What Luxury Real Estate Buyers Are Looking For In New Homes Peter Palivos Attorney
For years the features associated with luxury real estate were typically large square footage, a large swimming pool, and other more over the top amenities. As time passes, things change, and luxury real estate is no stranger to that. Many high-net-worth home buyers are looking for homes that have modern amenities that focus on things like technology and wellness, as well as looking for smaller and more manageable spaces.
More Functionality While large houses were a mainstay of luxury houses in the past, many younger homebuyers in the market are choosing to go with smaller homes that are smart about the way they handle space, as well as being filled with high-end amenities. Commonly in-demand features often include open-concept living areas, more spa-like bathrooms, and multi-use rooms. Millennials, in particular, are looking for layouts that allow for entertaining guests as well as being able to alter spaces as they see fit. Homebuyers are beginning to let their personal interests and lifestyles take charge of what they’re looking for in a home.
Green Features More than anything, the younger generation has a big focus on going green and preserving the environment as much as they can, while also saving money. Many realtors have begun to promote energy-efficient features in their listings as a way of engaging younger buyers. Green features most commonly sought after include solar panels, geothermal energy systems, indoor air purification systems and much more. As a realtor, it’s important to point out these green features to prospective buyers when showing them the property as many of them are often hidden behind walls and other barriers.
Outdoor Living Spaces Outdoor living spaces have become all the rage in luxury real estate, especially for those who live in big cities like New York. Rooftop gardens, decks, and balconies are all highly coveted and can be used as extra space to relax or entertain guests, as well as giving more space for practicing mindfulness and other similar activities. When showing a luxury home that has outdoor living spaces, be sure they’re just as inviting as the indoor areas to show the home’s full potential.
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