Business Plan for: is the first cycle-map site online, where Danes can find travel-routes for isolated cycle lanes, and soon plan their cycling route from address to address. It will build up an independent GPS mapping system, to gain a dominating role on the entire Danish cycle market. will take Cyclepedia further and apply its services to the rest of EU.
Owner: Peter Packroff H채ndelsvej 4 st th DK-2450 Copenhagen SW E-mail: Mobile: +45 6088 7383
Information: Mother tongue not English. Body text count ca. 26500 key strokes, which equals ca.12 sites (counting 2275 types per page, incl. spaces)
Table of Content: 1.
Executive summary
Market research/ Analysis
Competitive Advantage
Pricing strategy
Marketing Plan
Design/ Production
10. Management
11. Financials
12. Risk Assumptions
13. Deal/ offering
14. Appendix 1-3
1. Executive summary Introduction: (CP) is a new Danish (bi)cycle portal, which is the first website in Denmark to map all Danish isolated cycle lanes. The next level of development will be a travel-planner for cyclists, with a yet unseen set of search properties such as: road surface, warning for unsafe routes, choice of isolated cycle-tracks, a minimum of crossings, time vs. safety and even pollution. CP will gain 90 % of all visitors searching for cycle lanes and cycle maps, and thereby attract visitors to its sub-businesses consisting of: A Cycle School and Cycle Garage with video tutorials, tests and articles on all related subjects and an online web-shop, which will be integrated with these tutorials. The Opportunity: Today, overviews of cycle lanes online are fragmented into numerous different sites. All cycle sites, including commercial sites, lack from updates and are built with little understanding of usability testing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO, how a site ranks on Google). The present five biggest travel-planners online 1 provide a route planning service for cars. However, all maps only contain information on official roads, where cyclists may cycle side by side with large trucks, which may be very dangerous. A dedicated GIS (Geographical Information System 2) on cycle-lanes in Denmark is non-existent. There is only one Danish online tutorial on how to change a bike chain, and this is only available to paying subscribers on a DIY website 3. With rising fuel-prices, environmental concern and a change in consumer behavior, this market will be the next to experience a fast expansion and growth online. Business Concept: The name Cyclepedia is a second mover on “Wikipedia 4�, and takes advantage of its credibility and expected functions of letting the user share and upload information. CP is likewise a free service. In favor, the cyclists will be exploited to product placements and discrete advertisement. CP is a useful
Krak, Eniro, De Gule Sider (Yellow Pages), Find Vej, Rejseplanen. See 3 4 See 2
tool which people will engage with and help develop, to benefit themselves (as known from Open Source). CP will make use of enthusiastic cyclists and present GPS technology to map all cyclelanes. By building the first GIS on cycle lanes, CP will gain a “first mover advantage” and become a market dominator in its field. Target Market: The target market (during the introduction) is Danish cyclists using their cycles as a mean of transport. The users may have a special concern to safety and health. The target user is likely to be cycle enthusiasts or parents cycling with children, or worried of letting their children cycle alone. This group also includes the future target market of cycle tourists in Denmark. Competitive Advantage: Cyclepedia has the advantage of being needed and eases a customer pain. As the user can exchange knowledge and information and interact with the site, they become more loyal and create a bond to the service (as known from Facebook 5). CP’s main advantage is entering the market through a gap, and to ease the customer pain of having no online maps. Even in future competition offline with GPS-navigation systems, such as Garmin and TomTom, CP has the advantage of having its own independent database. In competition with professional cycle shops and interest organizations in Denmark, CP has the advantage of coming from a different background, being more technological and can do better on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and graphic presentation. Management: Peter Packroff, 28years Stud.Cand.IT, has a background in BA Communication and Mass Media from Scotland and Canada. He is expert in Google AdWords and SEO. Since 2007 he has worked as self employed consultant during his studies, working in the area of Graphic Design, Flash production and SEO. Deal Offering The project owner offers 40 % of the company to an active partner and investor for the price of 5 million DKR. The investor must also contribute with all necessary programming in both API-tool developing and GIS map programming.
Interested future investors and leasers of the GIS may be GPS-navigation systems such as Garmin, TomTom, Microsoft Maps, Google Maps, Eniro, TeleAtlas or Yahoo Maps. When air-pollution becomes a search factor, a country as China (with most cycles and highest pollution in the world), may be positive receivers to this new service.
2. Product Object clauses for Cyclepedia:
Cyclepedia shall make road traffic safer and urge people to cycle. shall within 6 months gain 90 % of all online traffic within its key topics.
The Cyclepedia brand shall within 2 years from official launch be as strong as Krak/ Eniro.
Within 2 years, at least 80 % of cycle route planning in Denmark will be made on
Year 2, Cyclepedia shall generate an income of minimum 206.000 DKR a month (before tax) solely on its core places for advertisements.
Cyclepedia shall within 3 years be ready for, sale for the price of at least 20 million DKR.
The product description will be split up into three parts: Standard, API and GIS database integration, which illustrate different opportunities for the portal. Standard covers all services that are possible without any funding or partnerships. The API integration enables user interaction and advanced functions, and the GIS Database integration 6 enables the user to plan a route from A-Z. Both step 2 and 3 requires advanced programming skills. Standard: Cyclepedia’s first service will be mapping all cycle-lanes that exist on paper onto Google Map 7.This also provides the opportunity of viewing satellite photos of the surroundings, which is valuable to cycle tourists in Denmark. The CP administration will manually upload own recorded routes onto the map, and users can request suggested routes. All data on GPS positions will be kept for the future development and resale. The user can click on/ off icons on the map, which are illustrating addresses for traffic casualties and where previous accidents have found place the past 5 years.
6 Geographic information system. Maps and coordinates stored on database. See 7
CP Cycle School and CP Cycle Garage are information sites containing video tutorials and articles. In Cycle School you can learn how to ride the bike like Lance Armstrong and what bike to choose. In the Garage you will learn to assemble and maintain your bike. CP will find a partner to manage the Web Shop function. This partner must be geared to fast growth and have international potential. The Web Shop will be implanted on CP’s own portal and use its visual identity. However, the Web Shop is provided by the external partner, and will make use of their transaction module, stock, ordering and shipping. The partner receives an 80 % cut of the total transactions that they would not otherwise have been entitled to. CP receives 20 % of the total sales price, and has a minimum risk when having the whole function and responsibility outsourced. When CP has matured, the Web Shop may be taken in-house. API implanted: API tools provide developers to create new tools in Google Maps. Using present technology as their GPS enabled mobile phone the users track their own routes and upload onto CP. Users can also manually draw maps, and suggest maps to other users. The user can choose to see the cycle routes colored by surface, being: Asphalt, Sand and Mud (for racers asphalt is mandatory). The API also allows a simplified route search on post code and city name. Users will now be able to rate the safety of junctions and crossings giving 1-6 skulls. With an average of 6 skulls, the skull will automatically turn red, as warning when searching a route. GIS Database integration: With integration of the map-database, everything is possible, and CP will dominate the whole Danish cycle market! Users will now be able to plan routes, from address to address, combining isolated cycle lanes and present road maps. Users can plan their route from the choice of e.g. surfaces, and crossings may be a safety issue and must be avoided when possible. Combined cycle/ walk paths may be irrelevant to the relaxed cyclists, where as a racer may want to consider a longer route in favor for going 30km/h. Today air pollution is being measured on road basis, which can be automatic included in the search, so that the healthy cyclist can avoid heavy smog from trucks, and choose a longer, but cleaner route in instead.
3. Concept Opportunity: Fuel prices increase and have sky-rocketed in 2008. The world is experiencing an increase in environmental awareness. Economists talk of the beginning of an economic recession. Denmark is perhaps the most cycle friendly country in the world, and the Danes are early adaptors of new technology. These factors make Denmark the ideal location in which to develop these services. Model: CP is 100% free to use and will only require a log-in when the user wants to gain access to previous maps, share maps, get more information or actively take action to buy more services or goods. CP is a hybrid between a free information site and commercial site. The selling-point of the site during the introduction phase will be traffic safety. Through corporation and financial support from Trygfonden 8, Rådet for Større Færdselssikkerhed and other high-profile funds, CP will gain recognition and high levels of credibility. CP will use its network of cycle clubs to map the cycle-lanes. Equipped with an Autolog 9, which are GPS devices that automatically upload tracked GPS coordinates, the cycle-enthusiasts will be given 5 DKR/ kilometer of mapped isolated cycle-lanes and will also have the chance of winning bikes and equipment. City councils will have a high interest in keeping their maps updated as they have an obligation to their citizens and tourists. Therefore CP will be provided with information of road construction and re-directions, and will not have to actively search all of this information it self. This will save CP time and resources. CP has an advantage of dealing with enthusiasts who are willing to add content and to keep developing the site through writing comments and posting new cycle routes. CP will, like Wikipedia, work as an Open Source website, where users feel free to modify the product and contribute with adding content. Using this model, CP can cut on administration and webmaster hours, as most work is carried out externally.
8 Trygfonden is one of Denmarks largest funds, supporting safety of the Danes. They support with up to 1 billion crowner a year on projects. 9 Htt://
4. Market research/ Analysis Cyclepedia spans over more markets: Cycle maps, Cycle Safety, Cycle DYI, Cycle Tutorials and Cycle Web Shop, with cycle maps as the key selling point. As CP only exists online, and as Google will be the primary entrance to the site 10, the market research will focus mainly on information found on Google. Unfortunately there only exist a very few statistics on cyclists in Denmark, whether this being on tourism, transport or cycle accidents. A more detailed Market Analysis will be carried during the summer 2009, where cyclists on the Danish cycle lanes will be interviewed, face to face. Cycle maps: There are only a few relevant links to the list of the 4 most important keywords, ‘Cykelsti’, ‘Cykelrute’, ‘Find Cykelsti’ and ‘Cykel Vej’ (See attachment 1. for full Analysis). The research proves that there is only little commercial competition on this subject. Safety: Following statistics are found on In 2007, 406 people lost their life in traffic and 559 were badly injured, which is an increase in casualties from earlier year, and so far 2008 seems to be even worse. Cyclists are 6 times more likely to get killed in traffic than drivers. For the cyclists, the most dangerous situations are trucks turning right, and cannot see the cyclist. 19 of the death casualties were people, 65+ and half the dead were 55+. Though the figure has doubled from 2003, only 9 persons killed were under 18. (This backs up CP’s choice of target group, not to focus on young techies). Only 30 % of all cycle accidents happen with cars involved. However, the 30 %’s meeting with a car may well be deadly. Almost all accidents involving cycles and cars happen in crossings. CP’s future route planner measures numbers of crossing roads, and provides the safest route possible. It even warns you of dangerous crossings where earlier accidents have happened. The remaining 70 % of accidents happen as “alone accidents” with no others involved. ¼ happens due to alcohol and failures on the bike. 1/5 of the accidents can practically be prevented by using Cyclepedia’s services, as these accidents are caused by hazards in surface or road construction. By
10 Measured on traffic on which has more than 1 mio. Visitors annually, where is responsible for 90% of external searches.
planning the route on Cyclepedia, warnings of construction work and other previous accidents and user comments will be displayed. Traffic: Last year, the Danes cycled a total of 11.6 mio. km. to work 11! The Danes are cycle commuters on the large scale, and with rising fuel prices the number of cycle commuters is expected to rise. VisitDenmark has carried out a survey, 2007, which indicates that cycle tourists (tourists who have cycled once or more during their stay in Denmark) represented 9,6 million overnight stays, which accounts for 23 pct. of all overnight stays. Cycle tourists in Denmark spent a total of 3,75 billion DKR. (flights exclusive).
11 Source:
5. Competition There are 4 major competitors to Cyclepedia that must be addressed: Cycle Shops in general, Dansk Cykel Union (Danish Cycle Union), Dansk Cykel Forbund (Danish Cyclists Society) and other initiatives trying to build cycle portals or present online maps. Cycle Shops: There is great competition among cycle shops. As cycle shops use all means in order to gain customers, also Cyclepedia’s corner stone “cycle lanes” can be subject to a bidding war on Google AdWords. Only a few large cycle shops will be left within a couple of years. There are 3 major chains (offline and online) that should be paid special attention to 12: Fri Cykler, Heino-Cykler and CykelXperten. Dansk Cykel Union (Danish Cycle Union) Danish Cycle Union is the (semi) professional sport site. Due to the target group of professionals the site has many sponsors, who also sponsor cycle races. The site has only a very small audience. As a matter of the site structure, this site is probably the closest competitor (and inspiration), as they combine knowledge, information, articles and a web shop. Dansk Cyklist Forbund (Danish Cyclists Society). is a private political interest organization which is fighting for a safer cycle-environment in Denmark. As a matter their target audience’s age, DCS is the closest competitor. However, CP offers services that matches DCS’s political mission, and they are likely to not see CP as a competitor, but as a potential partner. Small initiatives: There are a number of small initiatives in the market of cycle maps and cycle information sites. But most are either dead or not present on the first 3 pages search on Goole. is one of these: The site is a hybrid of an information- and sponsored site 13, and they have attempted to enter the cycle shop market through same back-door as CP. However, the site is dead, and has not been updated for 2 years. The same applies to, which was an attempt to gather articles and cycle reviews on one site. 12 The three main competitors can be found here:,, 13 The site is owned by , ATBcyclingSognevej 51, Himmelev, 4000 Roskilde
6. Competitive advantage: General: CP’s strongest card is being a hybrid between an informative site and a profit-making business. People are more likely to support profit-making initiatives when they are free to use. All cycle sites, non-profit or commercial sites, lack from graphic knowledge, user testing and technical knowledge. CP can do this better, and will be the first large commercial project to enter the former non-profit market. SEO: As CP’s background is technique, CP has the technical advantage over the former off-line cycle shops attempting to go on-line. Most competitors do not have the knowledge and finance to spend 1500 DKR/ hour for an SEO/ AdWord expert. Cycle maps: As CP is the only provider of cycle maps online, CP will easily become no.1 on Google, and have a lead time of at least ½ year until competitors will be able to compete on the Google Ranking. Cycle shops: Cycle shops online find themselves in growing competition. CP has the advantage of offering more services: CP will thereby enter the cycle shop market through a back door. As stakeholders of the different services will link to Cyclepedia, Google’s algorithms will find CP more relevant than its competitors, and thereby rank CP higher. By teaching customers how easy it is to maintain the bike, more customers may try and do this themselves. Thereby the ordinary cycle shops will not only loose costumers, but also the sales of spare parts. This will either put the shops out of business, or, they may be interested in joining Cyclepedia for little money. GIS: When the API-tool and the GIS database has been setup, CP will be the only database containing such data. All competitors have access to same public database, but will use its information differently. CP will have its own database, and will thereby be the only one capable of providing these services. By joining a GPS-navigation provider (e.g. TomTom or Garmin), this combination will be able to dominate the entire GPS-market for cyclists in Denmark, and soon the world!
7. Pricing strategy and revenues Cyclepedia provides a free service for the visitor. All revenue is made of advertisement, affiliate marketing and through the web shop. Web shop pricing: CP will offer cycle parts that range up to semi-professional (as Shimano Dura-Ace) and bikes up to the price of 30.000DKR. Most cycles offered in the shop will be cycles produced in China, with a high turn over. Also the “no-name” parts will be cheap and made in Asia. Advertisement: Finding the right level of pricing advertisement space is difficult, as all competitors have hidden prices on advertisement, and all prices are subject to negotiation. The numbers of visitors to a site are often kept secret. The price CP charges will be affected by the number of visitors. CP will run introduction offers after launch in media. This special deal period will run a half a year. Hereafter prices can be adjusted, when the site becomes popular. Furthermore, the price is also determined by season. Tourist season and percentage of growth will be regulated using Danhostel Copenhagen City’s prices. Each advertisement will cost a 100kr administration fee for setup and renewal. Front page: The price for advertising with will be categorized in price range. The prices will be adjusted by post code (as e.g. Copenhagen area is more attractive). The front page will be ideal for advertisers’ as VisitDenmark, Legoland, Danish Camping Union and alike. POI’s: Points of Interest may be hotels, gas-stations or tourist attractions and will be placed on the maps. Advertising with CP can be a cheap and efficient way to attract customers: When searching local, even the smallest country museum in a small village can afford advertising with CP. The POI’s will be bought for either ½ or 1 year. The lowest starting price is 500 kr. for a half a year plus administration fee. POI’s will also be included in the route planning result.
8. Marketing Plan CP, as a new started company, will use the principles of Guerrilla Marketing 14, which focuses on creating bonds with stakeholders, networking and low price advertising. CP only exists online, and therefore it is important to meet the customers in the field. Following are marketing and advertisement initiative until 2010: 1. Google: Cyclepedia’s primary marketing channel is Google, and search optimization will be dealt with on daily basis. See the detailed plan on SEO in appendix 2. 2. AdWords: A permanent advertising channel will be Google AdWords. However, it should be able to remove keywords where CP ranks highest on the generic search. 3. Affiliate marketing: CP is a service which cycle clubs and privates may want to link to in order to provide their visitors a great service. This makes CP rank high on Google. 4. Special events: A cycle with a trailer, equipped with a stereo system speaking the words of CP, will cycle through the cycle lanes of Copenhagen and all greater cities. The rider and all equipment will be all red, tagged with Cyclepedia, to attract attention. This event will run one week in each city over the summer 2009. Another event, which will continue over spring and summer until 2010, is a sofa-bike which will drive around cycle lanes in Denmark, promoting the site. Flyers will be handed out, and tourists and cyclists will be given information about the site. 5. A series of photo shoots in situations where the cyclist is put in danger, or where road signing is insufficient, will be used with the tag-line “road signing will never get better”. These advertisements and articles will be placed in travel and cycle magazines, 2009. 6. will advertise in trains nationally, 2010, but only in the cycle-sections which is dedicated to cycle commuters (Cyclepedia’s exact target group)
9. Design/ Production The project manager, Peter Packroff, will work full time on the project as part of his dissertation of his candidate (master) degree. This enables him to spend as much time as needed for the project to succeed. The website’s content management system will be set up October 2008, using Joomla 15, which is one of the world’s largest Open Source content management system. It is free to use, and plug-ins are easily installed, and all the add-ons come free, and are also Open Source. CP will use Tradedoubler 16 to manage the affiliate program and banner-ads. This service enables both CP and the advertiser that the number of clicks is proved, and can be used to track success rate of the advertisements. The site will be scientifically usability tested on users, as part of the academic process of the dissertation. The final design of the page will be launched December 2008.
15 16
Joomla is one of the world largest Open Source and free CMS. See See
10. Management The project owner, Peter Packroff is 28 years of age and carries a BA Communication and Mass Media from Scotland and Canada. He has previously lived in Ireland and has also built strong relations in the US and Europe. He graduates at the IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark), March 2009, carrying a Cand.IT. Beside his studies he has worked as self employed IT consultant in his company, since 2007. Most recent he has built up the Google AdWords strategy for a large online/ offline company, with a product catalogue consisting of 20.000 items and a budget of 1½ mio DKR. in advertisement budget for Google AdWords, and gained an ROI on more than 10,3. Beside of web analytics and online marketing, he has also been the responsible for developing of banner-ads internally and external, also with great success. Peter Packroff has a wide knowledge on a wide number of computer programmes that are necessary for administration, communication and the technical and creative development of the site. He is capable of producing all video material on the site, and with his knowledge he is capable of building up the entire site. His knowledge makes him a great al-rounder, but he lacks in core competence of e.g. programming and some experience in managing and large scale economics. Peter Packroff is not necessarily the best person to manage the overall process, but is strongest in creative development and on communication and marketing. A sparring partner spanning over managing sales and economics, and a technical gifted programmer will make the best team possible.
11. Financials The introduction and development of the site’s basics will be attempted funded by charity funds, such as TrygFonden. A part of the financial funds applied for will cover payment to the project owner. As the project owner must dedicate most of his time to the project, he must ensure to be able to keep a current minimum living standard. This is set to 30.000 DKR. a month and will enable the project owner to work a minimum of 60 hours a week the first ½ year, and then a minimum of 40 hours a week. In the 30.000 DKR a month is included office space with 3 desktops, as the owners 2-room apartment is now being converted into office space. The basic of the project can be developed without funding. Funding is needed for the development of Google API-tools, GIS maps and advertisement. Following key numbers are minimum expected cash-flow year 2, with only the standard services implanted on the Danish site. (See appendix 3 for full details). Following data is measured with only 200.000 Danish visitors a month: Income: Front page ads Cycle school Cycle Garage Web shop
2.483.400 DKR 137800 792800 792800 760000
Expenses: Wages Kilometres Royalties Advertisement
1.136.200 DKR 505600 25000 100000
Turn Over
1.347.200 DKR
With API tool and GIS maps installed, the number of visitors is expected to increase with at least 400%. Internationals are not included in above numbers and advertisement incomes from POI on maps are not included in this example.
12. Risk Assumptions Among risks is the lack of technical competence. It is crucial for the further development, and if shall go international, to have a strong technical competence or the necessary finance to outsource the tasks. If CP lacks in the technical innovation and development, it may still be a feasible business worth to continue due to the high number of visitors and great advertisement potential. The risk of the investment is therefore not a win/ loose situation, as the investor may well be able to make revenues according to the investment. However, the great opportunity of going international and gain market domination will then be lost. There is a risk for large international cycle-shops to enter the Danish market. However, it is not expected that any cycle-map services outside Denmark will enter the Danish market within the next 3 years.
13. Deal/ offering The project owner offers 40 % of the company to an active investor for the price of 5 million DKR. The investor must also contribute with all necessary IT programming-hours in both API-tool developing and GIS map programming. The investor is also expected to manage economy billing and law-issues. The Project owner will be responsible for design, testing, conceptual development, creation and innovation. The Project Owner is also responsible for sales and networking to partners and clients. The project owner has the right to be member of the board both before and after eventual sale and keep the title as Chief of Innovation and Development and wages according to title. The purpose of the funding is to develop CP technically, to create a technical basis which can be patented and thereby secure CP on the market by technically being able to stand up against big players as Garmin, who may eventually be interested in buying the GIS maps.
Appendix 1 Keyword analysis “Cykelsti” When searching on Google for “cykelsti” (cycle lane), on Sunday July 13th 2008 at 09.25 am, the results are following 17: 75.600 hits. Only one sponsored link (Eniro) which is an automatic generated, mal-placed link with irrelevant information. This is a non-premium advertisement. The top two articles (which are CP’s competitors) are both from (Danish Cyclist Society). However, these articles are only informative and work as news-article and the content is not in direct competition with CP. “Cykelrute” When searching on Google for ”cykelrute” (cycle route), on Sunday July 13th 2008 at 09.30 am, the results are following 18: 43.500 hits. Eniro has the premium add, and here is another sponsored link to ( which urges tourists to plan a cycle holiday on Bornholm. The first hit is which is a discussion forum where users express their opinion that it is time for a cycle-map online. The main player on the market, DCF, ranks no. 6. with a record of national cycle routes (marked routes). ”find cykelsti” When searching on Google for ”find cykelsti” (find cycle lane), on Sunday July 13th 2008 at 10:17 am, the results are following 19:
387.000 hits. It shows 3 paid ads and none of them of relevance. The first 6 searches are nonerelevant (purchase of bikes). “Cykelveje” When searching on Google for ”find cykelsti” (find cycle lane), on Sunday July 13th 2008 at 11.42 am, the results are following 20: This search has only got 7.790 hits, which shows that it is not the most used word. However, it is on this search that most interesting information comes up. The search reveals a website which is highly relevant. It also reveals an older programme which has been tested. The program 21 is for download onto PC, but suffers from same errors as known from Krak, Eniro, Find Vej etc. The program has NO cycle lanes installed in, and takes consideration to roads where
17 19 20 21 18
cycles are prohibited. The problems in current database system will be addressed later, but the link to the program confirms many of these problems.
Appendix 2, SEO Plan Cyclepedia’s main marketing channel is online search engines. Therefore the portal will focus on following steps in the in the search engine optimization: Purchasing of domains: (Domain strategy) and have been purchased. More domains, such as Cykelpedia and will be purchased, in case users spell the name wrong. Also affiliate sites will be set-up, such as, All sites will contain information from and link to the site. When has become a feasible business attempts will be made to purchase or AdWords: Google AdWords has more functions than only gaining traffic. When setting up AdWords, the statistics can be used to measure the market. By choosing the keyword “cykelshop” or “cykelbutik”, it is possible to see how popular different terms and words are, and how much of that traffic you gain. will also make use of the new Google image-AdWords, which shows images instead of text-strings. URL’s: All URL’s will be search engine friendly, meaning that they are easily indexed by Google’s crawler. For example will rank higher than“jlsekes23s/chain Meta setup: Each individual site will have its specific meta-keywords set up, and a specified description to the site. Meta keywords are short words hidden in the HTML code, indexed by Google’s crawler. The description line is the introduction text showed on the Google search result. Site Construction: Each site will have a specific set of keywords attached to it, which will be repeated through out the text. Google’s algorithms search for relevance and will rank this procedure higher. Affiliate plan: By building a large network of affiliate partners, advertisers with Cyclepedia will also link to the site as part of the agreement. Cycle clubs will link to the because it is the only site with a complete overview of cycle maps. Also tourist offices will link to Cyclepedia because of the high relevance. And as more and more international tourists use Cyclepedia, the more international sites will also link to the site, which means that Cyclepedia will rank high on Google, not only in Danish, but also in German and English.