Residential Community Detox Information Leaflet

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resIdentIal CommunIty detox InformatIon LeafLet



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resIdentIal CommunIty detoxIfICatIon programmes

Peter McVerry Trust’s Residential Community Detox currently offers the following Tier 4 residential programmes.

- SupervISed methadone detoxIFIcatIon - SupervISed alcohol detoxIFIcatIon - cocaIne & cannabIS ceSSatIon programme

This service operates under full HSE Clinical Governance. All programmes are under supervision of a level 2 prescribing GP and include on-site nursing. Programmes are for a duration of 4-6 weeks.

elements of serVICe proVIsIon p us to


pSycho-educatIonal groupwork

Regular sessions throughout each week focus on addiction education, relapse prevention and personal development.

Ireland’s homeless

hortIcultural programme

Daily participation in planting, nurturing and harvesting a wide range of vegetables across a 6 acre site.


Accredited Psychotherapist on-site twice a week with specialism in addiction.

IndIvIdual keyworkIng

All participants have a designated keyworker to support them in exploring and progressing move on options further residential and day services.

aurIcular acupuncture

Provided for the purpose of withdrawal management, stress and anxiety reduction as well as detoxing the kidney, liver and lungs.

lIFe SkIllS development

All residents are encouraged to participate in housekeeping and cooking tasks on a daily basis. This is to promote independence and equip clients with the relevant skills to live independently.

applICatIon CrIterIa

applIcantS muSt be: - Over 18 years old. - Supported by their prescribing GP. - On a maximum of 50mls of methadone prior to entry. - Not dependent on benzodiazepines. - Willing to provide copies of urinanalysis / blood tests results through their prescribing GP.

applIcantS wIll not be accepted From: - Individuals who are pregnant. - Individual who have a seizure risk. - Individuals who suffer from severe psychiatric illness. - Individuals who are benzodiazepine dependent. - Individuals who are experiencing acute mental health needs.

How do I make a referral? Discuss your desire to detox with your prescribing GP and inform them of your intention to make a referral to our service. To make a referral please complete the referral form and return by one of the methods listed below.

Tel: 087 051 6389 Email: Fax: +353 (0)1 823 0778 Post: Referral and Assessment Team, Peter McVerry Trust, 29 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1, DO1 C2N4. If you have any questions please contact Peter McVerry Trust on 01 823 0776.

wHat Happens next? Peter McVerry Trust will issue you with an acknowledgement of your referral shortly after it has been received. Contact will be made with your GP to confirm that they are willing to support you accessing our residential community detox service. Please note that those individuals wishing to refer to the methdaone detoxification programme will need to discuss this intention with their prescribing GP. If you meet the criteria, Peter McVerry Trust’s Referral and Assessment Team will invite you to attend an appointment for an assessment.

our VIsIon

An Ireland that supports all those on the margins and upholds their rights to full inclusion in society.

our mIssIon

Peter McVerry Trust is committed to reducing homelessness and the harm caused by drug misuse and social disadvantage. Peter McVerry Trust provides lowthreshold entry services, primarily to younger persons with complex needs, and offers pathways out of homelessness based on the principles of the Housing First model and within a framework that is based on equal opportunities, dignity and respect.

Further InFormatIon Peter McVerry Trust, 29 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1, D01 C2N4. T: +353 (0)1 823 0776 E: CRN: 20015282 CHY: 7256 CLG:98934

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