Pendraig Retail winter/spring 2013/2014 catalogue

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Free shipping on orders over $200

Product Availability

All books and DVDs are available directly from:, Amazon’s worldwide websites and from many bookstores and metaphysical stores around the world.

e-Book editions are available through:


(for HTML, Kindle, ePub, Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others), PDF, RTF and Palm Doc

Amazon Kindle

(Amazon Kindle reader or Kindle app for iPhone)

Barnes and Noble


of Traditional Witchcraft, Wortcunning and Holistic Therapy and Pagan fiction. If you have a finished book or a treatment for a book you are writing, let us see it. We’ll give you honest feedback, and if we like it, we’ll offer you a contract. Likewise, if you have made a video or DVD on the above subject matter - or have an outline for making one, we want to know. We are the creators of the Craftwise series of spellcrafting DVDs, and are interested in expanding the line of esoteric DVDs we sell under the imprint of Peter Paddon Productions.

Submission Guidelines We accept submissions from first-time authors as well as from agents. Our subject areas include the following:

Traditional (non-Wiccan) Witchcraft Herblore (also called wortcunning, leechcraft and rootwork) Holistic Therapy - published under the Airmid Holistic Books imprint Pagan fiction Books for Pagan children

Your submission should include the following: Cover letter or email describing the submission and listing what is being sent An outline, which can be an annotated table of contents Author’s bio, with emphasis on why you are qualified or able to write on the subject you have chosen, if the book is non-fiction The manuscript, if completed, as a Word document or a text file (Rich text or plain text) Sample chapters, if the work is not complete All quotes and passages from other sources must be referenced, and where necessary, written permission obtained. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to use work by other people Your contact information, including daytime phone number.

It is the author’s responsibility to obtain and finance any artwork for the book (except cover art), unless a prior agreement has been made with Pendraig Published. All artwork should be submitted as hi-res JPEG, TIF or PSD files (300dpi minimum for interior, 600dpi for cover art). Submissions for DVD titles should be in the form of a detailed treatment/outline. If we like the look of that, we’ll contact you to arrange taking it further. We do consider completed projects, but still require a written treatment as the first step of the submission.



For a list of international online stores that carry our products, click here.

Submissions should be emailed to:


Books of:


click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

Mastering the Great Table

Print Edition: $23.95

e-Book Editions:

Volume II of the Mastering Enochian Magick Series Scott Stenwick Published 11/30/2013


coming soon

Author Scott Michael Stenwick now does for the Great Table what he did for the Heptarchia Mystica, presenting the material in a manner that is true to Dee and Kelley’s original schema along with a ritual template that includes both modern and traditional grimoire techniques. Unlock the secrets of the Great Table, and put them to work transforming your life.


The Witch’s Art of Manipulation by Gesture, Gaze and Glamour Peter Paddon Published 02/15/2013

Print Edition: $12.95 978-1-936922-51-2

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Peter lays out a series of techniques and exercises to develop the required skills to use them, in order to heal, curse, entrance, bless, and create illusions and other subtle influences in others to manipulate their thoughts and actions. Included is a discussion of the ethical ramifications of these techniques, and practical applications in ritual, spell-crafting and daily life.

Sorgitzak II: Dancing the Blood Dancing the Blood Veronica Cummer Published 01/31/2013

Print Edition: $23.95 978-1-936922-50-5

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Through Dancing the Blood we can join with our kindred, journeying beyond the Veil to the beautiful and dread realm of Faery. There, we act to create patterns of prosperity, dynamic balance, and necessary change, reclaiming our rightful place as Priests and Priestesses of Fate.

Magical Rites from the Crystal Well

The Classic Book for Witches and Pagans Ed Fitch Published: 11/23/2011

Print Edition: $15.95 978-1-936922-06-2

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Magical Rites from the Crystal Well is a single, elegant source for Neopagan lore, rites and celebrations. From the pages of the magazine Crystal Well, comes a wealth of loving direction for people who want to reconnect with their deep spiritual roots.

Mastering the Mystical Heptarchy

Print Edition: $12.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Scott Michael Stenwick Published: 10/14/2011


The Heptarchia Mystica is the only part of the Enochian system that Dee ever managed to assemble into a usable grimoire, but it also seems to be the most overlooked portion of his work. Scott Michael Stenwick presents this material in a coherent manner suitable for both modern magicians and traditional grimoire practitioners, with an eye towards producing measurable, practical results.



Books of:


click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

Visceral Magick

Bridging the Gap Between Magic and Mundane Peter Paddon Published 9/4/2011

Print Edition:

11.95 978-0-9843302-3-2

e-Book Editions: 4.99

This book explores a set of basic experiences, ideas and techniques that use to be at the heart of every magical Tradition, but which are now overlooked in modern times. They are the very things that breathe life into magical systems, the secret key that makes the magic actually work.

Limited Edition Hardcover $45.00

Published: 12/3/2011 978-0-9843302-3-2 A hardcover limited edition of Visceral Magick, including Peter Paddon’s esoteric poetry and instructions on creating traditional Welsh forms of poetry. 100 signed and numbered copies.

A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk

Print Edition:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

A Practical Guide to Witchcraft on the Crooked Path Peter Paddon Published: 7/15/2011

$10.95 978-0-9843302-1-8

A practical manual of Traditional non-Wiccan Witchcraft. The Crooked Path is a way of Crafting based on experiencing the Mysteries of Ancestors and the Sacred Landscape first-hand, and Peter guides the seeker through the basics with competence and humour.

Limited Edition Hardcover


Published: 4/21/2010 978-0-9843302-2-5 A limited hardcover edition of 100 numbered and signed copies. This book includes the full text of the standard edition, a DVD of the author demonstrating some of the practical techniques, and an extra chapter on body fluids and sex magic. ONLY A FEW COPIES LEFT

Buckland’s Practical Color Magick

Print Edition:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Raymond Buckland Published: 12/29/2010

$9.95 978-0-9827263-9-6

Color Magick is powerful, yet safe, it is creative and fun to do. This book can show you how to put that color to work. It is the use of a natural element in a practical way. Color Magick can be used in meditation, healing, ESP, Tarot, crystal-gazing, ritual, candlemagick, and many other forms of magical practice. Learn all of its secrets in this exciting book!

Buckland’s Domino Divination

Print Edition:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Fortune-Telling with Dominoes Raymond Buckland Published: 10/4/2010

$8.95 978-0-9827263-1-0

Although today familiar to most people only as a game, dominoes were originally used by the Chinese for divination and fortune-telling. The reading of dominoes comes under the heading of sortilege and, as such, can be traced back to early Greek and Roman methods of divining the future.



Books of:


click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

To Fly By Night

An Anthology of Hedgewitchery Veronica Cummer Published: 9/7/2010

Print Edition:

$13.95 978-0-9827263-7-2

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Hedgewitch Craft takes its name from the practice of travelling beyond the boundaries, of going past the “hedgerows” that divide what is known from what is unknown. From the ancient to the modern, from the philosophical and historical to the practical and mystical, these essays span a wide variety of paths and approaches.

The Resurrection of the Meadow A Grimoire Robin Artisson Published: 6/21/2010

Print Edition:

$22.95 978-0-9843302-9-4

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Within this self-contained working grimoire is a system of sorcery relying on the ancient spiritual aesthetic of the Faery-Faith and the Metaphysics of Elfhame - interaction with the Unseen world through the the spirit-forms or fetch-bodies of non-human persons that are merged with the land around us. Steeped in folklore and a much older form of ecology, it is a powerful work of Art for the discerning occultist.

The Crooked Path

Selected Transcripts from the Crooked Path Podcast Peter Paddon Published: 10/30/2009

Print Edition:

$10.95 978-0-9843302-0-1

e-Book Editions:

coming soon

Selected transcripts of the Crooked Path Podcast hosted by Peter Paddon.

Witching Way of the Hollow Hill

Print Edition:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

The Gramarye of the Folk Who Dwell Below the Mound Robin Artisson Published: 9/9/2009

$17.95 978-0-9820318-8-9

Author and traditional witch Robin Artisson explores these mystical themes from the perspective of The Old Faiths and pre-Christian metaphysical impulses of Europe and the British Isles. Bringing a new perspective to these ancient practices and making them more accessible, this book is a key to the door that leads into the mythical dimension of each person, and every feature of the sacred landscape.



Books of:


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Balkan Traditional Witchcraft Radomir Ristic Published: 7/22/2009

Print Edition:

$15.95 978-0-9796168-5-3

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Published in English for the first time, this groundbreaking book by Radomir Ristic is a compilation of historical data, anthropological studies, and the authors own experiences and interviews with the Witches of the Balkans. Covering both theory and practice, the book gives a complete system of Balkan Traditional Witchcraft. English translation by Michael C. Carter, Jr.

Masks of the Muse

Building a relationship with the Goddess of the West Veronica Cummer Published: 1/25/2009

Print Edition:

$17.95 978-0-9820318-3-4

e-Book Editions: 4.99

By the poetry, prayer, invocation, and ritual contained within we can come to know the Muse and so know ourselves and the gifts we all have within us that demand recognition and expression. The path of the Muse may not always be an easy or a safe one, but anything worth having is worth paying the price for. Who is the Muse? Who are we?

The Flaming Circle

Print Edition:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

A Reconstruction of the Old Ways of Britain and Ireland Robin Artisson Published: 7/14/2008

$22.95 978-0-9796168-4-6

A full working reconstruction of the pre-Christian polytheistic religious perspectives and practices of Pagan Britain and Ireland is ‘taught’ in the pages of this book, like a guidebook and a long letter/ narrative being sent from father to children.


Print Edition:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Witches and the Underworld Eric De Vries Published: 6/26/2008

$13.95 978-0-9796168-7-7

Hedgerider: Witches and the Underworld is a re-interpretation of (Hedge-) Witchery. Drawing from an extensive historical, folkloric and mythological body it re-attributes and re-defines Witchery as a Heathen Cult centred around the journey to the Underworld and contact with the Unseen.

Sorgitzak: Old Forest Craft

Print Edition:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Stories and messages from the gods of Old Europe Veronica Cummer Published: 3/4/2008

$18.95 978-0-9796168-6-0

This is a book about the religion once practiced ages ago in the Old Forest region of Europe. The book contains channeled messages from the Gods of the Old Forest and from the fey, as well as stories, myths, legends, and bits and pieces of the old witch language.



Books of:


click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

The Forge of Tubal Cain

Print Edition:

Southern California Witchcraft, Roebuck, and the Clan of Tubal Cain Ann Finnin Published: 2/8/2008

$16.95 978-0-9796168-3-9

e-Book Editions:


From its earliest days to the present, Ann and Dave Finnin have been at the center of the Pagan community in Southern California. Here is the story of the groups and covens that came and went, and those that grew into thriving Traditions.

The Horn of Evenwood

Print Edition:

A Grimoire of Sorcerous Operations, Charms, and Devices of Witchery Robin Artisson Published: 7/30/2007

$27.95 978-0-9796168-0-8

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Based on well-worn patterns and operations of Traditional sorcery and European Witchcraft from the 16th19th centuries, this manual of magical arts provides a complete working system of Craft-sorcery. The Horn of Evenwood, is a true book of Art, a Grimoire of sorcerous operations, charms, and devices of Witchery.

Scottish Herbs and Fairy Lore Ellen Evert Hopman Published: 6/14/2011

Folk Magick and Herb L ore

Print Edition:

17.95 978-1-936922-01-7

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Through her books, Ellen Evert Hopman lifts the veil between worlds of the present and the past. She guides the reader on a fascinating journey to our ancient Celtic history, simultaneously restoring lost knowledge and entertaining the reader. Be prepared to be educated and delighted.

The Red Church or

Print Edition:

e-Book Editions:

The Art of Pennsylvania German Braucherei The Traditional Blessed Healing Art for the Good of Man and Beast Chris Bilardi Published: 4/12/2009




A comprehensive guide to the history, theory and practice of Pow Wow, this book draws upon historical documentation, traditional methods, and a life of personal experience. 548 pages

Special Limited Edition Hardcover $45.95

Published: 4/12/2009 978-0-9820318-6-5 A limited edition of 100 numbered copies, including a Himmelsbrief designed by the author. This edition is only available directly from Pendraig. Copies will be signed by the author. 548 pages.

ONLY A FEW COPIES LEFT! The Raven’s Flight Book of Incense, Oils, Potions and Brews Print Edition: Raven Womack Published: 9/29/2007

$10.95 978-0-9796168-1-5

e-Book Editions:


Ever wonder what to do with all that crazy stuff in the metaphysical stores? Raven Womack - maker of some of the finest incenses, oils and other goodies that you will ever find - explains what they are, and how to use them.



Books & Cards of:

click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’


Old Style Conjure Cards Deluxe Reading Set

Print Edition: $45.00

e-Book Editions:

Starr Casas Published 07/31/2013



The deluxe edition of Momma Star Casas’ beautiful Conjure Cards comes in the larger, Tarot card size. the kit includes the deck, the extended book “Reading With Old Style Conjure Cards”, a white cotton handkerchief, candle and holder, and a bottle of Momma Starr’s dressing oil, all in a nice foil-embossed box.

Old Style Conjure Cards Standard Edition

Print Edition: $23.95

e-Book Editions:

Starr Casas Published 06/21/2013



Developed by Momma Starr Casas, these cards are designed to bring the wisdom of Conjure to the art of divination. 54-card deck, with basic instructions for readings. Standard playing card size. The box is designed with extra cuts and a fold near the top, to make it easier to remove the cards

Reading With Old Style Conjure Cards

Print Edition: $10.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Starr Casas Published 07/31/2013


“Momma Starr, noted Conjure Woman, has provided Root-Workers and Conjure-Folk with an invaluable tool for working with the Ancestral Spirits, doctoring the root (the spirit), and doing insightful and useful readings for oneself and conjure clients. Old-Style Conjure Cards are powerful tools for competent spiritual-readings and they clearly reflect a lifetime of work and a wellspring of knowledge.” Orion Foxwood author of “Introduction to Southern Conjure” DVD and “The Candle and the Crossroads”

The Conjure Workbook Volume 1: Working the Root Starr Casas Published 04/28/2013

Print Edition: $19.95 978-1-936922-56-7

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Are you ready to learn how truly seasoned and experienced conjure workers of the past and present “work both hands” to overcome mountains keeping you from reaching your peak of success? Then Momma Starr’s “The Conjure Workbook Volume I: Working the Root” is the remedy for your daily ailments. If you are ready to draw total success into your life that can’t be knocked down then “The Conjure Workbook” is for you.



Books of:


click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

The 13th Moon:

Print Editions: $9.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

The Barley and the Rose:

Print Editions: $24.95

Ilana Sturm Published 7/27/2013


Do You Dare ... To Tread Your Own Path? Idris is a boy just like any other boy, he goes to school, has a best friend and a family just like everyone else... only he is a boy with a secret! Idris comes from seven generations of magickal artisans but seems to have absolutely no talent. The only thing he loves to do is draw, but he can’t see that getting him anywhere. The 13th Moon, is THE most important magical celebration of the year and attendance is by invitation only. More than anything, Idris longs to be invited, but with no magical talent, that doesn’t seem very likely to ever happen. When a new teacher arrives at his school, his world and his life is forever changed!

Volume VI of The Glastonbury Chronicles S. P. Hendrick Published 11/5/2012


e-Book Editions: 4.99

Page of Swords:

Print Editions: $15.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

The Pale Mare’s Fosterling:

Print Editions: $13.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

The Blood of Kings:

Print Editions: $17.95

Something wasn’t right. Britannia had all but healed from the revolution which had almost destroyed both Land and People. The Sidhe had returned to their ancient homeland, technology was slowly being restored, all should’ve been at peace, yet even the Land knew something was amiss. It cried out in more than ancient proclamation when Author stepped upon the stone to receive they crown. It screamed!

Book Two of The Demon’s Apprentice Series Ben Reeder Published 10/31/2012


Caught by the Conclave, Chance faces Trial by Ordeal. To save himself and his mentor he must find the stolen Maxilla Asini, a sword that can change the balance of power between good and evil. Caught between multiple forces, Chance soon discovers that his only hope may be the missing Maxilla.

Vol 3 of Tales of the Dearg-Sidhe S. P. Hendrick Published: 6/21/2012


The Pale Mare has carried Dubhghall mac Cu to a forest outside Nottingham just before the news of the death of Richard Plantagenet arrives. John Lackland has proclaimed himself King of England, but what of the rightful heir, Arthur of Brittany, son of Geoffrey, John’s late elder brother? And what of the strange and dark happenings rumoured to be occurring at Nottingham Castle?

Vol 5 of the Glastonbury Chronicles S. P. Hendrick Published 5/1/2012


e-Book Editions: 4.99

The Stone has sung, Britannia has a King, Stephen and Kevin Awaken to find the world they left seemingly secure and prosperous, yet they have been called back to again serve the Lady and the Land. In this instalment we find The Dearg-Sidhe as the tales converge to determine what may be the fate of all mankind. As an old darkness threatens the new world, even the Blood of Kings may not be enough.



Books of:


click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

The Wrath of Amun:

Print Editions: $13.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Claudia Dillaire Published: 12/3/2011


A young woman is found murdered in front of the Temple of Amun, the Chief of the Medjay is anxious to solve the crime. But, when he too mysterious turns up dead. Rameses III must find the right man to keep his capital city safe. He turns to a young soldier who is like a son to him: Qaa. It is up to Qaa to catch a killer, one who will stop at nothing to keep his secrets from being revealed.

The Rose Above the Sword:

Print Editions: $12.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Vol 4 of the Glastonbury Chronicles S. P. Hendrick Published: 10/27/2011


It’s been three generations since the Sacred King last poured out his blood to heal the planet Brittania, and the Windsor line has been hunted to extinction. But the Sacred King awakens to find that the Gods will always find a way...

The Demon’s Apprentice: Ben Reeder Published: 7/28/2011

Print Editions: $16.95 978-1-936922-00-0

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Suspected by the police and hunted by the Wizard’s Conclave, Chance quickly learns that he can’t go it alone as he discovers dark secrets in every corner of his new life. Only an unlikely alliance with Alexis Cooper, head cheerleader and most popular girl in school, can help him survive the confrontation with an unexpected foe. To bring his mentor’s killer to justice, Chance will have to fight evil on its own terms, and discover if that makes him a hero…or a monster.

The Great Queen’s Hound:

Vol. 2 of Tales of the Dearg-Sidhe S. P. Hendrick Published: 6/2/2011

Print Editions: $13.95 978-0-9827263-5-8

e-Book Editions: 4.99

The second installment in the saga of Dubhghall mac Cu, “Tales of the Dearg-Sidhe”, who finds himself in the midst of the 12th Century anarchy between Stephen of Blois and Empress Mathilda.

The Coin of the Realm:

Print Editions: $12.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Vol 3 of the Glastonbury Chronicles S. P. Hendrick Published: 4/24/2011


New Planet, New Rules. When Henry IX dies childless, the Crown falls to his cousin Stephen, last male heir of the Windsor family, who is of a spiritual line older still. Together with his soul-friend Richard Watkins, he must manage to stay alive long enough to find out who has systematically been killing off his family, and why.



Books of:


click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

Golden Illuminati:

Print Editions: $17.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Raymond Buckland Published: 11/10/2010


Alec Chambers’ bookstore has been broken into, his manager killed, everything points to his best customer, Mr. Mathers. A special journal is stolen from his own home, he finds himself in a race across Europe with Mathers and his Golden Dawn compatriots. Will they to find the answer to the cypher code that is their only clue?

The Sword of the King:

Vol 2 of the Glastonbury Chronicles S. P. Hendrick Published: 10/28/2010

Print Editions: $10.957 978-0-9827263-2-7

e-Book Editions: 4.99

The Tale of Tyrfing:

Print Editions: $8.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Son of Air and Darkness:

Print Editions: $10.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Uneasy Lies The Head:

Print Editions: $12.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99


Print Editions: $17.95

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Steven and Kevin return to fulfill their destiny while dark forces stir to disrupt the age-old rite. Will they find its source before it is too late? And will the right blood be spilled if they do? Sokarjo Stormwillow Published: 7/2/2010


Guarded by soulless undead in the lair of a malicious dragon, a dwarven-forged sword of woe lies, waiting for the cursed son of a murdered human king. His father and brother dead at his own hands, the brutal killer will stop at nothing to claim the magical sword that will give him the power to rule the lands of Piyr in blood.

Vol. 1 of Tales of the Dearg-Sidhe S. P. Hendrick Published: 6/17/2010


Dubhghall is a warrior, trained by Scathach herself, has been made immortal by the Morrigan, and taught to feast on the blood of his enemies. He is the grandson of Lugh, no fire nor light can harm him, the Britons cry out for justice, Dubhghall must decide whether to answer when he finds himself caught between the soldiers of Rome and the warriors of Boudicca.

Volume 1 of the Glastonbury Chronicles S. P. Hendrick Published: 4/21/2010


In the future, Britain has become a republic. Though the crown is a museum piece, the family no longer bears its ancient titles, Stephen Windsor feels the stirrings of the lives of ancient Sacred Kings in his bones. The throne is empty and forgotten, but the Land remembers, and calls once more for a crown upon a royal head... and royal blood upon the ground! Scott Stenwick Published: 12/15/2009


Balzador a once mighty Demon, exiled on Earth in a human body, with one way for him to return home - bind together the world’s magick and join in a war against the Archons. Standing in his way is the Guild, a magical order that holds secrets of practical magick he desperately needs to complete his task.



Books of:

click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

Holistic Therapy

Aromatherapy For Holistic Therapists:

Print Editions:

e-Book Editions:

Colin Paddon Published 9/21/2008




An introduction to Aromatherapy and its use in Holistic Therapy. Essential reading for any holistic therapist in training, this book covers all the theory requirements for certification in Aromatherapy. 500 pages, large format

Anatomy for Holistic Therapists:

Print Editions:

Colin Paddon Published: 4/19/2008



e-Book Editions:


Essential reading for any holistic therapist in training, this book covers the anatomy and physiology requirements for certification.

Reflexology For Holistic Therapists:

Print Editions:

e-Book Editions:

Colin Paddon Published: 2008




Essential reading for any holistic therapist in training, this book (along with its companion DVD sold separately) covers all the theory requirements for certification in Reflexology.

Product Availability All books and DVDs are available directly from:, Amazon’s worldwide websites and from many bookstores and metaphysical stores around the world. e-Book editions are available through: SmashWords (for HTML, Kindle, ePub, Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others), PDF, RTF and Palm Doc Amazon Kindle (versions can be read on the Amazon Kindle reader or the Kindle app for iPhone) Barnes and Noble (Nook) For a list of international online stores that carry our products, click here.



Books of:

click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’


Guided Visualisations through the Caucasus:

Print Editions:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Michael Berman Published: 4/15/2011



Accounts of journeys were often turned into folktales, as it was the only way to make them both understandable and acceptable to people not familiar with the landscapes to be found and experiences to be had in such worlds. And it is the folktales/legends from the Caucasus, and the inner journeys these can take us on, that form the basis of this book.

Journeys Outside Time:

Print Editions:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Shamanic Ballads, Shamanic Stories Michael Berman Published: 8/27/2010



A collection of stories and ballads that comprise a corpus of shamanic storytelling and praxis, as told by Michael Berman, a leading expert on storytelling as a tool and as an art-form.

All God’s Creatures:

Print Editions:

e-Book Editions: 4.99

Stories Old and New Michael Berman Published: 3/20/2010



A collection of short stories, both traditional and contemporary, many of which can best be described as “tales of power”.

Have an Idea For a Book or DVD? Pendraig Publishing is always on the lookout for good books to publish, in the fields of Traditional Witchcraft, Wortcunning and Holistic Therapy and Pagan fiction. If you have a finished book or a treatment for a book you are writing, let us see it. We’ll give you honest feedback, and if we like it, we’ll offer you a contract. Likewise, if you have made a video or DVD on the above subject matter - or have an outline for making one, we want to know. We are the creators of the Craftwise series of spellcrafting DVDs, and are interested in expanding the line of esoteric DVDs we sell under the imprint of Peter Paddon Productions. See page 3 for more details!




click the DVD Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

British Witchcraft Nick Ridge Published 9/1/2012

DVD Editions:


In this DVD, Nick demonstrates traditional herblore, demonstrating how to make a dark poppet, genuine flying ointment, and various other pieces of herb lore.

Runes for the Rune-Challenged Doug Helvie Published 12/12/2011

DVD Editions:


Runemaster Doug Helvie, founder of the Hermetic Order of Rune Magicians, teaches an introductory class on the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark in the beautiful surroundings of Herne’s Haven in North Carolina.

Introduction to Southern Conjure with Orion Foxwood Produced: 2010

DVD Editions:


Length: 2:15

Join Orion Foxwood as he talks about the magick that surrounded him as he grew up - Southern Conjure. Learn about the history, the practice, and what makes Southern Conjure tick.

Orion on the Goddess

Orion Foxwood, interviewed by Katie Olivares Produced: 2009

DVD Editions:


Children’s author Katie Lydon Olivares interviews Orion Foxwood, author of “Tree of Enchantment” and “The Faery Teachings”, about the Goddess. Orion answers with a depth and insight that is moving and thought-provoking.

Introduction To Faery Seership Orion Foxwood Produced: 2009

DVD Editions:


The Faery Seership tradition is a collection of lore, customs,techniques, and prohibitions, which originate in the Celtic and pre-Celtic tribes of Europe. It focuses on the living inner commonwealth of the sacred land and humanity’s spiritual cousins in the other world. 4 disc set.




click the DVD Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

A Guide To Reflexology

DVD Editions:

Colin Paddon Produced: 2008


Essential study for any holistic therapist in training, this DVD(along with its companion book, Reflexology for Holistic Therapists) covers all the theory requirements for certification in Reflexology.

Making and Using Ritual Masks

Crafting Leather Masks for Trance and Journey Work Peter Paddon Produced: 2006

DVD Editions:


Peter Paddon, author and Witch, shares the ancient craft of constructing ritual masks from leather. Two styles are shown from start to finish, then Peter goes on to show techniques for consecrating and using the masks in circle for trance and journey work.

The Sight

Getting It, Using It, Dealing With It Peter Paddon Produced 2005

DVD Editions:


The Sight - the ability to see realms beyond the physical and interact with otherworldly spirits. Join Peter Paddon, author and Witch, as he explores the lore and practise of seership, and demonstrates practical exercises to develop this gift.

Making a Traditional Witches’ Besom Peter Paddon Produced: 2005

DVD Editions:


Peter Paddon - author and Witch - takes a look at the history and Lore of the besom. Then his class turns practical as he looks at the tools and materials needed to make a birch besom and demonstrates exactly how to do it.

Wholesale prices are available to those with a valid wholesale account. To obtain an account with Pendraig Publishing and receive a wholesale catalogue please send an email with the following details of your company to:

1. The name of your company 2. The names of authorized buyers 3. Your physical business address 4. Company website address 5. How long you have been in business Once we have verified that you are a genuine business, we will email confirmation of your status, after which orders can be made by email or phone at the wholesale prices.




click the DVD Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

Craftwise Set

Craftwise Complete Set all 5 DVDs Peter Paddon Produced: 2004

DVD Editions:


All five volumes of the popular Craftwise spellcrafting series by author and Witch Peter Paddon: Volume 1: Candle Magick, Volume 2: Cord Magick, Volume 3: Talismans, Volume 4: Herb Magick, Volume 5: Oils and Crystals

Craftwise Vol 5

Oils and Crystals Peter Paddon Produced: 2004

DVD Editions:


Author and Witch Peter Paddon teaches the basics of Spellcrafting, and explores the art of oils and crystals.

Craftwise Vol 4 Herb Magick Peter Paddon Produced: 2004

DVD Editions:


Author and Witch Peter Paddon teaches the basics of Spellcrafting, and explores the art of herb magick.

Craftwise Vol 3 Talismans Peter Paddon Produced: 2004

DVD Editions:


Author and Witch Peter Paddon teaches the basics of Spellcrafting, and explores the art of Talismans.

Craftwise Vol 2

DVD Editions:

Peter Paddon Produced: 2004


Cord Magick

Author and Witch Peter Paddon teaches the basics of Spellcrafting, and explores the art of Cord Magick.

Craftwise Vol 1 Candle Magick Peter Paddon Produced: 2004

DVD Editions:


Author and Witch Peter Paddon teaches the basics of Spellcrafting, and explores the art of Candle Magick.





click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’

Jump Leads: Vol 1: Tales From the Flurry

Print Editions:

e-Book Edition

Ben Paddon Published 11/12/2011

$6.95 978-1936922024


Meaney and Llewellyn are trainees in the Lead Service, an organization that has appointed itself police of the whole of reality. They’re about to embark on their very first field training exercise to a parallel universe. They’ll encounter deadly robots, bloodthirsty aliens, and the scariest thing of all — British sarcasm.

Wholesale prices are available to those with a valid wholesale account. To obtain an account with Pendraig Publishing and receive a wholesale catalogue please send an email with the following details of your company to:

1. The name of your company 2. The names of authorized buyers 3. Your physical business address 4. Company website address 5. How long you have been in business Once we have verified that you are a genuine business, we will email confirmation of your status, after which orders can be made by email or phone at the wholesale prices.

Have an Idea For a Book or DVD? Pendraig Publishing is always on the lookout for good books to publish, in the fields of Traditional Witchcraft, Wortcunning and Holistic Therapy and Pagan fiction. If you have a finished book or a treatment for a book you are writing, let us see it. We’ll give you honest feedback, and if we like it, we’ll offer you a contract. Likewise, if you have made a video or DVD on the above subject matter — or have an outline for making one, we want to know. We are the creators of the Craftwise series of spellcrafting DVDs, and are interested in expanding the line of esoteric DVDs we sell under the imprint of Peter Paddon Productions. See page 3 for more details!



The Crooked Path

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The Crooked Path Journal 7

Print Editions:


e-Book Edition


Issue 7 Winter 2011 Peter Paddon


Issue 7 of The Crooked Path Journal includes the following articles:

Pagan Parenting — Renee Berg Guided Visualizations Through the Caucasus — The Future Through the Writing on your Forehead — Michael Berman Michael Berman The Thinking Witch Top Reads of 2010 — Steven Posch Pendraig Publishing Catalogue Interview with Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone Invocation and theAncient Art of Ritual Possession — — Tony Mierzwicki Peter Paddon Storm Mother — Veronica Cummer Gardner Redux — Ann Finnin Sonnets to the Morrigan — S. P. Hendrick Spotlight on: Visceral Magick — Peter Paddon The Witch and the Well and the Dark Rider Before the Battle — Peter Paddon — Orion Foxwood

The Crooked Path Journal 6 Issue 6, Summer 2009 Peter Paddon

Print Editions:

$9.00 978-0-9820318-9-6

e-Book Edition

Issue 6 of The Crooked Path Journal contains the following articles: Beefcake, Whine and Cheese — Grace Victoria Swann The Drift — Jongeorgi Enos Shamanism — Michael Berman Weikerie — Robin Artisson To Twist and Twine — Veronica Cummer

The Crooked Path Journal 5 Issue 5, Spring 2009 Peter Paddon

Witch Tales in Serbian Crafting — Radomir Ristic The Art of Invisibility — Peter Paddon The Travelling Man — Robin Artisson Walking Widdershins — Jongeorgi Enos

Print Editions:

$9.00 978-0-9820318-7-2

e-Book Edition

Issue 5 of The Crooked Path Journal contains the following articles: Moved By The Shakers — Grace Victoria Swann Conjure In The South — Gar Pickering Ancestors and Sacred Space — Peter Paddon Becoming a Traditional Witch — Robin Artisson The White Penis Cult of Forest Grove — Sarah Lawless Where Three Roads Meet — Cory Hutcheson Faerie: The Awe of the Unseen and the Unknown — Robin Artisson

The Crooked Path Journal 4 Issue 4, Winter 2008/9 Peter Paddon



Of Faerie, Fetch and Familiar — Veronica Cummer Does a System of Chakras Exist in Traditional Witchcraft? — Radomir Ristic The Fire Brand and the Silver Thread — Robin Artisson Egg-Dyeing Secrets — Steve Posch Shaitan — Veronica Cummer The Origin of Coven Structure — Radomir Ristic Two Book Reviews — Peter Paddon

Print Editions:

$9.00 978-0-9820318-4-1

e-Book Edition

Issue 4 of The Crooked Path Journal contains the following articles: Northern New Mexico — Grace Victoria Swann In search of Watto — Steven Posch The Black Goddess — Ann Finnin On the Margins — Prinny Miller The Goddess Hecate (illustration) — Cherrie Button



Reconstruction and Recreation — Peter Paddon The Feel of Steel — Ann Finnin Beltaine (illustration) — Cherrie Button Celtic Witch (illustration) — by Cherrie Button The Intorkatura - Sending Back — Radomir Ristic The Objective Astral — Ann Finnin


The Crooked Path

click the Print or eBook Edition links for ‘Quick Buys’


The Crooked Path Journal 3 Issue 3 Fall 2008 Peter Paddon

Print Editions:

e-Book Edition

Issue 3 of The Crooked Path Journal contains the following articles: The World through Eyes of Fire — Robin Artisson Blood Rites — Peter Paddon Harvest Home — R.J. Thompson Herbal Lore — Radomir Ristic If Only — Mick Wragg In Praise of the Lord’s Journey — R.J. Thompson Ritual Healing in Balkan Crafting — Radomir Ristic

The Crooked Path Journal 2 Issue 2 Summer 2008 Peter Paddon

The Crooked Path Journal 1 Issue 1 Spring 2008 Peter Paddon


In Search of Gwyddbwyll — Peter Paddon The Mother Night’s Spiral — R.J. Thompson Urban Witchcraft — Radomir Ristic Encountering Ancestors At Home and Away — Peter Paddon Spirits of the Hollow Hill — Eric De Vries Lady Fate — Kristine K Biblical References in Traditional Witchcraft — Peter Paddon

Print Editions:

$9.00 978-0-9796168-9-1

e-Book Edition

$2.99 9780979616891

Issue 2 of The Crooked Path Journal contains the following articles: Artemisia — Eric De Vries Bag of Bones — Steven Posch Balkan Traditional Witchcraft — Radomir Ristic Sympathetic Magic — R.J. Thompson The Call — Veronica Cummer The Dragon and the Dragon Slayer — Robin Artisson Away With the Fairies — M.V. Wragg Childe Ballad 243 — Steven Posch

$9.00 978-0-9820318-1-0

Scourges and Traditional Craft — Radomir Ristic Occult Significance of the Crossing Rite — R.J. Thompson Cupmarks — Steven Posch Great Spirits of Fate — Radomir Ristic Virtues and Ethics — R.J. Thompson Young Hornie Steals Fire — Steven Posch The Road Less Travelled — Peter Paddon Belladonna — Marilyn “Istari” R.

Print Editions:

$9.00 978-0-9796168-8-4

e-Book Edition $2.99 0979616883 Issue 1 of The Crooked Path Journal contains the following articles: Inside the Wicker Man — Peter Paddon The Origin of the Word “Witch” — R.J. Thompson Witch’s Ritual For Getting Rid of Evil Magic - “Ku Potula” — Radomir Ristic Tapping the Bone — Peter Paddon Morning — Hedgewizard Usage of Animals and Animal Body Parts in Traditional Witchcraft — Radomir Ristic Candlemas and the Land Ceremonies Charm — R.J. Thompson


Cosmic Soup and the Mighty Dead — Peter Paddon The Rite of Candlemas and the Land Ceremonies Charm — R.J. Thompson Blacksmith as Magus — Radomir Ristic Celtic Nine Poems — Peter Paddon As I Do Will It — Ann Finnin Walking the Crooked Path — Peter Paddon Turning The Hand of Fate — Raven Womack Making a Traditional Witches’ Besom — Peter Paddon


Have an Idea For a Book or DVD? Pendraig Publishing is always on the lookout for good books to publish, in the fields of Traditional Witchcraft, Wortcunning and Holistic Therapy and Pagan fiction. If you have a finished book or a treatment for a book you are writing, let us see it. We’ll give you honest feedback, and if we like it, we’ll offer you a contract. Likewise, if you have made a video or DVD on the above subject matter - or have an outline for making one, we want to know. We are the creators of the Craftwise series of spellcrafting DVDs, and are interested in expanding the line of esoteric DVDs we sell under the imprint of Peter Paddon Productions.

Submission Guidelines We accept submissions from first-time authors as well as from agents. Our subject areas include the following:

Traditional (non-Wiccan) Witchcraft Herblore (also called wortcunning, leechcraft and rootwork) Holistic Therapy - published under the Airmid Holistic Books imprint Pagan fiction Books for Pagan children

Your submission should include the following: Cover letter or email describing the submission and listing what is being sent An outline, which can be an annotated table of contents Author’s bio, with emphasis on why you are qualified or able to write on the subject you have chosen, if the book is non-fiction The manuscript, if completed, as a Word document or a text file (Rich text or plain text) Sample chapters, if the work is not complete All quotes and passages from other sources must be referenced, and where necessary, written permission obtained. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to use work by other people Your contact information, including daytime phone number.

It is the author’s responsibility to obtain and finance any artwork for the book (except cover art), unless a prior agreement has been made with Pendraig Published. All artwork should be submitted as hi-res JPEG, TIF or PSD files (300dpi minimum for interior, 600dpi for cover art). Submissions for DVD titles should be in the form of a detailed treatment/outline. If we like the look of that, we’ll contact you to arrange taking it further. We do consider completed projects, but still require a written treatment as the first step of the submission.

REMEMBER, SEND COPIES, NOT ORIGINALS Submissions should be emailed to:


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