyna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Yülek, Murat A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Yanez, Krystal A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

P Pantti, Mervi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Snaza, Nathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Parikka, Jussi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Sonu, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Z Zaliwska, Zofia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Paul, Anil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Squires, Catherine R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Zastrau, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Pavitt, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Sroka, Anna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 , 67

Zbinden, Mirjam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Pendleton Jiménez, Karleen . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Stead, Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Zeyrek, Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Peters, Michael A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Stępień, Tomasz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 , 31

Zhang, Weimin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Pierzchalski, Filip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Stern, Julian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Zilles, Klaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Piotrowski, Grzegorz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Stocchetti, Matteo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Zuurbier, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Pirozzi, Nicoletta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Stöckl, Claudia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Plöhn, Jürgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Sughrua, William M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Poindexter, Paula M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Sułkowski, Łukasz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Pölking, Florian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Swanson, Douglas J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Polson, Erika . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Swartz, Rebecca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Pooley, Jefferson D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Szafrański, Wojciech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Pratt-Clarke, Menah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Szende, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Prior, John M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Pybus, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28



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