openingdoors Spring 2015 Volume 10, Issue 1
Inside this issue: Note from CEO Youth Café Update Newbridge STA Opens Fundraising News and Events
Dublin Chamber of Commerce Partnership
At the AGM of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce on the 5th of February, the Chamber President, Greg Clarke, nominated Peter McVerry Trust to become the official charity partner for 2015. The proposal was unanimously agreed and Peter McVerry Trust is delighted to work with Dublin City’s business community to help make Dublin a more inclusive city for all. The charity will be engaging with members of Dublin Chamber to present opportunities for businesses to positively impact on the city’s homeless crisis. We would like to thank Chamber President Greg Clarke and all those who supported Peter McVerry Trust’s nomination on the night.
Government Moves to Reign in Rents In the last edition of Opening Doors, Peter McVerry Trust highlighted the issue of unaffordable rents. A sharp upward trend in rent prices had left many people on the verge of homelessness. It also left others trapped in homeless services as the gulf between rent supplement and market rents grew ever wider. Peter McVerry Trust therefore welcomes comments from Minister Alan Kelly that he plans to move towards the introduction of index linked rent. This would prevent landlords introducing dramatic rent hikes, making rents unaffordable and forcing many tenants out of their accommodation. Among the measures being considered by the Minister is the introduction of a 3 year fixed price period. During the three year period rent would be linked to the Consumer Price Index. This provides certainty to tenant and landlord and helps stabilise the market during this period of acute accommodation shortages. Peter McVerry Trust is now calling for the Minister to introduce simultaneous increases in rent supplement levels. This would help deepen the pool of accommodation available to those in homeless services most of whom rely on rent supplement to secure accommodation.
Work begins on Youth Café Peter McVerry Trust has commenced work on what will be Ireland’s first Youth Café for homeless youths. The new service will be located in Dublin 7 and offer dedicated hours of use for children in residential care as well as separate hours of service for young adults in homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness.
The service will operate traditional day service hours and also offer extended opening periods at evenings and weekends. The wider operating range will meet a key need identified by people who it is hoped will benefit from the new service.
The construction phase of the project is financed by the Youth Café Capital Programme operated by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and by financial support from Clongowes Union. The Union will offer support for the ongoing operation of the service by providing volunteers to help meet out of hours service provision. We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to Clongowes Union and its members for their very generous support for this project.
Our services: Prevention Services, Housing Services, Homeless Services, Drug Treatment Services and Under18s Residential Services.
Note from Pat Doyle CEO Welcome to the latest edition of our Opening Doors newsletter. This edition highlights just some of the work that has occurred over the winter months. Housing First The issue of homelessness, and Rough Sleeping in particular, became the number one issue in Ireland in the weeks and days leading up to Christmas. In November the Winter Rough Sleeper Count for the Dublin region found 168 people sleeping rough in a single night. This came at a time when emergency accommodation was operating at full capacity and meant that people in need of a bed could not secure one. At this point Peter McVerry Trust and Focus Ireland reached agreement to jointly open a 40 bed unit to provide emergency accommodation in Dublin City Centre. The tragic death of Jonathan Corrie saw the issue of homelessness move to the top of the agenda as it became the dominant news story for Ireland’s media. The issue sparked political and public debate and resulted in the Minister for the Environment, Alan Kelly TD, moving to organise an emergency homeless summit to respond to the crisis. Homeless Summit The summit concluded with a 20 point action plan and an additional €25 million funding package to implement a wide range of short term measures. Peter McVerry Trust played a key role in responding to the crisis during this period. It opened a total of 90 new beds in the sector in Dublin and Kildare. It also extended the hours of operation, and the resources available to, the Housing First Project. This service launched in October 2014 offering targeted supports for rough sleepers and is operated in partnership with Focus Ireland. The range of measures delivered as result of the Homeless Summit had both a positive and immediate impact. The 271 additional beds
provided for people in need of homeless accommodation helped to reduce the number of people sleeping rough. In recent weeks the number of people sleeping rough in Dublin City Centre has dropped to around 25-30 people per night. While this is still unacceptably high it is a significant improvement on late 2014. Year of Housing For the year ahead, the focus needs to be on the rapid delivery of housing. The recent moves noted in this edition of Opening Doors by Government to make the rental market more accessible are very welcome and the private sector most play a role in helping to combat homelessness. However, the key objective must be the realisation of a large volume of housing options for people in homeless services. If we are to eliminate the need to sleep rough and reduce the number of long term homeless, we will need large quantities of housing stock delivered before the end of 2015. At Peter McVerry Trust we are working on a number of projects to bring local authority voids back into use as well as exploring possibilities to secure existing and new residential properties. I hope to update you on these further in our next edition. I would like to conclude by thanking all those who generously contributed to the work of Peter McVerry Trust. You provide an invaluable support to us and those with whom we work. I would also like to mention the many volunteers that support our fundraising work throughout the year for giving so generously of their time.
Pat Doyle, CEO
End to Discrimination Against Rent Supplement Recipients Peter McVerry Trust welcomed the statement by Minister of State, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, that he intends to amend legislation to prohibit discrimination against households in receipt of rent supplement. The use of phrases ‘no rent supplement’ and ‘no social welfare’ will be familiar to many people who look at rental sites online or ads in the local paper. The ability for landlords to exclude these vulnerable groups has meant that the pool of properties available to these households had grown smaller and smaller. The new legislation will create more move on possibilities for people in homeless services. Peter McVerry Trust looks forward to the legislation coming into force and rigorous enforcement by the State.
New Service opens in Newbridge, Kildare Peter McVerry Trust has opened a new Supported Temporary Accommodation service in Co. Kildare to provide medium term residential placements to people experiencing homelessness. The new service is located in Newbridge with placements made through a referral system operated by Kildare County Council. Peter McVerry Trust successfully tendered to the local authority to operate the service located at the site of a former SVdP homeless service which closed earlier in 2014. Following investment by Peter McVerry Trust to renovate and refurbish the facility, it was opened in the run up to Christmas 2014. The service provides residential placements of around 6 months for up to 14 residents. The service is now operating at capacity with 10 males and 4 females receiving ongoing support from Peter McVerry Trust’s staff. As with all our supported temporary accommodation services, our goal is to ensure that the residents develop the skills to live independently and are supported to secure long term housing solutions where Peter McVerry Trust can continue to help.
American Embassy Volunteer Day Peter McVerry Trust was delighted to partner with Localise, the American Embassy, the Ireland United States Alumni Association and Notre Dame Dublin Programme to ‘Christmasify’ our specialist youth residential service for 18-25 year olds.
Peter McVerry Trust Overview of 2014 4,460 No. of participants supported across our services last year.
The volunteer day saw members of the above organisations join with Peter McVerry Trust staff to create a truly festive atmosphere at the service which caters for 36 young people from the ages of 18-25.
The volunteers split into two teams, those on internal duties worked to transform the service by erecting Christmas trees and decorations and helping to wrap gifts for the residents. Another team of volunteers worked on the gardens at the service. This team not only helped to refresh and brighten up our outdoor garden area but also created an inspiring mural to bring some vibrant colour to the gardens at the service. Peter McVerry Trust would like to thank all those who gave up their time to help out at the service.
Ivan’s Story
No. of residential placements provided by PMVT in 2014.
No. of individuals helped by our Housing with Supports service.
No. of young people supported by our four U18s services.
Peter McVerry Trust invited to St Patrick’s Day Reception by President Higgins
My name is Ivan. I became homeless when I separated from my wife nearly 3 years ago. When I left the family home I ended up sleeping rough in a park in Blanchardstown for 5 days. One day a man approached me on the street and said he had a room in a house for me. When I got to the house I was told I had to sleep on the kitchen floor. Eventually I got a bed in the house, but there was no heating or anything like that during the winter. I still had to pay to stay there. After 8 months in the house I became sick. I spent 3 months in Blanchardstown Hospital. When I was there the staff helped me find a place in a hostel. I spent 17 months in the hostel and I gradually came to feel better about myself. When I first became homeless I did not have the fight to continue on, but now I am very happy. I am very lucky to have this beautiful apartment. My children can come and stay with me at the weekends and they have their own room here. It means that I can see them regularly. It is important for me that my children like my apartment and I keep it clean and tidy all of the time. The staff at Peter McVerry Trust do a really good job. I have a visit once a week from the Housing with Supports Team. The staff make sure I have everything I need and help me to get my shopping because I cannot walk very well due to an old leg injury I have in my leg. Ivan moved into his new apartment in Santry on 22nd December 2014. He has two children one boy (10) and one girl (8) who he plans to see much more regularly now that he has a place he can call home.
President Michael D Higgins invited Peter McVerry Trust to attend the annual St Patrick’s Day reception in Áras an Uachtaráin. An invitation was extended to 20 staff to recognise the role that Peter McVerry Trust plays in supporting people experiencing homelessness in Ireland. President Higgins spoke of his, and society’s, appreciation for the invaluable work carried out by staff on the frontline. He spoke of the importance of values such as solidarity, inclusiveness and dignity and that these values must be realised and placed at the heart of Irish society. The staff that represented Peter McVerry Trust where drawn from across the range of services provided by Peter McVerry Trust from the U18s Services, Prevention, Drug Treatment, Housing and Homeless services.
Trek 2E015 vents
The Long Walk Home Barrow Way Challenge 2nd-4th May
Enjoy the scenery and tranquillity along the River Barrow, on our exciting 3 day challenge event. This once bustling waterway is rich in heritage and architecture (1 day walk option also available).
Trek Mont Blanc 11th-18th July
This trek will bring you on an unforgettable adventure. Our route circles the ‘massif’ of Mont Blanc offering spectacular scenery as we pass through France, Italy and Switzerland.
Upcoming Events & Appeals 2015
Fundraising News and Events
Other Overseas Challenge Events All Year
Does a trek to the ‘Roof of Africa’ or Machu Picchu interest you? Peter McVerry Trust is offering you the chance to take on the trek of a lifetime in 2015 with ‘open challenges’ to Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Peru’s Inca Trail.
Calcutta Run 16th May
The Calcutta Run through the Phoenix Park returns for 2015 with 5km and 10km routes. This is a fun day out with plenty of post race entertainment at Blackhall Place. To sign up visit
Wexford Cycle
Peter McVerry Trust Triathlon
The annual Dublin-Wexford cycle in aid of Peter McVerry Trust will take place on the third Saturday in September. Registration will open shortly.
Our first Peter McVerry Trust Triathlon will take place this year. Keep an eye on our website www. for further details.
19th September
Trek Camino
26th September - 3rd October
This ever popular event sees Peter McVerry Trust return to walk from Los Arcos (Navarre) to Burgos (Castille). This section of the Camino has a rich and varied history and is suitable for adults of all ages. For more information contact our fundraising team today.
Tax Relief on Charitable Donations
Peter McVerry Trust can reclaim the tax on donations of €250 or more, from both PAYE or self-assessed tax payers, at a new blended rate of 31%. Please contact the fundraising office to request an annual or enduring Tax Relief Form (CHY3/4)
Now in its third year, the Opening Doors Appeal aims to highlight the issue of homelessness in Ireland while helping to raise vital funds for frontline services. Peter McVerry Trust is encouraging our supporters to organise an event or help raise awareness of homelessness in your community, place of work or sports club. OPENING Some of the events that will be returning for 2015 include DOORS our Business Breakfast on Friday 9th October and the APPEAL Fr McVerry Rugby Cup. Furthers events to be confirmed!
A full list of all Peter McVerry Trust’s events and activities can be found on our website
Peter McVerry Trust, 29 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1 T: + 353 (0)1 823 0776 E: W: Place of registration Dublin, Ireland. Registration number: 98934. Charity registration number: CHY 7256.
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*€250 will provide a home starter pack for an individual ready to move into their own accommodation.
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Thank you for your support
* The tax relief scheme on charitable donations in Ireland was amended in 2013 to now enable the charity to claim the tax back on donations of €250 or more from both PAYE and Self-Assessed supporters at a new blended rate of 31%.
Donate online: or by phone: +353 (0)1 823 0776
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What can you give?
€50 will help us to provide 25 dinners to people in our services.
Please print:
€100 will provide two weeks accommodation in homeless services.
and help change the lives of people in homeless services
Emergency Accommodation
What your donation can make possible: